[JAVA2D] Zoom relative to mouse position

2008-05-19 Thread java2d

I am trying to figure out how to zoom relative to the mouse pointer position. 
Below, please find my sample code.  When I position the mouse pointer on one 
corner of the red rectangle and use the mouse wheel, I am able to zoom in and 
out as expected. As soon as I move the pointer position, let's say to another 
corner of the red rectangle, and try to zoom in or out, my position relative to 
the rectangle shifts around.  I think I may be missing a transform or two. Any 
help is greatly appreciated.


Here is my code:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;

public class ZoomDemo extends JPanel {

AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();

Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(100, 100, 20, 30);

public ZoomDemo() {
this.addMouseWheelListener(new ZoomHandler());

public void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;

Path2D.Double path;
path = new Path2D.Double(rect,tx);

private class ZoomHandler implements MouseWheelListener {

Point oldPoint = null;

double scale = 1.0;

public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) {
if(e.getScrollType() == 
MouseWheelEvent.WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL) {

scale += (.1 * e.getWheelRotation());
scale = Math.max(0.1, scale);
Point p = e.getPoint();

tx = 
AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(p.getX(), p.getY());
tx.scale(scale, scale);
tx.translate(-p.getX(), -p.getY());




public static void main(String[] args) {

JFrame f = new JFrame(ZoomDemo);
ZoomDemo zoomDemo = new ZoomDemo();
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(zoomDemo);
f.setSize(500, 500);

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[JAVA2D] Developing a CAD Engine

2008-05-19 Thread java2d
I am developing a CAD Engine Using Java Technology.
I need assistance of those peoples worked with Java 

What i need is nothing but my programme could perform basic 
drawings feature i.e. draw line, draw rectangle, circle 
insert text and etc. 

for this i need a bit assistance.

any programmer who worked with this contace me.
I am a fresh student and need any one who understand the 
java graphics.
[Message sent by forum member 'yousafzee' (yousafzee)]


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Re: [JAVA2D] JAI package (show an error that package doesn't exist)

2008-05-19 Thread java2d
Hello experts:

Please help me for this.
I've install JAI package to my c:\ root and have added C:\jai-1_1_2_01\lib to 
my CLASSPATH value. How do i use the JAIPlugIn class? do i add it to one of my 
package then set it as my jai.class in my properties object? How do i start? Is 
there step by step instructions?

Any help will be appreciated
Thanks in advance

[Message sent by forum member 'maijavanet' (maijavanet)]


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[JAVA2D] Prototype applet using BufferedImage...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

If I do this to get the pixels from an image for later rendering in a
MemoryImageSource my applet runs fine.

width = image.getWidth(canvas);
height = image.getHeight(canvas);
pixels = new int [width * height ];
int cnt = 0;
pg = new PixelGrabber(image,0,0,width,height,pixels,0,width);
   while (pg.grabPixels(0) != true)
   if ((pg.getStatus()  ImageObserver.ABORT) != 0)
  System.err.println(Image fetch aborted or errored...);

If I do this -- then the applet becomes sluggish to the point
of not being usable.
int [] pixels = null;
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new 

Iterator readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName(jpg);
ImageReader reader = (ImageReader)readers.next();
ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
bi = new BufferedImage(1024,1024,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
reader.setInput(iis, true);
bi = reader.read(0,param);
width = bi.getWidth();
height = bi.getHeight();
pixels = 

Does this have something to do with the way integer arrays
are stored?  Is there indirection involved somewhere.

I've attached my entire class file for your inspection.

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package pantile;

import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import javax.imageio.*;
import javax.imageio.stream.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class PanTileImageFetch implements Runnable

private URL imageURL = null;
private PanTileCanvas canvas = null;
private PanTileProjector projector = null;
private PanTileApplet applet = null;
private final int CHUNKSIZE = 1024;
public byte[] imageBuffer = null;
public InputStream in = null;
public int numRead = 0;
public int size = 0;
public boolean cache = true;
private int [] pixels = null;
private PixelGrabber pg = null;
private Image image = null;

public PanTileImageFetch(PanTileApplet a)
applet = a;
public void setImageURL(URL u)
imageURL = u;

public void setCanvas(PanTileCanvas c)
canvas = c;

public void setProjector(PanTileProjector p)
projector = p;
public boolean FIRSTIMAGELOADED = false;
public boolean READKILL = false;
public boolean getImageBytes()
int numRead = 0;
int offset = 0;   
if(PanTileApplet.DEBUG) System.err.println(getImageBytes()...);
URLConnection urlConnection = imageURL.openConnection();
//if(canvas != null)
//canvas.paintCachingIndicator(Loading., FIRSTIMAGELOADED);
size = urlConnection.getContentLength();
if(size = 0)
if(canvas != null)
canvas.paintMsgScreen(Image zero length...,false);
return false;   

imageBuffer = new byte[size];
in = urlConnection.getInputStream();
if(PanTileApplet.DEBUG) System.err.println(Starting Read...);
while((numRead = in.read(imageBuffer,offset,imageBuffer.length - offset)) != -1)
//if(PanTileApplet.DEBUG) System.err.println(Bytes Read =  + numRead);
if(READKILL) return false;
offset += numRead;
if(offset = imageBuffer.length)
byte[] temp = new byte[imageBuffer.length + CHUNKSIZE];
System.arraycopy(imageBuffer, 0, temp, 0, offset);
imageBuffer = temp;
//if(canvas != null)

Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Jim Graham
When I run the applets from appletviewer I see 16 numbers printed on the 
console for the BI version but only 8 printed for the PG version - 
hopefully there isn't a typo causing the loads to be done twice?


Ken Warner wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  It's
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic 

If I had a white board I could draw a diagram that explains everything.

It's a realtime (sort of) projection.

Anyway, here's the two different versions of the applet I promised.  One
uses PixelGrabber the other uses BufferedImage.  This is the performace
problem I'm seeing.

I always take the blame for something like this until proven otherwise.

So I must be doing something wrong but the code is so simple I just
don't see where.



PixelGrabber works ok for a prototype.
BufferedImage is a mystery yet.

You have the source to the class where
the problem is.  If you have time to take a look at makeBuffereImage()
and maybe you will see something I don't.


Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

Do you really need to rewrite it all the way through?  For example, 
the massaged data (that has been run through the panoramic projection) 
could be stored in integer format - it's just the code that reads a 
pixel out of the source tiles that needs to change, but any 
intermediate storage and the final storage that you use could be 

I'd have to see the conversion code to make any suggestions beyond 
these guesses...


Ken Warner wrote:

I'll try that.

Using bi = reader.read(0,param);
PanTile Testbed

Using bi = reader.read(0) -default reader
PanTile Testbed

Using PixelGrabber etc.
PanTile Testbed

Clearly the default reader is faster by a lot -- except the data is
not in a format I can use in the current version.  The current version
of the apple is only expected to download one image so I wasn't much
concerned with that piece of code.

A version loading tiles is another thing.  But the code would have to
be re-written all the way through to the final paint loop.  Because I 

integer arrays everywhere.

Maybe it  would be worth the effort if I could be sure that the final
performance was really going to be much faster than it is now.  The
rendering would have to be significantly faster to make the re-write
really worth the effort.

And while I have been resistent to the idea of using BufferedImages --
I will do anything to make my applet faster.  But given that the
applet is stable and fairly well tuned using integer arrays, I'm not
likely to re-write it using the three byte databuffer to save 800ms
per 1meg tile.  Tiles will most likely be even smaller.

*And the performance slowdown is after I get the pixels from the 

After the int [] pixels is assigned to, all the other code remains 
the same

except I see this unexplained slow down in user interaction.

If I can figure that problem out (with your help) then it might be 
worth the


[stuff deleted]

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Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

I just thought of something.  What is the alpha channel set to
when the BufferedImage is created and the databuffer is extracted?

If the alpha channel is 0, that would explain a lot.  That means the
image is transparent.  There's two stages of rendering.  The first stage
only does nearest neighbor interpolation.  The second stage does a bi-cubic
interpolation and I explicitly initialize the alpha channel to 0xff to make
the image not transparent.

Ken Warner wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  It's
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic 

If I had a white board I could draw a diagram that explains everything.

It's a realtime (sort of) projection.

Anyway, here's the two different versions of the applet I promised.  One
uses PixelGrabber the other uses BufferedImage.  This is the performace
problem I'm seeing.

I always take the blame for something like this until proven otherwise.

So I must be doing something wrong but the code is so simple I just
don't see where.



PixelGrabber works ok for a prototype.
BufferedImage is a mystery yet.

You have the source to the class where
the problem is.  If you have time to take a look at makeBuffereImage()
and maybe you will see something I don't.


Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

Do you really need to rewrite it all the way through?  For example, 
the massaged data (that has been run through the panoramic projection) 
could be stored in integer format - it's just the code that reads a 
pixel out of the source tiles that needs to change, but any 
intermediate storage and the final storage that you use could be 

I'd have to see the conversion code to make any suggestions beyond 
these guesses...


Ken Warner wrote:

I'll try that.

Using bi = reader.read(0,param);
PanTile Testbed

Using bi = reader.read(0) -default reader
PanTile Testbed

Using PixelGrabber etc.
PanTile Testbed

Clearly the default reader is faster by a lot -- except the data is
not in a format I can use in the current version.  The current version
of the apple is only expected to download one image so I wasn't much
concerned with that piece of code.

A version loading tiles is another thing.  But the code would have to
be re-written all the way through to the final paint loop.  Because I 

integer arrays everywhere.

Maybe it  would be worth the effort if I could be sure that the final
performance was really going to be much faster than it is now.  The
rendering would have to be significantly faster to make the re-write
really worth the effort.

And while I have been resistent to the idea of using BufferedImages --
I will do anything to make my applet faster.  But given that the
applet is stable and fairly well tuned using integer arrays, I'm not
likely to re-write it using the three byte databuffer to save 800ms
per 1meg tile.  Tiles will most likely be even smaller.

*And the performance slowdown is after I get the pixels from the 

After the int [] pixels is assigned to, all the other code remains 
the same

except I see this unexplained slow down in user interaction.

If I can figure that problem out (with your help) then it might be 
worth the


[stuff deleted]

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Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Jim Graham

The 3byte databuffer has no storage available for an alpha value.

When the data is loaded into the TYPE_INT_RGB BufferedImage there is no 
alpha stored there since that is an opaque type.  More specifically, if 
you load one of the integers from the underlying int[] pixel array of 
such an image the upper 8 bits are undefined and should be ignored - if 
those bits are 0 then that does not mean that the pixel is transparent, 
and if they contain a 0xff value then that is just a lucky coincidence 
as those bits are not explicitly tracked or initialized by any code that 
deals with that image type...


Ken Warner wrote:

I just thought of something.  What is the alpha channel set to
when the BufferedImage is created and the databuffer is extracted?

If the alpha channel is 0, that would explain a lot.  That means the
image is transparent.  There's two stages of rendering.  The first stage
only does nearest neighbor interpolation.  The second stage does a bi-cubic
interpolation and I explicitly initialize the alpha channel to 0xff to make
the image not transparent.

Ken Warner wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  It's
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic 

If I had a white board I could draw a diagram that explains everything.

It's a realtime (sort of) projection.

Anyway, here's the two different versions of the applet I promised.  One
uses PixelGrabber the other uses BufferedImage.  This is the performace
problem I'm seeing.

I always take the blame for something like this until proven otherwise.

So I must be doing something wrong but the code is so simple I just
don't see where.



PixelGrabber works ok for a prototype.
BufferedImage is a mystery yet.

You have the source to the class where
the problem is.  If you have time to take a look at makeBuffereImage()
and maybe you will see something I don't.


Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

Do you really need to rewrite it all the way through?  For example, 
the massaged data (that has been run through the panoramic 
projection) could be stored in integer format - it's just the code 
that reads a pixel out of the source tiles that needs to change, but 
any intermediate storage and the final storage that you use could be 

I'd have to see the conversion code to make any suggestions beyond 
these guesses...


Ken Warner wrote:

I'll try that.

Using bi = reader.read(0,param);
PanTile Testbed

Using bi = reader.read(0) -default reader
PanTile Testbed

Using PixelGrabber etc.
PanTile Testbed

Clearly the default reader is faster by a lot -- except the data is
not in a format I can use in the current version.  The current version
of the apple is only expected to download one image so I wasn't much
concerned with that piece of code.

A version loading tiles is another thing.  But the code would have to
be re-written all the way through to the final paint loop.  Because 
I use

integer arrays everywhere.

Maybe it  would be worth the effort if I could be sure that the final
performance was really going to be much faster than it is now.  The
rendering would have to be significantly faster to make the re-write
really worth the effort.

And while I have been resistent to the idea of using BufferedImages --
I will do anything to make my applet faster.  But given that the
applet is stable and fairly well tuned using integer arrays, I'm not
likely to re-write it using the three byte databuffer to save 800ms
per 1meg tile.  Tiles will most likely be even smaller.

*And the performance slowdown is after I get the pixels from the 

After the int [] pixels is assigned to, all the other code remains 
the same

except I see this unexplained slow down in user interaction.

If I can figure that problem out (with your help) then it might be 
worth the


[stuff deleted]


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Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

Whatever...  The image was not being drawn because the alpha
channel was 0x00.  Initializing the alpha channel to 0xff allowed
us to see the image.  I don't have a lot of energy for a big discussion
about this.

But this whole experiment still leads me back to ask for a way to
decode an image directly into an integer array like I first asked.

Something like pixels = imageReader.decodeFileBytesToIntegerArray(...)

But all I seem to get from you is ...rewrite the applet...  Ok.

I think I'm done.

Jim Graham wrote:
The MemoryImageSource relies on the ColorModel to define whether or not 
the data contains an alpha channel.  If you use one of the MIS 
constructors that does not take a ColorModel object then those 
constructors are specifically specified to use the default RGB 
ColorModel as defined by the ColorModel.getRGBdefault() method which 
specifies 8 bits of alpha.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that it means it's transparent 
to [...] BufferStrategy since that object doesn't deal with pixel 
storage formats...


Ken Warner wrote:

Maybe it doesn't mean the BufferedImage is transparent but
0x00 in the alpha channel of a pixels means it's transparent to the
MemoryImageSource and BufferStrategy.

Jim Graham wrote:

The 3byte databuffer has no storage available for an alpha value.

When the data is loaded into the TYPE_INT_RGB BufferedImage there is 
no alpha stored there since that is an opaque type.  More 
specifically, if you load one of the integers from the underlying 
int[] pixel array of such an image the upper 8 bits are undefined and 
should be ignored - if those bits are 0 then that does not mean that 
the pixel is transparent, and if they contain a 0xff value then that 
is just a lucky coincidence as those bits are not explicitly tracked 
or initialized by any code that deals with that image type...


Ken Warner wrote:

I just thought of something.  What is the alpha channel set to
when the BufferedImage is created and the databuffer is extracted?

If the alpha channel is 0, that would explain a lot.  That means the
image is transparent.  There's two stages of rendering.  The first 
only does nearest neighbor interpolation.  The second stage does a 
interpolation and I explicitly initialize the alpha channel to 0xff 
to make

the image not transparent.

Ken Warner wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic 

If I had a white board I could draw a diagram that explains 

It's a realtime (sort of) projection.

Anyway, here's the two different versions of the applet I 
promised.  One
uses PixelGrabber the other uses BufferedImage.  This is the 

problem I'm seeing.

I always take the blame for something like this until proven 

So I must be doing something wrong but the code is so simple I just
don't see where.



PixelGrabber works ok for a prototype.
BufferedImage is a mystery yet.

You have the source to the class where
the problem is.  If you have time to take a look at makeBuffereImage()
and maybe you will see something I don't.


Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

Do you really need to rewrite it all the way through?  For 
example, the massaged data (that has been run through the 
panoramic projection) could be stored in integer format - it's 
just the code that reads a pixel out of the source tiles that 
needs to change, but any intermediate storage and the final 
storage that you use could be integer-based.

I'd have to see the conversion code to make any suggestions beyond 
these guesses...


Ken Warner wrote:

I'll try that.

Using bi = reader.read(0,param);
PanTile Testbed

Using bi = reader.read(0) -default reader
PanTile Testbed

Using PixelGrabber etc.
PanTile Testbed

Clearly the default reader is faster by a lot -- except the data is
not in a format I can use in the current version.  The current 

of the apple is only expected to download one image so I wasn't much
concerned with that piece of code.

A version loading tiles is another thing.  But the code would 
have to
be re-written all the way through to the final paint loop.  
Because I use

integer arrays everywhere.

Maybe it  would be worth the effort if I could be sure that the 

performance was really going to be much faster than it is now.  The
rendering would have to be significantly faster to make the re-write
really worth the effort.

And while I have been resistent to the idea of using 
BufferedImages --

I will do anything to make my applet faster.  But given that the
applet is stable and fairly well tuned using 

Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Jim Graham

Hi Ken,

I'm sorry that you are having trouble understanding the newer imaging 
APIs as they generally provide facilities that are quite flexible and 
useful for writing the type of application that you are creating here. 
The primary missing link would seem to be some documentation that would 
bridge the gap for you and I have been trying to help you out there with 
some email conversations behind the scenes.  Apparently the frustration 
there is not worth the gains for you.

This may not make sense to you, but your request for a new API to 
produce the data you want would not streamline the process for the 
simple fact that you want to work with data in a format that differs 
from what is generated by the JPEG decoders so some format conversion 
must occur somewhere.  The only conversion free way to get the raw 
pixel data from the JPEG decoders is to accept it in the 3byte format 
that they want to generate it in.  Your request for a new API would not 
change that fundamental fact of the JPEG format in any way.

The old PixelGrabber code was probably the least efficient way to get 
the data converted into the format you want.

The ImageI/O mechanism you chose, which allows you to specify the format 
of the generated BufferedImage is more efficient than the PixelGrabber 
method per your own image reading benchmarks.  Apparently it had some 
negative interaction with the rest of the code which I was hoping to 
help you figure out, but it is hard for me to debug such problems via 
email without seeing the rest of the code.

Adapting your code to the inherent storage format used by the JPEG 
decoders (the 3byte format) is the only way to eliminate the loading 

We aren't being lazy or obstinate here Ken.  Just because you can write 
pseudo-code for your desired API doesn't mean it will magically 
implement itself with zero overhead.  It won't happen.  If you do not 
wish to understand the underlying flow of pixel data enough to 
understand that, then feel free to live with the overhead of whichever 
mechanism you find most easy to use.  As you pointed out in an earlier 
email the image decoding step is far from the most important player in 
your process, so worrying about speeding up the rest of the process 
would probably be more fruitful in the long run anyway.

Good luck!


Ken Warner wrote:

Whatever...  The image was not being drawn because the alpha
channel was 0x00.  Initializing the alpha channel to 0xff allowed
us to see the image.  I don't have a lot of energy for a big discussion
about this.

But this whole experiment still leads me back to ask for a way to
decode an image directly into an integer array like I first asked.

Something like pixels = imageReader.decodeFileBytesToIntegerArray(...)

But all I seem to get from you is ...rewrite the applet...  Ok.

I think I'm done.

Jim Graham wrote:
The MemoryImageSource relies on the ColorModel to define whether or 
not the data contains an alpha channel.  If you use one of the MIS 
constructors that does not take a ColorModel object then those 
constructors are specifically specified to use the default RGB 
ColorModel as defined by the ColorModel.getRGBdefault() method which 
specifies 8 bits of alpha.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that it means it's 
transparent to [...] BufferStrategy since that object doesn't deal 
with pixel storage formats...


Ken Warner wrote:

Maybe it doesn't mean the BufferedImage is transparent but
0x00 in the alpha channel of a pixels means it's transparent to the
MemoryImageSource and BufferStrategy.

Jim Graham wrote:

The 3byte databuffer has no storage available for an alpha value.

When the data is loaded into the TYPE_INT_RGB BufferedImage there is 
no alpha stored there since that is an opaque type.  More 
specifically, if you load one of the integers from the underlying 
int[] pixel array of such an image the upper 8 bits are undefined 
and should be ignored - if those bits are 0 then that does not mean 
that the pixel is transparent, and if they contain a 0xff value then 
that is just a lucky coincidence as those bits are not explicitly 
tracked or initialized by any code that deals with that image type...


Ken Warner wrote:

I just thought of something.  What is the alpha channel set to
when the BufferedImage is created and the databuffer is extracted?

If the alpha channel is 0, that would explain a lot.  That means the
image is transparent.  There's two stages of rendering.  The first 
only does nearest neighbor interpolation.  The second stage does a 
interpolation and I explicitly initialize the alpha channel to 0xff 
to make

the image not transparent.

Ken Warner wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not communicating the step by step procedure for the projection
I guess.  It's not like you describe.  There is no massaged data.  
just a pixel map that I take a portion of and calculate a gnomic 

Re: [JAVA2D] I need a way to decode an image file directly into a byte or integer array...

2008-05-19 Thread Ken Warner

I understand the newer imaging API's well enough to know they
are awkward and lacking in flexibility and utility.

I understand your responses well enough to know when I'm being sandbagged.

I understand that any request to do anything different from the Gold
Standard of Perfection that exists only in your head is received with

I know that your response to my simple request for a simple enhancement is 
re-write your code so that we don't have to do any more work. is perfect

giant, faceless bureaucratic behavior.  Could I expect less?  Enjoy your

Jim Graham wrote:

Hi Ken,

I'm sorry that you are having trouble understanding the newer imaging 
APIs as they generally provide facilities that are quite flexible and 
useful for writing the type of application that you are creating here. 
The primary missing link would seem to be some documentation that would 
bridge the gap for you and I have been trying to help you out there with 
some email conversations behind the scenes.  Apparently the frustration 
there is not worth the gains for you.

This may not make sense to you, but your request for a new API to 
produce the data you want would not streamline the process for the 
simple fact that you want to work with data in a format that differs 
from what is generated by the JPEG decoders so some format conversion 
must occur somewhere.  The only conversion free way to get the raw 
pixel data from the JPEG decoders is to accept it in the 3byte format 
that they want to generate it in.  Your request for a new API would not 
change that fundamental fact of the JPEG format in any way.

The old PixelGrabber code was probably the least efficient way to get 
the data converted into the format you want.

The ImageI/O mechanism you chose, which allows you to specify the format 
of the generated BufferedImage is more efficient than the PixelGrabber 
method per your own image reading benchmarks.  Apparently it had some 
negative interaction with the rest of the code which I was hoping to 
help you figure out, but it is hard for me to debug such problems via 
email without seeing the rest of the code.

Adapting your code to the inherent storage format used by the JPEG 
decoders (the 3byte format) is the only way to eliminate the loading 

We aren't being lazy or obstinate here Ken.  Just because you can write 
pseudo-code for your desired API doesn't mean it will magically 
implement itself with zero overhead.  It won't happen.  If you do not 
wish to understand the underlying flow of pixel data enough to 
understand that, then feel free to live with the overhead of whichever 
mechanism you find most easy to use.  As you pointed out in an earlier 
email the image decoding step is far from the most important player in 
your process, so worrying about speeding up the rest of the process 
would probably be more fruitful in the long run anyway.

Good luck!


Ken Warner wrote:

Whatever...  The image was not being drawn because the alpha
channel was 0x00.  Initializing the alpha channel to 0xff allowed
us to see the image.  I don't have a lot of energy for a big discussion
about this.

But this whole experiment still leads me back to ask for a way to
decode an image directly into an integer array like I first asked.

Something like pixels = imageReader.decodeFileBytesToIntegerArray(...)

But all I seem to get from you is ...rewrite the applet...  Ok.

I think I'm done.

Jim Graham wrote:

The MemoryImageSource relies on the ColorModel to define whether or 
not the data contains an alpha channel.  If you use one of the MIS 
constructors that does not take a ColorModel object then those 
constructors are specifically specified to use the default RGB 
ColorModel as defined by the ColorModel.getRGBdefault() method which 
specifies 8 bits of alpha.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that it means it's 
transparent to [...] BufferStrategy since that object doesn't deal 
with pixel storage formats...


Ken Warner wrote:

Maybe it doesn't mean the BufferedImage is transparent but
0x00 in the alpha channel of a pixels means it's transparent to the
MemoryImageSource and BufferStrategy.

Jim Graham wrote:

The 3byte databuffer has no storage available for an alpha value.

When the data is loaded into the TYPE_INT_RGB BufferedImage there 
is no alpha stored there since that is an opaque type.  More 
specifically, if you load one of the integers from the underlying 
int[] pixel array of such an image the upper 8 bits are undefined 
and should be ignored - if those bits are 0 then that does not mean 
that the pixel is transparent, and if they contain a 0xff value 
then that is just a lucky coincidence as those bits are not 
explicitly tracked or initialized by any code that deals with that 
image type...


Ken Warner wrote:

I just thought of something.  What is the alpha channel set to
when the BufferedImage is created and the