InterPhil: CFP: The Challenges of Political Transformation

2017-05-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: The Challenges of Political Transformation
Type: XIV International Conference on Political Philosophy
Institution: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Barcelona
Location: Barcelona (Spain)
Date: 18.–20.10.2017
Deadline: 10.7.2017


(Versión española abajo)

Despite the climate of political disaffection derived from the
reduction of democracy and the positive reinforcement of apathy, new
forms of participation have emerged during the last decade, spurred
by indignation and supported by the emergence of platforms and
technologies of information and communication 2.0. In Spain, part of
this flow has achieved representation in the Government, from where
it continues questioning the political effects of liberal democracy,
such as the validity of the Constitution, and proposing the need to
examine the territorial model, the right to decide and the
plurinationality of the State.

On the other hand, political Right wings have returned strongly to
their principles of action, seducing sectors threatened by fear and
(the other) anti-globalization, through the neutralization of
criticism and difference, xenophobic discourses, the rejection of
immigration and the repudiation of refugees, racism and islamophobia,
etc., and generating a wave that has recently reached a critical
point with the beginning of the new United States government, the
European turn to the Right, and -parliamentary- soft forms of
authoritarianism in Latin America.

The XIV International Conference on Political Philosophy “The
Challenges of Political Transformation” aim to value the
transformation of the political space of the last decades and to
analyze, from the perspective of political philosophy and related
social sciences, the challenges that political extremism, the
nationalist hermeticism, the exclusion and the neoliberal
reconversion presents to society. That is why we invite the academic
community and all interested people to participate, presenting
communications that respond to this motivation, articulated around
problems, transformed into provocation, such as the challenges to new
forms of participation; how are transforming the political action and
the quality of democracy the communication platforms and the social
web? Challenges to international politics and political philosophy;
how do they challenge the political alternatives, democratic
diversity, the reemergence of populism, the restitution of the Right
and political extremism to the current philosophical thought? Or,
finally, the challenges to contemporary critical theories and
practices; what forms of political action and new theoretical
approaches to racism, xenophobia, forced immigration, etc., are seen
on the horizon as a renewal of criticism?


- Óscar Guardiola Rivera, Birbeck College, University of London
- Carlos Fernández Liria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Oliver Kozlarek, Universität Vechta / Universidad Michoacana de San
  Nicolás de Hidalgo
- Joan Subirats, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Submission of proposals

From five hundred to one thousand words (title, keywords, argument
and three to five key bibliographic references) prepared for
anonymous peer review. Summaries will be accepted in Spanish,
Catalan, English, Portuguese or Italian.

Send propols to:
Deadline: July 10th, 2017
Communication of results: July 31th, 2017

Accepted presenters will be invited to prepare his papers as
scientific article for its publication in “Astrolabio. International
Journal of Philosophy” (ISSN-e 1699-7549).

Free Registration

Possibility of hosting scholarships for doctoral students (accepted
presenters) without funding.


Faculty of Philosophy
University of Barcelona
Montalegre St. 6, 4th Floor


Political Philosophy Seminar
Consolidated Research Group “Crisis of Practical Reason”
Project ACC-POL “New Forms of Political Participation in the
Communication Era" Ref. FFI2014-53982-P

Conference website:


Los desafíos de la transformación política
XIV Jornadas Internacionales de Filosofía Política

A pesar del clima de desafección política derivado de la reducción de
la democracia y el refuerzo positivo de la apatía, durante la última
década han surgido nuevas formas de participación, espoleadas por la
indignación y auspiciadas por el florecimiento de las plataformas y
las  tecnologías de la información y la comunicación 2.0. En España,
una parte de  este flujo ha alcanzado la representación en el
gobierno, desde donde continúa  poniendo en entredicho los efectos
políticos de la democracia liberal, cuestionando la vigencia de la
Constitución y postulando la necesidad de examinar el modelo
territorial, el derecho a 

InterPhil: CFP: Peace and Conflict Resolution

2017-05-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Type: Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference 2017 (PCRC 2017)
Institution: Tomorrow People Organization
Location: Bangkok (Thailand)
Date: 27.–29.11.2017
Deadline: 20.10.2017


The Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference 2017 will take place
from November 27th - 29th 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand, and is organized
by Tomorrow People Organization – internationally recognized non for
profit organization with head quarters in Belgrade, Serbia.

The official language of the conference in English. Attendance of
delegates from more than 40 countries is expected.

This highly exciting and challenging international conference on
peace and conflict resolution is intended to be a forum, discussion
and networking place for governmental officials, academics,
researchers, professionals, administrators, policy makers, advanced
students, and others.

More specifically, it targets:

- Government officials and policy makers:
Learn about the best practices in international relations, peace
building and conflict resolution, current political trends and more;
network with other policy makers and NGOs working in the field of
supporting the peace development.

- NGOs:
Network with other international NGOs, possible donors and colleagues
from around the world and share your achievements and strategies with

- Graduate students:
Meet your colleagues from around the world, make new friends, and
improve your knowledge and communication skills.

- Scholars:
Learn some new approaches, hear about others’ experiences and pass on
your knowledge and experience on to the others.

- Others:
Interested in making some positive changes around them and gaining
new knowledge, skills and friends and becoming more useful to their
own communities.


Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference 2017 - PCRC 2017 accepts the
following types of submissions:

- Research Papers:
Completed research papers in any of the topic areas listed bellow or
related areas.

- Abstracts:
Abstracts of completed or proposed research in any of the topic areas
listed bellow, or related areas. The abstract for proposed research
should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a
discussion of expected outcomes.

- Student Papers:
Research done by students in any of the topic areas listed bellow, or
related areas.

- Case Studies:
Case studies in any of the topic areas listed bellow, or related

- Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for Future Research:
Incomplete research or ideas for future research in order to generate
discussion and feedback in any of related areas.

- Reports on Issues Related to the conference topics:
Reports related to innovative techniques or research related to any
of the topic areas listed bellow or related areas.

Proposals are accepted on a rolling admission basis as long as space
is available or by October 20th 2017 at latest and are to be be
submitted along with application form:

All submissions will be peer reviewed and acceptance/rejections is
based on their relevance to the conference topics. Notification on
acceptance is sent within 7 days after the submissions has been


Conference themes include, but are not limited to:
- Art and Peace
- Conflict Resolution
- Culture and Society 
- Education and Peace
- History and Peace
- Gender and Peace
- Global Political Economy
- Government and Politics
- Humanitarian Aid
- Humanitarian Disaster
- Human Rights and Security
- Internal Conflicts
- International Law and Justice
- International Relations
- Internatinal Security
- Journalism, Peace and Conflicts
- Media, Conflicts and Human Rights
- Migrations and Peace
- Military Interventions
- Peace and Development
- Peace Negotiation and Mediation
- Peace Theories
- Poverty and Peace
- Reconciliation and Transition
- Religion and Peace
- Security and Disarmament
- The Economy of War
- Victims of War
- Waging of Peace
- War Traumas 
- War Crimes

Important Dates

​Applications accepted starting from:
10th March 2016

Early registration deadline: 
1st August 2017

Deadline for applications for authors:
20st October 2017

Deadline for proceedings submissions:
1st November 2017

Conference dates:
27th - 29th November 2017

Conference website:


Tomorrow People Organization
Dusana Vukasovica 73
11 000 Belgrade
Tel. +381 62 680 683


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