Re: Issue with Ivy custome resolver

2010-06-08 Thread Maarten Coene
A quick attempt to answer your questions.

Issue #1:
It won't work since the proxy handling is done dynamically: everytime a 
resource is downloaded. So setting/resetting the proxy in the constructor won't 
do anything since nothing is downloaded there...
But I think you want to avoid Ivy to use a proxy for your private repository. 
Right? Although I didn't test it, I think you can use the system property 
http.nonProxyHosts for this (if you don't have commons-httpclient in Ivy's 

Issue #2:
Could you try setting the rev attribute to an empty string instead of 
'latest.integration' for those dependencies without revision?

Issue #3:
It seems to me that Ivy thinks that 'work...@commons-lang' is the revision of 
your axis dependency. Did you specify a revision in the axis2/ivy/ivy.xml of 
your commons-lang repository?

Issue #4 and #6:
I don't have any idea. Anyone else around here who can answer this 
packager-resolver question?

Issue #5:
Ivy hasn't built-in support for publishing artifacts into SVN. But there is an 
SVN resolver available (check the links on the website) which I think support 
SVN publishing.


- Original Message 
From: Shaikh Almas
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 6:34:26 PM
Subject: Re: Issue with Ivy custome resolver

Hi Maarten,

For below mentioned issue, here is the ivysettings.xml (Issue #1 is given in
my below mail and ivysettings.xml is for the same)

*Issue #1*
  settings defaultResolver=chained defaultConflictManager=all /
  typedef name=almas
 almas name=privateRepo m2compatible=true
  artifact pattern=[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]%22/

  url name=private
  artifact pattern=[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]%22/

 !-- Order in which the dependency would be resolved --
 chain name=chained returnFirst=true
   resolver ref=privateRepo /
   resolver ref=private /
And here's the code for ProxyUrlResolver
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository.url.URLRepository;
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.URLResolver;
import org.apache.ivy.util.Message;
public class ProxyUrlResolver extends URLResolver{
private void setProxy(){
  System.setProperty(http.proxyHost, System.getProperty(proxyHost,;
  System.setProperty(http.proxyPort, System.getProperty(proxyPort,
public ProxyUrlResolver(){
  Message.verbose(About to set the proxy);
  setRepository(new URLRepository());
  Message.verbose(About to reset the proxy);

private void resetProxy(){
  System.setProperty(http.proxyHost, null);
  System.setProperty(http.proxyPort, null);
I know that this is the wrong way. Can you please help me to get the correct
way out of it please?


I have certain jar files without revision number. But as rev is mandatory
attribute for ivy dependency, i am providing the revision attribute. But i
have something like (-[revision]) in url resolver. but its taking the module
number instead of ignoring the revision attribute. I know it wont ignore the
revision attribute as its not null.
Following is the output that i get
default-cache: no cached resolved revision for
perltools#perltools;latest.integration [ivy:retrieve] tried [ivy:retrieve]
listing all in [ivy:retrieve] using privateRepo to list all in
[ivy:retrieve] ApacheURLLister found URL=[
httP://myrepo/ivyRepository/perltools/jars/perltools.jar]. [ivy:retrieve]
found 1 resources [ivy:retrieve] found revs: [perltools.jar] [ivy:retrieve]
HTTP response status: 404 url=
CLIENT ERROR: Not Found url=
Can somebody please explain why its taking module.ext as revision where
revision i specified is latest.integration and in myrepo, i dont have
revision attribute. its just has
Can somebody please help me so that i can avoid revision attribute?

*Issue #3*

I ma using dual resolver and having a problem.
Following is what i get when i run through ant in debug and verbose mode([
[ivy:retrieve] resolved ivy file produced in

Re: Issue with Ivy custome resolver

2010-06-08 Thread Archie Cobbs
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Shaikh Almas wrote:

 *Issue #4*

 I am using packager resolver and that packager resolver resolves the zip
 file, unzip it, extracts the jar file from it in temp build file, but it
 stays temporarily and only the jar file which i specified as a module name
 gets copied to destination rest of all are ignored. Is there a way i can
 all the jar files? I use preseverBuildDirectories but is there a better way
 to do it?

Which JAR files you get is a function of the configuration(s) specified in
your dependency and the ivy.xml of the module you're depending on (as well
as nested artifact tags, etc.). There is nothing
packager-resolver-specific about this; all resolvers work this way.

Unfortunately, there is no facility to talk directly to the packager
resolver to ask it for special favors :-)

Perhaps the module you are depending on doesn't publish all of the JARs you
need? If that's the case then contact the author of that module.

 *Issue #6*

 Is there a way i can use ivy variable in packager.xml?

Doing this would imply some kind of implicit contract between the creator of
the repository and all its users... so presumably you are using a private
repository? What goal are you trying to accomplish? (I'm just curious)

To answer your question, I'm not actually sure what will happen... my
recollection is that ant properties are not passed down through to the
packager.xml level (this is to keep the packager build pure). if it
doesn't work when you try it, then you can assume it doesn't work.


Archie L. Cobbs

Issue with Ivy custome resolver

2010-06-06 Thread Shaikh Almas
Can anyone help me with creating custom ivy resolver. I wish to extend
URLResolver, such that it will have a new class say called ProxyURLResolver
where i will set the proxy, resolve the artifact and then remove the proxy
setting. I tried extending URLResolver directly before calling setRepository
method and reseting after and had typedef as well in ivysettings.xml, but it
didn't worked. Can you please help me by telling the exact steps that i need
to follow to create new cutom resolver?


Re: Issue with Ivy custome resolver

2010-06-06 Thread Geoff Clitheroe
Are you trying to do something that you can't do with the existing Ant or
JVM proxy options?  Check the FAQ and search for proxy



On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Shaikh Almas wrote:

 Can anyone help me with creating custom ivy resolver. I wish to extend
 URLResolver, such that it will have a new class say called ProxyURLResolver
 where i will set the proxy, resolve the artifact and then remove the proxy
 setting. I tried extending URLResolver directly before calling
 method and reseting after and had typedef as well in ivysettings.xml, but
 didn't worked. Can you please help me by telling the exact steps that i
 to follow to create new cutom resolver?


Re: Issue with Ivy custome resolver

2010-06-06 Thread Maarten Coene
Can you post your settings.xml so we can see what you already have done?


- Original Message 
From: Shaikh Almas
Sent: Sun, June 6, 2010 11:24:06 AM
Subject: Issue with Ivy custome resolver

Can anyone help me with creating custom ivy resolver. I wish to extend
URLResolver, such that it will have a new class say called ProxyURLResolver
where i will set the proxy, resolve the artifact and then remove the proxy
setting. I tried extending URLResolver directly before calling setRepository
method and reseting after and had typedef as well in ivysettings.xml, but it
didn't worked. Can you please help me by telling the exact steps that i need
to follow to create new cutom resolver?
