Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Throwing Good Money After Bad Governance in Afghanistan

2007-06-21 Thread Alan Border
“My Fellow Americans – Our WAR ON MUSLIMS Has Manifold Aims. One Is to PLUNDER 
the WEALTH of the Muslims to ENRICH Us, Another Is to DESTROY Their Economic 
Their THOUANDS So as to SEND a Strong Message – NEVER Dare Question Our 
ACTIONS. God Bless America.” – GWB 
  Throwing Good Money After Bad Governance
  Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 20/11/2006
  In a crisis, a Labour politician's first instinct is to reach for his wallet 
– or, rather, for your wallet. The struggle against the jihadists has not gone 
as well as had been hoped. 
  Something close to a full-scale war rages in Afghanistan against a new 
Taliban insurgency. In Iraq, coalition troops and their local auxiliaries are 
virtually confined to base, while warlords fight it out over great tracts of 
the country. Tony Blair's response? To spend his way out of trouble, lavishing 
overseas aid on the Islamist heartlands – notably in Pakistan – in the hope 
that economic growth will distract the tribesmen from their zealotry.
  The trouble is, there is absolutely no evidence that foreign aid quells 
fanaticism. Indeed, there is some evidence of negative correlation. Afghanistan 
has received more than $8 billion in grants since 2001, while the US alone 
voted for $18.7 billion for reconstruction in Iraq in 2003; yet the peoples of 
these lands are more radicalised than ever. The largest recipients per capita 
of development aid in the world, by a considerable margin, are the 
Palestinians, who have none the less constructed a society in which 
paramilitarism and even suicide bombings are regarded as normal, if not 
  It is possible to envisage how overseas aid might achieve its objectives. 
Tightly focused programmes to, for example, incentivise the substitution of 
narcotics crops, can succeed. But such schemes are the exception rather than 
the rule. It is more usual for foreign aid, as in Palestine, to foster 
corruption, dependency and resentment. An economy in which subventions keep 
young men idle and just above the poverty line is arguably the perfect 
terrorist habitat. 
  It is striking, for example, how many of our own attempted Tube bombers were 
living on welfare, despising the hand that fed them and despising themselves 
for feeding from it. Had this option been closed, they might have had to find 
gainful employment, and so had less time to work themselves into a condition of 
existential rage.
  The idea that political violence is born of poverty and despair derives, 
ultimately, from Marx. Like many of his ideas, it looks plausible on the page, 
but turns out not to be true. Most revolutions happen at times of rising wealth 
and aspiration. 
  If Mr Blair thinks that Western aid will win over the Muslim world, he 
misunderstands human nature. One of the reasons that Iraqis distrust the West 
is that they had come to associate it, via the UN's oil for food racket, with 
their own corrupt officials. 
  The last thing we want is for a similar thing to happen in Pakistan. There 
are many things Mr Blair could usefully do to help that country, such as 
encouraging investment and trade and the opening of EU markets to Pakistani 
exports. Aid, in the final analysis, allows autocratic governments to spend 
more money without having to ask their peoples: in other words it makes them 
more irresponsible. This is in no one's interest.
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST  MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME. 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Thought / Reminder for the Day

2007-06-21 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and
fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts... attitudes...
prejudices. To be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices
can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and the thoughtless, frightened search
for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children, and the
children yet unborn. And the pity of it is... that these things cannot be
confined to... The Twilight Zone.

 -- Rod Serling
closing narration to the episode entitled
The Monsters are Due on Maple Street


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] a historical compromise............without compromising history

2007-06-21 Thread raja chemayel

I have just found a historical-compromise :
(without compromising history.)

We shall not wipe-off the Map  the state of Israel
and we shall keep that state of Israel,
but we shall give it all back to the Palestinians.

Because and anyhow, 
19.7% of the Israeli-citizens are originally abducted-Palestinians carrying an 
Israeli-Passport ,imposed on them, by Israel.
And secondly , Israel is occupying another 3 million
Palestinians which is equal to the number of Israelis
so if we add up the occupied-Palestinians and the abducted-Palestinians they 
are more than those imported Israelis. 
Let alone, the exiled-Palestinians, another 2.5 million,
who are to added to this equation.

So keep the name of State of Israel ,if you wish,
but give back the country to its original ,historical and lawful owners.

Washington may keep pumping money in that direction
and the country shall be refilled with real-Semites , again.

After all , 
those Israelis  once pretended also that Falafel and Hoummos were Israeli 
dishes , so they may also call Palestine: Israel , 
if they wantas long as they give it back !!
and we shall accept ,in that case , to call our Hoummos and Falafel : Israelis

Raja Chemayel
a pragmatic-nationalist
and also a pragmatic-terminologies

PS : 
I think and hope that President Ahmadinejad also agrees with what I proposed 
here.after all , he does not cares much about our Hoummos.
Only,  he cares , about the Justice !!

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: War on Islam ?- Britain KNIGHTS Satanic Salman RushDIE

2007-06-21 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Tory MP Stewart Jackson, chairman of the all-party group on Pakistan, said:
I have tried to read one or two of his books myself, and I would have got
more stimulation from the Yellow Pages.

The suggestion that the British public have been queueing up to demand that
Salman Rushdie is given a knighthood is frankly a joke.

A few cappuccino-sipping Lefties in Hampstead may have thought this was a
good move, but the idea he is a popular cultural icon is laughable.'a%20shock%20to%20knighthood%20committee'/


Salaam all

Seems Muslims in England have a opportunity here to show we are capaple of
calmly - and stubbornly - applying political and economic pressure. And
media pressure.

And - more important - we need those in London and the UK to make an effort
to see that these alleged public requests are themselves made public.

1. WHO made such requests, if they were really made?

2. HOW do they stack up against other similar requests?

Anyone want to give odds that if we can actually track back we will find the
nominators to either be, or be influenced by, those elements who want to see
the levels of Islamophobia and/or Muslim unrest exacerbated?

Remember, having a them is what keeps certain kinds of people in power.

The one thing those kinds are most afraid of - is the simple light of day.

G. Waleed Kavalec
There are weapons that are simply thoughts.
For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy.
-- Rod Serling

On 6/19/07, Alan Border [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   *Boycotting of Non Essential Goods  Services from Countries,
Communities  Organizations Which Are Hostile to Islam  Muslim Interests,
is an Effective  a Non Violent Method of Showing Our Displeasure. This
Should Be an On Going Policy By Governments, Businesses  Individuals  NOT
a Knee Jerk Reaction to a Particular Incident or Situation – AB*
*Queen Knights Fatwa Author Rushdie*
*POSTED: 11:09 a.m. EDT, June 16, 2007 *
*LONDON, England* (AP) -- *Author Salman Rushdie, who was forced into
hiding for a decade after **Iran**'**s spiritual leader ordered his
assassination, is to receive a knighthood in the latest honors list, **
Buckingham** **Palace** has announced.*
The Midnight's Children author, along with CNN reporter Christiane
Amanpour as well as a KGB double agent and perhaps the government's
toughest human rights critic are on the list marking Queen Elizabeth II's
official birthday Saturday.
*I am thrilled and humbled to receive this great honor, and am very
grateful that my work has been recognized in this way, Rushdie said in a
statement. Rushdie is one of the most prominent novelists of the late 20th
century and is known for his unique mix of history with magical realism. His
13 books have won numerous awards, including the Booker Prize for **
Midnight**'**s Children in 1981. In 1993 the novel won the Booker of
Bookers, a special award honoring the best novel in the 25-year history of
the prize.*
He went into hiding after Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini issued a 1989 fatwa,
or religious edict, ordering Muslims to kill the author because his novel
The Satanic Verses allegedly insulted Islam. The Iranian government
declared in 1998 that it would not support but could not rescind the fatwa.
Rushdie says he receives a sort of Valentine's card from Iran each year
on February 14 letting him know the country has not forgotten the vow to end
his life.
Ian Botham, one of England's most successful 20th century cricket players,
was also made a knight. CNN's Chief International Correspondent, Christiane
government lawyer-turned human rights campaigner Shami Chakrabarti,
Glastonbury Festival founder Michael Eavis and comedian Barry Humphries, who
created the character of Dame Edna Everage, were all named Commanders of the
Order of the British Empire, or CBE.
*One of the most remarkable names on the list is former KGB agent Oleg
Gordievsky, who like Rushdie lived for years under the threat of
assassination. British intelligence recruited Gordievsky in the 1960s and he
later became invaluable when **Moscow** assigned him to its **London**embassy 
to spy on
**Britain** in 1982. But three years later, his cover was blown and he was
arrested while in the **Soviet Union**. He was released due to a lack of
evidence and he escaped by secretly boarding a train to **Finland**.*
Gordievsky was appointed a Companion to the Order of St. Michael and St.
George, or CMG, an honor for individuals who have rendered important
services related to Commonwealth or foreign nations. Author Ian Fleming
wrote in his novels that the queen gave the same appointment to his
fictional spy, James Bond.
Other famous names on the list include singer Joe Cocker, soccer 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Principles Of Islamic Banking

2007-06-21 Thread Mahboob Shariff
O you who believe! do not devour your property among yourselves falsely, 
except that it be trading by your mutual consent, and do not kill yourselves. 
Surely Allah is Merciful to you. Qur'an [4:29]

Islam is a complete way of life. Allah, the Creator of humanity, has given us 
guidelines affecting many different aspects of our lives, including the 
economic aspect. There is a great deal of information in the Qur'an and Sunnah 
which describes how Muslims are to engage in economic transactions. Just as 
Muslims are obligated to obey the rules of Islam regarding prayer, fasting, 
etc., they are also commanded to obey the injunctions regarding interest for 

Reflecting the growing and global Muslim revival, Islamic banking is widely 
regarded as the fastest growing segment of the international banking system. 
The remarkable growth and development of Islamic banks all over the world has 
produced greater accessibility to different services and transactions which 
satisfy the conditions elucidated in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Judging from the 
success of some of these banks, it may be that they are pioneers into a 
potentially huge and untapped market. To top it off, they are helping bring to 
reality the goal of economic independence and strength to the Muslim Ummah.

  a.. Introduction to the Principles Of Islamic Banking

  b.. Research Report on Islamic Banking

  c.. Islamic Funding Structures And Financing Vehicles

  d.. Islamic Investment in Australia with MCCA

Principles Of Islamic Banking
[This article was published in the 10th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine, 
November-December 1995]

For millions of Muslims, banks are institutions to be avoided. Islam is a 
religion which keeps Believers from the teller's window. Their Islamic beliefs 
prevent them from dealings that involve usury or interest (Riba). Yet Muslims 
need banking services as much as anyone and for many purposes: to finance new 
business ventures, to buy a house, to buy a car, to facilitate capital 
investment, to undertake trading activities, and to offer a safe place for 
savings. For Muslims are not averse to legitimate profit as Islam encourages 
people to use money in Islamically legitimate ventures, not just to keep their 
funds idle.

However, in this fast moving world, more than 1400 years after the Prophet 
(s.a.w.), can Muslims find room for the principles of their religion? The 
answer comes with the fact that a global network of Islamic banks, investment 
houses and other financial institutions has started to take shape based on the 
principles of Islamic finance laid down in the Qur'an and the Prophet's 
traditions 14 centuries ago. Islamic banking, based on the Qur'anic prohibition 
of charging interest, has moved from a theoretical concept to embrace more than 
100 banks operating in 40 countries with multi-billion dollar deposits 
world-wide. Islamic banking is widely regarded as the fastest growing sector in 
the Middle Eastern financial services market. Exploding onto the financial 
scene barely thirty years ago, an estimated $US 70 billion worth of funds are 
now managed according to Shari'ah. Deposit assets held by Islamic banks were 
approximately $US5 billion in 1985 but grew over $60 billion in 1994.

The best known feature of Islamic banking is the prohibition on interest. The 
Qur'an forbids the charging of Riba on money lent. It is important to 
understand certain principles of Islam that underpin Islamic finance. The 
Shari'ah consists of the Qur'anic commands as laid down in the Holy Qur'an and 
the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). The Shari'ah disallows 
Riba and there is now a general consensus among Muslim economists that Riba is 
not restricted to usury but encompasses interest as well. The Qur'an is clear 
about the prohibition of Riba, which is sometimes defined as excessive 
interest. O You who believe! Fear Allah and give up that remains of your 
demand for usury, if you are indeed believers. Muslim scholars have accepted 
the word Riba to mean any fixed or guaranteed interest payment on cash advances 
or on deposits. Several Qur'anic passages expressly admonish the faithful to 
shun interest.

The rules regarding Islamic finance are quite simple and can be summed up as 

a) Any predetermined payment over and above the actual amount of principal is 
Islam allows only one kind of loan and that is qard-el-hassan (literally good 
loan) whereby the lender does not charge any interest or additional amount over 
the money lent. Traditional Muslim jurists have construed this principle so 
strictly that, according to one commentator this prohibition applies to any 
advantage or benefits that the lender might secure out 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Theist vs. Atheist Debate : Does God not Exist

2007-06-21 Thread Raihan
Theist vs. Atheist Debate : Does God not Exist

Hassanain Rajabali  Michael Corey vs. Dan Barker  Richard Carrier



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] MUSLIM DAY @ CANADA'S WONDERLAND - Sat July 7/07

2007-06-21 Thread Ala'uddin Al-Athary
Can-Muslim Entertainment Productions 




Saturday JULY 7, 2007
Sponsored by:  The Meadowvale Islamic Centre
  6508 Winston Churchill Blvd, Mississauga, ON 

  Live Concert by the World Famous Nasheed Artists, AASHIQ AL-RASUL from 
United Kingdom  WALEED HILAL! 


Park Opens: 10 AM
Concerts Begin: 6 PM

Come With Your Family And Friends And Enjoy A Full Day of Halal Fun, And Games 
With Two Live Nasheed Concerts!

Shop At Our Bazaar! Pray  Eat Halal Foods! Ride Roller Coasters With Family 
And Friends All Day Long! 

and much much more, so don't miss out this year... :)

  Ticket Prices (Prior To The Event Day Only!)
Adults = $30
Children (Age 3 - 6)  Seniors (Age 60+) = $29
Children Under The Age of 3 - FREE

 . .Buy Your Tickets NOW!

Tickets Hotline: (416) 882-9840

For Info Regarding:
Advanced Booking, Vendors, Volunteering  Ticket Outlet near you see below 

Syed Asad Dean

Courtesy of:


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Arab�s court new disasters by following the terrorists� misguided promise of �dignity�

2007-06-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
By Shaker Nabulsi
There is no doubt that the escalating waves of Islamic terrorism during the 
past two years have worried the entire world. Arabs seem to be relying on 
terrorism to rouse them from a deep sleep. The level of violence we are now 
seeing in the Arab world is excessive, whatever the assertions of the ‘Afghan 
Arabs', or those responding to Israeli massacres in Gaza and the West Bank. 
Even if American forces define the borders of Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan 
and Kuwait, and even if Arabs hear the American voice more than they hear their 
own, this level of violence is too much. 

But nobody should be surprised that it is taking place.

Terrorism has been a feature of the Arab world since the independence era of 
the 1940s, when - in truth - there was no independence, but simply a withdrawal 
and redeployment of foreign troops, since when the Arab world has relied on the 
West economically, politically and militarily to an extent that deemed 
independence more a word than a reality.

 The Arab world has been living with the current phases of terrorism since 
1943. Historically it has been state terrorism, official terrorism, sometimes 
even called beautiful terrorism. Authoritarian states have terrorized their 
citizens for decades. When Arab states became independent their leaders engaged 
in terrorist activities in order to suppress dissent. They killed innocent 
civilians, even children, while attempting to consolidate their power. The 
leaders who took power at this time became executioners. Later, many became 
victims of those very people whom they had terrorized, as Saddam Hussein became 
the victim of the Shi'ites, whom he had terrorized for decades. As the 
political philosopher Hannah Arendt said in her book On Violence (1970: The 
waves of terrorism hit their peak when they devoured young children, but the 
murderers of yesterday have become the victims of today. 

Joseph Conrad commented on the link between state power and terrorism in his 
famous book Confidential Informant (1907) when he said that the terrorist and 
the policeman come from one basket. The link between terrorists and policemen 
can be seen in the military dictatorships of some Latin American countries, 
such as Argentina, where the terrorists were former plainclothes military 
personnel. Stephen Kenzar in his 1978 book Torment Argentina correctly compared 
Argentine terrorists to certain Arab rulers. 

Did Arab dictators learn from Hitler that terrorism is the strongest political 
weapon? Hitler explained in Hermann Rauschning's book Voice of Destruction: 
conversations with Hitler (1940) that it was terrorism that silenced the 
critics of the Third Reich. Did the terrorists learn from the Italian fascist 
leader Benito Mussolini, who announced in a speech on 14 December 1914: He who 
spills blood is he who controls history?

 Terrorism was not the problem for the Arab world immediately after 
independence. The real problem was exploitation, and terrorism was a result of 
this problem. Terrorism in the contemporary Arab world is like a measles virus 
that is spreading the body. A virus is deadly, and attacks the weak and those 
who are not inoculated. 

Mahatma Gandhi said in his 1920 Journal of Young India that terrorism is the 
tool of weaklings, not of the strong, and this is still true. The virus of 
terrorism has been growing since the days of independence. Those men who were 
seen as the heroes of the independence movement became the exploiters of their 
countries after independence. They were able to do this because the forces to 
ensure a civil society were absent. As Ralph Anderson has said: Terrorism's 
viruses [were] not the product of force, but evidence of the absence of force.

Terrorism brings change for the worse. It makes the Arab world more violent 
than ever. In the absence of forceful opposition to terrorism, this virus is 
now appearing as a skin rash. The only medicines that effectively inoculate 
victims against this virus are justice, democracy, human values, a strong 
culture, and a willingness to change for the better.  

Mark Twain stated that there are two types of terrorist acts. The first type is 
committed in the heat of passion. The second type is committed in cold blood. 
The acts of terrorism now being committed in the Arab world are of the first 
type. They are acts of emotion that are praised by Arab writers, clerics, 
politicians, and the Arab media. They are accompanied by prayers to God, and 
the terrorists are even blessed publicly for their bravery and commitment to 

However, is the beginning of the third millennium the right time for such a 
deadly disease to infect the entire Arab world? This is the era of the 
Internet, globalization, secularism, the conquest of space, the collapse of 
dictatorships in the East and West, and the end of the Cold War. It should be 
the era of global cooperation, not terrorism.

 We must not forget 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] CMF condemns the implementation of the No-Fly list and calls upon all citizens to report any violation of human rights

2007-06-21 Thread International News
Press Release

Canadian Muslim Forum

(Version français a suive)

The Canadian Muslim Forum condemns the implementation of the No-Fly list and
calls upon all citizens to report any violation of human rights

Date:   19-06-2007

The Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF) condemns the implementation of the Canadian
No-Fly list on Monday June 18th 2007 that represents nothing but false
feeling of security as part of the post 9-11 syndrome.  As if terrorists are
going to travel with their own name and passport!  And as if the threat is
from the air only!

The Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF) condemns denying people the right of free
movement, without being informed and without being given the right to
examine the case against them.  This is a violation of human rights and
jeopardizes Canada’s reputation yet again. All Canadians, feels the need for
security and peace of mind.  However, by denying people the freedom of
movement, we legalize the discrimination and the stereotyping without
achieving security. Security will be achieved only when we all work together
to establish a world’s peace built on justice and freedom of choice.

The Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF) is urging the government to re-examine this
unnecessary list and to move forward by presenting this list to the court
and prosecuting those people in a legal and normal court without judging
them based on information that experience has proven to be often inaccurate.

The Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF) is calling upon all citizens who would be
subject to this list or subject to any kind of discrimination to report it
immediately and in detail his/her experience to any of the Canadian human
rights associations, the CMF, transport Canada “office of reconsideration”
and his/her MP, so we can keep track and deal with this new power abuse
implemented by the government.

Media contact and Spokesperson:

Bachar Elsolh, president of CMF (514) 983-5323

Mohamed Kamel, vice-president of CMF (514) 863-9202

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