InterPhil: CFP: Otherness, Agency and Belonging

2015-11-20 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Otherness, Agency and Belonging
Type: 5th International Symposium
Institution: International Network for Alternative Academia
Location: Barcelona (Spain)
Date: 19.–21.5.2016
Deadline: 14.4.2015


This trans-disciplinary research project explores the unfolding
dynamic of the relationship between self and other as it is enacted
in our experiences of being strangers, aliens and foreigners.
Examining the history of this relationship, reflecting upon its
ideological and psychological foundations, and bearing witness to its
manifestation in the lived experiences of migrants, refugees and the
displaced, this symposium offers the opportunity to consider at the
level of both theory and practice, new means for establishing a sense
of belonging and new methods for engaging the other.

We invite colleagues from all disciplines and professions interested
in exploring and explaining these issues in a collective,
deliberative and dialogical environment to send presentation
proposals that address these general questions or the following

1. Practice, Logic and Dialogue

=> Being and Belonging

- How is belonging conceptualized? How is it lived?
- What are the psychological and the ideological foundations for the
  need to belong?
- How do ideals of belonging shape and inform the practice of
- How is the need to belong politicized?
- In what ways are notions of belonging being reconfigured in
  response to the rise of new technologies and new media? In what ways
  is the need to belong shaping these developments?

=> Language Lessons

- Can we speak of the self without the other? Can there be a language
  of ‘we-ness’? What terms would it employ? How would the grammar for
  such a language be constructed?
- What metaphors can be employed in the construction of alternatives
  to binary representations of self and other?
- How are new languages -new terminologies and new structures- being
  lived? That is, how are they already shaping experience through and
  in the development of idioms and rhetoric, signs and symbols?
- What alternatives might dialogical acts of speaking provide for
  addressing the other and the self? How might referential acts be
  used as a model for rethinking self-other relations?
- What role might embodiment and location play in rethinking

2. Shifting Planes and Contexts

=> Economic Value

- What is the role of labour migration for economic growth and
  prosperity? How are the contributions of labour migration being
  recognized? How are they being measured?
- How is migrant labour commodified? What are the effects of this
- What is the political value of migrants and foreigners, strangers
  and aliens, refugees and the displaced? How are they made
  ‘invisible’ within nations and states? At what moments are they made
  visible? How is this dialectic of visibility played out, experienced
  and conceived?
- What new models of economic/political inclusion/exclusion are we

=> Environment and the Link to Nature

- How are self and other interweaved with nature? What norms,
  orientations and models prevail? Are there alternatives that are
  being collectively enacted? How might these bonds be
- What indigenous worldviews might foster the construction of new
  models of diversity and plurality?
- How is the new class of environmental migrants being constructed
  and conceived?

=> A Whole New World

- Who are the new migrants? How are new migratory flows and massive
  movements mapping out, both literally and figuratively?
- How are trans-national and post-national ideologies reconfiguring
  our conceptions of the other?
- Who is our neighbour? Do we owe our neighbour hospitality and
  respect? Why?
- How is responsibility to be attributed in a world that is on the

3. Enquiry and Legitimacy

=> Representations

- How are representations of difference created and disseminated
  through the arts and media?
- By what means and through what measures do art and media instil and
  embed images of otherness? How might these avenues of production be
  used to transform and deconstruct such representations?
- How are new technologies and new media framing our ideas of
- What are the stories of strangers, the allegories of aliens, the
  fictions of foreigners and the discourses of the displaced being
  told? How are such narratives constructed? With what affect?

=> Acts of Legitimation: On Law

- How do nation states exclude juridically? How do laws protect
  and/or exclude the other?
- How do citizens and non-citizens relate within juridical practices
  and discourse?
- What place do human rights occupy in facilitating inclusionary
  and/or exclusionary practices?
- How are trans-national and post-national ideologies configuring
  conceptions of self and other?


InterPhil: CFP: Otherness, Agency and Belonging

2014-10-03 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Otherness, Agency and Belonging
Type: 5th International Symposium
Institution: International Network for Alternative Academia
   Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales (CEDUA),
Colegio de México (COLMEX)
Location: Mexico City, D.F. (Mexico)
Date: 4.–6.11.2014
Deadline: 21.10.2014


Part of the Research Program on:
Recognition, Agency and the Politics of Otherness


Venue: El Colegio de México
(Camino al Ajusco 20, Pedregal de Santa Teresa, 10740)
Main Campus (Sala Alfonso Reyes)
Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico

This trans-disciplinary research project explores the unfolding
dynamic of the relationship between self and other as it is enacted
in our experiences of being strangers, aliens and foreigners.
Examining the history of this relationship, reflecting upon its
ideological and psychological foundations, and bearing witness to its
manifestation in the lived experiences of migrants, refugees and the
displaced, this symposium offers the opportunity to consider at the
level of both theory and practice, new means for establishing a sense
of belonging and new methods for engaging the other.

We invite colleagues from all disciplines and professions interested
in exploring and explaining these issues in a collective,
deliberative and dialogical environment to send presentation
proposals that address these general questions or the following

1. Practice, Logic and Dialogue

* Being and Belonging

  - How is belonging conceptualized? How is it lived?
  - What are the psychological and the ideological foundations for
the need to belong?
  - How do ideals of belonging shape and inform the practice of
  - How is the need to belong politicized?
  - In what ways are notions of belonging being reconfigured in
response to the rise of new technologies and new media? In what
ways is the need to belong shaping these developments?

* Language Lessons

  - Can we speak of the self without the other? Can there be a
language of ‘we-ness’? What terms would it employ? How would the
grammar for such a language be constructed?
  - What metaphors can be employed in the construction of
alternatives to binary representations of self and other?
  - How are new languages -new terminologies and new structures   -
being lived? That is, how are they already shaping experience
through and in the development of idioms and rhetoric, signs and
  - What alternatives might dialogical acts of speaking provide for
addressing the other and the self? How might referential acts be
used as a model for rethinking self-other relations?
  - What role might embodiment and location play in rethinking

2. Shifting Planes and Contexts

* Monetary Values

  - What is the role of labour migration for economic growth and
prosperity? How are the contributions of labour migration being
recognized? How are they being measured?
  - How is migrant labour commodified? What are the effects of this
  - What is the political value of migrants and foreigners, strangers
and aliens, refugees and the displaced? How are they made
‘invisible’ within nations and states? At what moments are they
made visible? How is this dialectic of visibility played out,
experienced and conceived?
  - What new models of economic/political inclusion/exclusion are we

* Environment and the Link to Nature

  - How are self and other interweaved with nature? What norms,
orientations and models prevail? Are there alternatives that are
being collectively enacted? How might these bonds be
  - What indigenous worldviews might foster the construction of new
models of diversity and plurality?
  - How is the new class of environmental migrants being constructed
and conceived?

* A Whole New World

  - Who are the new migrants? How are new migratory flows and massive
movements mapping out, both literally and figuratively?
  - How are trans-national and post-national ideologies reconfiguring
our conceptions of the other?
  - Who is our neighbour? Do we owe our neighbour hospitality and
respect? Why?
  - How is responsibility to be attributed in a world that is on the

3. Enquiry and Legitimacy

* Representations

  - How are representations of difference created and disseminated
through the arts and media?
  - By what means and through what measures do art and media instil
and embed images of otherness? How might these avenues of
production be used to transform and deconstruct such
  - How are new technologies and new media framing our ideas of
  - What are the stories of strangers, the allegories of aliens, the
fictions of foreigners and the discourses of the displaced 

InterPhil: CFP: Otherness, Agency and Belonging

2012-03-29 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Papers

Theme: Otherness, Agency and Belonging
Type: 4th International Symposium
Institution: International Network for Alternative Academia
Location: Montreal, QC (Canada)
Date: 6.–8.11.2012
Deadline: 25.5.2012


This trans-disciplinary project explores the unfolding dynamic of the
bond between self  other enacted in our experiences of being
strangers, aliens  foreigners; new means for establishing a sense of
belonging  engagement with otherness.

Multidisciplinary studies, Interdisciplinary studies, Social
Sciences, Sociology, Politics, Anthropology, History, Philosophy,
Identity, Discourse, Culture, Human Rights, Justice  legal studies,
Public policy, Globalization, Arts, Media


Alejandro Cervantes-Carson, General Coordinator
International Network for Alternative Academia
Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia #11 Ppal. 1era.
E-08012 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 4870277

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