Le 08/10/2013 16:14, Alex Buloichik a écrit :

On Thursday, February 28, 2013 6:34:36 PM UTC+3, ILM wrote:

Indeed, Google freaks out if an automatic style name isn't all lower case.
And it uses false as the
default for the displayability of tables. The rc2 version will include an
explicit display=true.

I tried with the  jopendocument -1.3.jar. The same issue. But when I open
ods file, then insert space into one empty cell, then save ods, then Good
opens it good.
I have to change every sheet in ods file for impot to Google Docs.


I tried just now with org.jopendocument.sample.SpreadSheetCreation and SpreadSheetFill to import to google drive and both worked flawlessly. Can you send an ods that doesn't work ?



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