Heroku config command

2009-04-16 Thread aaron_campos

% heroku config:add key=val
is not additive.  It removes previous keys if they are not all
specified on the commandline above.  is that intentional?  Seems like
a bug, to me.  Just wanted to let you guys know.

Keep up the great work!

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Heroku console

2009-04-16 Thread Robert Sköld

The heroku console can be a real time saver sometimes, just like the
rails script/console. The magic about the heroku console is that it
also works on a non-rails application like sinatra (any rack served
app maybe?).

I wonder, is there any way of doing the same thing locally on a
sinatra/rack application?


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Re: Trouble with hoptoad

2009-04-16 Thread Dan Croak
This should have been fixed in this commit:


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Ryan Tomayko r...@heroku.com wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 8:44 PM, shenry stuarthe...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have this same problem, Hoptoad will correctly send a message after
  heroku rake hoptoad:test but if I create an exception manually I get
  Hoptoad Success: Net::HTTPOK
  Rendering /disk1/home/slugs/2185_8e050c1_3bb1/mnt/public/500.html (500
  Internal Server Error)
  Any ideas?

 There's an open bug in the hoptoad plugin. Full detail below but the
 quick workaround is to add async. to the environment_filters in
 config/initializers/hoptoad.rb as follows:

HoptoadNotifier.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = 'YOUR KEY'
  config.environment_filters  'async.'

 This causes the notifier to remove any matching keys before building
 the YAML payload to send to hoptoad.

 Here's my original write up on the issue. I'm under the impression
 that the thoughtbot folks are aware of this. Maybe someone on the list
 can bring it to the right person's attention:

 This issue occurs when there are complex objects in the request
 environment. The hoptoad plugin builds a POST body to send to the
 hoptoad server by converting the session, environment, request,
 backtrace, and error_message into YAML. Heroku loads a special version
 of Thin that places two special variables in the environment:
 async.callback and async.close. These are both Proc/Method objects
 but could theoretically be any object not directly serializeable to
 YAML. When these objects are converted to YAML, they look like this:
 async.callback: !ruby/object:Method {}

 I assume some kind of deserialization exception is occurring on the
 hoptoad server when an attempt is made to parse the YAML. The right
 fix is probably to adjust the following code in the hoptoad plugin:

 def clean_non_serializable_data(notice) #:nodoc:
  notice.select{|k,v| serializable?(v) }.inject({}) do |h, pair|
h[pair.first] = pair.last.is_a?(Hash) ?
 clean_non_serializable_data(pair.last) : pair.last

 def serializable?(value) #:nodoc:
  !(value.is_a?(Module) || value.kind_of?(IO))

 The serializable? check should probably be a whitelist of allowed
 value types instead of a blacklist of disallowed value types. Adding
 Method/Proc to the current list of disallowed types would also solve
 this issue but it will happen again with some other object. It's
 becoming a very common pattern in Rack to add various types of objects
 to the environment.



Dan Croak

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