Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Columbus Day: A Celebration of Genocide?

2007-09-30 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.Please read this different view about Columbus.Can some one of 
yoy throw more light on this?

Shah Abdul Hannan
- Original Message -
From: Jodda Mitchell
To: Jodda Mitchell
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 6:36 PM
Subject:  Columbus Day: A Celebration of Genocide?

From: Hill, Joyce A.

Until I went to an Ohio Civil Rights Commission conference several years ago 
that included presentations from Native American ,  I really never gave 
Columbus Day much thought.  In fact, it was my holiday- the only day I got 
off work and my son had to go to school!   Until I listened to the Native 
American speaker, I really never understood their anger and protests on 
Columbus Day.  Do you?Joyce

COLUMBUS DAY: A Celebration of Genocide?
Oct. 13, 2003 -- Michelle Montoya questions the holiday celebrating a man whose 
actions and ideals ignited the very beginnings of racism in the Americas.
By Michelle Montoya, Age 17
Since childhood, the notion that Christopher Columbus is a man to be celebrated 
has been forced into all our heads.
Many people hail Columbus for his discovery because from it evolved modern 
civilization and the United States, with its glorious past of liberty, equality 
and the invention of microwave ovens.
Some of Columbus' supporters scoff at Native American activists and 
politically correct liberals for protesting the celebration of Columbus Day. 
Those who scoff prove how naïve they are. We celebrate a day dedicated to a man 
who encouraged racism and oppression and who committed the worst atrocity that 
can ever befall mankind - genocide.
In some respects, Columbus can be compared to Hitler. Both encouraged racist, 
violent acts against groups they considered inferior. American Indian activist 
Russell Means has said, Columbus makes Hitler look like a juvenile 
delinquent. Certainly, Columbus' ideas killed millions of more people then 
Hitler's ever did.
From almost the moment Columbus landed in the New World, he and his men 
committed horrendous acts against the Native Americans, igniting the beginning 
of racism in the Americas. In A Short Account Of The Destruction Of the 
Indies, Bartolome de Las Casas describes the slaughter:
  [The Spaniards] forced their way into native settlements, slaughtering 
everyone they found there, including small children, old men, pregnant women, 
and even women who had just given birth They hacked them to pieces, slicing 
open their bellies with their swords... They even laid wagers on whether they 
could manage to slice a man in two at a stroke... they grabbed suckling infants 
by the feet... and dashed them headlong against the rocks.
  The way they normally dealt with the native leaders and nobles was to tie 
them to a kind of griddle...and then grill them over a slow fire, with the 
result that they howled in agony and despair as they died a lingering death.
The United States should abolish Columbus Day. It is a symbol of ignorance. It 
is a symbol of racism. And, it is a symbol of Native American genocide.
To me, celebrating Columbus Day is like celebrating Hitler Day. Some might 
argue that Hitler did great things for Germany despite the killings and 
atrocities he committed. And for other reasons, some might believe that 
Columbus himself was a great man. I think the day should be abolished because 
of the racism, oppression and genocide that it stands for.
Columbus was not the only person who believed the world was round nor was he 
the first to venture out into the unknown. If we celebrate Columbus Day based 
solely on the fact that he accidentally discovered the Americas and from this 
discovery evolved the United States, we prove how closed-minded we are. How can 
we ignore everything else?
We should be proud of the United States and all that it stands for. But we 
should not cover up the mistakes it took to get here. Celebrating Columbus Day 
does just that. It glorifies the good and covers up the bad.
Holidays in this nation should be reserved for people who really deserve them. 
They should not recognize a man whose actions and ideals killed more people 
than Adolph Hitler. Christopher Columbus is no comparison to George Washington, 
Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Jr.
We need to abolish Columbus Day. In doing so, we take step toward acknowledging 
our past, no matter how bad our mistakes may have been.

Transform Columbus Day actively rejects the celebration of Christopher 
Columbus and his legacy of domination, oppression, and colonialism.

1492, a song from Teaching Tolerance's I Will be Your Friend songbook and CD, 
debunks the myth that Columbus discovered the Americas. Use the song in music 
class - or for the school choir. /div
(This PDF requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

[Celebrating Columbus Day] 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Increase Your Knowledge

2007-09-30 Thread Nuradli Ridzwan Shah Bin Mohd Dali
Please send me an email if you would like to receive a paper written by 
paper is accepted for presentation at National Conference of Islamic 
Finance 2007. 
Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject Islamic 
Credit Cards.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] How to Present a True Picture of Islam?

2007-09-30 Thread Shahid Khan
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*How to Present a True Picture of Islam? *

MUSLIMS going to America and Europe are faced with a flood of questions
about Islam. People have many ways of asking these questions and different
motivations for doing so, but their question are essentially as follows:

Why does Islam permit polygamy?

Why is a woman counted as half a man in matters of inheritance and when she
gives testimony?

Why does Islam belittle women?

Is Islam a religion of terror since it prescribes jihad

Questions like these are what occupy their minds when they think about
Islam, since the Western media has actively maligned Islam as a religion of
lust and blood and nothing else. When our Muslim youth go to the Western
countries, they often find such questions awkard and try to evade them.

In many cases, Muslims will come across a strange opinion on a matter and
promote it simply because it is more conciliatory.

Many Muslims who did not have correct or sufficient Islamic knowledge
suffered from such difficulties. They really did not know what to do. I used
to tell them the following: Why should we be on the defensive? Why don't we
adopt a more assertive attitude? If they confront us with one question, we
should respond with 10 of our own.

If they ask you about polygamy, ask them about the sexual promiscuity that
is rife in their societies that has brought humiliation to so many women and
allowed men to absolve themselves of their responsibilities towards them and
towards their children?

If they ask you about inequalities in inheritance, ask them about the
reality in their own country where a woman earns only 60% of what a man
earns for doing the exact same job.

I do not mean that we should be evasive.

However, it is not good for you to respond when you are in a state of
weakness and difficulty where there is a danger that you might answer
wrongly  and misrepresent Allah's religion in order to appease someone else.

You can move on to a more advanced level of discourse and demonstrate that
Islamic teachings are the solution to the problems that they are suffering

For instance, according to some assessments, there are 119 women to every
100 men in the United States. In some states, the number is more like 160
women to every 100 men. Polygamy is the solution to the problems that ensue
under such circumstances, since it requires some men to assume
responsibility of more than one woman and to be as just as humanly possible
in doing so.

We can stress how Islam treats all people equally.

There is no preference for anyone over anyone else except by a person's
piety and virtue. This is the way to do away with the problem of racism that
people in the West suffer from.

The Islamic teachings about jihad are what uproots oppression and guarantees
people the freedom to think and to choose their religion for themselves
without being under any compulsion.  Islam seeks to have people freely
submit themselves to their Creator and not be placed under the subjugation
of any worldly dictator, race, tribe or nationality.

It is not necessary for us to fancy that the whole world will convert to
Islam at our hands.

However, we must be eager to guide them and we must seek to do so in every
possible and permissible way. We should perfect our way of presenting Islam
to them, taking into account the age, circumstances, and level of knowledge
of those whom we are addressing.

We must present to them the noble Islamic values of freedom, justice, and
human dignity and prove to them that Islam is superior to everything that
they already know.

Above and beyond all of this, we must conduct ourselves in the best ethical
manner and present our own lives as a practical example of moral virtue.

Unfortunately, many Muslims call people to Islam with their tongues while
pushing them away from it with their ignoble, contradictory conduct and with
their narrow-mindedness.

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bidding Final Farewell to the Most Beloved

2007-09-30 Thread Shahid Khan
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*Bidding Final Farewell to the Most Beloved  *

   When news of the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was known,
people were stunned. The believers felt that the whole city of Madinah sank
into total darkness. They were like young children losing their parents.
They did not know what to do. Despite the repeated hints by the Prophet of
his impending death and the fact that the Qur'an mentions that possibility
clearly, to lose him was, for his companions, something they could not
imagine or visualize. He lived among them as one who was dearer to them than
their souls. He was the sun of their lives. His death meant that they had to
live in absolute darkness. For the Prophet to be withdrawn from their lives
meant to them a vacuum which could never be filled. It was an event, which
they could not imagine or comprehend. Some of them were physically
paralyzed, others were dumb, others still made statements, which they could
not have thought out properly.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab himself could not make a proper judgment. He stood up to
address the people and said: Some hypocrites are alleging that God's
Messenger has died. God's Messenger has not died. He has gone to his Lord as
Moses (peace be upon him) had done before and was away from his people for
40 nights. He then returned after people had said that he had died. I swear
that God's Messenger shall return and chop off the hands and legs of those
who allege that he has died.

As Umar was making his speech, Abu Bakr arrived. He paid no attention to
anything going on around him until he went into the room of his daughter
Lady Ayesha, the Prophet's wife. Abu Bakr went straight to uncover the
Prophet's face, knelt down and kissed him, saying: My father and my mother
may be sacrificed for your sake. The one death that God has decreed that you
shall experience, you have now had. You shall never die again.

He covered the Prophet's face and went out to find Umar still speaking to
the people. Abu Bakr said to him: Listen to me. Abu Bakr began by praising
God and thanking Him for His grace. He then said: People, if any of you has
been worshipping Muhammad, let him know that Muhammad is dead. He who
worships God knows that God is always alive; He never dies. He then recited
a verse of the Qur'an, which may be translated as follows: Muhammad is but
a messenger before whom other messengers have passed. Should he die or be
slain, would you turn back on your heels? He who turns back on his heels
shall do God no harm. God shall reward those who give thanks to Him. *(3:


When people heard Abu Bakr reciting that verse of the Qur'an, they seemed as
if they had never heard it before. They had indeed heard it repeatedly, and
they repeated it then.Umar said: When I heard Abu Bakr reciting that verse
I was stunned and perplexed. I fell down to the ground, feeling that my legs
could not support me. I realized, however, that God's Messenger was dead.

The next thing to be done was to prepare the Prophet's body for burial. His
body needed to be washed like every dead person. Ali ibn Abu Talib, the
Prophet's cousin, and Al-Abbas' two sons, Al-Fadl and Qutham, as well as
Usamah ibn Zaid and Shaqran, the Prophet's servant, were given that task.
Aws ibn Khawli, a man from the Ansar, appealed to Ali to let him also
attend. Ali supported the Prophet's body on his chest, Al-Abbas and his two
sons helped him turn the Prophet's body while Usamah and Shaqran poured the
water and Ali washed him.

Ayesha reports that when they were about to start washing the Prophet's
body, they did not know whether to take off his clothes or to wash him with
his clothes on. They were in disagreement when they were overtaken by sleep.
All of them sat down and dozed off. They heard a voice telling them to wash
the Prophet's body with his clothes on, so this was how they did it. They
poured the water over his shirt and rubbed his body holding his shirt. They
did not insert their hands underneath his shirt.

When they had finished washing him, they wrapped him in three robes. There
were several suggestions concerning where to bury the Prophet. Some people
suggested that he should be buried in his mosque. Others suggested that he
should be buried alongside his companions. Abu Bakr, however, told them that
he heard the Prophet say: Every Prophet was buried in the place where he
died. That settled the matter. The bed on which the Prophet died was
removed and his grave was dug there. He was buried on Wednesday night, in
Ayesha's room. This is the spot where his grave remains.

After the Prophet was wrapped for burial, he was put on his bed. Abu Bakr
and Umar entered the room and said: Peace be upon you, Messenger of God,
with God's mercy and blessing. A number of the Muhajirin and the Ansar went
in with them, as many as the room could accommodate. They spoke the same
greetings and stood up in rows to offer the prayer for the deceased, the
janazah prayer. No one led the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islam and the politics of humanity

2007-09-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
  Written by By S Parvez ManzoorThese are difficult times for 
Muslims; times of inquisition and persecution, times of genocidal frenzy and 
crusading fury. In the pursuit of primal passions and atavistic vengeance, the 
powers-that-be now stand utterly naked, without even the proverbial fig-leaf of 
morality and decency. For exacting a tribal revenge on an old foe, they are 
ritually slaughtering all the ideals of Enlightenment, including the 
perfunctory lip-service to the rhetoric of humanity. Paradoxically, the earlier 
victim of the secular man’s bid for self-glory was the Christian faith, and he 
fought that battle in the name of humanity and enlightenment!
For us, these are also the times of impotent rage and breast-beating, times of 
senseless violence and self-immolation. But, most lamentably, we ourselves are 
responsible for transforming them into times of spiritual callousness and moral 
depravity. Cracking under the onslaught of ungodly forces and confounded by the 
demons of nihilism, we seem to be renouncing our primordial commitment to 
humanity for a defeatist and suicidal politics of immediate return.

Then there is the treason of our intellectuals! When, at the mock tribunal of 
‘civilization and human rights’, the discourse of Islamic raison d’état that is 
the pride of the guardians of the sacred law (fiqh) is indicted for not 
possessing a moral vision transcending the self-interests of a parochial 
political community (the Ummah of in the eyes of our critics), all that we can 
do is to recoil in horror at this unseemly spectacle of ‘victor’s justice’. 
Very little in the way of an exposition of Islam’s transcendent – and 
ineluctably moral - vision is proffered by official Islam. All that these 
beneficiaries of our historical order, whose authority and power both have been 
crushed to naught by the juggernaut of modernity, can conjure is a lame apology 
of the status quo! Islam for them is nothing but a frozen moment in time, a 
provincial culture rather than a universal faith.

Islamic humanism, unfortunately, is a much neglected subject and the true image 
of homo islamicus has been obscured as much by the heartless positivism of 
modernity as by the mindless literalism of the Islamic tradition itself. The 
absence of any proper and balanced study and the abundance of polemical and 
highly politicized tracts make this enterprise quite daunting. What follows 
here cannot therefore be regarded but as exploratory.

Given the moral duplicity of the reigning orthodoxy of secularism, and the 
myopic intellectual vision of traditional Islam, it is imperative that we 
reiterate the centrality of transcendence in the Islamic scheme of things. 
Islam without a commitment to the Ultimate beyond, affirmed in the testimony of 
faith as the Unique God (Allah), would not be Islam at all. Thus, for all the 
sanctity and existential necessity of the historical Muslim community, Islam is 
not coterminous with it. Nor is the historical community, indeed the world of 
history itself, the ultimate locus of the Muslim’s loyalty. There’s no 
equivalent to the secular maxim, ‘My country right or wrong’, in Islamic 
ethics. The Muslim’s loyalty to any historical order, perforce political, is 
always conditional: it is always deferential to the obligation of ‘enjoining 
the right and forbidding the wrong’ (3:103).

The very notion of faith, Islam (Surrender to God) presupposes a 
trans-historical and transcendent disposition of man (fitra) (30:30). Humanity 
and not nation or state is thus essential to the Islamic vision. Whatever 
politics that emanates from the historical existence of the Muslim community 
may therefore never renounce the goal of human unity; it may never become and 
end in itself and become prey to the logic of self-deification that is the 
essence of secular ideologies. Mission (Din) and not Empire (Dawla) constitutes 
the Muslim’s pathway to humanity. It is in the delineation of this ideal that 
the Qur’an categorically affirms the ‘unity in diversity’ of the human 
creature, and upholds the supremacy of the moral over all other emblems of 
distinction or pride:

O mankind, We have created you

male and female, and appointed you

races and tribes that you may know

one another. Surely, the noblest

among you in the sight of God is

the most godfearing of you’


As befits the transcendental worldview of the Qur’an, the addressee of its 
discourse is a universal, archetypical and trans-historical human being. Even 
the covenant that God has with man is primordial and is contracted prior to the 
advent of the historical time. Man enters his/her historical existence only 
after submitting to the sovereignty of God:

And when thy Lord took from the Children of Adam,

from their loins, their seed, and made them testify

touching themselves, ‘Am I not your Lord?’

They said: ‘yes, we testify…’ (7:172).

The Qur’anic image of man, it must also be 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslims In Georgia - A Chronology.

2007-09-30 Thread Curtis Sharif

Wali A. Muhammad, Realtor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:As Salaam Alaikum
  Dear Brother and Sisters, In addition to the wonderful paper on African 
Muslims from Canada, please have a look at the study below for additional 
information on the same subject.
  Muslims In Georgia by Wali Muhammad
AFRICAN MUSLIMS IN GEORGIA: A Chronology  Oral History has been RE-PRINTED due 
to popular demand.  Click above to view an excerpt.

Bismillah, FYI 
Peace,Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Battle of Badr

2007-09-30 Thread `�.��.�*Minahil *��.��.�`
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful  
  “For sure Allah helped you at Badr when you were utterly weak. Beware, the, 
of Allah; perhaps you will be thankful”.  (Al-Imran  3:123)
Badr is the name of a rural city about 150 miles from Madinah City.
  Very detailed history of the Great battle of Badr, which is considered as a 
remarkable event in the Islamic History. 
  The day of the battle was named the Day of Criterion, Yaoum ul Furqaan
  First time the followers of the new faith were put into a serious test.
  This was a battle in which the forces of truth, numbering 313 men against all 
odds, defeated an army three times their size.
  When Holy Prophet arrived at this momentous decision, he called the Muhajirin 
and the Ansar together and placed the whole position before them, without any 
  Companions Historical Role-play   
  Miqdad bin 'Amr, a Muhajir, stood up and said, 
  O Messenger of Allah! Please march to the side to which your Lord commands 
you; we will accompany you wherever you go. We will not say like the 
Israelites, 'Go and let you and your Lord fight we will wait'. In contrast to 
them we say, 'Let you and your Lord fight; we will fight by your side to our 
last breath'.
  Sa'ad bin Mu'az, an Ansar, stood up and said, 
  Sir, it appears that you are putting the question to us. When the Holy 
Prophet said, Yes, the Ansar replied, We have believed in you and confirmed 
that what you have brought is the Truth, and have made a solemn pledge with you 
that we will listen to you and obey you. Therefore, O Messenger of Allah, do 
whatever you intend to do. We swear by Allah Who has sent you with the Truth 
that we are ready to accompany you to the sea shore and if you enter it, we 
will plunge into it. We assure you that not a single one of us will remain 
behind or forsake you, for we will not hesitate at all to go to fight, even if 
you should lead us to the battlefield tomorrow. We will remain steadfast in the 
battle and sacrifice our lives in the fight. We do hope that by the grace of 
Allah our behavior will gladden your heart. So, trusting in Allah's blessing, 
take us to the battlefield.
  For the number of people, who came forward to go to the battlefield, was only 
a little more than three hundred (86 Muhajirs, 62 from Aus and 170 from 
Khazraj). Then the little army was ill-armed and hardly equipped for battle. 
Only a couple of them had horses to ride and the others had to take their turn 
in threes and fours on the back of a camel, out of the 70 they had in all. 
Above all, they had not got enough weapons for the battle; only 60 of them had 
  No wonder that with the exception of those who were prepared to sacrifice 
their lives for the cause of ISLAM.
  The Holy Prophet supplication before the beginning of the battle:
  The two parties met in combat at Badr on the Seventeenth of Ramadan. When the 
two armies confronted each other and the Holy Prophet noticed that the Quraish 
army outnumbered the Muslims by three to one and was much better equipped, he 
raised his hands up in supplication and made this earnest prayer with great 
  O Allah! Here are the Quraish proud of their war material: they have come to 
prove that Thy Messenger is false. O Allah! now send that succor that Thou hast 
promised to give me. O Allah! If this little army of Thy servants is destroyed, 
then there will be left none in the land to worship Thee.
  In this combat the emigrants from Makkah were put to the hardest test for 
they had to fight against their own near and dear relatives and put to the 
sword their fathers, their sons, their paternal and maternal uncles and their 
  This was indeed a very hard test for it meant that a small town with a 
population of a few thousand inhabitants was going to wage a war with the whole 
of Arabia. It is obvious that only such people could take this bold step who 
believed in the Truth of Islam so firmly that they were ready to sacrifice 
every personal interest for its sake.
  A Western research scholar says that before the Battle of Badr, Islam was 
merely a religion and a state but after the Battle it became the state 
religion, nay, the state itself. 


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Letter to Columbia University President Bollinger from an American patriot!

2007-09-30 Thread Rashid Samnakay
Dear Mr Joe Cortina. 
What you say in the following quote is very well when one considers that the 
person you are advising has some credibility as a civilised person, let alone 
an educated one.
In every human society, even the most primitive ones, it is not acceptable to 
mistreat let alone insult an invited guest on home grounds!
Only an ignorant uneducated buffoon is capable of doing such thing!!Bollinger 
falls in that category. One wonders what the group he is President of is like, 
if they have not taken any action to dissociate themselves from their leaders 
The man you so maliciously insulted and falsely maligned, holds a doctorate 
degree and is the elected President of a sovereign nation. 

- Original Message 
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 12:58:42 PM
Subject: Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Letter to Columbia University President 
Bollinger from an American patriot!

Salaam Friends,

It is unfortunate, indeed tragic, that the writer's use of the word Jews 
instead of Israelis undermines the credibility as well as the moral 
underpinnings of his letter.


Ibrahim Hayani

[EMAIL PROTECTED] senecacollege. ca wrote:

Dear President Bollinger; 

I am a seasoned geo-political intel analyst who has spent time in the Mid-East 
- among other credentials. I also come from a Latin ethnicity whose heritage 
included the tradition of hospitality to those who were invited to my home or 
my country. I am multi-lingual - have been a foreign diplomat - Honeywell 
aero-apace scientist - have traveled to dozens of foreign countries - lived 
among other cultures - am a successful retired businessman and while you were 
still in Jr high school - was commanding a combat training infantry company of 
some 235 men - the youngest officer on record to do so at that time ( 1961) 
Later on I commanded an elite Special Operations Airborne A -Team - so I have 
not garnered my knowledge or learned opinions via an 'armchair'. I have 'paid 
my dues' - and with HONOR! 

What I witnessed recently was one of the most embarrassing and disgusting 
experiences of my life. Your conduct was not only inappropriate - but of a thug 
bully mentality which has tainted the reputation of my country - my native land 
that I have risked my life to protect. How much was it Mr. Bollinger? - 30 
pieces of silver? Was that what the Jews paid you for your cowardly 
'assassination' ? I would have expected such ignorant slanderous crudeness from 
filth like Bill Clinton - but not a person of your prestigious position. Do you 
REALLY have ANY idea of the amount of IRREPARABLE damage you have committed by 
your arrogant malevolent slanderous insults! The man you so maliciously 
insulted and falsely maligned, holds a doctorate degree and is the elected 
President of a sovereign nation. You might at least had the decorum to 
recognize those facts. 

Of all the countries in the Mid-East where I was NOT shown courtesy, respect 
and hospitality - the ONLY place was IsraHELL. What was really an eye opener 
was that before my actual experiences there, I had expected exactly the 
opposite! As long as that land of Godless liars, thieves, prostitutes, porn 
kings, white slavers, murderers, cheats, frauds, mobsters, Marxists, racists 
and traitors to America EXISTS - there will NEVER EVER be ANY peace on this 
planet. That place is 100% pure concentrated evil! Read you Bible Mr. 
Bollinger. Our Lord PERSONALLY addressed them - the 'self-chosen' - as the  
sons of the Devil - the father of all lies. NOTHING has changed in the souls 
and hearts of these pernicious scum in the past 2000 years. 

In the future - DECENT KNOWLEDGEABLE American patriots will hold brutish lying 
slanderous 'shabbus goy' like yourself responsible for the horrors that you 
have been responsible for promoting. When that treasonous spineless mongoloid 
war criminal Bush plunges MY country into a world wide conflict - people like 

These madmen traitors have sent our street scum ( these are NOT the decent 
young warriors I trained 45 years ago!) to murder -at present count- now OVER 
of the Jew and his criminal shit little stolen country - IsraHELL! I have been 
INSIDE that criminal shithole with the HIGHEST intelligence personnel and 
witnessed horrors that you can't even imagine sir! Have you ever witnessed the 
world's largest institutionalized terrorist organization shoot helpless 
defenseless innocent children in their - OWN HOMELAND - just for sport or 
target practice? No of course not! Well - Mr. Bollinger - I HAVE! 

That BONA FIDE terrorist group is the IDF! They are the SAME killers that 
murdered and slaughtered over 200 of our sons brothers and father 


2007-09-30 Thread Saba Khan
By Maulana Muhammad Aslam Shaikhupuri Sahib

Do something! Time is running out and everyone knows
that time gone cannot be caught. This strange
commodity comes free of cost but people do not value
it; it cannot be bought for millions of dollars once
its gone. Time is a harbinger of happiness or an omen
of distress; a messenger of honour or a bringer of
disgrace; a vessel of good or bad; a scale for heaven
or hell.

The divine tongue that spoke the truth said, All men
go forth in the morning and deal in their tongues and
time; when the sun goes down, some have means of
destruction in their possession and some have
collected means of goodness and deliverance. 

So the means of destruction and deliverance can be
weighed at the end of each day and the scales of
difference can be set up at the end of life too. On
the Day of Resurrection every human will come to know
what he acquired and what he lost. But the ones who
believe deeply in that day take themselves to account
daily. They look up to those who are greater in
stature in Imaan and endeavour; and when they do this
their own sentiments get fired to do
more#133;#133;.what people were they whom we follow!
People of heaven striding the earth, people of light
who had broken the halos of darkness, the flag bearers
of spirituality, people treasuring every drop from the
water of time, people who spent every moment with
care; people who stepped every instant towards Allah's
pleasure and the vastness of Jannah. 

There is no need to look at their whole lives but just
glimpsing how they spent their Ramadhan will hang
heads in shame. They used to look forward to the next
Ramadhan as soon as one was over; when would those
blessed days arrive when Jannah would be wonderfully
adorned, they thought; when the shayateen would be
imprisoned; when the rewards for nawafil would be
equal to faraidh, and the reward for faraidh would be
multiplied 70 times; when hunger and thirst would give
pleasure like a full stomach; when the days would be
spent in remembrance and the nights in sighs; and when
the Ramadhan crescent would appear these people would
be happier seeing it than the Eid crescent; when the
arrival of this heavenly month spread a light of
happiness on their faces and its departure made them

The whole month would see a cut back in the amount of
food eaten, the amount of sleep taken, and the number
of social calls made. With the result that some had
the blessing of finishing the whole Qur'an in a day
not counting the different aurad and wazaif
(recitations). Even the women of the household used to
finish ten chapters from the Qur'an along with taking
care of the children and doing household chores. Every
house resounded with the echoes of recitations and
every person tried to surpass the other in giving
charity and alms. 

My humble pen is not attempting to reveal the
luminous, remote past but showing some faces from
recent history. Searching can find such people even
today. A couple of years back I met a unknown man of
Allah who I was told had been fasting regularly for
the last twenty five years; except the five prohibited
days, he had never failed to fast. Before meeting him,
I had once met a man who had been keeping fasts for
the last 35 years, read the whole Qur'an every day,
prayed a hundred nafil raka'ah, and on top of it
worked on his job during the daytime.

At the time his age was 70 years. I don't mean to say
that we should emulate them and fast the whole year; I
just mean to point out the difference between each of
their days that they consider as Ramadhan and every
night that they consider the Night of Power, and our
days where even the importance of Ramadhan is missing.

Spring came and went, the beseeching filled their
hands with flowers but the pass-overs collected
nothing but the thorns of transgressions. Their minds
were not fragranced by the flowers (of good deeds) nor
did they shed the stench of sins. There is no dearth
of those who mistake stench for scent and autumn for
spring, and in this error the messenger of death comes
to claim their lives. They want to run but can not,
they want to save themselves but fail to. 

My grievance is not only with those who do not value
this spring of rewards, but also with those who keep
fasts, pray the taraweeh but looking at their routine
it seems that fasting is not the name of eating and
sleeping less, but eating and sleeping more. Do we
fall on our food out of Ramadhan the way we do this
month? Excess in iftar results in such heaviness that
it is a trial to say the 'Isha prayer. Overindulgence
in sehri makes us so sleepy that many fasting people
loose their Fajr prayer. They never get up before noon
or one in the afternoon. The leftovers from sehri and
iftari are thrown in dustbins making a mockery of the
aim of Ramadhan to sympathize with the hungry. 

Why don't such people think that the One who gives can
also take away; the One who sends riches can also send
poverty. This has happened 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why Sanctions Against Iran?--Asia Post editorial 30.9.07

2007-09-30 Thread S A Hannan

Why Sanctions Against Iran?

Agencies have reported that six major powers trying to rein in Iran's nuclear 
ambitions launched talks here yesterday in search of an elusive compromise on 
new sanctions against the Islamic republic over its refusal to halt uranium 
enrichment.  US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice huddled with her 
counterparts from Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany to discuss a third 
round of sanctions against Tehran for its refusal to halt uranium enrichment. 
Their meeting followed talks Wednesday and Thursday by senior officials of the 
six nations.

But Russia and China want to give the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy 
Agency (IAEA) more time to pursue technical discussions with Iran. Iran and the 
IAEA agreed on a timetable last month for Tehran to provide answers to 
outstanding questions over its nuclear program, and officials from the UN's 
nuclear watchdog are in Iran for talks. The IAEA has been probing Iran's 
program for the past four years but has so far failed to conclude whether it is 
peaceful or not.

 As a sign of their deep divisions, the participants said there would be no 
joint press conference, as is customary, at the end of the meeting. US 
officials said a joint statement would be issued. At the time when the IAEA is 
making progress, ... not on all things which the IAEA demanded ... but the 
progress is obvious, we want to make sure that we indeed receive a report from 
IAEA on how those problems which still exist in IAEA perception of the Iranian 
nuclear program are being treated, Russian Foreign minister said.

 Iran rejects Western charges that it is trying to build atomic weapons under 
the guise of its civilian nuclear program and insists it is entitled to pursue 
uranium enrichment as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iranian 
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the UN General Assembly earlier this week 
that his nuclear standoff with the West was now a closed issue and that 
remaining outstanding questions should be handled by the IAEA.

We do not understand why this fuss?US is un-necessarily pursuing a matter which 
the IAEA is looking into and Iran has said about a hundred times that they are 
for peaceful nuclear energy not for weapons. As we understand US has become a 
master of arm-twisting and somehow in  cajoling  others in accepting their 
position. On the other hand the UN has become its rubber stamp in most cases.We 
urge the members of the security council not to give in to US pressure.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Iran's parliament approves labeling CIA, U.S. Army terrorist groups

2007-09-30 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
I think Iran's parliament is very accurate in their assessment of who the 
terrorists really are. Can you imagine the terror Iranians are experiencing 
right now knowing that at anytime the crazy lunatics in the US may nuclear 
attack their country??? Can you imagine the terror the average family must be 
feeling for the lives of their children and loved ones especially after seeing 
the devastation nearby for what the Americans have done in Iraq and 
Afghanistan? I am sure none of us would like to be in the shoes of an Iranian 
living in Iran at this time. The terror from the bully nation of America as a 
result of it's possession of superior weapons must be devastating to the 
Iranian hearts. Knowing that this superpower bully is eager to make any excuse 
to destroy them must be very worrying.
  But in all fairness the real terrorists are the Israelis. Not only have they 
been planning and preparing for an attack on Iran for  many years, they are the 
ONLY country who have been pushing the mighty US superpower to do so. Here are 
some links proving what they have been up to all along for several years now:
  November 5, 2002 Times/UK 
Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel! 
By Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas 

September 30, 2004 The Insider 
Israel Instructs America To Attack Iran And Syria 

March 16, 2005 U.S. Crusade 
Israel's Broken Record - Attack Iran 
By Kurt Nimmo 

February 6, 2005 WhatReallyHappened 
U.S. - Israel Plans To Strike Iran's Nuclear Sites Finalized 

June 14, 2005 The NewYork Sun 
BY ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun 

Dec 5, 2005 “MichNews” 
Netanyahu: “If elected, I won't hesitate to order a pre-emptive strike on Iran” 
By Ryan Jones, 

Kristoffer Larsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Last update - 18:48 29/09/2007 

  Iran's parliament approves labeling CIA, U.S. Army terrorist groups
  By The Associated Press 
  Iran's parliament on Saturday approved a nonbinding resolution to label the 
CIA and the U.S. Army terrorist organizations. 

The move is seen as a diplomatic tit-for-tat after the U.S. Senate voted in 
favor of a resolution urging the State Department to designate Iran's Islamic 
Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. 

The aggressor U.S. Army and the Central Intelligence Agency are terrorists and 
also nurture terror, said a statement by the 215 lawmakers who signed the 
resolution at an open session of the Iranian parliament. The session was 
broadcast live on state-run radio.
  The hard-line dominated parliament said the two were terrorists, because they 
were involved in dropping nuclear bombs in Japan in World War II, used depleted 
uranium munitions in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, supported the killings 
of Palestinians by Israel, bombed and killed Iraqi civilians and tortured 
terror suspects in prisons. 

The resolution, which is seen as a diplomatic offensive against the U.S., urges 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government to treat the two as 
terrorist organizations. It also paves the way for the resolution to become 
legislation that - if ratified by the country's hard-line constitutional 
watchdog - would become law. The government is expected to remain silent over 
the parliament resolution and wait for U.S. reaction before making its 

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate voted 76-22 in favor of a resolution urging the 
State Department to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a 
terrorist organization. While the proposal attracted overwhelming bipartisan 
support, a small group of Democrats said they feared labeling the 
state-sponsored organization a terrorist group could be interpreted as a 
congressional authorization of military force in Iran. 

The Bush administration had already been considering whether to blacklist an 
elite unit within the Revolutionary Guard, subjecting part of the vast military 
operation to financial sanctions. 

The U.S. legislative push came a day after Ahmadinejad told world leaders at 
the United Nations General Assembly that his country would defy attempts to 
impose new sanctions by arrogant powers seeking to curb its nuclear program, 
accusing them of lying and imposing illegal penalties on his country. 

He said the nuclear issue was now closed as a political issue and Iran would 
pursue the monitoring of its nuclear program through its appropriate legal 
path, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is the UN's nuclear 

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadhaan - Q A [Part 9] - from AlIslaahPublications

2007-09-30 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Ramadhaan - Q  A [Part 9]

Q: A man participated in the taraweeh but did not fast without any legal 
excuse. Will his taraweeh salaah be valid?
A: His taraweeh salaah is valid and he will deserve recompense but he is a 
great sinner and defaulter for not fasting. [Mufti Abdur Rahim]

Q: Should a minor point out the imaam's mistake in the taraweeh salaah, does it 
invalidate the salaah?
A: When the minor boy is participating in salaah and then he prompts, the 
salaah is proper and will not be invalidated. [Mufti Abdur Rahim]

Q: Is it necessary to start Taraweeh from the 1st of Ramadhaan?
A: There are two Sunnahs in Taraweeh: 1. To perform 20 Rakaats every night of 
Ramadhaan. This applies to the first of Ramadhaan as well. 2. To recite the 
entire Qur'aan in Taraweeh at least once in the entire month. This recitation 
of the entire Qur'aan may commence and complete on any chosen date, provided 
that at least one entire recitation of the whole Qur'aan is made in Taraweeh 
Salaah. [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Q: During Ramadan, if 1 juz (1/30) is being recited every night, can the first 
quarter of the juz be recited during the Fard of Isha, and the remaining ¾ juz 
divided into the 20 rakaats of Taraweeh? Please explain.
A:  It is sunnah to recite the entire Quraan in taraweeh. If quarter juz is 
recited in Esha salaah, the sunnah of reciting the entire Quraan in taraweeh 
will not be fulfilled.  [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Q: I have missed my Fard Esha salaah in the Masjid. Taraweeh has commenced, 
What do I do?
A: Perform the Fard salaah first. Only thereafter, you should join the Taraweeh 
salaah. The missed taraweeh rak'ahs must be performed after the Witr salaah.

Q: Are fasting persons allowed to undergo special investigations?
A: a) Blood samples are allowed to be taken for investigation whilst fasting.
b) Any investigation requiring invasion via the natural orifices into the 
Jawf-al-badan ie. abdomen, such as endoscopies, sigmoidoscopies, baruim 
investigations etc., including pap smears, internal gynaecological examinations 
are not allowed in the fasting state.

Q: Can minor procedures be carried out under anaesthetic without breaking the 
A: If these procedures, such as drainage of an abscess or setting of a fracture 
are carried under local anaesthetic, they are permissible. General anaesthesia 
with loss of consciousness will cause the fast to be broken and qadhaa fast 
will have to be observed.  [Source: Fasting and the patient-IMA]

Q: I intend to observe I'tikaaf during the last ten days(of Ramadhaan) but I do 
not have the strength to fast. Is, therefore, the observing of i'tikaaf without 
fasting correct or not?
A: Fasting is a condition for the traditional(masnoon) Sunnah I'tikaaf of the 
last ten days, hence, I'tikaaf without fasting is supererogatory(nafl). It will 
then be nafl I'tkiaaf and not the masnoon sunnah I'tikaaf. [Mufti Abdur Rahman]

Q: On account of some ailment a woman inserts a small pack of medicine or 
tampon in her private parts after breaking the fast and removes it the next day 
at the same time. Can she insert it during day in the state of fasting and 
remove it after breaking the fast? Will the fast be affected in both the 
A: The fast will not be affected if the medicine is inserted in the private 
parts before the beginning of the fast, but it will be invalidated if it is 
inserted during the state of fasting. [Mufti Abdur Rahim]
Suppositories and Pessaries: These are not allowed while fasting. These can be 
used if inserted once or twice daily and should therefore be used before suhoor 
and/or after iftar. [IMA- Fasting and the Patient]

Q: Does swallowing of saliva break the fast ?
A: Saliva is the natural secretion of the mouth and if swallowed will not break 
the fast. However, the deliberate accumulation of saliva in the mouth and 
swallowing it (presumably to quench the thirst) is wrong and invalidates the 
fast. [Source: Fasting and the Patient- IMA]

Q: Can Extraction of teeth or dental procedures be done while fasting ?
A: These are allowed while one is fasting , but great care must be taken that 
no material is swallowed. If water, blood, food particles, released plaque, or 
filling matter is accidentally swallowed, then the fast will be broken. It is 
generally advised, in view of the above, that one should avoid these procedures 
while fasting. [Source: Fasting and the Patient- IMA]

Q: Is there any significance about death in the holy month of Ramadhaan? Should 
a person consider such death to be of a good omen for the deceased? Are sins of 
such a person forgiven?
A: We have not come across any reference of significance of dying in the month 
of Ramadhaan. However, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadhaan Focus (Part 5) - from Al-IslaahPublications

2007-09-30 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Ramadhaan Focus (Part 5)

Sayyidina Jabir(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi 
wassallam) would not sleep until he would read Alif laam Tanzeel-as-sajda and 
Tabarakallazi biyadihil mulk.  (Bukhari, Tirmizi)
Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said:  The person who reads 
Tabarakallazi biyadihil mulk and Alif laam Tanzeel-as-sajda between Maghrib and 
Esha, the reward (for reading these two surahs) will be as though (the reader) 
had stood awake during (the night of laylatul qadr).  (Ibn Mardawayah, 

2. TODAYS FOCUS:  Our Children in Ramadan
Generally speaking, children are not required to fast in Ramadan until they 
reach the age of maturity. However, scholars believe that parents should 
train them to fast a few days or so, until they become ready to fast when they 
reach that age. Similar to praying, the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) 
ordered parents to train their children to pray starting with the age of seven. 
The question remains, how does training to fast begin? Dr. Abala Khlaiwi from 
the faculty of Islamic Studies at Al-Azhar University was posed this question. 
The reply was that children should be trained to fast gradually. They differ in 
their realization of the environment around them, especially parents avoiding 
eating or drinking due to the fact that they are fasting. If children begin to 
realize that, becoming aware of the advent of Ramadan, and start to ask 
questions, parents should answer their questions and tell them about the holy 
month. For example, they ask them to fast an hour or two, saying that Allah 
will reward you for one hour. The parents explain to the child that Allah will 
reward them more for each hour they fast. Then they should be asked to fast for 
a day and so on, according to Dr. Khlaiwi. 
Simultaneously, youngsters should be asked to give or share their candy with 
orphan neighbors, because this teaches them how fortunate they are to have 
their parents around. It also teaches them that they live in an environment 
where they all should take care of each other's needs. Ultimately, it teaches 
them to be conscious of Allah, and the feeling of community. These values 
usually are imprinted in the minds and hearts of children and remain with them 
throughout their lives. 

Dr. Khlaiwi recalls when she was 6 years old, she fasted a whole day and felt 
so happy, so accomplished. She was proud of herself and her religion. Another 
important aspect of Ramadan and other Islamic rituals is that parents should 
involve their children and ask for their participation. Thus, children are to 
take part in the rituals parents are performing. When the father goes to the 
mosque, he should take his children with him and not leave them to waste their 
time watching TV and other fruitless activities. If the mother prays, she also 
should ask her little one to stand beside her so she gets to know the prayers. 

It's also recommended that parents take their children to break the fast with 
handicapped children, as well as orphans. Again, it teaches them to feel how 
fortunate they are and to be sympathetic and understanding to the needs of 
others, especially handicapped members of the community. 

Children should also be involved in making the Ramadan dishes so they taste the 
joy of Ramadan. Toward the end of the month, parents should take their children 
to spend Eid time with their relatives in their hometowns. (Source: islamonline)

3.  Q  A
Question: I intend to observe I'tikaaf during the last ten days(of Ramadhaan) 
but I do not have the strength to fast. Is, therefore, the observing of 
i'tikaaf without fasting correct or not?

Answer: Fasting is a condition for the traditional(masnoon) Sunnah I'tikaaf of 
the last ten days, hence, I'tikaaf without fasting is supererogatory(nafl). It 
will then be nafl I'tkiaaf and not the masnoon sunnah I'tikaaf. (Mufti Abdur 

Fasting and Peptic ulcer disease
It is important to realise that Peptic ulcer disease with regard to fasting is 
best assessed by a medical practitioner(preferably a Muslim). The response to 
treatment in the individual patient differs, and medical practioners decision 
to permit which patient, with a present or past history of peptic ulceration to 
fast is based on a thorough history and clinical evaluation.

Some clinical presentations of peptic ulceration which may be advised NOT to 
fast by medical practitioner are listed here-under.These recommendations apply 
to patients with present or past peptic ulcers confirmed on endoscopy.

  1.. Active ulcer on endoscopy 
  2.. Intractable pain and backpain 
  3.. Present meleana(blood in stools) or haemetemesis(vomiting blood) 
  4.. Symptomatic patient with past history of perforation 
  5.. pyloric obstruction 
  6.. Symptomatic patient with previous ulcer surgery 
  1.. Past history with long remissions 
  2.. past history