Hello all,

this isn't a technical question about iText, but I post it here anyway.

I'm coming to Silicon Valley (Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto,...) 
from January 8 until January 20. I'll be accompanied by Valérie 
Hillewaere, who is the marketing manager at iText Software.

We're currently in the process of making an agenda listing people to 
meet and companies to visit. Are you based in the Bay Area, and do you 
have iText or PDF related topics you'd like to discuss with me? Please 
contact valerie.hillewaere at itextpdf.com and explain what you'd like 
to talk about during a meet and greet.

For instance: we can present a demo of our new XFA to PDF conversion 
tool at your company (or any other iText functionality you're interested 
in), we can examine a PDF problem you've always wanted to solve, we can 
explore possible partnerships,...

Depending on the number of requests, we'll try to schedule a meeting.
best regards,
Bruno Lowagie
iText Software

Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
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of a cloud services business. Read Now!
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