Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Paris Mosque

2006-11-26 Thread brother_farrukh
Assalam alaikum,

Built as a tribute to the French Muslims who died with the French Army
in World War I, the mosque was completed in 1926 in a classical
Moorish (Islamic Spain) style. Built with concrete, mosaics, wood
carvings and iron brought from Morocco, it has a wonderful theme to
it. Located just 5 minutes walk from the famous Notre dame, the mosque
occupies a near central position for which we can thank the Parisian
municipality for their donation of the land.

Having visited Paris many times, I was shocked to learn of its
proximity to the main tourist attractions, disappointed with myself
for not having visited sooner. Thankfully my timing couldn't have been
better as not only did I bump into a TV crew filming a short piece for
France 2, one of the state TV channels, but I also met a man named
Abdou, all the way from Morocco whose task was to repair the damaged
mosaics at the mosque - and if you see the photos and video below, you
can appreciate his wonderful talent!

The following pictures and video clips relate my encounter on Saturday

Photo of Mosaic tiles

Photo of the second courtyard

Video walk through of the mosque

Video with Abdou the tile maker

Why can't other mosques in Western Europe have an equal amount of
style and panache? Trust the French do bring class!

In the protection of Allah, with peace, f

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Should Muslims Be Allowed To Impose Islam On Others?

2006-11-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Many Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis are refusing to allow passengers 
carrying alcohol in their cabs, saying it is against the Islamic Shariah [law] 
to do so. More than half the taxi drivers on the airport are Muslims, and as 
soon as they got a majority, they have resorted to imposing their beliefs on 

Imagine if you have just flown in from Baghdad after a long flight, you can’t 
wait to get home, reconnect with your family, and share a glass of some exotic 
alcoholic drink that you purchased at the Dubai airport [a Muslim country] with 
your wife to celebrate your return home alive from Iraq. It is 2:00 AM, but 
your reunion is delayed because cab after cab, driven by Muslims, refuses to 
take you home once they spot you carrying alcohol. 

Sounds crazy, but sadly it is true. As a Muslim, I am both ashamed and shocked 
at this strange conduct of my coreligionists. In principle, Islam does not 
advocate imposition of Islamic values on others; there are several injunctions 
in Islamic sources which make this clear. To cite only two:   Let there be no 
compulsion in religion [Quran: 2:256]

To us shall be accounted our deeds, and to you, your deeds. Let there be no 
contention between us and you: God will bring us all together - for with Him is 
all journey’s end [Quran, 42:15].But when it comes to contemporary Muslims, we 
must always remember, there is always an ocean between what Islam teaches in 
principle and what Muslims practice in reality. Most Muslims will acknowledge 
this readily. I call it the ocean of ignorance.

Apparently, the cab drivers have provided the Metropolitan Airports Commission 
with a fatwa, dated June 6, 2006, from the Fatwa department of the local 
chapter of the Muslim American Society [MAS]. The fatwa proclaims that Islamic 
jurisprudence prohibits taxi drivers from carrying passengers with alcohol, 
because it involves cooperating in sin according to Islam.

MAS, the organization behind this fitna [Arabic for contention and strife], is 
the American extention of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, and a close 
affiliate of Islamic Circle of North America. MAS hypocritically run a public 
affairs department called Freedom Foundation. I guess it is seeking the 
freedom to infringe on the freedom of others.

To be fair to them, Islamic sources do forbid alcohol consumption unequivocally 
[Quran 2:219] and Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him, also 
forbid trade in alcohol [Bukhari 34:297, 8:449, 34:429], but all these sources 
forbid selling and trading alcohol. Extending this ban to giving rides to tired 
travelers carrying alcohol for personal consumption requires an irrational and 
politically motivated leap that smells of mischief. Moderates and Muslims of 
goodwill should not stand for such thinly veiled attempts to sow discord.

Most Muslim scholars and most Muslims of Minnesota will tell you that the fatwa 
is indeed without merit. And indeed many Muslim voices, yours truly included, 
have already condemned and ridiculed this position. Even in Saudi Arabia, which 
is usually the champion when it comes to extremely narrow, irrational and 
intolerant interpretations of Islam, non-Muslims are allowed to consume 
alcohol, and even carry them on flights.

The alcohol issue is not really the problem. It is just the tip of the iceberg. 
It raises a fundamental and critical issue of whether Muslims who live in free 
and democratic societies can simultaneously demand freedom and tolerance for 
Islam while denying others the same. Can we and should we demand freedom to 
practice Islam, and then turn around and use these same freedoms to impose 
anachronistic understandings of Islam on others?

What next? Will Muslim doctors working in ER refuse to administer to patients 
brought in from an accident site or with a heart attack because they have 
alcohol on their breath? Will Muslim doctors refuse to serve an HIV-positive 
patient because he or she is gay? Will Muslim firefighters refuse to save 
people who are caught in a fire in a place that sells alcohol? Will Muslim cops 
refuse to protect women who do not wear Hijab [head scarf]? Will Muslim 
teachers refuse to educate children because their mothers do not wear the veil? 
All of the above would entail supporting sin according to popular Muslim 

If the cab episode in Minnesota becomes a norm - and MAS could make it so, as 
it claims that it is the biggest Muslim grass roots organization in America - 
can America then trust Muslims in any job where it is important to treat all 
people, Muslim and non-Muslim, sinner and Imam equally? Since 98% of Americans 
are non-Muslims, I am sure they routinely commit acts which according to Islam 
are sins, such as worshipping Jesus. Will Muslims stop doing business with them?

Can Muslims live with those who do not share their beliefs?

This is an important debate, especially for Muslim immigrants, who come to 
America with their religious baggage. Are we 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] WOMEN / MOMIN

2006-11-26 Thread jafrisms
*1.[HOLY QURAN 2:222] And they ask you about menstruation. Say: It is a
discomfort; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual
discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when
they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you;
surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who
purify themselves.*
* Baghdad blasts 'kill 132 people'
*At least 132 people have been killed in a number of car bomb and mortar
blasts in the Shia Sadr City area of the Iraqi capital, security sources
*please doa for muslim of iraq*

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] (Sahih Muslim Number 0062)

2006-11-26 Thread ***hajikhan***
It is narrated on the authority of Sufyan b. 'Abdulla al-Thaqafi that he 
  I asked the Messenger of Allah to tell me about Islam a thing which 
  might dispense with the necessity of my asking anybody after you. 
  In the hadith of Abu Usama the (words) are: other than you. He 
  (the Holy Prophet) remarked: Say I affirm my faith in Allah and then 
  remain steadfast to it.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fwd: Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHFon Friday

2006-11-26 Thread hossam kiwan

Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHFon Friday

نذكركم بقراءة سورة الكهف كل يوم جمعة

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) في يوم الجمعة أضاء له من
النور ما بين الجمعتين ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب / 736 ] ..

وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) ليلة الجمعة، أضاء له من
النور ما بينه وبين البيت العتيق ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب /
736 ] ..

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Italian Muslims Fear Anti-veil Campaign

2006-11-26 Thread Mohamed
  Italian Muslims Fear Anti-veil Campaign

By Noha Hussein , IOL Correspondent

Since the niqab (face-cover) is not a fard (obligation) we advised 
Muslim women not to wear it in order not to fuel the current debates, said 
Imam Abu Shwaima.

  MILAN - Italian Muslims insist that the current vicious campaign 
spearheaded by the right-wing Lega Nord party against face-cover is much ado 
about nothing in light of the very tiny minority of Muslim women who use it, 
fearing the controversy might drag on to include the hijab right.
  Certain political circles and groups are trying to create any problem 
concerning Islam so they can attract and shape the attention of neutral 
Italians, Ali Abu Shwaima, the imam f Segrate Mosque and the Islamic Centre of 
Milan, told

  We don't have any intention to help them doing that by responding to 
such issues, he averred, referring to a recent fuss about face-cover.

  Imam Abu Shwaima said the Muslim minority is trying to ignore the debate 
in order not to prove the opposition point.

  In Italy there is no law that prohibits the veil or niqab so there is no 
need to address something that does not exist, it will only reinforce the 

  Recently the veil has become a sign of terror and a sign of 
anti-integration to the Italian society specially in Milan where the Lega Nord 
is launching a campaign against the face cover.

  Party members last week distributed anti-veil flyers among the public in 
San Babila square in Milan while covering their faces, trying to make their 
point clear.

  The party is trying to gather signatures for a national law obliging 
women to be recognised in public places. Women who cover their faces would be 
arrested and fined.

  The Italian Senate is expected to discussion the issue of women and 
Islam, pushing further the veil topic into politics.

  A debate has been raging in the West about the niqab since former British 
foreign secretary and incumbent leader of the House of Commons Jack Straw 
called on Muslim women to remove their veils.

  The governing Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) in the Netherlands has 
vowed to ban the Muslim face-veil if re-elected on Wednesday, November 22.


  Many Italian Muslims believe that the issue of face-cover is not a high 
priority and that the minority, estimated at some 1.5 million, should not be 
polarized in the debate.

  Since the niqab (face-cover) is not a fard (obligation) we advised 
Muslim women not to wear it in order not to fuel the current debates, said 
Imam Abu Shwaima.

  Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol 
displaying one's affiliations.

  As for the niqab, the majority of Muslim scholars believe that a woman is 
not obliged to cover her face or hands, but it is up to her to decide.

  Mr. Hamza Piccardo - Secretary of the European Muslims network led by 
Swiss Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan and the shura speaker for the UCOII union of 
the Muslim community in Italy, agreed.

  We have advised the sisters not to wear the niqab, we want to defend the 
Hijab and not an extreme choice that is not shared by everyone, he told IOL.

  Hamza asserts that a very small percentage of Muslim women do cover their 

  The Muslim community doesn't want to make a fuss out of it and amplify 
the dimension of the problem they want to solve and cover all the problems that 
Muslims in general face in Italy.

  Mrs. Nadeera, a Moroccan woman who has been living in Italy for the past 
six years, rejects any attempt to control the freedoms of others.

  It is the choice of others to wear a niqab or not, she told IOL.

  I myself do not wear it because I don't believe in it but I am not 
against it though. I wouldn't vote against it. I would only vote for the 
respect of others, said Nadeera, asserting that she feels comfortable with her 
hijab even though some Italians might not understand why she is wearing it.

  Vile Campaign

Santanchè dismissed the veil as an instrument for feminine 
submission, claiming that Muslim women wear hijab because they are afraid, 
oppressed by the masculine culture.
  Abu Shwaima said Muslims are trying to introduce the peaceful message of 
Islam through state channels and programs.

  But he himself has been the victim of a vile campaign by the right-wing 
on claims of threatening MP Daniela Santanchè over the veil issue.

  I did not make any threats or assaults to Ms. Daniela. I simply replied 
back when she said that in Qur'an there is no verses that woman should be 
covered, he asserted.

  This is when I replied saying that she does not have a great knowledge 
of the Qur'an, added Abu Shwaima.

  Ms. Daniele wanted to make a fuss out of it claiming that I threatened 
her and therefore she needs to have a government 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Vote Tariq Nelson for the Brass Crescent Award

2006-11-26 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum,
  Tariq Nelson is a frequent contributor of insightful essays on the life of 
Muslims in America, with a forcus on African American Muslim life.  Please 
consider voting for him under the Best Thinker category of the Brass Crescent 
  Tariq's blog can be seen at  
  Peace, Curtis Sharif
  Houston, Texas

Tariq Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
as-salaam alaykum,
  FYI, I was nominated in the Best Thinker category at Brass Crescent

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zionism: The Real Enemy of Jews

2006-11-26 Thread DDN


The Real Enemy of Jews

By Alan Hart

This video sums up his book quite nicely - read below.

Zionism: The Real Enemy of Jews

 A Book for Peace

By Alan Hart

The book that mainstream publishers were too frightened to publish 
out of fear of offending Zionism is now published.

Alan Hart's book, ZIONISM: THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS gives an 
unparalleled insight into the unchecked rise of Zionist power and the 
inevitable consequences for all - the Jews of the world as well Moslems and 
Gentiles - if this power is not now checked. The consequence Alan foresees is a 
Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic, with, along the way, the 
unleashing of the twin monsters of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. And one of 
the many questions he asks and answers is - How can these monsters be stopped 
from going on the rampage?

As a correspondent for ITN's News At Ten and the BBC's Panorama 
programme, Alan covered what used to be called the Arab-Israeli conflict from 
both sides. And from his one-to-one private conversations with such leaders as 
Golda Meir, Mother Israel, and Yasser Arafat, Father Palestine, he was able to 
distinguish between what they really believed and feared as opposed to what 
they said in public for propaganda and myth-sustaining purposes.

The result is a riveting read, all the more so because because of 
Alan's very personal style of story telling which makes each reader feel that 
the author is in conversation with him or her. It is a completely absorbing 
book, a page-turner.. Clare Short has described it as a magificent piece of 

The truth of Alan's words should give all communities - Jewish, 
Moslem and Gentile - pause for thought and hope.

In August 2005...(as is replacing only last sentence with the 
following). What we Moslems (Muslims) have to ask ourselves is - are we strong 
enough to say the same? Alan himself is aware that most people of all faiths 
and none are frightened to criticise the Zionist state of Israel out of fear of 
being accused of anti-Semitism. But his whole book is the evidence of why it is 
perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist without being in any way, 
shape or form anti-Semitic. Alan says: The charge of anti-Semitism is a 
blackmail card Zionism plays to silence critics of Israel's arrogance of power 
and to suppress informed and honest debate. If there is to be informed and 
honest debate about who must do what and why for peace, peoples of all faiths 
and none must overcome the fear of being falsely and maliciously accused of 
being anti-Semitic.


If Zionism could have been honest it would have said, in public, 
after the Nazi holocaust and Israel's unilateral declaration of independence in 
1948, something like the following.Jews can never again trust Gentiles. We take 
it as a given that Jews will always be hated and that the monster of 
anti-Semitism will go on the rampage again. The Zionist state exists to be the 
refuge of last resort for Jews everywhere and is thus an insurance policy to 
guarantee the survival of the Jewish people. We will do whatever it takes to 
maintain this guarantee, and if what we do causes our state to be regarded as a 
pariah by the rest of the world, well, the rest of the world can go to hell.

This truth could not be told because telling it would have been to 
admit, even to proclaim, that Zionism had no time or need for, and was 
estranged from, the moral principles and teachings of Judaism.

Unable to tell the truth, Zionism had to tell a lie to justify its 
actions. The lie was that Israel - a Zionist state NOT a Jewish state - was in 
constant danger of annihilation. Except in Arab rhetoric, it never was. Not in 
1948. Not in 1967. And not in 1973.

  a.. According to the first and still existing draft of 
Judeo-Christian history, Israel went to war in 1967 either because the Arabs 
attacked first or were intending to attack. The truth is that this was a war of 
Israeli aggression, not self-defense. Avi Shlaim was both right and wrong when 
he wrote in The Iron Wall that Israel did not go to war to take territory. The 
government of Israel headed by Prime Minister Eshkol with Rabin as chief of 
staff, did NOT; but Defense Minister Dayan, imposed upon Eshkol at the last 
minute in something close to a military coup, DID. The truth is that Dayan set 
a trap for Nasser and, for reasons of face, he was daft enough to walk into it. 
For Dayan the war of 1967 was about the creation of Greater Israel, Zionism's 
unfinished business of 1948.
  a.. Part of the untold truth (revealed in my book) is that the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: The Controversy about the Laws for Protection of Women's Rights

2006-11-26 Thread jav6hay
AS FAR AS THE BILL is concerned the reality is here !
The women protection bill recently passed by the NA of PAK is against

PLZZZ WAIT untill the pic is loaded or visit
[for urdu readers sorry :(]
n even I 've put it in the files too so u can copy tht article from
files section 2

secondly, may i ask u y don' t those secular minded MODERATE n 
ENLIGHTENED ppl change themselves 1st in accordance with ISLAM !!!

--- In, Arif Khan wrote:

 The Controversy about the Laws for 
 Protection of Women's Rights 
 Because of the reasons given in the following article the
 Government of Pakistan should reconstitute Islamic
 Ideological Council that should include only those Jurists
 who qualify to sit on Shari'at Appellate Bench of Supreme
 Court of Pakistan to expedite the progress on the work of
 making all the laws compatible to the broad principles
 enunciated in Quran and Sunnah.
 See full article at
 Arif Khan
 Arif N. Khan
 Sponsored Link
 Degrees online in as fast as 1 Yr
 MBA, Bachelor's, Master's, Assoc

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Al-Jazeera English Hits Airwaves ( )

2006-11-26 Thread Shaikh Hyder
I wish Al-Jazeera could show the following news to its viewers:
  Forced labor for MUSLIM children in Israeli prison 

www.palestinenet. org - Friday, 15 September 2006, 11:55 

  Many Palestinian children in Israeli Telmond Prison are being exploited by 
“forced labor in which they must work eight hours for a few shekels,” as 
reported by the Prisoners Information Center. 

One of the children made a statement after his release. “The prison 
administration has forced all prisoners in Telmond Prison to work eight hours 
for very low wages.” He went on to say, “The Israeli soldiers come to the 
chambers at seven and force us to go with our legs tied with chains.” The child 
added that his job was to stand under guard and pack plastic spoons in boxes.

Even injured political prisoners are forced to work, according to Friday’s 
Nablus-based report. A former prisoner stated, “I had a broken bone but the 
soldiers forced me out of my cell to work anyway, without any consideration for 
the pain.”

There are approximately 375 Palestinians in Telmond Prison, with most of them 
being children. The oldest Palestinian in Telmond is 22 years old. The child 
laborers are given two meals per 24 hours, one at 11:00 pm and another at 6:00 

Israeli prison officials also attempt to extract information from children 
regarding members of the armed resistance and engage in frequent psychological 

According to the Information Center there are 200 children less than 16 years 
old in Israeli prisons begin subjected to some of the worst forms of 
exploitation and humiliation. A total of 376 Palestinian children are currently 
imprisoned in Israeli prisons and detention camps.

S A wrote:Dear members,
  Assalamu Alaikum .Please see the newa item on Al- Jazeera english channel  
which has come on air. Please see the channel and also your cable operator to 
give connection of Al -Jazeera  I give below their website
  Shah Abdul Hannan
Al-Jazeera English Hits Airwaves  News Agencies  
   Al-Jazeera English channel will sit up the news agenda, 
said anchors Ghosh (L) and Zeidan. (Reuters) 
  DOHA — Ten years after changing the face of Arab television reporting by 
breaking taboos, the giant Al-Jazeera network launched on Wednesday, November 
15, an English-speaking channel with a heavyweight cast of presenters and the 
ambition to compete with Western broadcasting giants.
  Al-Jazeera English channel will sit up the news agenda, anchors Shiulie 
Ghosh and Sami Zeidan said launching the long-awaited channel's broadcasting.
  Broadcasting from the ultra-sophisticated Doha studios, it began with a news 
bulletin featuring reports from Gaza, Sudan's Darfur region, Tehran, China and 
  Al-Jazeera English will initially have 12 hours of live programming, which it 
plans to boost to 24 hours on January 1.
  It broadcasts from studios in Doha, Kuala Lumpur, London and Washington DC, 
with offices in 20 other countries and employs some 800 people of 55 different 
  At least two Israeli journalists are among staff covering Israel.
  Among its prominent starts is BBC veteran Sir David Frost, the only person to 
have interviewed the last seven US presidents and the last six British prime 
  Al-Jazeera English, only renamed on Tuesday from Al-Jazeera International, 
hopes to reach a potential audience of 80 million viewers by cable and 
satellite, mostly in Asia, Africa and Europe.
  But the channel said on Tuesday it would not be available on cable in the 
United States for at least a year as there is no free space for us on the US 
cable network.
  Arabic television Al-Jazeera, which began broadcasting in 1996 with staff 
largely drawn from the BBC's short-lived Arabic television, gained world fame 
through its exclusive reporting of the US military intervention in Afghanistan 
in late 2001.
  Known for its forthright style, frank journalism, quality programs, 
independence and willingness to discuss taboo issues, Al-Jazeera is the 
most-watched channel in the Arab world.
  Alternative View
  The new offshoot of the Doha-based news network comes to give a new 
perspective of news to English speakers around the world who are looking for an 
alternative to CNN and the BBC.
  Launching the English channel offers the chance to reach out to a new 
audience that is used to hearing the name of Al-Jazeera without being able to 
watch it or to understand its language, said network general director Wadah 
  One of our goals is to reverse the flow of information to the south, he 
said, adding that the Middle East and developing nations have not had a voice 
of their own.
  The channel is being beamed to an Asian region which is booming and hungry 
for news, industry experts say.
  Kuala Lumpur is 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] For Those Who Are Conscious Of God

2006-11-26 Thread saiyed shahbazi
I remember hearing a hadith, when I was much younger, in which the Prophet 
Muhammad (pbuh) was reported to have said that there will come a time when 
holding onto one's faith will be as painful as holding onto a hot coal. I, in 
fact, quoted this hadith in a college admission essay, describing how difficult 
it was trying to remain faithful to my Islamic duties back then. Yet, that time 
pales in comparison to the difficult time in which I find the Muslim community 

Every day, I read of more innocent Muslim brothers and sisters being 
mercilessly slaughtered. The overwhelming majority of the world's refugees are 
Muslims, like me. There is so much injustice that infects the Muslim world 
today, both from inside and outside. Wars continue to ravage many Muslim lands, 
and we are powerless to stop it. And if my heart aches at the sight of this 
suffering, there are some who call this an ummah-itis, an affliction that 
must be eradicated. 

From the swamps of this injustice rises the choking weed of Islamofascism, 
or so it is called here in the West. Self-proclaimed holy warriors murder 
innocent men, women, and children in their quest to defend the Muslims from 
the onslaught of the West. With each year that passes, more digits are added 
to the pantheon of terror: 9/11, 3/11, 7/7. Terror plots are foiled, and 
diabolical plans of beheadings and mid-air destruction of civilian aircraft 
flood the airwaves. 

On top of this, Muslims kill each other with evermore fantastic and vicious 
methods; not even Friday prayers are sacred, where mosques are repeatedly 
targeted by murderous suicide attackers. As a result of all of this, the 
vitriol against Islam and Muslims grows more vicious. More people look at us as 
brutal terrorists; our Prophet is maligned as a violent pedophile; our wives, 
mothers, and sisters are spit upon because they wear hijab; our mosques are 
firebombed. It is enough to drive anyone mad. 

And it is easy to despair. Converts have left our fold because of the enormous 
negative pressure. Many more have contemplated such a move. Our youth become 
disillusioned and are tempted to leave the fold as well. All the lights have 
gone out, and all that is left is thick, black, stifling darkness. Yet, our 
people have been down this road in the past. The community of believers have 
been there and done that. 

Our Lord says:   Do you think you could enter paradise without having suffered 
like those [believers] who passed away before you? Misfortune and hardship 
befell them, and so shaken were they that the apostle - and the believers with 
him - would exclaim, When will God's victory come?  (2:214)In the selfsame 
verse, God proclaims:   Oh, verily, God's victory is always near! Elsewhere 
in the sacred text our Lord says: Verily, God will ward off all evil from those 
who attain to faith; [and], verily, God does not love anyone who betrays His 
trust and is bereft of gratitude. (22:38)Let us remember our Master Noah 
(pbuh). For 950 years, he preached ceaselessly to his people, and they answered 
his call with rejection and humiliation: [And after a time, Noah] said:   O my 
sustainer! Verily I have been calling unto my people night and day, but my call 
has only caused them to flee farther and farther away [from Thee]. 
(71:5-6)When there was no more hope in his people, the Lord
 asked Noah to build a boat - in the middle of barren desert. ...And every time 
the great ones of his people passed by him, they scoffed at him... (11:38)His 
building of the Ark seemed to confirm to them that Noah (pbuh) was a madman. It 
seemed hopeless for our Master. Yet, when the torrential waters came, our 
Master - and the tiny number of believers with him - were saved from utter 
destruction. The end was for those who were conscious of God. 

Let us remember our Master Abraham (pbuh). With a few fell swoops of an axe, he 
utterly destroyed the foundations of his people's idolatry. Yet, rather than 
accept the truth of the One God, they decreed:   Burn him, and [thereby] give 
victory to your gods, if you are going to do [anything]! (21:68)   And they 
built the fire. It was an enormous fire with which they planned to burn the 
Friend of God. It seemed hopeless for our Master. Yet, when he was thrown into 
the fire, our Lord said:   O fire! Be thou cool, and [a source of] inner peace 
for Abraham! (21:69)And Abraham (pbuh) was saved. The end was for those who 
were conscious of God.

What about our Master Moses (pbuh)? When all seemed to be lost, with the sea at 
his face and the forces of Pharaoh at his back, the Almighty split the sea and 
provided a safe passage for him and the believers with him. And our Master the 
Christ (pbuh)? Rejected by his 
own people and being sent to his death, the Lord purified and raised him up 
unto Him, giving him victory over his earthly enemies. Let us, also, never 
forget our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Battle of the Trench. 

Ten thousand Arabs, full 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] interesting Link:

2006-11-26 Thread abu wahab
  all best on the way to the Id, this year inschallah on 31.12. of this year.
  please try interesting pictures and contribute fotos to
  from achir zaman or new age ? 

Quran ( Sura: die Nachmittagszeit, die Endzeit , al ASSR )

Die Menschheit lebt im Stadium des Verlustes,
bis auf jene, die Gutes tun und zu Gutem rufen
und nach der Wahrheit streben und Geduld haben,
bis die eintrifft.

Wenn die Wahrheit kommt, muss die Luege gehen.
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hindu jihadis operating in JK

2006-11-26 Thread Naveed
  Hindu jihadis operating in JK 
  By Masoom Muradabadi  
  The Milli Gazette Online
  Jawans of Indian security forces in Kashmir have arrested Nina, daughter of a 
farmer called Sher Singh in Duggalpur, a village about 60 kms from Rajouri, 
near LoC. She was working as a helper to terrorists. During the course of 
interrogation she named many Hindu youths who were working as jihadis under 
fake Muslim names.

This is not a figment of somebody’s imagination but a bitter truth which has 
exposed another aspect of terrorism and militancy that is going on in Jammu  
Kashmir. Till now terrorism and militancy in JK was being associated with 
“Muslims” with communal organisation raising a great hue and cry. Even 
otherwise these elements do not miss any opportunity, as is their wont, to 
defame and target Muslims even on minor grounds but so far as JK is concerned, 
the general feeling is that the only Muslim majority state of the country is 
the stronghold of Muslim militants and separatists.

There are no two opinions that in JK Pakistan-sponsored terrorist movement has 
very much disturbed the social, economic and communal life in the state but 
there are many other aspects of this bloody conflict which are continuously 
being ignored. That is why when this news became public, those owing allegiance 
to Sangh outfits maintained complete silence as if they are dumbfounded. 

Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar in its 27 April issue published a news item which 
said that after trapping about three dozen Hindu youths of border areas in 
their net, the jihadi commanders have started a campaign of trapping Hindu 
girls of poor families also in their activities. In the hilly areas of Rajouri 
an 18-year-old girl, Nina, was caught from the house of a Gujjar family in Keri 
sector near the LoC. She had gone to that house for getting the dinner cooked 
for her 8 jihadi colleagues and also to spend the night there. The head of the 
Gujjar family acted cleverly. He got the meals cooked, took good care of the 
girl but secretly sent a child to the nearby military post to inform about the 
girl and the purpose of her visit. Security forces immediately reached the 
place and took the girl in their custody.

On interrogation she told the security forces that Hizbul Mujahideen (HuM) 
operations commander in Rajouri and Poonch area is Shyam Lal, a Hindu youth, 
who is directing terrorist activities under the fake name of “Shamsuddin”. 
Security forces went into action to nab Hindu jihadis as informed by Nina. 

This is not the first incident of its kind. Many such startling cases were 
detected earlier. So much so that a few years back HuM disclosed that it had 
formed a battallion of Hindu supporters. Efforts were made to suppress such 
news because if such news were made public, another picture of the on-going 
terrorism in Kashmir will come to the knowledge of public which the media and 
government agencies want to conceal.

According to available detailed information, HuM commanders have appointed 
Hindu jihadis in the hilly areas of Rajouri, Poonch, Doda, Udhampur etc. Eight 
such Hindu youths were recently arrested in Udhampur and Poonch areas, 
including HuM commander Manoj Kumar who was arrested last year in Udhampur. 
Similarly, a Hindu jihadi commander, Baldev Singh, had surrendered last month 
at the northern command headquarters of the Indian army at Udhampur. 

It is clear from these disclosures that not only Muslims but even Hindus are 
involved in the ongoing terrorist activities in JK who were either persuaded 
to join them or given monetary incentives or because of some other compelling 
circumstances. An important question that arises here: where are the Sangh 
activists who always doubt the patriotism of Muslims and have been citing the 
example of Kashmir separatists as a proof of their allegations? Why don’t they 
loudly tell the world that in Kashmir Hindus also are involved in terrorist 
activities along with Muslims? I very well know that neither RSS leaders will 
react to this news nor Advani will utter a single word in this regard. They 
consider Hindus as most patriotic and all Muslims as stupid and traitors.
The world in any case has come to know that terrorism is not associated with 
any religion but it is directly related to human needs and grievances. If 
jobless Hindus can become tools in the hands of anti-national elements in 
consideration of money and indulge in terrorist activities, why won’t jobless 
and aggrieved Muslims fall in this trap?

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] RE: subject of the day

2006-11-26 Thread mohamed
Al salam Alikum , peace be upon u all , the subject of the day is that 
muslim valled girls are being mocked every where islam is also mocked 
and we muslims aren't saying or doing anything thing ,do u we want to 
restore the glory of our past or u just will stay there without doin 
anything wacthing wat is happeing every day in our life , lets rejoin 
and regroup lets change the westerens idea about islam , islam is not 
a terrorist religion and the people the kidnap and rip and kill in the 
name of islam i deprive them from carrying the name muslim , join me , 
iam an egpytion and i want to change 3000 people have regrouped to 
make change towards islam we made an islamic program that is called 
the nahda in egypt, lets fulfill our dutiy towards Allah almighty 
God , hope that he hears my plea that muslims reunite and regroup if u 
want to contact me bout the nahda program send me on 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or add my yahoo address