Re: [Help-glpk] Solving MathProg on your phone

2012-12-31 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
... also worked on Samsung Galaxy S3 using Firefox. Very neat!

On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Jeffrey Kantor wrote:

 Here's the current version of a web page based on Henri Gourvest's glpk.js
 (and with a lot of generous help from Henri) that I'm developing for a
 course this Spring. The goal is a small footprint, 'zero-install',
 cross-platform tool, for teaching the application of OR methods to business
 and operations.  I'm still sorting out some bugs with the menus, but
 thought there might be some interest in this.

 Note that glpk.js is doing all the work within the browser.  You can cut
 and paste your own models into the edit window or load them from your local
 files.  The 'aha' moment for me was solving a MathProg model on my phone
 (iPhone 4S w/Safari) and iPad (the menus are really broken under iOS, but
 glpk.js appears to work fine.)

 Certainly welcome feedback.


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Re: [Help-glpk] binary boolean

2012-05-05 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Thanks Andrew.
Would it make sense then to incorporate Tseitin's transforms into mathprog
as a default method for implementing boolean conditions?


On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 1:49 AM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

 See also Tseitin's transformations:

 These transformations can be used to describe any Boolean function in a
 more or less efficient way, in particular, to model any digital circuit
 logic like adders, multipliers, dividers, etc.

 The mip preprocessor implemented in glpk uses these transformations to
 reduce the mip instance to the satisfiablity problem in order to find an
 integer feasible solution with the Minisat solver (--minisat).

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Re: [Help-glpk] binary boolean

2012-05-03 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Since the conversion from mathematical formulation to constraints is systematic 
, could this be added to marhprog?

On May 3, 2012, at 7:08, Erwin Kalvelagen 

 z = x
 z = y
 z = x+y
 Erwin Kalvelagen
 Amsterdam Optimization Modeling Group
 On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Zvonko Bregar wrote:
 My name is Zvonko.
 I have a question regarding binary variables in GLPK.
 Is it possible to implement a kind of a boolean addition to binary variables.
 For example:
 Let X, Y and Z be binary variables.
 X and Y ara inputs, Z is a result.
 X + Y = Z
 Such that
 0 + 0 = 0
 0 + 1 = 1
 1 + 0 = 1
 1 + 1 = 1
 So this would be sometning like a logical .OR. addition?
 Many thanks
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Re: [Help-glpk] binary boolean

2012-05-03 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Is there a default that can be applied? It seems that the boolean operator
question keeps being asked (infrequently) , and very similar answers

Starting with the z=x OR y example- it would be interesting to get several
different ways of implementing that, in addition to the one already

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

  Since the conversion from mathematical formulation to constraints is
   systematic , could this be added to marhprog?

 No, it is not. There exist infinitely many mip descriptions of the same
 integer set. Even z = x OR y can be formulated in infinitely many ways.

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Re: [Help-glpk] Parsing large, sparse mathprog model takes a (very) long time

2011-05-02 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi Andrew
This works very well. The parsing time drops from 6 hours to 25 seconds.

Thanks a lot!


On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 2:40 AM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

  I have a mathprog model which takes a long time to parse:
  The model is of a set-to-set routing problem- There is a bipartite
  graph, and the objective is to establish connections between the two
  parts such that a length metric is minimized.
  There are ~76K nodes in each half of the graph (for a total of ~150K
  nodes), and a total of 500K edges between the nodes.
  The model has been parsing (i.e. haven't reached presolving stage yet)
  for more than an hour now.  Memory consumption is increasing, but thus
  far is quite low (200M).
  Is this long parse time reasonable? Are there ways of rewriting which
  would speed up parsing?
  Since the model is quite large, I put it on

 This is implementation defect, that is, the mathprog translator evaluates
 all expressions as they are coded performing no optimization. Thus, if
 you write

 s.t. every_to_pin_connected_to_one {t in toset} :
 sum {f in fromset :(f,t) in connection } from_connects_to[f,t] == 1;

 this statement is evaluated as follows:

 for {t in toset}
 {  for {f in fromset}
   {  if {(f,t) in connection}
 ...evaluate constraint expressions...

 and the total evaluation time is |toset| * |fromset| * log |connection|
 = 75887 * 75887 * 20 = VERY LONG TIME (log is because the logarithmic
 search is used in innermost if).

 I changed your model to make it a bit more efficient (see Version A
 below). However, generating it still takes much time.

 Ideally, to decrease the evaluation time you need to use two arrays of
 sets, say, conn1 and conn2 declared as follows:

 set conn1{f in fromset}, within toset;
 set conn2{t in toset}, within fromset;

 This would allow you using a more efficient construction like follows:

 s.t. every_to_pin_connected_to_one {t in toset} :
sum {f in conn2[t] } from_connects_to[f,t] == 1;

 However, this requires changing the data section. To avoid changing the
 data section you may use an undocumented feature of mathprog, which
 allows you generating set data on the fly as if there were appropraite
 data statements. Please see Version B below; it takes less than a minute
 to generate the model.

 Andrew Makhorin

 Version A
 /* set to set routing

 Copyright Yaron Kretchmer


 set fromset := {0..75887};
 set toset := {0..75887};
 set connection dimen 2 ;
 param distance{(f,t) in connection }  ;

 var overall_distance;

 var from_connects_to {f in fromset,t in toset :  (f,t) in connection},
 binary ;
 /* Every To pin is connected to exactly one from pin i.e. all to
 pins are connected */
 s.t. every_to_pin_connected_to_one {t in toset} :
sum {f in fromset :(f,t) in connection }
 from_connects_to[f,t] == 1;

 /* Every from pin connected to at most one to pin  i.e. some from
 pins might be disconnected*/
 s.t. every_from_pin_connected_to_one_or_zero {f in fromset} :
sum {t in toset :(f,t) in connection  }
 from_connects_to[f,t] = 1;

 s.t. overall_distance_def : overall_distance =  sum {(f,t) in
 connection } from_connects_to[f,t]*distance[f,t];
 minimize overall_distance2 : sum {(f,t) in connection}

 . . .

 Version B
 /* set to set routing

 Copyright Yaron Kretchmer


 set fromset := {0..75887};
 set toset := {0..75887};
 set connection dimen 2 ;
 param distance{(f,t) in connection }  ;

 set conn1{f in fromset}, data connection(1,2), default {};
 set conn2{t in toset}, data connection(2,1), default {};
 /*display conn1, conn2;*/

 var overall_distance;

 var from_connects_to {(f,t) in connection}, binary ;

 /* Every To pin is connected to exactly one from pin i.e. all to
   pins are connected */
 s.t. every_to_pin_connected_to_one {t in toset} :
sum {f in conn2[t] } from_connects_to[f,t] == 1;

 /* Every from pin connected to at most one to pin  i.e. some from
   pins might be disconnected*/
 s.t. every_from_pin_connected_to_one_or_zero {f in fromset} :
sum {t in conn1[f] } from_connects_to[f,t] = 1;

 s.t. overall_distance_def :
   overall_distance =  sum {(f,t) in connection }

 minimize overall_distance2 :
   sum {(f,t) in connection} from_connects_to[f,t];

 solve ;
 for {(f,t) in connection :
   distance[f,t]0 from_connects_to[f,t]0/**/} {
 printf  %s,%s %s %s - %s,
   from_connects_to[f,t],f,t,distance[f,t];printf \n;

 data ;
 . . .

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[Help-glpk] Parsing large, sparse mathprog model takes a (very) long time

2011-05-01 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All.
I have a mathprog model which takes a long time to parse:
The model is of a set-to-set routing problem- There is a bipartite graph,
and the objective is to establish connections between the two parts such
that a length metric is minimized.
There are ~76K nodes in each half of the graph (for a total of ~150K
nodes), and a total of 500K edges between the nodes.

The model has been parsing (i.e. haven't reached presolving stage yet) for
more than an hour now.  Memory consumption is increasing, but thus far is
quite low (200M).

Is this long parse time reasonable? Are there ways of rewriting which would
speed up parsing?

Since the model is quite large, I put it on

Thanks and Best Regards
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[Help-glpk] Size of big-M changes solution of MIP problem

2011-04-07 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All
After struggling with the problem below for a couple of days, I thought of
asking for help- My big-M formulation is behaving in a way that i can't

The problem is a stock hedging problem, with one of the component of a
correct hedge being that the strike price of the option is = the value of
the stock.
The enclosde model should have no solution, since I'm fixing the variable
such that the price of the option is does not follow the constaint above.
When my big-M = 909, I get the correct No primal feasible answer. But
when I increase M to 910, a succesful solution is found, which is not

Are there any upper limits to the size of big-M that can be used?

/* RSU Hedger

Yaron Kretchmer


/* big M */
param M := 910 /*909*/ ;

/* How many RSU grants */
set  num_rsus := {1..4};

/* How many  options */
set num_options := {1..998};

/* What's a put option? */
set   put_option_params  := {'cost' ,'strike_price', 'strike_date'};

/* What's an RSU? */
set  rsu_params := {'value','quantity' ,'strike_date'};
/* Set of RSU's to protect */
param  rsus {n in num_rsus,p in rsu_params} symbolic;
param put_options {put in num_options,pop in put_option_params} symbolic ;

var put_options_quantity {put in num_options} =0 integer;
var option_protects_rsu {rsu in num_rsus, option in num_options} binary ;
var option_quantity_larger_than_rsu_quantity {rsu in num_rsus, option in 
num_options} binary ;
var option_date_later_than_rsu_date {rsu in num_rsus, option in num_options} 
binary ;
var option_covers_rsu_value {rsu in num_rsus, option in num_options} binary ;

var cost_of_options ;

/* Each option quantity and dates is larger than zero*/

/* Each RSU is protected by at least one option */
s.t. each_rsu_is_protected {rsu in num_rsus} : 
sum{option in num_options}  option_protects_rsu[rsu,option] =1 ;
/* Each option protects at most one RSU*/

s.t. each_option_protects_at_most_1 {option in num_options} : 
sum{rsu in num_rsus}  option_protects_rsu[rsu,option] =1 ; 

/* option_quantity_larger_than_rsu_quantity is true if the option quantity is 
larger than the RSU quantity */

s.t. define_option_quantity_larger_than_rsu_quantity {option in num_options,rsu 
in num_rsus} :
 -M = 

/* option_date_later_than_rsu_date is true if the option date is later than the 
RSU date */

s.t. define_option_strike_price_greater_than_rsu_value {option in 
num_options,rsu in num_rsus} :

s.t. define_option_strike_price_greater_than_rsu_value_2 {option in 
num_options,rsu in num_rsus} :

s.t. define_option_date_later_than_rsu_date {option in num_options,rsu in 
num_rsus} :
 -M = 

/* If an option protects an RSU, then its quantity is larger than the RSU 
This constraint is of the if-then variety, and is modeled as follows
A = B
which means that if A is 1, B has to be 1, and if A is 0, B can be anything.
A is An option protects an RSU, and B is the option quantity is larger than 
the RSU quantity

s.t. temp1 : option_protects_rsu[2,328] = 1;

s.t. option_quantity_bigger_than_rsu {option in num_options,rsu in num_rsus} :
option_protects_rsu[rsu,option] = 

s.t. option_date_later_than_rsu {option in num_options,rsu in num_rsus} :
option_protects_rsu[rsu,option] = option_date_later_than_rsu_date[rsu,option];

s.t. option_strike_price_greater_than_rsu_value {option in num_options,rsu in 
num_rsus} :
option_protects_rsu[rsu,option] =option_covers_rsu_value[rsu,option] ;

s.t. temp11 : option_protects_rsu[1,3]=1;
s.t. temp12 : option_protects_rsu[2,403]=1;
s.t. temp13 : option_protects_rsu[3,928]=1;
s.t. temp14 : option_protects_rsu[4,929]=1;

s.t. temp1 {option in num_options,rsu in num_rsus} :
3*option_protects_rsu[rsu,option] = 
option_quantity_larger_than_rsu_quantity[rsu,option] +
option_date_later_than_rsu_date[rsu,option] +
option_covers_rsu_value[rsu,option]  ;

If an option protects an RSU, then its date is later than the RSU date.
This is done using a similar formulation as above


s.t. temp1 : option_protects_rsu[2,403]=1;

s.t. cost_of_options_definition : cost_of_options =sum {option in num_options} 
minimize cost_of_options_min: cost_of_options;

 for {option in num_options:put_options_quantity[option]0} :

Re: [Help-glpk] Modelling Advice Request - Project Tasks

2010-01-20 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
I solved your enclosed model in 350sec. using SCIP (Answer was 5 ) with no
special settings.
Some restrictions on the variables vectors that should sum to 1 ( I forgot
what the nomenclature for those are) can definitely reduce that further.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Tawny Owl wrote:

  I am modelling a project in which doing some tasks before others will save
 time. I think that the model is correct - but even though I have only
 entered the savings for 1 task into the objective function, it is taking too
 long to run. I believe that the problem lies in my before1 and before2
 conditions, each of which contain 15^4=50625 modelling variables. These
 conditions are needed to enable the before[] variable, where before[a,b]=1
 means that task a will be completed before task b.

 The variable position[] is working correctly (position[5]=3 means that task
 five will be done third). I could eliminate the huge amount of work being
 done in the before1 and before2 conditions if I could make use of these
 position variables. Could anyone advise me how I can achieve the following,

 * if position[a]  position[b], then before[a,b] = 0
 * if position[a]  position[b], then before[a,b] = 1

 Thanks for any suggestions!

 Model appended below:

 The project consists of 15 tasks. Completion of any of these tasks will
 save time on other tasks in the project as follows:

 Task 1 savings: 2 hours on task 2: 2 hours on task 4: 1 hours on task 9
 Task 2 savings: 2 hours on task 1: 3 hours on task 15
 Task 3 savings: 4 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 5
 Task 4 savings: 1 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 3: 2 hours on task 5: 1
 hours on task 10
 Task 5 savings: 1 hours on task 2: 1 hours on task 10: 1 hours on task 13:
 1 hours on task 14: 1 hours on task 15
 Task 6 savings: 1 hours on task 4: 1 hours on task 8: 2 hours on task 11: 1
 hours on task 15
 Task 7 savings: 2 hours on task 2: 3 hours on task 15
 Task 8 savings: 4 hours on task 5: 1 hours on task 11
 Task 9 savings: 1 hours on task 2: 2 hours on task 3: 1 hours on task 11: 1
 hours on task 13
 Task 10 savings: 4 hours on task 11: 1 hours on task 15
 Task 11 savings: 1 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 3: 1 hours on task 8: 1
 hours on task 10: 1 hours on task 12
 Task 12 savings: 3 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 4: 1 hours on task 11
 Task 13 savings: 2 hours on task 3: 3 hours on task 12
 Task 14 savings: 1 hours on task 3: 1 hours on task 6: 1 hours on task 7: 1
 hours on task 8: 1 hours on task 12
 Task 15 savings: 2 hours on task 6: 2 hours on task 12: 1 hours on task 13

 var task{1..15, 1..15}, binary;
 s.t. task1{a in 1..15}: sum{b in 1..15} task[a, b] = 1;
 s.t. task2{b in 1..15}: sum{a in 1..15} task[a, b] = 1;

 var position{1..15}, = 0;
 s.t. position1{a in 1..15}: sum{b in 1..15} b * task[b,a] = position[a];

 var before{1..15, 1..15}, binary;
 s.t. before1{a in 1..15, b in 1..15, c in 1..15, d in 1..15: b  a and c !=
 d}: before[c,d] + 1.5 = task[a,c] + task[b,d];
 s.t. before2{a in 1..15, b in 1..15, c in 1..15, d in 1..15: a  b and c !=
 d}: before[c,d] + task[a,c] + task[b,d] = 2.5;

 var saving{1..15}, = 0;
 s.t. s1: saving[1] = 2 * before[1,2] + 2 * before[1,4] + before[1,9];

 maximize savings: saving[1];


 for {a in 1..15} {
   for {b in 1..15: task[a,b] = 1} {
 printf %s. Task %s\n, a, b;
 for {a in 1..15, b in 1..15: before[a,b] = 0.5 and a != b}{
   printf task %s is done before task %s\n, a, b;
 for {a in 1..15} {
   printf Position of task %s: %s\n, a, position[a];
 printf \nTotal Savings: %s hours., saving[1];


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Re: [Help-glpk] Modelling Advice Request - Project Tasks

2010-01-20 Thread Yaron Kretchmer

Soplex, but the heavy MIP lifting is done by scup

On Jan 20, 2010, at 17:05, Yingjie Lan wrote:

I solved your enclosed model in 350sec.
using SCIP (Answer was 5 ) with no special

Seems NEOS SCIP can be hooked up to many different solvers  
(including GLPK), I wonder which solver are you using behind SCIP?

* if position[a]  position[b], then before[a,b] = 0
* if position[a]  position[b], then before[a,b] = 1

Big-M: M = 15 - 1 given 15 tasks.

position[b] - position[a] = M * before[a,b]
position[a] - position[b] = M * before[b,a]
before[a,b]+before[b,a] == 1

The project consists of 15 tasks. Completion of any of
these tasks will save time on other tasks in the project as

Task 1 savings: 2 hours on task 2: 2 hours on task 4: 1
hours on task 9
Task 2 savings: 2 hours on task 1: 3 hours on task 15
Task 3 savings: 4 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 5
Task 4 savings: 1 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 3: 2
hours on task 5: 1 hours on task 10

Task 5 savings: 1 hours on task 2: 1 hours on task 10: 1
hours on task 13: 1 hours on task 14: 1 hours on task 15
Task 6 savings: 1 hours on task 4: 1 hours on task 8: 2
hours on task 11: 1 hours on task 15
Task 7 savings: 2 hours on task 2: 3 hours on task 15

Task 8 savings: 4 hours on task 5: 1 hours on task 11
Task 9 savings: 1 hours on task 2: 2 hours on task 3: 1
hours on task 11: 1 hours on task 13
Task 10 savings: 4 hours on task 11: 1 hours on task 15
Task 11 savings: 1 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 3: 1
hours on task 8: 1 hours on task 10: 1 hours on task 12

Task 12 savings: 3 hours on task 1: 1 hours on task 4: 1
hours on task 11
Task 13 savings: 2 hours on task 3: 3 hours on task 12
Task 14 savings: 1 hours on task 3: 1 hours on task 6: 1
hours on task 7: 1 hours on task 8: 1 hours on task 12

Task 15 savings: 2 hours on task 6: 2 hours on task 12: 1
hours on task 13

can reduce the before[,] variables somehow,
create variable pair: before[a,b] and before[b,a]
only if task a, b are related in savings.



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Re: [Help-glpk] Is GLPK the software that I have been looking for?

2009-11-03 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Try scip, which can give you all solutions. It's free for academic or  
personal use,as far as I know

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 3, 2009, at 10:10 AM, Erik wrote:

I have been searching around for a program to find solutions to little
problems like this: An item of meat costs 160. An item of fish costs  
An item of milk costs 15. Someone spent 700 and bought at most 6  

What did he buy?

What I want is to just input some constraints:

k * 160 + m * 30 + n * 15 = 700
k + m + n ≤ 6

and then get all solutions:
k = 4, m = 2, n = 0

Is GLPK the right tool for this kind of problem? I started to read  
the documentation, but GLPK seems more about finding an optimal  
solution than finding all solutions. That might be a problem.

First I looked at logilab-constraint and PuLP, that are supposed to be
able to solve it. But I read about them, and they seem to be Python
frontends for GLPK (or some other solver), and since I do not know
Python so well, I might just try to use GLPK directly.

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Re: [Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

2009-10-14 Thread Yaron Kretchmer

Thanks a lot for all the help and the great discussion.  I'll summarize the
different approaches in a separate email for future reference.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 1:45 AM, Alexander Schnell wrote:

 Hi there,

 i have found out a formulation for your problem but the linear formulation
 is quite long:

 the nonlinear formulation is quite short:
 c = d*b*(b-a)+ e*a*(a-b).

 So now you can substitute the term  d*b*(b-a) by the variable x and the
 term e*a*(a-b) by the variable y.
 b*(b-a) is the produkt of the binary variable b and the variable (b-a) in
 {-1,0,1} and substituted by z. (z is binary)
 a*(a-b) is also the product of the binary variable a and the variable (a-b)
 in {-1,0,1} and substituted by w. (w is binary)
 so we yield the following equations:

 1) c = x + y
 2) x = d * z
 3) y = e * w
 4) z = b*(b-a)
 5) w = a*(a-b)

 Now you can reformulate 2)- 5) to yield linear equations:

 2a) x = M1 *z   where M1 is an upper bound for the variable x
 2b) x - d = M2 * (1-z)  where M2 is an upper bound for the difference x -
 2c) d - x = M3 *  (1-z)  where M3 is an upper bound  for the difference d
 - x

 this reformulation of 2) can only be done as z is binary. Now 3) can be
 reformulated equivalently as w is binary:

 3a) y = M4 *w   where M4 is an upper bound for the variable y
 3b) y - e = M5 * (1-w)  where M5 is an upper bound for the difference y -
 3c) e -y = M6 *  (1-w)  where M6 is an upper bound  for the difference e -

 As b is  a binary variable, you can formulate 4) and 5) as follows:

 4a) z = b
 4b) z - b + a = 2 * (1 - b)  2 is an upper bound for z - (b-a)
 4c) b - a - z =  1 * (1 - b)  1 is an upper bound for (b - a) - z

 and analogly 5)

 5a) w = a
 5b) w - a + b = 2 * (1 - a)  2 is an upper bound for w - (a-b)
 5c) a - b - w =  1 * (1 - a)  1 is an upper bound for (a - b) - w

 So by contraints 1), 2a)-c), 3a)-c), 4a)- c) and 5a)- c) and forcing z and
 w to be binary you can formulate a model in mathprog for your problem.

 Best Regards,


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Re: [Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

2009-10-13 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
I'm sorry, but I didn't understand your explanation below- This is due to my
limited LP/MIP understanding- sigh..

But, looking at the examples on
doing some math led me to the following formulation:

not_a_and_b = (1-a)
not_a_and_b = b
not_a_and_b = b-a

not_b_and_a = (1-b)
not_b_and_a = a
not_b_and_a = a-b

d_if_not_a_and_b = U*not_a_and_b
d_if_not_a_and_b = d
d_if_not_a_and_b = d -U*(1-not_a_and_b)
d_if_not_a_and_b = 0

e_if_not_b_and_a = U*not_b_and_a
e_if_not_b_and_a = e
e_if_not_b_and_a = e-U*(1-not_b_and_a)
e_if_not_b_and_a = 0

d_if_not_a_and_b_or_e_if_not_b_and_a = d_if_not_a_and_b+e_if_not_b_and_a

Is this close to what you were suggesting?


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:

 On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Yaron Kretchmer wrote:

  Thanks Michael
 Yes, the differences (and the variables themselves) are bounded. We can
 denote the the upper/lower limit for each variable/difference by the
 constants l(x) and u(x).

 First, I made a mistake:
 The sets have seven extreme points each,
 one for one value of (a,b) and two each for the others.

  What would the formulation be in that case?

 I think I'll let you do the math.
 Each constraint will be tight at three of the extreme points.
 That gives you three equations in four variables.
 Scaling is allowed, so one of the variables may be fixed.
 Check to make sure that the other extreme points satisfy the constraint.
 If some slacks are positive and others negative,
 the facet you have been deriving is invalid.
 If all are nonpositive and three are zero, then the direction is wrong.

 Note that you do not have to use constant bounds.
 If the bounds depend on (a,b) that is just fine.
 The narrower the bounds, the tighter the linear relaxation will be.
 Narrowing bounds might be worth considerable effort.

 ][Michael Hennebry wrote:]

 the feasible sets of (a,b,c-d) and (a,b,c-e)
 have four extreme points.
 Their convex hulls are tetrahedra.

  ]Yaron Kretchmer wrote:

  Now I'd like to be able to model conditional non-binary variables. Does

 ]]][Yaron Kretchmer wrote:]

  anybody know how to formulate this in mathprog?

 --Begin Description ---
 *) a,b are binary
 *) c,d,e is continuous.
 *) I'd like c to be
   - 0 if a=b=0
   - d if a=0,b=1
   - e if a=1,b=0
   - 0 if a=b=1
 --End Description

 Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
 Optimist:   The glass is half full.
 Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

2009-10-12 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi There.
Using feedback I got from the mailing list, I was able to formulate binary
conditional variables.

Now I'd like to be able to model conditional non-binary variables. Does
anybody know how to formulate this in mathprog?

--Begin Description ---
*) a,b are binary
*) c,d,e is continuous.
*) I'd like c to be
- 0 if a=b=0
- d if a=0,b=1
- e if a=1,b=0
- 0 if a=b=1
--End Description

Thanks much
Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

2009-10-12 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Thanks Larry. What I was looking for is for a way of forcing the C
variable to equal values per the truth table.

If C was binary I could achieve this by a series of inequalities without
big M, and I'm just wondering what would be the formulation for non-binary


On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:41 PM, D'Agostino, Larry - TX 
Larry.D' wrote:

  Try thinking in terms of a Big M or large variable method.  For instance…

 continuous variable expression  **  (some large number) (binary variable)

 so you may do

 expression = M * (a + b)

 where M is a very large number


 *From:* help-glpk-bounces+larry.d' [mailto:
 help-glpk-bounces+larry.d'agostinohelp-glpk-bounces%2Blarry.d%27agostino] *On Behalf Of *Yaron Kretchmer
 *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2009 3:24 PM
 *To:* help-glpk
 *Subject:* [Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

 Hi There.
 Using feedback I got from the mailing list, I was able to formulate binary
 conditional variables.

 Now I'd like to be able to model conditional non-binary variables. Does
 anybody know how to formulate this in mathprog?

 --Begin Description ---
 *) a,b are binary
 *) c,d,e is continuous.
 *) I'd like c to be
 - 0 if a=b=0
 - d if a=0,b=1
 - e if a=1,b=0
 - 0 if a=b=1
 --End Description

 Thanks much

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

2009-10-12 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Yes, but since b,d,e,a are all variables I can't just multiply.


On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:53 PM, D'Agostino, Larry - TX 
Larry.D' wrote:

  Sorry for double posting.

 Actually you might want to try something to the affect of

 c =  d*b + e*a


 *From:* help-glpk-bounces+larry.d' [mailto:
 help-glpk-bounces+larry.d'agostinohelp-glpk-bounces%2Blarry.d%27agostino] *On Behalf Of *D'Agostino, Larry - TX
 *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2009 3:42 PM
 *To:* Yaron Kretchmer; help-glpk
 *Subject:* RE: [Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

 Try thinking in terms of a Big M or large variable method.  For instance…

 continuous variable expression  **  (some large number) (binary variable)

 so you may do

 expression = M * (a + b)

 where M is a very large number


 *From:* help-glpk-bounces+larry.d' [mailto:
 help-glpk-bounces+larry.d'agostinohelp-glpk-bounces%2Blarry.d%27agostino] *On Behalf Of *Yaron Kretchmer
 *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2009 3:24 PM
 *To:* help-glpk
 *Subject:* [Help-glpk] More conditional variables fun

 Hi There.
 Using feedback I got from the mailing list, I was able to formulate binary
 conditional variables.

 Now I'd like to be able to model conditional non-binary variables. Does
 anybody know how to formulate this in mathprog?

 --Begin Description ---
 *) a,b are binary
 *) c,d,e is continuous.
 *) I'd like c to be
 - 0 if a=b=0
 - d if a=0,b=1
 - e if a=1,b=0
 - 0 if a=b=1
 --End Description

 Thanks much

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Problem glpk using mysql, error string literal too long.

2009-10-10 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Can this be changed? Limitations on string lengths are a bit passe IMHO, in
the era of C++ and STL


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

  I have problem with glpk debian package in Lenny in discusses with
  help-glpk list, I receive sugestions to change constant in
  src/glpmpl.h file to MAX_LENGTH 1000 according as email following

 MAX_LENGTH (in glpmpl.h) must not be greater than 255; this is limited
 by underlying data structure (DMP) used to store character strings.

 Help-glpk mailing list

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] very small infeas= values in glpsol

2009-10-10 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Thanks Andrew.
How can you tell that the model is degenerate? (and what does degenerate

Also, how do I use the cutting plane options?


On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 12:29 AM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

  I'm solving a semiconductor routing problem, and running glpsol, I'm
  running into very long solution times, accompanied by very small
  infeasibility numbers.

  Some questions:
  *) What do the infeasibility numbers mean? Does it matter that they're
  very small?

 Once a next node subproblem is selected, the mip solver uses the dual
 simplex to find optimal solution to its lp relaxation. If the solution
 takes more than 5 seconds, the underlying simplex solver starts terminal
 output to prevent a dead screen, so you see something like this:

 . . .
 +129044: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(14; 9)
 |130400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (664)
 |130600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (663)
 |130800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 1.988e-014 (662)
 |131000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (662)
 . . .

 'infeas' is the sum of scaled dual infeasibilities usually reported
 by the glpk simplex solvers. Normally it must be close to zero, because
 on re-optimization the current basic solution is always dual feasible
 within a working precision.

  *) Is there a way/runtime-option I can use to speed up the solution

 Your instance seems to be highly degenerate and therefore hard for
 the glpk mip solver. You could try either reformulating it or using
 cutting plane options.

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Re: GLPK vs. SCIP for solving MIP Click to flag this post

2009-10-03 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Yes, I've checked it out. It's similar in concept , but has some differences
  -I do not believe you get database connectivity with Zimpl
  - Zimpl allowes you to  model if-then-else relationships between
variable, dealing with the conditional variables under the hood,
whereas GLPK forces you to make everything explicit.

The path Mathprog-GLPK-LP-SCIP works fine.


On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Tawny Owl wrote:
 I've grown used to GMPL,

 I haven't used it myself, but the modelling language Zimpl, which can be
 used with SCIP, appears to have similarities with MathProg.

 Use Hotmail to send and receive mail from your different email accounts.
 Find out how.
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Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] GLPK vs. SCIP for solving MIP

2009-10-02 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Excellent suggestion.
I followed your advice, translated into LP, and got scip to solve my
problem (with no extra settings) in less than 20min.

I also tried writing out to MPS (both wmps and freemps), but for some
reason scip produced incorrect results.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Ali Baharev wrote:

 SCIP implements more heuristics than GLPK. In certain cases this can
 make a significant difference.

 Why don't you just use GLPK to translate your GMPL model into cplex
 lp format and than use SCIP to solve that?

 In this way you do not have to learn anything new.

 Of course, you have to find the proper settings to make SCIP solve
 your problems quickly.

 Good luck,


Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] very small infeas= values in glpsol

2009-09-28 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All.
I'm solving a semiconductor routing problem, and running glpsol, I'm
running into very long solution times, accompanied by very small
infeasibility numbers.

Some questions:
*) What do the infeasibility numbers mean? Does it matter that they're
very small?
*) Is there a way/runtime-option I can use to speed up the solution times?


Here's an example:
Begin Example---
c:\gusek\glpsol.exe --mostf -m ..--cuts
Reading model section from Sep26_Giles_mcf.mod...
Reading data section from Sep26_Giles_mcf.mod...
3856 lines were read
Generating obj...
Model has been successfully generated
ipp_basic_tech:  276317 row(s) and 221492 column(s) removed
ipp_reduce_bnds: 1 pass(es) made, 0 bound(s) reduced
ipp_basic_tech:  0 row(s) and 0 column(s) removed
ipp_reduce_coef: 1 pass(es) made, 0 coefficient(s) reduced
glp_intopt: presolved MIP has 58300 rows, 34866 columns, 163658 non-zeros
glp_intopt: 34866 integer columns, all of which are binary
 A: min|aij| = 1.000e+000  max|aij| = 1.000e+000  ratio = 1.000e+000
Problem data seem to be well scaled
Constructing initial basis...
Size of triangular part = 58300
Solving LP relaxation...
  0: obj =  0.0e+000  infeas = 1.532e+003 (0)
* 20600: obj =  2.33000e+002  infeas = 2.545e-015 (0)
* 20682: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 2.643e-015 (0)
Integer optimization begins...
Gomory's cuts enabled
MIR cuts enabled
Cover cuts enabled
Clique cuts enabled
Creating the conflict graph...
The conflict graph is either empty or too big
+ 20682: mip = not found yet =  +inf(1; 0)
| 22200: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 1.517e-013 (0)
| 22400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 7.154e-014 (0)
| 22600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 5.790e-016 (0)
| 22800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 2.508e-014 (0)
| 23000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 3.359e-014 (0)
+124073: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(14; 9)
Time used: 999.5 secs.  Memory used: 763.1 Mb.
|125200: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (709)
|125400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 5.262e-014 (708)
|125600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 2.227e-015 (708)
|125800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (708)
|126000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (708)
|126200: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 8.301e-014 (698)
|126202: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 8.301e-014 (698)
+126202: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(14; 9)
|127400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (693)
|127600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (693)
|127800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (693)
|128000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (693)
|128200: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (693)
|128400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 4.223e-014 (693)
|128600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (681)
|128800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (677)
|129000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (677)
|129044: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (677)
+129044: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(14; 9)
|130400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (664)
|130600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (663)
|130800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 1.988e-014 (662)
|131000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (662)
|131075: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (662)
+131075: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(14; 9)
Time used: 1065.0 secs.  Memory used: 763.3 Mb.
|132400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 1.216e-014 (659)
|132600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (637)
|132800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (631)
|133000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (631)
|133102: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (631)
+133102: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(15; 9)
|134400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (719)
|134600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (716)
|134800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 1.084e-014 (716)
|135000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (714)
|135200: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 3.699e-014 (710)
|135275: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (709)
+135275: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(16; 9)
|136600: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (629)
|136800: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 5.870e-015 (629)
|137000: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (629)
|137045: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 4.670e-014 (629)
+137045: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002(15; 10)
|138400: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (627)
|138450: obj =  2.4e+002  infeas = 0.000e+000 (627)
+138450: mip = not found yet =  2.4e+002

[Help-glpk] modeling variable chains

2009-08-13 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All.

I'm working on a chip routing problem using LP, where you have
*) Some resources you need to connect
*) Some desirable combinations of resources (a.k.a paths) you want to
There is an X/Y array of locations for the resources.

I've modeled the resources, and created an array of binary variables which
describe whether a certain resource exists in a certain X/Y location.
I'm having difficulties modeling the paths. My difficulty is this:
- Each path maps to a pattern of resources (for instance R1-R2-R2-R1). I
can successfully describe the path contents (i.e. the fact that it contains
2 R1's, and 2 R2's), but how can I describe the order i.e. how do I capture
the fact the pattern has to contain adjacent resources (i.e. you don't want
a path to include disjoint resources that are spread around your chip, you
want resources that are in adjanct X/Y coordinates.

So my question:
*) How do I model the constraint that the resources mapping to a path need
to have consecutive X or Y coordinates?

Any help would be most welcome :)

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] modeling variable chains

2009-08-13 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Yes, I haven't thought of that- is that similar to eliminating subtours in

Thanks Michael.


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Michael Hennebry wrote:

 On Thu, 13 Aug 2009, Yaron Kretchmer wrote:

  I've modeled the resources, and created an array of binary variables which
 describe whether a certain resource exists in a certain X/Y location.
 I'm having difficulties modeling the paths. My difficulty is this:
 - Each path maps to a pattern of resources (for instance R1-R2-R2-R1).
 can successfully describe the path contents (i.e. the fact that it
 2 R1's, and 2 R2's), but how can I describe the order i.e. how do I
 the fact the pattern has to contain adjacent resources (i.e. you don't
 a path to include disjoint resources that are spread around your chip, you
 want resources that are in adjanct X/Y coordinates.

 So my question:
 *) How do I model the constraint that the resources mapping to a path need
 to have consecutive X or Y coordinates?

 This is a lot like finding a path in a sparse graph.
 Try having binary variables for the arcs instead of the nodes.

 Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
 Optimist:   The glass is half full.
 Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] logical operators

2009-08-12 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All
My apologies if this has been recently asked- I looked in the archives and
didn't find anything

a,b,c are binary variables.

I want c to be 1 if and only if a=b=1.  What Big-M forumlation do I need?

Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] Re: Fwd: Gusek question

2009-07-31 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Perfect- thanks Luiz.

As an example of why this is useful:

*) let's say that you wanted to automatically ftp the results of your solve
to a remote server every time you do a solve.
*) You would follow Luiz's advice below, with the line being'cmd /c ruby ftp_me.rb',1,true)

where ftp_me.rb is


require 'open-uri'


Then after every solve, the file gets automatically transferred. Nifty!


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Luiz M. M. Bettoni wrote:

  Hello, Yaron.

 One way to do that you want is using the properties files and some Lua
 In Gusek, select Options  Open User Options File.
 Paste the following four lines:

 command.go.$(file.patterns.gmpl)= dostring \
  if ($(opnout)~=) then scite.Open($(opnout)) end \
  if ($(opnbnd)~=) then scite.Open($(opnbnd)) end \'cmd /c mybatch.bat',1,true)

 1. The mybatch.bat file MUST reside in the same model folder or in your

 2. Please note that this will affect EVERY .mod file that you run in your
 Even if it is a glpk sample (not a good practice, ya?). To avoid this, you
 can use
 the Local Options File besides. It will create a file
 in the folder
 of the active model, and the change will affect only models in this same

 If you have interest, you can read more about SciTE and make better changes


 Yaron Kretchmer escreveu:

 Thanks Luiz.
 Can I change the gusek properties so that when I press the Go (shoes)
  1) glpsol.exe will be run
  2) After glpsol finishes, the batch.bat file is run

 If this is possible, how do I do it?


 On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Luiz Bettoni wrote:

 Hi, Yaron.

 Gusek was made like a fork of the SciTE editor dedicated to GLPK.
 So, you can use SciTE native resources like:

 A) Edit / include menus to run external tools /scripts
 See Menu options - open

 B) Use Lua Scripting

 C) Directly run batch files
 Open a batch file in Gusek then run it.
 For example: you can run a custom batch file from Gusek,
 calling glpsol.exe to solve your model, and then performing another tasks,
 like this:

 glpsol.exe --cuts -m test.mod
 call mybatch.bat
 delete *.tmp

 The batch output will be show in the Gusek output pane.

 Tip: you can use GMPL to generate dynamic batch files too, echoing
 commands like below, and call them from another batch file.

 param myfile symbolic := test.bat;
 printf echo off\n  myfile;
 printf echo Hello, there!\n  myfile;
 printf pause\n  myfile;

 Wish this tips helps.


 Yaron Kretchmer escreveu:

 Here's a Gusek question for you: Can I specify a post-processing script
 (like a shell script ) that will be run once Gusek is done solving?

 Regards from California


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Yaron Kretchmer
 Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:36 AM
 Subject: Gusek question

 Hi There.
 I'd like to run a post-processing script (i.e. some shell script of
 windows batch) after GLPK has been run, so as the results are better
 formatted. Is there a hook in Gusek to do that?


Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] 2D packing with linear programming

2009-07-24 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All.
Here's a model I wrote to do 2D packing with linear programming, including
some examples of packing squares. Reason to use linear programming is that
packing is just a part of a bigger algorithm I'm writing, but I was so
pleased with myself for coming up with the packing part that i decided to
share it :)

I'm interested in getting feedback on whether there are programatic changes
that would speed up the runtime, or any suggestions on improving the code.

Also, I noticed that the runtime drops signifcantly when using --mostf . Is
that a coincidence?


Description: Binary data
Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Implementing conditional amount constraints using binary variables

2009-06-03 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
a,b should be positive

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 12:19 AM, L Sundaravalli sundar1...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Are values of a and b restricted - or they can be 0 or +ve or -ve?


 --- On *Wed, 6/3/09, Yaron Kretchmer* wrote:

 From: Yaron Kretchmer
 Subject: Re: [Help-glpk] Implementing conditional amount constraints using
 binary variables
 To: L Sundaravalli
 Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 12:11 PM

 Thanks Sundar, but won't that formulation allow for (for instance), b=5,
 a=4, which doesn't meet my criteria?


 On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:13 PM, L Sundaravalli 


 Assuming your b is positive, this should work:

 b - a = 0



 --- On *Wed, 6/3/09, Yaron Kretchmer 
 * wrote:

 From: Yaron Kretchmer 
 Subject: [Help-glpk] Implementing conditional amount constraints using
 binary variables
 Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 9:54 AM

 Hi All.
 I would like to implement the following condition on two variables:
 *) If the amount of variable *a* is greater than 0, then the amount of
 variable *b* needs to be equal to that of a.
 *) If the amount of variable a is zero, then the amount of variable b is
 not restricted.

 I have a hunch this can be done with binary helper variables *a_bin,b_bin
 *which describe if a0 and b0, but I can't find a way of describing the

 Any insights welcome


 -Inline Attachment Follows-

 Help-glpk mailing list

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Implementing conditional amount constraints using binary variables

2009-06-03 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Both a and b can be bounded by a  large M.
So let me reformulate my problem:

0 = a = M

if a  0 : a=b

if a=0 : 0=b=M


On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:

 On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Yaron Kretchmer wrote:

  I would like to implement the following condition on two variables:
 *) If the amount of variable *a* is greater than 0, then the amount of
 variable *b* needs to be equal to that of a.

 How much greater?
 Absent a finite number, I suspect that there is no MILP representation.
 If there is only one such pair of variables,
 the best solution might be to represent it as two separate problems.

  *) If the amount of variable a is zero, then the amount of variable b is

 Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
 Optimist:   The glass is half full.
 Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Implementing conditional amount constraints using binary variables

2009-06-03 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi Xypron
Perfect- this works.
How did you come up with that notation?  (I mean, except for experience :)


On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Xypron wrote:

 Hello Yaron,

 param M := 1000;
 var a, =0, = M;
 var b, =0, = M;
 var x, binary;

 minimize opt: a - .3 * b;
 s.t. c0: a = x * M;
 s.t. c1: a - b = ( 1 - x ) * M;
 s.t. c2: b - a = ( 1 - x ) * M;

 display a, b, x;

 Best regards


 Yaron Kretchmer wrote:

 Both a and b can be bounded by a  large M.
 So let me reformulate my problem:

 0 = a = M

 if a  0 : a=b

 if a=0 : 0=b=M


Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] Implementing conditional amount constraints using binary variables

2009-06-02 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All.
I would like to implement the following condition on two variables:
*) If the amount of variable *a* is greater than 0, then the amount of
variable *b* needs to be equal to that of a.
*) If the amount of variable a is zero, then the amount of variable b is not

I have a hunch this can be done with binary helper variables
*a_bin,b_bin *which
describe if a0 and b0, but I can't find a way of describing the

Any insights welcome

Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] mipgap accuracy and distance from optimal result

2009-04-27 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
I'm curious about the results glpsol displays during integer optimization-
What is the relationship (if any) between the percentage displayed, and the
distance of the result from the optimal.
So, for instance, if during MIP optimization I see this line

* 1285: mip =  1.825885747e+000 =  1.667684907e+000   8.7% (74; 1728)*

* * Is there a relationship between the 8.7% number and the distance between
the current best solution(1.825...) and the optimum?

Thanks much
Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] mipgap accuracy and distance from optimal result

2009-04-27 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Great- thanks Andrew.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

  I #39;m curious about the results glpsol displays during integer
  optimization- What is the relationship (if any) between the percentage
  displayed, and the distance of the result from the optimal.
  So, for instance, if during MIP optimization I see this line

   1285: mip =  1.825885747e+000 =  1.667684907e+000   8.7% (74; 1728)

Is there a relationship between the 8.7% number and the distance
  between the current best solution(1.825...) and the optimum?

 The percentage says that the current objective value 1.825885747e+000
 cannot decrease (or increase, in case of maximization) more than on
 8.7% of 1.825885747e+000 ~= 0.159. This means the same that the optimal
 solution cannot be better than 1.667684907e+000, but expressed in %%.

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] how to make matrix multiply with mathprog

2009-02-24 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Any thoughts on how to how to model sparse matrix multiplication? this is
usually with linked lists, but I'm sure that there's a smart way to use sets
to do the modeling


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:29 AM, xypron wrote:


 hhb83 wrote:
  I still could not work it out. Here, the Up,i is var, so should I take
  Xp,i as param or var? If param, it always said expression following :=
  has invalid type. And if I define it as var, and take the formulation as
  constraint like this:
  s.t. position{i in I, j in J, m in K}: X[i,j,m] = if i==1 then X0[j,m]
  else sum{k in K} A[m,k]*X[i-1,j,k] + B[m,k]*U[i-1,j,k];

 you can find a working example below.

 Best regards


 # hhb83: how to make matrix multiply with mathprog
 set I := {1..9};
 set J := {1..3};
 set K := {1..3};
 set M := {1..3};
 param A{j in J, k in K};
 param B{j in J, k in K};
 param X0{j in J, k in K};
 param U{i in I, j in J, k in K};
 param X{i in I, j in J, m in M} :=
  if i==1 then X0[j,m] else sum{k in K} ( A[m,k]*X[i-1,j,k] +
 B[m,k]*U[i-1,j,k] );
 display X;
 param A: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9;
 param B: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9;
 param X0: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9;
 param U:=
  [1,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [2,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [3,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [4,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [5,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [6,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [7,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [8,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9
  [9,*,*]: 1 2 3 :=
  1 1 2 3
  2 4 5 6
  3 7 8 9;

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 Sent from the Gnu - GLPK - Help mailing list archive at

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Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] The good enough set covering problem

2009-02-09 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Thank you Andrew- I implemented your advice and it works fine.

Regarding the problem size- are we talking about memory limitations?  (I'll
be using a 64bit machine with 32G RAM)

Thanks again

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

  I have a problem to solve at work  which at best can be described as a
  good enough set covering problem. I #39;m appreciate the forum #39;s
  advice on how to tackle it. Coming from an engineering background, my
  nomenclature may be deficient- my apologies for that.

  So here goes:
  *) As with a regular set covering problem, I have a large domain (
  up to 600K elements) which should be covered by a small set of groups
  (out of a maximum of about 1000 different groups).

 Please note that your problem may be hard for glpk due to its size.

   The good enough part
  is that it is not mandatory to cover the entire domain - we just need to
  cover most of the domain (most is defined as a percentage of the
  number of elements in the domain, and given as a parameter to the
  *) I came up with a formulation of the classic set covering problem
  (enclosed) , but am struggling on how to convert it to a good enough
  covering problem.

 You need to relax the covering constraints. For example:

   s.t. covers{m in Ys}: sum{r in Z} A[r,m]*Route[r] = z[m];
   s.t. foo: sum{m in Ys}: z[m] = percentage * card(Ys);

 where z[m] is a binary variable: z[m] = 1, if set m is covered, and 0

  *) Also, what command-line options are recommended for solving set
  covering problems? Are there any gotchas I should be aware of (except for
  set covering being NP complete? (^_^) )

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] The good enough set covering problem

2009-02-09 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Got it.
What influences the runtime - the number of sets, or the size of the domain?

The reason I'm asking is that it's pretty easy to break the domain up into
smaller domains, find good coverages for each of the smaller domains, then
take a union of all the resulting minimum sets. Optimality is not a
requirement here, just a good enough solution.


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

  Regarding the problem size- are we talking about memory limitations?
  (I #39;ll be using a 64bit machine with 32G RAM)

 No. The glpk mip solver may take too long time to solve your problem
 to optimality.

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] [annonce] ffi-glpk extension demonstrator for jruby

2009-01-27 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Will that work with  Ruby MRI as well?


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Diamantini Maurice wrote:

 Bonjour à tous,

 I'm trying to test a new extension provide with jruby which allows
 to write a binding for a C library directly in ruby without
 writing a C line of code.
 This (ffi) extension is now part of the standard Jruby version.
 That allows to use mixing of java library (like choco constraint
 solver), C extensions (like glpk) directly in (j)ruby code.

 As Pierre asked (on the Glpk list) for a java or other binding
 for Glpk, I write this pseudo-annonce although ffi-glpk is just
 a demonstrator for now.
 But it allows to write the glpk documentation minimal example
 in **full (j)ruby** code!

 The demonstrator is available at :

 The code provided is the mimimum for writing the glpk doc mini
 example in ruby.

 Hope this help,
 -- Maurice Diamantini

 Here is the README :
 ## what is it

 This directory contains a test exemple to validate Glpk interface to
 thanks to the new ffi Ruby package.

- Glpk is the Gnu Library tookit for Linear Programming written in C
  by Andrew Makhorin,

- Ruby is a wonderfull true objet oriented programming scripting
  written in C

- JRuby is a Ruby (100% compatible) version written in Java and fully
  supported by Sun. It is also fully integrated with the java world and
  as fast as the new native Ruby-1.9 version

- FFI is a new package which allow to write 100% Ruby interface to C
  library!! FFI is currently fully integrated with JRuby language.
  and can be installed for Ruby native language.

 ## The provided exemple allow to solve the following problem :

max z = 10x1 + 6x2 + 4x3
   x1 +  x2 +  x3 = 100
 10x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 = 600
  2x1 + 2x2 + 6x3 = 300

  x1 = 0
  x2 = 0
  x3 = 0

 This directory contains :
 - a file miniglpk.c which is exactly the glpk exemple provide with the
  You should be able to test this programme to make sure glpk is installed
  your system, but a compilator is not required for using glpk from (J)ruby

 - a file ffi-glpk.rb wich contains the minimum for writing the low level
  API used in the tutorial example,

 - the file mini_glpk.rb which is the the ruby version of the tutorial.

 ## Execution of the test the C version

 For compiling and running the C exemple, you should set two environment
 variables :

 - GLPK_LIB should be set the path were the library file or
  libglpk.dylib is located,
  For sample
export GLPK_LIB=/usr/local/lib

 - GLPK_INCLUDE should be set the path were the library file glpk.h
  is located
  For sample
export GLPK_LIB=/usr/local/lib

 Then compile by:
gcc -I$GLPK_INCLUDE -L$GLPK_LIB -l glpk -o mini_glpk mini_glpk.c
 and run by:
 The following result should appear:

* 0: obj =   0.0e+00  infeas =  0.000e+00 (0)
* 2: obj =   7.3e+02  infeas =  0.000e+00 (0)
z = 733.333; x1 = 33.; x2 = 66.6667; x3 = 0

 ## Execution the jruby test

 You should have the last jruby version (jruby-1.6) which contains
 FFI out of the box, or ruby and install ffi with
   gem install ffi (not tested)

 Also, the glpk lib should be discover aumoticaly on osx leopard or recent
 linux distrib, but for now, you can specify the path path (i.e. bu
 using the  previous GLPK_LIB variable.
 See the start ffi-glpk.rb if you have problems

   then run

 It's all !

 ## Remark about the ffi-glpk.rb interface file

 This kind of file could become the low level interface to the glpk

 It seems that the FFI community converge to the idea that there should
 be one standard **low** level interface to a C library. It is essentialy
 a sort of mapping of the include file and should be easy to maintain
 (ideally automically generated from the include file).

 Then it could exist several higher level API to make this interface more
 Object Oriented ou more Ruby frendly.

 ## ./

 Help-glpk mailing list

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] How to analyze which constraint (or combination of constraints) is causing the model to become unsolvable?

2009-01-14 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Great idea Ali - Thanks.

Would the following work :
*) Create companion binary variables to the xp,xn debugging variables,
called bxp,bxn.
*) Each companion variable denotes whether the original debugging variables
are bigger than zero.
*) Try to minimize the sum of bxp + bxn.

That way , we would get the smallest subset of violating constraints, which
might help ease debugging.

Do you think that makes sense?


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Ali Baharev wrote:


 I am afraid it is ambiguous which constraints are causing the trouble.

 You could probably try the following. Introduce two new continuous
 variables xp = 0 and xn = 0 to each constraint. For example:

 x1 + 2 x2 = 3

 after introducing the variables

 x1 + 2 x2 + (xp - xn) = 3

 and change the objective function:

 minimize: sum xp + sum xn

 This problem must have a solution. For those constraints which are
 violated the corresponding xp or xn will not equal zero. Unfortunately
 it may turn out that all constraints are violated... If you are lucky
 there will be only a few constraints with non-zero xp and xn

 Good luck,


Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] How to analyze which constraint (or combination of constraints) is causing the model to become unsolvable?

2009-01-14 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Thanks Ali.
If finding the minimal set of conflicting constraints is a well known
problem, are there any solutions provided in GLPK for it? Or is this outside
of the scope of GLPK? And if it is, what other tools could be used to find
out the minimal set?


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Ali Baharev wrote:

  Do you think that makes sense?

 If i were you i would try the proposal without binary variables. Maybe
 it turns out that there is only one violated constraint.

  *) Each companion variable denotes whether the original debugging
  are bigger than zero.

 Well, i do not know anything about your problem but i am afraid it
 would result in a big M formulation.

 If you have thousands of constraints, it would yield thousands of new
 binary variables.

 Please do not forget the fact that the conflicting constraints are

 Please also keep in mind that we are re-inventing the wheel, i.e.
 finding the minimal set of conflicting constraints is a well-known

 Good luck,


Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] How to analyze which constraint (or combination of constraints) is causing the model to become unsolvable?

2009-01-14 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Thanks much Lou! I'll do that

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Lou Hafer wrote:


Try You
 want to contact John directly, this is one of his interests.


 Help-glpk mailing list

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Splitting one model into several files

2009-01-12 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Thanks Oscar- I managed to get this to work as you advised.


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:42 AM, Oscar Gustafsson wrote:

 Hi Yaron!

 As far as I know glpsol only deals with one model. Since a rather recent
 version it can multiple data files though.

 The solution would probably be to use some sort of file system
 concatenation of the files, which would depend on the operating system you
 are using. (for linux: cat file1.mod file2.mod ...  allfiles.mod)



Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] Splitting one model into several files

2009-01-07 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi There.
I'm working on a complex model in mathprog, and would like to split into
several files which will be later on combined by a top-level model - how can
I do that i.e. how do I include portions of a model from the top level? any
examples would be most welcome.

Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] Displaying non-zero values only

2008-10-25 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All.
I'm solving a diet problem, and would like to display only the values of
foods which have non-zero quantities.
I'm using tables to formulate both input and output, so any information
which would enable me to write just the non-zero variables to a table would
be most appreciated.

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Displaying non-zero values only

2008-10-25 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
This works- perfect!

Thanks Xypron


On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 8:52 PM, xypron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Yaron,

 set I := 1..8;
 set J := 1..8;
 set A dimen 3 := { (3, 4, 2), (7, 8, 1) };
 var v{i in I, j in J}, = 0;
 minimize sum : sum{i in I, j in J} v[i,j];
 s.t. constraint {(i,j,x) in A}:
  v[i,j] =  x;
 table result { i in I, j in J : v[i,j]  0 } OUT 'iODBC'
  'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS yaron_result'
  'CREATE TABLE yaron_result (i INT, j INT, v INT )'
  'yaron_result' :
  i, j, v[i,j];
 printf Non-zero results\n;
 for { i in I, j in J : v[i,j]  0 }
  printf v[%d, %d] = %d\n, i, j, v[i,j];

 Best regards


 kretch wrote:
  Hi All.
  I'm solving a diet problem, and would like to display only the values of
  foods which have non-zero quantities.
  I'm using tables to formulate both input and output, so any information
  which would enable me to write just the non-zero variables to a table
  be most appreciated.

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Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] Sparse matrix representation in GLPK?

2008-06-19 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi There
For a VLSI application, I'm trying to solve a variant of the warehouse
location problem. My problem stems from the fact that there are ~5K
customers and warehouses, which translates into a 5K by 5K matrix. This
leads me to wonder whether GLPK supports some sort of sparse matrix
representation, one which support mathprog matrix multiplcations etc. ?

Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] How to generate glpk DLL with visuall C++ 2008 express edition?

2008-04-27 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All
I'm trying to compile glpk as a DLL so I can integrate it with Ruby.
Can anyone share experiences of doing that?


Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] glpk on a machine with little memory

2008-01-15 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi All
I have a large model which I want to run on a machine with small amount of
memory (80M), which leads to xmalloc errors.
Is there a way of capping memory consumption (i.e. by caching to disk)? I
realize this would impact performance.

Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] complex constraints in glpk

2007-08-21 Thread Yaron Kretchmer
Hi all

Is it possible to capture constraints of the form

max(a,b) - min(c,d)  X or max(e,f) - min(g,h)  Y

in glpk?

Thanks much
Help-glpk mailing list

[Help-glpk] 2D packing problem glpk?

2007-05-28 Thread Yaron Kretchmer

Hi There
Has anyone used glpk to solve a 2D packing problem? Any pointers/code would
be most welcome

Help-glpk mailing list

Re: [Help-glpk] Compiling results: Clueless

2007-05-17 Thread Yaron Kretchmer

Use PERL's Excel package- you can split the results into multiple pages,
each with 64K lines

Good luck

On 5/17/07, Andrew Makhorin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am really impressed with GnuMathProg - I prepare the datafile
 through and excel interface I slapped together and outputs with
 another excel workbook. However, my results files are getting so
 big that excel bombs (I am over 65000 lines) is there an easy way of
 sorting and sticking the results into some database? If there is
 please let me know.

Glpk has no database/spreadsheet interface. However, you can easily
write it using glpk api routines, if necessary.

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