[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Order of -object.xml is not guaranteed

2008-07-23 Thread syllant
Hi narinder,

It's a simple but limited solution, I've posted a note in JIRAabout ;-)

However, if you are satisfied with it, others surely will be, that's the main 
point :-)


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Order of -object.xml is not guaranteed

2008-07-23 Thread syllant
Hello Antoine,

I find this idea relevant for some cases but it has a major impact on project 
architecture (several web.xml declarations, several HTTP sessions, class 
dependencies between webapps, multiple deliveries, ...).

We had splitted our -object.xml files according to our web pages tree : each 
branch was declared in its own -object.xml file. It wouldn't have been relevant 
to make a webapp for each branch.

So I think this kind of architecture must not be driven by -object.xml 
separation but by real architecture needs. However it's interesting since some 
users will see that through -object.xml files :-)


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Comparing JBoss Portal to Liferay or other portal produc

2008-02-19 Thread syllant

I'm sorry to add a less convinced review about JBP.

We've chosen JBP (2.6.2) because we wanted a technical oriented portal, i.e. a 
portal with a strong architecture and without too many user oriented features 
so we could build our product on top of it. We are so disappointed that we are 
about to drop it. 

I must add that I had used several portals before, among them Liferay. I don't 
believe another one would have fit better than JBP, all of them have their own 

But I just want to point that JBP architecture seems to be very flexible and 
extensible, but is actually very rigid in several points. I'll try to sum up 
them in another post later (build/deployment process, layout/theme 
architecture, page definitions, webapps architecture, ...) to be more 
constructive than here :-)

Concerning documentation, yes it's relatively good to start but forums are more 
useful when you known JBP basics. And you'll note that 1/3 of posts are not 

I'm sorry again to be less enthousiastic whereas I am on an JBP forum, but it's 
more interesting when there is a debate :-)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Comparing JBoss Portal to Liferay or other portal produc

2008-02-19 Thread syllant
  | Please detail, nothing is worse than bringing fear, uncertainty and doubts.
  | ...
  | On the 9 messages i see from you all were questions, i don';t see how you 
contributed to help people on the forums.
What are you expecting with this charming and friendly tone (that you are not 
using for the first time) ?

No doubt it encourages to contribute.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Comparing JBoss Portal to Liferay or other portal produc

2008-02-19 Thread syllant
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Well you come and complain that '1/3 of the posts 
are not answered' it means that 2/3 of the posts *are* answered.
Who did complain ?!? You read to fast Thomas ;-) Someone asks for advices about 
JBP, I note he'll have to read this forum but I warn him that many questions 
are not answered compared to other projects. I hadn't notice this ratio when I 
had selected JBP. What's wrong with that, isn't it true ? I am not complaining, 
I have posted 5/6 times, and then I've started to search in source code rather 
than here. That's all.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Also, we have ears open on design issues and a 
dedicated forum for that, if you don't participate, we can't hear your issues 
and solutions.
Bad point for you : I've filled 4 issues on Issue Tracker. First one was 
resolved, other ones are still opened without any comment (JBPORTAL-1833, 
JBPORTAL-1832, JBPORTAL-1811). Besides, you have stated I posted only questions 
in forums, I've also posted bugs and remarks, without response. This the first 
reason why I've stopped to contribute.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : But i've met too many people who believes that 
opensource, is a place where they can take everything (including people's time) 
without having to give back, this is not my definition of opensource. I 
probably considered you as one of those a bit too fast. Sorry. I type faster 
than i calm down ;)
I'm working with OS projects for about 10 years, I'll send patches when I'm 
able to, I've created some modest projects myself, spending some time for 
support, I think I know the rules. And one of the rules is encouraging 
discussions with users. If you don't stand any criticism, I close the 
none-debate for myself, nevermind as I'll drop JBP from our architecure for our 
next release. This is the second reason why I don't contribute.

Please, read again the discussion to see how your reaction is misplaced. And 
note the Prabhat Jha's answer...

PS : I'm not sure to post my detailed notes when I see this type of reaction. 
Maybe this was intended for...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Comparing JBoss Portal to Liferay or other portal produc

2008-02-19 Thread syllant
Thanks for this more moderate tone Chris :-)

Concerning forum and JIRA management, I fully understand and I would never have 
mentioned it if a JBM team member didn't blame me for not contributing. 

And I never reproached JBP team to not answer in forums or to not be helpful 
:-) Initially, I just point it as a fact to consider for newcomers as it's a 
major criteria when you have to select an OS product.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Get page name during layout rendering

2007-11-30 Thread syllant
Yes, this would work for breadcrumbs, even though you have to make assumptions 
to stop at portal root when reading parent path.

But this would not work when building navigation menu beacause you need more 
information than page name. I use 'navigation' region to display top pages, and 
I build a tree-menu of nested pages inside layout. I only could build this menu 
inside 'navigation' region and display it elsewhere in the page because I've 
implemented it with Javascript.

I find layout management too rigid, hope it will be more flexible with next 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Order of -object.xml is not guaranteed

2007-11-29 Thread syllant

When you have to define lots of pages using -object.xml descriptor, you'll 
probably want to use several -object.xml files.

But this approach has a severe limitation : loading order is not guaranteed ! 
So portal node may be loaded after pages nodes !

Problem is that although descriptors URL are sorted before parsing, their 
parsing results are put in a non-sorted Map (cf. 

I've made a temporary patch, but is there any chance to see this resolved for 
next release ?


PS : seems like there's a bug in class org.jboss.portal.common.util.SetMap, it 
doesn't apply sort when passing a comparator in constructor. Whereas ListMap 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Get page name during layout rendering

2007-11-27 Thread syllant

What's the recommended way to access page information (e.g. : its name, its 
type, ...) during layout rendering (with JSP layout) ?

I need this to display a breadcrump. The only way I've found is to define it in 
the navigation region, but I wish I could move the output code outside the 

You can use Navigation.getCurrentNode() inside portlet or navigation tabs, but 
this doesn't work inside the layout JSP since the servlet request is not 
populated the same way (cf. LayoutDispatcher).

I can't imagine you can't display the page name using the layout JSP, how do 
you achieve that ?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Localizing Tab that has spaces in its name

2007-11-22 Thread syllant
This seems to be clean :-)

But I wish you could redesign -object.xml usage since it's quite confusing. 

I'm new to JBP (2 weeks) but I've used other portals. What I miss most in JPB 
is a import/export module (or backup/restore). There should be a way to 
redeploy a portal with its content easily. This is why probably many of us use 
-object.xml files, to keep a externalized definition of portal content.

But my impression is that these descriptors where designed as bootstrappers, 
i.e. to quickly build a portal core, and not as whole portal definition. This 
is why there are design issues like this (tab localization), which don't fit 
this goal.

What I'd like is to keep these descriptors as simple bootstrappers (i.e. 
without handling localization) and be able to export and import portal : 
structure, content, configuration, users, ... I've seen this was planned for 
2.8, great :-)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Preferences localization

2007-11-21 Thread syllant

I don't manage to localize portlet preferences.

I've set resource-bundle and supported-locale in portlet.xml but in 
administration page, I see : LocalizedString[value='xxx',defaultLocale=en].

Besides, bundles are defined in french and english, administrator is configured 
with french locale and I don't understand why default locale should be 

Note that both bundles are correctly loaded since I see LocalizeString objects 
when debugging ContainerPreferencesInfo.

portlet.xml :portlet
  | portlet-nameX/portlet-name
  | portlet-classX/portlet-class
  | resource-bundlei18n/PortletMessages/resource-bundle
  | supports
  |   mime-typetext/html/mime-type
  |   portlet-modehelp/portlet-mode
  | /supports
  | portlet-preferences
  |   preference
  | namexxx/name
  | valuesome value/value
  |   /preference
  | /portlet-preferences
  | supported-localefr/supported-locale
  | portlet-info
  |   title/ !-- Dynamically generated --
  | /portlet-info
  |   /portlet

WEB-INF/classes/i18n/PortletMessages_en.properties (same for _fr) 
:javax.portlet.preference.name.xxx = Some name
  | javax.portlet.preference.description.xxx = Some description


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Localizing Tab that has spaces in its name

2007-11-21 Thread syllant
anonymous wrote : We made changes in that area for 2.6.3.
  | You can have display names in the -object.xml descriptor now, we are 
working on the GUI to let you do it there too. 

Manage titles localization inside resource bundles seems to me more natural : 
this is the role of bundles ! -object.xml files should only be used as 
technical configuration files, shouldn't they ? This is quite unusual in J2EE : 
you don't manage portlet title localization or portlet preferences localization 
in portlet.xml for example !

I'm not bothered by restrictions with object names (like no space character) 
but by :

- not being able to localize names using their full path, using object 
hierarchy, .e.g. : PAGENAME_default.page1.subpage1=xxx
- having to define localization outside my webapp

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Localizing Tab that has spaces in its name

2007-11-21 Thread syllant
anonymous wrote : 
  | The issue is that resource bundles (as file) cannot be changed at runtime, 
so when you add a page you cannot change it.
? But this is the same for -object.xml descriptor, both provide default values 

anonymous wrote : 
  | I was also thinking of resource bundles as default values that could be 
overridden with whatever is in database. Would that fit your use case ? 
This is what I would expect :-)

Where would you put bundles ? Could we use hierarchical page keys (e.g. : 
default.page1.subpage1) ?

anonymous wrote : 
  | portlet.xml is different... It's a deployment feature, not a way to 
populate data (opposite from -object.xml) so please there is no need for 
exclamation marks.
There was a hidden smile under the exclamation mark, that was not supposed to 
be rude :-) Even though I think both are descriptors which should not store 
localization. But this is just my humble opinion...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: JBoss Portal and Version Control

2007-11-06 Thread syllant
No you are not alone :-)
But I'm a newbie so I can't provide relevant information yet :-(

I'm quite astonished to see so few information about industrializing process 
with JPB. Experienced users : we need you :-)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: JBoss Portal : Best Practices

2007-11-05 Thread syllant
Nobody to answer to these relevant questions ?

Seems to me that best approch would consist in building another SAR for 
specific needs, but as far as I understand, you have to override some files 
inside core modules to get a portal really customized. Examples :

- META-INF/jboss-service.xml to customize header pages, error pages, ... 
(otherwise, override default files)
- portal-cms.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml to customize CMS
- portal-server.war/*.jsp for authentication
- etc.

I am setting up my first project with JBP. I've decided to override default 
files which needs changes (these files are externalized inside custom modules 
in SVN) and to create a SAR which stores all files specific to our portal : 
custom portlets, theme, layout, ...

But I'm not totally satisfied with this approch (and its implementation with 
Maven) : I wish I could customize a portal without changing default 

How do you resolve this ?


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