[LAAMN] Margolis: Some truth about Iraq and Afghanistan, Good man: Who’s Paying for the Conventions?

2008-07-25 Thread Ed Pearl
From: Sid Shniad


June 23, 2008

At last, some truth about Iraq and Afghanistan

Paris - After a sea of lies and a tsunami of propaganda, the ugly truth
behind the Iraq and Afghanistan wars finally emerged into full view this

Four major western oil companies, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, BP and Total, are
about to sign US-brokered no-bid contracts with the US-installed Baghdad
regime to begin exploiting Iraq’s oil fields. Saddam Hussein had kicked
these firms out three decades ago when he nationalized Iraq’s foreign-owned
oil industry for the benefit of Iraq’s national development. The Baghdad
regime is turning back the clock.

This agreement comes as talks are continuing between the Washington and its
Baghdad client regime over future US basing rights in Iraq. After some
face-saving Iraqi objections, it is expected that Baghdad will sign a
compact with Washington giving US forces control of Iraq and its air space
in a manner very similar to Great Britain’s colonial arrangement with Iraq.

Interestingly, the same oil companies that used to exploit Iraq when it was
a British colony are now returning. As former US Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan recently admitted, the Iraq war was all about oil. VP Dick
Cheney stated in 2003 that the invasion of Iraq was about oil, and for the
sake of Israel.

Meanwhile, according to Pakistani and Indian sources, Afghanistan just
signed a major deal to launch a long-planned, 1680 km long pipeline project
expected to cost $ 8 billion. If completed, the
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline (TAPI) will export gas and,
later, oil from the Caspian Basin to Pakistan’s coast where tankers will
transport it to the west.

The Caspian Basin located under the Central Asian states of Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan and Kazakkstan, holds an estimated 300 trillion cubic feet of gas
and 100-200 billion barrels of oil. Securing the world’s last remaining
known energy Eldorado is strategic priority for the western powers. China
can only look on with envy.

But there are only two practical ways to get gas and oil out of land-locked
Central Asia to the sea: through Iran, or through Afghanistan to Pakistan.
For Washington, Iran is tabu. That leaves Pakistan, but to get there, the
planned pipeline must cross western Afghanistan, including the cities of
Herat and Kandahar.

In 1998, the Afghan anti-Communist movement Taliban and a western oil
consortium led by the US firm Unocal signed a major pipeline deal. Unocal
lavished money and attention on Taliban, flew a senior delegation to Texas,
and also hired an minor Afghan official, one Hamid Karzai.

Enter Osama bin Laden. He advised the unworldly Taliban leaders to reject
the US deal and got them to accept a better offer from an Argentine
consortium, Bridas. Washington was furious and, according to some accounts,
threatened Taliban with war.

In early 2001, six or seven months before 9/11, Washington made the decision
to invade Afghanistan, overthrow Taliban, and install a client regime that
would build the energy pipelines. But Washington still kept up sending money
to Taliban until four months before 9/11 in an effort to keep it ‘on side’
for possible use in a war or strikes against Iran.

The 9/11 attacks, about which Taliban knew nothing, supplied the pretext to
invade Afghanistan. The initial US operation had the legitimate objective of
wiping out Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida. But after its 300 members fled to
Pakistan, the US stayed on, built bases – which just happened to be adjacent
to the planned pipeline route – and installed former Unocal ‘consultant’
Hamid Karzai as leader.

Washington disguised its energy geopolitics by claiming the Afghan
occupation was to fight ‘Islamic terrorism,’ liberate women, build schools,
and promote democracy. Ironically, the Soviets made exactly the same claims
when they occupied Afghanistan from 1979-1989. The cover story for Iraq was
weapons of mass destruction, Saddam’s supposed links to 9/11, and promoting

Work will begin on the TAPI once Taliban forces are cleared from the
pipeline route by US, Canadian and NATO forces. As American analyst Kevin
Phillips writes, the US military and its allies have become an ‘energy
protection force.’

From Washington’s viewpoint, the TAPI deal has the added benefit of
scuttling another proposed pipeline project that would have delivered
Iranian gas and oil to Pakistan and India.

India’s energy needs are expected to triple over the next decade to 8
billion barrels of oil and 80 million cubic meters of gas daily. Delhi,
which has its own designs on Afghanistan and has been stirring the pot
there, is cock-a-hoop over the new pipeline plan. Russia, by contrast, is
grumpy, having hoped to monopolize Central Asian energy exports.

Energy is more important than blood in our modern world. The US is a great
power with massive energy needs. Domination of oil is a pillar of America’s

[LAAMN] THE NEED TO KNOW ~ A Play by April Fitzsimmons at the Kirk Douglas Theatre in Culver City - Saturday, August 2nd, 8:00 PM - Tickets Are Only $5 - Call: 310-880-0911

2008-07-25 Thread Frank
We will be there to see April Fitzsimmons at the Kirk Douglas Theater in
Culver City. What a Deal at $5 a Ticket! 
Frank, Jane  Emily Dorrel 
A Play by April Fitzsimmons   
Saturday, August 2nd at 8:00 PM  
Kirk Douglas Theatre 
9820 Washington Blvd, Culver City 90232  

Tickets are $5 (cash only please)  Veterans are Free 
Reservations (310) 880-0911 

Please join me for a cast party and private reception in the lobby
following the performance. 

Thank you for your generous support and encouragement regarding The Need
to Know. I could never have done it without you and I never imagined six
years ago, when I wrote a little show in my attempt to understand 9/11,
my experience as a Veteran and my connection to it all, that it would
end up at this groovy space with such groovy people.

I am deeply grateful to you all and look forward to sharing this night
with you.

With love and peace


April Fitzsimmons
(310) 880-0911
*This performance in association with the Los Angeles Area Veterans
Artists Alliance (www.laavaa.org) was made possible in part by a grant
from the City of Culver City Art in Public Places Fund with support from
the Sony Pictures Entertainment Platinum Sponsorship.

Kirk Douglas Theatre
9820 Washington Blvd @ Duquesne
Culver City, CA 90232

The Need to Know is an award-winning solo show, written and performed by
former Air Force Intelligence Analyst, April Fitzsimmons and Directed by
Steven Anderson.

The Need to Know  - Saturday - August 2, 2008 at 8pm 

Run Time is 90 minutes (no intermission)

Kirk Douglas Theatre
in Downtown Culver City
9820 Washington Blvd @ Duquesne,
Culver City, CA 90232

Tickets are $5 (cash or check please)  All Veterans are Free

Reservations - (310) 880-0911

More show info here: www.aprilfitzsimmons.com

Kirk Douglas Theatre info here:

Places to Park:

Parking at the Kirk Douglas Theatre

Generous street parking is available on Washington, Culver and Venice

Covered parking structures available at Culver City Hall (FREE after
6pm). Enter on Duquesne Ave.

Places to Eat:


Questions - Contact April at (310) 880-0911

April Fitzsimmons
(310) 880-0911



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2008-07-25 Thread Romi Elnagar

By Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith, The Nation. 
Posted July 19, 2008.
Why we can't let the Bush Administration get away with its crimes:
Retired General Antonio Taguba, the officer who led the Army's investigation 
into Abu Ghraib, recently wrote in the preface to the new report, Broken laws, 
Broken Lives:
There is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has 
committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether 
those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account.
Should those who ordered war crimes be held to account? With the conclusion of 
the Bush regime approaching, many people are dubious, even those horrified by 
Administration actions. They fear a long, divisive ordeal that could tear the 
country apart. They note that such division could make it far harder for the 
country to address the many other crises it is facing. They see the upcoming 
elections as a better way to set the country on a new path.
Many Democrats in particular are proposing to let bygones be bygones and move 
on to confront the problems of the future, rather than dwelling on the past. 
The Democratic leadership sees rising gas prices, foreclosures, and health care 
costs, as well as widespread dissatisfaction with the direction of the country, 
as playing in their favor. Why risk it all by playing the war crimes blame 
game? Perhaps some Democratic leaders are also concerned that their own role in 
enabling or even encouraging war crimes might be exposed.
Meanwhile, the evidence confirming not only a deliberate policy of torture, but 
of conspiring in an illegal war of aggression and conducting a criminal 
occupation, continues to pile ever higher. Bush's own press secretary Scott 
McClellan has revealed in his book, What Happened, how deliberately the public 
was misled to foment the attack on Iraq. Philippe Sands' new book, Torture 
Team, has shown how the top legal and political leadership fought for a policy 
of torture -- circumventing and misleading top military officials to do so. 
Jane Mayer's The Dark Side, reveals that a secret report by the Red Cross -- 
given to the CIA and shared with President Bush and Condoleezza Rice -- found 
that U.S. interrogation methods are categorically torture and that the abuse 
constituted war crimes, placing the highest officials in the U.S. government in 
jeopardy of being prosecuted.
Despite the reluctance to open what many see as a can of worms, there are fresh 
moves on many fronts to hold top U.S. officials accountable for war crimes.
Courts: U.S. courts have issued a barrage of decisions against the 
Administration's claim that they can do anything and still be within the law. 
The Supreme Court ruled June 12 that the Administration cannot deny habeas 
corpus rights to Guantánamo detainees. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals on June 
30 overturned the Pentagon's enemy combatant designation of a Chinese Muslim 
held in Guantánamo for the last six years. A Maine jury in April acquitted the 
Bangor Six of criminal trespass charges stemming from protesters' claim that 
the Constitution was being violated by the Bush Administration's involvement 
in Iraq.
Congressional investigation: Rep. John Conyers has recently brought top 
policy-makers, including former Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo, 
Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff David Addington, and this week former 
Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith and former Attorney General John 
Ashcroft before a House Judiciary subcommittee and grilled them on their role 
crafting the Administration's torture policy.
Senate hearings in June revealed that treatment of Guantánamo captives was 
modeled on techniques allegedly used by Communist China to force false 
confessions from U.S. soldiers.
Impeachment: Despite Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi's instruction to keep 
impeachment off the table, Rep. Dennis Kucinich for the first time brought an 
impeachment resolution to the House floor that incorporated a devastating, 
thirty-five article indictment spelling out Bush Administration war crimes and 
crimes against the Constitution. Now Rep. Conyers has announced that the 
Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on the charges July 25. Even after the 
Bush Administration leaves office, the judges it appointed who appear complicit 
in war crimes -- notably torture policy architect Judge Jay S. Bybee -- could 
still be impeached.
Truth commission: In response to General Taguba's accusations, New York Times 
Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof has just called for the establishment of a 
truth commission -- like that of post-Apartheid South Africa -- with subpoena 
power to investigate the abuses in the aftermath of 9/11 and lead a process of 
soul searching and national cleansing.
International: In May, Vanity Fair magazine published an article by British 
human rights attorney Philippe Sands, 

[LAAMN] The Abu Ghraib Prison: A Gift of the Sons of the Devil (Pakistan Daily) CAUTION: graphic

2008-07-25 Thread Romi Elnagar
The Abu Ghraib Prison A Gift From the Sons of The Devil and Raping Iraqi's 

Tuesday, 22 July 2008 00:00 www.daily.pk 

As a former Special Operations commander from the sixties and having been 
substantially involved with the training of US Army combat troops during the 
Vietnam and Berlin Crisis era – I have a good feel for the nature of the 
American serviceman, - or at least I THOUGHT that I did. Apparently there has 
been a substantial change in the moral complexion of young men in this once 
great country.
There is now a disease – a malady so pervasively evil – among our youth, that 
it can only be described as demonic. This shameful phenomenon did NOT happen 
over night but was the result of decades of moral rot in our schools homes and 
everyday lives. I was once proud to be called an American and would have laid 
down my life to preserve those freedoms and ideals which were the wellspring of 
American tradition in the very best spirit of the memories of our Founding 
Fathers and their Christian based foundations for this brave new world in which 
I was raised.
All that has changed and we are now nothing more than a zoo of wild soulless 
mindless compassionless materialistic ignorant animals. We have evolved into a 
race of sadistic monsters capable of any crime and any horror in our new 
‘improved’ world of Zionist incited ‘relative morality – Godless to THE EXTREME!
I remember the occurrence of mindless brutality in Mei Lai Vietnam – and how 
America recoiled in horror at the savagery unleashed by Lt. Calley against 
helpless civilians. Even though we were in a war situation with a REAL ENEMY – 
as ANY COMMUNIST ANYWHERE is – we as American people still had the humanity and 
wisdom to separate deceptive political lexicon such as ‘casualties of war’ and 
‘collateral damage’ from genuine war crimes. “Collateral damage” was the 
favorite mantra of the Zionist high priestess of sadism and disgusting little 
dwarf troll Madeline Albright, as she, in typical cruel Zionist fashion - 
trivialized the murder of countless innocent gentile children as meaningless. 
We did the right thing and I was proud that we did NOT hide behind that sick 
demented “ my country right or wrong” mentality.
NONE of the Arab world have ever been our enemies – UNTIL Zionists created 
enemies out of them by supporting WAR against ALL ARAB PEOPLE – murdering their 
families and children and destroying their homes and dreams. THAT is why you 
see no demonstration nor hear no dissident voice from ANY high profile Zionist 
against the horrible war crimes we are committing DAILY – ALL FOR THE ZIONIST! 
OF COURSE THEY NOW HATE US. We join the ZionistS in killing their sons and 
daughters. If I were an Arab father and watched MY beloved children ripped 
apart by US weapons and US soldiers 24-7 for more years that the ENTIRE SECOND 
WORLD WAR – I would do everything in my power to avenge my family. And unless 
the man reading this blog is a spineless worm – you would feel the same way!
We are WRONG! WE have done MONSTROUS EVIL to innocent people and one way or 
Any goodness that we had has been lost to the shrill madness that has 
exemplified the endless war crimes committed AND UNHEEDED by our now criminal 
government. What follows is but the tip of the iceberg of demonic madness in a 
military with a criminal mentality as evil as any in history. Read and learn 
then to see how low we have sunk as a nation of rapists killers and sadistic 
criminals! Some four decades ago - over a hundred innocent civilians were 
murdered at Mei Lai – and yet it troubled the collective conscience of an 
entire nation. As of – July 2008 – our young killers have MURDERED over ONE 
MILLION innocent helpless unarmed civilians – MOSTLY CHILDREN – and it is 
created Over FIVE MILLION refugees. What happens when those who’ve grown up on 
Hollywood grown up on Hollywood?
War movies and graphic video games are sent to the frontline?

“It’s the ultimate rush — you’re going into the fight with a good song

playing in the background,” states one soldier. This is a war fought by the 
first playstation generation. As Rolling Stones journalist Evan Wright explains:
“One thing about them is they kill {CORRECTION PLEASE: MURDER!} very well in 
The Zionization/destruction of the American conscience has now been complete! 
The Godless ruling elite in IsraHELL have finally achieved the total moral 
destruction of the American people through the destruction of our TRUE 
Christian heritage. NOW – look at the TRUE FACE of what the American people 
have become with a little help from the Zionist parasites that occupy America 
Remember – these horrors happen EVRY DAY in Iraq and Palestine. The only real 
difference in the crimes is that in Iraq we commit war crimes for the Zionist 
against his enemies and in 

[LAAMN] 2008-09-06: Communitas Awards

2008-07-25 Thread Uncle Don B Fanning

[...] Sat, Sep 6:
6 pm 10th Annual COMMUNITAS AWARDS dinner  program; honorees 
include folksinger-songwriter / songfighter ROSS ALTMAN, plus 
Bruria and David Finkel, and Herley Jim Bowling, at the Church in 
Ocean Park, 235 Hill St, in the Ocean Park district of Santa Monica. 
To receive an invitation, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Communitas recognizes community building by activists from the Los 
Angeles area. ROSS ALTMAN has performed live on radio's Tied to the 
Tracks. In the best tradition of folk music activism, he comforts 
the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable, whether singing at 
schools, union halls, folk festivals, libraries, senior homes, or 
folk societies, Ross brings his courage, intellect and warmth to 
every event. He has been the church's folksinger since he was first 
asked to lead a Labor Day Sunday filled with labor movement songs. 
This annual event has continued for nearly 30 years and is a 
highlight for the church and neighborhood. The evening begins with a 
buffet dinner at 6 pm, followed by the program at 7:30 pm. Program 
includes commendations to the honorees and musical pieces chosen 
especially for them, along with a silent auction and raffle (raffle 
tix $5 ea). Ads available in event program from Dona Dirlam, event 
co-chair, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 310-392-4773. Dinner/program tix $60 
per person, $25 low income. [...]

[additional via USPS mailing:]

Church in Ocean Park's 10th Annual Communitas Awards

You are invited to join us this night in affirmation of the power of 
community ti stand against injustice and bring peace to the world 
through daily actions. We honor these outstanding individuals who 
embody and elevate the spirit of community:  Ross Altman, Herly Jim 
Bowling, Bruria  Jim Finkel.  Casual dress, sociable buffet dinner, 
relaxed entertainment.  Saturday, September 6th, 2008.  Buffet 6p, 
awards 730p.  Church in Ocean Park, 235 Hill St., Santa Monica, CA 
90405.  Tickets: $60 per person/ $25 low-income. RSVP  info: 
310/399-1631, [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.churchop.org.

Wheelchair accessible; please let us know in advance if you would 
like to pre-arrange an access plan.  Limited parking in the Church 
lot; free parking on 4th St. and to east; metered parking in lots 1/4 
block west of Main St. from $0.75/hr. to 10 hours.

Event committee: Dona Dirlam, Amy Davis, Francisco Gonzalez, Anne 
Hawthorne, Beth Leder-Pack, Elizabeth Keller, Francine Lyness, Ben 
Swets, Linda Turner, Fred Whitlock, Jamie Lazow.  We would like to 
thank the many volunteers who make our event possible.  Proceeds to 
benefit the Church in Ocean Park's Capital  Program Funds.


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[LAAMN] Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises, Health Care for All,

2008-07-25 Thread Ed Pearl

Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
NY Times Editorial: July 25, 2008

The bad news about the Army's treatment of wounded soldiers keeps coming.
The generals keep apologizing and insisting that things are getting better,
but they are not.

The latest low moment for Army brass came on Tuesday in Washington, where a
subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee held a hearing to examine
the sorry state of the Army Medical Action Plan. That's the plan to prevent
the kind of systematic neglect and mistreatment exposed by The Washington
Post last year at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

After a flurry of apologies, firings, investigations and reports, the Army
resolved to streamline and improve case management for wounded soldiers.
Under the plan, warrior transition units would swiftly deliver excellent
care to troops so they could return to duty or be discharged into the
veterans' medical system. Each soldier would be assigned a team to look over
his or her care: a physician, a nurse and a squad leader. It all sounded
sensible and comprehensive.

It has not worked out so well. Staff members of the House subcommittee who
visited numerous warrior transition units June 2007 to February found a
significant gap between the Army leadership's optimistic promises and

Among other things, the Army failed to anticipate a flood of wounded
soldiers. Some transition units have been overwhelmed and are thus severely
understaffed. At Fort Hood, Tex., last month, staff members found 1,362
patients in a unit authorized for 649 - and more than 350 on a waiting list.
Of the total, 311 were identified as being at high risk of drug overdose,
suicide or other dangerous behavior. There were 38 nurse case managers when
there should have been 74. Some soldiers have had to languish two months to
a year before the Army decided what to do with them, far longer than the
goal the Army set last year.

Under skeptical questioning during a hearing in February, Lt. Gen. Eric
Schoomaker, the Army surgeon general, told the subcommittee that for all
intents and purposes, we are entirely staffed at the point we need to be
staffed. He also said: The Army's unwavering commitment and a key element
of our warrior ethos is that we never leave a soldier behind on the
battlefield - or lost in a bureaucracy.

That was thousands of wounded, neglected soldiers ago. There are now about
12,500 soldiers assigned to the warrior transition units - more than twice
as many as a year ago. The number is expected to reach 20,000 by this time
next year.

The nation's responsibility to care for the wounded from Iraq and
Afghanistan will extend for decades. After Tuesday's hearing, we are left
pondering the simple questions asked at the outset by Representative Susan
Davis, the California Democrat who is chairwoman of the military personnel
subcommittee: Why did the Army fail to adequately staff its warrior
transition units? Why did it fail to predict the surge in demand? And why
did it take visits from a Congressional subcommittee to prod the Army into
recognizing and promising - yet again - to fix the problem?


- Original Message - 
From: Tim Carpenter for PDA
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 5:12 PM
Subject: Lou Dobbs Attacks PDA

Help Us Stand Up to Media Demagoguery. Health Cae for All

Dear Friend,
On CNN last night, Lou Dobbs was in the anti-immigrant zone. Nothing new
about that--except this time he went after PDA.

Tonight, he intoned, a political action committee called Progressive
Democrats of America, PDA, is pushing a major new plank for the Democratic
Party. PDA wants what it calls health care for all, including illegal
aliens. One leading member of Congress has already signed on.

A report from a CNN correspondent was briefly matter-of-fact: Progressive
Democrats of America wants to end the Iraq war and plow the war funding into
setting up a system of universal health care.

And I got a few seconds on camera, explaining: We believe in health care
for all Our goal fundamentally is to make sure that all of us have
health care, all of us within the U.S. borders have health care.

That concept made host Lou Dobbs nearly apoplectic, as he soon let viewers
know. I mean this is utterly and completely outrageous, he said.

The idea that illegal aliens should have health care as a human right made
Dobbs go ballistic. I'll just speak for myself, he said, I mean, it is
unbelievable that any elected representative of the people would provide
that level of benefit to citizens--to people who are not even citizens of
this country.

What set off Dobbs' eruption? Apparently it was his correspondent reporting
that PDA is urging the Democratic Party to adopt a plank at the party's
convention in Denver, guaranteeing accessible health care for all.

You can help us push back against Dobbs and other media demagogues.
Within a day, you'll be receiving a follow-up email from Norman 

[LAAMN] Black August 2008 (another CORRECTION)

2008-07-25 Thread Uncle Don B Fanning
I've added the number for the Oakland trip (via 
the event's info person): 310-925-4305.  I've 
also reformatted the release just a bit.

To: laamn@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: thandisizwe chimurenga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 16:14:47 -0700
Subject: [LAAMN] CORRECTION: Re: Black August 2008


*Black August ***Los Angeles***
*Black August 2008 Calendar of Events*

  *Aug 1st, **Sunrise**:* Opening Ceremony
Dockweiler Beach, Playa Del Rey

  *Aug 1st, 7p:* Opening Program,
So Calif Library
6120 S. Vermont near Gage

  *Every Saturday in August, 7p:*  Resistance Films at the
AFIBA Center

  *Aug 2nd, 2p:* Free The San Francisco 8, 
Committee to Defend Human Rights (CDHR) at the
AFIBA Center
5730 S. Crenshaw Blvd.

  *Aug 7th, 7p:* Elder Freeman of the Black 
Panther Party speaks on Jonathan Jackson, Black Guerrilla,
AFIBA Center

  *Aug 9th, 2p:* Pan Afrikan Women's Day, 50 
Years Later: What Role of the African Woman?!
African Women's Group, at
KRST Unity Center,
7825 S. Western

  *Aug 10th, **Noon**:* Capoeira: Art of Resistance
Capoeira Angola Center of Los Angeles, in Leimert Park,
Crenshaw and Vernon,

  *Aug 14th, 6:30p:* Panel on Black Political Prisoners
KRST Unity Center

  *Aug 16th, 10a:* Marcus Garvey Parade  Festival
Crenshaw  Adams to Leimert Park,
festival begins at noon in Leimert Park,
sponsor: UNIA,

  *August 17th, **Sunrise**:*  Marcus Garvey 
Birthday Celebration in Leimert Park,

  *August 17th, Noon: *Community 
Forum:  Criminalization of Afrikan Youth, at the
AFIBA Center

  *August 21st, 7p:*  Human Rights Advocacy, 
Discussion on George Jackson, at the
AFIBA Center, 310-989-1269

  *August 23rd:  **Oakland**, **CA*
­ Travel to the Bay Area is encouraged to attend the Black August Celebration
with the Original Black August Organizing Committee
[info: 310-925-4305]

  *Every Saturday in August, 7p:*  Resistance Films at the
AFIBA Center

  *August 31st, Closing Program:*
Location To Be Determined

  *Black August Los Angeles*

  *| myspace.com/lablackaugust
  *213 ­ 321 - 0575*

[*** Note:  At the time of this posting, the 
graphic calendar at the myspace site was for the 
2007 events.  I've spoken to a person at the info 
number (213-321-0575) to confirm that the info in 
this email is correct for the 2008 events.]


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[LAAMN] EMERGENCY DEMO to support Puerto Rican grand jury resisters Mon July 28 at 1 PM

2008-07-25 Thread part2001
The Puerto Rican Alliance has called an emergency demonstration at the 
Rpybal federal building, 255 E Temple (the fed court and jail behind 
the downtown fed bldg) for Monday July 28 at 1 PM to support the 
resistance to a new set of subpoenas issued in New York to Puerto 
Ricans by a grand jury investigating the independence movement.

(PS don't forget that morning people are urged to come to court to
support the Black Riders 3 at 9 AM in LA Crim Courts, 210 W temple 
at 9 AM, Div 131 on the 15th floor.)


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