Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-20 Thread Thomas Hartman
could someone explain sharing?

In the code below, allstrings2 is 6X as fast as allstrings. I assume
because of sharing, but I don't intuitively see a reason why.

can someone give me some pointers, perhaps using debug.trace or other
tools (profiling?) to show where the first version is being


letters = ['a'..'z']

strings 0 = []
strings n = [ c : s | c - letters, s -  strings (n-1) x ]

allstrings = concat $ map strings [1..]

allstrings2 = let sss = [] : [ [ c:s | c - letters, s - ss ] | ss - sss ]
  in concat $ tail sss

t = allstrings !! wanted
t2 = allstrings2 !! wanted

wanted = (10^2)

2009/6/18 Lee Duhem
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:17 AM, Matthew 
 On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 23:57 +0800, Lee Duhem wrote:
 [...] I have prepared a blog post for how
 I worked out some of these answers, here is the draft of it, I hope it
 can help you too.

 Nice post! Certainly, pen-and-paper reasoning like this is a very good
 way to develop deeper intuitions.

       Answer 1 (by Matthew Brecknell):

       concat $ tail $ iterate (map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *) [[]]

 I actually said tail $ concat $ iterate ..., because I think the
 initial empty string is logically part of the sequence. Tacking tail
 on the front then produces the subsequence requested by the OP.

 Yes, I changed your solution from tail $ concat $ iterate ... to
 concat $ tail $ iterate ..., because I think cut useless part out early
 is good idea, forgot to mention that, sorry.

 I should have given more credit to Reid for this solution. I'm always
 delighted to see people using monadic combinators (like replicateM) in
 the list monad, because I so rarely think to use them this way. Sadly,
 my understanding of these combinators is still somewhat stuck in IO,
 where I first learned them. I never would have thought to use * this
 way if I had not seen Reid's solution first.

 Actually, I first figure out how Reid's solution works, then figure out yours.
 After that, I found, for me, your solution's logic is easier to understand,
 so I take it as my first example. As I said at the end, or as I'll
 said at the end,
 Reid' solution and yours are the same (except effective)

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-20 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

Well, I'm hardly the one knowing GHC internals, but...

In allstrings you continue calling strings with same arguments again  
and again. Don't fool yourself, it's not going to automagically  
memorize what you were doing before. In fact, I'd expect much more  
speed loss. If you increase your wanted constant, you'll probably  
notice it.

Anyway, you allstrings2 is much nicer - the problem you're solving has  
nothing to do with numbers, so map whatever [1..] seems out of place.

On 20 Jun 2009, at 22:16, Thomas Hartman wrote:

could someone explain sharing?

In the code below, allstrings2 is 6X as fast as allstrings. I assume
because of sharing, but I don't intuitively see a reason why.

can someone give me some pointers, perhaps using debug.trace or other
tools (profiling?) to show where the first version is being


letters = ['a'..'z']

strings 0 = []
strings n = [ c : s | c - letters, s -  strings (n-1) x ]

allstrings = concat $ map strings [1..]

allstrings2 = let sss = [] : [ [ c:s | c - letters, s - ss ] |  
ss - sss ]

 in concat $ tail sss

t = allstrings !! wanted
t2 = allstrings2 !! wanted

wanted = (10^2)

2009/6/18 Lee Duhem
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:17 AM, Matthew 

On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 23:57 +0800, Lee Duhem wrote:

[...] I have prepared a blog post for how
I worked out some of these answers, here is the draft of it, I  
hope it

can help you too.

Nice post! Certainly, pen-and-paper reasoning like this is a very  

way to develop deeper intuitions.

  Answer 1 (by Matthew Brecknell):

  concat $ tail $ iterate (map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *) [[]]

I actually said tail $ concat $ iterate ..., because I think the
initial empty string is logically part of the sequence. Tacking  

on the front then produces the subsequence requested by the OP.

Yes, I changed your solution from tail $ concat $ iterate ... to
concat $ tail $ iterate ..., because I think cut useless part out  

is good idea, forgot to mention that, sorry.

I should have given more credit to Reid for this solution. I'm  
delighted to see people using monadic combinators (like  
replicateM) in
the list monad, because I so rarely think to use them this way.  

my understanding of these combinators is still somewhat stuck in IO,
where I first learned them. I never would have thought to use *  

way if I had not seen Reid's solution first.

Actually, I first figure out how Reid's solution works, then figure  
out yours.
After that, I found, for me, your solution's logic is easier to  

so I take it as my first example. As I said at the end, or as I'll
said at the end,
Reid' solution and yours are the same (except effective)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-20 Thread wren ng thornton

Thomas Hartman wrote:

could someone explain sharing?

In the code below, allstrings2 is 6X as fast as allstrings. I assume
because of sharing, but I don't intuitively see a reason why.

can someone give me some pointers, perhaps using debug.trace or other
tools (profiling?) to show where the first version is being


letters = ['a'..'z']

strings 0 = []
strings n = [ c : s | c - letters, s -  strings (n-1) x ]

allstrings = concat $ map strings [1..]

allstrings2 = let sss = [] : [ [ c:s | c - letters, s - ss ] | ss - sss ]
  in concat $ tail sss

It's a dynamic-programming problem. Let's reword this in terms of fibonnaci:

fibs = map fib [0..]
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

This is essentially what allstrings is doing. We have a basic function 
fib/strings and we use it to count down from our seed input to the 
value we want. But, because fib/strings is a pure function, it will 
always give equivalent output for the same input, and so once we hit 
some query we've answered before we'd like to just stop. But this 
version won't stop, it'll count all the way down to the bottom.

Haskell doesn't automatically memoize functions, so it's a key point 
that the values are only equivalent. With allstrings2 we do 
memoization and take it a step further to return the identical answer, 
since we keep a copy of the answers we've given out before. The fibs 
variation is:

fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

Because we're defining fibs recursively in terms of itself, to get the 
next element of the stream we only need to keep track of the previous 
two answers we've given out. Similarly for allstrings2 because sss is 
defined in terms of itself it's always producing elements one step 
before it needs them. More particularly, because the recursion has 
already been done producing the next element is just a matter of 
applying (+) or applying [ c:s | c - letters, s - ss ] and we don't 
need to repeat the recursion.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-20 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Thomas Hartman wrote:
 could someone explain sharing?

A good tool for visualising the difference between shared and non-shared
results would be vacuum, using one of its front ends, vacuum-cairo or

To see sharing, you will need to view a set of outputs (not just one
string). To keep the graph to a manageable size, use a smaller alphabet:

digits = 01

-- All words of length n, with shared substrings
shared :: Int - [String]
shared n = sss !! n where
  sss = [] : [ [ c:s | c - digits, s - ss ] | ss - sss ]

-- All words of length n, with unshared substrings
unshared :: Int - [String]
unshared 0 = []
unshared n = [ c:s | c - digits, s - unshared (n-1) ]

And then in GHCi:

Vacuum.Cairo shared 3 == unshared 3
Vacuum.Cairo view $ shared 3
Vacuum.Cairo view $ unshared 3

I'd send some PNGs, except my vacuum installation is currently broken.
Perhaps someone else can?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list - Ouch

2009-06-18 Thread Lee Duhem
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:30 PM, GüŸnther wrote:
 Hi all,

 you have come up with so many solutions it's embarrassing to admit that I
 didn't come up with even one.

I have the similarly difficulties, but I found to understand some of
these answers,
equational reasoning is a very useful tool, I have prepared a blog post for how
I worked out some of these answers, here is the draft of it, I hope it
can help you

Oh, if it doesn't help you at all, please let know why :-)


Understanding Functions Which Use 'instance Monad []' by Equational Reasoning

GüŸnther Schmidt asked in Haskell-Cafe how to get a stream like this:

[a, ... , z, aa, ... , az, ba, ... , bz, ... ]

and people in Haskell-Cafe offer some interesting answer for this question.
On the one hand, these answers show the power of Haskell and GHC base libraries,
but on the other hand, understanding them is a challenge for Haskell
newbie like me.
But I found to understand these answers, equational reasoning is very helpful,
here is why I think so.

Answer 1 (by Matthew Brecknell):

concat $ tail $ iterate (map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *) [[]]

Well, how does this expression do what we want? concat, tail, iterate,
map, are easy,
looks like the magic is in (*).

What's this operator mean? (*) comes from class Applicative of

class Functor f = Applicative f where
-- | Lift a value.
pure :: a - f a

-- | Sequential application.
(*) :: f (a - b) - f a - f b

and 'instance Applicative []' is

instance Applicative [] where
pure = return
(*) = ap

ap comes from Control.Monad

ap :: (Monad m) = m (a - b) - m a - m b
ap =  liftM2 id

liftM2  :: (Monad m) = (a1 - a2 - r) - m a1 - m a2 - m r
liftM2 f m1 m2 = do { x1 - m1; x2 - m2; return (f x1 x2) }

so the key to understand (*) is understanding the meaning of liftM2.

liftM2 uses, hum, do-notation, so by Haskell 98 report, this can be
translated to

  liftM2 f m1 m2
(1.0)   = m1 = \x1 -
  m2 = \x2 -
  return (f x1 x2)

When it is applied to list (you can convince yourself of this by type
wee need 'instance Monad []'

instance  Monad []  where
m = k = foldr ((++) . k) [] m
m  k  = foldr ((++) . (\ _ - k)) [] m
return x= [x]
fail _  = []

  liftM2 f m1 m2
= m1 = \x1 -
  m2 = \x2 -
  return (f x1 x2)

=\x1 -
  m2 = \x2 -
  return (f x1 x2)

= \x2 - return (f x1 x2)

we can write

  m1 = f1
= foldr ((++) . f1) [] m1

  m2 = f2
= foldr ((++) . f2) [] m2

Now we can see for list m1, m2, how does 'liftM2 f m1 m2' work

z1 = []
foreach x1 in (reverse m1); do  -- foldr ((++) . f1) [] m1
z2 = []
foreach x2 in (reverse m2); do  -- foldr ((++) . f2) [] m2
z2 = [f x1 x2] ++ z2
z1 = z2 ++ z1

Now we are ready to see how to apply (*):

  map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] * [[]]
= (map (:) ['a' .. 'z']) * [[]]
= [('a':), ..., ('z':)] * [[]]-- misuse of [...] notation
= ap [('a':), ..., ('z':)] [[]]
= liftM2 id [('a':), ..., ('z':)] [[]]
= [('a':), ..., ('z':)] = \x1 -
  [[]]  = \x2 -
  return (id x1 x2)

Here x1 bind to ('z':), ..., ('a':) in turn, x2 always bind to [], and
noticed that

  return (id ('z':) []) -- f = id; x1 = ('a':); x2 = []
= return (('z':) [])
= return ((:) 'z' [])
= return z
= [z]

we have
  map (:) ['a', .., 'z'] * [[]]
= liftM2 id [('a':), ..., ('z':)] [[]]
= [a, ..., z]

(If you can't follow the this, work through the definition of foldr
step by step will be very helpful.)

  map (:) ['a', .., 'z'] * (map (:) ['a', .., 'z'] * [[]])
= map (:) ['a', .., 'z'] * [a, .., z]
= liftM2 id [('a':), ..., ('z':)] [a, ..., z]
= [aa, ..., az, ba, ..., bz, ..., za, ..., zz]

Now it's easy to know what we get from

  iterate (map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *) [[]]
= [[], f [[]], f (f [[]]), ...] -- f = map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *

concat $ tail $ iterate (map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *) [[]]

is exactly what we want.

Understanding Haskell codes by equational reasoning could be a very
tedious process, but it's also
a very helpful and instructive process for the beginners, because it
make you think slowly, check
the computation process step by step, just like the compiler does. And
in my opinion, this is exactly
what a debugger does.

Answer 2 (by Reid Barton):

concatMap (\n - replicateM n ['a'..'z']) 

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-18 Thread Tom Pledger
Daniel Peebles pumpkingod at writes:
 My solution attempted to exploit this using Numeric.showIntAtBase but
 failed because of the lack of 0 prefixes in the numbers. If you can
 find a simple way to fix it without duplicating the showIntAtBase
 code, I'd be interested!

Another advantage of the integer  base method is that it doesn't require a
fast-growing amount of memory to keep track of everything between two points in
the list.


Hugs let mywords = :[w++[ch] | w - mywords, ch - ['a'..'z']] in

ERROR - Garbage collection fails to reclaim sufficient space


Hugs let sss = [] : [ [ c:s | c - ['a'..'z'], s - ss ] | ss - sss ] in
concat (tail sss) !! 100

ERROR - Garbage collection fails to reclaim sufficient space

I'm not sure offhand why Reid Barton's replicateM solution doesn't have the same
problem.  Is it a benefit of the lack of sharing Matthew Brecknell mentioned?

Control.Monad concatMap (\n - replicateM n ['a'..'z']) [1..] !! 500


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-18 Thread Matthew Brecknell
On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 23:57 +0800, Lee Duhem wrote:
 [...] I have prepared a blog post for how
 I worked out some of these answers, here is the draft of it, I hope it
 can help you too.

Nice post! Certainly, pen-and-paper reasoning like this is a very good
way to develop deeper intuitions.

   Answer 1 (by Matthew Brecknell):
   concat $ tail $ iterate (map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *) [[]]

I actually said tail $ concat $ iterate ..., because I think the
initial empty string is logically part of the sequence. Tacking tail
on the front then produces the subsequence requested by the OP.

I should have given more credit to Reid for this solution. I'm always
delighted to see people using monadic combinators (like replicateM) in
the list monad, because I so rarely think to use them this way. Sadly,
my understanding of these combinators is still somewhat stuck in IO,
where I first learned them. I never would have thought to use * this
way if I had not seen Reid's solution first.

Also, for many applications, a non-sharing version like Reid's is really
what you want. Sharing versions have to keep references to old strings
around to reuse later, and so are really only appropriate for
applications which would keep them in memory anyway.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-18 Thread Lee Duhem
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:17 AM, Matthew wrote:
 On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 23:57 +0800, Lee Duhem wrote:
 [...] I have prepared a blog post for how
 I worked out some of these answers, here is the draft of it, I hope it
 can help you too.

 Nice post! Certainly, pen-and-paper reasoning like this is a very good
 way to develop deeper intuitions.

       Answer 1 (by Matthew Brecknell):

       concat $ tail $ iterate (map (:) ['a' .. 'z'] *) [[]]

 I actually said tail $ concat $ iterate ..., because I think the
 initial empty string is logically part of the sequence. Tacking tail
 on the front then produces the subsequence requested by the OP.

Yes, I changed your solution from tail $ concat $ iterate ... to
concat $ tail $ iterate ..., because I think cut useless part out early
is good idea, forgot to mention that, sorry.

 I should have given more credit to Reid for this solution. I'm always
 delighted to see people using monadic combinators (like replicateM) in
 the list monad, because I so rarely think to use them this way. Sadly,
 my understanding of these combinators is still somewhat stuck in IO,
 where I first learned them. I never would have thought to use * this
 way if I had not seen Reid's solution first.

Actually, I first figure out how Reid's solution works, then figure out yours.
After that, I found, for me, your solution's logic is easier to understand,
so I take it as my first example. As I said at the end, or as I'll
said at the end,
Reid' solution and yours are the same (except effective)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list - Ouch

2009-06-17 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt

Hi all,

you have come up with so many solutions it's embarrassing to admit that 
I didn't come up with even one.


GüŸnther Schmidt schrieb:

Hi guys,

I'd like to generate an infinite list, like

[a, b, c .. z, aa, ab, ac .. az, ba, bb, bc .. 
bz, ca ...]

When I had set out to do this I thought, oh yeah no prob, in a heartbeat.


Help, pls!


PS: I know this should be a no-brainer, sry

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-16 Thread Tom Pledger
GüŸnther Schmidt at writes:

 Hi guys,
 I'd like to generate an infinite list, like
 [a, b, c .. z, aa, ab, ac .. az, ba, bb, bc .. 
 bz, ca ...]

If you're happy to have a  before the a, you can do this as a fairly cute
one-liner in a similar style to this list of Fibonacci numbers.

fib = 0:1:[m + n | (m, n) - zip fib (tail fib)]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-16 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt

Dear Ross,

thanks for your post, you got it almost right, I needed something like 
aa, ab, ac ...

It seems that Thomas has figured it out.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-16 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt

Hi Thomas,

thanks, it seems you found it.

I find it a bit embarrassing that I was unable to figure this out myself.


Thomas Davie schrieb:
letterCombos = map (:[]) ['a'..'z'] ++ concatMap (\c - map ((c++) . 
(:[])) ['a'..'z']) letterCombos

Not hugely efficient, if you generate the strings in reverse then you 
can use (c:) rather than ((c++) . (:[])), but that may not be useful to 


On 17 Jun 2009, at 02:28, GüŸnther Schmidt wrote:

Hi guys,

I'd like to generate an infinite list, like

[a, b, c .. z, aa, ab, ac .. az, ba, bb, bc .. 
bz, ca ...]

When I had set out to do this I thought, oh yeah no prob, in a heartbeat.


Help, pls!


PS: I know this should be a no-brainer, sry

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-16 Thread Ross Mellgren

Oh sorry about that, misread the problem.


On Jun 16, 2009, at 9:16 PM, GüŸnther Schmidt wrote:

Dear Ross,

thanks for your post, you got it almost right, I needed something  
like aa, ab, ac ...

It seems that Thomas has figured it out.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-16 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt

Hi Tom,

thanks for that.

I remembered reading about that in my earliest haskell days, couldn't 
find it again and couldn't get it right by myself either.


Tom Pledger schrieb:

GüŸnther Schmidt at writes:

Hi guys,

I'd like to generate an infinite list, like

[a, b, c .. z, aa, ab, ac .. az, ba, bb, bc .. 
bz, ca ...]

If you're happy to have a  before the a, you can do this as a fairly cute
one-liner in a similar style to this list of Fibonacci numbers.

fib = 0:1:[m + n | (m, n) - zip fib (tail fib)]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-16 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt

Hi Ross,

no problem at all, I certainly appreciate it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Need some help with an infinite list

2009-06-16 Thread GüŸnther Schmidt

Hi Richard,

I'd have to guess here :)

Maybe, what you have in mind, is:

generate an infinite list with numbers from [1 ..], map it to base 26?


Richard O'Keefe schrieb:

On 17 Jun 2009, at 12:28 pm, GüŸnther Schmidt wrote:

Hi guys,

I'd like to generate an infinite list, like

[a, b, c .. z, aa, ab, ac .. az, ba, bb, bc .. 
bz, ca ...]

When I had set out to do this I thought, oh yeah no prob, in a heartbeat.

Let me change this slightly.


Does that provide a hint?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list