[Haskell-cafe] Re: readFile problem

2007-01-12 Thread Stefan Aeschbacher


I finally found and solved the problem. The problem was in a small
library I wrote which handles threads. When a thread executed its
error handler, it started to kill (with throwTo) all other threads in
the group he belongs to. Unfortunately all other threads started their
error handlers too and started killing all other threads (again). The
resulting thunderstorm of throwTos lead to the strange behaviour I



2007/1/8, Stefan Aeschbacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I am writing a network server in haskell. Lately I seem to have
introduced a new bug. On Linux, when a client closes the connection to
the server, the server dumps core. On Windows, the error message there
is way different from the core dump on Linux. It says:

application.exe: config.xml: openFile: does not exist (No such file or

I use readFile to read the config file. I tried to print out the
config file after it is read to make sure that it is completely read.
I only load this config file exactly once during program
initialization. The config is used long before the crash. I printed
the current working dir in the exception handler and there is
something interesting. Instead of the path to the application, it is

There are many things i do not understand. Why the different behaviour
on Linux and Windows? Shouldn't an exception be thrown on Linux
instead of a core dump? I don't use any unsafePerformIO or foreign
calls. Why the changed path? I never change working directory in my
code. Why is a function (- reading the config file) re-evaluated at a
later point in time?

How can I debug such a problem?

My environement is ghc 6.6 on Ubuntu or Windows XP.

thanks for any ideas


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] readFile problem

2007-01-08 Thread Stefan Aeschbacher


I am writing a network server in haskell. Lately I seem to have
introduced a new bug. On Linux, when a client closes the connection to
the server, the server dumps core. On Windows, the error message there
is way different from the core dump on Linux. It says:

application.exe: config.xml: openFile: does not exist (No such file or

I use readFile to read the config file. I tried to print out the
config file after it is read to make sure that it is completely read.
I only load this config file exactly once during program
initialization. The config is used long before the crash. I printed
the current working dir in the exception handler and there is
something interesting. Instead of the path to the application, it is

There are many things i do not understand. Why the different behaviour
on Linux and Windows? Shouldn't an exception be thrown on Linux
instead of a core dump? I don't use any unsafePerformIO or foreign
calls. Why the changed path? I never change working directory in my
code. Why is a function (- reading the config file) re-evaluated at a
later point in time?

How can I debug such a problem?

My environement is ghc 6.6 on Ubuntu or Windows XP.

thanks for any ideas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] readFile problem

2007-01-08 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 1/8/07, Stefan Aeschbacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There are many things i do not understand. Why the different behaviour
on Linux and Windows? Shouldn't an exception be thrown on Linux
instead of a core dump? I don't use any unsafePerformIO or foreign
calls. Why the changed path? I never change working directory in my
code. Why is a function (- reading the config file) re-evaluated at a
later point in time?

How can I debug such a problem?

My environement is ghc 6.6 on Ubuntu or Windows XP.

It may be difficult to say without seeing your code. Is it possible
for you to post it, or at least a minimal test case that would
illustrate the different errors on the different OSes? What Unix
toolkit are you using when running ghc on Windows, if any (cygwin,
mingw, both, neither?)


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
What is research but a blind date with knowledge? -- Will Henry
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] readFile problem

2007-01-08 Thread Stefan Aeschbacher

2007/1/8, Kirsten Chevalier [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On 1/8/07, Stefan Aeschbacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are many things i do not understand. Why the different behaviour
 on Linux and Windows? Shouldn't an exception be thrown on Linux
 instead of a core dump? I don't use any unsafePerformIO or foreign
 calls. Why the changed path? I never change working directory in my
 code. Why is a function (- reading the config file) re-evaluated at a
 later point in time?

 How can I debug such a problem?

 My environement is ghc 6.6 on Ubuntu or Windows XP.

It may be difficult to say without seeing your code. Is it possible
for you to post it, or at least a minimal test case that would
illustrate the different errors on the different OSes? What Unix
toolkit are you using when running ghc on Windows, if any (cygwin,
mingw, both, neither?)

I know that it's difficult without code but unfortunately the whole
program is already quite large (several thousand lines) and I wouldn't
see how to extract a relevant test case at the moment as i have no
real clue where to search for the problem.

I use cygwin on Windows. I just compiled the application from a
cmd.exe and the result is the same (even though cmd.exe (and the
normal cygwin terminal) swallows the error message, but the error is
shown when run in rxvt).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] readFile problem

2007-01-08 Thread Neil Mitchell

Hi Stefan,

I am writing a network server in haskell. Lately I seem to have
introduced a new bug. On Linux, when a client closes the connection to
the server, the server dumps core.

Are you using any calls to system? Any libraries which may do funky stuff?

application.exe: config.xml: openFile: does not exist (No such file or

I use readFile to read the config file. I tried to print out the
config file after it is read to make sure that it is completely read.
I only load this config file exactly once during program
initialization. The config is used long before the crash. I printed
the current working dir in the exception handler and there is
something interesting. Instead of the path to the application, it is

What is the working directory at the begining? Is that really the
working directory? The \C at the start isn't the C drive, but some
bizare escape code, I think.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] readFile problem

2007-01-08 Thread Stefan Aeschbacher


2007/1/8, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Stefan,

 I am writing a network server in haskell. Lately I seem to have
 introduced a new bug. On Linux, when a client closes the connection to
 the server, the server dumps core.

Are you using any calls to system? Any libraries which may do funky stuff?

No calls to system. Libraries I use: MissingH (only some time
function) and HaXML.

 application.exe: config.xml: openFile: does not exist (No such file or

 I use readFile to read the config file. I tried to print out the
 config file after it is read to make sure that it is completely read.
 I only load this config file exactly once during program
 initialization. The config is used long before the crash. I printed
 the current working dir in the exception handler and there is
 something interesting. Instead of the path to the application, it is

What is the working directory at the begining? Is that really the
working directory? The \C at the start isn't the C drive, but some
bizare escape code, I think.

Oups, I think i must have slipped that first \ in by mistake during
the composition of the mail. The path at the start of the application
is d:\development\simulator_v2 and when the error occurs it is
C:\WINDOWS\system32 (without the show i used before).

In the last hours I found out the following:

the program looks something like this:

main = do withSocketsDo $ runSimulator

runSimulator = do
 dir - getCurrentDirectory
 putStrLn (Dir is:  ++ dir)
 config - readConfig
 fork many threads

It seems as if runSimulator is executed twice when the error happens.
The first time dir is printed correctly (d:...). Then the application
starts, all threads are created and it runs normally. When the client
closes the socket the error: socket: 1832: hGetChar: failed
(Unknown error) happens (which in my eyes should rather be
isEOFError?). Then the withSocketsDo seems to execute runSimulator
again (dir then is C:...).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: a readFile problem

2003-06-03 Thread Hal Daume III
It would probably be helpful if you were to post the code you have and
explain what part isn't working.  There's a function:

  readFile :: FilePath - IO String
  (FilePath is just a String)

which reads a file.  This should be what you need to solve this

 - Hal

 Arrest this man, he talks in maths.   | www.isi.edu/~hdaume

On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Naudts, Guido wrote:

 I have the following problem:
 my program asks the user for a command, when the command is executed a
 new command is asked (this is no problem ; an example is in the HUgs
 distribution namely Main.hs in the Prolog example.
 However one of the commands is: read filename
 i.e. read a file and display it. 
 I do not succeed in implementing this. 
 Could anyone give an example of: reading commands in a loop where one of
 the commands is the read command mentionned above. 
 Or is it not possible in Haskell? 
 I have already wated a lot of time on this, so if anyone gives me an
 answer I will be very gratefull.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

a readFile problem

2003-06-02 Thread Naudts, Guido
I have the following problem:
my program asks the user for a command, when the command is executed a
new command is asked (this is no problem ; an example is in the HUgs
distribution namely Main.hs in the Prolog example.
However one of the commands is: read filename
i.e. read a file and display it. 
I do not succeed in implementing this. 
Could anyone give an example of: reading commands in a loop where one of
the commands is the read command mentionned above. 
Or is it not possible in Haskell? 
I have already wated a lot of time on this, so if anyone gives me an
answer I will be very gratefull.
n:Guido;Naudts, Guido
org:Ministerie van Justitie;Algemene Diensten
adr:;;Eversstraat 2-8;Brussel;;1000;Belgium 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Naudts, Guido