Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muddled thinking on Darfur

2007-04-17 Thread Ismail Kashkash
Muddled thinking on Darfur  Conor Foley  April 16, 2007 11:00 AM
  There are two strange features in the debate about the humanitarian crisis in 
Darfur. The first is the tendency of supporters of intervention to exaggerate 
its scale and the second is the frequency with which Iraq and Israel pop up in 
the discussion.
  I had been puzzled by this until I read Adam LeBor's book Complicity with 
Evil, the UN in the age of modern genocide.
  The main focus of this is on the genocide in Srebrenica and how it could have 
occurred in the middle of Europe in the 1990s. It is an interesting account, 
but contains several rather curious omissions and points of interpretation. 
Most notably, it argues that the UN's failure to demilitarise the town should 
be considered a victory and fails to make the obvious connection between the 
indictment of its Bosniac commander for war crimes and the fury with which the 
victorious Serbs eventually fell upon its population.
  The book draws numerous comparisons between the Holocaust in Nazi Germany and 
the subsequent genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda. It also, tangentially - since it 
is not related to the book's subject matter - attacks the UN for criticising 
Israel's human rights violations. The central narrative is very clear: 
persecuted people cannot rely on the international community to save themselves 
from annihilation. The west will talk but not act, and its high-minded 
criticisms of those who must fight against their neighbours for survival are 
just hypocritical cant. 
  LeBor also claims that 400,000 people have died in Darfur, which is higher 
than figures cited by most other observers. Last week I asked him where he had 
got the figure from. He told me that he had taken the UN estimate from two 
years previously and doubled it.
  In fact this is not quite true. What he actually did was quote a now-defunct 
US-based lobby group, the Coalition for International Justice, who published a 
report in April 2005, which it based on interviews with refugees in Chad, and a 
statistical extrapolation similar to the one used by the Lancet study which 
concluded that around 650,000 people had died since the US invasion of Iraq. 
  The figure may well be accurate, but the politics of the discussion are 
revealing. Darfur has become a major issue in US domestic politics mainly due 
to the lobbying of a group of human rights and religious organisations. The 
Coalition for International Justice had been instrumental in persuading the US 
government to declare that the situation in Darfur amounted to genocide 
although this was not supported by a UN Commission of Inquiry, which published 
its own report in February 2005.
  For LeBor, and others such as Peter Tatchell, Nick Cohen and Glenn Reynolds, 
the UN's failure to pronounce that Darfur is a genocide is another example of 
its failure to uphold human rights. LeBor implies the commission was leaned on. 
Tatchell says it was just down to racism. One cannot help wonder whether the 
global indifference to the slaughter in Darfur has anything to do with the fact 
that the victims are black, he says.
  What everyone agrees is that the majority of deaths have been from 
malnutrition and disease, rather than direct violence, yet last week when I 
queried an assertion that 400,000 black African Muslims had been slaughtered 
by the Sudanese government and Janjaweed militia, a blogger at Harry's Place 
accused me of genocide denial and belittling mass murder. You almost make 
me ashamed of my Irish origins, he concluded.
  Were this confined to debates in cyberspace it would not be so serious. 
Unfortunately, it also seems to have become a hallmark of Tony Blair's foreign 
  A couple of weeks ago sources in Downing Street let it be known that Blair 
was pushing the UN security council to authorise military strikes against the 
Sudanese air force to enforce a no-fly zone over Darfur. The proposal has been 
widely derided by military experts and a Ministry of Defence official was quick 
to insist that there are absolutely no plans for any UK military action at all 
in Sudan or the Darfur region of Sudan, yet a senior Blair aide restated that 
the UK might be prepared to act unilaterally if its plans did not receive UN 
approval. The prime minister believes in a values-driven foreign policy and 
believes you have to evenly apply those values to have any credibility. He sees 
Darfur as a test of the international community's commitment to its own values.
  The only point that I can see to this type of spin, gesture and make-believe 
is that it is intended to make Blair seem tougher than the UN. International 
Development Secretary, Hilary Benn, who has played an active part in the 
attempts to find a negotiated solution to the Darfur crisis, has very pointedly 
distanced himself from this type 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] William Kate: Excluding Catholics narrows his choice

2007-04-17 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*Prince William and Kate Middleton: Excluding Catholics narrows his choice.*
By Mary Kenny

- Common People: No one knows why Prince William and Kate Middleton have
split up. But that hasn't stopped a frenzy of speculation, most of it
focused on Kate's middle-class family - particularly her mother, a
gum-chewing former flight attendant.

- Royals will have to modernise if bachelor prince is ever to wed.
- Marry young: matrimony is wasted on the old.

- Prince William's love life pales against the long princely tradition of
indiscretions with actresses, prostitutes and other men's wives

- Indeed, if it is the young Prince's own view that 24 is too young to be
married, then I would suggest this may be a mistake.

IT CAME as something of a surprise, as well as a disappointment in many
quarters, that there is to be no Royal marriage between Prince William and
Miss Kate Middleton.

Last Christmas, the London media had taken it as read that Kate was the one
destined to be the next Princess of Wales: why, she had been living with
William in a cohabitation situation. And, far from outraging protocol and
decorum, she had been invited to Balmoral at Christmas to be part of the

Wedding memorabilia featuring William and Kate in advance of the expected
nuptials was all ready to be released on the market. But it is not to be.
One way or the other it seems they have decided to call the whole thing off:
and it seems it was William's decision.

The breakup has attracted a huge media focus - particularly in America where
it made headline news all day yesterday. Well, the future of dynasties can
hang on the choice, or rejection, of a spouse. And yet, it probably isn't a
good idea for William to remain a bachelor for too long. As the great
constitutionalist Bagheot pointed out, young princes are apt to get into
trouble if left too much to their own devices: they are widely flattered and
have many opportunities to get into scrapes.

On a level of ordinary psychology, too, young men who have lost their mother
early often feel the need to marry young and construct their own family

It is at this juncture, surely, that it must be compelling to suggest a
revision of the Royal Marriage Act of 1700 which forbids the heir to the
British throne to marry a Roman Catholic. He may marry a Muslim, a Jew, a
Buddhist or a Hindu: he may marry a practitioner of witchcraft. But he may
not wed a Roman Catholic, and anyone in line to the British throne who does
so, or becomes a Catholic (such as Lord Nicholas Windsor, the Duke of Kent's
son) must renounce all connection with succession.

The reason why this prohibition on Catholics exists is historic: the Stuart
dynasty, who were replaced by the Hanovers, were Catholic, and the ban on
Papists was drawn up partly to stop the Stuarts from reclaiming the throne.
The British monarchy was thus established as a Protestant institution, and
the monarch must take an oath to uphold and defend the Reformed faith at the

This is all understandable, from a historical point of view; but I would
suggest it has contributed to William's problems. The range of individuals
that a Crown Prince may marry is, by definition, somewhat narrow. And
excluding all Roman Catholics narrows it down even more. It might, for
example, be quite sensible for William to marry someone from a similar
background to his own. It is always, in general, better to marry someone
with whom you have something in common. And it's likely a young woman from a
similar background might be more robust about handling the goldfish effect
- of living in the public eye.

A similar background means someone from another royal family. But the rules
of the game, as they stand, automatically exclude any Catholic princesses
floating around Europe. The Belgian, Luxembourgeois, Spanish and Monagasque
royals are a potential source of such candidates who might have made a match
for William.

A Protestant princess would be ideal, but apart from Madeleine of Sweden,
aged 23, these are somewhat thin on the ground, since the Nordics have
produced more boys than girls in William's generation.

Kate Middleton came from a very respectable family, but there are claims,
now, that her mother, Carole, was ambitiously forcing the pace of the
relationship, and would do anything to keep it in place.

It seems to me that William should marry, while he is young enough to
approach it with optimism and fortitude. His father obviously waited too
long, and was already set in his ways by his 30s. William is not, after all,
just another young man who may do as he pleases, but someone with a future
constitutional responsibility. Yet who knows? William and Kate may get back
together again when this episode is all over. It often happens that young
lovers find, after a separation, that their hearts yearn for each other

But one thing we can count on: while he remains a bachelor, Prince William
will continue to be at the centre of enormous public and 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Pakistan political report--Syed Munawar Hasan'saddress

2007-04-17 Thread S A Hannan
Syed Munawar Hasan address to workshop

Lahore, April 15: Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Syed 
Munawar Hasan has termed General Pervez Musharraf the most unpopular ruler in 
history of Pakistan. Demanding his resignation the JI leader said people's 
hatred against the uniformed president is on continuous rise because 
fundamental rights of the masses are seriously compromised by his regime.

He was addressing Jamaat-e-Islami workers' training workshop here 
at Mansoorah on Sunday. Workers from across Pakistan attended the workshop 
which is regular feature of the party's training wing. Syed Munawar Hasan was 
of the view that an individual in the military uniform has hijacked the 
resources of Pakistan at gunpoint.

Syed Munawar Hasan said the unconstitutional rule of General 
Musharraf and subsequent exercise of power in arbitrary manner has made the 
country fun in the comity of nations.

The JI leader took strong exception to the treatment meted out to 
non-functional chief justice by calling him to camp office by President Pervez 
Musharraf. This has landed the country in very critical situation as the 
looming large judicial crisis is taking a heavy toll of our national life. He 
believed the lawyers' movement for the restoration of independence and dignity 
of judiciary.

Stressing the need for greater unity in ranks of political parties, 
Syed Munawar Hasan said the military dictator would face humiliating defeat 
provided all the shades of political spectrum join hands together. The lawyers' 
unprecedented unity and masses full support for their drive has baffled the 
rulers in Islamabad. They are resorting to raids and arrest of political 
workers to overpower their failure touching new heights every day. Such 
dictatorial measures mock his tall claim to promote tolerance and democracy in 
the country.
Central Information Department
Mansoorah, Multan Road, Lahore (Pakistan)
Ph. :+92-42-541 9520-4, Fax : +92-42-543 7950

  Lahore, April 15: Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Syed Munawar 
Hasan has termed General Pervez Musharraf the most unpopular ruler in history 
of Pakistan. Demanding his resignation the JI leader said people's hatred 
against the uniformed president is on continuous rise because fundamental 
rights of the masses are seriously compromised by his regime.

  He was addressing Jamaat-e-Islami workers' training workshop here at 
Mansoorah on Sunday. Workers from across Pakistan attended the workshop which 
is regular feature of the party's training wing. Syed Munawar Hasan was of the 
view that an individual in the military uniform has hijacked the resources of 
Pakistan at gunpoint.

  Syed Munawar Hasan said the unconstitutional rule of General Musharraf 
and subsequent exercise of power in arbitrary manner has made the country fun 
in the comity of nations.

  The JI leader took strong exception to the treatment meted out to 
non-functional chief justice by calling him to camp office by President Pervez 
Musharraf. This has landed the country in very critical situation as the 
looming large judicial crisis is taking a heavy toll of our national life. He 
believed the lawyers' movement for the restoration of independence and dignity 
of judiciary.

  Stressing the need for greater unity in ranks of political parties, Syed 
Munawar Hasan said the military dictator would face humiliating defeat provided 
all the shades of political spectrum join hands together. The lawyers' 
unprecedented unity and masses full support for their drive has baffled the 
rulers in Islamabad. They are resorting to raids and arrest of political 
workers to overpower their failure touching new heights every day. Such 
dictatorial measures mock his tall claim to promote tolerance and democracy in 
the country.
  Central Information Department

  Ph. :+92-42-541 9520-4, Fax : +92-42-543 7950


2007-04-17 Thread Saba Khan
QUESTION: I would like to know about Hijab in the
light of Qur'an  Hadith as how our Muslim women
should cover their body? Some people are saying that
covering of face is not necessary and also not
prescribed through our religion and thus only body can
be covered. What are the opinions of most prominent
Islamic scholars or four Imams?

ANSWER: Is it necessary for a woman to cover her face
in the presence of strangers (who are not her
designated Mahaarim) according to Shariáh? This
question is answered in this article in the context of
the claim that the veil or Niqaab is primarily 'a
social requirement and custom according to the
environment and custom, and according to the
environment and customs of a particular country.' In
endeavouring to answer the question, we will confine
ourselves to a brief examination of the relevant
Qurãnic verses.

Surah An-Nur, Verses 30 and 31

'And Say to the believing women to lower their gaze
(from looking at forbidden things), and protect their
private parts (from illegal sexual
acts) and not to show off their adornment except only
that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity
to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye or
dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron), and to
draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their
bodies, faces, necks and bossoms) and not to reveal
their adornment except to their husbands, or their
fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or
their husband's sons, or their brothers or their
brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their
women) (i.e. sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves
whom their right hands possess, or old male servants
who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense
of feminine sex. And let them not stamp their feet so
as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And
all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers,
that you may be successful'

It is apparent that upon a plain reading the purpose
of the verse is to eradicate promiscuity, fornication
and adultery and all the preliminary steps that lead
directly to the commission of such shameful acts. The
references to 'lowering their gaze', 'drawing their
veils over their bosoms' 
and 'striking their feet to draw attention' indicate
that all acts or omissions which in the ordinary
course leads directly to sexual promiscuity and FITNAH
are forbidden.

In order to totally eradicate sexual promiscuity and
FITNAH, the verse goes on to say that a woman is not
permitted to display her beauty and charms except in
degrees to her husband, father and the other classes
of person specified in the verse. The exempt class
would constitute the MAHAARIM, and any other would
qualify as strangers or GHAIR MAHRAM. The principle
fixed by the verse is, therefore that a woman cannot
display her beauty to any male person other than the
persons exempted by the verse. It goes without saying
that the face is the focal-point of a woman's beauty,
and the main source of attraction. Hence, the face of
a woman cannot be displayed or shown to a stranger in
normal circumstances whether in public or private
according to the general principle fixed by the verse
as stated above. She is permitted to display her
beauty to the exempt class (the MAHAARIM) for obvious
reasons of close contact, and because of the
considerably lesser danger of sexual promiscuity and
FITNAH within that class. (Zamakhshari)

The Shariáh, however, is practical, dynamic and takes
into account the real situations of life. A woman may
in the case of genuine need be forced to expose her
face in the presence of strangers. For example, when
she appears in court to give witness, etc.

It is against this background that the preceding
portion of the verse 'they should not display their
beauty and charms except what must ordinarily appear
unavoidable' falls into proper perspective. The words
'Illaa maa dhahara min'haa' are in context an
exception to the general rule, and cover those cases
of genuine need and necessity when a woman is forced
to expose her face in the presence of a stranger. That
is how the great commentators of the Noble Qurãn have
interpreted the verse.

Take the following two examples,

'Women must not display any part of their beauty and
charms to strangers except what cannot possibly be
concealed.' (Ibn Katheer)

'Why is the woman permitted to display her external
beauty and charms? 
Because to conceal that would cause her inconvinience.
A woman is forced to deal in commodities with her own
hands. She is compelled by genuine need to expose her
face especially at the times of giving evidence,
litigating in court and marriage. She is compelled to
walk the streets and expose her feet, especially poor
women. This is the meaning of 'illaa maa dhahara
min'haa' that is 'except what the situations of
ordinary life compel her to expose'. (Zamakhshari)

A further point is the interpretation of 'illaa maa
dhahara min'haa' has been highlighted by the well
known scholar, Moulana Ashraf Ali 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fw: A Final Solution Of Rohingya Problem Is Needed-editorial of Asia Post

2007-04-17 Thread S A Hannan

  A Final Solution Of Rohingya Problem Is Needed

  UNB Has reported that Foreign Affairs Adviser Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury 
has said this government will address the problem of Rohingya refugees in 
earnest with a view to resolving the crisis. The foreign adviser said this 
while he was speaking to the media following a meeting with Pia Prytz Phiri, 
representative of the UN High Commission for Refugees. We discussed how 
bilaterally the UNHR can work together with the government to meet these 
concerns, Pia Phiri observed while speaking to the media.

  We feel that it is necessary to solve this long standing problem of 
Rohingya refugees finally. This issue is continuing since the later part of 
nineteen seventies, for the last 30 years. The domestic situation in Myanmar 
has forced these refugees to Bangladesh, a few times they came in floods and in 
other times they came in trickles. The lasting solution is restoration of 
democracy and human rights in Myanmar. The leader of the opposition, who is 
also a noble laureate, is in house arrest for the last 15 years. Without 
restoration of democracy the problems of minorities in Myanmar can not be 
solved as their history has shown. The UN and major powers should try to solve 
the problem seriously. Bangladesh as a neighbor can offer a helping hand in 
this regard.( editorial of Asia Post,Dhaka,17.4.07)


2007-04-17 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Assalamu aleikum.

Of all the media in the United States, the only one with honesty to
clearly mark yesterday's Virginia Tech slaughter as an act of terror
is the Helena Independent Record of Montana. 

News editors usually retitle articles that are sent them by the major
news services. While reprinting the Associated Press article by Adam
Geller (below) the editor of the Helena Independent Record retitled
the article as Terror has a name: Cho Seung-Hui.

So far, of all the thousands of corporate news outlets this is the
only editor with the gumption to characterize the situation as it
really is.


Virginia Tech rampage (by Latuff)

Terror has a name: Cho Seung-Hui
Associated Press via Helena Independent Record
April 17, 2007

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) - A Virginia Tech senior from South Korea was
behind the massacre of at least 30 people locked inside a campus
building in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history, the
university said Tuesday.

Ballistics tests also show that one of the guns inside that building
was used in another shooting two hours earlier, at a dorm, Virginia
State Police said.

Police identified the shooter as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a senior from
South Korea who was in the English department at Virginia Tech and
lived on campus.

It's certainly reasonable to assume that Cho was the shooter in both
cases, but authorities haven't made the link for sure, said Col.
Steve Flaherty, superintendent of the Virginia State Police.

A law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity because
the information had not been announced, said Cho was carrying a
backpack that contained receipts for a March purchase of a Glock 9 mm

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] National Appeal....Good News...Baitul Salaam

2007-04-17 Thread haleem1
As Salaamu Alaikum,
We want to first thank all of you who have given over the  years. Your 
generosity has meant a lot.  We have had our challenges however  we are 
to serve our community and the general public.  We are  very close to receiving 
funds from public sources and just need to keep our  doors open through the 
summer in order to receive these funds.  Visit _www.baitulsalaam.net_ 
(  for all updates and  to view our financial 
We are now on a campaign to build our support base  from approximately 267 to 
400 as quickly as possible, insh'Allah.  If  400 people nationwide would give 
$10 per month ($2.50 per week) our doors can  remain open to serve our 
sisters and children who find themselves temporarily  displaced.
Can we count on you?
Send all donations to:
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.
PO Box 11041
Atlanta, GA 30310
ma salaam
Sr. Hadayai Majeed
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc. 

** See what's free at

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] I know exactly how Diana died.

2007-04-17 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

*OK, OK, I'll come clean: I know exactly how Diana died.*
By Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson is British MP for Henley

What joy, what rapture unforeseen! In a decision of almost complete insanity
the Court of Appeal has decided that the inquest into the deaths of Diana
and Dodi must be held with a jury, and the celebrations are under way.

For legions of fat-cat lawyers, it's going to be a binge of expense accounts
and refreshers. For the interpreters, the taxi drivers, the hoteliers who
will help to look after the dozens of witnesses who will be flown over from
Paris, it's going to be more lucrative than anything since Londonderry held
the Savile inquiry. For the journalists, there will be yards of simply
eye-popping copy.

There will be sex, death, Nazis, the secret service, the clash of
civilisations between Islam and the West - and there will be royals, royals,

And there, in the middle of it all, will be Mo Fayed, the brooding Pharaoh
of Alexandria. With his Tourette's-style profanities and his rib-tickling
denunciations of Nazi Prince Philip, he's going to be the biggest thing to
sell newspapers since - well, since Diana.

Trebles all round, boys! Is there a loser? Well yes, my friends, we are all
losers - and not just as taxpayers. In granting Fayed both an inquest and a
jury, we have made British justice look like a rich man's toy.

However sympathetic we may be to Mr Fayed for the loss of his son, we must
surely accept that no ordinary citizen could expect to secure an inquest
into a 10-year-old open-and-shut case of drink driving.

As the appeal court judges made pathetically clear, they are bowing to
pressure from Fayed and giving credence to his absurd fantasies. It is very
rare for a jury to be empanelled for an inquest. It happens in only three
per cent of cases. It happens when there is evidence - evidence - that the
death occurred in police custody, or at the hands of some other emanation of
the state. Is there any such evidence in this case?

Gah. Almost 10 years ago, Diana, Princess of Wales and her then boyfriend
died in a tragic car accident. Their chauffeur, Henri Paul, had more than
twice the British limit of alcohol in his bloodstream. He was going much too
fast. Neither Dodi nor Diana was wearing a seatbelt. C'est tout, as the
French authorities rapidly concluded.

Since then, Mohamed Fayed has deployed all his energy and cash to prove that
there was a conspiracy, and in some ways he is like so many other sad
victims of bereavement. Not only is he unable to come to terms with his
loss; he is tormented with the unmentionable thought that he is himself
partly at fault. It was his organisation, his Ritz chauffeur, that proved so
disastrously inadequate.

Fayed is very human and unexceptional in his refusal to face this, his utter
determination to cast the blame elsewhere. What makes him different is his
wealth, his ability to promote these mad obsessions through the judicial

It is scarcely credible that an inquest was opened in 2003, given that the
facts were so clearly established. But we live in an increasingly
mushy-minded age, in which the rights of victims' families are held to be
ever more sacred. It is in furtherance of those rights that inquests are
increasingly concerned with apportioning blame - even when no good whatever
can come from the exercise - and one way or another it is usually possible
to claim that blame lies with the state.

It was by repeating this central claim, demented though it patently is, that
Fayed was able to justify his call for an inquest; and it was by harping on
the same point that he has now secured a jury - with all the ghastly
showboating that involves. His lawyer, Michael Mansfield QC, has already
demanded that the proceedings be held in Westminster Central Hall, so as to
accommodate the thousands of Diana-worshippers who will want to attend.

The coroner, Lady Justice Butler-Sloss, deserves a medal for at first
telling Fayed there was no need for a jury, since she could see no evidence
whatever of any state involvement in the death of his son. In this world of
bogus sentimentality, she is a model of real compassion and common sense;
and it makes one weep to read the ruling of the three judges who overturned
her. They say it is important that the wishes of the Fayed family (i.e. Mo)
should be taken into account. Why? Would the wishes of any of us be taken
into account if we spun a cock-and-bull story about the death of a relative,
and alleged that MI6 and Nazi Prince Philip were involved?

Lord Stevens has just spent £3.6 million and 800 pages proving that Fayed's
claims are baloney. So why did the appeal court yield? Because in a
spineless way they seem to believe that public opinion demands it, and that
without a jury, Lady Justice Butler-Sloss would be accused of some kind of
establishment cover-up.

What feeble reasoning. Yes, there are millions of mutton-headed readers of
tabloid tripe, and, yes, they have been conditioned to 


2007-04-17 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
Gunman kills 31 at US university 

The campus has 
now been closed and students evacuated 

   Scene of 

  A gunman has gone on 
the rampage at the campus of Virginia Tech university in Virginia, US, killing 
at least 31 people and injuring another 10.  Police say there were two separate 
shooting incidents - at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a student dormitory, and 
Norris Hall, an engineering building. 
 Police say they believe there was one gunman and that he is dead. 
 After the deadliest shooting at a US school, President George W Bush said the 
US was shocked and saddened.  
 Schools should be places of safety and sanctuary and learning. When that 
sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom and every 
American community, he added. 
 The state university in the town of Blacksburg is home to 26,000 students. 

Click here to see a map of Virginia Tech campus   

shooter shot the door twice at chest level, which resulted in two holes in the 
door, one of which hit the podium in the front of the classroom   
  Nikolas Macko, 

Shooter tried the door   
   E-mail witness accounts   
 Virginia Tech police chief Wendell Flinchum said that emergency services had 
received a call at 0715 (1215 GMT) alerting them to a multiple shooting at West 
Ambler Johnston Hall. 
 He said that two hours later there was a second report of shooting, this time 
at Norris Hall. 
 Eyewitnesses locked down inside the university buildings have been using the 
internet to try to glean information about what is happening and many have 
emailed the BBC News website. 
 Nikolas Macko was in a mathematics class in Norris Hall when they heard a 
series of loud bangs in the hallway which prompted a female student sitting 
near the door to move to close it. 


   1 August 1966 - 
Sniper Charles Whitman kills 14 people and injures dozens at University of Texas
   20 April 1999 - Two teenagers at Columbine High School, Colorado, kill 13 
before killing themselves
   21 March 2005 - A teenager on an Indian reservation in Red Lake, Minnesota, 
kills nine

pictures: Virginia shootings   
   Timeline: US school 
 She peeked out into the hallway, and saw the shooter, so she immediately 
closed the door. Three other students moved a table that was in front of the 
room - it seats approximately 40 students at capacity - and barricaded it 
against the door. 
 A few seconds later, the shooter tried to open the door, but my classmates 
kept it well shut, as they held the table against it from floor level. 
 The shooter shot the door twice at chest level, which resulted in two holes 
in the door, one of which hit the podium in the front of the class room and the 
other continued out the window. At this point he reloaded, shot the door again 
- this shot did not penetrate - and moved on to the other classrooms, Mr Macko 
 A fleet of ambulances has ferried the injured to nearby hospitals. However, 
rescue efforts were 


2007-04-17 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Assalamu aleikum.

Local Virginia news media: gunman
Associated Press: gunman
Reuters: gunman
AFP: shooter
Fox: shooter
Dajjal Bush: horrified at shooting

These are the terms dajjal Bush and his corporate media hacks are
deploying for the maniac (or maniacs, there is some suggestion that at
least two are involved) who today massacred at least 22 students at
Virginia Tech University - and wounded at least 20 more.

Search through all the articles below and you will find one term that
is definitely missing: TERRORIST.

And even though the TERRORIST massacred over twenty people in a bloody
college massacre of historic proportion, he won't actually be called a
TERRORIST - not unless and until he (or they) turns out [may Allah
(S.W.T.) forbid it] to be a Muslim.

In that latter case, of course, he (or they) will THEN be called a
TERRORIST. Because according to the supine corporate media that
subserves the regime of dajjal Bush, we Muslims are the only
TERRORISTS. No one else is, no matter how many they massacre, no
matter how horrific the circumstances.

Now, it's true that most TERRORISTS don't strike at college campuses.
So, here's a clue to the corporate media hypocrites from Islamic
Community Net about where to find TERRORISTS:

Please note that 5 articles follow:

*22 dead in VT shootings (Virginia Daily Press hypocrites)
*Gunman Kills 21 at Virginia Tech (Associated Press hypocrites)
*At least 20 killed in Virginia Tech shooting: official (Reuters
*Shooting on US campus leaves multiple victims (AFP hypocrites)
*Police: At Least 21 Dead After Virginia Tech University Shooting (Fox



22 dead in VT shootings
VIDEO: Gunman dead after shootings at Ambler Johnston, Norris Hall
(757) 928-6479
April 16, 2007,0,97940.story?coll=dp-widget-news

At least 22 Virginia Tech students are dead and many others have been
injured in a pair of campus shootings this morning.

Initial reports said there was only one fatality, but at a noon news
conference campus officials announced that there were more than 20,
and more than two dozen others injured. At the news conference, the
officials also said the gunman himself was dead, though earlier
reports had him in police custody.

In TV news reports, witnesses described the gunman as a young Asian man.

At least one local student, Denbigh Baptist graduate Matt Webster, was
among those shot. According to family friends, Webster was shot in the
arm while attending a class. The extent of his injuries was not known,
but they are reportedly not life-threatening.

The assaults took place in the West Amblin Johnston Hall dormitory and
the Norris Hall classroom building. None of the victims or suspects
has been identified by police.

Police have one shooter in custody, and as part of routine police
procedure they continue to search for a second shooter, the
university said in a written statement.

The first shooting occurred at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed
dormitory with 895 students. The second shooting was at Norris Hall a
short time later.

Steve Mehr, a Virginia Tech freshman from Tabb High School, said he
knew something was wrong before he heard about the shooting.

I was walking home from my 9 o'clock class and hearing sirens
everywhere, he said. I had no idea what it was about, but people
were running to their dorms and the buildings were locked down, so you
had to have your key card to get in If that's happening, you know
something's going on.

Mehr described the campus as being in a very hectic state.

He said he has a friend on the fourth floor of West Ambler Johnston
Hall, where the first shooting took place. As he spoke by phone from
his fifth-floor dorm room in Pritchard Hall, he looked out the window
and described heavily armed police officers on the grounds. At one
point, he said he heard gunfire -- a lot of gunfire -- but he later
said the officers appeared to be checking the area.

Brenden Hill of Newport News, who graduated from Virginia Tech in
December and still lives just off campus, was still waiting for more
information on the shootings, which prompted university officials to
lock down the campus.

The weather has been so bad out here that I don't know if a lot of
students were out in the first place, Hill said. The weird thing is
that we've had some bomb threats the last couple of weeks, and
everybody is a little frustrated with the Blacksburg Police
Department. The campus police is usually pretty good about getting
information out to us, but there's very limited information being
distributed on this thing today.

On Friday, a bomb threat on campus forced the cancellation of classes
in three buildings, and earlier this month the Torgerson Hall
dormitory was evacuated after a bomb threat.

Hill, a football 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Toward an Adamic Education:

2007-04-17 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Toward an Adamic Education:

If it has not been a fatalistic mentality of “this is the way things simply 
are,” then it has been our “weak theoretical foundations, simplistic 
interpretation, and intemperate application” of an Islamic pedagogy that has 
been the greatest challenge to Islamic schools in North America. The lack of a 
clearly articulated Islamic pedagogy and what that entails for both the purpose 
and practice of Islamic education within the modern West must be addressed with 
a sense of urgency. 


We have chosen to adopt the term Adamic Education from Abdal Hakim Murad (T.J. 
Winter), as opposed to the commonly used term Islamic Education to illustrate 
the roots of an Islamic education and also its relevance to the greater 
discourse on education.Western epistemologies refer to the moment that Adam was 
sent from the heavens to spend the remainder of his life on earth as the great 
“Fall.” That single moment of ignorance where Adam ate from the forbidden tree 
and therefore earned himself the consequence of being sent to earth is 
understood in the Islamic epistemology as an ascent, not a fall. Islamically, 
Adam’s physical displacement from heaven to earth is understood as an ascent 
because spiritually he was raised from a state of ignorance to one of 

Through a process of education, Adam was raised in status in becoming Allah’s 
khalifa (vicegerent) on earth and the angels bowed to him. It is therefore this 
process of education and move from a state of disobedience to obedience that 
raised Adam in status to an “Adamic state”.

The process of becoming educated is not a forward motion toward things unknown, 
rather it is a search for knowledge that will bring an individual back toward 
their fitra (natural state of purity). “All education is a re-education – a 
reclamation” of a pure state of being again. It is a process of recognizing the 
magnanimity of the Creator– of His Oneness (Tawheed). 

All forms of knowledge that bring an individual closer to that state of 
understanding are considered educative. There is no distinction, as Imam al-
Ghazzali notes, between knowledge that is considered secular or that which is 
considered religious. 

Ahsan states in a beautiful metaphor that within Islam, all areas of knowledge 
are “like branches of a single tree rooted in the cognition and awareness of 

Learning is for the purpose of attaining a state of being, whether that is 
achieved through learning about photosynthesis or prayer, the intent is the 
same. Learning(ta’allum) is a form of worship (ibaada) that proclaims an 
individual’s slave hood(ubudiyyah) to the Creator. It is no different than 
fasting and prayer – because all of them are processes of returning and 
regaining what we have lost.

An Adamic Education therefore, alters the purpose of schooling entirely. It is 
“human transformation and not merely about the transmission of knowledge.” The
acquisition of knowledge as an act of worship makes learning into a sacred 
Everything about the class is treated with a sense of reverence, dignity, and
austerity;“utterly unlike the modern educational experience.”

saiyed shahbazi

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] This will interest students of the Quran

2007-04-17 Thread Murad Murad
Review published in 
  The Muslim World Book Review 27:I, 2006.
  By Mahmood Y Abdullah, Leicester, UK: Academia Press, 2005. pp. 128.
  ISBN 0-9528889-1-2. 
  Mahmood Y Abdullah has done a good job in drawing attention to the 
mischievous attempt by Rashad Khalifa in the 1980s to question on flimsy 
grounds the authenticity of the Qur’anic text and Hadith corpus. Khalifa, an 
Egyptian student of science, who emigrated to the US at a young age, shot into 
fame initially with publications on the Qur’an which pandered to the commoners’ 
taste and made tall claims that caught people’s fancy. The sensationalist title 
of this work is illustrative: The Computer Speaks: God’s Message to the World 
(1980). Its contents read as follows: “Secret code of the Quran decoded. 
Meanings of the Quran’s mysterious letters unveiled. Verse by verse details of 
the Quran’s numerical code…” While parading his mastery over computer 
technology, which was new to the Muslim masses in the 1980s, he sought to 
employ the numerical theory, asserting that the computer establishes the 
miraculous nature of the Qur’an. This claim uses the number 19 and it multiples 
 the basis of his argument. By carrying out computer analysis of the numerical 
value of words and verses in the Qur’an, it is shown that these revolve around 
the number 19. However, in his publication, The Quran: The Final Scripture 
(1981) he made outrageous claim that in view of his dubious number 19 theory, 
the last two verses of Surah al-Tawbah are not part of the Qur’anic text, and 
hence these are later day accretions. He had the audacity to reject the entire 
corpus of Hadith and Sunnah.
  Some Muslim scholars were quick to point to the serious flaws in Khalifa’s 
approach. Special mention may be made in this context of the following critical 
pieces: i) Anis Ahmad, “The miracle called the Quran at the mercy of 
Charlatans”, al-Ittehad, 15/2 (April 1978); ii) Bilal Philips, The Quran 
Numerical Miracle: Hoax and Heresy (Riyadh, 1987) and iii) S. M. Darsh’s review 
of Philips’ refutation in the Muslim World Book Review 10/3, Spring 1990, pp. 
  Of late, new editions of Khalifa’s tendentious works have appeared in the USA 
and his work is being vigorously publicized on the internet. Mahmood Y Abdullah 
has therefore done an excellent job in alerting the readers, once again, to the 
mischief created by Khalifa. Abdullah’s critique is wide-ranging and 
convincing. Of special value are his comments on Khalifa’s “Hadithophobia”, his 
garbled version of the concept of intercession and his delusion about the 
finality of the Prophet Muhammad’s Messengership. Apart from Khalifa’s 
writings, Milton Viorst’s In the Shadow of the Prophet: The struggle for the 
Soul of Islam (New York, 1998) is also reviewed in this work, drawing attention 
to Viorst’s misperceptions about the Qur’an and Sirah. Abdullah deserves credit 
for his pious effort.  

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Death the Destroyer of Desires

2007-04-17 Thread Khurram Jamal

  Death the Destroyer of Desires 

Death is not the absolute end. It is just the discontinuation of unity between 
the body and soul. It is a change from one state to another and a transition 
from this present life to that of the hereafter. 

The purpose of our existence is the worship of Allah as mentioned in the Book 
of Allah: 

And I [Allaah] created not the Jinns and Men except that they should worship 
Me [alone] Soorah az-Zariyat (51): 56 

This life, which we are living, is the testing ground for which there shall be 
only two consequences, Paradise or Hellfire. Unfortunately more than often we 
disregard death, as we are so attached to this world and the love of which has 
been established in our hearts. 

Certainly, they see it as distant, but We see it as near Soorah al-Ma'arij 
(70): 6-7 

Death only becomes a reality when a close beloved one dies. The heart feels 
heavy, the eyes shed tears and there is, at that moment, a present fear of 
death. If we were to spend even a single moment each day thinking about death, 
it would bring forth many concerns? The greatest being our Hereafter: 

He Who has created death and life, that He may test you, which of you is best 
in deed. Al-Mulk (67):21 

So we stop and consider what we are doing with our time and where we are 
heading, and then realize that much of it is wasted in light talk, in laughing, 
in pursuing that which is not going to benefit our Hereafter.One of the Salaf 

Three characteristics are from Eemaan: Modesty, Chastity and Withholding of 
the tongue, not the with holding of the heart and actions. These are things 
which cause gain in the Hereafter and loss in this life, and what is gained in 
the next life is greater than what is lost in this world. [Re ported by 
Abdur-Razzaaq in his Musannaf from A'oon ibn 'Abdullaah] 

This World in comparison with the world to come is just like one of you 
putting his finger in the sea. Let him consider what it returns with. Saheeh 
Muslim (eng. trans. vol.4 p.l486 no.6843 

The Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alihi wa-sallam) explained how this world is not 
even worth the wing of a mosquito! And how small is a mosquito, and then the 
wing of a mosquito- so what is the worth of the world we run after and are 
dearly attached to? 

The Messenger of Allaah (sallahu alihi wa-sallam) referred to death as 'the 
destroyer of desires. [Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah  Nasaai and authenticated 
by Sheikh al-Albanee in al-Mishkaat (1/1607)] 

Because when each one of us remembers the awesome reality of death and what is 
to follow after that, our present desires and wordy concerns seem so 
insignificant and futile, and the life of the Hereafter becomes our goal and we 
become interested in the means to attain that goal. We find that the Companions 
of the Prophet (sallahu alihi wa-sallam) excelled on this point and were not 
deluded by the amusements of this world, knowing that love for this world would 
injure their Paradise. 

Hence, they faced trials and every hardship with the knowledge that a weighty 
judgement was yet to come and a full compensation yet to be paid - so they had 
hope and fear in Allaah, without exaggerated optimism or disparity. 

O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to 
march forth in the cause of Allaah [ie. Jihaad] you cling heavily to the earth? 
Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? [Soorah 
at-Taubah (9):38] 

Regarding the shaheed (martyr), the Prophet (sallahu alihi wa-sallam) said: 

Nobody who enters Paradise will (ever like to) return to this world, even if 
be were offered everything on the surface of the earth, except the martyr who 
will desire to return to this world and be killed ten times for the sake of the 
great honor that has been bestowed upon him. [Saheeh Muslim (eng. trans. vol.3 
p.1045 no.4635)]

Let us see how these words affected the hearts and lives of the Companions, as 
we reflect upon one Companion in particular, who was guaranteed Paradise, 
Talhah ibn 'Ubaidullaah.. 

Whoever wishes to look upon a martyr walking the face of the earth, then let 
him look upon Talhah ibn 'Ubaidullaah.  [Sunan at-Tirmidhi  al-Haakim. 
Authenticated by Shaikh al-Albaanee in his as-Saheehah ( no.126)]

The Prophet (sallahu alihi wa-sallam) said to Talhah when his fingers were 
struck by arrows in protecting the Prophet (sallahu alihi wa-sallam) at Uhud, 
as he let out an exclamation of pain: 

If yow had said. 'In the name of Allaah', then the Angels would have raised 
you up while the people were looking on at you. (And in another narration he 
added): until they entered you into the sky. [Sunan an-Nasaai. The addition is 
from al-Baihaaqee. Authenticated by al-Albaanee in his as-Saheehah ( no.217)]

Talhah is one who has fulfilled his term. [Sunan at-Tirmidhi and 
authenticated by Sheikh al-Albani in as-Saheehah (125)].

Which means that he has exhausted his allotted time in the path of