2008-02-20 Thread Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM
Lizette Koehler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a fairly active system.  Stuff going on all the time.  But when
I look in my SYSLOG/OPERLOG I notice that I do not see a time stamp for
several minutes.  If this system was not active, I could understand the
 Does anyone have any thoughts as to why that might be?
  2008046 11:22:37.53
  2008046 11:22:37.57  
  2008046 11:22:52.05
  2008046 11:22:52.31 
  2008046 11:22:52.59
  2008046 11:25:58.65
  2008046 11:25:58.67  -- 
  2008046 11:26:49.66  --
  2008046 11:27:26.17  --
  2008046 11:28:14.67  --  And starts again
  2008046 11:28:14.67
  2008046 11:28:14.67
  2008046 11:28:14.68
  2008046 11:28:14.67
  2008046 11:28:14.98
  2008046 11:28:18.19
  2008046 11:28:18.27
  2008046 11:28:18.27
  2008046 11:28:18.27
  2008046 11:28:18.28
  2008046 11:28:18.47
  2008046 11:28:18.96


There is something else you might look into: I think I remember that
messages for the operator console(s) appear in syslog and are
timestamped at the moment the messages is displayed on the console. So
if the console is full and does not recieve messages, these messages are
held up until the operator clears the screen. If no other (non-console)
messages are produced in that interval, this might explain the gap in

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Re: dsntype large and ftp or c/c++

2008-02-20 Thread Jan MOEYERSONS
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 13:54:41 +0100, Barbara Nitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We just learned the hard way that in our installation it is impossible to
ftp a dsnytpe=large dataset with a primary allocation 64K to IBM. The
'normal' ftp (not 

Dear Barbara,

I don't know about the dsntype=large, but I can tell you that only a few
days ago, I transferred through FTP a dataset of several megabytes from out
of the mainframe (zOS 1.6) to a Windows server without any problem and
without loosing a single byte.

I guess there must be some constraint set on the receiving end. You say you
transfer 'to IBM'; maybe you should ask their system administrator to allow
you to send bigger files?



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2008-02-20 Thread Peter Relson
Dynamic LPA processing will typically do no better and no worse than any
other fetch that was targeted to the LNKLST. It is quite possible that the
problem is due to what the posts have indicated, namely (typically)
something now in in an extent that is not part of the LNKLST that your
space has defined.

However, for releases prior to z/OS 1.9, there is a bug that is being fixed
(at z/OS 1.7 and z/OS 1.8) when you have multiple LNKLST sets involved and
the operation is not occurring within a space for which the IPL-time LNKLST
is that space's LNKLST.  (The supported case of this is when a new LNKLST
set was activated, and then a newly started job or address space uses the
CSVDYLPA programming interface. I say it that way because it could also
happen if you used the unpredicatably dangerous LNKLST UPDATE operation to
update the LNKLST for ASID=1 and then issued the SETPROG LPA command or its
analog via SET PROG=xx).
APAR OA24903 has been taken for this problem, and a ++APAR is available.

The basic explanation of the processing problem is that the system ends up
doing things partly with one DCB/DEB (the one for the LNKLST current for
the issuing address space) and partly with another DCB/DEB (the one for the

As has been stated, you can use the DSNAME or DDNAME parameters of CSVDYLPA
and avoid this problem even know.

Alternately (and this really is the intended thing to do, not refreshing
LLA), have someone create a new LNKLST set just like the old one and
activate it and then start your application.

For example,

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design
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Re: HTTPD Roots (was: Linux zSeries questions) + jinsight

2008-02-20 Thread Aaron Walker
According to the WebSphere InfoCenter

Note: IBM HTTP Server for z/OS, which is provided with WebSphere Application
Server, is different from the Version 5.3 HTTP Server for z/OS, which is
provided with the z/OS base operating system and is not powered by Apache.
The information contained within the IBM HTTP Server product documentation
pertains to IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server, not the
Version 5.3 HTTP Server.

You can install the IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server product
on z/OS systems. Order the Version 6.1 PTF for WebSphere Application Server
that contains the IBM HTTP Server for z/OS to get started.

I believe I saw another announcement about how to order this without WAS,
but I can't locate it.  Go figure.

More on the Apache-based version in

Abstract: For many years IBM has provided an HTTP Server for the z/OS
operating system. That HTTP Server was based on an earlier HTTP Server
called the “Domino Go Webserver,” and for that reason it is sometimes
referred to informally as “DGW.” More often it was referred to as “the HTTP
Server” or “IHS.” Lately that HTTP Server has been delivered as part of the
base operating system. It is currently at the V5R3 level. In 2006 IBM
released a different HTTP Server for z/OS. This was based on the open source
Apache web server, and extended to be z/OS-aware. This web server is known
as the “IBM HTTP Server for z/OS Powered by Apache.” That is presently at
Version V6R1. Future functional enhancements will be made to this HTTP
Server on z/OS. The purpose of this document is to make you aware of this
new IBM HTTP Server for z/OS and help you understand how to acquire it and
use it.


And, of course, there is the documentation for the DGW-based HTTP server
which some of us know and love (or hate) - SC34-4826-09 (for the z/OS V1R9

And, as a side note, for you WAS on z/OSers, IBM has publicly (re)released
Jinsight (, which, I can say
as an ex-IBMer, was an *awesome* tool.  It could be used on any platform
before, and perhaps this one can too, but they are only advertising it to
the z-crowd.  Not sure why. 


 o How many HTTP servers does IBM supply for z/OS?
Currently, only one: IBM HTTP Server (IHS).  WAS is not a web server, it is
a Web Application Server, i.e., a J2EE monster.

 o Which one(s) are Apache-derived?

Since there's only one, all of them.  :)  If you go back and do some Google
searches, you'll likely find the various stories of how IBM got involved
with open source software to start with.  To summarize, they decided it was
silly to continue to develop/maintain an IBM web server when Apache was
already being used by 60% of the world.  The Apache license allows you to
take their source, modify it, and turn around and license the package for
profit, which is what they've done.  They think of it as their mods adding
value to the whole package, making it worth people paying for.

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Re: dsntype large and ftp or c/c++

2008-02-20 Thread Barbara Nitz

I don't know about the dsntype=large, but I can tell you that only a few
days ago, I transferred through FTP a dataset of several megabytes from 
out of the mainframe (zOS 1.6) to a Windows server without any problem and
without loosing a single byte.
I guess there must be some constraint set on the receiving end. You say 
you transfer 'to IBM'; maybe you should ask their system administrator to
allow you to send bigger files?

No, this was definitely no resource constraint. FTP *without* uk28004 (1.8) 
does NOT support dsntype=large (basically a primary allocation that is bigger 
than 64K trks). Once I had found the apar/ptf (artfully hidden using the normal 
search words), and we had it installed, the ftp went through without a problem. 
The terse before that didn't work, either (rc99), it abended after the limit of 
a mod3 was hit. I had to get amaterse installed in order to be able to compress 
my 8000cyl to 4000cyl.

Thanks for reminding me to put out the solution to this. 

Best regards, Barbara
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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread R.S.

No one answered, so I'll try:
Your assumption about DSORG = '' is not safe.
Go, figure with allocation of PDS.
I would recommend to add DSORG parameter to your JCL.
Your SMS routines will be easier and - last but not least - you won't 
have zombie datasets. I mean a dataset with DSORG=NONE. Such dataset 
is created when it is allocated on disk, but never opened. Instead of 
DCB=(), and BLKSIZE=0 parameters which are absolutely unneeded add 

Caution: zombie datasets are not subject to migration processing 
(assuming DFSMSHSM). They occupy your best DASD space. Forever.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

Darth Keller wrote:

I've got a dataset allocated with the following JCL:
   // DISP=(NEW,CATLG), 
   // SPACE=(CYL,(9000,500),RLSE), 

The SMS code looks like:

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

  -  -  -  - 
  -  -  -  -
  WRITE 'DCN0900 ' DSN ' ' PGM ' ' DSORG ' ' DATACLAS 
  WRITE 'DCN1000 ' DSN ' ' PGM ' ' DSORG ' ' DATACLAS 

DCEXTEND is defined with 'extended addressability'  compaction.

The SYSOUT from the JOB shows:

It appears from the results from SMS dataclas assignment  the message 
output that the dataset is presenting to SMS with a blank DSORG.  Any 
ideas as to why or where this is documented?  Can I safely add a test for 
WHEN(DSORG EQ '')?   I know that I can have the applications add the 
DATACLAS to the JCL but they were trying to avoid JCL changes.   

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2008-02-20 Thread willie bunter
  Yes, the user pays 1 bill (10 year contract) which explains his 
requirements .
  The qualifiers from 1 to 6 are different which adds to my woes.  Some dsns 
have 4 qualifers, while others have 6.  The user is testing new CICS 
environments and needs certains dsn to be trapped by TMM.  I cannot use wild 
cards for the CICS environments because they too are different e.g. CICS4231, 
TESTCRO  DB2CICS etc etc etc.

Schwarz, Barry A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you really mean aliases? I though all ACS checking was performed
against the real DSN.

Based on the pretty strange requirements your users impose on you, I
have to believe they do not pay for your services (e.g., with
chargebacks) but your IT budget comes out of general overhead.

Are your dataset naming conventions really this flexible. Other than
user datasets starting with TSO ID, I don't think I could come up with
700+ patterns until I got to the 8th or 9th qualifier.

-Original Message-
From: willie bunter [mailto:snip] 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 6:58 AM

Hallo All,

I have a request from a user to add about 730 aliases to a TMM
DATACLAS FILTLIST. I looked at the prospect of using High Level
Qualifiers but these dsns are not using the same dsn patterns. Since
SMS has a limit of 255 entries in a FLITLIST I have no choice but to
create several other FILTLISTs. The current TMM FILTLIST is as follows:

My modification to the existing DATCLAS would read as:



Would this be acceptable?

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Ganesh Rao
They would still need to change the JCL to include the directory blocks, 
correct ?


Darth Keller wrote:
 I've got a dataset allocated with the following JCL:

// SPACE=(CYL,(9000,500),RLSE),

 The SMS code looks like:

 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

   -  -  -  -
   -  -  -  -
   WRITE 'DCN0900 ' DSN ' ' PGM ' ' DSORG ' ' DATACLAS
   WRITE 'DCN1000 ' DSN ' ' PGM ' ' DSORG ' ' DATACLAS

 DCEXTEND is defined with 'extended addressability'  compaction.

 The SYSOUT from the JOB shows:
   41 IGD01007I DCN1000 

 It appears from the results from SMS dataclas assignment  the message
 output that the dataset is presenting to SMS with a blank DSORG.  Any
 ideas as to why or where this is documented?  Can I safely add a test for
 WHEN(DSORG EQ '')?   I know that I can have the applications add the
 DATACLAS to the JCL but they were trying to avoid JCL changes.

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ad-announcementEnterprise COBOL V4R1 support.

2008-02-20 Thread Steve Comstock

With Darren's kind permission, here is a recent
announcement that I sent to our opt-in list a
week or 10 days ago. Trying to keep any
announcements to no more than one a quarter.


We have updated our entire COBOL curriculum to
reflect changes in the compiler brought about
by V4R1. Some changes minor, some substantial.

The essence of the changes:

  * Expanded XML capabilities (invoke the
XML System Services support instead of
the XML support provided with the COBOL
runtime library) - this was the major
visible change

  * Ability to specify compiler options through
a DD statement (SYSOPTF)

  * Changed syntax for the TEST compile option

  * New compiler options XMLPARSE and OPTFILE

  * Removal of support for SIMVRD runtime option

In addition, since many of our courses are
multi-lingual (Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, and C),
these courses, too, have been modified when
and where appropriate. All in all, the updated

* Enterprise COBOL Update I: Essentials
* Enterprise COBOL Update II: Unicode and XML Support
* Structured COBOL Workshop for Enterprise COBOL
* Advanced Topics in COBOL (Enterprise COBOL, z/OS)
* VSAM for COBOL Programmers
* Enterprise COBOL Debugging and Maintenance

* Using LE Services in z/OS
* Secrets of Inter-Language Communication in z/OS

And while the courses below were not specifically
impacted by the changes to the compiler, we include
COBOL lectures and labs in them:

* Introduction to TSO and REXX APIs
* DB2 Application Programming
* DB2 Stored Procedures
* DB2 / CICS Interface
* CICS Command Level Coding
* Advanced CICS Command Level Coding
* CICS Program Debugging
* Interactive Multi-Language Debugging with Debug Tool
* Creating and Using DLLs in z/OS
* Developing Applications for z/OS UNIX
* Introduction to CGIs on z/OS
* WebSphere Developer for zSeries: Introduction

Now is a perfect time to get all your COBOL programmers
up to date!


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
* Our classes include
   + How things work
   + Programming examples with realistic applications
   + Starter / skeleton code
   + Complete working programs
   + Useful utilities and subroutines
   + Tips and techniques

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Re: SMP/E GIMCPTS Downward Compatibility

2008-02-20 Thread Kurt Quackenbush
Although it is theoretically possible for an instance of GIMCPTS to be 
down level, there are currently no such cases... excepting of course the 
very unlikely case of not having GIMCPTS at all.

More specifically, if SMP/E were to implement an additional and new 
compression dictionary, then it would be possible to compress elements 
within a PTF using the new dictionary, only to be out of luck when 
trying to uncompress using a level of GIMCPTS that does not recognize 
that new dictionary.  But fear not: we have no plans to implement any 
new compression dictionaries.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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2008-02-20 Thread Tom Marchant
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:35:46 -0500, Peter Relson wrote:

Alternately (and this really is the intended thing to do, not refreshing
LLA), have someone create a new LNKLST set just like the old one and
activate it and then start your application.

For example,

Interesting.  Is this documented anywhere?  There are several places where it 
is documented that LLA should be refreshed when a LNKLST library is modified.

I know that when a new LNKLST set is created or activated (I forget which), 
any new data sets are added to LLA, but I can't find the reference at the 
moment.  I didn't know that data sets already managed by LLA were refreshed.

Tom Marchant

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
No directory blocks needed - this is a PS file.

It looks to me like Radoslaw's response indicating that I'll have to have 
the applications add the DSORG parm to their JCl is the way I'm going to 
have to go.  I suspected as much but was looking for confirmation. 

dd keller

They would still need to change the JCL to include the directory blocks, 

correct ?


Darth Keller wrote:
 I've got a dataset allocated with the following JCL:

// SPACE=(CYL,(9000,500),RLSE),

 The SMS code looks like:

 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

   -  -  -  -
   -  -  -  -
   WRITE 'DCN0900 ' DSN ' ' PGM ' ' DSORG ' ' DATACLAS
   WRITE 'DCN1000 ' DSN ' ' PGM ' ' DSORG ' ' DATACLAS

 DCEXTEND is defined with 'extended addressability'  compaction.

 The SYSOUT from the JOB shows:
   41 IGD01007I DCN1000 

 It appears from the results from SMS dataclas assignment  the message
 output that the dataset is presenting to SMS with a blank DSORG.  Any
 ideas as to why or where this is documented?  Can I safely add a test 
 WHEN(DSORG EQ '')?   I know that I can have the applications add the
 DATACLAS to the JCL but they were trying to avoid JCL changes.
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Wiki news.

2008-02-20 Thread Corneel Booysen
Hello everybody,

I have been away for almost three weeks. (See my personal note below). So
I have not been able to provide Wiki news. Thanks for Roland who looked
after the Wiki in this time.

- We passed one hundred team members while I was gone! As great as it is -
we can do even better. There are thousands of members on these lists so
let's do some recruiting.

- SHARE is in Orlando next week. Yours truly will be attending and yes it
is my first SHARE so excuse me for being excited.

- The Vendor spotlight focuses on GT Software:
(They are also on the main Wiki page)

Be sure to register for their Rockin' Your Mainframe with SOA Party that
they are hosting at SHARE Tuesday night, Feb. 26 at 7:00 PM. To register,
go to:


--- Personal note ---
On February 11th 2008 at the age of 67 my mother Wilma Booysen went to be
with her Lord and Savior. Though our pain is real - our hope to see her
again surpasses that pain.
--- Personal note ---

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread John Kington
 No directory blocks needed - this is a PS file.

 It looks to me like Radoslaw's response indicating that I'll have to have

 the applications add the DSORG parm to their JCl is the way I'm going to
 have to go.  I suspected as much but was looking for confirmation.

 dd keller

You could add the dsorg to the dataclass(es) if you assign a dataclass
to every dataset. Any open (or jcl parameter) would override the
dataclass value.

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:38:32 -0600, Darth Keller wrote:

I've got a dataset allocated with the following JCL:

   // SPACE=(CYL,(9000,500),RLSE),

The SMS code looks like:

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

  -  -  -  -
  -  -  -  -

DCEXTEND is defined with 'extended addressability'  compaction.

The SYSOUT from the JOB shows:

It appears from the results from SMS dataclas assignment  the message
output that the dataset is presenting to SMS with a blank DSORG.  Any
ideas as to why or where this is documented?  Can I safely add a test for
WHEN(DSORG EQ '')?   I know that I can have the applications add the
DATACLAS to the JCL but they were trying to avoid JCL changes.

It's been a long time since I've done any SMS work, but I think you can do 
what you are proposing as long as you add RECORG=PS to your data class.

Tom Marchant

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
For most of my dataclas's, I do assign a DSORG.  But in this case where 
I'm testing for the DSORG  using it to assign a dataclas, it doesn't help 
- kind of a cart-horse problem.

You could add the dsorg to the dataclass(es) if you assign a dataclass
to every dataset. Any open (or jcl parameter) would override the
dataclass value.
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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread David Andrews
On Wed, 2008-02-20 at 10:05 -0500, Mark Pace wrote:
 Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

IEHLIST will tell you in a LISTVTOC.

David Andrews
A. Duda and Sons, Inc.

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3494 ATL Manual Functions

2008-02-20 Thread Hal Merritt
We have a 3494 ATL in our BR site we use for an offsite tape repository.
The plan is for that unit to run stand alone until we bring up a
production LPAR and begin a recovery.  Tapes would be rotated in and out
of the unit using printed reports from the base system.  


The operators want to use the ATL console to eject tapes, but can't find
the function. I seem to recall someone saying that the eject function is
something that can only be done via a running RMM.  That is, manual tape
management is not fully supported. Am I understanding things correctly?




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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM
Mark Pace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?
 Mark Pace

Yes, ask SMS:
D SMS,VOL(volser)

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SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Pace
Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems

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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread R.S.

Mark Pace wrote:

Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

ISMF 2.1.1

Radoslaw Skorupka
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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Lizette Koehler
If you have QuickRef it will tell you.


-Original Message-
Sent: Feb 20, 2008 10:05 AM
Subject: SMS managed volume

Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread John Kington
You could create a new barebones dataclass and assign it to any dataset
with a null DSORG. I
have such a dataclas just to avoid gdg model datasets when creating a +1
 For most of my dataclas's, I do assign a DSORG.  But in this case where
 I'm testing for the DSORG  using it to assign a dataclas, it doesn't
 - kind of a cart-horse problem.

 You could add the dsorg to the dataclass(es) if you assign a dataclass
 to every dataset. Any open (or jcl parameter) would override the
 dataclass value.

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ZOS V1R9 and Old APPS

2008-02-20 Thread Daniel McLaughlin
We are starting to install and test V1R9. Part of the challenge will be archaic 
DB2 and a lame-duck CICS. Have any of you 'been there and done that and 
would be willing to share your experiences?

Thank you.

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gerhard Adam
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: Price of CPU seconds

 That example stated that $800 per CPU/hr was the cost for a machine 
 (undefined as to number of CPUs, MSUs, etc.). It also did not state 
 what the system software cost, etc. It was a number used to give an
 And it was about what the cost was for an Amdahl 5990-1400 w/ 2 Gig 
 C-Store and 2 Gig E-Store (and I can't tell you what circus bureau had

 that cost per CPU hour, but I used to work in the facility).

 So, the more processors you have to split the costs across, the lower 
 the CPU/hr charge may be. And those charges are based on the SMF 
 collected times (since that is what fed the accounting system).

 And then there could be charges for I/Os, tape mounts, ATL mounts,
 (all things done by Circus Bureaus).

 So it is not so ridiculous.

It is clearly ridiculous since the projected $7,000,000 (by your own
definition) doesn't include peripherals.  Also, more processors doesn't
SPLIT costs, it multiplies them since more power is presumably available
for more work.  Since a single unit of work can only take advantage of a
single engine, then costs should have no bearing.  Same service consumed

Since what I have said is so ridiculous, why don't you take a crack at
answering the original question? Then we can all take pot shots at what
you say, pointing out that the example you used, based on a real system,
is absolutely _ [fill in the blank].

Steve Thompson

-- All opinions expressed by me are my own and may not necessarily
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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Tom Marchant wrote:
It's been a long time since I've done any SMS work, but I think you can do
what you are proposing as long as you add RECORG=PS to your data class.

No ways! RECORG is for VSAM, They're discussing DSORG=PS in this thread.

RECORG={KS|ES|RR|LR} There is nothing about PS in RECORG.


Groete / Greetings

Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: Determining CPIH (Pipeline Management) Metrics for a Message/Transaction

2008-02-20 Thread Staller, Allan
Some of my colleagues are investigating, from an architecture
point-of-view, how best to use CICS Web services to provide customer
access to our 2-tiered CICS-DB2 application on z/OS. For each scenario
that they investigate, as much detail on resource consumption is
required. Where I am having difficulty is finding elapsed times, CPU
consumption and other measures related to pipeline management. In
particular, I see nothing in the CICS SMF 110's nor Omegamon/CICS that
reports on the (alias) transaction CPIH. My questions are:

The easiest method is to set up a report service class in WLM for each
transaction of interest. You won't be able to get atomic granularity
(i.e. each individual transaction), but with large numbers of
transactions, the report service class will be able to give you a good
profile of the reported transactions.

See the fine WLM manuals under workload classification rules.

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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Ganesh Rao
If you have TASID, UCB under option 5 (Miscellaneous displays) would provide 
that indicator.
I think even SHOWZOS (SHOWMVS) provides that information. I do not have it 
installed here to ascertain this claim.

Mark Pace wrote:
 Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Ron Hawkins

Sound like you have the cart in front of the horse to me. I used to code the
ACS to assign DSORG=PS if it was blank and did not meet any other DSORG's
criteria. This prevented the HSM orphans that Radoslaw referred to.


 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Darth Keller
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] A Blank DSORG
 For most of my dataclas's, I do assign a DSORG.  But in this case where
 I'm testing for the DSORG  using it to assign a dataclas, it doesn't
 - kind of a cart-horse problem.
 You could add the dsorg to the dataclass(es) if you assign a
 to every dataset. Any open (or jcl parameter) would override the
 dataclass value.
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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
John - 

Actually the DCSTDFLT dataclas assigned in the code stub shown in my 1st 
email is exactly that - a barebones dataclass.  But in this case, I wanted 
to assign a dataclass with the extended format  compaction attributes.  I 
have several of these to chose from  wanted to assign DCEXTEND based on a 
DSORG=PS.  This is where I ran into my little issue.  As someone else 
pointed out earlier, I think the solution will be to require the 
applications to add the DSORG parm to their JCL.

thanks - ddk

You could create a new barebones dataclass and assign it to any dataset
with a null DSORG. I
have such a dataclas just to avoid gdg model datasets when creating a +1
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Re: 3494 ATL Manual Functions

2008-02-20 Thread Jack Kelly
From memory, which is a dangerous thing these days, I'm fairly certain 
that you can eject tapes from the d/t 3494 via the 'action' panel but I 
can't remember weather you have to be in manual mode or not. In your case 
that doesn't appear to be a concern though. Ejecting virtual tapes is a 
little different (I think this is done in the 'commands' popup) but 

Jack Kelly
202-502-2390 (Office)

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
02/20/2008 10:10 AM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


3494 ATL Manual Functions

We have a 3494 ATL in our BR site we use for an offsite tape repository.
The plan is for that unit to run stand alone until we bring up a
production LPAR and begin a recovery.  Tapes would be rotated in and out
of the unit using printed reports from the base system. 


The operators want to use the ATL console to eject tapes, but can't find
the function. I seem to recall someone saying that the eject function is
something that can only be done via a running RMM.  That is, manual tape
management is not fully supported. Am I understanding things correctly?




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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
We use a 3rd party product to initialize these datasets  prevent the 

Sound like you have the cart in front of the horse to me. I used to code 
ACS to assign DSORG=PS if it was blank and did not meet any other 
criteria. This prevented the HSM orphans that Radoslaw referred to.
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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:15:41 -0800, Gerhard Adam wrote:

 So, the more processors you have to split the costs across, the lower
 the CPU/hr charge may be. And those charges are based on the SMF
 collected times (since that is what fed the accounting system).

It is clearly ridiculous since the projected $7,000,000 (by your own
definition) doesn't include peripherals.  Also, more processors doesn't
SPLIT costs, it multiplies them since more power is presumably available for
more work.


If all other things are equal, the cost per CPU second for a machine with two 
processors is half the cost per CPU second of a machine with one processor.

Tom Marchant

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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Moulder
FDR Report will tell you.  Just ask for the VLSMSTAT field in the report.
It will display Managed if the volume is SMS managed and NONE if it is

Tom Moulder

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mark Pace
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:05 AM
Subject: SMS managed volume

Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems

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Re: ZOS V1R9 and Old APPS

2008-02-20 Thread Barkow, Eileen
Which CICS release are you referring to?

i just checked all of the fixes for CICS TS 2.2 and 3.1 and did not find
any that had to be put on for z/os 1.9 although there were a number of
hyper fixes unrelated to z/os 1.9 that will be applied.
of course there are always new LE RDO groups
that have to either replace or be merged with the existing groups.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Daniel McLaughlin
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 10:45 AM
Subject: ZOS V1R9 and Old APPS

We are starting to install and test V1R9. Part of the challenge will be
DB2 and a lame-duck CICS. Have any of you 'been there and done that and

would be willing to share your experiences?

Thank you.

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Marchant
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:59:00 -0600, Darth Keller wrote:

John -

Actually the DCSTDFLT dataclas assigned in the code stub shown in my 1st
email is exactly that - a barebones dataclass.  But in this case, I wanted
to assign a dataclass with the extended format  compaction attributes.  I
have several of these to chose from  wanted to assign DCEXTEND based on 
DSORG=PS.  This is where I ran into my little issue.  As someone else
pointed out earlier, I think the solution will be to require the
applications to add the DSORG parm to their JCL.

The sample JCL that you showed in your first post had no DSORG assigned.  In 
that case, do you want to assign it to DXEXTEND? If so, you need to check 
for no DSORG.

From the Storage Administration Reference:

If you do not specify a Recorg value for data sets with a data class, assigned 
either by JCL or ACS routine, the DSORG defaults to either physical sequential 
(PS) or partitioned organization (PO).

Tom Marchant

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Re: ZOS V1R9 and Old APPS

2008-02-20 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Daniel McLaughlin
 We are starting to install and test V1R9. Part of the 
 challenge will be archaic
 DB2 and a lame-duck CICS. Have any of you 'been there and 
 done that and would be willing to share your experiences?

How lame is your CICS duck?


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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Pace
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:05 AM
 Subject: SMS managed volume
 Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?
 Mark Pace

Operator command?



 IGD002I 11:06:14 DISPLAY SMS 603


If not SMS managed:

RESPONSE=LIH1  CBR1064I Command rejected.  Volume serial number
LIHTS1 undefined.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: SPAM: Re: LZW Compression/Expansion

2008-02-20 Thread Rick Fochtman
Many thanks to all who responded to my LZW query. I now have a plethora 
of references available, thanks to many helpful responses both onlist 
and offlist.

I can't say for sure what compression algorithm I'll use in the updated 
ARCHIVER; overall performance and some of the technical details will 
still need exploration but I've got some starting points now.

Thanks again to all who helped.

Rick :-)

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Clock Reset

2008-02-20 Thread Hale, Bob
Because the TOD clock on mainframes loses seconds over a period of time
the clock needs to be reset. Without the use of a SYSPLEX Timer what are
you doing to reset the time?

Do you reset the time on the HMC and do a POR? If so how often?

Set the time when you IPL?

Reset the local clock time which would then be out of sync with the UTC


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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
Tom - 

Actually I only wanted to assign DCEXTEND for a PS file, but not a PO. The 
manual reference was actually what I needed to find as I couldn't remember 
which files could actually fall into SMS with a blank DSORG.

I'm going to handle it by having the applications add the DSORG to their 

thanks - ddk

The sample JCL that you showed in your first post had no DSORG assigned. 
that case, do you want to assign it to DXEXTEND? If so, you need to 
for no DSORG.

From the Storage Administration Reference:

If you do not specify a Recorg value for data sets with a data class, 
either by JCL or ACS routine, the DSORG defaults to either physical 
(PS) or partitioned organization (PO).
Tom Marchant
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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Marchant
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:43:10 -0600, Darth Keller wrote:

Actually I only wanted to assign DCEXTEND for a PS file, but not a PO. The
manual reference was actually what I needed to find as I couldn't remember
which files could actually fall into SMS with a blank DSORG.

I'm going to handle it by having the applications add the DSORG to their

It seems like you could deduce that a data set would be PS because of what 
it is not.  Can DSNTYPE help you?

Tom Marchant

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Re: 3494 ATL Manual Functions

2008-02-20 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hal Merritt
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:10 AM
 Subject: 3494 ATL Manual Functions
 We have a 3494 ATL in our BR site we use for an offsite tape 
 The plan is for that unit to run stand alone until we bring up a
 production LPAR and begin a recovery.  Tapes would be rotated 
 in and out
 of the unit using printed reports from the base system.  
 The operators want to use the ATL console to eject tapes, but 
 can't find
 the function. I seem to recall someone saying that the eject 
 function is
 something that can only be done via a running RMM.  That is, 
 manual tape
 management is not fully supported. Am I understanding things 

We can eject tapes using the Web Interface to our 3494.

I am not sure, but have you tried to move the volume from its home
cell in the ATL to a cell in the cap drawer.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Gibney, Dave
Use not PO. It will be PO if it's a library

 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Darth Keller
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:43 AM
 Subject: Re: A Blank DSORG
 Tom -
 Actually I only wanted to assign DCEXTEND for a PS file, but not a PO.
 manual reference was actually what I needed to find as I couldn't
 which files could actually fall into SMS with a blank DSORG.
 I'm going to handle it by having the applications add the DSORG to
 thanks - ddk
 The sample JCL that you showed in your first post had no DSORG
 that case, do you want to assign it to DXEXTEND? If so, you need to
 for no DSORG.
 From the Storage Administration Reference:
 If you do not specify a Recorg value for data sets with a data
 either by JCL or ACS routine, the DSORG defaults to either physical
 (PS) or partitioned organization (PO).
 Tom Marchant

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
Tom - 

I hadn't thought about using DSNTYPE.  If it gets set when you request 
directory blocks in the allocation, I could see where I could use it. 
 I don't see anything else in the values for test cases that would help me 
determine a PS from a PO.   The one thing this has pointed out to me is 
that I don't have any testcases built where the DSORG is blank for PS  PO 
datasets - something else to add.

 Can DSNTYPE help?
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Re: Clock Reset

2008-02-20 Thread Pat Mihalec
If we see that the time is far enough off we will reset the local clock 
time, but we have only been setting the time when Daylight/Standard time 

Because the TOD clock on mainframes loses seconds over a period of time
the clock needs to be reset. Without the use of a SYSPLEX Timer what are
you doing to reset the time?

Do you reset the time on the HMC and do a POR? If so how often?

Set the time when you IPL?

Reset the local clock time which would then be out of sync with the UTC



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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Richards, Robert B.


There were lots of good answers to your question. I'll add MXI to the
list of tools.


But for my money, Kees reply was not only the first; it is the easiest
for one volume. What I did not like, however, is that the error message
text of CBR1064I that accompanies the D SMS command does not indicate
that it is also valid for a non-SMS *DASD* volume. 



 CBR1064I Command rejected.  Volume serial number XCB1AB undefined.


From QuickRef:


CBR1064I Command rejected. Volume serial number volser undefined.


 Explanation:  The operator entered a command that requires the

 specification of a volume serial number.


 For commands affecting optical volumes, the volume serial number volser

 either not defined in the optical configuration data base, or the

 configuration data base contains invalid fields in the row for the

 specified volume serial number. This message is preceded by a message

 messages that contains information about the nature of the invalid

 in the optical configuration data base for the volume serial number.


 For commands that affect tape volumes, either the volume serial number

 volser is not defined in the tape configuration database, or the volume

 serial number is defined in the tape configuration database but is for

 volume that is not supported by the level of OAM software on this

 (volume record contains uplevel tape device selection information). The

 possibility also exists that the volume serial number that is specified

 defined in the tape configuration database. However, a save control

 set was activated that does not contain any tape library definitions.


 System Action:  The command is rejected.


 Operator Response:  Determine the cause of the error, then enter a

 with a valid volume serial number.


 If the request failed because the volume is not supported on this OAM

 software level, reissue the command on a system where it is supported.


 Source: Object Access Method (OAM)


 Routing Code: 2


 Descriptor Code: 5



Robert B. Richards(Bob)   

US Office of Personnel Management

1900 E Street NW Room: BH04L   

Washington, D.C.  20415  

Phone: (202) 606-1195  




-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mark Pace
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 10:05 AM
Subject: SMS managed volume


Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

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2008-02-20 Thread Paul Schuster
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:35:46 -0500, Peter Relson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dynamic LPA processing will typically do no better and no worse than any
other fetch that was targeted to the LNKLST. It is quite possible that the
problem is due to what the posts have indicated, namely (typically)
something now in in an extent that is not part of the LNKLST that your
space has defined.

However, for releases prior to z/OS 1.9, there is a bug that is being fixed
(at z/OS 1.7 and z/OS 1.8) when you have multiple LNKLST sets involved and
the operation is not occurring within a space for which the IPL-time LNKLST
is that space's LNKLST.  (The supported case of this is when a new LNKLST
set was activated, and then a newly started job or address space uses the
CSVDYLPA programming interface. I say it that way because it could also
happen if you used the unpredicatably dangerous LNKLST UPDATE operation to
update the LNKLST for ASID=1 and then issued the SETPROG LPA command or its
analog via SET PROG=xx).
APAR OA24903 has been taken for this problem, and a ++APAR is available.

The basic explanation of the processing problem is that the system ends up
doing things partly with one DCB/DEB (the one for the LNKLST current for
the issuing address space) and partly with another DCB/DEB (the one for the

As has been stated, you can use the DSNAME or DDNAME parameters of CSVDYLPA
and avoid this problem even know.

Alternately (and this really is the intended thing to do, not refreshing
LLA), have someone create a new LNKLST set just like the old one and
activate it and then start your application.

For example,

Peter Relson

1) This is a z/os 1.8 system.
2) The library in question is defined with '0' (zero) secondary.
3) After the library was updated, an LLA REFRESH was done.
4) An LLA UPDATE was done (not sure if before or after the LLA REFRESH):

F LLA,UPDATE=xx, where SYS1.PARMLIB(CSVLLAxx) contains


5) Thank you for the information about APAR OA24903.
6) I agree that using DSNAME or DDNAME will  avoid the problem, but then
that defeats the purpose of having the library in linklist

Thank you.

Paul Schuster   


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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread John Kington

 Actually I only wanted to assign DCEXTEND for a PS file, but not a PO.
 manual reference was actually what I needed to find as I couldn't
 which files could actually fall into SMS with a blank DSORG.

Are your users coding directory blocks in their space parameter? DSORG
be set to PO if there is a value coded.

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
John - 

No directory blocks in this case.  They want a PS file but never coded the 

I was going to have them update their JCL with the DSORG parameter, but 
I'm also thinking I can handle it within SMS with a separate filterlist of 
specific names in addition to the filterlist which uses masking as we were 
doing before.  With a test for a specific dsn, I don't need to be 
concerned about the dsntype at all.

The dataset ended up with just under 9000 cylinders used space; the 
compressed version is less than 1/5th that size... so I definitely want it 

Are your users coding directory blocks in their space parameter? DSORG
should be set to PO if there is a value coded.
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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
If all other things are equal, the cost per CPU second for a machine with two 
processors is half the cost per CPU second of a machine with one processor.

Voodoo mathematics.
If I start a second processor, I have to at least pay for the hardware upgrade 
and increased s/w costs.

So, I don't understand/agree with your statement.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: mvs output on pc printer

2008-02-20 Thread Pete Conlin
If you're running IBM's http Server (maybe on a sandbox?), view mainframe 
datasets from your web browser (if the MVSDS service is enabled).  You could 
then print locally.

It could be secure (basic SAF or LDAP) at the server level (UserId in the 
config) or just for the MVSDS service (via Protection in the config) or 
completely open to all within your firewall.   An open/unsecured MVS for public 
datasets would bypass the the usual SAF id/password ftp requirements. (To 
be even more heretical, you could bookmark the url.) 

This should work for either local or network printers.  The other replies have 
excellent suggestions regarding network attached printers. 

MVSDS would NOT be ideal for formatted/print files. 

I liked Gerry's ASA cc to MS word formatting in the prior post in this thread.

Is there an ebcdic mime type that covers the ASA carriage control...SHARE 
requirement for the WebSphere folk next week?  Along these lines, what about 
hfs files for MVSDS?  (Though this functionality is easily gained via PASS with 
DirAccess.  Using DD: should work, but is awkward.) 

A simple ebcdic-ascii carriage control chart:   


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Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Todd Blandford
Hello listers - 

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with replacing the CA's TPX 
with a different session manager?

Thank you.
Todd Blandford

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Fw: COBOL Compiler options

2008-02-20 Thread Bill Klein
Using the coprocessor is NOT exactly the same as running the preprocessor
and then the compiler.  As far as I know, there have been NO reports of
different run-time results from the two, but there are things that using
the coprocessor can do that the preprocessor can't (see the Programming
Guide for details) e.g. 

I would, however, check you LISTINGS to make certain that all the Options
in Effect are the same with the two methods.  It is possible that one of
your compiler procs has different settings and this COULD impact run-time

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 In our shop, for CICS COBOL programs, we run the preprocessor
 DFHECP1$, then
 the compile step IGYCRCTL.
 I thought of bypassing the DFHECP1$ step by running the IGYCRCTL with
 'CICS' in
 the parm.
 That was fine.
 Except, a co-worker pointed out to me that the generated object code
 and, as such, is apprehensive.
 Does anyone know why that is?

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Price of CPU seconds

If all other things are equal, the cost per CPU second for a machine
with two processors is half the cost per CPU second of a machine with
one processor.

Voodoo mathematics.
If I start a second processor, I have to at least pay for the hardware
upgrade and increased s/w costs.

So, I don't understand/agree with your statement.

OK, all you guys are right. There is no way to do charge-back
accounting. All the formulae are wrong regardless of what they are. All
these circus bureaus have been defrauding their clients, all the
publicly held companies that are doing charge-back are somehow cooking
their books.

So the NT/*nix guys have it right. The mainframe people get their
knickers knotted for no reason and can't justify their concern for 408
cpu seconds being used, etc. etc.

Steve Thompson

-- All opinions expressed by me are my own and may not necessarily
reflect those of my employer. --

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Re: Fw: COBOL Compiler options

2008-02-20 Thread Paul D'Angelo
If you are running the CICS Itegrated translator You should be fine. I ran 
it in a
previous installation and had no problems.
Your Application developers may not like it since it generates different 
source code 
that a CICS program compiled with the Translator.
It was my application staff that couldnt adjust to the Intergrated 

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
02/20/2008 01:47 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU


Fw: COBOL Compiler options

Using the coprocessor is NOT exactly the same as running the preprocessor
and then the compiler.  As far as I know, there have been NO reports of
different run-time results from the two, but there are things that using
the coprocessor can do that the preprocessor can't (see the Programming
Guide for details) e.g. 

I would, however, check you LISTINGS to make certain that all the Options
in Effect are the same with the two methods.  It is possible that one of
your compiler procs has different settings and this COULD impact run-time

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 In our shop, for CICS COBOL programs, we run the preprocessor
 DFHECP1$, then
 the compile step IGYCRCTL.
 I thought of bypassing the DFHECP1$ step by running the IGYCRCTL with
 'CICS' in
 the parm.
 That was fine.
 Except, a co-worker pointed out to me that the generated object code
 and, as such, is apprehensive.
 Does anyone know why that is?

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Staller, Allan
Candle Supersession (or whatever IBM has renamed it to now) was pretty
There is also another product (SWITCH?) the does the same.

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with replacing the CA's TPX 
with a different session manager?

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Hal Merritt
We use (ug!) Windows and a suitable (supports TLS/SSL) TN3270 emulator.
Works great, users love it, minimal cost, minimal user training. The
only minuses are users having to log on many times and users closing
windows without logging off.

Modern users are accustomed to having any number of open windows on
their workstation and bouncing around at will, cutting here, pasting

A little creativity / human engineering in your DNS and a small 'how to'
document might be all you need to convert your entire user base. 

HTH and good luck.  


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Todd Blandford
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:31 PM
Subject: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

Hello listers - 

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with replacing the CA's TPX 
with a different session manager?

Thank you.
Todd Blandford

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Richards, Robert B.

Have you given any thought to other compound filter list tests (jobname,
ddname, program, etc.) that could help assign your data class without
JCL changes?


Robert B. Richards(Bob)   
US Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW Room: BH04L   
Washington, D.C.  20415  
Phone: (202) 606-1195  

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Darth Keller
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: A Blank DSORG

John - 

No directory blocks in this case.  They want a PS file but never coded

I was going to have them update their JCL with the DSORG parameter, but 
I'm also thinking I can handle it within SMS with a separate filterlist
specific names in addition to the filterlist which uses masking as we
doing before.  With a test for a specific dsn, I don't need to be 
concerned about the dsntype at all.

The dataset ended up with just under 9000 cylinders used space; the 
compressed version is less than 1/5th that size... so I definitely want

Are your users coding directory blocks in their space parameter?
should be set to PO if there is a value coded.

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Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Paul Meier
Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent the problem with connecting the
current coupling links from a z900 STI to the new z10 infiniBand link? OR
have an idea how to integrate the two? The problem is coupling a z900 to a
new z10.

Paul Meier
Mainframe PCAP
Cell: (708)717-8553
Work: (414)357-3539

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Jackson, Robin
Give the product marketed by Macro4 called TUBES a try.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Todd Blandford
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:31 PM
Subject: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

Hello listers - 

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with replacing the CA's TPX 
with a different session manager?

Thank you.
Todd Blandford

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Re: ZOS V1R9 and Old APPS

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Zelden
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:33:17 -0600, Chase, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Daniel McLaughlin

 We are starting to install and test V1R9. Part of the
 challenge will be archaic
 DB2 and a lame-duck CICS. Have any of you 'been there and
 done that and would be willing to share your experiences?

How lame is your CICS duck?

And what OS version are you taking the leap from?

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Gerhard Adam

Since what I have said is so ridiculous, why don't you take a crack at
answering the original question? Then we can all take pot shots at what
you say, pointing out that the example you used, based on a real system,
is absolutely _ [fill in the blank].

First of all these comments weren't intended as a personal attack, and I 
never indicated that YOU were ridiculous, but rather than the proposed 
mechanism for costing CPU seconds was.

The primary reason they are ridiculous is that the question that you have 
posted cannot be answered in a simple list-server and to suggest otherwise 
truly is ridiculous.

The original question is wrong at so many levels, especially if one thinks 
that someone might actually be contemplating an I/T accounting/chargeback 
system based on an answer from this list.

This process is far too complex and requires far too many levels of 
management/accounting/technical involvement which is precisely why so many 
of these systems are simply ridiculous.


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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
 If all other things are equal, the cost per CPU second for a 
 machine with two processors is half the cost per CPU second 
 of a machine with one processor.
 Voodoo mathematics.

Is that anything like the New Math?

 If I start a second processor, I have to at least pay for the 
 hardware upgrade and increased s/w costs.

For the moment, ignore the hardware cost (probably belongs in overhead
anyway).  If your single-engine machine used, say, 100 MSUs, how many
MSUs does the now twin-engine machine use for the same workload?
Assuming NO capacity-priced software, how much is the increase in
software cost?


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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Crabtree, Mark
We use MacKinney's Switch and it works great for a very nominal annual cost. 

Mark Crabtree 
Manager of System Programming 
(417) 887-4990  x.2767 

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-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Todd 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:31 PM
Subject: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

Hello listers - 

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with replacing the CA's TPX 
with a different session manager?

Thank you.
Todd Blandford

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Marchant
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 18:41:52 +, Ted MacNEIL [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If all other things are equal, the cost per CPU second for a machine with 
two processors is half the cost per CPU second of a machine with one 

Voodoo mathematics.

Anything beyond our comprehension is indistinguishable from magic.

If I start a second processor, I have to at least pay for the hardware 
upgrade and increased s/w costs.

Certainly not equal.

So, I don't understand/agree with your statement.

Compare a z9 BC model Y01 (1 CP) to a model S02 (2 CPs).
Both are about 420 MIPS.  Can you buy them both for the same price?  I don't 

Tom Marchant

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Gerhard Adam

OK, all you guys are right. There is no way to do charge-back
accounting. All the formulae are wrong regardless of what they are.

First of all no one said you can't do chargeback, but only that the 
simplistic solutions being proposed aren't accurate.

If you have a formula, I'd love to see it

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Re: Linux zSeries questions

2008-02-20 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 02/19/2008
   at 06:45 AM, Phil Smith III [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Now that I don't understand. The From: is clear,

The From doesn't tell the recipient that you sent another copy to the
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Marchant
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:27:35 -0800, Gerhard Adam wrote:

First of all these comments weren't intended as a personal attack, and I
never indicated that YOU were ridiculous, but rather than the proposed
mechanism for costing CPU seconds was.

The primary reason they are ridiculous is that the question that you have
posted cannot be answered in a simple list-server and to suggest otherwise
truly is ridiculous.

The original question is wrong at so many levels, especially if one thinks
that someone might actually be contemplating an I/T accounting/chargeback
system based on an answer from this list.

True.  And that's why I didn't respond to the original question.  However, the 
second question that Miklos posted was entirely different.

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:30:03 +0100, Miklos Szigetvari wrote:

For me this more or less clear.
I have here a number of collegues from NT and Unix , and they don't
understand why the 0.5% CPU time is a matter:

As I understand it, this question has nothing to do with chargeback or billing.
It is about communicating with people from a different culture.

Tom Marchant

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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Moulder
FDR Report addresses both issues to give an accurate picture and will also
allow you to place the Storage Group name in the report.  I use it all the
time on my current project.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Traylor, Terry
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: SMS managed volume

QuickRef will tell you whether the volume belongs to an SMS storage
group, but will not tell you whether the volume is SMS managed.
Because, it does not indicate whether the STORAGEGROUP has been turned
on in the VTOC.

I know ISMF 2.1.1 and IEHLIST will reveal whether STORAGEGROUP is on.
But, I don't believe D SMS,VOL(volser) will tell you.  I don't know
about TASID, UCB under option 5, SHOWZOS (SHOWMVS), FDR Report VLSMSTAT
field, or others.

 Terry Traylor 
TIS Mainframe Storage Management 
Remedy Queue: tis-hs-mstg
(602) 977-5154 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: SMS managed volume

If you have QuickRef it will tell you.


-Original Message-
Sent: Feb 20, 2008 10:05 AM
Subject: SMS managed volume

Is there an easy way to tell if a DASD volume is SMS managed or not?

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems

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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Schmidt
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:04:19 -0600, Paul Meier wrote:

Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent the problem with connecting 
current coupling links from a z900 STI to the new z10 infiniBand link? OR
have an idea how to integrate the two? The problem is coupling a z900 to a
new z10.

You might want to ask your question again AFTER next Tuesday, Feb. 26th, 
since a 'z10' has not been announced just yet.  (Rumored heavily, sure, but 
not announced.)
Tom Schmidt 

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
If your single-engine machine used, say, 100 MSUs, how many MSUs does the 
now twin-engine machine use for the same workload?

Roughly the same.

Assuming NO capacity-priced software, how much is the increase in software 

I'm not sure what your term capacity priced means, but if it means usage 
based, then there should be no increase for that workload.

But, with increased processor capacity, there will be increased costs, 

And, most chargeback systems don't charge for just one workload.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Paul Meier
Just what I heard.

On 2/20/08, McKown, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Meier
  Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 1:04 PM
  Subject: Z10 coupling link
  Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent the problem with
  connecting the
  current coupling links from a z900 STI to the new z10
  infiniBand link? OR
  have an idea how to integrate the two? The problem is
  coupling a z900 to a
  new z10.
  Paul Meier

 Has the z10 been announced? If not, then you may be in violation of an
 NDA to even talk about it here. If it has been announced, I would really
 appreciate a URL to see what it is like!

 John McKown
 Senior Systems Programmer
 Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
 Administrative Services Group
 Information Technology

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Ron Wells
MacKinney---VTAM Switch

Depends on what you need...just a simple session manger? then this 
will do it

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
OK, all you guys are right. There is no way to do charge-back accounting. All 
the formulae are wrong regardless of what they are. All these circus bureaus 
have been defrauding their clients, all the publicly held companies that are 
doing charge-back are somehow cooking their books.

Now, I have NO IDEA what you're talking about!
I made one little statement that I thought something is wrong, and you jump in 
with some sarcastic garbage about there being no way to do it.

That is not what I said, or intended to imply.
I haven't even expressed my opinion regarding whether chargeback is a valid 
discipline, or not.
And, I have no intention of doing so.

All I did was question an assumption.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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SDSF Question - How do you change the system log you are looking at?

2008-02-20 Thread Stocker, Herman
I'm on a 1.4 JES2 system (PLEX) with SDSF what I would like to do is to look
at a different system's log file from the one I'm on.  I know I did this
before but can not find out how I did it again.

Thank you.

Herman Stocker

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Re: Price of CPU seconds

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
So, I don't understand/agree with your statement.

Compare a z9 BC model Y01 (1 CP) to a model S02 (2 CPs). Both are about 420 
MIPS.  Can you buy them both for the same price?  I don't know.

Okay. Now I understand.
There was a missing assumption, that the single engine processor and the two 
engine processor had the same capacity.

I was thinking upgrade.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: SMS managed volume

2008-02-20 Thread Stephen Mednick
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Moulder
 Sent: Thursday, 21 February 2008 6:37 AM
 Subject: Re: SMS managed volume

 FDR Report addresses both issues to give an accurate picture
 and will also allow you to place the Storage Group name in
 the report.  I use it all the time on my current project.


To illustrate Tom's response, here is a sample FDREPORT print-out:



VTS017 PROD13   7080 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS018 PROD13   7081 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS019 PROD13   7082 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS020 PROD13   7083 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS021 PROD13   7084 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS022 PROD13   7085 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS023 PROD13   7086 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS024 PROD13   7087 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS025 PROD13   7088 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS026 PROD13   7089 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS027 PROD13   708A 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS028 PROD13   708B 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS029 PROD13   708C 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS030 PROD13   708D 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED
VTS031 PROD13   708E 3390-27 MANAGED ENABLED   

Stephen Mednick
Computer Supervisory Services
Sydney, Australia

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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Paul Meier
 Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent the problem with 
 connecting the current coupling links from a z900 STI to the 
 new z10 infiniBand link? OR have an idea how to integrate the 
 two? The problem is coupling a z900 to a new z10.

Well, since the new z10 won't officially exist until next Tuesday,
.  :-)

 (No, we don't have one / aren't getting one any time soon.)

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Zelden
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:21:21 -0600, Jackson, Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Give the product marketed by Macro4 called TUBES a try.

Which has been reincarnated now by IBM as ISM (IBM Session Manager).  

Check the archives... there is an extensive list of session managers.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: SDSF Question - How do you change the system log you are looking at?

2008-02-20 Thread Paul Dineen

Is it the SDSF 'SYSID' command you're looking for?   SYSID  where  
is the other system in your plex.


On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 14:52:55 -0500, Stocker, Herman 

I'm on a 1.4 JES2 system (PLEX) with SDSF what I would like to do is to look
at a different system's log file from the one I'm on.  I know I did this
before but can not find out how I did it again.

Thank you.

Herman Stocker

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Re: SDSF Question - How do you change the system log you are looking at?

2008-02-20 Thread Ceruti, Gerard G

Do you have OPERLOG enabled (syslog into a CF structure) if so, from
within SDSF, enter set log ? and select operlog, then filter sysname
  is the system's log you want to see.

Gerard Ceruti 
may the 'z' be with you

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Stocker, Herman
Sent: 20 February 2008 09:53 PM
Subject: SDSF Question - How do you change the system log you are
looking at?

I'm on a 1.4 JES2 system (PLEX) with SDSF what I would like to do is to
at a different system's log file from the one I'm on.  I know I did this
before but can not find out how I did it again.

Thank you.

Herman Stocker

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Questions Regarding Disk Cache

2008-02-20 Thread Gene Hudders
These were a few questions posted on another topic in CICS-L for which no  
reply was received.  The topic was CI/CA splits and I asked the following  
questions, which were embedded in the response:
1) Two of the processes of completing a CA split is to format the  new CA and 
clear out the moved data CIs from the original CA.  Do the  empty CIs used 
to clear or format the CAs occupy space in the disk cache? 
2) When reading a file sequentially that has CA splits caused by direct  
insertions (e.g., 50% free space), are the empty CIs that were created as a  
result of the CA splits read into the disk cache by the hardware's read-ahead  
mechanism once it determines that the file is being processed  sequentially?

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread R.S.

Todd Blandford wrote:
Hello listers - 

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with replacing the CA's TPX 
with a different session manager?

Multiple icons on your PC desktop?
Works like a charm.
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, 
nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2008 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA  wynosi 
118.642.672 zote i zosta w caoci wpacony.

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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent the problem with
connecting the
current coupling links from a z900 STI to the new z10
infiniBand link? OR
have an idea how to integrate the two?

Since the product hasn't been announced, yet, the only ones who would know are 
those under NDA.
And, they can't even tell us that they are under NDA, let alone what they know 
about the z10, itself.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Mark Zelden
 On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:21:21 -0600, Jackson, Robin 
 Give the product marketed by Macro4 called TUBES a try.
 Which has been reincarnated now by IBM as ISM (IBM Session Manager).  

Interesting  AFAIK, IBM still markets Netview Access Services (NVAS)
as well


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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of R.S.
 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3:11 PM
 Subject: Re: Z10 coupling link
 McKown, John wrote:
  Has the z10 been announced? If not, then you may be in 
 violation of an
  NDA to even talk about it here. If it has been announced, I 
 would really
  appreciate a URL to see what it is like!
 I did not sign any NDA document, so I feel free to talk about 
 z10. It's 
 perfectly legal. BTW: How do you think - *why* IBM informs about z10 
 under NDA ? I strongly doubt they want to keep it in secret, 
 why to inform anyone, even under NDA ? This is called 'virus 
 - everyone's curious about the secret.

The only reason that I can think of to tell anybody anything under an
NDA is so that they have time to write nice things about on day one. It
takes time to read the stuff, think about it, then write (hopefully)
glowing prose about it.

And, yea, it hypes up interest. I am most interested in any changes in
the architecture and the new instructions.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: SDSF Question - How do you change the system log you are looking at?

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
I'm on a 1.4 JES2 system (PLEX) with SDSF what I would like to do is to look 
at a different system's log file from the one I'm on.  

I know I did this before but can not find out how I did it again.

Primary command:

Where  is the JES-id for the target system.
Has been available for aeons.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread Darth Keller
Tom Marchant sent this earlier today:

From the Storage Administration Reference:

If you do not specify a Recorg value for data sets with a data class, 
either by JCL or ACS routine, the DSORG defaults to either physical 
(PS) or partitioned organization (PO).

Unless I read DFSMS/dfp Storage Administrators Guide wrong, DSORG will
only be null for a PS dataset. If users code directory blocks, DSORG is
set to PO.  The other possible values require coding DSNTYPE= in the 
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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
It is not recommended to use so different machines (in term of CPU speed) in 
sysplex. To much overhead.

Having monitored and measured this in real world environments since 1994, I 
Define too much, and produce documentation.

The biggest issue is lock elongation if you put a sharing member on a slower 
But, I have put 'slow'  'fast' images in the same SYSPLEX (ie: dev  prod), 
due to automation benefits, such as console consolidation.

But, I have only once put an IMS sharing group member on a 'slow' machine.
I learned my lesson! (8-{}

For cost reasons, I have also run with 'slow' CF's.
You just have to know what you're doing and where the exposures are.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: A Blank DSORG

2008-02-20 Thread R.S.

John Kington wrote:



Are your users coding directory blocks in their space parameter? DSORG
be set to PO if there is a value coded.

Maybe it should, but AFAIK it isn't. That's the problem. Having blank 
DSORG you cannot tell whether it is PS or PO. You can check directory 
blocks, but again it fails for PDSE.
However adding DSORG to DD solves the problem. I see nothing wrong in 
specifying DSORG.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, 
nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2008 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA  wynosi 
118.642.672 zote i zosta w caoci wpacony.

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Re: SDSF Question - How do you change the system log you are looking at?

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Zelden
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 14:57:28 -0600, Paul Dineen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is it the SDSF 'SYSID' command you're looking for?   SYSID  where 
is the other system in your plex.

To clarify:  The other system can only be one in the same MAS.  If your
JES is not shared, it doesn't matter if the other system is in the same
sysplex.   However, if OPERLOG is configured in the sysplex and the other
participates, you can view the operlog and filter it to show only that system.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
The problem with using multiple emulator sessions is that if you lose your 
network connection to the mainframe, you also lose all your tn3270 sessions 
too. By logging on to the mainframe applications though a session manager, the 
session manager will hold your sessions open for you until you log back in. 
That's the big benefit I tell our users, even other system programmers at my 
Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
CTO1 USNR-Retired (1969-1991) 

- Original Message 
From: Hal Merritt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:16:07 PM
Subject: Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

We use (ug!) Windows and a suitable (supports TLS/SSL) TN3270 emulator.
Works great, users love it, minimal cost, minimal user training. The
only minuses are users having to log on many times and users closing
windows without logging off.

Modern users are accustomed to having any number of open windows on
their workstation and bouncing around at will, cutting here, pasting

A little creativity / human engineering in your DNS and a small 'how to'
document might be all you need to convert your entire user base. 

HTH and good luck.  

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Todd Blandford
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:31 PM
Subject: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

Hello listers - 

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with replacing the CA's TPX 
with a different session manager?

Thank you.
Todd Blandford

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Re: Mismatched Coupling and Coupled Speeds

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
Moving on, it has been demonstrated that the CF engine needs to be reasonably 
close to the coupled engine speed else there is a risk of 
capacity loss.

Define 'reasonably close'. Define 'a risk'.
We had 9672-C04 CFs with 9672-RXn  z/900 images.
Yes, this was a few years ago.
Due to budgetting constraints, it was going to be a year before the CFs were to 
be upgraded.
An IBM'r (since retired) came in and helped us with the analysis.
It came out that we would save 100ms on an IMS transaction, if we were to 
upgrade. Since they were synchronous locks, that was the equivalent of 100ms of 
CPU time, differing percentages of the processor, based on whether it was a 
9672 or a z/900.
This worked out to a cost of 2% of the smallest processor.
We presented the results to management.

It is also true that lots of other things can affect this,  such as the 
oft-mentioned Sync to Async conversion algorithms, distance, 

Processor and s/w upgrade costs.
Our management decided that the 2% hit was 'cheaper' than upgrading.
We waited the year.

As a performance analyst, you want the fastest and the bestest.
As a capacity analyst, you have to take business need, budgetting, and other 
financial issues into account.

It's been demnonstrated ... does not sell business cases very often, if at 

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Mark Zelden
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 15:19:16 -0600, Chase, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Mark Zelden

 On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:21:21 -0600, Jackson, Robin

 Give the product marketed by Macro4 called TUBES a try.

 Which has been reincarnated now by IBM as ISM (IBM Session Manager).

Interesting  AFAIK, IBM still markets Netview Access Services (NVAS)
as well

What's really interesting is that IBM chose ISM as their strategic product over
SuperSession after the purchase of Candle.   I'll never be able to figure that
one out as IMHO SuperSession is (still) a far superior product.   Also, from
I've seen the support for ISM is still done be MACRO4.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
Go to

and select the presentation labeled S2885BB - Tool Bag - orlando.pdf

See page 5.
Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
CTO1 USNR-Retired (1969-1991)

- Original Message 
From: Tom Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:42:32 PM
Subject: Re: Z10 coupling link

On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:04:19 -0600, Paul Meier wrote:

Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent the problem with connecting 
current coupling links from a z900 STI to the new z10 infiniBand link? OR
have an idea how to integrate the two? The problem is coupling a z900 to a
new z10.

You might want to ask your question again AFTER next Tuesday, Feb. 26th, 
since a 'z10' has not been announced just yet.  (Rumored heavily, sure, but 
not announced.)

Tom Schmidt 

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Mismatched Coupling and Coupled Speeds

2008-02-20 Thread Martin Packer
Note the change of title from the obvious OTHER one. :-) And deliberate 
abstraction on MY part. :-)

The issue is with whether the Coupling Facility is too slow relative to 
the coupled z/OS images. Just to be clear: Not whether the images are on 
different speed engines. 

Moving on, it has been demonstrated that the CF engine needs to be 
reasonably close to the coupled engine speed else there is a risk of 
capacity loss. It is also true that lots of other things can affect this, 
such as the oft-mentioned Sync to Async conversion algorithms, distance, 
LPAR setup etc.

(There was also something about different processor families being able to 
participate in the same plex whether directly coupled together or via a 
third CF LPAR. The usual research considerations apply.)

Now, don't expect ANY IBMer to bite here on any hypothetical unannounced 

Martin Packer
Performance Consultant
IBM United Kingdom Ltd

Unless stated otherwise above:
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Re: Mismatched Coupling and Coupled Speeds

2008-02-20 Thread R.S.

Martin Packer wrote:
Note the change of title from the obvious OTHER one. :-) And deliberate 
abstraction on MY part. :-)

The issue is with whether the Coupling Facility is too slow relative to 
the coupled z/OS images. Just to be clear: Not whether the images are on 
different speed engines. 

However such 'assymetry' is unavoidable when having z/900 and z/ANYTHING 
in same parallel sysplex. However, AFAIR, the problem exist when CF 
engine is to slow, so having ICF on z/ANYTHING and not on z/900 (do not 
forget about redundancy) would not make negative effects on CPU (CP-type 
CPU). From the other hand - z6 CPU in z/ANYTHING will be even cheaper... g

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, 
nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2008 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA  wynosi 
118.642.672 zote i zosta w caoci wpacony.

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Re: Z10 coupling link

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Schmidt
Hmmm... z/OS 1.10 (on page 4) AND the z/10-EC (on page 5).  Nice find, 
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 14:19:01 -0800, Mark T. Regan, K8MTR wrote:

Go to

and select the presentation labeled S2885BB - Tool Bag - orlando.pdf

See page 5.

Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
CTO1 USNR-Retired (1969-1991)

- Original Message 
From: Tom Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:42:32 PM
Subject: Re: Z10 coupling link

On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:04:19 -0600, Paul Meier wrote:

Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent the problem with connecting
current coupling links from a z900 STI to the new z10 infiniBand link? OR
have an idea how to integrate the two? The problem is coupling a z900 to a
new z10.

You might want to ask your question again AFTER next Tuesday, Feb. 26th,
since a 'z10' has not been announced just yet.  (Rumored heavily, sure, but
not announced.)
Tom Schmidt

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Re: Replacement for CA - TPX - Session Manager?

2008-02-20 Thread Ted MacNEIL
Why are you still using a session manager? A lot of green screens?

The number of green screens has nothing to do with it, as far as I'm concerned.

We use them with TN3270 sessions for one major reason -- single sign on.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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