I use this batch file on my Imail server to create the file, then ftp it
over to my IMGate box, scheduled once per hour.  It requires unxutils.

----Start syncIMGate.bat-------
rem   Make sure we're in the right directory.
cd \Imail\ScheduledTasks

rem   Run ImailUsers.exe to create the list of recips.

rem   Use sed to put the OK at the end of each line
sed "s/$/     OK/" imailusers.txt >relay_recipients_unsorted.txt

rem   Sort the list
sort relay_recipients_unsorted.txt >relay_recipients_sorted.txt

rem   Make sure there are no duplicates
uniq -i relay_recipients_sorted.txt > relay_recipients.map

rem   FTP the file over to IMGate using the separate
rem   script file "syncIMGate.txt" for the ftp commands 
ftp -s:syncIMGate.txt

rem   Remove the temporary files
del relay_recipients_unsorted.txt
del relay_recipients_sorted.txt

----End syncIMGate.bat-------

The following is the ftp command script to send the file to IMGate.  Replace
"USERNAME" with the appropriate username and "PASSWORD" with the pw.
Replace imgate.yourdomain.net with your IMGate host name or IP.
----Start syncIMGate.txt-------
open imgate.yourdomain.net
cd /etc/postfix
lcd M:\Imail\ScheduledTasks
put relay_recipients.map
----End syncIMGate.txt-------

Then just add a line like:
05      */1     *       *       *       root    postmap /etc/postfix/*.map
to your crontab to run postmap once per hour (I have it scheduled for 5
minutes after the Imail job).


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