jde-global-classpath too long?!

2003-03-19 Thread Christian Schmitt

Please enter the details of your bug report here

In our project the jar files moved one folder down in the file
system. Since then XEmacs crashes whenever I try to do anything that
involves usage of the classpath, i.e. opening a BSH buffer or doing
JavaDoc generation. Also typing C-c C-v C-y crashes XEmacs big time.
I'm suspecting it's got something to do with the length of the
jde-global-classpath variable. When I shorten it to only one or two
jar files JDE works OK.
I'm sorry that I can't include a stacktrace, but when XEmacs crashes
it opens a console window starts to type something and then it closes
again before I have a chance to copy the contents.

Thanks for your time and help.

Christian Schmitt

Emacs  : XEmacs 21.4 (patch 11) Native Windows TTY Support (Windows) [Lucid] 
(i586-pc-win32) of Wed Jan 08 2003 on TSUNAMI
Package: JDE version 2.3.3
Required packages: semantic-1.4.2 eieio-0.17 speedbar-0.14beta4

current state:
 jde-which-method-class-min-length 4
 jde-gen-to-string-method-template '((end-of-line) ' \/**\ ''n
 \* Retrieve a String representation of this 
object\ ''n \* \ ''n \* @return a codeString/code representation of this 
object.\ ''n \* @see Object#toString()\ ''n \*/\ ''n 
(jde-gen-method-signature   \public\   \String\   \toString\   nil  
) ' (if jde-gen-kr   ()  'n) \{\''n ''r'n \}\''n')
 jde-bug-debugger-host-address FFZD04VN
 jde-import-insert-group-names nil
 jde-help-docsets '((JDK API c:/jdk1.3.1/docs/api nil)
(User (javadoc) C:/dev/diva-fs2/build/doc/API nil)
(User (javadoc)
 c:/dev/dreba-cocoon/build/cocoon-2.1-dev/javadocs nil)
 jde-complete-signature-display-time 5
 jde-gen-junit-test-class-buffer-template '((funcall jde-gen-boilerplate-function) 
(jde-gen-get-package-statement) \import junit.framework.Test;\ ''n \import 
junit.framework.TestCase;\ ''n \import junit.framework.TestSuite;\ ''n 'n 
(progn (require 'jde-javadoc) (jde-javadoc-insert-start-block)) \ * \ \ Unit 
Test for class \ (jde-gen-junit-class (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)) 
''n \ \ (jde-javadoc-insert-empty-line) \ \ (jde-javadoc-insert-empty-line) 
\ * Created: \ (current-time-string) ''n \ \ (jde-javadoc-insert-empty-line) 
\ \ (jde-javadoc-insert 'tempo-template-jde-javadoc-author-tag) \ \ 
(jde-javadoc-insert 'tempo-template-jde-javadoc-version-tag) \ \ 
(jde-javadoc-insert 'tempo-template-jde-javadoc-end-block \*/\) \public class \ 
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)) \ extends 
TestCase \  (if jde-gen-kr  () ''n) \{\''n 'n  \ /** \ ''n  \* 
Creates a new code\ (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory 
buffer-file-name)) \/code instance.\ ''n  \*\ ''n  \* @param name test 
name\ ''n  \*/\''n \public \ (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)) \ (String name)\ (if jde-gen-kr  
() ''n) \{\''n \super(name);\''n \}\' ''n 'n \/**\ ''n 
\* @return a codeTestSuite/code\ ''n \*/\ ''n \public static TestSuite 
suite()\ ' (if jde-gen-kr  () ''n) \{\''n \TestSuite suite = new 
TestSuite ();\ ''n ''n \return suite;\ ''n \}\''n'n \/** \ ''n 
\* Entry point \ ''n \*/ \ ''n \public static void main(String[] args) \ 
(if jde-gen-kr  () ''n) \{\''n 
\junit.textui.TestRunner.run(suite());\''n \}\''n \}\ \// \ 
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)) ''n)
 jde-run-option-heap-profile '(nil ./java.hprof 5 20 Allocation objects)
 jde-compile-option-optimize nil
 jde-project-hooks '(my-jde-project-hook)
 jde-run-executable-args nil
 jde-compile-option-verbose nil
 jde-gen-buffer-templates '((Class . jde-gen-class)
(Interface . jde-gen-interface)
(Console . jde-gen-console)
(Swing App . jde-gen-jfc-app)
(Unit Test . jde-gen-junit-test-class))
 jde-wiz-get-set-methods-include '(Both)
 jde-gen-change-listener-template '(' (P \Component name: \)
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2  \new ChangeListener\ 
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-1 \()\ ' (if jde-gen-kr   
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3  'n) \{\''n (jde-gen-method-signature   
\public\   \void\   \stateChanged\   \ChangeEvent e\  ) ' (if 
jde-gen-kr   ()  'n) \{\''n \}\''n \}\ 
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2 \);\''n''n')
 jde-run-option-classpath nil
 jde-devel-debug nil
 jde-gen-mouse-listener-template '((end-of-line) ' (P \Component name: \)
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-2  \new MouseAdapter\ 
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-1 \()\ ' (if jde-gen-kr   
jde-gen-method-signature-padding-3  'n) \{\''n  (jde-gen-method-signature   
\public\   \void\   \mouseClicked\   \MouseEvent e\  ) ' (if 
jde-gen-kr   ()  'n) \{\''n \}\''n 

AW: jde-global-classpath too long?!

2003-03-19 Thread Schmitt, Christian (ext.)
I did a little debugging and tracked the crash down to this:

In 'jde-expand-classpath if jde-expand-classpath-p!=nil JDE passes the
huge classpath I'm having to XEmacs' 'file-exists-p function which then
causes the crash.   

Now I'm not sure if this is wanted behaviour to pass all of the classpath
to the 'file-exists-p function or not.

Anyway, as a workaround I set jde-expand-classpath-p to nil and JDE
works again (for me) ;-)

Christian Schmitt

 -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
 Von: Christian Schmitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Marz 2003 09:31
 Betreff: jde-global-classpath too long?!
 Please enter the details of your bug report here
 In our project the jar files moved one folder down in the file
 system. Since then XEmacs crashes whenever I try to do anything that
 involves usage of the classpath, i.e. opening a BSH buffer or doing
 JavaDoc generation. Also typing C-c C-v C-y crashes XEmacs big time.
 I'm suspecting it's got something to do with the length of the
 jde-global-classpath variable. When I shorten it to only one or two
 jar files JDE works OK.
 I'm sorry that I can't include a stacktrace, but when XEmacs crashes
 it opens a console window starts to type something and then it closes
 again before I have a chance to copy the contents.
 Thanks for your time and help.
 Christian Schmitt

Lot's of system info deleted/

jde-global-classpath too long?!

2003-03-19 Thread Paul Kinnucan
Christian Schmitt writes:
  Please enter the details of your bug report here
  In our project the jar files moved one folder down in the file
  system. Since then XEmacs crashes whenever I try to do anything that
  involves usage of the classpath, i.e. opening a BSH buffer or doing
  JavaDoc generation. Also typing C-c C-v C-y crashes XEmacs big time.
  I'm suspecting it's got something to do with the length of the
  jde-global-classpath variable. When I shorten it to only one or two
  jar files JDE works OK.

You have set jde-global-classpath incorrectly. You have set
it to be a string of semicolon;separated paths. It's supposed
to be a list of strings with each string being a path, i.e.

 '(path1 path2)



This is specified in the doc for jde-global-classpath:

Specify a common classpath for compile, run, and debug commands.
Use this variable if you want to the JDE to use the same classpath for
compiling, running,and debugging an application. Note that the value
of this variable is a list of strings, each of which specifies a
path. The JDE converts this list to a colon- or semicolon-separated
list before inserting in the compiler or vm command line. 

- Paul