RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent

As I mentioned in our private email exchange, here are my results for the
community to see.  Thanks for investigating with me.  Thanks also to others
who replied.

In the manifest of the EJB JAR file, I referred to my library JARs relative
to the EJB instead of relative to the root of the EAR.  For example,


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Ant 1.5.1
Class-Path: libs/apogent-common.jar libs/eif-ejb.jar


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Ant 1.5.1
Class-Path: ../libs/apogent-common.jar ../libs/eif-ejb.jar

The BEFORE approach works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.x; while the AFTER approach
works in 3.x, I don't know whether it works in 2.4.10.  I won't be able to
try it until tomorrow or I'm at work on Monday.


This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent

The way that our Ant build script has always been configured is below.  I
believe that we're doing what you recommend, yet I did not resolve my
problem with JBoss 3.x until I referred to library JARs in manifest.txt
relative to the EJB JARs instead of the EAR root.  I'm sharing this
information because I do not completely understand your post.  Maybe you can
provide your own BEFORE and AFTER scenarios as I did in my earlier post.  If
you can still find time to explore these issues, I would greatly appreciate

!-- = --
!-- Package the application in a JAR file for distribution/deployment --
!-- = --
target name=dist.jar
jar jarfile=${dist}/ejb/${}.jar
metainf dir=${src.res}/META-INF
include name=ejb-jar.xml /
!-- all main classes, i.e., no test classes --
fileset dir=${build.main} /

Contents of manifest.txt (there is a new line at the end of the Class-Path

Class-Path: ../libs/apogent-common.jar ../libs/eif-ejb.jar

 -Original Message-
 From: Rod Macpherson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 7:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6
 This whole issue only arises when you try to get a slimmed 
 down EAR with no duplicates. There are so many ways to work 
 around this that it comes as no surprise that you one ends up 
 shrugging if off as no biggie but when several folks reported 
 the problem I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Turned out 
 it was my ant script. Yes, put everything in the right place 
 with the correct syntax and all of that but assumed, 
 incorrectly, that the class loader would pick up MANIFEST.MF. 
 Jarred everything up with no complaint from ANT (it was 
 supposed to complain about this) but there was a problem.
 HINT: jar.. ... metainf 
 dir=whatever include file=* /metainf jar
 Make sure you DO NOT have MANIFEST.MF in  META-INF or where 
 it ultimately must be to actually work.  Create manifest 
 files (call 'em anything you
 like) and include that particular file in the jar manifest 
 attribute. Feel free to flame away for having missed this.

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Fredrik Lindgren
I really don't know why it is not working for you. There might be some 
configuration difference that we both consider irrelevant for this, and 
for that reason miss to recognize. Anyway, I wrote a small test 
application to verify that my setup still works in 3.0.6. It works on my 
installation (Jboss 3.0.6 unzipped and no configuration touched, jdk 
1.4.1, windows 2000).

I have attached the ear file and a zip file with the java sources. 
Please don't judge my general coding from theses sources since they were 
only built to test just this dependency configuration issue. I would be 
very interested to see if it works ok on your configuration, and if not, 
to learn what the difference might be.

The application includes:
- a third party library jar (jakarta-regexp)
- a library jar of my own with just one class.
- an ejb jar with a stateless session bean using classes from both 
library jars.
- a web application war using library classes from both library jars in 
calls to the stateless session bean. (using only local ref for regexp 
since it the RE class is not serializable, but using both local and 
remote ref when using the test class in my own library)

Just deploy the ear and hit the root context. This should give you an 
ugly html form with three input fields. Enter any string in the first 
one and give a regexp pattern an a text to split using the pattern in 
the second and third ones. submit and it should return some text.

I haven't tested class path dependencies on weblogic, but I'll probably 
have the opportunity next week to test on both Websphere and Sybase 

I'm really not trying to prove you wrong, I'm just informing about how I 
made it work for our required dependencies hoping it might help someone 
with similar requirements.

/Fredrik Lindgren

Rod Macpherson wrote:
Fredrik, here's a little background. We know the jars in application.xml are
for application clients and that we should not put utility jars there -
whether it is the perfect location for such information or not. I have made
that point made and Craig just reiterated it. The prescribed solution is to
use Class-Path because that construct already existed for downloadable
jars - in my opinion that was not a good decision. That ground has been
covered ad nauseam. Therein lies the problem: it fails on weblogic it fails
on 3.0.2 of JBoss and Craig has just reported that it fails on 3.0.4 and
3.0.6. Since I have never seen a working example of Class-Path loads being
effective I tend to discount your claim that is works. I am sure the
application works but I am suspicious that it works because you have
specified the utility jars that way. I would hasten to add it fails and has
always failed in WebLogic 6.X service pack X. I will personally recommend
you for guru-dom if you can tell me what Craig and I are doing wrong in
setting this up but you have to admit tying shoe laces is more difficult
that adding a jar path to Class-Path :)

- Original Message -
From: Fredrik Lindgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

You should not put these jars in application.xml, that's for application
clients. You should however put the class path entries in the manifest
files of the WARs and ejb jars that depend on the common library jars. I
have not tested on 3.0.6, but I definately have it working in 3.0.4

/Fredrik Lindgren (not a JBoss guru, but hopefully helpful anyway)

Rod Macpherson wrote:

I vote they formalize the java module as a clean, intuitive and


mechanism for placing utility jars in EAR scope.

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

3.0.4 did not work either.  Like Rod, the EAR will work if I include all
library JARs in application.xml as java modules.  According to the FAQ
that I cited earlier


though, the use of application.xml is NOT appropriate.  However, I know


no other way to create a single deployment unit for my application.  I
appeal to you again, JBoss gurus, please explain!!!

Thanks for your time,

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent

Thanks for posting your test.  By inspection and based on my earlier post
(which arrived out of order for me) showing my BEFORE and AFTER scenarios, I
believe your test will work.  (I'll try it as soon as I have the chance).
Below are some observations on the structure of our EAR files, using your
EAR as an example in all three cases.

Your EAR structure that works:


My EAR structure that doesn't work:


My EAR structure that does work:


Note that the common feature that allows your EAR and one of mine to work
is that we reference the third-party library JARs relative to the EJB JARs
(also the EAR root in your case).  I propose that if you place your EJB JAR
in a subdirectory of the EAR and leave your library JARs where they are,
your deployment will fail as mine did, indicating that entries in the
manifest of your EJB could not be read and were thus ignored, followed by
NoClassDefFoundErrors.  Like me, you would need to prefix the manifest
entries with ../.  If you try such a test, please post your results to the

Thanks again for your help in investigating these issues.


This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Rod Macpherson
That is a good point but being relative to the component's location in the
EAR but my problem was my ant script and the metainf and manifest tags: the
paths were correct in my case. Packaging without duplicating or using the
system classpath or jboss library to eliminate duplicates is definitely
cleaner and although java works for vanilla beans in JBoss it's not spec.

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 7:49 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6


 The way that our Ant build script has always been configured is below.  I
 believe that we're doing what you recommend, yet I did not resolve my
 problem with JBoss 3.x until I referred to library JARs in manifest.txt
 relative to the EJB JARs instead of the EAR root.  I'm sharing this
 information because I do not completely understand your post.  Maybe you
 provide your own BEFORE and AFTER scenarios as I did in my earlier post.
 you can still find time to explore these issues, I would greatly

 !-- = --
 !-- Package the application in a JAR file for distribution/deployment --
 !-- = --
 target name=dist.jar
 jar jarfile=${dist}/ejb/${}.jar
 metainf dir=${src.res}/META-INF
 include name=ejb-jar.xml /
 !-- all main classes, i.e., no test classes --
 fileset dir=${build.main} /

 Contents of manifest.txt (there is a new line at the end of the Class-Path

 Class-Path: ../libs/apogent-common.jar ../libs/eif-ejb.jar

  -Original Message-
  From: Rod Macpherson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 7:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6
  This whole issue only arises when you try to get a slimmed
  down EAR with no duplicates. There are so many ways to work
  around this that it comes as no surprise that you one ends up
  shrugging if off as no biggie but when several folks reported
  the problem I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Turned out
  it was my ant script. Yes, put everything in the right place
  with the correct syntax and all of that but assumed,
  incorrectly, that the class loader would pick up MANIFEST.MF.
  Jarred everything up with no complaint from ANT (it was
  supposed to complain about this) but there was a problem.
  HINT: jar.. ... metainf
  dir=whatever include file=* /metainf jar
  Make sure you DO NOT have MANIFEST.MF in  META-INF or where
  it ultimately must be to actually work.  Create manifest
  files (call 'em anything you
  like) and include that particular file in the jar manifest
  attribute. Feel free to flame away for having missed this.

 This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
 SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
 JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Fredrik Lindgren
I really don't know why it is not working for you. There might be some
configuration difference that we both consider irrelevant for this, and
for that reason miss to recognize. Anyway, I wrote a small test
application to verify that my setup still works in 3.0.6. It works on my
installation (Jboss 3.0.6 unzipped and no configuration touched, jdk
1.4.1, windows 2000).

I'll send two quick follow ups with the ear and the java sources (too 
big for the list if sent together).

Please don't judge my general coding from theses sources since they were
only built to test just this dependency configuration issue. I would be
very interested to see if it works ok on your configuration, and if not,
to learn what the difference might be.

The application includes:
- a third party library jar (jakarta-regexp)
- a library jar of my own with just one class.
- an ejb jar with a stateless session bean using classes from both
library jars.
- a web application war using library classes from both library jars in
calls to the stateless session bean. (using only local ref for regexp
since it the RE class is not serializable, but using both local and
remote ref when using the test class in my own library)

Just deploy the ear and hit the root context. This should give you an
ugly html form with three input fields. Enter any string in the first
one and give a regexp pattern an a text to split using the pattern in
the second and third ones. submit and it should return some text.

I haven't tested class path dependencies on weblogic, but I'll probably
have the opportunity next week to test on both Websphere and Sybase

I'm really not trying to prove you wrong, I'm just informing about how I
made it work for our required dependencies hoping it might help someone
with similar requirements.

/Fredrik Lindgren

Rod Macpherson wrote:
 Fredrik, here's a little background. We know the jars in 
application.xml are
 for application clients and that we should not put utility jars there -
 whether it is the perfect location for such information or not. I 
have made
 that point made and Craig just reiterated it. The prescribed solution 
is to
 use Class-Path because that construct already existed for downloadable
 jars - in my opinion that was not a good decision. That ground has been
 covered ad nauseam. Therein lies the problem: it fails on weblogic it 
 on 3.0.2 of JBoss and Craig has just reported that it fails on 3.0.4 and
 3.0.6. Since I have never seen a working example of Class-Path loads 
 effective I tend to discount your claim that is works. I am sure the
 application works but I am suspicious that it works because you have
 specified the utility jars that way. I would hasten to add it fails 
and has
 always failed in WebLogic 6.X service pack X. I will personally recommend
 you for guru-dom if you can tell me what Craig and I are doing wrong in
 setting this up but you have to admit tying shoe laces is more difficult
 that adding a jar path to Class-Path :)

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Fredrik Lindgren
The list mamager software did not accept my 59k message so I had to 
break it into  smaller pieces. The ear file is attached to this message.
/Fredrik Lindgren

Rod Macpherson wrote:
Fredrik, here's a little background. We know the jars in application.xml are
for application clients and that we should not put utility jars there -
whether it is the perfect location for such information or not. I have made
that point made and Craig just reiterated it. The prescribed solution is to
use Class-Path because that construct already existed for downloadable
jars - in my opinion that was not a good decision. That ground has been
covered ad nauseam. Therein lies the problem: it fails on weblogic it fails
on 3.0.2 of JBoss and Craig has just reported that it fails on 3.0.4 and
3.0.6. Since I have never seen a working example of Class-Path loads being
effective I tend to discount your claim that is works. I am sure the
application works but I am suspicious that it works because you have
specified the utility jars that way. I would hasten to add it fails and has
always failed in WebLogic 6.X service pack X. I will personally recommend
you for guru-dom if you can tell me what Craig and I are doing wrong in
setting this up but you have to admit tying shoe laces is more difficult
that adding a jar path to Class-Path :)

- Original Message -
From: Fredrik Lindgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

Description: Binary data

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Rod Macpherson
Thanks Fredrik. Good of you to provide that sample but as Craig mentioned
the case has been closed. Now have a slim 'n trim EAR file that can be
dropped into a virgin JBoss install and run - or a legacy application server
for that matter.

- Original Message -
From: Fredrik Lindgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

 I really don't know why it is not working for you. There might be some
 configuration difference that we both consider irrelevant for this, and
 for that reason miss to recognize. Anyway, I wrote a small test
 application to verify that my setup still works in 3.0.6. It works on my
 installation (Jboss 3.0.6 unzipped and no configuration touched, jdk
 1.4.1, windows 2000).

 I have attached the ear file and a zip file with the java sources.
 Please don't judge my general coding from theses sources since they were
 only built to test just this dependency configuration issue. I would be
 very interested to see if it works ok on your configuration, and if not,
 to learn what the difference might be.

 The application includes:
 - a third party library jar (jakarta-regexp)
 - a library jar of my own with just one class.
 - an ejb jar with a stateless session bean using classes from both
 library jars.
 - a web application war using library classes from both library jars in
 calls to the stateless session bean. (using only local ref for regexp
 since it the RE class is not serializable, but using both local and
 remote ref when using the test class in my own library)

 Just deploy the ear and hit the root context. This should give you an
 ugly html form with three input fields. Enter any string in the first
 one and give a regexp pattern an a text to split using the pattern in
 the second and third ones. submit and it should return some text.

 I haven't tested class path dependencies on weblogic, but I'll probably
 have the opportunity next week to test on both Websphere and Sybase

 I'm really not trying to prove you wrong, I'm just informing about how I
 made it work for our required dependencies hoping it might help someone
 with similar requirements.

 /Fredrik Lindgren

 Rod Macpherson wrote:
  Fredrik, here's a little background. We know the jars in application.xml
  for application clients and that we should not put utility jars there -
  whether it is the perfect location for such information or not. I have
  that point made and Craig just reiterated it. The prescribed solution is
  use Class-Path because that construct already existed for downloadable
  jars - in my opinion that was not a good decision. That ground has been
  covered ad nauseam. Therein lies the problem: it fails on weblogic it
  on 3.0.2 of JBoss and Craig has just reported that it fails on 3.0.4 and
  3.0.6. Since I have never seen a working example of Class-Path loads
  effective I tend to discount your claim that is works. I am sure the
  application works but I am suspicious that it works because you have
  specified the utility jars that way. I would hasten to add it fails and
  always failed in WebLogic 6.X service pack X. I will personally
  you for guru-dom if you can tell me what Craig and I are doing wrong in
  setting this up but you have to admit tying shoe laces is more difficult
  that adding a jar path to Class-Path :)
  - Original Message -
  From: Fredrik Lindgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 3:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6
 You should not put these jars in application.xml, that's for application
 clients. You should however put the class path entries in the manifest
 files of the WARs and ejb jars that depend on the common library jars. I
 have not tested on 3.0.6, but I definately have it working in 3.0.4
 /Fredrik Lindgren (not a JBoss guru, but hopefully helpful anyway)
 Rod Macpherson wrote:
 I vote they formalize the java module as a clean, intuitive and
 mechanism for placing utility jars in EAR scope.
 - Original Message -
 From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:47 PM
 Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6
 3.0.4 did not work either.  Like Rod, the EAR will work if I include
 library JARs in application.xml as java modules.  According to the
 that I cited earlier
 though, the use of application.xml is NOT appropriate.  However, I
 no other way to create a single deployment unit for my application.  I
 appeal to you again, JBoss gurus, please explain!!!
 Thanks for your time,
 This SF.NET email is sponsored by:

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Fredrik Lindgren
Last piece of the message, the java sources. attached.

/Fredrik Lindgren

Rod Macpherson wrote:

Fredrik, here's a little background. We know the jars in application.xml are
for application clients and that we should not put utility jars there -
whether it is the perfect location for such information or not. I have made
that point made and Craig just reiterated it. The prescribed solution is to
use Class-Path because that construct already existed for downloadable
jars - in my opinion that was not a good decision. That ground has been
covered ad nauseam. Therein lies the problem: it fails on weblogic it fails
on 3.0.2 of JBoss and Craig has just reported that it fails on 3.0.4 and
3.0.6. Since I have never seen a working example of Class-Path loads being
effective I tend to discount your claim that is works. I am sure the
application works but I am suspicious that it works because you have
specified the utility jars that way. I would hasten to add it fails and has
always failed in WebLogic 6.X service pack X. I will personally recommend
you for guru-dom if you can tell me what Craig and I are doing wrong in
setting this up but you have to admit tying shoe laces is more difficult
that adding a jar path to Class-Path :)

- Original Message -
From: Fredrik Lindgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

You should not put these jars in application.xml, that's for application
clients. You should however put the class path entries in the manifest
files of the WARs and ejb jars that depend on the common library jars. I
have not tested on 3.0.6, but I definately have it working in 3.0.4

/Fredrik Lindgren (not a JBoss guru, but hopefully helpful anyway)

Rod Macpherson wrote:

I vote they formalize the java module as a clean, intuitive and


mechanism for placing utility jars in EAR scope.

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

3.0.4 did not work either.  Like Rod, the EAR will work if I include all
library JARs in application.xml as java modules.  According to the FAQ
that I cited earlier


though, the use of application.xml is NOT appropriate.  However, I know


no other way to create a single deployment unit for my application.  I
appeal to you again, JBoss gurus, please explain!!!

Thanks for your time,

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list
Description: Zip compressed data

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Fredrik Lindgren
I did a quick check with moving the jars in the ear structure according 
to your three examples. As long as I adapt the class paths in the 
manifests so that the relative paths are correct everything works. In 
case a path is not correct I get NoClassDefFoundErrors. My conclusion is 
that as long as the paths to the J2EE modules are correct in the 
application.xml (relative to ear root) and class path entries in 
manifest files are correct (relative to the archive they belong to) 
everything seems to work.

I'm happy to have come to common conclusions on this issue,
Fredrik Lindgren

Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent wrote:

Thanks for posting your test.  By inspection and based on my earlier post
(which arrived out of order for me) showing my BEFORE and AFTER scenarios, I
believe your test will work.  (I'll try it as soon as I have the chance).
Below are some observations on the structure of our EAR files, using your
EAR as an example in all three cases.

Your EAR structure that works:


My EAR structure that doesn't work:


My EAR structure that does work:


Note that the common feature that allows your EAR and one of mine to work
is that we reference the third-party library JARs relative to the EJB JARs
(also the EAR root in your case).  I propose that if you place your EJB JAR
in a subdirectory of the EAR and leave your library JARs where they are,
your deployment will fail as mine did, indicating that entries in the
manifest of your EJB could not be read and were thus ignored, followed by
NoClassDefFoundErrors.  Like me, you would need to prefix the manifest
entries with ../.  If you try such a test, please post your results to the

Thanks again for your help in investigating these issues.


This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent
Great, Frederik and Rod!  Let me summarize what we've learned:  all seems
well if you follow the advice in this FAQ
( about library JARS,
AND in the EJB JARs' manifest file you specify paths ***relative to the
EJBs***, NOT relative to the root of the EAR.

I still intend to test on 2.4.10 with the hope that we can make the
necessary changes to our build script that will allow us to move to 3.x with
virtually no changes.  I'll post the results of that test later today or


This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-02 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent
As promised, I tried my test application on 2.4.10.  Using the EAR structure
below, I can deploy on both 2.4.10 and 3.x.


As I noted earlier, the key was two-fold:  1) to use a manifest file in each
EJB JAR to specify the class path to library JARs, which I was already
doing; 2) to use a path relative to the EJB JARs instead of to the root of
the EAR file.  Thus, use whatever structure works best for your application,
but always heed the aforementioned #2.

Again, many thanks to all who helped.  I hope that the rest of the community
benefits as well.


This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-01 Thread Fredrik Lindgren
You should not put these jars in application.xml, that's for application 
clients. You should however put the class path entries in the manifest 
files of the WARs and ejb jars that depend on the common library jars. I 
have not tested on 3.0.6, but I definately have it working in 3.0.4

/Fredrik Lindgren (not a JBoss guru, but hopefully helpful anyway)

Rod Macpherson wrote:
I vote they formalize the java module as a clean, intuitive and elegant
mechanism for placing utility jars in EAR scope.

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

3.0.4 did not work either.  Like Rod, the EAR will work if I include all
library JARs in application.xml as java modules.  According to the FAQ
that I cited earlier


though, the use of application.xml is NOT appropriate.  However, I know of
no other way to create a single deployment unit for my application.  I
appeal to you again, JBoss gurus, please explain!!!

Thanks for your time,

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SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
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JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-01 Thread Rod Macpherson
Fredrik, here's a little background. We know the jars in application.xml are
for application clients and that we should not put utility jars there -
whether it is the perfect location for such information or not. I have made
that point made and Craig just reiterated it. The prescribed solution is to
use Class-Path because that construct already existed for downloadable
jars - in my opinion that was not a good decision. That ground has been
covered ad nauseam. Therein lies the problem: it fails on weblogic it fails
on 3.0.2 of JBoss and Craig has just reported that it fails on 3.0.4 and
3.0.6. Since I have never seen a working example of Class-Path loads being
effective I tend to discount your claim that is works. I am sure the
application works but I am suspicious that it works because you have
specified the utility jars that way. I would hasten to add it fails and has
always failed in WebLogic 6.X service pack X. I will personally recommend
you for guru-dom if you can tell me what Craig and I are doing wrong in
setting this up but you have to admit tying shoe laces is more difficult
that adding a jar path to Class-Path :)

- Original Message -
From: Fredrik Lindgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

 You should not put these jars in application.xml, that's for application
 clients. You should however put the class path entries in the manifest
 files of the WARs and ejb jars that depend on the common library jars. I
 have not tested on 3.0.6, but I definately have it working in 3.0.4

 /Fredrik Lindgren (not a JBoss guru, but hopefully helpful anyway)

 Rod Macpherson wrote:
  I vote they formalize the java module as a clean, intuitive and
  mechanism for placing utility jars in EAR scope.
  - Original Message -
  From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:47 PM
  Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6
 3.0.4 did not work either.  Like Rod, the EAR will work if I include all
 library JARs in application.xml as java modules.  According to the FAQ
 that I cited earlier
 though, the use of application.xml is NOT appropriate.  However, I know
 no other way to create a single deployment unit for my application.  I
 appeal to you again, JBoss gurus, please explain!!!
 Thanks for your time,
 This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
 SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
 JBoss-user mailing list
  This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
  SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
  JBoss-user mailing list

 This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
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 JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-01 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent

As Rod replied, we already know what we should do according to the
documentation/FAQs.  However, those rules/steps simply don't work for me on
JBoss 3.0.4, 3.0.5, 3.0.6, 3.2RC1.  I've tried an existing application that
deploys on 2.4.10, and I've tried a very carefully built, very simple test
application; neither works on 3.x.  Perhaps you could provide a test
application that works for you on 3.0.4, or you could try your application
on 3.0.6, or you could provide instructions for how you built your EAR.


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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-01 Thread Stephen Davidson
Rod Macpherson wrote:

Sure looks simple doesn't it?

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: library/mylib.jar library/myotherlib.jar

I tried this on weblogic 6.0 and 6.1 long ago and it did not work. I tried
it again this afternoon using a variety of simple configurations in 6.1 SP2
and it failed. I opened a case with BEA support so we will see what the deal
is from their perspective. When evaluating JBoss 3.2 this same strategy was
tried and it failed. A couple of people posted that it worked fine under
3.0.4 but perhaps they had those jars in the path in addition to the
manifest file. Followed the same process you did; made sure there was a
blank line under the Class-Path line an so on. Mine happens to be the
MANIFEST.MF of a war file that is part of my EAR but same concept. It's easy
enough to work around with the library or system class path or just jarring
up everything multiple times. Perhaps that is why this problem is being
brushed off. AFAIAC it simply does not work.

Remember my spiel about the java module? Add an entry in application.xml
for each loose jar and it will all magically work. Sad thing is that fails
on weblogic. Ar!

!-- Causes foo.jar to magically appears before all the jars 'n wars in this
ear --
java foo.jar /java

I wish they would make that a standard and ditch the non-functional, one-off
odd-ball Class-Path thing. I am still leaving the door open that this
failure is actually a dumb mistake on my part -- basing that on experience:)
I think your seeing a situation where the behavior has simply changed from
2.X to 3.X.

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6


Attached is my application.xml.

The floating JAR, eif-service_locator.jar, does not have a module type;


a JAR that contains dependencies for many of the EJBs.  Check this


( for how I have my


structured.  All EJBs listed in application.xml have a manifest file whose
Class-Path entry lists eif-service_locator.jar and other floating JARs


like your terminology ;-)).  Likewise, I would like to know what the
expected or spec-compliant behavior is for support JARs.

Again, thanks for your help,

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SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Hi Rod.

Attached is a sample from an ear file I use, in which all the Library jars
can be read (and in some cases, classes extended) from.

steve@gorky:/tmp/Builds/HRneXus jar -tvf ../HRneXus.ear
 0 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 META-INF/
55 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
5142656 Tue Jan 21 16:36:14 EST 2003 HRneXus.war
283927 Tue Jan 21 16:36:18 EST 2003 HRXBroker.jar
  1475 Tue Jan 21 16:36:28 EST 2003 HRXExporter.jar
121177 Tue Jan 21 16:36:28 EST 2003 HRXCommon-lib.jar
 84147 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 HRXSecurity-lib.jar
 12821 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 HRXExporter-lib.jar
  1112 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 META-INF/application.xml
 0 Wed Nov 06 17:45:26 EST 2002 lib/
 53690 Wed Nov 06 16:23:36 EST 2002 lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020315.jar
2163538 Wed Nov 06 16:14:34 EST 2002 lib/batik.jar
1692842 Wed Nov 06 16:23:22 EST 2002 lib/fop.jar
1812019 Sun Oct 27 13:49:46 EST 2002 xerces.jar

MANIFEST.MF from one of the JAR files
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Ant 1.3
Class-Path: HRXCommon-lib.jar HRXSecurity-lib.jar HRXExporter-lib.jar lib/fop.jar lib/batik.jar lib/xerces.jar

I should probably point out that this is from JBoss 3.0.0/3.0.1.  Also, some of the lib.jar files have dependencies on other lib.jar files.

If the jars load only when you list them in the applications.xml file, I have to wonder if they are being packed up into the right package in the ear file?  In other words, if they are listed in the 
library directory of the ear file in the MANIFEST.MF file, does the file really exist in the library folder of the ear file?
Just a thought.


Java/J2EE Developer

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SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-02-01 Thread Rod Macpherson
This whole issue only arises when you try to get a slimmed down EAR with no
duplicates. There are so many ways to work around this that it comes as no
surprise that you one ends up shrugging if off as no biggie but when several
folks reported the problem I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Turned out
it was my ant script. Yes, put everything in the right place with the
correct syntax and all of that but assumed, incorrectly, that the class
loader would pick up MANIFEST.MF. Jarred everything up with no complaint
from ANT (it was supposed to complain about this) but there was a problem.

HINT: jar.. ... metainf dir=whatever
include file=* /metainf jar

Make sure you DO NOT have MANIFEST.MF in  META-INF or where it ultimately
must be to actually work.  Create manifest files (call 'em anything you
like) and include that particular file in the jar manifest attribute. Feel
free to flame away for having missed this.

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

 Rod Macpherson wrote:
  Sure looks simple doesn't it?
  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Class-Path: library/mylib.jar library/myotherlib.jar
  I tried this on weblogic 6.0 and 6.1 long ago and it did not work. I
  it again this afternoon using a variety of simple configurations in 6.1
  and it failed. I opened a case with BEA support so we will see what the
  is from their perspective. When evaluating JBoss 3.2 this same strategy
  tried and it failed. A couple of people posted that it worked fine under
  3.0.4 but perhaps they had those jars in the path in addition to the
  manifest file. Followed the same process you did; made sure there was a
  blank line under the Class-Path line an so on. Mine happens to be the
  MANIFEST.MF of a war file that is part of my EAR but same concept. It's
  enough to work around with the library or system class path or just
  up everything multiple times. Perhaps that is why this problem is being
  brushed off. AFAIAC it simply does not work.
  Remember my spiel about the java module? Add an entry in
  for each loose jar and it will all magically work. Sad thing is that
  on weblogic. Ar!
  !-- Causes foo.jar to magically appears before all the jars 'n wars in
  ear --
  java foo.jar /java
  I wish they would make that a standard and ditch the non-functional,
  odd-ball Class-Path thing. I am still leaving the door open that this
  failure is actually a dumb mistake on my part -- basing that on
  I think your seeing a situation where the behavior has simply changed
  2.X to 3.X.
  - Original Message -
  From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 8:43 AM
  Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6
 Attached is my application.xml.
 The floating JAR, eif-service_locator.jar, does not have a module type;
 a JAR that contains dependencies for many of the EJBs.  Check this
 ( for how I have my
 structured.  All EJBs listed in application.xml have a manifest file
 Class-Path entry lists eif-service_locator.jar and other floating JARs
 like your terminology ;-)).  Likewise, I would like to know what the
 expected or spec-compliant behavior is for support JARs.
 Again, thanks for your help,
  This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
  SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
  JBoss-user mailing list
 Hi Rod.

 Attached is a sample from an ear file I use, in which all the Library jars
 can be read (and in some cases, classes extended) from.

 steve@gorky:/tmp/Builds/HRneXus jar -tvf ../HRneXus.ear
   0 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 META-INF/
  55 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 5142656 Tue Jan 21 16:36:14 EST 2003 HRneXus.war
 283927 Tue Jan 21 16:36:18 EST 2003 HRXBroker.jar
1475 Tue Jan 21 16:36:28 EST 2003 HRXExporter.jar
 121177 Tue Jan 21 16:36:28 EST 2003 HRXCommon-lib.jar
   84147 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 HRXSecurity-lib.jar
   12821 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 HRXExporter-lib.jar
1112 Tue Jan 21 16:36:30 EST 2003 META-INF/application.xml
   0 Wed Nov 06 17:45:26 EST 2002 lib/
   53690 Wed Nov 06 16:23:36 EST 2002 lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020315.jar
 2163538 Wed Nov 06 16:14:34 EST 2002 lib/batik.jar
 1692842 Wed Nov 06 16:23:22 EST 2002 lib/fop.jar
 1812019 Sun Oct 27 13:49:46 EST 2002 xerces.jar


RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-31 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent
 Here's the structure of my EAR file:

Please, does anyone have any ideas why the EAR structure above works in
2.4.x but not in 3.0.5, 3.0.6 or 3.2.0RC1?  I apologize if the tone in my
previous posts turned anyone away.  I did say that this issue does not
affect anything in production, but I would like to move to JBoss 3.x as soon
as I can.

Thanks for your help,

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-31 Thread Rod Macpherson
Posting your application.xml file would help. You have a jar file floating
out there (eif-service_locator.jar) but where is that referenced and what is
its module type? I assume it contains vanilla beans. Where does it say that
you can put jar files in the root of an EAR and expect them to be
accessible? That is not a rhetorical question: maybe you have a more
accurate reference than me. Here is a theory: 2.4.10 was loading that jar in
the EAR class loader when it should not have been doing so?

I have a couple of corollary questions. The first one the MANIFST.MF
Class-Path settings which appear to have on-again-off-again functionality
depending on the version you have - ditto for weblogic. Those settings
appear to be part of the deployment description so why not put them in the
deployment descriptor? It really stands out like a sore thumb. That is a
J2EE standards question mind you. The second question is regarding the
java module in an application.xml file. That works perfectly in JBoss for
loading jars with EAR scope. Should it? A jar of vanilla beans is not a J2EE
client application so how does that load in the first place? I am glad it
works and wish they could just stipulate that a java module can be used to
load utility jars. Mine is not to question why... :)

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 7:35 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

  Here's the structure of my EAR file:

 Please, does anyone have any ideas why the EAR structure above works in
 2.4.x but not in 3.0.5, 3.0.6 or 3.2.0RC1?  I apologize if the tone in my
 previous posts turned anyone away.  I did say that this issue does not
 affect anything in production, but I would like to move to JBoss 3.x as
 as I can.

 Thanks for your help,

 This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
 SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
 JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-31 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent

Attached is my application.xml.

The floating JAR, eif-service_locator.jar, does not have a module type; it's
a JAR that contains dependencies for many of the EJBs.  Check this reference
( for how I have my EAR
structured.  All EJBs listed in application.xml have a manifest file whose
Class-Path entry lists eif-service_locator.jar and other floating JARs (I
like your terminology ;-)).  Likewise, I would like to know what the
expected or spec-compliant behavior is for support JARs.

Again, thanks for your help,

Description: Binary data

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-31 Thread Rod Macpherson
Sure looks simple doesn't it?

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: library/mylib.jar library/myotherlib.jar

I tried this on weblogic 6.0 and 6.1 long ago and it did not work. I tried
it again this afternoon using a variety of simple configurations in 6.1 SP2
and it failed. I opened a case with BEA support so we will see what the deal
is from their perspective. When evaluating JBoss 3.2 this same strategy was
tried and it failed. A couple of people posted that it worked fine under
3.0.4 but perhaps they had those jars in the path in addition to the
manifest file. Followed the same process you did; made sure there was a
blank line under the Class-Path line an so on. Mine happens to be the
MANIFEST.MF of a war file that is part of my EAR but same concept. It's easy
enough to work around with the library or system class path or just jarring
up everything multiple times. Perhaps that is why this problem is being
brushed off. AFAIAC it simply does not work.

Remember my spiel about the java module? Add an entry in application.xml
for each loose jar and it will all magically work. Sad thing is that fails
on weblogic. Ar!

!-- Causes foo.jar to magically appears before all the jars 'n wars in this
ear --
java foo.jar /java

I wish they would make that a standard and ditch the non-functional, one-off
odd-ball Class-Path thing. I am still leaving the door open that this
failure is actually a dumb mistake on my part -- basing that on experience:)
I think your seeing a situation where the behavior has simply changed from
2.X to 3.X.

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6


 Attached is my application.xml.

 The floating JAR, eif-service_locator.jar, does not have a module type;
 a JAR that contains dependencies for many of the EJBs.  Check this
 ( for how I have my
 structured.  All EJBs listed in application.xml have a manifest file whose
 Class-Path entry lists eif-service_locator.jar and other floating JARs
 like your terminology ;-)).  Likewise, I would like to know what the
 expected or spec-compliant behavior is for support JARs.

 Again, thanks for your help,

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-31 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent
Thanks, Rod, for taking the time to investigate with me.  I've just finished
trying a contrived application on 3.0.6, but it failed to deploy as well.
Perhaps I'll try 3.0.4.

JBoss gurus, please help!!!


This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-31 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent
3.0.4 did not work either.  Like Rod, the EAR will work if I include all
library JARs in application.xml as java modules.  According to the FAQ
that I cited earlier (,
though, the use of application.xml is NOT appropriate.  However, I know of
no other way to create a single deployment unit for my application.  I
appeal to you again, JBoss gurus, please explain!!!

Thanks for your time,

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-31 Thread Rod Macpherson
I vote they formalize the java module as a clean, intuitive and elegant
mechanism for placing utility jars in EAR scope.

- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

 3.0.4 did not work either.  Like Rod, the EAR will work if I include all
 library JARs in application.xml as java modules.  According to the FAQ
 that I cited earlier
 though, the use of application.xml is NOT appropriate.  However, I know of
 no other way to create a single deployment unit for my application.  I
 appeal to you again, JBoss gurus, please explain!!!

 Thanks for your time,

 This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
 SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
 JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-30 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent
Let me add more information.

- Win XP Pro SP1 + hotfixes
- Java 2 SDK 1.4.1_01
- created custom server config from default

I tried 3.2RC1 and received the same errors as in my original post.  I plan
to try 3.0.5 as soon as I can.  Also, I seek to know the *correct* way to
deploy the EAR that I described; while temporary fixes are good to know, I'm
not in a hurry such that I need them.  I can continue to run on 2.4.10 or
the 2.4.x branch as long as I need to do so.  By all means, though, I
welcome very much all ideas.

Thanks for your help,

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

RE: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-30 Thread Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent
3.0.5 failed in the same way that 3.0.6 and 3.2RC1 have failed.  Please
share any thoughts that you may have.


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SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

2003-01-29 Thread Rod Macpherson
I reported that setting the MANIFEST.MF Class-Path did not work in 3.0.2
however at least one contributor to this mailing list assured me that it
definitely does work. Clearly you have evidence to the contrary. I don't use
that anymore. Specify the shared jars in application.xml with the java tag
everything loads just fine. I will try this on another platform to see if
it's portable. The java element is definitely portable but my understanding
was that it had to be a bona fide application complete with its own
META-INF/application.xml. In this example the classes in utility.jar are
part of the ear classloader and by extension visible to the EJBs and the
webapp. Why isn't this just stipulated as THE way to share utility classes
among EAR components?






- Original Message -
From: Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:05 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] EAR works in 2.4.10 but not in 3.0.6

 Hello everyone,

 Here's the structure of my EAR file:


 When I deploy my EAR and start JBoss 3.0.6, I receive the following
 warnings, which eventually lead to stack traces caused by

 2003-01-29 15:14:29,091 WARN  [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] The
 manifest entry in


 dition.jar references URL


 vice_locator.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored

 It is true that my library JARs, such as eif-service_locator.jar above,
 not present in the temporary folder indicated above.  In fact, the only
 ever present there is BatchAddition.jar.  This EAR structure works in
 2.4.10, and the FAQs for JBoss 3 indicate that it should work.  The
 application.xml contains all EJBs, and each JAR in the ejb folder of the
 has a manifest classpath entry for the libraries at the root of the EAR.

 I would greatly appreciate any help that you can offer.  Also, please
 me to any advice there may be for migrating from 2.4.x to 3.0.x.

 Many thanks for your time,

 This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
 SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
 JBoss-user mailing list

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
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