Le 24/06/2013 18:12, kugelphan...@googlemail.com a écrit :
Hi everyone!


I'm new to jOpenDocument and try to get the "TestTemplate.java" example
from the sources to work (for the last 8 hours :-//).

It compiles ok, and runs also. But this:

             // Save to file.

does not create the "out.odt" file as expected, but an "out.odt.fodt" wich
is either not complete, or in any other form  broken,
as oo opens it as xml text.

I tried 32bit JDK 7, aswell as JDK 6. I tried the 1.2 sources and they

Yes, it's a bug in 1.3 (it will be fixed in the next version). The file generated is correct, but as you saw it's a flat XML (which LibreOffice has no problem opening, unless you have an ancient OpenOffice version) and not a zip package. If you do want the zip package form you can call template.createDocument().saveToPackageAs(outFile).



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