Is this really the link you're using in your html?

<a href="#clueTipContent">Click to get Clue Tip</a>

If so, you shouldn't be getting the cluetip at all, since you're using 'a.cluetip' as your selector.

The arrows are images referenced in the jquery.cluetip.css stylesheet. If you don't have those images in the images directory within the directory where that stylesheet is located, they won't show up.

Hope that helps


Karl Swedberg

On Oct 25, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Bharanidharan wrote:

Hi All,

I am trying to bring arrows for the clue tip which i am using for my
web site. Even though i have given "arrows: true" in my js, i am not
getting the arrows. Please see below for the code i used and give me
your suggestions.

My js code :

                        width: 200,
                        arrows: true,
                        cluezIndex: 999,
                        showTitle: false,
                        cursor: 'pointer',
                        activation: 'click',
                        sticky: true,
                        positionBy: 'fixed',
                        topOffset: 40,
                        leftOffset: -200,
                        local: true,
                        hideLocal: true,
                        attribute: 'href',
                        closePosition: 'bottom',
                        dropShadow: false,
                        closeText: ' X  Close'

Clue tip Content in xhtml:

                <div id="clueTipContent">
                                        This is the content for clue tip

My link in xhtml:

<a href="#clueTipContent">Click to get Clue Tip</a>



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