Em 29/09/2022 06:49, Sophie escreveu:

Le 27 septembre 2022 23:20:58 GMT+02:00, Michael Wolf <mil...@sorbzilla.de> a 
écrit :

1.9.2022 14:56 hodź. sophi napisa:

Adding Olivier in cc, he will take care of it.
Le 01/09/2022 à 14:34, Michael Wolf a écrit :

since recently I've been translating LO master Help into Upper Sorbian and 
Lower Sorbian. I translate into both languages alone so many strings are not 
translated yet. Could you nevertheless add both languages to the Hep pages? It 
would be fine if I could see the context of the string if there are potential 
translation errors: Or is there any minimum of strings to be translated?
No problem, we usually wait to have a good amount of content to do it, but if 
that helps you no problem :)
@Olivier, could you add both Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian to the help pages? 


can I still hope that you add Sorbian languages to the LO Help online?

I just discussed with Olivier at the conference and he will add them asap now. 
Sorry for the delay

A partial patch in in gerrit for the Help part.

I discovered that (long story short) that the hsb and dsb languages must be in the translation repository, which is not the case currently. Once hsb and dsb get a helpcontents2/ folder coming from weblate it will build.


I put Christian in copy.

Long story:
look at core/configure.ac at line 14024 (WITH_POOR_HELP_LOCALIZATIONS=)

Olivier Hallot
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