Hi all, i wanted to update a div, depending on a click in my menu.
I get both alert test-messages in both browserswith the right text,
but AFTER the second alert in Firefox it goes wrong.
The original content dissapears, but Instead of placing the new
content, inside my content div,
the original content shows up again??????

Usually things goes well in Firefox en IE gives the problem, but now
its Firefox which gives me a headache..

Please, can someone give me a clue, cause i have tried for hours now,
without any result.
Thanks in advance for your time

Here is the code:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('#nav1 li a').click(function(){
                // test alert
                alert("clicked on nav1..");

    var toLoad = $(this).attr('href');
                // test alert
                alert("content to load: " + toLoad);
    $('#wrapper').append('<span id="load">LOADING...</span>');
    function loadContent() {
    function showNewContent() {
    function hideLoader() {
    return false;


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