part of the EU finread standard .... seems to be chipcard readers that have
certified security modules comparable to POS terminals .... aka class-4
terminals that include secure pinpads and secure displays.

there is the concept of hardware token  holding a private key that is never
divulged and therefor the token
can uniquely authenticate itself (something you have). what finread doesn't
quite get around to specifying is a compareable mechanism in the
terminal/reader to uniquely authenticate itself  .... with the transition
to open network ... rather than VANs & other forms of private networks ...
it is a lot more difficult to accurately assure the integrity of the
end-point (aka is it really a class-4 terminal/reader).

x9.59 payment protocol for all types of payments in all types of
environments (aka not just credit on the internet) .... included the
provision that the end-point terminal also may be required to authenticate
itself as well as any hardware token.

we demo'ed such a hardware token & terminal combination this week at
securetech/cardtech (aka both the hardware token and the secure terminal
signing different kinds of transactions ... payment, access, authorization,

misc. recent security & finread threads Opinion on smartcard security
requested Opinion on smartcard security
requested Security Issues of using Internet
Banking Security Issues of using Internet

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 4/24/2002 1:55 pm wrote:

I'm not sure. At least here in Europe we had "phantom transactions" at
Reasons I remember have been eavesdropping of PINs, maintenance errors,
ATMs, etc. Today, it is hard to tell between somebody whose ATM-PIN was
attacked, and somebody who only claims that his PIN was attacked.
I think we have to anticipate that log-in procedures into signature systems
may also be attacked. Actually the difference between using a local
signature implementation in a networked office-PC and using a server-based
one may be small - the user doesn't really control either system. But on
server-based system, by definition other people have control of the
And not all transactions can easily be reversed, in particular not money

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