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2006-04-16 Thread IslahCity


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  Members: 3954 
  Category: Islam 
  Founded: Feb 21, 2004 
  Language: English 
islamcity · eGroup For Muslims Around The World 

"A learned Christian 
Scientist who had converted to Islam had once said that it is mostly the most 
knowledgeable among Christians who convert to Islam while it is the most 
ignorant Muslims with no knowledge of their own religion who convert to 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title change to daily digest. 


Holy quran



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2006-04-16 Thread rabiulawwal1427
Assalamu aleikum.

The saying goes, Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on
me. Or as Dajjal Bush puts it in his own inimitable style:

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably
in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool
me — you can't get fooled again. — Dajjal Bush, Nashville, Tenn.,
Sept. 17, 2002

This is only too true when it comes to the FBI recruiting traitors to
Islam. The occasions upon which those who cooperated with the FBI to
expose terrorists later themselves became the targets are too
numerous to list. Prominent examples include imams in Oregon and in
Lodi, California. The FBI uses its contacts within the Muslim
community to open investigations on any Muslim activity, and that
boomerangs into investigations of those who betray Islam by supporting
such investigations.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from the FBI's effort to go
nationwide in its recruitment of traitors to our deen is that it is
now preparing a fresh wave of nationwide arrests of Muslims. 

The best step to take if approached by the FBI is this: 


Remember the old phrase: Anything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law? 

That isn't merely a phrase taken from TV's Dragnet. That is a
court-ordered phrase that the police are obligated to tell you if they
suspect you of a crime. But they don't have to tell you this if they
don't presently suspect you of a crime. 

Even if they don't suspect you of a crime, if in talking to the FBI by
yourself you should accidentally make a statement that the FBI regards
as false, incomplete or misleading you can and will be blackmailed
into betraying family or friends with a threat of a prison sentence. 

That's because US law regards ANY misstatement to a police officer
including the FBI as a criminal offense, even though you were not
under oath at the time that you said it. 

But it's NOT a crime to say NOTHING AT ALL to the FBI or any other
police agency. The FBI realizes this and therefore can be quite
intimidating in trying to get you to say something, anything, just so
that they can cook up a case against you or others. That's why you
need to have a lawyer present to shut them up. Demand it from the
start of any questioning, no matter how innocent their questions may
appear to be.

From the ACLU's Know Your Rights pamphlet (see below for URLs to
this pamphlet in various languages):

Q: What if I speak to government agents anyway?

A: Anything you say to law enforcement can be used against you and
others. Keep in mind that lying to a government official is a crime.
Remaining silent until you consult with a lawyer is not. Even if you
have already answered some questions, you can refuse to answer other
questions until you have a lawyer.

The Know Your Rights pamphlet is available in a variety of languages:

Know Your Rights
Acrobat Reader .pdf files:



To see resources that respond to the claims made in the FBI's Town
Hall presentations (such as the claim that they changed their
mission after 9/11), visit the Bill of Rights Defense Committee site at:



FBI Recruits US Muslims in Fighting Terror Live
Islam Online
April 13, 2006


Moskal said the televised meeting is also part of efforts to encourage
Muslim and Arab Americans to report intimidation, racism or harassment.

It's important to keep the lines of communication open, said Hooper.

WASHINGTON, April 13, 2006 (IslamOnline.net  News Agencies) – The
Federal Bureau of Investigation will hold on Thursday, April 13, its
first nationally televised townhall meeting for Muslim and Arab
Americans in an effort to overcome misconceptions and enlist their
help in fighting terrorism.

What we want to do is let the public know that the FBI has changed
its mission after Sept. 11, that our number one priority is the
detection and prevention of another terrorist act, Paul Moskal, chief
division counsel for the FBI in Buffalo, New York, told Reuters.

If someone in the public can help us accomplish that, that's our
purpose, added Moskal, who will lead the meeting and field questions.

He said one of the main reasons for the meeting was recruiting.

We need more Arab Americans, we need more Muslim Americans as FBI
agents and as FBI employees.

Moskal said the FBI had long conducted local townhall 

[IslamCity] Update April 13, 2006: A Case for the Palestinian Government, Padilla Can't Wait

2006-04-16 Thread Jawed Anwar

From: Daily Muslims
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006
1:16 AM
Subject: Update April 13, 2006: A
Case for the Palestinian Government, Padilla Can't Wait

Visit and
Login at www.DailyMuslims.com

  A Case for the Palestinian Government 
  Thursday, April 13, 2006 
  RESPONDINGto successive decisions made by the US, the
  European Union and various European and non-European countries to boycott the
  Palestinian Authority and deprive it of urgently needed funds, Palestinian
  Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh described these dictates as both
  hasty and unjust. 


  Padilla Can't Wait 
  AZIZ HUQ, Tom Paine 
  Thursday, April 13, 2006 
  CAN a U.S. citizen be locked up for
  three-plus years without access to a court or opportunity to challenge the
  government's reasons for detention? Today, the answer in America is a
  provisional yes. 


  Long Beard Not Allowed in Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  Thursday, April 13, 2006 
  Leader Mohsin Hayat Ranjha was made to retire early for breaching a dress
  code which bans long beards, BBC reports.


  CNN Revives Murder Case of LA Muslim Woman 
  Thursday, April 13, 2006 
  HARD hitting, no holds barred prime-time crime
  fighting advocate, Nancy Grace, resurrected December 17, 2004's unsolved cold
  case murder of Iman Muhanna Mohammed this past Friday night on CNN. 


  The Rohingyas of Burma and Bangladesh 
  Thursday, April 13, 2006 
  Part 3: Muslims in Arakan
  Before I delve into the subject of Rohingya Muslims, let me provide a brief
  account of Arakan. ARAKAN, formerly called Rohang, Roshang, Rakhine Pray,
  Rakhapura, lies on the north-western part of Burma with 360 miles coastal
  belt from the Bay of Bengal. 


Editor in Chief 

News Releases, Letters, Events info and Articles



{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title change to daily digest. 


Holy quran



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2006-04-16 Thread Mike Ghouse

As Muslims, we may consider two perspectives:

1) The title Hindoo Cannibals eat baby boy is deliberately used to 
malign other faith groups, to glorify ourselves.  Is this ethically 

2) Aren't we falling into the same pitfalls, the people we accuse of 
doing. Maligning Islam?

Let's live our life, our faith is dear to us. Let's not malign or 
say derogatory things about others. Our gain is negative.

Jazak Allah Khair

Mike Mohamed Ghouse

--- In islamcity@yahoogroups.com, Assalamu Aleikum wrote:

Tantrik, disciple held for eating corpse
Monday April 10 2006

JAUNPUR: A tantrik and his disciple were arrested here
on Monday for allegedly digging up the body of an
18-month-old boy and eating it to attain supernatural

The two, who were arrested from Mutharabad Shah area
of the district, had admitted to exhuming the body and
consuming it after cutting off the head in order to
attain supernatural powers, senior superintendent of
police Abhay Kumar Prasad said on Monday.

He said the head of the child, who had died a week
earlier due to some illness, was found lying near the
grave but the body was missing.

Suspecting the hand of a tantrik, police launched a
manhunt and arrested the two on Monday, he said.

The 'Aghora' Saivite sect of ascetics that live on the
banks of the river Ganga at Varanasi reportedly eat
corpses in the belief that it would help them attain
supernatural powers.


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in 
any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily 
digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your 
mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the 
title change to daily digest.  
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[IslamCity] Please visit this article on www.MuslimsToday.com website !!

2006-04-16 Thread S A Hannan

- Original Message - 


  Global Islamic Relations for better understanding
الموقع العربي  



 Wednesday, 12 April 2006 19:02: PM 


  Meaning, Manifestations, Causeshttp://www.MuslimsToday.com/EN/Contents.aspx?AID=4269
  Mustafa Abu Sway 
  A discussion and condemnation of Islamophobia. 
  “Muslims could change their world and overcome the tyranny 
  of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination, just as slavery 
  was abolished”1 
  Islamophobia consists of violence against Muslims in the form 
  of physical assaults, verbal abuse, and the vandalizing of 
  property, especially of Islamic institutions including mosques, 
  Islamic schools and Muslim cemeteries. Islamophobia also includes 
  discrimination in employment — where Muslims are faced with 
  unequal opportunities —discrimination in the provision of health 
  services, exclusion from managerial positions and jobs of high 
  responsibility; and exclusion from political and governmental 
  posts. Ultimately, Islamophobia also comprises prejudice in the 
  media, literature, and everyday conversation.2 
  Let us consider the following examples: 
* A mosque in the French city of Carpentras in the 
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region came under Molotov cocktail 
attack on Friday, November 11, [2005] during the weekly Friday 
* Twelve drawings depicting Prophet Muhammad in different 
settings appeared in Denmark’s largest circulation daily 
Jyllands-Posten on September 30, [2005]. In one of the drawings, 
Prophet Muhammad appeared with a turban shaped like a bomb 
strapped to his head. 
* Police arrested two people, apparently a Jewish pimp and a 
prostitute, on the Friday night of August 26 [2005] on suspicion 
that they were responsible for a pig’s head dressed in a 
keffiyeh and inscribed with the nickname “the Prophet Muhammad” 
being thrown into the yard of Tel Aviv’s Hassan Beik Mosque.4 
* The U.S. military detailed on Friday, June 3, 2005, five 
cases in which jailers at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, 
Cuba, had desecrated copies of the Holy Qur’an, including one 
incident that had occurred as recently as March. Brigadier 
General Jay Hood, commander of the Guantanamo prison who headed 
the inquiry, said the inquiry had confirmed five cases of 
* “Did you hear about the Muslim virgin desperate to lose it? 
It wasn’t really the sex she was interested in; she just didn’t 
want to [f**k] a suicide bomber when she died.” The British 
journalist Julie Burchill’s “favorite joke of the moment,” in 
“What Allah Wants, Allah Gets” as reprinted in the Israeli 
daily, Haaretz (September 24, 2005) 
  Who Are the Islamophobes? 
  The countries where these offensive and troubling Islamophobic 
  examples took place are France, Denmark, Israel, and the U.S. 
  Other examples in the article include Germany, Sri Lanka and the 
  UK. The list fails to reflect the fact that Islamophobic incidents 
  exist in every country where there is a Muslim minority. 
  Islamophobia-Watch.com has documented Islamophobic entries under 
  the name of these additional countries: Australia, Austria, 
  Belgium, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. 
  In addition, the perpetrators could be categorized as either 
  individual civilians or officials, including military. There is a 
  problem about determining the Islamophobe in the last example 
  given above; is it only the author, Julie Burchill? How far could 
  Haaretz itself be held responsible for the Islamophobic content? 
  (The original responsibility, in this case, does not pertain to 
  Haaretz but to Burchill herself and The Times. In both dailies, 
  however, the piece was printed verbatim, without asterisks to 
  replace the “f” word. The comments on the article were no less 
  Islamophobic. The 

[IslamCity] Understanding the Qur`aan - Part 3-1: The Qur`aan is in the Language of the Quraish

2006-04-16 Thread DDN

B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i 
r  R a h e e m


Part 3 - 1

Qur`aan is in the Language of the 

By Ayub A. 


Whether a person studies the Qur-aan directly without placing much reliance 
on the existing translations, Tafaaseer and commentaries or studies with the 
help of existing scholarly works, the following principles must be employed for 
understanding or deriving conclusions, evaluating which translations and 
commentaries to rely upon, and which opinions to accept or 
The Qur-aan is in the Language of the 

The Holy Qur-aan was revealed in the Arabic language 
considered authentic by the literary authorities of the Quraish at the time of 
the Prophet, all Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam. To understand its message as it was 
meant to be understood, naturally, the first prerequisite is the knowledge of 
the language of that era. 

Every language has its nuances of style, idioms 
and usage, all of which change with time. To appreciate a literary work and to 
fully comprehend its compositional impact and its literary subtleties, a reader 
must be knowledgeable about those nuances of style, idiom and usage of the time 
when the literature was produced, not merely the contemporary language; e.g. 
Chaucer’s or Shakespeare’s English as compared to contemporary English. The same 
is true for the Qur-aan. One cannot pick up contemporary dictionaries and 
lexicons and try to decipher the meaning of the Qur-aan. The reader of the 
Qur-aan or the author who translates or explains the Qur-aan must be well-versed 
in the literary (Faseeh) Arabic of the time of the Prophet, all Allaahu`alayhi 
wa sallam. He should be able to discern the 
subtleties of the idioms and usage of that period. To be able to do so, he 
should have a command of the poetry of the celebrated poets and speeches of the 
eloquent orators of that era such as: Qis bin Saaidah, Labeed, Imra-ul-Qais, Amr 
bin Kulthoom, and Zuahir. Only such a person will be able to understand the 
wisdom and beauty of the choice of the words used by Allaah Subhaanahu wa 
Ta`aalain a particular context or to express a particular idea. It was 
that literary language in which the Qur-aan was revealed. It was those 
authorities on Arabic language who were stunned by the miraculous beauty and 
elegance of Qur-aanic prose. To understand the Qur-aanic message and the nuances 
of its text, knowledge of their language and culture is an absolute 

It is not the colloquial Arabic, dictionaries compiled by non-Muslim 
orientalists or modern dictionaries that determines the meanings of the Qur-aan, 
but the Arabic usage and idiom of the time of the Prophet, all Allaahu`alayhi 
wa sallamas documented by the works of the early scholars of Islam. For 
that purpose, mastery of the language and the poetry of that time is critically 
essential for which we must rely on those linguistic authorities who have 
dedicated their live in acquiring and retaining that knowledge. 
Those who know only the 
contemporary Arabic used in the modern Arabic magazines and newspapers or those 
who try to translate with the help of orientalists’ dictionaries may end up 
deducing wrong conclusions. 

Some commentators of the Holy Qur-aan tend to rely on contemporary 
dictionaries and search for meanings of the words that suit their mindset 
instead of taking the meanings established in the literature of the Prophet all 
Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam’s time. Naturally, as noted above, such authors may 
misunderstand or totally miss the point of the Qur-aanic text. Many non-Arabic 
people assume that Arabic speaking people have a better understanding of Qur-aan 
and its language. That is mostly not true. Unless an Arab Muslim has given 
special time and attention to learn the language of the Qur-aan (Language of the 
Quraish at the time of the Prophet, all Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam), he is as 
much prone to the danger of deriving wrong conclusions from the Qur-aan as any 
non-Arabic speaking person.

A Tafseer written by a 
person well versed in literary Arabic will have quotations and references to 
indicate the usage during the Prophet, all Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam’s time. 
Hence, when reflecting on the Qur-aan in order to understand it properly, the 
readers must rely on the commentaries of the Qur-aan written by those who have 
acquired expertise in the Arabic language and usage of the time of the Prophet, 
all Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam. Such scholars will give examples of usage from 
literary giants of Makkah in support of a meaning they take for a word that is 
different from its commonly understood meaning.

Some people may think that 
if we do not resort to the new meanings given in the contemporary dictionaries, 
the miraculous nature of the words of the Qur-aan, as are being discovered 
through modern 

[IslamCity] National Salvation Front of Syria ���� ������ ����

2006-04-16 Thread foryr infor

For Your InformationArabic: ÚÑÈí  http://www.free-syria.com/loadarticle.php?articleid=1483English  http://www.free-syria.com/loadarticle.php?articleid=1891
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity, you may wish to get a daily digest of emails by logging-on to http://www.yahoogroups.com to change your mail delivery settings or email the moderators at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title change to daily digest. 



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[IslamCity] Chapter 2: �Crisis in the Muslim Mind� - Summary2

2006-04-16 Thread atq atiq

  Dear respected all,  Assalamualaikum.   Below some points are noted from “Crisis in the Muslim Mind” by AbdulHamid A. AbuSulayman – available at   http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Books/AA_cmm/default.htm.   So please read this book. Chapter 2: Traditional methodology of Islamic Thought  The science of usul al fiqh (jurisdical source methodology) is the historical methodology of Islamic thought. After the period of Khulafa, in the age of ijtihad that followed, when the schism occurred between the Ummah’s political and intellectual leadership and the drift went on, the Muslim thinkers and scholars begun to shun all but academic pursuits, and taught and wrote on the most personalized aspects of the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah, such as worship and transaction, and ignored issues related to politics, government, social organization, and the general nature of the group and society.   The science of Islamic methodology is based on –   i. Primary foundations: Quran, Sunnah, ijma (the consensus of the learned), and qiyas (analogy)  ii. Secondary foundations: It consists of studies dealing with those sources of evidence on which the scholars differed as to how and under what conditions they are to be applied (al adillah al mukhtalif fiha), sources which are used in the main as the basis for the process of ijtihad. Among the most important of these secondary sources are:  - istihsan (the more reasonable analogy),   - al masalih al mursalah (the wider Interests of the community),   - sadd al dhara'i (the obstruction of ostensibly legitimate means to illegitimate ends),   - 'urf (custom and legal usage),   - the sayings of the sahabah, and   - the practices of the people of Madinah.In the framework of traditional Islamic thought:   a. The first sources of Islam are the Qur'an and the Sunnah.   - The most important qualifications for their study under the traditional methodology are at once historical, theoretical, and linguistic knowledge. All traditional Islamic studies hinged on the theoretical, while all of the other vital elements associated with these two sources (i.e., interpretation and relevance to actual situations) remained of secondary importance.  - Traditional studies often confuse the one with the other and actually dispute each other's positions and the ways in which they are interrelated.  - The static Intellectual atmosphere resulted in the confusion of such elements as time and place dimensions, and the position of specific and contextualized
 texts in relation to the general and universal meanings of the original revelation, and to the nature of humanity and the universe.  b.Ijma: Traditional approach of ijma is - an absolute consensus leaving no room for disagreement or opposition – made virtually impossible for it to be used in any matter of either doctrinal or juridical significance.   So Muslims should seek to establish another type of ijma', one based on ijtihad and shura, one that draws in a major way
 from the Idea of consulting groups of qualified people and those leaders of society committed to Islam irrespective of their various political or intellectual leanings. It is needed when the Ummah cannot agree unanimously on an issue.  c. Qiyas: - the exercise of reason In regard to events about which no textual injunctions have come to us in either the Qur'an or the Sunnah. However, there is one major qualification to this practice: the general social circumstances In both Instances must be the same. If anything is different, it must be ascertained whether the difference(s) are minimal and limited to details rather than fundamental and demanding of attention. If the differences are found to be inconsequential, a parallel may be drawn with
 the historical event, and the same ruling may be applied.   [for details on usul al fiqh, pls read the lectures from http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Books/SH_Usul/default.htm]  The Neglect of the Social Sciences  - The obvious result of the intellectual leadership's resignation (forced or otherwise) from public life was that its principles and methodological tools were never put to significant use in developing distinctly Islamic sciences of fitrah and Muslim society (on the lines of today's social sciences and humanities).  - Islamic thought turned away from using its usul for the development of sciences and disciplines dealing with the organization and well-being of society, preferring instead to focus on the spiritual and ritualistic needs of the Individual Muslim.  - Apart
 from some great efforts of individuals, there was no constituted effort to build anything like a formal intellectual movement. So "Islamic social sciences," nor could they be expected to become a new trend In Islamic thought or direct the Ummah and its institutions towards solutions to its problems.  - the separation of the Ummah's political and intellectual leadership result studies that became hopelessly mired in descriptive traditionalism and
 literalism.  - 


2006-04-16 Thread rabiulawwal1427
Briton Who Refused 3rd Iraq Tour Sentenced
Associated Press
April 13, 2006

Ft Lt Malcolm Kendall-Smith, who refused to serve in Iraq, leaves
Aldershot Court Martial Centre, Aldershot, England, where he was found
guilty on five charges of failing to comply with lawful orders,
Thursday April 13, 2006. A military court on Thursday sentenced
British air force doctor Ft Lt Malcolm Kendall-Smith to eight months
in prison and dismissed him from the service for disobeying orders
after he challenged the legality of the war in Iraq. Flight Lt.
Malcolm Kendall-Smith, who said U.S. actions in Iraq were on par with
those of Nazi Germany, was convicted by a panel of Royal Air Force
officers after a three-day session. Kendall-Smith, 37, had served
twice in southern Iraq with British forces, but refused to return a
third time in June because he said he was not prepared to take part in
an 'act of aggression.' (AP Photo/Andrew Parsons/PA)

LONDON - A military court Thursday convicted a British air force
doctor of disobeying orders and sentenced him to eight months in
prison after he called the Iraq war illegal and refused to return for
a third tour of duty.

Flight Lt. Malcolm Kendall-Smith, who said U.S. actions in Iraq were
on par with those of Nazi Germany, was convicted by a panel of Royal
Air Force officers, dismissed from the service and sentenced to prison
after a three-day court-martial.

Kendall-Smith, 37, had served twice in southern Iraq but refused to
return a third time in June because he said he was not prepared to
take part in an act of aggression.

He had pleaded innocent to five charges of failing to comply with a
lawful order after refusing to deploy to the city of Basra last year.

Kendall-Smith's lawyer, Justin Hugheston-Roberts, said he planned to

Outside court, Hugheston-Roberts read a statement from Kendall-Smith
in which the doctor said he had two great loves in life — medicine
and the Royal Air Force.

To take the decision that I did caused me great sadness, but I felt
that I had no other choice, the statement said.

Speaking on behalf of the air force, Wing Commander Ailsa Gough
restated the Ministry of Defense's position that the orders given to
Flight Lt. Kendall-Smith were lawful and, therefore, should have been

She said it would be inappropriate to comment further.

Kendall-Smith, a dual British-New Zealand citizen, could have received
up to two years in detention.

He told the court he did not want to be complicit with an action
contrary to international law.

I have evidence that the Americans were on a par with Nazi Germany
with its actions in the Persian Gulf, he said.

He did not specify which U.S. actions he believed were similar to
those of the Nazis.

Kendall-Smith, who studied philosophy in New Zealand, refused to take
part in training prior to his third deployment because he believed
these were preparatory acts which were equally criminal as the act

The Pentagon says more than 5,500 U.S. servicemen have deserted since
the war started in Iraq. It is unclear how many have challenged the
legality of the war.

Kendall-Smith's lawyers had argued that since Iraq had not attacked
Britain or one of its allies, there was no lawful reason to invade.
The officer was entitled to disobey the unlawful orders, they said.

Prosecutor David Perry told the court that since May 2003, two months
after the invasion, coalition forces in Iraq were operating under the
authority of a U.N. Security Council mandate and at the invitation of
Iraq's provisional government.


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

[IslamCity] Christ in Islam His miraculous birth and His status in ISLAM

2006-04-16 Thread Islahonline

In the name of 
Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Allah, the 
Almighty, says: "O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your 
religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was 
(no more than) amessenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and 
a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not 
“Trinity” : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be 
to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens 
and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of 

detailed description of Prophet Eesa; Jesus Christ (PBUH) in Islam. This book 
discusses Jesus Christ's (PBUH) life, his miraculous birth and his status in 
Muslim is someone who submits to the will of God.
Christian Brothers are astounded, bewildered, and astonished to hear when we say 
that Prophet 
Jesus is 
mentioned twenty five times in the Qur'an, 
five times more than Prophet 
portrays Jesus 
as God's mighty messenger and no Muslim's faith is complete unless he accepts 
as a Prophet 
of God.
is remarkable about the life of Prophet 
is that he came to clear the name of Prophet 
Jesus that 
he blasphemed against God by claiming a share in God's divinity. Prophet 
hallowed Prophet Jesus 
as the messiah and as a devoted servant of God.
was Prophet 
who brought the good news that Prophet 
did not die on the cross as the Qur'an so affirmatively asserts. He cleared the 
name of Prophet 
that he allegedly betrayed his covenant to God as a prophet and divine 
messenger. He put the life of Prophet 
in clear perspective and bore witness that he was but a man commissioned by God 
to call humanity to God's way and was given special powers to help him 
accomplish his mission.
Ahmed Deedat 
use to say: "The 
Christians out of their love for Prophet 
that he is God or the son of God, and the Muslims out of their love and 
obedience to God say he is a mighty messenger of God".
was a great man and is unsurpassed in many ways, but you don't elevate a man or 
a Prophet by making him a God simply out of your love, respect and admiration 
for him.
has the good news right? Is Jesus as portrayed in the Qur'an, 
a devoted servant of God, the truth or what the Church teaches through its 
doctrine of the trinity, God the father, the son, and the holy 
Ahmed Deedat presents 
his evidence and comes to the conclusion that the fathers of the church have the 
good news badly misconstrued.
Author Biography: 
The world-renowned Muslim Scholar of Comparative Religion was born in the 
district of India in 1918. Ahmed Hoosen Deedat had no recollection of his 
father until 1926. His father, a tailor by profession, had emigrated to 
shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat. 
no formal education and fighting off the extreme pangs of poverty, he went to 
in 1927 to be with his father. His farewell to his mother in 
in 1927 was the last time he saw her alive for she passed away a few months 

most significant of these was in 1936 where he worked at a Muslim owned store 
near a Christian seminary on the Natal 
The incessant insults of the trainee missionaries hurled against Islam during their brief visits to the store 
infused a stubborn flame of desire within the young man to counteract their 
false propaganda.

fate would have it, Ahmed Deedat discovered by pure chance a book entitled 
Izharul-Haq, meaning, 'The Truth Revealed'. This book recorded the 
techniques and enormous success of the efforts of Muslims in 
in turning the tables against Christian missionary harassment during the British 
subjugation and rule of India. 
In particular, the idea of holding debates had a profound effect on Ahmed 

with this newly found zeal, Ahmed Deedat purchased his first Bible and began 
holding debates and discussions with the trainee missionaries. When they beat a 
hasty retreat in the face of his incisive counter arguments, he personally 
called on their teachers and even priests in the surrounding areas.

successes spurred Ahmed Deedat in the direction of Da'wah. Not even his 
marriage, birth of children and a three-year sojourn to 
after its independence dampened his enthusiasm or dulled his desire to defend 
Islam from the deceitful distortions of the Christian missionaries.

missionary zeal to project the Truth and beauty of Islam. Ahmed Deedat immersed 
himself into a host of activities over the next three decades. He conducted 
classes on Bible studies and gave numerous lectures. He established the 
As-Salaam, an institute to train propagators of Islam. He, together with his 
family, almost single-handedly erected 

[IslamCity] Sign the petition: Stop the war on Iran before it starts

2006-04-16 Thread Wolfgang Geist

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness), and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: I 
am one of the Muslims.} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels. [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all. 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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[IslamCity] statement of Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic conference At the fourth session of the conference of the Parliamentary union of the OIC member states (PUOIC)

2006-04-16 Thread S A Hannan

Dear editor/ members of the list,

Assalamu Alaikum. I am forwarding from OIC website the 
statement of Secretary General of the 
Organization of the Islamic conference At the fourth 
session of the conference of the Parliamentary union of the OIC member states 

Shah Abdul Hannan

Statement of His Excellency Prof. 
ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
Secretary General of the 
Organization of the Islamic conference

At the fourth 
session of the conference of the Parliamentary union of the OIC member states 

12 – 13 APRIL 2006.

President of the Republic of Turkey,
President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, 
Prime Minister, 
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Secretary General of Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, 

Ladies and 

It is an immense honour for me to 
address this distinguished and unique gathering of the representatives of the 
peoples of the OIC Member States. 

At the outset, I would like to 
express my appreciation to the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the General 
Secretariat of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States for hosting and 
organizing this important meeting in this beautiful and historic city of 
Istanbul, which presided over the destiny of the Muslim world for many 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

I believe that there is a 
historical dimension and importance that this meeting is taking place in 
Istanbul, as the first elected parliament in the Islamic world, Meclis-i 
Mebusan, was convened in this city in 1876. 

This historical fact pertinently 
supports our argument that the Islamic world has never faced any 
inherited normative problem in adopting modern-democratic principles and 

Today, after 130 years, doesn`t it 
sound quite hollow and meaningless to claim, as some do, that Islam 
is incompatible with democracy? 


Legislative power is a basic 
pillar of any credible state system upholding the principles of 
empowerment of people and good governance. In this regard, the OIC has 
always attached great interest to the Member States parliaments, as they play a 
prominent role and authority in preparing the groundwork for the management of 
the affairs of the states.

The representatives of the people 
are the custodians of the will of any given nation, and the _expression_ of its 
sovereignty. They are the authority that enacts the law of the land. 

The OIC was immensely pleased when 
the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States was established a few years 
ago. The OIC found in the Union an important forum which can 
fortify the ranks of the institutions of the Muslim world by 
introducing a new dimension to the joint actions and cooperation.
I hope that the Union will soon 
complete developing its structures to become an effective partner in shouldering 
heavy responsibilities given the critical phase which the Muslim world is going 

I believe that it is incumbent 
upon our two institutions to coordinate their activities in a manner to gain the 
optimal advantage. It is in this spirit that we look forward to engage with you 
in discussions aiming at exploring all possibilities to combine and complement 
our endeavours. 

As you all know, today 
the Muslim world is faced with grave political, socio-economic, cultural and 
scientific challenges. Our peace, security and welfare depend on our collective 
response to these challenges. The OIC Member States would need to cooperate 
decisively and take necessary initiatives to overcome them. 

It has therefore become 
imperative for all of us to take joint actions based on common values and ideals 
so as to revive our pioneering role as a fine example of tolerance and 
enlightened moderation, and a force for international peace and 

The OIC Ten-Year Programme of 
Action which was prepared to meet all these challenges and adopted few months 
ago, at the historical Third Extraordinary Islamic Summit held in Makkah 
Al-Mukarramah last December, contains many provisions entrusted to the OIC 
Member States to implement. 

The Union’s role in encouraging 
and enhancing the implementation of the OIC Ten Year Programme of Action, 
through adopting measures or enacting legislations is of crucial 

In this Programme which has drawn 
a path of progress and redefined the meaning of solidarity, there are 
provisions, among others, concerning good governance, respecting human 
rights, economic and social development, elimination of illiteracy, 
poverty and diseases, combating terrorism and propagating moderation and 
tolerance. All those are areas where the Union’s contribution is essential 
through adopting adequate legislations or ratifying agreements and conventions, 
and approving different measures.

Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your agenda contains important 
political, economic 

[IslamCity] This religion is easy

2006-04-16 Thread Islahonline

“This religion is easy…”| Sheikh Salman al-Oadah| 


Hurayrah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said “This religion is 
easy. No one becomes harsh and strict in the religion without it overwhelming 
him. So fulfill your duties as best you can and rejoice. Rely upon the efforts 
of the morning and the evening and a little at night and you will reach your 
goal.” [Sahîh al-Bukharî] 

words of the Prophet (peace be upon him) defines for us the concept of 
moderation in its proper Islamic context. When it comes to understanding the 
principles of Islamic Law, our definitions must be drawn from established 
sources and not purely from the discretion of the individual. Otherwise, our 
definition might yield a practical model that justifies nothing but itself. Many 
of our accepted and established principles have begun to take forms that 
represent only one narrow vision and that are unable to cope with the many 
demands of Islamic work and propagation. 

Prophet (peace be upon him) says: “This religion is easy.” Ease is moderation. 
So our religion is moderate and we as a nation of people are moderate. 

says: “Thus We have made you a moderate nation”. [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 143] 

Prophet (peace be upon him) then goes on to outline the defining qualities of 

1. He 
says: “So fulfill your duties…” The Arabic word used is “saddadû” which 
literally means to aim to hit something on target, like how an arrow hits its 
mark. This tells us that moderation never entails going outside of Islamic Law. 
The rulings of Islamic Law must be derived from the Qur’ân and Sunnah. The idea 
of ease and moderation in no way implies a relaxation of Islamic Law, nor does 
it imply that a person can follow his own inclinations in either his religion or 
his general dealings. Therefore, if we lose sight of Islamic Law and its 
rulings, an important quality of moderation will invariably be lost. 

2. Then he 
says: “…as best you can…” After providing the first quality of moderation, he 
complements it with this quality, so that those who are ill acquainted with the 
wisdom and purposes behind Islamic Law do not become insistent upon following a 
limited, personal vision in applying its rulings to themselves and others. 

A person 
will not be able to fulfill his duties properly unless he realizes that he has 
limitations of mind and character that keep him from measuring up to those 
duties, no matter how clear and simple they may seem. Allah created Adam a 
creature with little self control. The human being cannot do anything perfectly 
without divine intervention, so this is why the Prophet (peace be upon him) 
says: “…as best you can”, to indicate that perfection is not what is expected. 

We can go 
as far as to say that demanding perfection from people runs contrary to the 
principle of moderation that we are discussing. The principle of moderation 
requires us to recognize that perfection cannot be maintained or even achieved. 

3. Then he 
says: “…and rejoice.” He does this after defining moderation with the idea of 
fulfilling one’s duties to the best of one’s ability, which defines moderation 
in an abstract sense. Then we are told to rejoice. 

working for the religion is a way of fulfilling our duty to Allah and of obeying 
His Messenger, we can see the importance of the glad tidings being referred to 
in this hadîth. Most of the problems and difficulties that exist between people 
are the result of partisanship and biases rather than on matters that are 
necessitated by Islamic Law. This is why sincerity to Allah in our actions has 
to be one of the principles of moderation. 

Finally, he says: “Rely upon the efforts of the morning and the evening and a 
little at night and you will reach your goal.” This shows us that one of the 
principles of moderation is to consider what is possible and to stay within 
those limits. This goes for an individual as well as for the environment in 
which he works. It also means that everyone should work within his own capacity 
and avoid being obstinate when dealing with others. 

principle of doing what is within one’s capabilities has both conceptual and 
practical dimensions. It means that we keep up our Islamic work while 
recognizing both the need for what we are doing and the limitations of our 
abilities. This gives us a good opportunity to embrace a large number of Islamic 
efforts of various types. We must never distance ourselves from others and their 
efforts unless they truly go against the established and indisputable principles 
and teachings of Islam. We should never do so on the basis of mere opinions and 

One of our 
problems is that the understanding of moderation that many people have does not 
comprise all four of these defining qualities. Some people overlook the need to 
adhere to Islamic Law in formulating their concept of moderation and come up 
with ideas that are