[iText-questions] Servlet runs twice if I use IE 5.5

2002-05-03 Thread Anis h


I read your answere posted asking to check FAQ for
info regarding IE problems.. as you said I followed
the link to MS site and confirmed that IE 5.5 SP1
submits the request twice.. I installed SP2 but still
I have the same problem..  unfortunately my sevelt
updates a DB then it generates a report.. if it is
called twice there there will be two updates... I just
want to ask you and our iText experts is there any
know workaround for this particular problem. Also  MS
article has the following 

To work around this limitation and to considerably
improve the performance of your application, watch for
the contype userAgent request and only return the

but I really don't understand what that means..

in my servelt I have the following 


is that what the above resolution is asking me to do

kindly help me!


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RE: [iText-questions] Servlet runs twice if I use IE 5.5

2002-05-03 Thread Sergio Lopez Rodriguez

Try using POST instead GET and it works: the servlet is called just once
... well, at least for me ;-)


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