Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Prophet Let His Knees For My Mother To Put Her Feet On ... ...

2007-04-24 Thread Aqsa *
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim
  In the Name of Allah,Most Gracious,Most Merciful
  Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)  Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 52 :: 
Hadith 143 
Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said to Abu Talha, Choose one of your boy 
servants to serve me in my expedition to Khaibar. So, Abu Talha took me 
letting me ride behind him while I was a boy nearing the age of puberty. I used 
to serve Allah's Apostle when he stopped to rest. I heard him saying 
repeatedly, O Allah! I seek refuge with You from distress and sorrow, from 
helplessness and laziness, from miserliness and cowardice, from being heavily 
in debt and from being overcome by men. Then we reached Khaibar; and when 
Allah enabled him to conquer the Fort (of Khaibar), the beauty of Safiya bint 
Huyai bin Akhtab was described to him. Her husband had been killed while she 
was a bride. So Allah's Apostle selected her for himself and took her along 
with him till we reached a place called Sad-AsSahba,' where her menses were 
over and he took her for his wife. Haris (a kind of dish) was served on a small 
leather sheet. Then Allah's Apostle told me to call those who were
 around me. So, that was the marriage banquet of Allah's Apostle and Safiya. 
Then we left for Medina. I saw Allah's Apostle folding a cloak round the hump 
of the camel so as to make a wide space for Safiya (to sit on behind him) He 
sat beside his camel letting his knees for Safiya to put her feet on so as to 
mount the camel. Then, we proceeded till we approached Medina; he looked at 
Uhud (mountain) and said, This is a mountain which loves us and is loved by 
us. Then he looked at Medina and said, O Allah! I make the area between its 
(i.e. Medina's) two mountains a sanctuary as Abraham made Mecca a sanctuary. O 
Allah! Bless them (i.e. the people of Medina) in their Mudd and Sa (i.e. 
  33:6. The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his 
wives are their (believers') mothers (as regards respect and marriage). And 
blood relations among each other have closer personal ties in the Decree of 
Allâh (regarding inheritance) than (the brotherhood of) the believers and the 
Muhajirûn (emigrants from Makkah, etc.), except that you do kindness to those 
brothers (when the Prophet SAW joined them in brotherhood ties). This has been 
written in the (Allâh's Book of Divine) Decrees (Alshy;Lauh Alshy;Mahfûz). 
  Safiyya bint Huyayy, (may Allah be pleased with her) 
  She married the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) 
in 7 AH, when the Prophet was sixty years old and she was seventeen years old. 
As in the case of juwayriyya bint Harith, this marriage occurred after one of 
the Muslims' decisive battles, in this case, the battle of Khaybar. After the 
battle of Khaybar in which the Muslims defeated the Jews, two women were 
brought before the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) 
by Bilal, the black mu'adhdhin of Medina whose beautifully piercing voice 
constantly called the Muslims to prayer right up until the Prophet's death- 
after which he could not bring himself to call the adhan anymore, until he was 
present at the surrender of Jerusalem to the khalif Umar in 17 AH. They had 
passed by those who had been killed in the fighting. One of the two women was 
shrieking and screaming, and rubbing dust in her hair, while the other was mute 
with shock.
  The silent one was Safiyya, the daughter of Huyayy ibn Akhtab, the chief of 
the Banu Nadir who had all been expelled from Medina in 4 AH after plotting to 
kill the Messenger of Allah by dropping a stone on his head as he sat talking 
with their leaders. The noisy one was Safiyya's cousin. Safiyya could trace her 
lineage directly back to Harun, the brother of the Prophet Moses (peace be upon 
them). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked 
someone to look after the woman who was screaming and then took off his cloak 
and placed it over the shoulders of Safiyya, whose husband had been killed in 
the battle. It was a gesture of pity, but from that moment she was to be 
honored and given great respect in the Muslim community. Then the Prophet 
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned to Bilal and said, Bilal, 
has Allah plucked mercy from your heart that you let these two women pass by 
those of their menfolk who have been killed? This was
 considered a severe reprimand, for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings 
of Allah be upon him) rarely criticized the behavior of those who served him. 
Anas ibn Malik, for example once said, I served the Messenger of Allah (peace 
and blessings of Allah be upon him) for eight years. He never once scolded me 
for something that I had done or for something that I had not done.
  Like Umm Habiba, Safiyya was the daughter of a great chief. The only person 
who could save her from becoming a slave after having enjoyed such a high 
position was the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sen. Kerry: WTC 7 was a Controlled Demolition; A Hostage Situation: PAUL KRUGMAN

2007-04-24 Thread MA PA
Senator John Kerry - WTC 7 Was a Controlled Demolition

  A Hostage Situation: PAUL KRUGMAN - Iraq Funding +
Monday Apr 23rd, 2007 5:50 AM 

  KRUGMAN: In response to a confrontation over financing for the Iraq surge, 
President Bush is threatening dire consequences for innocent bystanders. 


A Hostage Situation 
Published: April 23, 2007 

There are two ways to describe the confrontation between Congress and the Bush 
administration over funding for the Iraq surge. You can pretend that it’s a 
normal political dispute. Or you can see it for what it really is: a hostage 
situation, in which a beleaguered President Bush, barricaded in the White 
House, is threatening dire consequences for innocent bystanders — the troops — 
if his demands aren’t met. 

If this were a normal political dispute, Democrats in Congress would clearly 
hold the upper hand: by a huge margin, Americans say they want a timetable for 
withdrawal, and by a large margin they also say they trust Congress, not Mr. 
Bush, to do a better job handling the situation in Iraq. 

But this isn’t a normal political dispute. Mr. Bush isn’t really trying to win 
the argument on the merits. He’s just betting that the people outside the 
barricade care more than he does about the fate of those innocent bystanders. 

What’s at stake right now is the latest Iraq “supplemental.” Since the 
beginning, the administration has refused to put funding for the war in its 
regular budgets. Instead, it keeps saying, in effect: “Whoops! Whaddya know, 
we’re running out of money. Give us another $87 billion.” 

At one level, this is like the behavior of an irresponsible adolescent who 
repeatedly runs through his allowance, each time calling his parents to tell 
them he’s broke and needs extra cash. 


...Mr. Bush’s refusal to face up to the failure of his Iraq adventure, his 
apparent determination to spend the rest of his term in denial, has become a 
clear and present danger to national security. 


Labels: 'surge', Bush, Congress, defeat, Funds, GOP, Iraq, Iraq War Funds, New 
York Times, News, PAUL KRUGMAN, Politics, reality, war, White House 

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2007-04-24 Thread Shahid
It really is pathetic when dumb people started thinking they are islamic or 
have islamic enough to give fatwas. We should do our part to make sure the 
person giving the fatwa is even knowledgable.

It is not allowed to disclose your past (sins) to anyone. This is islam not 
christianity. The prophet (sallallahu alyahi wassalam) told people that the 
dirty filthy things that people do, they should conceal it with the concealment 
of Allah. Allah knows what you do and it is HE who concealed for you so that no 
one found out. To reveal that is a big sin because then you're saying to Allah 
that you don't want HIS concealment.

Read the fatwa below from real scholars...especially the text in red and blue 

Effect of a wife telling her husband about her bad past, and the effect of that 
on her life


Kindly dont ignore this question. May Allah bless all for bringing light in the 
life of people in difficulties. I am a married and working woman who needs help 
and advice desperately.

I got married a few months back. Problems began soon after that.I was not very 
religious during my college years and was studying away from my parents. 
Shaytan took me over and I found a non- Muslim guy very helpful and friendly. I 
was over confident about myself and I some times used to travel with him to my 
home town (By Road). On a cursed occasion, he started advancing physically 
towards me. I fell in the clusters of Shaytan and continued to be in the cursed 
situation a few times. Once I did the gravest mistake of being alone with him 
in a house. He tried to do the worst though the utmost did not happen. I 
realized the depth of my mistake only then. Although I never went back to such 
actions, after this evil incident, he has twice seen me formally. Although the 
relationship came to an end, he used to try me over phone and I used to attend 
it rarely. But nothing beyond that ever happened. I regret a lot for all these 
actions .Allah Subhantawla made me realize my mistakes and I have repented to 
him and prayed for his forgiveness. I am still praying.

Later I became much regular in prayers, fasted and found time and interest to 
learn and adhere to the religion which gave me hopes. My parents started 
inviting proposals for me and for a long time I had the feeling that I 
shouldn't marry and spoil an innocent man's life. But as my passion for 
religion increased, I realized that I should not stay unmarried. Then my 
marriage got fixed with my husband. The thought haunted me, if I should 
disclose my past to him. I took the path of religion and kept quiet as I have 
repented deeply for my mistakes. My sense of insecurity made me feel that I 
should inform the non-Muslim ever not to try to disturb me by any means and I 
did inform him. Please tell me if this action was correct.

My fiancé started calling me over telephone. In the beginning itself I found 
him very much suspicious by nature. He did not trust on anyone. He was not much 
inclined to religion although he wanted me to practice .I hoped that I could 
bring improvement in him. Once I was forced to speak out that I had an 
infatuation at my younger age, but not the details. I got married and life 
began with difficulties.

Though, as a wife I have been ever sincere to him, suspicion grew. He started 
mentally harassing and pestering me all the time digging about my past and he 
assured me that if anything had happened itself, he would forgive me If I 
disclosed it. I tried my maximum to avoid questions. He brought the Quran and 
asked me to make promises. I did the greatest mistake of lying even then. I 
feel bad about it. Will I be forgiven? I couldn't stand for long. I disclosed 
him my past. Life became more difficult for me. He forced me to write to my 
beloved father and brother in detail about my past. He informed my mother also. 
They all became speechless. I was degraded to all extent. (Not in public).

I know he loves me, but he uses every opportunity to hurt me mentioning about 
my past and he always accuses there might me more than what has been disclosed. 
He does not let me mingle much with my family and even closest relatives. He 
does not give me peace of mind while at office and has mood swings frequently. 
Worst of all he is/ was inclined to Shirk, evil eye, black magic like things 
and seldom goes to Friday mosque even. He says he does not practice it anymore. 
When I speak about it he points out about my past though he sometimes feels bad 
about it later.

I am so desperate. I need advice. But I know that my love for him is sincere. 
(He also does !) and I also don't want to bring any more agonies to my family 
.How can I improve this situation? Please advice. Please help. May Allah bless 


Praise be to Allaah.


We ask Allaah to accept her repentance and to forgive her for her sins, and to 
turn her bad deeds into 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Br. Waleed Shaalan: Victim of Virginia Tech Tragedy - Please donate to support the family

2007-04-24 Thread Shahid

  Muslim Students Association National
 Press Release

  Br. Waleed Shaalan passes away in Virginia Tech shootings

  (Washington, D.C.) -

  Assalamu Alaikum,

  On behalf of the Virginia Tech Muslim Students Association we 
would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the MSAs and Muslims that 
have contacted us here in Blacksburg, VA in the midst of this tragedy. 
Alhumdulillah we have a national Muslim community that is supportive of each 
other, like you all have been to us these past few days. Unfortunately we lost 
a brother from our MSA here in Blacksburg. His name is Br. Waleed Shaalan and 
he was a graduate student here at Virginia Tech. Waleed left behind his wife of 
three years, Amira, and his one-year-old son, Khaled. With the help of MSA 
National, we have set up a fund to support his family during these difficult 
times. The link in which individuals and MSAs all over the US and Canada can 
donate is below. Please keep the brother (may Allah have mercy upon his soul), 
his family, and all of us here at Virginia Tech in your duas.

  Jazakumu Allahu Khairan for all of your duas and support.

  Wa'alaikumu Assalam waRahmatu Allah,

  Nassiba Adjerid

  Virginia Tech MSA President

  Please donate to support the family of Br. Waleed Shaalan

  Narration by a student in the classroom with Waleed:

  The student mentions that Waleed saved his life and wants to 
convey this to Waleed's family. Apparently, the murderer came into Norris 206 
and shot Dr. Loganathan and a number of students injuring Waleed. Waleed was 
sitting in the front row where he always sat. Everyone jumped to the floor 
after hearing the gun shots including the person narrating the story. The 
murderer then left Norris 206 to go to another classroom. The student that 
narrates the story was not shot but pretended to be dead and lay on the ground 
beside Waleed who at that time was only injured. The murderer then re-entered 
the classroom and was checking for alive victims. He had approached the person 
narrating the story who mentions that his heart was pounding out of fear. 
Waleed at that instant made a movement to distract the murderer's attention and 
was shot for the second time. At that time Waleed died and the murderer left 
the narrator to search for other victims.

  Ina Lillahi wa ina Ilayhi rajeoon. We ask Allah to forgive 
Waleed all his sins and grant him paradise.

  Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, 
some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings 
to those who patiently persevere, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: To 
Allah We belong, and to Him is our return:- They are those on whom (Descend) 
blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance. 
[Quran 2:155-157]

  The Muslim Students Association National, headquartered near 
Washington D.C., has been serving Muslim students on colleges and university 
campuses across the United States and Canada since 1963. There are an estimated 
150,000 Muslim students and over 600 MSA chapters on university and college 
campuses throughout the United States and Canada.

  For more information, please contact us at 1-703-820-7900 or 
visit the MSA National website at

MSA National

Asad Saqib

East Zone Rep USA, '06-'07

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] An Insightful Look at Prayer

2007-04-24 Thread Muhammed Shariq Khan
  An Insightful Look at Prayer

  Forward By :

  Prayer is the second pillar upon which Islam rests, the 
first pillar being the testimony of faith. Islam stresses this act of worship 
and sternly warns against neglect of it. Prayer is the central pillar of faith. 
It is the key to Paradise. It is the first thing to be accounted for on the Day 
of Judgment. It is also the first of the religious obligations brought by the 
Prophets after faith in Allah. Allah says, addressing Mûsâ (Moses, peace be 
upon him): 

“Verily I am Allah. There is no god but Me, so worship Me and establish prayer 
to celebrate My praises.”

Allah relates to us the supplication of Ibrâhîm (Abraham, peace be upon him): 

“My Lord, have me and my descendants establish prayer. My Lord, accept my 

Likewise, Ismâ`îl (Ishmael, peace be upon him) used to order his family to 
pray. Allah says: 

“He used to order his family to pray and pay Zakâh (alms), and he was pleasing 
to his Lord.”

The Messiah (peace be upon him) mentioned prayer when he was in the cradle. 
Allah relates his words: 

“And He enjoined prayer and Zakâh (alms) upon me as long as I live.”

Allah, in the Qur’ân, orders the Seal of the Prophets – Muhammad (may the peace 
and blessings of Allah be upon him) – to pray. Saying: 

“Recite what your Lord reveals to you of the Book and establish prayer.”

The effects of prayer 

1. It enriches the soul and fulfills its yearning to connect with its Lord. 
This gives the soul peace and contentment. 

2. It purifies the heart from the effects of indolence and sin by providing a 
continuous opportunity for communication with Allah and for repentance. The 
Messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) indicated this 
when he said to his Companions: “Consider if one of you had a river by his door 
in which he bathed five times a day. Would any filth remain on him?” They 
responded in the negative. He said: “Likewise, Allah wipes away sins with the 
five daily prayers.” 

This stresses the meaning of Allah’s words: 

“Verily prayer forbids licentiousness and wrongdoing. And the remembrance of 
Allah is the greatest thing.”

3. It emphasizes the proximity between religion and daily life. Life, from an 
Islamic standpoint, is to be directed to Allah. Life is an opportunity for 
worship and the remembrance of Allah. Praying repeatedly throughout the day, 
interrupting the daily activities, brings about the realization of this 
concept. The believer, through prayer, acquires a spiritual awareness that he 
takes with him throughout all of life’s endeavors. 

4. It teaches a Muslim to respect time and to manage it wisely. Prayer shows 
how important time actually is. Allah says: 

“Prayer is enjoined upon the believers at prescribed times.”

5. It teaches the Muslim the virtues of constancy and perseverance while 
opening the door to greater effort and competition. Allah’s Messenger (may the 
peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The best of deeds with Allah 
are the ones performed most regularly, even if it is small.” 

6. It cultivates brotherhood, equality, and humility between the Muslims. 
  Send Response to 
  { Views expressed by writer are their own property }

Muhammed Shariq Khan
  Lucknow, India  
Catch me on ORKUT

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2007-04-24 Thread javed akhtar
Assalaam Alaikum w r w b
  Muftis such as these have doubtful credentials and are a nemesis. They will 
destroy lives and should not be approached. Br. and Sis please look for answers 
in or
  Brother Ansar Raza is perfectly right. The prophet has clearly ordered not to 
volunteer to make sins such as these known to others. He said do not to 
disclose what Allah has hidden. For people in such a dilemma, keep shut but 
first and foremost correct yourselves. Keep asking for firgiveness and continue 
to pray to Allah swt not to disclose their sins at any point in their lives and 
even after death till eternity. For this sister in particluar, be extra good to 
the husband once married. Build a bond of sharing, caring and love that 
inshaAllah will never be broken and only get stronger by time.
Ansar wrote:
  Mufti Sahib's verdict is totally wrong. We commit many sins, but at 
the time
or after our marriages we do not open the whole catalogues of our wrong
doings to our spouses. Allah is SATTAR and He does not like wrongdoings to
be made public unless it becomes a ZULM to somebody else. (4:148) If she has
committed such a sin of adultery, that is up to her and she should not
narrate it to her husband.

There is no guarantee that her future husband is also virgin and has not
committed any wrongdoing. Marrying a chaste man is also an honour and pride.
So does Mufti Sahib encourage men to narrate all their wrong doings to their
wives after marriage? No! It never happened. Then why a remorseful repenting
woman is bound to tell her husband about her past and become embarrassed for
the rest of her life?

What if her husband tease her for the rest of her life over such sins?

Ansar Raza
-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Saba Khan
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 5:41 PM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] SHOULD I TELL MY FUTURE HUSBAND OF MY

My problem is that i am not a virgin and I am afraid
to tell my future husband that who ever it maybe. 

I am a 24 year old muslim girl who is wanting to
get married soon. I have done a lot of wrong things
in the past that I feel bad about. My problem is that
i am not a virgin and I am afraid to tell my future
husband that who ever it maybe. I'm really afraid
that i won't be wanted and I am ashamed of my
wrongdoings. I just want to start my marriage of 
clean with no worries. Allah(swt) is the one who
forgives sins, so do I have to tell the person that I
marry that I am not a virgin? I am really scared and
worried. Shouldn't we ask Allah(swt) for forgiveness
and leave it at that? PLease give me some advice. 

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh 

There are three aspects to this query:-

At the outset, you must understand that we are human
and are bound to err. We commit errors and fall prey
to Shaytaan. Rasulullah ( sallallahu alayhi wasallam )
said every human being commits sins but the best of
sinners are those who repent. You have committed an
error and seek forgiveness for your error by Allah.
You should be sincere and remorseful over your sin and
make a firm determination never to repeat such a sin
in the future. Certainly, Allah will forgive you for
Allah says Do not become despondent of Allah, surely
He will forgive all your sins. 

If you have a marriage proposal it will be necessary
to inform the boy of your condition. Marrying a chaste
woman is an honour and pride for a man. Hiding your
condition from a potencial husband the time of the
proposal is tantamount to deceit and deception which
is Haraam (prohibited). Rasulullah ( sallallahu alayhi
wasallam ) said whoever deceives is not from my
Ummah. You should therefore be upright and clarify
your condition. You should state that you have
repented since and you are remorseful over your error.
This attitude will protect you from many
misunderstandings that could come up in the future and
would cause a great amount of distress and trauma to

You should not become depressed if your proposal is
refused. Keep your attention towards Allah, Inshallah
a suitable partner will propose. 

And Allah knows best


Mufti Mohammad Zakariyyah Desai,

Checked and Approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Day of Judgment

2007-04-24 Thread Muhammed Shariq Khan
  The Day of Judgment

  Forward By :

  Our present life is only a trial preparation for the next 
realm of existence. This life is a test for each one of us, so we should all 
get prepared for the hereafter life.

On the Day of Judgment, this world we're living in will come to an end and, the 
dead will be resurrected for judgment by God.

This day will be the beginning of a life that will never end. It's the day when 
all people will be rewarded by God according to their beliefs and deeds. Those 
who die as believers, (believing that “There is no true god but Allah, and 
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”) and are Muslim will be rewarded on that 
day and will be admitted to Paradise forever, as Allah says:

And those who believe and do good deeds, they are dwellers of Paradise, they 
dwell therein forever. 
(Qur'an, 2:82)

Whereas those who die while not believing that “There is no true god but Allah, 
and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” or are not Muslim will lose Paradise 
forever and will be sent to Hellfire, as God says:

And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from 
him and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter.
(Qur'an, 3:85)

Allah also says:

Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the earth full of gold would 
not be accepted from any of them if it were offered as a ransom. They will have 
a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.
(Qur'an, 3:91)

After having sent the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to call people to Islam, Allah 
does not accept adherence to any religion other than Islam. Allah is our only 
Creator and Sustainer.

Allah created for us whatever is on the earth. All the blessings and good 
things we have are from Him. So after all this, when someone rejects belief in 
Allah, His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), or His religion of Islam, it is just that 
he or she be punished in the Hereafter. Actually, the main reason after which 
we were brought to life on earth is to worship Allah alone and obey Him.

This life we live today is a very short life, and will come to an end at one 
day nobody knows but Allah. The unbelievers on the Day of Judgment will think 
that the life they lived on earth was only a day or part of a day, as Allah has 

He (Allah) will say, “How many years did you stay on the earth?” They will say: 
“We stayed a day or part of a day” 
(Qur'an, 23:112-113)

Allah also says:

Did you then think that We had created you in jest (without any purpose), and 
that you would not be returned to Us (in the Hereafter)? So, God is exalted, 
the True King. None has the right to be worshipped but Him... 
(Qur'an, 23:115-116)

The life in the Hereafter is the real life, the life that lasts forever. It is 
not only spiritual, but physical as well. We will live there with our souls and 

In comparing this world with the Hereafter, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: 

(The value of this world compared to that of the Hereafter is like what your 
finger brings from the sea when you put it in and then take it out.)

The meaning is that, the value of this world compared to that of the Hereafter 
is like a few drops of water compared to the sea. Thus we should all get 
prepared for that day, compete in having Hasanat (good deed), for at the Day of 
Judgment no one, not even your mom, will be able to rescue you from Hell if 
your deeds were bad. As Allah says:

And Upon that Day, the wrongdoer shall bite at his hands and say: Would that I 
had taken a Path with the Messenger. 
  Send Response to 
  { Views expressed by writer are their own property }

Muhammed Shariq Khan
  Lucknow, India  
Catch me on ORKUT

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] She enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil...!

2007-04-24 Thread Fayaz Ahmed

*From the Book, An IDEAL MUSLIMAH! *

(*The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman
as Defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah) *

* - Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi.*
*Chapter:1 - A Muslim Woman with her Lord (Allah)!...*
*continuation - 18...*

*She enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil!*

The Muslim woman who understands her religion reads the *ayah*: ( *The
Believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another: they enjoin what
is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practise
regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour
His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. ) *(Qur'an 9:71)- which
Allah (SWT) revealed fifteen hundred years ago, and she finds herself on the
highest level of intellectual and social status that any woman of any nation
or race has ever known. Islam has stated that women are fully human,and are
legally competent and independent. There is no difference between women and
men when it comes to owning property, buying or selling, or arranging a
marriage. This is something which had never previously been the case in any
nation, where women were seen as possessions of men, under their tutelage
and command. This *ayah*, ( *The Believers, men and women, are protectors,
one of another . . .) *raises women to the level of loyalty and friendship
with men, and makes them partners in the work of enjoining what is good and
forbidding what is evil. Women are responsible for fulfilling this duty on
equal terms with men, as both are charged with the duty of populating and
cultivating the earth, and worshipping Allah (SWT) therein.

Thus Islam rescued women from their position of being mere chattels of men,
which in most cases had given men control over life and death., and raised
them to the level of equality and humanity.

When Islam gave women the duty of enjoining what is good and forbidding what
is evil, it gave her the status of a human being who, for the first time in
history, was giving orders whereas under other systems she was the one to
whom orders were always given.

Islam declared that in the sight of Allah (SWT), both sexes were equally
qualified to worship Him, and were equally deserving of His mercy. There is
a great deal of proof of this in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Our history is filled with women whose words and deeds reflect their noble
Islamic character. They spoke the truth, and felt that they had a
responsibility before Allah (SWT) to do so, and were never afraid to do so.

One example of the strength and maturity of Muslim women's character, and
the freedom that they had to express their opinions, is the criticism voiced
by a woman who was listening to the *khalifah *`Umar ibn al-Khattab
forbidding excessive dowries and advocating that they should be limited to a
certain amount. This woman stood up and said, You have no right to do that,
O `Umar! He asked, Why not? She said, because Allah (SWT) says: ( *But
if you decide to take one wife in place of another, even if you had given
the latter a whole treasure for dower, take not the least bit of it back;
would you take it by slander and a manifest wrong?. ) *(Qur'an 4:20)`Umar
said, The woman is right, and the man is mistaken.127

The *khalifah* `Umar listened to this woman, and when it became apparent
that she was right, he admitted that she was right, and he was mistaken.
Thus a Muslim woman set the earliest historic precedent of criticizing the
head of state, and what a head of state! This was the rightly-guided *
khalifah*, the greatest ruler of his age, a man who was feared, the
conqueror of Persia and Byzantium. This woman could not have criticized and
opposed him if it were not for her deep understanding of the religion that
had given her the right to freedom of expression, and commanded her to
enjoin that which was good and forbid that which was evil. *She reads Qur'an

In order to reach this high level of obedience, righteousness and *taqwa*,
the Muslim woman has no choice but to seek guidance in the blessed Book of
Allah (SWT), sheltering herself in its shade every day. She should read
Qur'an regularly, reciting it carefully and thinking about the meaning of
the *ayat*. Then its meaning may penetrate her mind and emotions, and her
heart and soul will be filled with the light of its pure guidance.It is
enough for the Muslim woman to know the status of the one who reads Qur'an
in the sight of Allah (SWT), as the Prophet (PBUH) described it in a number
of *Hadith*. So she should read Qur'an whenever she has the opportunity, and
her days and nights should be filled with recitation of its *ayat* and
reflection upon its meaning. The Prophet (PBUH) said:The likeness of a
believer who reads the Qur'an is like a citron, whose smell is pleasant and
whose taste is pleasant; the likeness of a believer who does not read the
Qur'an is like a date, which has no smell, but its taste is sweet; the
likeness of the hypocrite who reads the Qur'an is like a fragrant 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Anti-Islam Propaganda - How to COUNTER Them

2007-04-24 Thread Alan Border
“The Hadith REJECTORS Who Promote the Rejection of the Sunnah of the Prophet 
(saws) Should Be Placed in the Same Category as the Danish Publishers of the 
Caricatures of the Prophet (saws).  They Say That the Prophet (saws) Was ONLY a 
POSTMAN Delivering the Quran. For All We Know, They May Be Non Muslims 
Masquerading as Muslims With Beautiful Islamic Names” - AB
  The Proper Way to Counter Anti-Islam Propaganda
  Adil Salahi, Arab News
  I have been having a discussion by correspondence with a friend of mine about 
Hadith, but he sent me a link to a website which denies the position of Hadith 
altogether. I feel that such sites are created by hypocrites or deviants. How 
to refute the falsehoods they publish?
  There are many websites that are intent on undermining Islam. Some are openly 
hostile, while others adopt an apparently objective stance making their 
criticism sound more plausible. Other websites have a more subtle approach, 
citing some Hadiths when they make an argument, but relying always on using 
half truths. There are some, which try to show themselves as truth seekers, but 
they twist arguments and rely on false reports presenting them as solid truth. 
Those who run and manage these websites belong to different trends and have 
different agendas. 
  To what extent should we take up the challenge and how? If we were to answer 
every point on every website, we will find ourselves immersed in a long-winded 
argument that will benefit no one. To start with, our answer will not be placed 
side by side with the criticism, to allow a reader to weigh up both arguments. 
Therefore, the person who reads the criticism will most probably remain unaware 
of the answer. Secondly, our argument will never be as powerful as that of the 
Qur’an. These people twist Qur’anic and Hadith texts to serve their purpose. 
What will they do with our arguments? Thirdly, there are too many websites that 
criticize Islam, and trying to answer them all requires an army of scholars who 
devote all their time to this ultimately impossible task.
  The other day a reader sent me a link to one of these websites. The link 
speaks about what the writer calls “contradictions in the Qur’an.” Apparently 
he listed these after someone wrote to him that there are 101 contradictions in 
the Bible. He retorted with listing close to 200 points of so-called 
contradictions in the Qur’an. My reader asked me to reply to these. I looked at 
them and found out that they all rely on a mixture of inaccuracy, deliberate 
twisting of facts, and sheer ignorance. To write an answer to each one of them 
would require me to devote a few months to the task during which I do nothing 
else. What would I come up with in the end? Nothing other than refuting a small 
section on a single website. Would the users of that website be aware of our 
refutation? Most likely not. Then what is the gain? 
  What is the proper policy to adopt, then? The first point is to listen to 
what God tells us in the Qur’an: “Do not argue with the people of earlier 
revelations in other than the most kindly manner, except for those of them who 
are intent on wrongdoing; and say: ‘We believe in that which has been revealed 
to us, as well as that which has been revealed to you, for our God and your God 
is one. It is to Him that we submit ourselves.’” (29: 46) This is indeed the 
proper attitude: an argument in a kindly manner that points out that we 
basically believe in God who is the Lord of all the worlds.
  In addition, we should have our own websites which present Islam in its 
rightful image, so that people who seek to know the truth about Islam can find 
it. A number of scholars have their own websites, and this trend is on the 
increase. We should also remain confident that the truth of Islam is 
overpowering. No argument can stand to the truth that emanates from God 
Almighty. Therefore, we need not be scared by such hostile adversaries. Over 
the centuries, there were many like them who used the best means available to 
them in their own times, but they could not mar the image of Islam. Their 
present and future successors will, God willing, end up with the same failure.
  Many are those who tried over the years to undermine the position of Hadith 
in Islam. They dress their argument with a seemingly appropriate clothing, 
saying that the Qur’an is God’s word and we do not need anything other than His 
word. They simply overlook two basic principles: the first is that to be a 
Muslim one declares his belief in God’s oneness and at the same time declares 
his belief that Muhammad was God’s messenger. Unless he believes in both, he is 
not a Muslim. The other is the Qur’anic commandment: “Whatever the Messenger 
gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, refrain from it.” (59: 7) The 
Prophet gave us both the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Somali Capital Mogadishu is burning - Hundreds killed, thousands homeless, no food

2007-04-24 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
Somalia  fighting continues for the fifth day as five are killed 
MondayAweysOsman Yusuf
   Mogadishu 23, April.07( Sh.M.Network) Fighting   
 between Ethiopian troops along with government forces and Islamic  
  insurgents backed by clan militias continues in the Somali 
capitalMogadishu for the fifth straight day. Ethiopian military 
forceshave been firing rockets from the presidential palace, 
and formerarmy compound in south of the capital targeting 
neighborhoods innorth of Mogadishu, insurgent strongholds.
 Atleast five civilians were killed and more than 
10 were wounded inShibis and Suq Ba’ad neighborhoods in north 
of the capitalearly Monday morning. According to witnesses, the 
victims were fleeingthe areas when they were hit by stray 
 SomaliaDeputy Defense Minister, Salad Alai Jelle, 
told local journalistson Sunday that the Somali transitional 
government was determinedto pacify the gun-infested capital, 
calling on civilians remainingin areas where the battle rages 
to leave their homes.
 Thefighting continues despite the government’s 
lack of effortsto assist thousands of families who are 
lingering under the treesof southern provinces of the country 
and on the outskirts of thecapital after they fled the war 
going on in hot-blooded city.
 Torrentialartilleries and mortar rounds are 
landing at Jamhuriah neighborhood,north of the capital, as the 
deafening sounds of the explosionscould be throughout the city 
on Monday.
 Hawiyeclan political leader, Abdulahi Sheik 
Ismail, told Shabelle Mondaymorning that there was ongoing 
ceasefire agreement being brokeredby the clan leaders and 
Ethiopian officers in the country, so farfighting continues in 
the capital.
 ShabelleMedia Network Somalia
   E-mail us: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Shelling traps Somalis in capital 

  The fighting has 
raged for six days 

  Heavy shelling is taking place as Ethiopian-backed government 
forces battle insurgents in Somalia's capital.  Ethiopian tanks have been 
pursuing Islamists and local militias into their stronghold in the north of 
 The United Nations refugee agency says many residents are trapped in the 
fighting as roads leading out of Mogadishu have been blocked. 
 Some 250 people have been killed during the last six days of fighting and 
thousands are fleeing the capital.  
 Somalia's deputy defence minister Salad Ali Jelle has asked people living near 
insurgent strongholds to move out before a planned attack on the rebels. 
 Ethiopian forces have been in Mogadishu since December last year after helping 
Somalia's transitional government oust the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC). 
 The insurgents are believed to be a mixture of Islamists and militiamen from 
the Hawiye clan - the largest in Mogadishu.  
 Many bodies are lying around Mogadishu and hundreds of people are fleeing 
towards the Kenyan border, says the BBC Swahili reporter Khadra Mohammed said. 
 Some have serious injuries and need urgent medical attention, she says. 
 Only people with money are able to move out of the capital on public transport 
vans, most of the dead are poor people, our correspondent says. 
 UNHCR spokesperson Catherine Weibel has told the BBC they are now providing 
relief supplies to about 20,000 displaced people out of the more than 300,000 
who have fled the violence. 
 Eritrea which is accused of supporting insurgents opposed to the Somalia's 
transitional government has suspended its membership from the 
Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (Igad), the East African regional 
body that brokered the Somali peace process. 
 The withdrawal from the seven-member Igad group was the latest sign of 
deteriorating relations between Asmara and regional countries over Somalia. 
 It's a temporary withdrawal. We feel that it's not responsible to stay in 
that organisation when decisions are being made that are not legally or morally 
acceptable, Information Minister Ali Abdu told Reuters News Agency. 
 An Eritrean representative at the recent Igad meeting held in Kenya's capital, 
Nairobi, clashed with his Ethiopian counterpart over their presence in Somalia. 
 Eritrea has denied accusations from Ethiopia and 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Taslima NOISE-Rin Plans New Novel With India's Blessing

2007-04-24 Thread Alan Border
“The BOTTOM LINE Is That the Indian Govt Has To Be Held RESPONSIBLE for the 
Actions of TN. She is NOT a Citizen of India. By Allowing Her to Carry Out Her 
DIATRIBE Against Islam, the Indian Govt is Silently CONDONING Her Actions. 
Perhaps the Indian Govt is of the VIEW, That It is BETTER to Get an Outsider to 
ATTACK Islam Than Get An Indian to Do It.” - AB 
  Taslima Nasrin Plans to Come Out With New Novel
  Kolkata, April 07: Defying continuing threats exiled Bangladeshi writer 
Taslima Nasrin is writing a new book 'Narir kono desh nei' (There is no country 
for women) for which the manuscript will be readied soon. 
In a broadside against clerics who issued a fatwa against her, Nasrin has said 
that perhaps these religious leaders found it convenient to target her and get 

I speak for the oppressed minorities (gender-wise, ethnicity-wise, 
religion-wise) and will continue to do so. Whether be they Hindus in 
Bangladesh, Muslims in India, Christians in Pakistan, or women in every society 
who are subjected to oppression, says Nasrin. 
As a humanist I will never be intimidated and write for them. No force on 
earth can stop me, Taslima asserts. The Allahabad High Court recently sought 
to know from the Uttar Pradesh government the action it intends to take after 
Khan announced a reward of Rs 5 lakh for beheading Taslima if the Indian 
government did not ban her entry in the country. 
It is easy to torture the known victim, subjected to such fatwas in Bangladesh 
by fundamentalists. But they do not realise I will not be cowered by such acts 
and continue to write about the oppressed, particularly women, in every 
society, Taslima said. 
Her comments came days after the reported religious decree issued by a Muslim 
cleric for beheading Taslima. 
Bureau Report
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST  MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Medicines from Egyptian people to Lebanese people

2007-04-24 Thread rafeswhiterose
The Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture announced that it
received a donation of classical medicines for and chronic diseases from
NGOs in Egypt in support of the Lebanese people and to assist the
families of martyrs of the Israeli aggression.
The NGOs that collected assistance of the Egyptian people includes:

- Popular Committee for Solidarity with the Lebanese people
- Egyptian Press Syndicate
- El Nadim Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and

The Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture praises the
initiative of the civil society bodies in this Egyptian solidarity step
with the families of the martyrs of the Israeli aggression and the
victims of detention, torture and their families.
This step reflects the national and humanitarian attitude of the
Egyptian people.

The Center thanks the civil societies, which provided assistance calling
for further initiatives to support the steadfastness of the Lebanese
people and the Southerns in the face of Israeli aggression.

The center also thanks the Lebanese Health Minister, Dr. Mohammed Jawad
Khalifa on facilitating the entry of the donation of medicines and
delivered it to the center through the Secours Populaire Libanais.

The Center stated that part of the donation of medicines will be
distributed to a number of clinics and municipalities.

Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture
Beirut - Lebanon
P.O. Box: 14-5843
Tel: +961 3 379612
Fax: +961 1 701692

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] She is distinguished by her Islamic character and true religion...!

2007-04-24 Thread Fayaz Ahmed

*From the Book, An IDEAL MUSLIMAH! *

(*The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman
as Defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah) *

* - Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi.*
*Chapter:1 - A Muslim Woman with her Lord (Allah)!...*
*continuation - 16...*

*She is distinguished by her Islamic character *

*and true religion!*

No doubt the true Muslim woman is distinguished by her Islamic character,
and she is proud of the high status which Islam gave her at a very early
stage, before women in other nations attained anything like it. Fifteen
centuries ago, Islam proclaimed the full rights of women for the first time
in history, and Muslim women enjoyed human rights centuries before the world
had ever heard of human rights organizations or witnessed any Declaration
of Human Rights.

At that early stage, Islam declared that women were the twin halves of men,
as stated in the *hadith* narrated by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, al-Darimi and
Ahmad. At a time when the Christian world doubted the humanity of woman and
the nature of her soul, the Qur'an declared: ( *And their Lord has accepted
of them, and answered them: `Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any
of you, be he male or female: you are members, one of another' ) *(Qur'an

The Prophet (PBUH) accepted women's oath of Islam and obedience, just as he
accepted that of men. The women's *bay`ah* was independent of and separate
from that of their menfolk, and was not done as an act of blind obedience.
This is a confirmation of the independence of the Muslim woman's identity,
and of their competence to bear the responsibility of giving the oath of
allegiance and making the commitment to obey Allah (SWT) and be loyal to Him
and His Messenger. All of this happened centuries before the modern world
recognized woman's right to freedom of expression and the right to vote
independently. This is in addition to other important rights, such as her
independent right to own wealth and her freedom from the responsibility to
spend on others, even if she is rich, and her equality with men in human
worth, education, and general religious and legal duties. A full discussion
of the rights which Islam has given to women, and the respect which it has
bestowed upon them, is not possible here.

The level of respect, rights and competence attained by the Muslim woman is
astonishing for Western women. I remember the comment of an American woman
at a lecture given in the U.S. by the Syrian scholar Shaykh Bahjat al-Bitar
on the rights of women in Islam. This lady was amazed at the rights which
the Muslim woman had gained fifteen hundred years ago; she stood up and
asked, Is what you say about the Muslim woman and her rights true or is it
just propagan? If it is true then take me to live with you for a while, then
let me die! Many other Western women have also expressed their astonishment
at the status and respect given to women in Islam.

The modern Muslim woman, if she understands all this, is also filled with
admiration for her true religion; her faith deepens and her conviction of
the greatness and perfection of this divine program for human happiness, the
well-being of men and women alike - grows ever stronger. It is sufficient
for her to know that fifteen hundred years ago Islam achieved more for women
in one blow than any other nation has achieved in the twentieth century.

It is sufficient to know that the French Revolution of the late eighteenth
century produced a human-rights document entitled Declaration of the Rights
of Man and Citizens The first clause of this document states: Men are born
free and equal under the laws. There was an attempt to add the words and
woman, but this was rejected, and the statement remained confined to men
only: Man is born free, and he should not be enslaved. A century later,
the great French scholar Gustave le Bon, in the late nineteenth century and
early twentieth century, stated in his book The Psychology of Peoples that
woman had never been equal to man except in periods of decline; this comment
came in his refutation of demands that women should be made equal with men
by giving them the same right to vote.

This is how the situation remained until the advent of the League of
Nations, following the First World War, and the United Nations Organization
following the Second World War. Women's-rights advocates succeeded in
stating the equality of women with men only after a great deal of hard work,
because they were faced with the obstacle of quasi-religious traditions and
customs; they did not have access to any text of national or international
law that treated women with any measure of justice, which they could have
used to overturn these obstacles and free women from the oppressive legacy
of the past. Meanwhile, fifteen hundred years ago, Islam had definitively
shown, in the Qur'an and Sunnah, that men and women were equal in terms of
reward, punishment, responsibility, worship, human worth and human rights.

When Islam made men and women equal 


2007-04-24 Thread M. Malhar
Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab)

Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 73 :: Hadith 95 

Narrated Abu Huraira: 

I heard Allah's Apostle saying. All the sins of my followers will be
forgiven except those of the Mujahirin (those who commit a sin openly or
disclose their sins to the people). An example of such disclosure is that a
person commits a sin at night and though Allah screens it from the public,
then he comes in the morning, and says, 'O so-and-so, I did such-and-such
(evil) deed yesterday,' though he spent his night screened by his Lord (none
knowing about his sin) and in the morning he removes Allah's screen from

Oneness, Uniqueness of Allah (Tawheed)

Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 93 :: Hadith 605 

Narrated Safwan bin Muhriz: 

A man asked Ibn 'Umar, What have you heard from Allah's Apostle regarding
An-Najwa? He said, Everyone of you will come close to His Lord Who will
screen him from the people and say to him, 'Did you do so-and-so?' He will
reply, 'Yes.' Then Allah will say, 'Did you do so-and-so?' He will reply,
'Yes.' So Allah will question him and make him confess, and then Allah will
say, 'I screened your sins in the world and forgive them for you today.'  

Oppressions  mk:@MSITStore:C:\hadith\hadith.chm::/bukhari/003.043.620.html

Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 43 :: Hadith 621 

Narrated Safwan bin Muhriz Almazini: 

While I was walking with Ibn 'Umar holding his hand, a man came in front of
us and asked, What have you heard from Allah's Apostle about An-Najwa? Ibn
'Umar said, I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'Allah will bring a believer
near Him and shelter him with His Screen and ask him: Did you commit
such-and-such sins? He will say: Yes, my Lord. Allah will keep on asking him
till he will confess all his sins and will think that he is ruined. Allah
will say: 'I did screen your sins in the world and I forgive them for you
today', and then he will be given the book of his good deeds. Regarding
infidels and hypocrites (their evil acts will be exposed publicly) and the
witnesses will say: These are the people who lied against their Lord.
Behold! The Curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers. (11.18) 

Limits and Punishments set by Allah (Hudood)

Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 81 :: Hadith 793 

Narrated Ubada bin As-Samit: 

I gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet with a group of people, and
he said, I take your pledge that you will not worship anything besides
Allah, will not steal, will not commit infanticide, will not slander others
by forging false statements and spreading it, and will not disobey me in
anything good. And whoever among you fulfill all these (obligations of the
pledge), his reward is with Allah. And whoever commits any of the above
crimes and receives his legal punishment in this world, that will be his
expiation and purification. But if Allah screens his sin, it will be up to
Allah, Who will either punish or forgive him according to His wish. Abu
Abdullah said: If a thief repents after his hand has been cut off, the his
witness well be accepted. Similarly, if any person upon whom any legal
punishment has been inflicted, repents, his witness will be accepted. 

The Mudabbar

Malik :: Book 41 : Hadith 41.1.2 

Malik related to me from Yahya ibn Said from Said ibn al-Musayyab that a man
from the Aslam tribe came to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and said to him, I have
committed adultery. Abu Bakr said to him, Have you mentioned this to
anyone else? He said, No. Abu Bakr said to him, Then cover it up with
the veil of Allah. Allah accepts tawba from his slaves. His self was still
unsettled, so he went to Umar ibn al-Khattab. He told him the same as he had
said to Abu Bakr, and Umar told him the same as Abu Bakr had said to him.
His self was still not settled so he went to the Messenger of Allah, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said to him, I have committed
adultery, insistently. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, turned away from him three times. Each time the Messenger
of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, turned away from him
until it became too much. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, questioned his family, Does he have an illness which
affects his mind, or is he mad? They said, Messenger of Allah, by Allah,
he is well. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace, said, Unmarried or married? They said, Married, Messenger of
Allah. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Protest planned for Jewish National Fund dinner in Vancouver

2007-04-24 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Protest planned for Jewish National Fund dinner in Vancouver

Progressive Vancouver organizations concerned about the situation in
Israel/Palestine will hold a protest demonstration at the annual
fund-raising dinner of the Jewish National Fund on:

Sunday, April 29, 2007,
from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.

It will take place in front of the Four Seasons Hotel at Georgia and
Howe Streets, Vancouver.

The Jewish National Fund is charged with being a racist organization
that uses its power of land ownership and land management in Israel to
discriminate against 20 per cent of Israeli citizens, restricting
their right to own and lease land, simply because they are not Jews.
The Canadian government is implicated in this charge because it grants
the Jewish National Fund charitable status.

While the Jewish National Fund actually owns only 13 per cent of the
land in Israel, it is land that houses 70 per cent of the Israeli

Together with the Israel Lands Administration, the Jewish National
Fund controls 93 per cent of all land in Israel. The Fund holds that
selling and/or leasing land to Arabs would be a violation of the
covenant established between the Fund and the Jews who contributed
money from 1901, when the fund was started, to 1960 to buy land in
Israel. According to Ilan Pappe, an historian at Haifa University:
The Palestinian minority in Israel, seventeen per cent of the total
population after ethnic cleansing, has been forced to make do with
just three per cent of the land. They are allowed to build and live on
only two per cent of the land; the remaining one per cent was defined
as agricultural land which cannot be built upon. In other words, today
1.3 million people live on that two per cent.

The endorsing organizations are: Palestine Community Centre, Canada
Palestine Association, No One Is Illegal, International Solidarity
Movement - Vancouver, Jews for a Just Peace, Canada - Palestine
Support Network, Trade Union Committee for Justice in the Middle East,
and Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians.

Palestine Community Centre, 604-676-3611
Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians, 604-314-5589


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Neglected Report from Europol on The Islamic Threat to Europe

2007-04-24 Thread Abhiyya 2006
There were 498 incidents in eleven EU countries last year labelled as 
terrorist attacks. The Islamists only carried out one out of the 498.  
  If we look at the people arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences, the 
figures are rather disproportionate; about half of them arrested were Muslim. 
In plain English: Muslims are a group causing very little terrorism in Europe, 
while at the same time much more likely to be arrested on suspicion of it.
  Weekend Edition
April 21 / 22, 2007
  A Neglected Report from Europol  The Islamic Threat to Europe: By the Numbers 
  Some things interest the media, others don't. Since the fall of the USSR, the 
United States has sought another menace to designate as the ultimate evil, a 
world threat the Americans desperately need to take on. The 9/11 attacks gave 
them that enemy. And when the White House speaks, the media listens obediently.
  Over the last number of years the Islamic threat has become one of the 
favourite issues for media coverage. It's all over the news--Muslims leaders 
pronouncing threats against the countries participating in occupying Muslim 
  While America is the Western country most succumbed to the fear of Islamism, 
things aren't much better in Europe. Its media is highly Americanised and thus 
eager to reiterate U.S. governmental positions towards the non-Western world. 
Islamic terrorism is subsequently a theme close to the hearts of European 
journalists as well.
  Following this, you might think the journalists would be beside themselves 
with joy when the European Police Office (Europol) releases its first report on 
terrorism in the EU. I can assure you they weren't. In fact, to my best 
knowledge, not a single Swedish paper or news-channel has paid any attention to 
it whatsoever. I haven't seen it receiving much attention in other EU countries 
either (kudos to the EUobserver for having the decency to report on it). The 
report is namely a grave disappointment for the anti-Islamic campaigners.
  There were 498 incidents in eleven EU countries last year labelled as 
terrorist attacks. The Basque separatist group ETA did best (136 terrorist 
attacks) and was responsible for the only deadly attack, killing two in Madrid. 
The remaining 497 fortunately cost no human lives.
  How about the Islamic terrorists then? Considering the perpetual warnings in 
our daily papers, the findings in the Europol report is, to say the least, 
surprising. The truth is that Islamists only carried out one out of the 498 
terrorist attacks in the European Union in 2006. Don't believe me? The entire 
report is available on Europol's website. Had Islamic fundamentalists been 
behind a higher number of attacks-say 136-it would have been front page news at 
every big daily. One attack is simply too few--it won't do if the image of an 
Islamic threat is to live on.
  The Europol report devotes several pages to Islamist terrorism, despite the 
low number. Except for the one attack in Germany this group was responsible for 
(which, by the way, failed and resulted in no victims), also Denmark and the 
United Kingdom reported that Islamists plotted to carry out one attack in each 
country respectively (incidentally, all three countries are accessory to the 
illegal occupation of Iraq). However, since these plans in both cases were 
exposed before they were set to work, they were not included among the 498. 
Either way, even after taking these plots into account, the report proves the 
genuine magnitude of Islamic terrorism in Europe--it's not exactly a huge 
  If we look at the people arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences, the 
figures are rather disproportionate; about half of them arrested were Muslim. 
In plain English: Muslims are a group causing very little terrorism in Europe, 
while at the same time much more likely to be arrested on suspicion of it. The 
constant media coverage of Muslims being arrested creates the false image of a 
serious threat in order to benefit the imperialist world-view Washington wants 
us to adopt. Meanwhile the Americans and their accomplices are carrying out 
genocide in Iraq. Clearly, something needs to be done about the media.
  Kristoffer Larsson lives in Sweden. He can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

With Regards 

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