Re: Installation questions

2002-03-27 Thread Slava Zimine


Install  the latest beta JDE 2.2.9beta9

2.2.9 is way better than 2.2.8

Concerning the difficulty of installation, I did not find it difficult 
after reading the installation instructions on jdee home page

I'd suggest alsow to download and compile  emacs-21  if there isn't a
binary version of it for AIX already

This mailing list is pretty tolerant  friendly to newbies. 



On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 23:55, Chris Fisichella wrote:
 First, let me say congrats to those of you out there that made jdee a
 reality. It was exactly what I was looking for and I am really looking
 forward to using it.
 I heard about the project while on the phone to IBM tech support. You can't
 beat exposure like that!
 I have been reading the postings to this group for several days now, and I
 am afraid that this list is for developers/expert users. If there is a list
 for newbies, please excuse this posting and, perhaps, let me know where I
 should go.
 I am attempting to install jde 2.2.8 on an AIX 4.3.3 box. I pulled emacs
 20.7.1 (powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.3.0, X toolkit) from and AIX freeware CD that
 they distribute with the operating system. I am having problems.
 I think speedbar (0.14beta4) went in OK. During the make, typical messages were:
   ** reference to free variable x-pointer-top-left-arrow
   ** mouse-major-mode-menu called with 1 argument, but requires 2
   ** The following functions are not known to be defined:
 display-graphic-p, specifier-instance, set-buffer-menubar,
 semantic-token-p, semantic-token-name, copy-tree, vc-state
 but, in the end, it said
 Wrote /opt/freeware/share/emacs/site/speedbar-0.14beta4/speedbar.elc
 Does this mean success? I modified my .emacs file. (I am including it at
 the end of this email) to load the speedbar code. The speedbar window comes
 up. (very slick, by the way)
 eieio (0.17beta4) installed with the same sort of error messages. I didn't
 know how to test whether it was working correctly, so I moved on to
 For Semantic (1.4beta14), I got error messages like:
 While compiling the end of the data:
   ** The following functions are not known to be defined: extent-list,
 next-command-event, key-press-event-p, event-to-character,
 quit-char, semantic-nonterminal-children,
 semantic-bnf-find-state-position, semantic-current-nonterminal
   ** re-search-forward called with 3 arguments, but accepts only 0-2
 and then, eventually got to:
 Wrote /opt/freeware/share/emacs/site/semantic-1.4beta14/senator.elc
 I modified my .emacs file, started a fresh copy of emacs, and the command
 line started to act funny. I think I tried to load a file, or expand a
 pathname in *shell* and I would get:
 wrong number of arguments:#[(subexp)A^X\203^_^@J\203^_^...
 The INSTALL file suggests that I may want to remove components that I don't
 want to use. I really don't know what components I need. All I really want
 to do is use jde.
 I am located in the NorthEast US (Massachusetts) If any of you would like
 to use your knowledge of jde to make some $$, I would be happy to pack up
 my machine and bring it over to you to see if you could help.
 Otherwise, any advice on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.
 ___here is my .emacs file___
 (setq auto-save-interval '500)
 (setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
 (define-key ctl-x-map l 'goto-line)
 (define-key global-map \C-h 'backward-delete-char)
 (define-key ctl-x-map ? 'help-command)
 (define-key ctl-x-map p 'save-buffer)
 (add-to-list 'load-path /opt/freeware/share/emacs/site/speedbar-0.14beta4)
 (autoload 'speedbar-frame-mode speedbar Popup a speedbar frame t)
 (autoload 'speedbar-get-focus speedbar Jump to speedbar frame t)
(add-to-list 'load-path /opt/freeware/share/emacs/site/eieio-0.17beta4)
 (add-to-list 'load-path /opt/freeware/share/emacs/site/semantic-1.4beta14)
 (setq semantic-load-turn-everything-on t)
 (require 'semantic-load)
 ;;End of initialization
 ;;Don't wrap long lines
 (setq default-truncate-lines t)
 (setq column-number-mode t)
 (line-number-mode 1)
 Christopher J. Fisichella, Ph.D.
 Manager, Community Renewables, LLC
 19 S. Canal St.
 Lawrence, MA 01843
 phone: (978) 688-6889

offtopic, but.. (java code resources? )

2002-03-07 Thread Slava Zimine


I have a question not directly related to jdee which functions well for

I wish to ask the java developpers here, what are the places on the inet
where they go to look if a java package for a specific  problem exists.
(like generic resource)

for example.  i'm looking for a class  wich matches an IP adress against
a network/mask  adress.  I'm sure somebody did this. 

regards to all. 


Re: jde-debug does not load the .java Source

2001-12-02 Thread Slava Zimine

Did you compile with java -g option? 

'(jde-compile-option-command-line-args (quote (-g)))  jde-2.2.9
'(jde-compile-option-command-line-args -g)   jde-2.2.8

regards, from Genf. 

On Wed, 2001-11-28 at 18:20, Reichert, Torsten wrote:
 Hi to the experts
 Typing 'next' in a jde-debug session does not load the .java Source into
 another buffer, even though
 (custom-set-variables '(jde-db-source-directories (quote
 is set.
 Instead the following shows up:
 error in process filter: Symbol's function definition is void:
 Does anyone know how to avoid this error message or make jde-debug load
 sources correctly ?
 Thank you very much

JDEbug is not in the emacs menus

2001-12-01 Thread Slava Zimine

Hello to al. 

OS: linux
emacs 20.7.1
jde: 2.2.9.beta7
jdk 1.3.1

Upon a launch of emacs on some java source file  i do not see in the
menus  the JDEbug  menu, yet 
'(jde-debugger (quote (JDEbug)))   is specified in ~/.emacs  file

The menu reappears if  I reset the jde-debugger variable in its
customization buffer. 

Probably it is not the wanted behavior. 



upgrading jdee from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9beta  learned in a hard way how it
is importarnt to keep working  .emacs  for every release,  or at least
to comment out  all JDE custom set variables  to try a new  jdee