Re: [JAVA2D] JDK6 update 10 - setXorMode and -Dsun.java2d.d3d=true

2008-07-30 Thread Dmitri Trembovetski

  Hi Maik,

  this is a known problem described in
6635462: D3D: XOR rendering is extremly slow

  Unfortunately there's no solution at this point.

  I would suggest to avoid using xor mode. In your case
  you can just draw the rectangle and then repaint the
  affected area when it needs to be painted at new location.
  There's no real need to use xor mode here.



Hi folks,

I've got an urgent performance problem with the Graphics-method setXorMode 
under JDK/JRE6 update 10 beta. I know it is only a beta version and therefore does not have to 
perform well, but maybe it is something from general interest and maybe (and hopefully) there is a 
solution for this problem to come.

We have a software which renders some quite complicated graphics. It just happens once 
per second and therefore it works quite well although these graphics could be more 
performant. The backbuffer pictures are of the typed Image (because it is a 
relative old library of our own) and because of this not hardware accelerated.

Recently, we added a new graphic to our software which should be rendered at 20Hz. This was impossible to do without hardware acceleration on our hardware (- Pentium M 1.8GHz, 1GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 64MB, WinXP). 
It took me some time to dig myself through all the performance possibilities and settings Java provides and ended up with VolatileImage, JRE6 update 10 beta and the switch -Dsun.java2d.d3d=true. With these settings, all works fine. The hardware renders the 20Hz graphic (which is proved by the massive decrease of CPU usage during rendering (100% - 12-15%)), the (verbatim) old Image-graphics perform the same as ever. 
Well, I have to say they perform ALMOST the same as ever . . . . 
These old graphics have the possibility to let the user zoom into them. For the zooming, a rectangle is painted into the graphic so that the user can see what he already has marked with the mouse. 
This rectangle is painted using the setXorMode-method of Graphics. This is done (as you may guess) because the rectangle has to disappear in the current position each time the user moves the mouse a little farther. Now, this Xor-operation decreases the perfomance under JRE6 update 10 with -Dsun.java2d.d3d=true in a way that the zooming mode is nearly unusable. If I set the switch -Dsun.java2d.d3d to false, the Zooming works as normal but my 20Hz graphic is not hardware accelerated anymore (which I proved by asking the ImageCapabilities of the VolatileImage).

Now, what can I do to solve this problem?

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[JAVA2D] Any way to make ANTIALIAS only use one color

2008-07-30 Thread java2d
If I draw into an Indexed bitmap, it seems that with antialias on it uses some 
kind of change color on edges algorithm. I am writing with one color, but the 
new pixels that antialiasing adds are not always the same color. I need to find 
a way to turn this off, and force it to use the same color.
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Re: [JAVA2D] JDK6 update 10 - setXorMode and -Dsun.java2d.d3d=true

2008-07-30 Thread java2d
Hi Dmitri,

can you give me a hint how I redraw only the affected area in Java? I was 
looking for something like invalidateRect but I didn't found it.
Currently I circumvent my problem by re-rendering the whole image. This works 
better but is far from the performance with d3d=false and XOR rendering.

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Re: [JAVA2D] JDK6 update 10 - setXorMode and -Dsun.java2d.d3d=true

2008-07-30 Thread java2d
Hi Dmitri,

I will try that, tomorrow.

Thank you for your help!

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