[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - socket.close(): Possibly anyone resolved this, but still I d

2008-01-10 Thread camateusno
I have a similar problem to issue: CLOSE WAIT and socket.close(),
My problem consist in this:
I have a Job that runs every 10 seconds, and every time uses a web service 
client maded with JBossWS. This web service does a operations over a remote 
The problem is that each request opens a socket and this socket is not always 
closed, because the response may not return with the HTTP code expected to 
close the socket.

For any aid thank you very much. 

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: CLOSE_WAIT and socket.close() issue

2008-01-09 Thread camateusno
I have a similar problem,
My problem consist in this: 
I have a Job that runs every 10 seconds, and every time uses a web service 
client maded with JBossWS. This web service does a operations over a remote 
The problem is that each request opens a socket and this socket is not always 
closed, because the response may not return with the HTTP code expected to 
close the socket.

For any aid thank you very much.

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: how to set headers in JAX-WS

2007-11-30 Thread camateusno
Hi friend,
i have the same problem and i think that the jbossws do it a bad parse to some 
documents WSDL.

If you know something thereon, i thank you very much, for several days working 
on it...

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How could see the endpoint the SOAP headers built by a o

2007-11-29 Thread camateusno
Thanks alessio, 
but perhaps that step, simple and intuitive,
I still do not understand.

I show you my strategy, and maybe you can give me another hand:
perhaps quite usual:

I have 
- a SEI class: QMWISeSoap
- a class that extend of class javax.xml.ws.Service, and provide the getter 
(public QMWISeSoap getQMWISeSoap()) for QMWISeSoap: QMWISe 
- a class that provide a instance of QMWISeSoap named endPoint, in its 
constructor call QMWISe.getQMWISeSoap() and assign it to endPoint : 
- a package that contain classes that extend of QMWISeWebService, each class of 
this package has a methods that call a corresponding method in the SEI class, 
using the attribute endPoint inherited from QMWISeWebService.

I begin using this classes, really wrappers of SEI, and operate perfectly.

A new requirement consist in aggregate security data in SOAP headers.

After that consume the webservice, i see other class that i dont know how fits 
in what was already running. This class is named ObjectFactory.

This class i suppose after of study it, is a factory of objects that represent 
the requests. Also provide two attributes (securityHeader and trustHeader) and 
its getters methods and setters methods. These attributes are precisely the 
data that would need for SOAP headers.

in this way:
private final static QName _Trust_QNAME = new  
QName(http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, Trust);
private final static QName _Security_QNAME = new 
QName(http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, Security);

 * Create an instance of [EMAIL PROTECTED] JAXBElement [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, name = 
public JAXBElement createSecurity(SecurityHeader value) {
return new JAXBElement(_Security_QNAME, SecurityHeader.class, null, 

My confusion is that i dont understand how relate this facility of 
ObjectFactory with the work that had operated.

First i do this:
By example 
ParticipantData.createParticipant(Participant participant)
where ParticipantData is a wrapper of part of SEI.
then, i created a object participant without using the objectfactory facility, 
since the Participant class has its constructor and work.
thinking in integrate the ObjectFactory, then now i created the instance of 
Participant using the ObjectFactory, in this way: 
participant = factory.createParticipant(), and i setting the securityheader 
with ObjectFactory. And i call the method of ParticipantData named 
createParticipant passing it the object Participant builded with the 

Lastly i discovered that in the objectfactory there are similar methods to the 
methods of my wrapper classes. Then i prove calling this methods and not the 
methods of wrappers.

Any clarification is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How could see the endpoint the SOAP headers built by a o

2007-11-29 Thread camateusno
The class objectFactory provide methods for create objects how:
in the SEI there is this:

 * This method creates a participant from the participant information 
supplied and returns the Participant ID of the new participant. If the 
Participant Name does not already exist in the database, the new participant is 
created. Any group specified will have the new participant as a member if the 
group exists in the database. Otherwise the group will be ignored.
 * @param participant
 * @return
 * returns java.lang.String
@WebMethod(operationName = CreateParticipant, action = 
@WebResult(name = Participant_ID, targetNamespace = 
@RequestWrapper(localName = CreateParticipant, targetNamespace = 
http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, className = 
@ResponseWrapper(localName = CreateParticipantResponse, targetNamespace = 
http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, className = 
public String createParticipant(
@WebParam(name = Participant, targetNamespace = 
Participant participant);

By example, What should I do for create a participant?, 
Can I should use the objectfactory? Or just call the method described in SEI. 
Yes so, as I recognize the headers offered by the factory in a call to SEI?

For any aid thanks.

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - How could see the endpoint the SOAP headers built by a objec

2007-11-28 Thread camateusno
Hi all, Im have a problem with SOAP headers, because i dont know how see it in 
endpoint. Explain:

first im consume de webservice, and i see this and more:
a class SEI: QMWISeSoap
a class that provide constructors: ObjectFactory

The server requires two soap headers, these are build by ObjectFactory, and 
return a object JAXBElement:
 * Create an instance of [EMAIL PROTECTED] JAXBElement [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, name = 
public JAXBElement createTrust(TrustHeader value) {
return new JAXBElement(_Trust_QNAME, TrustHeader.class, null, value);

Now, in a class QMWISeWebService is the call to SEI:
protected QMWISeWebService() {
try {
if (endPoint == null){
endPoint = new QMWISe().getQMWISeSoap();
} catch (Exception ex) {

And by example i have a class that inherit from QMWISeWebService :

public class ParticipantData extends QMWISeWebService {

 * This method processes a Participant Name and a Password and checks
 * whether there is a participant with the Participant Name, and if so
 * whether the Password is theirs.
 * @param participantID
 * @param password
 * @param status
 * @param participantName
public void checkParticipant(String participantName, String password,
Holder status, Holder participantID) {
endPoint.checkParticipant(participantName, password, status,

The problem is that i dont know how connect the JAXBElement returned by 
ObjectFactory with the SEI class.

Part of SEI class is:

@WebService(name = QMWISeSoap, targetNamespace = 
public interface QMWISeSoap {

 * This method provides information about the QMWISe software that is 
installed, including the version of the software that is installed, which build 
of the software is installed and a statement of Question Mark's rights under 
the license agreement.
 * @return
 * returns com.questionmark.qmwise.Version
@WebMethod(operationName = GetAbout, action = 
@WebResult(name = GetAboutResult, targetNamespace = 
@RequestWrapper(localName = GetAbout, targetNamespace = 
http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, className = 
@ResponseWrapper(localName = GetAboutResponse, targetNamespace = 
http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, className = 
public Version getAbout();

And none method of SEI have a parameter that contain data for the SOAP header.

perhaps this is a trivial problem, but im need help. thanks.

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - endPoint and SOAP headers, how to work this?

2007-11-28 Thread camateusno
Hi all, Im have a problem with SOAP headers, because i dont know how see it in 
endpoint. Explain:

first im consume de webservice, and i see this and more:
a class SEI: QMWISeSoap
a class that provide constructors: ObjectFactory

The server requires two soap headers, these are build by ObjectFactory, and 
return a object JAXBElement:
* Create an instance of [EMAIL PROTECTED] JAXBElement [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, name = Trust)
public JAXBElement createTrust(TrustHeader value) {
return new JAXBElement(_Trust_QNAME, TrustHeader.class, null, value);

Now, in a class QMWISeWebService is the call to SEI:
protected QMWISeWebService() {
try {
if (endPoint == null){
endPoint = new QMWISe().getQMWISeSoap();
} catch (Exception ex) {

And by example i have a class that inherit from QMWISeWebService :

public class ParticipantData extends QMWISeWebService {

* This method processes a Participant Name and a Password and checks
* whether there is a participant with the Participant Name, and if so
* whether the Password is theirs.
* @param participantID
* @param password
* @param status
* @param participantName
public void checkParticipant(String participantName, String password,
Holder status, Holder participantID) {
endPoint.checkParticipant(participantName, password, status,

The problem is that i dont know how connect the JAXBElement returned by 
ObjectFactory with the SEI class.

Part of SEI class is:

@WebService(name = QMWISeSoap, targetNamespace = 
public interface QMWISeSoap {

* This method provides information about the QMWISe software that is installed, 
including the version of the software that is installed, which build of the 
software is installed and a statement of Question Mark's rights under the 
license agreement.
* @return
* returns com.questionmark.qmwise.Version
@WebMethod(operationName = GetAbout, action = 
@WebResult(name = GetAboutResult, targetNamespace = 
@RequestWrapper(localName = GetAbout, targetNamespace = 
http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, className = 
@ResponseWrapper(localName = GetAboutResponse, targetNamespace = 
http://questionmark.com/QMWISe/;, className = 
public Version getAbout();

And none method of SEI have a parameter that contain data for the SOAP header.

perhaps this is a trivial problem, but im need help. thanks.

What is the mechanism?, the objectFactory provide the JAXBElement, and what to 
do with that?, What can I do so that the information finally reaches the 
envelope of soap?, thanks in advance.

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