[LAAMN] Well, It Is an Occupation

2011-07-25 Thread Dick_Sharon P
Bill Fletcher: Whatever the original ambitions of the Israelis in the 
aftermath of the June 1967 War, it is clear that the settlements are no 
longer a bargaining chip but are there as part of a process of 
annexation. READ MORE http://eepurl.com/eUaSI

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[LAAMN] Fw: Question: Why did President Obama put Social Security and Medicare on the table in the budget negotiations when 80% of the people oppose cuts to these programs?

2011-07-25 Thread Romi Elnagar

--- On Sun, 7/24/11, Elizabeth Allen spktruthtopower...@yahoo.com wrote: 
From: Denver Media Service r...@denvermediaservice.com
To: 1TPU truepatriotsun...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, July 22, 2011 9:56:37 PM
Subject: Question: Why did President Obama put Social Security and Medicare on 
the table in the budget negotiations when 80% of the people oppose cuts to 
these programs?

Question: Why did President Obama put Social Security and Medicare on the table 
in the budget negotiations when 80% of the people oppose cuts to these programs?
Answer: The president is not in office to represent those people. He was 
selected, funded and carried over the finish line by corporate America. Look at 
the appointment of Wall Streeter Timothy Geithner, the bailouts, and the 
failure to prosecute any of the crooks who caused the current recession. He’s 
serving the people who put him in office. Those people don’t need Social 
Security and Medicare.

Q: Doesn’t the president need to worry about reelection? Why would he risk that 
by going against such a large majority?
A: President Obama has no personal or financial risk if he loses his job.. He 
has a tidy lifetime pension and will, no doubt, be on plenty of corporate 
boards, not to mention the opportunities for huge speaking fees. There is less 
political risk than you might think. The only Republican presidential candidate 
who might be other than certifiable is the largely unknown John Huntsman, 
former governor of Utah and Obama’s ambassador to China. The rest would do much 
more harm to seniors than Obama concessions this time around (if they 
materialize) and people know that.
Q: The national debt is at $14 trillion. Doesn’t Obama have to do something 
decisive now?
A: If you assume that reducing the national debt is the primary challenge 
facing the nation, yes. But why do we have out of control spending? Social 
Security pays for itself. If Obama truly wanted to help Medicare, he would lift 
the ban on medicare negotiating 40% to 60% discounts on prescription drugs.
If the president wanted to cut the budget now,everything would be on the table. 
He would cut military spending and end the wars. He would demand an end to 
outsourcing and the multilevel scheme to give away the jobs of the citizens of 
the United States. He won’t even consider and discuss these high yield options. 
Without any doubt, the president would never have allowed the Bush tax cuts to 
carry forward, if he wanted new revenue from those who could pay. He is not 
serious about lowering the national debt.
Q: Isn’t Obama forced to negotiate some budget cuts due to the Republican 
threat to vote against raising the national debt ceiling?
A: Failing to raise the debt ceiling is pure insanity. The good faith and 
credit of the United States would be shattered. The AAA credit rating would 
drop, everything that the government does would be more expensive, causing even 
more debt. In addition, the impact on the US and world economy would be 
catastrophic, like a global tsunami. This is well known. Only the delusional 
believe otherwise.
Q: So why isn’t the false drama between Republicans and Democrats made clear?
A: The corporate media has no interest in debunking this false drama. Their 
owners benefit greatly from this sort of contrived crisis. The drama by 
no-drama Obama and the shrill voices on the right in are in complete alignment 
with the very big money interests. Those interests can force cuts in Social 
Security and Medicare (already begun with cuts to the employee payroll rax). 
They can protect the Bush administration’s tax breaks, a major factor in the 
deficit. They can sneak in all sorts of legislative and regulatory changes 
while the focus is on this false drama. This is a time honored technique. For 
example, the real threats from the 9/11 attacks were never addressed. Instead, 
the turmoil after the attack became the pretext for war against Iraq invasion 
and opened the door for huge increases in military spending. They do this 
whenever they have an opportunity.
Q: Aren’t you saying that the president doesn’t care about the typical citizen 
struggling through this serious recession and those who have lost their jobs, 
homes, and futures
A: Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying. The president might call it “shared 
sacrifice” or some other corny term. But, in fact, he is willing to to see 
people thrown out of their homes with few if any resources, denied medical 
care, and stay jobless for months and years. His first term in office has 
demonstrated that in the clearest terms.
This president will never do a single thing to oppose the the agenda of the 
ruling financial elite unless, of course, members of the ruling elite tell him 
to oppose something meaningless just for the sake of appearances.
Q: So there is no hope?
A: There hasn’t been much hope for a long time. There will never be any change 
as long as just about everybody in elective office and much of the 

[LAAMN] Control Cuban Style

2011-07-25 Thread Cort Greene
[image: author photo]

*Daisy Valera:* Until the middle of 2010, I was a university student. Today,
at 22, I’m a graduate in nuclear chemistry and have joined the ranks of the
Cuban work force. I love the cinema, books and architecture – even of the
collapsing buildings. I like doing craftwork using thread, stone and metal.
I fear monotony and I’m committed to the aim of building a better society.


 *Control Cuban Style*

Posted By *Daisy Valera* On July 23, 2011 @ 6:49 am In *Daisy Valera's Diary
* | *2 Commentshttp://www.havanatimes.org/?p=47327print=1#comments_controls

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*Daisy Valera*

http://www.havanatimes.org/?attachment_id=47329 [3]The Sixth Congress of
the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) concluded a few months ago, but people
still have ideas to contribute as well as suggestions and concerns that need
to be continually shared, whether such individuals are in line at a bakery
or at a bus stop.

The congress was not the balm that healed the economic wounds of the last
couple decades. It was more like the same old pill demanding additional
effort and sacrifice.

It’s only that now — without subsidized toiletries, with the ration book
bidding us farewell, and growing numbers of the unemployed — that pill is
going to be more difficult to swallow.

All bets are being placed on private initiatives, once viewed so
judgmentally but now accepted as necessary and inevitable.

It’s in this context that the word “control” appears, plaguing conversations
and the pages of newspapers.

I then noted that over these past 50 years of what has been called a
“socialist” system, we Cubans have adopted various theories about control
and how things should be controlled.

*The leader’s role*

One of the most widespread theories is that a leader (a member of the PCC in
the overwhelming majority of cases) plays the fundamental role.

According to a not insignificant number of Cubans (from my point of view),
control over workers should be the responsibility of those who manage.

This boss should be the one in charge of demanding punctuality, discipline,
the fulfillment of objectives and more.

Conclusions: the job of managers consists of guaranteeing that wage earners
work. To achieve this, they receive salaries above those of their employees
and they enjoy better working conditions (air conditioning, a car and
perhaps even trips abroad).

*Sanctions and firings*

It’s not unusual to hear that everything in this country would be solved if
loafers were sanctioned or fired from their jobs.

It seems that some people have forgotten that transportation is terrible,
making it difficult for workers to make it to their jobs on time. Plus, all
stores and agro-markets are only open during working hours. Therefore not
arriving to work on time or being forced to skip out of necessity turns you
into poorly behaving, undisciplined worker – subjecting you to the mercy of
your boss.

It also seems that some people have the gall to think that when someone
“steals” from their job, they’re not doing it out of necessity or because of
their low wages, but to get some cheap thrill or because they romanticize
being a thief.

I think that when the workers “steal” from their workplaces, they’re only
taking a part of the wage they’re not paid. It’s the only way possible for
them to be compensated for their labor, the only commodity that workers

*An alternative*

Everything indicates that some ideas (Marxists?) on this island have been
tossed into the garbage despite the possibility of these being useful in
addressing complaints about idlers, ultra-conservatives and bureaucrats.

*Some of these could be:*

*- Workers electing their representatives at each workplace, with the
ability for those same workers to revoke those elected at any moment to
prevent the monopolizing of power and benefits.
- The rotation of workers in different activities of the workplace to
prevent the alienation that is produced by work when it doesn’t include
creative processes.
- The design of working plans by the collective instead of these being
imposed by higher authorities.
- Control of intellectual and material production by the workers themselves.

*We do not have to forever continue on with the methods of control handed
down to us by capitalism and perfected under Stalinism. We Cuban workers
must become our own bosses and work towards the objective of being less
exploited every day. *

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[LAAMN] Honduras:Another campesino leader from the MUCA murdered

2011-07-25 Thread Cort Greene

Another campesino leader from the MUCA murdered
Mon, 07/25/2011 - 11:59 — AP

URGENT, Another *campesino* leader from the MUCA, Left Bank, is murdered
Notice from Wilfredo Paz, FNRP Colón
translation V. Cervantes
July 23, 2011

The National Front of Popular Resistance in the department of Colon
dennounces that today (July 23) at 11:50 am, a *campesino* leader from the
MUCA, Left Bank, was assassinated, *compañero* Julian Alvarenga leader of
the *campesino* cooperative, La Isla UNO, from the *campesino* settlement of
Nueva Marañones, also found near death, gravely wounded is the
*campesino*Santos Dubón who was riding with him on a motorcycle. They
were fired on
from a vehicle in front of the municipal market in the city of Tocoa where
they supposedly bought some food. Last weekend the leaders Luis Alonzo Ortiz
and Constantino Morales from the same settlement were assassinated,
meanwhile all the leadership of the 14 cooperatives are under death threats,
apparently paying with their lives that fact that they did not accept the
impositions of the government and did not sign the recent agreement to fix
the agrarian conflict in Aguán. We condemn the policy of extermination that
is being applied to the the MUCA, Left Bank of the Aguán River.

Tocoa, Colon, July 23, 2011. FNRP-COLON . Blood of Martyrs - Seed of

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[LAAMN] : Tues 7/26 - Using Data/Mapping for Community Based Participatory Action Research

2011-07-25 Thread Will Coley

Using Data/Mapping for Community Based Participatory Action Research

Tuesday, July 26, 2011, 6:30 PM

Location: Advancement Project, 1541 Wilshire Blvd # 508, Los Angeles, CA (map)

Help us spread the word via Facebook event listing!

 As a program of Advancement Project’s Healthy City, the Community
Research Lab partners with community-based organizations to develop,
implement, and disseminate data/mapping projects, tools, and workshops
that promote community knowledge and Community Based Participatory
Action Research. Staff will discuss how the Lab supports CBO
strategies by combining mapping technology and a Community Based
Participatory Action Research framework that democratizes how research
is conducted in communities.


Janice C. Burns: Community Research Lab Manager  Research Analyst –
Healthy City
Janice conducts GIS mapping research and analysis and helps develop
and coordinate community-focused research tools and projects such as
Healthy City’s Community Research Lab and Community-Engaged Mapping.
She has provided mapping research and technical assistance on many
projects that have informed the policy, organizing, advocacy, and
other strategies of community-based organizations throughout Los
Angeles County. She applies her teaching skills as a healthycity.org
website trainer and Community Research Lab workshop facilitator. With
a background in the youth development field, she is interested in
youth engagement in neighborhood planning and research. She holds a
Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from UCLA and a
Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Black Studies from UC Santa
Barbara. She enjoys travelling and salsa dancing every place she

Tahirah Farris, AICP: Project Manager
As a Project Manager for Healthy City, Tahirah is responsible for the
Projects core work area. She manages the direct technical assistance
process for engaging with project partners and is responsible for
designing and implementing research and data analysis projects that
include community engaged mapping and participatory action research to
improve policies and resources in underserved neighborhoods. Some of
her past research topics include public safety and the built
environment, gentrification and displacement, as well as access to
healthy food options and safe spaces for recreation and physical
activity. Tahirah is also a member of Healthy City’s Community
Research Lab, in which she facilitates workshops and that aim to build
and sustain the research capacity of community based organizations.
She hopes to bring a sustainable perspective to addressing the
challenges social equity, economic vitality, and environmental justice
for Los Angeles’ communities. Tahirah received a Master of Planning
degree with a concentration in Social and Community Development as a
Dean’s Merit Scholar from the University of Southern California. She
is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners

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[LAAMN] Special Screening of Will The Real Terrorist Please Stand Up - Tuesday, July 26th, 7:00 PM at Laemmle's 4-Plex in Santa Monica ~ Q A with Director Saul Landau ~ Film Shows US-backed Violen

2011-07-25 Thread Frank Dorrel
Special Screening of

Will The Real Terrorist Please Stand Up

Tuesday, July 26th - 7:00 PM

Laemmle's Monica 4-Plex

1332 2nd Street, Santa Monica


$10 Entrance Fee at Box Office










Directed by Emmy Winner Saul Landau, Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand
Up shows that US-backed violence against Cuba continued for decades. Some
Bay of Pigs participants and the most well-known terrorists appear on camera
to boast of or re-evaluate their activities over the years. Orlando Bosch,
Jose Basulto, Luis Posada Carriles and Antonio Veciana discuss
assassinations and other actions they took to bring down the Revolutionary
government. The new film, featuring Danny Glover, Cuba's top counter spy and
Fidel Castro himself (filmed recently) is combined with fascinating archival
footage and a rare recorded interview from prison with one of the Cuban 5.
These men are serving long sentences in US prisons for trying to stop
terrorism against tourist sites in their country.


Screening in Los Angeles on July 26th, which marks the anniversary of the
onset of the Cuban Revolution as well as the nationwide release of the film
on DVD and digital platforms.



**Arrive early.  Seats are limited. With a special appearance by legendary
cinematographer Haskell Wexler, QA to follow with Saul Landau **


Let us know you are attending on Facebook (confirmation on Facebook does not
constitute a ticket) Details:


Buy your advance tickets by clicking


This event is organized by Cinema Libre Studio and co-sponsored by the
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five and the Center for
Human Rights and Constitutional Law with endorsements from Center for Human
Rights and Constitutional Law, El Rescate, Office of the Americas, Law
Offices of R. Samuel Paz, National Lawyers Guild Los Angeles Chapter,
Operation USA, Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), Film4Cuban5
and the Socialist Workers Party.


Saul Landau has produced over forty films. He has received numerous awards,
including an Emmy with Jack Willis for Paul Jacobs and the Nuclear Gang,
the Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award, the George Polk Award for
Investigative Reporting, the First Amendment Award, and the Bernardo
O'Higgins award from the Chilean government for his human rights work. He is
a senior fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.


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[LAAMN] The political crisis and the crisis of capitalism

2011-07-25 Thread Cort Greene
*To read  the appeal and to donate via PayPal or mail, please  go to the url


 Support In Defence of Marxism this

Written by In Defence of Marxism Monday, 25 July 2011 10:58

[image: 6668_imt-manifesto-on-crisis-part-one-thumb]2011 has already been a
year full of developments: the Arab Revolution, the crisis of the Euro and
mass struggle against austerity around Europe and the United States. In
these times of crisis and struggle, we ask for your support in spreading
Marxist ideas around the world.

 The political crisis and the crisis of
Written by Adam Booth Monday, 25 July 2011

*As the earthquake of economic crisis sweeps across the globe, the political
establishment in country after country is being shaken to the core. “Strong”
governments have been exposed as, in fact, being extremely weak, both at the
ballot box and on the streets. The ruling class is beginning to lose its
political grip on society and people are beginning to question the
traditional pillars that society has rested upon for centuries. *

At its heart, this political crisis is a reflection of the deep crisis of
capitalism, which leaves no rock unturned as its tremors spread across the
world. Marx and Engels explained in their writings that at the heart of
society is the economic base: the mode of production and distribution; the
relationship between the different classes and the means of production. Upon
this base is built the “superstructure” of forms and ideology within
society: the state, the law, the family, religion, morality, culture, etc.
As a result, changes to the economic base are, in the long run, generally
reflected by changes within the superstructure.

In normal periods, when the productive forces are developing and living
standards are improving, society’s economic base is generally speaking not
questioned by the majority of people. Up until recently, capitalism was, for
many, a sacred cow. All of that changed with the current economic crisis,
which has thrown society backwards. As people begin to question the
fundamental base of society – capitalism itself – they are led, inevitably,
to question everything else that once seemed unquestionable: all the old
morals and ideas; the various arms of the state; the political establishment
and even our so-called “democracy”. As Marx and Engels put it in the
Communist Manifesto:

“All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is
at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and
his relations with his kind.” (*The Communist Manifesto;* Chapter One; Marx
and Engels)

This questioning is nothing new, and is a symptom of a social and economic
system that is in decay – that has entered its death agony. A similar
process occurred in the later stages of feudalism, which was reflected in
the art of the time (Hieronymus Bosch and the art of the death agony of
Feudalism http://www.marxist.com/bosch-art-of-death-agony-of-feudalism.htm),
and during the decline of the Roman Empire, when all the traditional
culture, morality, and religion was suddenly thrown into question (Class
struggle in the Roman

The current crisis of capitalism has already shaken many pillars of society.
In Britain, the establishment has been rocked on numerous occasions over the
past few years, beginning with the MPs' expenses
Splits in the ruling class have emerged recently, with members of the church
and the army speaking out against the coalition
and now all the sordid links between the media, the police, and politicians
have been exposed by the revelations of the phone hacking scandal (see Phone
hacking scandal rocks
of the World Scandal: the ugly face of
Internationally, people have been stunned and governments have been rattled
by the invention of WikiLeaks, which has helped to play a major role
in exposing
the backroom deals and machinations of international “diplomacy” and foreign
affairs http://www.marxist.com/wikileaks-exposes-washington-hits-back.htm.

The ruling class is finding it increasingly difficult to rule. All of the
usual mechanisms of the state – the media, the police, the army, etc. – are
in crisis. Faced with the prospect of having to carry out the most severe
austerity programme in the history of capitalism, the 

[LAAMN] Reich: The President's Jobs Plan (Not), NEW: Rival Debt Plans, Obama and Boehmer agreement

2011-07-25 Thread Ed Pearl
Some have said lighten up, Pearl.  As spake, I heedeth.  Check item 3.
(and just one emailing, today.  Ed/lite)


From: earthactionnetw...@earthlink.net

The President's Jobs Plan (Not) 



By Robert Reich 

RobertReich.Org: July 13, 2011 


What did the President do in response to last week's horrendous job report -
unemployment rising to 9.2 percent in June, with only 18,000 new jobs
(125,000 are needed each month just to keep up with the growth in the
potential labor force)? 


He said the economy continues to be in a deep hole, and he urged Congress to
extend the temporary reduction in the employee part of the payroll tax,
approve pending free-trade agreements, and pass a measure to streamline
patent procedures. 


To call this inadequate would be a gross understatement. 


Here's what the President should have said: 


This job recession shows no sign of ending. It can no longer be blamed on
supply-side disruptions from Japan, Europe's debt crisis, high oil prices,
or bad weather. 


We're in a vicious cycle where consumers won't buy more because they're
scared of losing their jobs and their pay is dropping. And businesses won't
hire because they don't have enough customers. 


Here in Washington, we've been wasting time in a game of chicken over
raising the debt ceiling. Republicans want you to believe the deficit is
responsible for the bad economy. The truth is that when the private sector
cannot and will not spend enough to get the economy going, the public sector
must step into the breach. Cutting the deficit now would only create more


My first priority is to get Americans back to work. I'm proposing a jobs
plan that will do that. 


First, we'll exempt the first $20,000 of income from payroll taxes for the
next two years. This will put cash directly into American's pockets and
boost consumer spending. We'll make up the revenue shortfall by applying
Social Security taxes to incomes over $500,000. 


Second, we'll recreate the WPA and Civilian Conservation Corps - two of the
most successful job innovations of the New Deal - and put people back to
work directly. The long-term unemployed will help rebuild our roads and
bridges, ports and levees, and provide needed services in our schools and
hospitals. Young people who can't find jobs will reclaim and improve our
national parklands, restore urban parks and public spaces, recycle products
and materials, and insulate public buildings and homes. 


Third, we'll enlarge the Earned Income Tax Credit so lower-income Americans
have more purchasing power. 


Fourth, we'll lend money to cash-strapped state and local governments so
they can rehire teachers, fire fighters, police officers, and others who
provide needed public services. This isn't a bailout. When the economy
improves, scheduled federal outlays to these states and locales will drop by
an amount necessary to recover the loans. 


Fifth, we'll amend the bankruptcy laws so struggling homeowners can declare
bankruptcy on their primary residence. This will give them more bargaining
leverage with their lenders to reorganize their mortgage loans. Why should
the owners of commercial property and second homes be allowed to include
these assets in bankruptcy but not regular home owners? 


Sixth, we'll extend unemployment benefits to millions of Americans who have
lost part-time jobs. They'll get partial benefits proportional to the time
they put in on the job. 


Yes, most of these measures will require more public spending in the short
term. But unless we get this economy moving now, the long-term deficit
problem will only grow worse. 


Some in Congress will fight against this jobs plan on ideological grounds.
They don't like the idea that government exists to help Americans who need
it. And they don't believe we all benefit when jobs are more plentiful and
the economy is growing again. 


I am eager to take them on. Average Americans are hurting, and their pain is
not going away. 


We bailed out Wall Street so that the financial system would not crash. We
stimulated the economy so that businesses would not tank. Now we must help
ordinary people on the Main Streets of America - for their own sakes, and
also so that the real economy can fully mend. 


My most important goal is restoring jobs and wages. Those who oppose me must
explain why doing nothing is preferable 


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* * *


dlinesemc=tha2 nl=todaysheadlinesemc=tha2


Rival Debt Plans Being Assembled by Party Leaders



[LAAMN] Fwd: Native American Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier in the Hole at Lewisburg Prison

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Novick

Leonard Peltier in the Hole at Lewisburg Prison

Levi Rickert, editor-in-chief in Native Briefs. 

Free Leonard Peltier
Leonard Peltier

Peltier, the American Indian activist, who has 
been in federal prison for over 35 years has 
been in Administrative Detention - the hole - 
since June 27 for two minor infractions.

Peltier was placed in solitary confinement for 
allegedly a woman in the UK mailed a silver 
coin which was actually delivered to him by 
prison officials, and a light switch that had 
been tampered with by a cellmate some time ago, 
according to his attorney, Robert R. Bryan of San Francisco.

Peltier is serving a life sentence in the US 
Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. He was 
convicted of murdering two FBI agents on the 
Pine Ridge Reservation. Peltier is considered to 
be a political prisoner of war by many American 
Indians throughout the United States and others worldwide.

I wonder if it would be different if Leonard 
were not a prominent American Indian activist 
who keeps fighting after decades of 
imprisonment, said Bryan in an email to the 
Native News Network late Wednesday night. This 
present situation is greatly exaggerated by the 
prison officials. I view this as another attempt 
to break and intimidate Leonard.

Eariler on Wednesday, Bryan was advised that the 
lesser of the two charges has been heard and 
sanctioned. He was not fully apprised of the 
details. A hearing for Peltier is pending with 
the Discipline Hearing Officer as to the other 
allegation, but Bryan did know when that will 
be. Bryan will be in contact with the Warden's office today.

Peltier's health is poor because of decades of imprisonment.

He needs to be placed back into the general 
population, but there is no way of knowing at 
this point what will happen, continued Bryan. 
He cannot presently call me so communication is slow.

Vicente Panama' Alba
Tel # 917 626 5847

Lets Be Realistic
Lets Do The Impossible
Ernesto Che Guevara

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[LAAMN] WIRED belatedly reveals ethics violations, broken confidentiality in exposure of Bradley Manning

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Novick
By Joe Pompeo | The Cutline ­ Thu, Jul 14, 2011

Last June, the former hacker and sometimes-self-described-journalist
Adrian Lamo spoke with Yahoo! News about his decision to turn in Bradley
Manning, the 23-year-old Army intelligence analyst accused of providing a
trove of classified United States military and diplomatic data to the
whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

At the time, Lamo told John Cook (now a reporter at Gawker) that he didn't
employ any subterfuge in getting Manning to discuss his activities:

Lamo says that he spelled out very clearly in his chats with
Manning that he wasn't affiliated with WikiLeaks or acting as a
journalist. Lamo even offered, he says, to speak to Manning as a reporter
and to protect his identity­and Manning refused.
I told him, 'Look--I am a journalist, and California [where Lamo lives]
has a shield law,' Lamo says. I asked him if he wanted that choice, and
he did not.

The chats Lamo was referring to, in which Manning claimed responsibility
for the blockbuster leak, were excerpted June 10 last year on
Wired.com--several weeks after Manning was detained by Army authorities.
Wired explained at the time that it had redacted portions of the chats
that discuss deeply personal information about Manning or that reveal
apparently sensitive military information.

Wired has now published the full chat transcript--because, as the magazine
explains, the most significant of the unpublished details have now been
publicly established with sufficient authority that we no longer believe
any purpose is served by withholding the logs. However, the fuller record
of the Manning-Lamo chats also supplies a portrait of Mannings' sourcing
agreement that's markedly different from how Lamo had characterized it to

I'm a journalist and a minister. You can pick either, and treat this as a
confession or an interview (never to be published)  enjoy a modicum of
legal protection, the chat logs reveal Lamo to have said. And later
during the encrypted online conversation:

(1:54:55 PM) bradass87: but im not a source for you… im talking to you as
someone who needs moral and emotional [expletive] support

(1:55:02 PM) bradass87: :'(

(1:55:10 PM) i...@adrianlamo.com: i told you, none of this is for print

(1:55:16 PM) bradass87: ok, ok

These new revelations show that Manning clearly seemed to believe that
Lamo was someone he could trust, and they have some spectators all riled

So Lamo lied to and manipulated Manning by promising him the legal
protections of a journalist-source and priest-penitent relationship, and
independently assured him that their discussions were 'never to be
published' and were not 'for print,'  writes Salon's Glenn Greenwald,
who's been one of Manning's most aggressive advocates in the press. Nor
did Greenwald let Wired off the hook:

Knowing this, Wired hid from the public this part of their exchange,
published the chat in violation of Lamo's clear not-for-publication
pledges, allowed Lamo to be quoted repeatedly in the media over the next
year as some sort of credible and trustworthy source driving reporting on
the Manning case.

And this from Gawker's Adrian Chen:

Regardless of what you think of Manning's alleged leak, or Lamo's turning
him in­and reasonable people disagree!­Lamo is objectively a scumbag for
having repeatedly reassured a troubled 22-year-old that he was speaking to
a journalist off the record, then turning around giving the scoop to his
buddies at Wired to fulfill his well-documented love of the spotlight. And
luckily for him, Wired left out all the parts that made him look bad when
it went initially to press so he was able to run around lying to pump
himself up as a hero who'd saved the country from a madman bent on
America's destruction.

But there is, of course, a broader digital-age moral to the story: It's
nearly impossible to expect that anything you write or say to someone is
ever truly off the record.

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[LAAMN] Fwd: Danny Glover and Saul Landau on Visiting Gerardo Hernandez of Cuban 5

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Novick
Tuesday, 12 July 2011 23:02

By Danny Glover and Saul Landau

6:50 a.m. Plane leaves Oakland California airport.

8:05 a.m. Plane lands in Ontario, California, 
wait for the rent-a-car bus, pick up the rental 
and drive northeast toward Las Vegas (how else to 
explain heavy traffic on Saturday morning?).

9:30 a.m. We step from the air-conditioned 
rent-a-car into the burning sun of the Mojave 
Desert, the landscape for the U.S. Correction 
Complex in Victorville, California.

The guard at the desk gives us forms. We fill out 
forms and wait with several women in the waiting 
room. There's a sign missing in the gray metal room: Unfriendly.

10:30.a.m. Saul asks the desk guard how much 
longer we'll have to wait. They're counting the prisoners, he replies.

11:30 a.m. A guard calls our numbers. We pass 
metal detector and pat-down tests. A guard stamps 
our forearms. We are only permitted to carry 
quarters in our pockets; nothing else – the coin 
accepted by the venomous food machines in the visiting room.

A handle-less door opens. Danny, Saul and five 
women enter another chamber. An unseen prison 
guard inside a heavily sealed, thick glass office 
electronically closes the heavy metal door; 
another guard passes an ultra violet light 
machine over the invisible stamp on our arms. We 
wait. Moments later the invisible guard 
electronically opens another solid metal door.

The visitors stand outside in a naked passageway 
between grey concrete bunkers and enough barbed 
wire to seal some national borders. The scorching 
desert sun alerts us to the surroundings and the 
contrast between what the prison architect has 
done and the landscape on which the immense 
concrete bunkers got built: brooding mountains, 
desert, cactus, and unseen bones of dead pioneers and Indians.

One electronically sealed chamber later, we enter 
the visiting room – and wait.


We sit on miniature plastic chairs even Kmart 
wouldn't sell. A door opens; Gerardo Hernandez 
emerges. In the 1990s, Cuban intelligence sent 
him to run an infiltration group in south Florida.

Bombs in hotels and restaurants don't exactly 
draw vacationers and Cuba's economy depended on 
expanding its tourist sector. In 1997, in order 
to stop the wave of Havana hotel and restaurant 
bombings, Gerardo's group penetrated violent exile groups.

Gerardo's predecessors began infiltrating such 
groups before he was born. In 1959, former 
Batista officials and other anti-revolutionary 
exiles started their Florida-based air attacks against Cuba.

Cuba complained to Washington. President 
Eisenhower quipped: Why don't the Cubans just 
shoot the planes down? asked Ike. But Washington 
didn't stop the over flights.

Three plus decades later, Jose Basulto formed 
Brothers to the Rescue to spot rafters miles 
between Cuba and the Florida Keys. After the 
1994-5 Migration Accords eliminated the need for 
such an operation, Basulto changed his mission. 
He convinced wealthy right wing exiles to fund 
the Brothers to enter Cuban air space and drop provocative leaflets.

The Cuban infiltrators also discovered that 
Basulto had developed some weapons he planned to 
drop. Gerardo, Havana's control agent, helped one 
agent, Juan Pablo Roque, slip out of Miami. Back 
in Cuba, Roque held a press conference and 
revealed he had also doubled as an FBI informer. 
He offered eyewitness details of Basulto's plans for violence against Cuba.

This dashing young pilot had fooled the Brothers 
to the Rescue and the Bureau. He also became the 
darling of ultra right Congresswoman Ileana 
Ros-Lehtenin (a photo shows her slightly more 
than casual interest in Roque). Shortly after 
Roque's press conference, Basulto announced his 
intention to fly over Cuban territory. A White 
House official and the FAA knew of the plans, but 
the government eventually charged Gerardo as 
Havana's source of the Brothers' flight plans – 
three planes – that allowed Cuban MiGs to shoot 
down two of them on February 24, 1996. Basulto's plane returned to Miami.

After Roque had revealed his true identity, 
Miami's right wing radio commentators began 
claiming Castro had taken over the FBI. In 1998, 
partly to undo that image, Gerardo thinks, the 
FBI busted him and other Cuban agents (The Cuban 
Five), despite the fact they had provided the 
Bureau with details of hidden explosive and arms 
caches and other relevant information to stop terrorism.

The U.S. case relied on the supposition that the 
MiGs fired missiles over international airspace. 
Cuban vectors indicated the action occurred over 
Cuban airspace. The U.S. government has not 
released its satellite images on national 
security grounds. Gerardo's trial lawyer did not 
demand them as evidence for the defense.

Why, asked Gerardo, would the U.S. government 
not use these images available if they validated 
the prosecutor's argument? If the shoot downs 
occurred over Cuban air space, he emphasizes, 
there would have been no 

[LAAMN] Fwd: Murdoch Media Empire Scandal, Capitalism, White Supremacy

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Novick
From: Benjamin Prado bpra...@yahoo.com




July 19, 2011

A major “media scandal” is rocking the global 
capitalist-imperialist world. Rupert Murdoch’s 
News Corporation, one of the six corporations 
that control ninety-five percent of the world’s 
media, was exposed for illegally spying 
(telephone hacking) on hundreds of people and of 
corrupting/bribing politicians and police in England.

As a result, Murdoch has been forced to close its 
most profitable tabloid in England (News of the 
World), laying off hundreds of workers. Key 
executives of News Corporation and police agents 
have been arrested or forced to resign –the 
(Scottland Yard) police commissioner and his 
assistant have been forced to give up their posts.

The “sparked” that brought about the current 
capitalist crisis was an article published in a 
rival newspaper (The Guardian) which detailed 
how, in their drive to produce attention grabbing 
headlines and gossip, the Murdoch-owned tabloid 
engaged in the mass hacking of phone messages of 
a 13-year-old kidnap and murder victim, as well 
of those of families of 9/11 victims and British 
soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

In addition, “mysteriously” the News of The World 
reporter who blew the whistle on the phone 
hacking, Sean Hoare, was found dead on July 18th 
–only days after the scandal was made public to the masses.

The “exposé” has outraged thousands and forced 
the government –after years of knowing about the 
criminal activities of Rupert Murdoch’s media 
outlets–– to press charges against Murdoch’s employees and associates.

In an effort to “save his media empire”, Murdoch 
has begun damage control. Besides shutting down 
the News of The World, he is attempting to hide 
his crimes from public view by running full-page 
apologies in all of his newspapers and meeting 
with the family of the murdered schoolgirl whose phone was hacked.

Rupert Murdoch has been reported to be 13th most 
powerful person in the world. He began to 
construct his media empire in Australia (where he 
was born) upon the extensive media assets left to 
him by his rich father. During 1960s, with help 
from the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), he 
extended his media holdings to Europe, Asia, and 
the Americas. His fortune includes hundreds media 
outlets such as book publishing (book), magazine, 
newspaper, film/movie production and 
distribution, radio, internet, television/cable 
stations, and satellite services, etc. In the 
United States alone, his $33 billion media empire 
includes U.S. Fox TV/News, The Wall Street 
Journal, New York Post, 20th Century Fox, and 
HarperCollins publishing company.

The current scandal is nothing less than another 
indictment of the capitalist and imperialist 
system. It is part of the general crisis of 
imperialism and like all recent developments 
(bank bailouts, home foreclosure, unemployment, 
etc.) it is tearing apart the legitimacy of 
institutions of the state that are used by the ruling class to control society.

Like any corporate newspaper, the News of The 
World existed to serve three purposes: (1) to 
bring profits and power to its owners (rich 
capitalists); (2) keep the masses asleep and 
confused, and thus out of “struggle”; and (3) to 
attack and neutralize anyone considered to be a 
danger to fascism (corporate control of the 
world’s natural and human resources).

As the Raza Press and Media Association (RPMA) 
and other organizations have said in the past, 
the media is an important weapon in the arsenal 
of the capitalist-colonialist system. It is a 
means by which the ruling class imposes its 
ideology upon the world’s masses: the workers and the poor.

What the scandal has done is to once again reveal 
the capitalist media’s use of corruption and 
crime to control the politics and resources of as 
much of planet earth as they can. History informs 
us that the media’s use of spying, blackmail, 
bribery, murder, and false propaganda to 
influence the political economy of the world is the norm and not the exception.

To the extent the current scandal terrifies the 
“bourgeoisie” (ruling class) is made obvious by 
The London Evening Standard editorial (July 7, 
2011) where it states: “...what is most troubling 
is the way that the scandal is affecting public 
faith in the police, the press and politicians, 
all of whose basic honesty is central to 
democracy.” What the Standard means by democracy 
is not what the masses of the people understand 
it to be. For the bourgeoisie “democracy” does 
not mean democratic or human rights, but its 
ability to exert power over the wealth and control of society.

The following briefly sums up the ideological 

[LAAMN] CA Prison Hunger Strike solidarity demos to press prisoners' demands

2011-07-25 Thread Michael Novick

Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 14:46:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Keith James keithjame...@yahoo.com

Dear Friends,

I hope you are well and look forward to seeing you Thursday, July 28 
when we'll be in front of the State Building in LA (10am to 5pm) and 
at LA County Jail (7pm to 9pm) to demand an end to torture in CA 
prisons and support for the 5 demands of the hunger strikers. Press 
Conference @ 11am.

Best, Keith

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[LAAMN] Fw: URGENT: Republicans out of control

2011-07-25 Thread Romi Elnagar
This message from MoveOn has my own congressman's phone number on CapitAl Hill.

I think you can call the main CapitAl Hill switchboard for your own 
congressman, but I don't know the number offhand.

--- On Mon, 7/25/11, Daniel Mintz, MoveOn.org Political Action 
moveon-h...@list.moveon.org wrote:

#yiv925924728 , #yiv925924728 td, #yiv925924728 font {font-size:10pt;}
#yiv925924728 td p {margin:0em;}
#yiv925924728 p {margin:1em 0em;}
#yiv925924728 td div p {margin:1em 0em;}
#yiv925924728 .yiv925924728X0uMP p {margin:1em 0;}

Rep. Cassidy and his Republican colleagues are threatening to force the U.S. 
into default, all to cut programs for working families
and protect the richest few from one dime of tax increases. Can you call right 
now and tell Rep. Cassidy you'll hold him accountable for his efforts to
destroy the American Dream?

  Representative Bill Cassidy


Report your call

Dear MoveOn member,

House Republicans are out of control.

With just 24 hours left to strike a deal that would prevent the U.S. from 
defaulting on its debts, Republicans
have walked away from the negotiating table.1

The president has already offered them unthinkably deep cuts—even to Social 
Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.2
But they refuse to even negotiate. Either 100% of their demands are met—not one 
more dime of taxes on rich, savage
cuts to programs for working families, and even a repeal of key parts of last 
year's health care reform law3—or they'll force the U.S. into default.

It's really beyond the pale. And sadly, the only way they'll come to their 
senses is if they see that
they'll pay a steep political price for their irresponsibility. So we need to 
let Rep. Cassidy and his colleagues know
that the American people will hold them responsible for their hostage-taking.

Can you call right now and tell Rep. Cassidy you'll hold him accountable for 
his efforts to destroy the
American Dream?

  Representative Bill Cassidy


Then, report your call by clicking here.

The Republicans have created this crisis, and they'll be responsible for the 
consequences. Raising the debt ceiling
is a routine part of American politics. Republicans raised it seven times under 
President Bush. And President Reagan raised
it 14 times.4

But today's tea-party Republicans decided to use this must-pass bill as a way 
to take the American economy
hostage. And they're intent on preventing anything that might be seen as a 
victory for the president, even after he's
agreed to their extreme demands.

We need to expose their outrageous tactics, and make it clear that this is a 
crisis entirely of their own creation.
Congress could pass a clean debt ceiling bill tomorrow and continue 
negotiations on the deficit without
putting the world economy at peril. But Republicans will only act responsibly 
if they face enormous anger from their constituents. 

Can you call Rep. Cassidy right now to let him know you'll hold him personally 
responsible for putting the
economy at risk?

  Representative Bill Cassidy


Then, please report your call by clicking here:


Thanks for all you do.

Daniel, Stephen, Elena, Adam Q., and the rest of the team


1. Obama criticizes Boehner for walking away from talks, NBC News, July 22, 


Small debt scheme as elusive as a grand one, The Washington Post, July 24, 


2. Boehner and Obama Nearing Deal on Cuts and Taxes, The New York Times, July 
21, 2011


3. Ibid

4. Democrats invoke Reagan in support of debt-ceiling increase, The Hill,  
July 16, 2011



Want to support our work?
We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no
corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our
tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.
Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized 
by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Romi Wythe 
Elnagar on July 25, 2011. To change your email address or update your contact 
info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] The New McCarthyism: Oregon Tea Partiers invade quiet MoveOn picnic, break it up with threats -- and boast about it

2011-07-25 Thread Romi Elnagar

  The New McCarthyism: Oregon Tea Partiers invade quiet MoveOn picnic, 
break it up with threats -- and boast about itJuly 22, 2011 12:00 PM
By David Neiwert 

Video of the incident is at

  Probably the most disturbing aspect of the multifarious effects of 
Fox News' right-wing propaganda machine and its Tea Party offspring is 
the way it has utterly taken over the lives of so many senior citizens, 
who lap up every word as the gospel truth and have become increasingly 
radicalized by talking heads like Glenn Beck. 
Even as they project their own intentions onto the likes of the unions,
 the Fox acolytes and the Tea Partiers have effectively become a 
brownshirt corps of mean-spirited, vicious thugs. It's deeply disturbing
 to watch people in our parents' generation viciously attacking liberals
 with increasing venom and violence.
The latest example took place last weekend in the quiet little 
retirement town of Roseburg, Oregon. It's a pretty little burg on the 
I-5 corridor in western Oregon that is mostly populated with senior 
citizens of various stripes. Via Carla at Blue Oregon, we happened upon this 
story in the local paper:
A small political gathering of about 18 liberal thinkers 
at River Forks Park Sunday afternoon erupted in conflict when about 35 
members of the conservative tea party intruded upon the meeting, waving 
flags and holding signs accusing the rival group of being communists, 
Marxists and socialists.
The liberal group — organized by MoveOn.org — decided to leave the 
park and move its potluck to a nearby home. Members of the conservative 
group followed, parking at the entrance of a private lane leading to the
 home to continue their protest.
Roseburg Democrats Dean and Sara Byers said Monday they told tea 
party members who followed that they were not welcome to drive down the 
lane to their home.
The Byerses said they got out of their car to stop vehicles from 
entering the driveway and one tea party member almost ran them over.
Sara Byers said she was so shaken she called 911. She said a Douglas 
County deputy called about an hour and a half later and said he had been
 unable to respond because of other incidents. Byers said she was still 
considering filing a criminal complaint against members of the tea party
 for harassment.
A leader of the tea party group, Rich Raynor of Roseburg, disputed the liberal 
group's version of events.
“They are liars,” said Raynor, director of Douglas County Americans for 
Prosperity. “That is what communists do.”

The latter confrontations were not videotaped, but the Tea Partiers themselves 
proudly posted the video
 of their invasion of the MoveOn picnic. Moreover, it clearly documents 
how they effectively broke it up -- by threatening the attendees with 
intimidating speech and making it clear they wanted the group to clear 
out. What it doesn't show, of course, is that they followed these folks 
to someone's private home and tried to invade the gathering on private 
property as well.
Here's the script the proud authors of the video provided:
Self professed communist Van Jones teams up with 
MoveOn.org to promote the American Dream Project, aka I want what you 
have worked for. Promoted here by the Douglas County Democratic Central 
Committee members. Challenged by Americans who love freedom!
I have an idea. Let's end class warfare. If you want more, get up 
earlier and work harder. It works wonders for your self-respect.
We had to disable comments. They were vile, vulgar, threatening...typical 
Chicago thuggery stuff.

One thing that's clear from both the script and from the video is 
that what has the Tea Partiers especially exercised about MoveOn is the 
fact that Van Jones is now working with them to promote his Rebuild the Dream 
project. The Tea Partiers kept repeating Van Jones! Van Jones! almost 
mantra-like, and then calling MoveOn a bunch of communists.
This is the New McCartyhyism at work, thanks in no small part to the effective 
work of Glenn Beck during his misbegotten tenure at Fox News -- the apotheosis 
of which was his successful attacks on Van Jones. 
We discussed this at length with Jones himself
 recently. And while he's right that we can't let these kinds of smears 
deflect or distract us from what we're trying to achieve, there's no 
doubt he also understands that they need to be knocked down fiercely and
And the claim that Van Jones is a Communist is simply a baldfaced lie. Maybe 
every MoveOn member is now going to have to equip themselves with the words of 
Jones' attorneys, in their letter to Fox News, on this matter:

Mr. Jones is not a member of any Communist Party or Marxist organization
 whatsoever, and has not expressed any support for any form of Communist
 or Marxist ideology for many years. In the same 2005 article in which 
he Mr. Jones discussed having had such notions as a young man, he also 

[LAAMN] US Islamophobes Try to Change Subject on Anti-Muslim Norwegian Mass Murderer

2011-07-25 Thread Cort Greene
  US Islamophobes Try to Change Subject on Anti-Muslim Norwegian Mass
David Dayen http://news.firedoglake.com/author/dday/ Monday July 25, 2011
10:50 am


Anders Behring Breivik, the man who orchestrated the horrific attacks in
Norway on Friday, appeared in
courthttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14280210for the first
time today, and claimed that he has “two more cells” working
in concert with him.

 Mr Breivik had earlier said he had acted alone.

Prosecutor Christian Hatlo said police could not rule out that someone else
was involved and confirmed an investigation was underway into Mr Breivik’s
claims that he had worked in a cell, or group, and that there were two other

Mr Breivik has been charged under the criminal law for acts of terrorism.
The charges include the destabilisation of vital functions of society,
including government, and causing serious fear in the population.

The judge said that Mr Breivik had admitted carrying out the attacks but had
not pleaded guilty to the charges.

Norway has a maximum prison sentence of 21 years, but those deemed to pose a
risk to society can be detained longer. Breivik is unlikely ever to leave

The death toll has mercifully
76 from 93, but it’s still a horrific tragedy, “one of the worst mass
killings in postwar Europe” according to the New York Times.

Breivik’s manifesto, which showed a hatred toward multicultralism, Muslim
infiltration and also
revealed a noxious strain of European anti-immigrant nationalism, which is
mirrored here by Islamophobes in the United States. Predictably, they are
engaging in the time-honored
tactichttp://mediamatters.org/blog/201107240004of calling for nuance
after someone ideologically aligned with them commits
an atrocity.

 Among the conservative to rush to judgment were Jennifer
Rubinhttp://mediamatters.org/blog/201107230006of the Washington
Post, CNN contributor Erick Erickson, and Andrew
Breitbart’s BigPeace.com. The Breitbart website surmised that the attacks
could have meant that Norway’s “big Muslim problem” had “just blown up in
its face.” Erickson
Twitter: “Terrorist bombing in Oslo. I bet you it was not Lutherans
did it.”

Now that their uninformed and ideologically motivated guesswork has been
proven wrong, these same conservatives are adopting the “No True
fallacy and claiming that Breivik’s abhorrent behavior was not that of a
Christian, but more akin to that of a Muslim.

while he was wrong, he was nonetheless justified in his assumption
because Christians, unlike Muslims, do not commit politically motivated

“With Christians, it is rather rare to see a self-described Christian engage
in heinous terrorist acts. In fact, in as much as there is an Arab Street
filled with muslims [sic] more often than not cheering on the latest
terrorist act of radical Islamists, you will be very hard pressed to find a
Christian who does not condemn the act regardless of the faith of the person
doing the killing.”

Right-wingers have a concerted
it comes to hyping Muslim extremists. When some facts enter that
dispute their pay hypotheses, they tend to put the facts on trial, rather
than alter their views.

Charlie Pierce’s spectacular
us that this could happen here, and in fact has happened – at least
thirty times – in the last several years. Right-wing terrorism remains a
threat to peace and security. Anger, demonization and the characterization
of Muslims – and liberals – as illegitimate is a toxic mix. When it
manifests itself as it did in Norway, the bigots who promote the same hate
speech here want to drop the subject. They shouldn’t get away with it.

[LAAMN] Please Support Anti-War Chicano Activist Carlos Montes!

2011-07-25 Thread Frank Dorrel
Call Out to Continue to Help the Case of Carlos Montes!!  

Hi, please support me and the 23 other activists in this fight.

One way you can help us is by distributing this email to your listserves and
by making a donation of any kind.

Another way you can help is by joining me and other allies in this struggle
against FBI/Police repression and intimidation. 

My next court date is on August 12, 2011 and we have attached flyers in
english and spanish regarding my case and court support for AUGUST 12, 2011.


Carlos Montes 



Support Carlos Montes' legal defense. Thousands are needed to keep Carlos
out of prison.

Is this email not displaying correctly?
e=2236bdad06 View it in your browser. 


Please Support Anti-War and
Chicano Activist Carlos Montes!

August 12, at CCB LA, court date is fast approaching for Carlos Montes, and
we urgently need your support.
Thousands of dollars are needed to put on a strong legal and political
You can help keep Carlos Montes out of prison.
We are asking you to donate to Carlos Montes' legal defense by clicking
id=39efc5bdcde=2236bdad06 here.

For donations by check, there is information at the bottom. 
Carlos Montes is a longtime Chicano activist known for his leadership of the
1968 East Los Angeles high school education reform movement (see the film
id=c1d33c2d20e=2236bdad06 Walkout), the historic Chicano Moratorium
against the U.S. war in Vietnam, and the recent immigrants rights
mega-marches of 2006.
More recently in September 2010, Carlos Montes' name appeared on the FBI
search warrant for the Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis - the
organizing center for the 30,000 protesters at the 2008 Republican National
Convention. The attack on Carlos Montes is part of a sweeping government
campaign tied to 23 Midwest anti-war activists raided or subpoenaed by the
FBI - as the
id=91875ece73e=2236bdad06 Washington Post reported.
In May, Los Angeles Sheriffs broke down Montes' door, arrested him and
ransacked his home. They took political documents, a computer, cell phones
and meeting notes having nothing to do with the legal charges. The FBI tried
to question Carlos regarding the case of the 23 anti-war and solidarity
Sadly, we have seen this repression before. As Congressman John Lewis (D-GA)
said in a recent letter to Attorney General Eric Holder about the current
FBI and grand jury repression:  I am writing because I am reminded of
another time and another period in our history, during the Civil Rights
Movement, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and I and many others in the
movement, were investigated in an attempt to silence our voices. 
If you know this history, you understand the repression Carlos Montes now
Thank you for your donation and your solidarity. The anti-war and immigrant
rights movements will not be silenced, we will continue to organize for
meaningful change.
For peace and justice,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
id=ba86d25580e=2236bdad06 www.StopFBI.net
To Donate by Check
id=b1e82b1823e=2236bdad06 Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

To Donate Online
id=427672772be=2236bdad06 click here. or paste
http://www.stopfbi.net/donate in your browser.
For Tax Deductible Donations
For larger tax deductable donations going to the legal defense fund, please
make them out to the National Lawyers' Guild Foundation and write CSFR
in the message line. These donations must be $100 or more. Please mail to
our office at the address above.
For Los Angeles meetings and events: www.stopfbila.net

For questions or information:  mailto:i...@stopfbi.net i...@stopfbi.net or
call  tel:612-379-3585 612-379-3585

  http://www.twitter.com/stopfbi/ follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook |
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Copyright C 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved. 
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of
anti-war and international solidarity activists! 
Our mailing address is: 

Committee to Stop FBI Repression 

PO Box 14183

Minneapolis, MN 55414

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[Non-text portions of this message have been 

[LAAMN] Can you help send L.A. delegation to national political prisoners conf in DC?

2011-07-25 Thread part2001
The date is fast approaching for the founding meeting in Washington DC of a 
National Confederation to Free Unjustly Incarcerated and Political Prisoners. 
The Los Angeles chapter of the Jericho Amnesty Movement is seeking financial 
support to help send a delegation from our area to this important national 
gathering, which is seeking to unite all forces involved in the struggle over 
political prisoners and for justice in a principled united national formation 
with an accountable work plan and timetable.

Comrade Laalaa of the Black Riders Liberation Party, a member of the local 
Jericho Amnesty Movement chapter, is the national youth coordinator of Jericho 
and it is vital to ensure her participation at the National Confederation 
meeting. We would also like to send another member of the BRLP, along with 
Lawrence Reyes of the Puerto Rican Alliance, Guillermo Suarez of the Movimiento 
de Liberacion Nacional Mexicano, and Michael Novick of Anti-Racist Action 
(ARA-LA/PART) to the founding meeting in DC. But to do so, we urgently need 
financial contributions (or possibly the donation of frequent flyer to cover 
one or more tickets. Air fare is approximately $400 per person round trip. 
Transportation and frugal accommodations in the DC area for the 3 day gathering 
will be provided by the hosts.

If you can help in any way with a donation toward this cause, please get in 
touch ASAP via email, or call 310-890-7104. This conference is an opportunity 
to bring significant national momentum to bear on the cases of political 
prisoners here in CA, including Ruchell Magee, Hugo Pinell and Romaine Chip 
Fitzgerald, some of the longest held political prisoners in the world, Gerardo 
Hernandez of the Cuban 5, Comrade Noor and General T.A.C.O. of the Black Riders 
(Noor was sent back to state prison after resisting police abuse outside the 
trial of killer cop Johannes Mehserle; T.A.C.O. is still forced to wear an 
electronic GPS ankle monitor [21st Century slave shackle] off a frame-up 
conviction). Numerous of the prisoners involved in the hunger strikes at 
Pelican Bay, Corcoran, Tehachapi and other CA prisons have been in 
communication (before and since) with LA Jericho and its constituent groups, 
particularly the BRLP. Please help us bring their message of unity, solidarity 
and struggle to the National Confederation founding meeting in D.C. Aug 19-21 
by making a generous financial contribution today. We know that all grassroots 
peoples' organizations are strapped for funds these days, but we believe this 
significant initiative for justice and liberation merits your support! Thanks 
in advance.

Michael Novick for Jericho Amnesty Movement to free all political prisoners, LA 
chapter (please forward!)

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[LAAMN] 2011-07-30..31 Benefit: Church in OP 120th Anniv.

2011-07-25 Thread Uncle Don B Fanning
2011-07-30..31 Benefit: Church in Ocean Park 120th Anniv.
Music, Movement and Community - Art, Music, Movement and the Spoken 
Word; Healing and Community Gathering

Music, Movement and Community
TimeSaturday, July 30 at 9:00am - July 31 at 5:00pm
LocationChurch in Ocean Park, 235 Hill Street, Santa Monica, CA
Created By  Janet Gollery McKeithen 
For Church in Ocean Park 

More InfoA week-end of Performances and Open Workshops...
2) https://sites.google.com/site/churchinoceanpark/Home
3) https://sites.google.com/site/churchinoceanpark/support-the-church

A non-traditional interfaith community, famous for it's warm 
embracing inclusion of All people, and a Flashpoint for Art, Music, 
Movement and the Spoken Word; Healing and Community Gathering.
Join us for one or more of our Spirit-infused Arts Offerings, all 
proceeds restoring and renewing the drained coffers of an otherwise 
Rich 120 year old Historical Icon of Santa Monica, and still on the 
Cutting Edge of Sacred Space, Creativity and Activism.

$20 per event or unlimited access to all (both days!) for $30!

If you cannot attend any of the events, but would like to make a tax 
deductible contribution: Church In Ocean Park, 235 Hill St. Santa 
Monica, CA 90405
  Saturday, July 30th
9:00-12:00 Medicine Dance with Fred Sugerman, (circle and Simone's horn)
12:00-1:00 Potluck
1:00-2:00 Area History Talk/Discussion with Mike Snow of the Heritage Museum
2:30-5:30 Movement Workshop with Simone Forti
6:30-8:30 Sanctuary with Mikel Farber, the Nostatic Jazz Band and Ahkiyyini

Sunday, July 31st
9:15-10:00 Singing Group
10:15-11:45 Interfaith Service: words by Rev. Janet McKeithen and 
Peggy Dobreer
11:45-12:30 Potluck
12:30-12:45 Dance Performance with Suchi Branfman
1:00-2:00 Concert with Stephan David Hewitt
2:30-4:00 Yoga with Jasmine Lieb
4:15-4:30 Bird of Peace Dance, Solo performance by Joie-May Silvers
  Co-creators, Joie-May Silvers and Paula Perlman

Fred Sugerman is a movement artist and teacher, workshop designer and 
facilitator, energy wrangler, container and releaser. He is the 
creator and founder of Medicine Dance, which he has been teaching in 
Santa Monica 11 years. Saturday morning session will be physically, 
mentally, spiritually exhilarating. Verbally guided and music 
accompanied, the workshop is an exploration of capturing present 
moment thoughts, feelings and sensations and allowing them to be 
expressed through the body. No dance experience necessary.

Simone Forti is an internationally loved dancer and educator. She has 
performed at REDCAT Theater and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los 
Angeles and teaches a yearly class at UCLA.. Her Movement Workshop 
will emphasize improvisation and will be geared alike for people with 
little or no experience, or quite a bit of experience. Simple warm 
ups will get our juices going and thoughtful game structures will 
support our explorations together with energy and delight.

  Rev. Janet Gollery McKeithen understands that there are many ways 
to see and be in the world and had sampled a variety of spiritual 
paths before being ordained in the United Methodist Church. She has 
worked with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees as the 
Immigration and Refugee Coordinator for UMCOR. She has worked for the 
County of Inyo with mothers addicted to drugs, and with the Inyo 
County Office of Education, directing a program for at-risk students. 
Janet is an advocate for people who are oppressed, understanding that 
we are all connected through our sacredness. She has lead both urban 
and rural churches to create positive change in their communities for 
over 28 years.

Suchi Branfman, choreographer, performer, educator and activist, has 
worked nationally and internationally throughout Europe, Latin 
America, Canada and the Soviet Union. She worked for many years with 
Wallflower Order Dance Collective, then co-founded Crowsfeet Dance 
Collective, both women's multicultural dance companies. From the 
women's prison in Corona to Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre and to the dirt 
fields of Nicaragua, her interest is in telling people's stories 
through movement. Her faculty work has included City University of 
New York, Long Island University, UC Irvine, Cal Poly Pomona and Art 
Center College of Design. Suchi currently teaches Modern Dance, 
Improvisation and Dance Composition at Scripps College and directs 
Music Together of Santa Monica. She recently retired from serving on 
the City of Santa Monica's Art Commission, after ten years.

Stephan David Hewitt will present Dancing to the Love Songs; 
playing (and singing from the piano)