Bismillah [IslamCity] mideast: saudi - Shocking number of spinsters

2008-05-29 Thread Shahid.
Survey conducted by Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Planning reveals a shocking 
number of 'spinsters' across the nation. To be precise, the exact number of the 
unmarried females has been recorded at 1,529,418. 

Women are slowly overpowering men in population count and this is sure to 
create a problem in the future, believes the concerned persons in Saudi 

Maha Al Hujailan reports in Arabic daily Al Watan that marriage planners, 
social scientists, and matchmakers should come together and sort out a way to 
solve this social crisis, because he believes that this alarming growth rate 
will be creating lot many hurdles, in the context of social progress. 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Missionaries Holy War Against Inslam

2008-05-29 Thread Erooth Mohamed
 *Is This The Right way?*
*Holy War Against Islam *
*Watch The Movie*

They are talking about holy war.
They see themselves as martyrs.
For them, other religions are heresy.
You will probably think it's about radical islamists.
No, this time we are talking about radical Christians.
There are several millions of these fanatic fundamentalist in the U.S.A.
Thanks to them, George Bush became the president.
But the activities of these Christian fanatics aren't limited just to the
They want to convert the whole world to Christianity.
A suddent chance is given to them, with the start of the war in Iraq.
Just after the occupation, came the missionaries.
And while people get killed every day they are trying to convert muslims to
In most of cases secretly, but with permission of US government.
John Goetz i Volker Steinhoff about christian holy war.
It seems unnoticable from the outside, but this is a new-built church.
Iraq Christians during liturgy. Among them there are american missionaries.
The church is their base.
From here, they are planning to convert the Iraq to Christianity.
Tom White has dyed his hair.
We disguise ourselves as tourists. I have these glasses, I dye my hair
black, false beard etc.
In the next room we have several tons of christian literature.
We have given away tons of thousands of these colorful Bibles in Iraq.
Bible for Children, The life of Jesus, etc.
We, Christians, are always in war.
The man with children bibles is a chief of a million-dollar-worth
organization called Voice of the martyrs.
The martyrs are Christians who have died in a holy war for their religion.
For God's agressive love.
This war is a material struggle. The Iraqis are to be converted to
Christianity with the help of propaganda and humanitarian help.
Some Muslims become very angry. In an Islamic country, a person who converts
to Christianity is subject to be killed.
Wouldn't that mean that your activities can lead to people dying?
Our activities can lead to people dying, We are aware of that.
But to spend the eternity in heaven and not in hell - seems like a good
Even if it results in a physical punishment here on Earth.
The martyrs aren't the only missionaries in Iraq.
The internet is full of propaganda videos.
Christian fundamentalists have come here, with the support of the American
The things that are forbidden in other Arabian countries, have been allowed
here by the American generals.
Missionary work
American holy war in Iraq finds disapproval.
These politically motivated missionaries support the tensions and hstility.
Radical Christians as disguised humanitarians, want to convert Iraq.
But the cover isn't always helpful. It's often seen missionaries being
Such is the case with these radical Baptists.
Their organization The Southern Baptist Convention sends the biggest
number of missionaries to Iraq.
The imams are scared.
If the Christianity gets settled here than it will continue to be the case
in the whold Middle EAST.
Right now the most important place is Iraq.
The Southern Baptist Convention supports G. Bush's war.
And he is grateful for their work.
You represent more than 16 million Baptists in the whole country.
And many other missionaries for from home.
And all of you are feeling invited to spread the world of God and proclaim
the Kingdom of God.
The president of the United States G. Bush himself has spoken about the
Christian war.
There is a rising number of right-oriented funamentalists, seated on highest
positions who see all of this as a holy war against Islam.
One of them is positioned in Pentagon, and coordinates the search for Osama
bin Laden.
General William Boyken; When he is not busy with hunting Islamists, he loves
to attend Baptist meetings.
It's not about Osama bin Laden. The enemy lies in the spiritual Realm.
And then the general has said something that was documented only on audio
For muslims, this was a huge provocation My god is greater than theirs
Including Their God is a false God - an Idol
This major fight against Islamists has spread his convictions in this
Baptist church.
This community fell in love with the general William Boyken. He has risked
his life in the army. We love our military.
The members of this church have the same opinions on the war in Iraq as the
general himself.
It's a religious war. They don't hate us they hate our God. they are
believing in a lie.
There have been a lot of fals Gods like their Allah, but that stays a lie,
and that's what prophets have said.
Mass in the city of Broken Arrow. Middwest.
Hundreds of people who are a part of this Baptist church.
There are over 40,000 churches like this on in America.
All of these churches belong to The southern Baptist Convention
Our president needs you. Our military needs you.
The people will be sent on a journey.
Over 5,000 of them are positioned on various places of the world.
This group is going to Mexico. But they would also 

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Good exercises for those who sit long hours behind desk....

2008-05-29 Thread Farooq Ahmed
attached files is of 0 kb

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 6:34 PM, Baharudin Zifri wrote:


Bismillah [IslamCity] An Open Letter to Ali Sina by Al-Ansar

2008-05-29 Thread Ahumanb
[Note: Ali Sina (a fake name) is no more than a mental patient having rabies 
behavior who has been attacking Islam, Muslims and Prophet Muhammad in the most 
evil and sinister ways from rat-hole since 9-11 drama. He was told by his 
masters that the Quran and Prophet Muhammad did it! Since then he has been 
barking against Prophet Muhammad like a rabid dog. He is not just a critic of 
Islam and Muhammad. He is MUCH more than that. He repeatedly says that he has 
no problem with other religions, their followers and founders. They are all 
like angels to him. He also promotesnbsp;his masters'nbsp;religion! His only 
target is Islam, Muslimsnbsp;and Prophet Muhammad. He has been given the task 
to eradicate Islam from the face of the earth and to convert all Muslims to his 
masters' religion! So far, he has been able to convert some foolhardy clowns 
from poor and unfortunate Muzlim, not Muslim, background like Syed Kamran 
Mirza, Asghar, Abul Kasem etc. who were
 never Muslim in the first place andnbsp;they also write against Islam, 
Muslimsnbsp;and Prophet Muhammad from rat-hole to please their masters! He 
gets very angry and frustrated when he sees thousands of westerners converting 
to Islam every year! But he becomes very happy when he hears some poor and 
foolhardy Muzlims converting to his masters' religion! His masters are not that 
happy on their slave's very poor and idiotic performance though! Anyway, please 
go through Al-Ansar's open letter to this mental patient.]
An Open Letter to Ali Sina by Al-Ansar
Hello Mr Ali Sina, 
I was surprised when I visited your website Mr Sina, when I encountered such 
ignorance and blatant disregard for the truth. You amaze me Mr Sina. You are 
one of the few people who I have encountered with such a naive and idiotic 
viewpoint towards worldly affairs and the religion of Islam. Indeed it is 
amazing how someone with no training in Islamic scholarship and obviously 
lacking in some of the most basic aspects of Islamic knowledge would have the 
arrogance to challenge the greatest scholars of Islam for a debate. The amount 
of arrogance that an anonymous person off of the internet could carry is 
astounding, considering the fact that you actually expect the great scholars to 
come to your little-known forum and play by your rules of the debate. You also 
refuse to debate Muslims in public or even on audio, citing safety concerns. It 
truly is amazing how cowardly a man like you can be Mr Sina. People like Wafa 
Sultan and Robert Spencer regularly appear
 on national television cursing Islam, yet they haven't been assassinated have 
they? Mr Sina, your arguments would be laughed at by the great scholars and 
they will dismiss you as a delusional man with too much time on his hands. 
Surely it is obvious that no one can ever win a debate against you, since you 
are the judge of your own debates and you are the one who decides whether the 
Muslim was successful or not. Therefore, your challenge is subjective as well 
as illogical. And no Mr Sina, the public is not the judge of your debates, 
since you aren't exactly mailing ballots to all those who visit your website. 
Exactly what are you accomplishing Mr Sina from spending so much effort into 
your website? How many Muslims have you managed to make denounce Islam? 4? 5? 
Maybe 10? How is this accomplishment going to solve the problem of world 
How is reaching back 14 centuries to assess the life of a 7th century Bedouin 
going to solve the problem of world peace? If you truly were against Islam 
because, It orders it's followers to kill all non-believers, then you would 
focus on the aspects of political Islam, and it's effects and causes, instead 
of worrying about the life of a man who isn't even here to defend himself 
personally. Even if your Muslim challenger does disprove all of your charges, 
exactly what is the end result Mr Sina? Ok suddenly, a man who lived 1400 years 
ago isn't a criminal. Now tell me how such matters are important at all. 
Shouldn't the character of Muhammad strictly be a topic discussed amongst the 
Muslims, since it affects only them and no one else? And even if he wasn't a 
criminal as you claim, then this does not prove his Prophethood. I'm not a 
murderer, rapist, sex-offender or robber; does this mean that I am a Prophet? I 
can't believe you aren't able to see how
 stupid this challenge is. And reaching back into history to assess the life of 
a 7th century man isn't exactly going to solve the problem of political 
Islam. You even said on your website, I oppose Islam because it tells it's 
followers to kill Non-Muslims. Well if that were true, then there is no point 
and end-goal of studying the life of Muhammad. If we do disprove these charges, 
the disproval will not prove that political Islam doesn't advocate the deaths 
of all Non-Believers.
After all, if you truly were against Islam 

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Qur'aan and the Ahaadeeth

2008-05-29 Thread Mohammad Shafi Aga
*In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful*

*Assalaamu alaykum, Brothers/Sisters,*
*Transcribed below is one of the comments received on my blog post 'Trousers
Extending Below
My response to the comments are given, in bold, at relevant places within
the comments. As the questions raised and answered, deal with the root cause
for the ignominious position of the Muslims in general, in today's world, I
am giving a larger publicity thereto, herewith, for general information and
honest discussion.*
*Mohammad Shafi*
*Usman* Says:
May 26th, 2008 at 7:22

*Mohammad Shafi's response is given in bold, wherever called for, within
Brother Usman's comments below:*

You, brother, wrote:
 The Qur'aan, on the other hand, reiterates, … We have neglected nothing
in the Book … (Verse 6.38) and that … We have certainly explained, in this
Qur'aan, every kind of example … (Verse 17.89). How could the Qur'aan then
neglect to mention a thing that would lead a man to Hell!? It cannot, and it
does not, because, Allah Almighty, the Author of the Book, cannot be wrong
when He says that the Qur'aan neglects nothing! We are then left with the
only conclusion that there is something wrong with the above-quoted hadeeth,
which is man-influenced and therefore error-prone. 

Assalaam Alaykum,

*Wa alaykum-as-salaam,*

A! How on earth can you say that the ahadith - particularly those of
the likes reported through Bukhari and Muslim - are MAN INFLUENCED! NO!
These ahadith are reported through the SAME PEOPLE as those who narrated the

*How could you say that, Brother, when the Qur'aanic Verses were recorded in
writing immediately after those were revealed during the lifetime of the
Messenger (peace be upon him) itself, whereas the ahaadeeth got recorded in
writing hundreds of years after the Messenger's death!?*

And Allah says in the Qur'an that Allah will guard this deen,

*What Allah guards is the Qur'aan (Verse 15.9). The deen (religion) as
depicted in the Qur'aan is therefore protected, but not the deen practised
by Muslims who do not scrupulously abide by all the Qur'aanic instructions.*

and PART OF THE DEEN IS THE SUNNAH and how do we know the sunnah? Through
REPORTS of what he (pbuh) SAID, DID, ALLOWED, FORBADE, etc. The Qur'an says
Obey the Prophet - so how do we know what the Prophet said if not through
the Qur'an?

*The Qur'aan is the only authentic and Allah-protected source for us now to
know what the Prophet said. All other sources/reports of what he did and
said are man-influenced and therefore error-prone. Those other reports may
lead us astray and away from Allah's Straight Path. To obey what the Qur'aan
says is to obey both Allah and His Messenger. The Prophet's Sunnah is
nothing but that he showed, by his own example, that the Qur'aanic
instructions can be successfully practised. Do not make the mistake of
assuming that the Prophet's Sunnah is something other than the Qur'aan!*

How would we know about the 5 daily prayers?

*The Qur'aan gives us sufficient details about how and when to perform our

How would we know about the complexities of the system of Zakah?

*The complexities are man-made, Brother! The Qur'aanic Law is very simple.
Spend on others what is surplus to your own legitimate needs. (Verse 2.219)*

How would we know how to behave? A'isha (ra) said the Prophet (pbuh) was a
walking Qur'an, and Allah tells us that In the Prophet is a GREAT EXAMPLE.
Isn't this a clue that we should follow the reports about everything he

*NO!!! It's a clue that the Qur'aanic instructions are practicable and
should be practised by every Muslim. The Qur'aan is replete with
instructions on how to behave with parents, neighbours, and with every other
category of people.*

So take the ahadith seriously!

*How seriously, Brother? As seriously and as sacrosanct as the Qur'aanic
Verses!? Please take care! If you treat the Qur'aan and the ahaadeeth as
equal in sanctity, you are treading on the very dangerous territory of shirk,
a sin that Allah may not forgive!*

However, they are NOT for open interpretation and - with regards to the
hadith about trousers below ankles - there is a hadith to explain this one.
Abu Bakr (ra) was told by the Prophet (pbuh) that he could wear his clothes
below the ankle because he was NOT DOING IT OUT OF ARROGANCE.

*The problem with ahaadeeth is not only that they were subject to the
personal opinions and prejudices of the numerous oral narrators, generation
to generation, but also that those were time and instance specific. It might
be that the Prophet had feared that the arrogance of a particular man, whose
clothes happened to extend below his ankles, could take him to Hell. It was

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel 'has 150 nuclear weapons'

2008-05-29 Thread Aisha Abbasi

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Israel 'has 150 nuclear weapons' 
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 14:12:47 -0500

Israel 'has 150 nuclear weapons'
Ex-US President Jimmy Carter has said Israel has at least 150 atomic weapons in 
its arsenal.
The Israelis have never confirmed they have nuclear weapons, but this has been 
widely assumed since a scientist leaked details in the 1980s.
Mr Carter made his comments on Israel's weapons at a press conference at the 
annual literary Hay Festival in Wales.
He also described Israeli treatment of Palestinians as one of the greatest 
human rights crimes on earth.
Mr Carter gave the figure for the Israeli nuclear arsenal in response to a 
question on US policy on a possible nuclear-armed Iran, arguing that any 
country newly armed with atomic weapons faced overwhelming odds.
The US has more than 12,000 nuclear weapons; the Soviet Union (sic) has about 
the same; Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or 
more, he said.

Israel's Dimona reactor is understood to provide plutonium for the country's 
nuclear weapons
We have a phalanx of enormous capabilities, not only of weaponry but also of 
rockets to deliver every one of those missiles on a pinpoint accuracy target.
Most experts estimate that Israel has between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads, 
largely based on information leaked to the Sunday Times newspaper in the 1980s 
by Mordechai Vanunu, a former worker at the country's Dimona nuclear reactor.
The US, a key ally of Israel, has in general followed the country's policy of 
nuclear ambiguity, neither confirming or denying the existence of its assumed 
However, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert included Israel among a list of 
nuclear states in comments in December 2006, a week after US Defence Secretary 
Robert Gates used a similar form of words during a Senate hearing.
During the press briefing, Mr Carter expressed his support for Israel as a 
country, but criticised its domestic and foreign policy.
One of the greatest human rights crimes on earth is the starvation and 
imprisonment of 1.6m Palestinians, he said.
The former US president cited statistics which he said showed the nutritional 
intake of some Palestinian children was below that of children in Sub-Saharan 
Africa, as well as saying the European position on Israel could be best 
described as supine.
Mr Carter, awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, brokered the 1979 Egypt-Israel 
peace treaty, the first between Israel and an Arab state.
In April he controversially held talks in the Syrian capital Damascus with 
Khaled Meshaal, leader of the militant Palestinian movement Hamas.
The former US president's Carter Center was unavailable for further comment.
Story from BBC 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Maududi�s Terrifying Vision for Indian Muslims

2008-05-29 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Maulana Maududi’s Terrifying Vision for Indian Muslims
  By Mohammed Ayub Khan
  Maulana Maududi’s estranged disciple and Tanzeem-e-Islami chief Dr.Israr 
Ahmed appearing on the Jawabdeh program of GEO television in 2005 made some 
startling remarks about Indian Muslims. According to a published report of the 
program in the liberal Daily Times he reportedly said the following:
  In an Islamic state non-Muslims would be second-class citizens. He said if 
India decided after that to declare all Muslims second-class citizens then that 
would be right too. He said Muslims had fought in India on the claim that they 
were a different nation. There was no harm if India considered its  Muslims a 
separate nation.[1]  
  Dr.Israr Ahmed’s lack of concern for the protection of the rights of India ’s 
Muslims is hardly surprising when looked through the prism of the views of his 
mentor Maulana Abul Ala Maudoodi. Both were comfortable with a possible 
political scenario in India where the nation’s Muslims were reduced to second 
class citizens. 
  In the often cited Munir Comission report Maulana Maududi emphatically said 
in reply to a query that he will have no problem if Indian Muslims were treated 
on par with the Malechas or “untouchables.”  He was asked the question, “If we 
have this form of Islamic government in Pakistan , will you permit the Hindus 
to base their constitution on the basis of their religion?” He reportedly 
replied, “I should have no objection even if the Muslims of India are treated 
in that form of Government as shudras and malishes and Manu’s laws are applied 
to them, depriving them of all share in the Government and the rights of a 
citizen. In fact, such a state of affairs already exists in India .”[2]
  But the venerable Maulana later on denied making such a statement. In a 
letter to Dr.Nejatullah Siddiqi, he wrote:
  There is a fair amount of distortion in things attributed to me in Munir 
Report. Actually, I did not say that Manu’s Dharma Shastra be introduced in 
India , and that I would concur with the treatment of Muslims as Mleccas and 
Shudras. In fact these were [Justice Muhammad] Munir Sahib’s own remarks which 
he attributed to me. His question was: “If you want an Islamic government, 
would you then agree if a Hindu government is formed in India , where Manu’s 
Dharma Shastra would be introduced.” What I had told him [Justice Munir] was 
that it is up to Hindus to decide what theyu wanted to do and what they did not 
want to do. They will not ask us what form of system they would establish. Our 
task is to work according to our belief and faith wherever we have the option. 
As to India , there the Hindus will do whatever they want to whether we agree 
with them or not.”
  Despite the denial there are at least two other instances where the Maulana 
made known his contempt for Indian Muslims.  A booklet titled Jamaat-e-Islami 
Ki Dawat contains a speech made by Maulana Maududi on May 10, 1947. In it he 
  It appears now certain that the country will be partitioned. One portion of 
India will be given to the Muslim majority and the other will be controlled by 
the non-Muslims. In the first part ( Pakistan ) we shall mobilize public 
opinion to base Pakistan ’s constitution on the Islamic laws. In the other part 
we will be in a minority and you (Hindus) will be in a majority. We would 
request you to study the lives and teachings of  Ramchandra, Krishnaji, Buddha, 
Guru Nanak and other sages. Please study the Vedasm Puranas, Shastras and other 
books. And if you cull out any divine guidance from these, we would request you 
to base your constitution on this guidance. We would request you to treat us 
exactly on the lines of the teachings of your religions. We would raise no 
objections. [3]
  Further evidence of Maulana Maududi’s disdain for Indian Muslims is evident 
from his following answer to a question regarding the permissibility of a 
Pakistani male citizen marrying an Indian Muslim female:
  Answer: As far as I know the Quran’s derivative is that there can be no 
relations of inheritance and marriage between the residents of Darul Islam and 
Darul Kufr…From now on there should be no marital relations between Indian and 
Pakistani Muslims.”[4]
  This shows that the Maulana not only disregarded the plight of Indian Muslims 
but also considered them unequal to Pakistani Muslims.
  It is the good fortune of Indian Muslims that the founding fathers and the 
present rulers of   India did not heed the calls of Maulana Maududi or an Israr 
Ahmed. As it is the nation’s imperfect democracy has relegated the community to 
the most backward status. One can only imagine what would have been the 
scenario if a theocracy was imposed upon them. 

saiyed shahbazi

Bismillah [IslamCity] -Dress Up as an Arab Terrorist Fake an Al-Qaeda Tape-

2008-05-29 Thread New World OrderLies
  Memo To Corporate Media: 
Anyone Can Dress Up As An Arab Terrorist 
 Fake An Al-Qaeda Tape 
  Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
  Nearly four years after Benjamin Vanderford hoodwinked the 
  global media by manufacturing a fake Al-Qaeda beheading tape, 
  America’s corporate press whores are once again gearing up 
  to fearmonger about the prospect of mushroom clouds 
  over American cities by instantly ascribing gospel status 
  to a dubious Al-Qaeda fan 
  Internet videotape that encourages 
  the use of WMD in a terrorist attack. 
  Intelligence and law enforcement sources tell ABC News 
  they are expecting al Qaeda supporters will post a new video 
  on the Internet in the next 24 hours, calling for what 
  one source said is jihadists to use biological, chemical and 
  nuclear weapons to attack the West, according to the report. 
  There have been several reports that al Qaeda 
  will release a new message calling for the use of 
  weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against civilians, 
  FBI spokesman Richard Kolko told ABC News in an e-mail. 
  Since the dubious series of beheading videos, 
  which coincidentally came to a stop when one of our readers 
  managed to expose the ludicrousness of accepting 
  such propaganda at face value by hoodwinking the world media 
  with a fake beheading tape, Al-Qaeda has been resigned 
  to spreading its message through 
  Mossad agents like Adam Pearlman 
  and alleged sketchy Bin Laden audio recordings. 
  It was back in August 2004 that 22-year-old aspiring 
  video game designer Benjamin Vanderford posted a 55 second clip 
  on the Internet filmed at his friend’s house which depicted himself 
  being crudely beheaded while fake blood spurted for visual effect. 
  Vanderford’s buddy dressed up like the infamous 
  Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, barked out a template terrorist screed, 
  and the press bought it hook, line and sinker. 
  The corporate media lapped up the phony tape and within hours
  of it being uploaded serious analysts on Fox News 
  were citing the footage as further evidence to prove 
  we were in a war against bloodthirsty terrorists. 
  Vanderford said he made the tape 
  to just make a statement on these type of videos 
  and how easily they can be faked.
  Vanderford single-handedly proved that anyone in the world 
  can dress up as an Arab terrorist, fake a beheading scene
   or a speech, upload it to the Internet, and have the global media 
  obsessing about the deadly threat of Al-Qaeda within hours. 
  The latest Al -Qaeda WMD sideshow is no different. 
  This could have been made by the tooth fairy 
  for all the corporate media cares. 
  It fills up the headlines, - it attracts viewers 
  and it pleases their military-industrial complex sponsors 
  who make a killing out of artificially inflating the scope 
  of the phantom war on terror 
  for increased weapons sales and fighter jets. 
  The lesson that the Internet is an anonymous free-for-all medium 
  has still not been learned four years later as the media 
  seizes upon the latest offering which provides them 
  with an ample opportunity to fearmonger about biological attacks 
  turning American cities into quarantine camps this summer. 
  One wonders if the new tape will feature original rhetoric 
  or whether it will just be lifted almost entirely from a satirical 
  spoof website, as was the case with the previous Al-Qaeda tape. 
  You know it’s bad when even IntelCenter, the Pentagon front group 
  that routinely releases fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos 
  of Bin Laden speeches cobbled together from 5-year-old 
  footage, is denouncing the new tape as inconsequential. 
  Supporter videos are made by fans or supporters who may 
  not have ever had any contact with a real terrorist, 
  IntelCenter’s CEO Ben Venzke told ABC News. 
  These videos almost always are comprised of old video footage 
  that is edited together to make a new video.
   (Takes one to know one, Ben!) 
  Considering them so would be the equivalent of considering 
  a 10-year-old’s homemade fan video of his favorite sports team 
  to be an official team message, Venzke said. 
  IntelCenter is not aware of any new imminent message 
  by al-Qaeda or any other leading jihadist group in audio 
  or video form that will call for the use of WMD against civilians. 
  Venzke makes a good point but he might just be upset
  that the Al-Qaeda fan didn’t go through his 
  military-industrial complex front in releasing the tape. 
  If you’re wondering why the boys at IntelCenter always know 
  when an Al-Qaeda video is set to be released 
  two days before it pops up, the answer is simple 
  - they are manufacturing the entire fraud. 
Similar to the need to create a PR buzz before the release 
  of a new DVD or a movie, IntelCenter makes sure its customers 
  know ahead of time in order to 

Bismillah [IslamCity] ABC, FBI Punk'd by Terror 'Fan Video'

2008-05-29 Thread MA PA
Full article link:, FBI 
Punk'd by Terror 'Fan Video'Related
CIA urge biological warfare in new video message
Osama - Dead Man Walking!
Rita Katz's Jewish Media Group, SITE, release the latest al-Qaeda recording
Memo To Corporate Media: Anyone Can Dress Up As An Arab Terrorist  
 Fake An Al-Qaeda Tape
Bin Laden says ‘September 11 is about Israel’?
Newsweek finally admits Al-Qaeda is largely a myth designed to generate 
billions for contractors

 By Noah Shachtman May 28, 2008

  On Tuesday, ABC News posted a story headlined Al-Qaeda Tape to Call for 
Use of WMDs. Which would be awfully scary -- if it were true.

 Operatives from the terrorist group, the network warned, will post a new 
video on the Internet in the next 24 hours, calling for what one source said is 
'jihadists to use biological, chemical and nuclear weapons to attack the West.' 
The report then quotes FBI spokesman Richard Kolko, who says that there have 
been several reports that al Qaeda will release a new message calling for the 
use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against civilians. 

  Or maybe not.  The video was actually released on Monday Sunday.  And while 
it is called ''Nuclear Jihad, The Ultimate Terror, it is not from Al-Qaeda -- 
or any other major terrorist group. Rather, it is a jihadi supporter video 
compilation, notes Ben Venzke with IntelCenter -- a flick made by fans or 
supporters who may not have ever had any contact with a real terrorist.

 Tags: abc, al-qaeda, fbiFull article link: 

MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, 




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Bismillah [IslamCity] Iraq probes allegations of Marines' proselytizing

2008-05-29 Thread Erooth Mohamed
*Iraq probes allegations of Marines' proselytizing
*Muslims angered by Christian verse printed on coins
*May 28, 2008, 10:52PM*

FALLUJAH, IRAQ — At the western entrance to Fallujah on Tuesday, Muamar Anad
handed his residence badge to the U.S. Marines guarding the city. They
checked to be sure that he was a city resident, and when they were done,
Anad said, a Marine slipped a coin out of his pocket and put it in his hand.

Out of fear, he accepted it, Anad said. When he was inside the city, the
college student said, he looked at one side of the coin. Where will you
spend eternity? it asked.

On the other side it read, For God so loved the world, that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have
eternal life. John 3:16.

They are trying to convert us to Christianity, said Anad, a Sunni Muslim
like most residents of this city in Anbar province. At home, he told his
story, and his relatives echoed their disapproval: They'd been given the
coins, too, he said.

Fallujah, the scene of a bloody U.S. offensive against Sunni insurgents in
2004, has calmed and grown less hostile to American troops since residents
turned against al-Qaida in Iraq, which had tried to force its brand of
Islamist extremism on the population.

Now residents are abuzz that some Americans whom they consider occupiers are
acting as Christian missionaries. Residents said some Marines at the western
entrance to their city have been passing out the coins for two days in what
they call a humiliating attempt to convert them to Christianity.

In the markets, people crowded around men with the coins, passing them to
each other and asking in surprise, Have you seen this?

In an e-mail, Rear Adm. Patrick Driscoll, a U.S. military spokesman, said Iraq
is investigating a report that U.S. military personnel in Fallujah handed
out material that is religious and evangelical in nature. Local commanders
are investigating since the military prohibits proselytizing any religion,
faith or practices.


-- Forwarded message --
 *Is This The Right way?*
*Holy War Against Islam *
*Watch The Movie*

They are talking about holy war.
They see themselves as martyrs.
For them, other religions are heresy.
You will probably think it's about radical islamists.
No, this time we are talking about radical Christians.
There are several millions of these fanatic fundamentalist in the U.S.A.
Thanks to them, George Bush became the president.
But the activities of these Christian fanatics aren't limited just to the
They want to convert the whole world to Christianity.
A suddent chance is given to them, with the start of the war in Iraq.
Just after the occupation, came the missionaries.
And while people get killed every day they are trying to convert muslims to
In most of cases secretly, but with permission of US government.
John Goetz i Volker Steinhoff about christian holy war.
It seems unnoticable from the outside, but this is a new-built church.
Iraq Christians during liturgy. Among them there are american missionaries.
The church is their base.
From here, they are planning to convert the Iraq to Christianity.
Tom White has dyed his hair.
We disguise ourselves as tourists. I have these glasses, I dye my hair
black, false beard etc.
In the next room we have several tons of christian literature.
We have given away tons of thousands of these colorful Bibles in Iraq.
Bible for Children, The life of Jesus, etc.
We, Christians, are always in war.
The man with children bibles is a chief of a million-dollar-worth
organization called Voice of the martyrs.
The martyrs are Christians who have died in a holy war for their religion.
For God's agressive love.
This war is a material struggle. The Iraqis are to be converted to
Christianity with the help of propaganda and humanitarian help.
Some Muslims become very angry. In an Islamic country, a person who converts
to Christianity is subject to be killed.
Wouldn't that mean that your activities can lead to people dying?
Our activities can lead to people dying, We are aware of that.
But to spend the eternity in heaven and not in hell - seems like a good
Even if it results in a physical punishment here on Earth.
The martyrs aren't the only missionaries in Iraq.
The internet is full of propaganda videos.
Christian fundamentalists have come here, with the support of the American
The things that are forbidden in other Arabian countries, have been allowed
here by the American generals.
Missionary work
American holy war in Iraq finds disapproval.
These politically motivated missionaries support the tensions and hstility.
Radical Christians as disguised humanitarians, want to convert Iraq.
But the cover isn't always helpful. It's often seen missionaries being
Such is the case 

RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] 6 BEAUTIFUL GEMS

2008-05-29 Thread M. Malhar

-Original Message-
From: Mohammed.Irfanullah
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 2:10 PM

Ghuloo in the Faza'il-e-AA'maal

Quotes from Fazail-e-Aa'maal (Ta'alim book)

I've found the following from Fadha'il A'maal' (Thaalim book)  Fadha'il Haj
of Zakhariya Sahib, the famous books of Tabligi Jamaat that the Tabligi
people used to read openly after the prayers in many masjids and in their
homes, mainly in Asian countries. Also this Urdu book has been translated
into many languages except Arabic. Here I've quoted some fabricated stories
with reference from the above mentioned books for your eyes, to check
whether is it allowed to preach this type of stories in our masjids that
would corrupt our belief (Aqeedah). 

See Fazail Hajj (Urdu page 138, Tamil page 225)

When you see the green dome then it should be with awe and reverence and
you should take care of the honour of the Huzoor and reflect that in that
pure dome is he who is the best of creation, leader of the prophets and
virtuous the Angels. The place of the holy grave is superior than any other
place and that place which touches the holy body of the Huzoor is superior
to the Ka'bah, superior to Arsh, superior to Kursi in fact superior than
everything in the heavens and earth. 

See Fazail Hajj (Urdu page 141, Tamil page 224)

When you visit anyone's grave, you should proceed from the direction of the
feet because if Allah has given the dead the power of Kashf then it is easy
for him to see you because when the dead turns to his right in his grave
then his sight falls towards your feet. And when anyone approaches the grave
from the head side of the dead then the dead has trouble and difficulty in
seeing you

See Fazail Hajj (Urdu page 164, Tamil page 267)

One person asked Khidr that, Have you ever seen any wali who is better
than you? Khidr replied, Yes, I have. I once visited the masjid of the
prophet. I saw Imaam Abdur Razzaq Muhaddith and he was teaching Ahadith. The
crowd and I listened to the Ahaadeeth from him. In one corner of the masjid
there was a youngster sitting who had kept his head between his knees away
from the crowd. I said, Do you not see that ahaadeeth of the prophet are
being taught? Why don't you also attend the circle? He neither lifted his
head nor did he look at me and said, 

In that place are those who listen to ahaadeeth from the slave of Razzaq.
But I'm the one who listen to Ahaadeeth from the Razzaq, not from the slave
of Razzaq. 

Hadhrath Khidr said that , If you are indeed speaking the truth then tell
who am I? He raised his head and said that, If I am not mistaken, then you
are Khidr, Hadhrat Khidr then said, From this I came to know that there
are such wali of Allah whom even I cannot recognize.

See Fadha'il 'A'maal, Fadha'il Namaaz (Urdu page 13/14, Tamil page 26/27)

It has been reported from a number of companions and from amongst them
Hadhrat Uthman, Hadhrat Abo Hurairah, Hadhrat Anas, etc. In different
wordings that there are some people who posses the ability of KASHF. They
can feel the sins being committed by people. Therefore the story of the Imam
of the world Hadhrat Abu Haneefa is famous that he used to see the sins of
the people fall out as they performed wudu.

See Fadha'il 'A'maal, Fadha'il Namaaz (Urdu page 62/64, Tamil page 125/126 

Some people prayed for 40 to 50 years Isha and Fajr with the same wudu

The following is to be found in the Faza'il-e-A'maal [Virtues of Salaat -
Part III (b) - Stories of the Pious (Story # XIII pages - 84-5), it reads; 

Imaam Abu Hanifa (Rahmatullah alaih) is famous for his vigil, it is said
that for thirty, forty or fifty years (according to the information of
different narrators) he offered his Fajr prayer with the Wudhu for Isha. He
would go to sleep only for a few minutes in the afternoon saying, It is
'Sunnat' to sleep in the afternoon. 

It is said about Said bin Almusayyab (Rahmatullah alaih) that for fifty
years he offered his Fajr prayer with the 'Wudhu' performed at Isha. 

Imaam Ghazzali (Rahmatullah alaih) on the authority of Abu Talib Makki
reported the same practice by no less than forty 'Tabais', some of whom had
been doing it for forty years continuously. 

Abu Atab Salimi (Rahmatullah alaih) is reported to have been fasting during
the day and weeping during the night for full forty years. 

It is said about a Sayyed that continuously for twelve days he has been
offering his Salaat with the same 'Wudhu'. For fifteen years, his back had
not touched the bed. He would also go without food for days together. 

The last paragraph reads as follows; 

Besides the above, there are numerous records of the pious pursuits of the
Heroes of Islamic History. It is difficult to cover all of them in this
book. All that has been said here is sufficient to serve as examples. May
Allah, through his grace, grant me and the readers of this book the strength
to follow in the footsteps of these blessed people! 'Ameen'! 

The Islaamic Position on the above:


Bismillah [IslamCity] Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHF on Friday

2008-05-29 Thread hossam kiwan
Reminding u to read Soorat AlKAHF on Friday

نذكركم بقراءة سورة الكهف كل يوم جمعة

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) في يوم الجمعة أضاء له من
النور ما بين الجمعتين ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب / 736 ] ..

وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام : ( من قرأ سورة ( الكهف ) ليلة الجمعة، أضاء له من
النور ما بينه وبين البيت العتيق ) [ صححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب /
736 ] ..