[LAAMN] Hedges: Pouring Gas on the Afghan Bonfire, UN Confirms 90 Civilians Dead

2008-08-29 Thread Ed Pearl
I watched MSNBC from 4-9pm, yesterday, to experience what many others
did, as well as to see and hear Obama.  I was impressed and moved,
despite serious disagreements, especially in foreign policy, Afghanistan
at the top.  Over the next days, I'll send you evaluations of his historic,
monumental presentation and his candidacy, and maybe add my own.



Pouring Gas on the Afghanistan Bonfire

by: Chris Hedges
Truthdig: Monday 25 August 2008

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan grind forward with their terrible human
toll, even as the press and many Americans play who gets thrown off the
island with Barack Obama. Coalition forces carried out an airstrike that
killed up to 95 Afghan civilians in western Afghanistan on Friday, 50 of
them children, President Hamid Karzai said. And the mounting bombing raids
and widespread detentions of Afghans are rapidly turning Afghanistan into
the mirror image of Iraq. But these very real events, which will have
devastating consequences over the next few months and years, are largely
ignored by us. We prefer to waste our time on the trivia and gossip that
swallow up air time and do nothing to advance our understanding of either
the campaign or the wars fought in our name.

As the conflict in Afghanistan has intensified, so has the
indiscriminate use of airstrikes, including Friday's, which took place in
the Azizabad area of Shindand district in Herat province. The airstrike was
carried out after Afghan and coalition soldiers were ambushed by insurgents
while on a patrol targeting a known Taliban commander in Herat, the U.S.
military said. Hundreds of Afghans, shouting anti-U.S. slogans, staged angry
street protests on Saturday in Azizabad to protest the killings, and Karzai
condemned the airstrike.

The United Nations estimates that 255 of the almost 700 civilian deaths
in fighting in Afghanistan this year have been caused by Afghan and
international troops. The number of civilians killed in fighting between
insurgents and security forces in Afghanistan has soared by two-thirds in
the first half of this year.

Ghulam Azrat, the director of the middle school in Azizabad, said he
collected 60 bodies after the bombing.

We put the bodies in the main mosque,'' he told the Associated Press by
phone, sometimes pausing to collect himself as he wept. Most of these dead
bodies were children and women. It took all morning to collect them.

Azrat said villagers on Saturday threw stones at Afghan soldiers who
arrived and tried to give out food and clothes. He said the soldiers fired
into the crowd and wounded eight people, including one child.

The people were very angry, he said. They told the soldiers, 'We
don't need your food, we don't need your clothes. We want our children. We
want our relatives. Can you give [them] to us? You cannot, so go away.' 

We are in trouble in Afghanistan. Sending more soldiers and Marines to
fight the Taliban is only dumping gasoline on the bonfire. The Taliban
assaults, funded largely by the expanded opium trade, are increasingly
sophisticated and well coordinated. And the Taliban is exacting a rising
toll on coalition troops. Soldiers and Marines are now dying at a faster
rate in Afghanistan than Iraq. In an Aug. 18 attack, only 30 miles from the
capital, Kabul, the French army lost 10 and had 21 wounded. The next day,
hundreds of militants, aided by six suicide bombers, attacked one of the
largest U.S. bases in the country. A week before that, insurgents killed
three foreign aid workers and their Afghan driver, prompting international
aid missions to talk about withdrawing from a country where they already
have very limited access.

Barack Obama, like John McCain, speaks about Afghanistan in words that
look as if they were penned by the Bush White House. Obama may call for
withdrawing some U.S. troops from Iraq, but he does not want to send them
all home. He wants to send them to Afghanistan, or to what he obliquely
terms the right battlefield. Obama said he would deploy an additional
10,000 troops to Afghanistan once he took office.

The seven-year war in Afghanistan has not gone well. An additional 3,200
Marines were deployed there in January. Karzai's puppet government in Kabul
controls little territory outside the capital. And our attempt to buy off
tribes with money and even weapons has collapsed, with most tribal groups
slipping back into the arms of the Taliban insurgents.

Do the cheerleaders for an expanded war in Afghanistan know any history?
Have they studied what happened to the Soviets, who lost 15,000 Red Army
soldiers between 1979 and 1988, or even the British in the 19th century? Do
they remember why we went into Afghanistan? It was, we were told, to hunt
down Osama bin Laden, who is now apparently in Pakistan. Has anyone asked
what our end goal is in Afghanistan? Is it nation-building? Or is this
simply the forever 


2008-08-29 Thread jdemaegt

Date:   8/28/2008 5:49:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time

28 AUGUST 2008

‘...The dogs,
rabid, foaming with the energy of their brutish ignorance,
stride the city streets like robot gunslingers,
spreading death
as night lamps flash crude reflections
from gun butts
and police shields...’

Gil Scott-Heron, from his
A Poem for Jose Campos Torres


Editor's note: The Aug. 20 brutalizing of longtime KPFA programmer NADRA
FOSTER by police who were called to KPFA by station and network management 
has the
Black community and all justice seekers seething. How could managers,
including two Black women, of the radio station that proudly considers 
itself the
most progressive in Northern California not know the dangers of calling the
police on a young Black person?

As KPFA programmer Weyland Southon exclaimed on the Block Report that broke
the story on Flashpoints the next day:

“Situations like this get us killed.”

The first priority now is for all charges against Nadra to be dropped and 
KPFA to make her whole. The cost of justice isn’t cheap and should inspire
some deep soul searching by KPFA and Pacifica management.

Rumors that Nadra had been “banned” because a white programmer said she felt
“threatened” by this young Black woman who’d been trained at KPFA and has
worked there as unpaid staff for over a decade are not unprecedented. Other
young Blacks in recent years have been banned and locked out of KPFA merely
because white programmers complained they felt threatened by the young 
presence. Racism runs deep at KPFA.

Reparations must include revising KPFA’s program schedule to include a prime
time public affairs show covering African American news and views. The one
hour a week allocated to the esteemed show Africa Today is nowhere near 
time to cover the far flung African Diaspora.

News from the Black community inevitably features police terrorism because 
is perpetrated every day in every hood in the U.S. That’s the “War at 
Home” –
 hidden in plain sight because powerful media, including KPFA with its 
watts reaching a third of California, refuse to recognize and report on it.

The fact that the San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, which 
report the news from Black communities across the country, is not currently
in print makes coverage of that news by KPFA imperative. KPFA’s signal 
most of the 100,000 people who used to read the printed Bay View every 
week –
the majority unable to read it on the web because they can’t afford internet
access or are locked behind enemy lines.

Be sure to attend and speak out at the town hall meeting Sunday, Sept. 7, 3
p.m., at the Black New World, 836 Pine St., West Oakland. Demand as 
a prime time program on KPFA that’s of, for and by the Black community – a
show that covers police terrorism unflinchingly so that listeners and KPFA 
Pacifica management know the terrible consequences of calling the police on 
young Black person. KPFA, where the memory of the Black Panther Party is
revered, must remember that the purpose of the party was to defend the Black
community against police terrorism!

The journalist best known for his coverage of police terrorism and other 
and death Black news is POCC Minister of Information and Bay View Associate
Editor JR, who wrote the story that follows and broke the story of the 
on his colleague at KPFA, NADRA FOSTER. He asked that word of another 
suffered by the Black community be included in this message to emphasize the
unbreakable ties that bind KPFA to the Black community:

A member of the Sideshow collective whose program is broadcast on KPFA every
last Friday at midnight , AUGUST ‘FEF MITTI’ McCOY, was murdered in Vallejo
on Saturday night. His funeral will be Friday, Sept. 5, 11 a.m. , at Wilson 

Kratzer Mortuary, 455 24th St. in Richmond . Please pay your respects by
attending or by sending your condolences to the family via MOI JR at

Meanwhile, watch for the impending re-launch of a redesigned website for the
Bay View newspaper at http://www.sfbayview.com . Your support of the Bay 
by advertising or contributing (tax deductible if you wish) is badly needed
and greatly appreciated, and your stories and comments sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] are always welcome.

--- --- --- --- --- --- 


Speak out at the town hall meeting Sunday, Sept. 7, 3 p.m.,
at the Black New World, 836 Pine St., West Oakland

by Minister of Information JR

On Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008, between 1 and 2 p.m., NADRA FOSTER, a young
Black woman programmer and single mother, was beaten to the ground by the 
police, arrested, hog-tied and taken to jail, after the management of KPFA
radio and the 

[LAAMN] Another example of anti-disabled hate talk

2008-08-29 Thread part2001

Michael Savage is a piece of shit.

Savage said on his radio show autistic children are fakers who just 
need a little discipline.

In 99% of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act 
out. That's what autism is, Savage said last week.

They don't have a father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a 
moron. You'll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz.

A number of parents of autistic children took to the streets outside 
his studio today in protest.

It's horrific, said Natalie Smith, the Staten Island representative 
for Autism United. I mean, who would say something like that? These 
are children, not animals. I don't know what was going on in that 
guy's head.

Ed Moffitt, 75, proudly showed a picture of his 8-year-old grand-
nephew, Bob.

Bob can't speak. He never called Savage any names, Moffitt told the 
New York Daily News.

We are dying to hear him say 'Mommy' or 'Daddy.' And (Savage) says 
that he is just acting out? said the boy's grandfather, retired NYPD 
officer Bob Moffitt. It hurts me.

WOR Radio said they couldn't be held responsible for what Savage says 
because he is a syndicated host broadcasting out of San Francisco.


WOR knows the hateful venom Savage spews everyday. They don't care. 
Not as long as they get their piece of the pie.

Meanwhile, Savage himself told CBS 2 Monday that he would not 

My comments on autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and 
children to the medical community's attempt to label far too many 
children or adults as autistic, he said in a phone interview with 
CBS 2.

Of course, that isn't what he said on the air.

Media Matters for America on Sunday condemned Savage for his comments.

What Michael Savage said was foolish, mean-spirited, and hurtful, 
said J. Jioni Palmer, spokesman for Media Matters. It's unfortunate 
he would use his radio program to make fun of and belittle these 
kids. Instead of ridicule and cheap shots, the children suffering 
from autism and asthma and their families need support and 

The leader of a national coalition of disability, civil rights and 
social justice organizations called on Talk Radio Network to fire 
Savage. ADA Watch/NCDR called on Talk Radio Network to fire Michael 
Savage. Jim Ward, founder and president of ADA Watch and the National 
Coalition for Disability Rights (NCDR), stated: As America prepares 
to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities 
Act (ADA) on July 26th, people with disabilities, parents, family 
members, friends and advocates across the nation are outraged over 
Savage's latest attack on people with disabilities. His despicable 
assault on children with autism -- calling them frauds and brats -
- is rightly being condemned as hateful and bigoted. But it is just 
the latest of Savage's numerous and painful attempts to demean and 
disenfranchise people with disabilities.

He added that Savage has also used his bully-pulpit to declare that:

-- High levels of asthma impacting minority children was because the 
children got extra welfare if they were disabled. (July 2008) 

-- The handicapped workers at the Phoenix Cafe would drool and 
put dung in diners food. He made up names for the food on the menu, 
such as nutburger. (July 2002)

-- Members of the disability rights community are the Wheelchair 

-- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the world's first civil 
rights law for people with disabilities, should be called 
the Lawyers' Improvement Act.

-- His political opponents are degenerate slime bags with mental 
disorders and have a virus like leukemia.

-- When he was younger, he touched the hand of a midget [Dwarf], it 
really freaked him out and, since that episode, he doesn't like 
public places. (June 2004)

-- The autism lobby of devastated parents is just a scam to get more 

Representatives from Autism United said they expected between 800 and 
2,000 people to rally in front of Savage's San Francisco studio on 
Wednesday to demand an apology and his termination. They said major 
advertisers Home Depot and Aflac have pulled support and that several 
stations across the United States have agreed to stop broadcasting 
Savage's show (Why in the hell were Home Depot and Aflac sponsoring 
his shows to begin with and why are stations across America helping 
to spread his hate).

It's not like until now Savage has just been another right wing 
blather box.

But you know what is really disgusting?

The Savage Nation, his radio show, reaches at least 8.25 million 
listeners each week, according to Talkers Magazine, making it one of 
the most listened-to talk radio shows in the nation, behind only The 
Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.

What in the name of God is wrong with people?

The following is from Newsday.

Parents of autistic kids protest radio show host

Advocates for autistic children are protesting 


2008-08-29 Thread Karin Pally

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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