[LAAMN] Terrorism and destabilization in Venezuela, all you can eat…

2013-04-10 Thread Cort Greene

Terrorism and destabilization in Venezuela, all you can
10, 2013 — Sabina Becker



Venezuelan justice minister Néstor Reverol plays back audio of some highly
incriminating phone calls between members of the Salvadoran terror cell
that attempted to disrupt next Sunday’s presidential election. Here’s the
story: http://www.aporrea.org/tiburon/n226542.html

*“Capriles has managed to find safe places, for our people…the team is
already there, they tell me, and they’re working in groups to disorient the

This can be heard clearly in a telephone call between an ex-colonel from
the Salvadoran Armed Forces (FAES), David Koch Arana, who is currently in
Venezuela, ad the director of the right-wing Salvadoran ARENA party,
Roberto D’Aubuisson, which took place between March 23 and 25 of this year.

The videos of the interference and the links between these Salvadoran
mercenaries and the right-wing candidate Capriles Radonski, were presented
by Minister Néstor Reverol, who played back both conversations.

On March 23, both Salvadoran agents confirmed that they had seen the
reports on Capriles Radoski, whom they secretly identify as “C”, and two
days later, they conversed at length in a phone call which implied
immediate danger for the stability of Venezuela, which went as follows:

“Did you tell them that they’d be making like we’re working in the
campaigns here? …Be careful, remember they already offered their support if
they win, and that would be good for us,” says D’Aubuisson.

Koch Arana warns D’Aubuisson that the Venezuelan government already has
information of the presence of these groups, so they have to be careful.

“They’ve started a hunt and supposedly they’ll inform the State that there
are foreigners interfering in their political affairs,” says the Salvadoran

The right-wing politician, D’Aubuisson, calms him down, saying that
Capriles already has safe houses for them, but warns that it’s necessary to
co-ordinate both groups because they are apparently unknown in Venezuela.

“I don’t know how the groups they sent are operating here, but I hope they
don’t clash or have a conflict, since they don’t know each other. I’ll talk
to them to see how they’re organizing, so they’re identified,” says

Minister Reverol also showed the photo of another mercenary, identified as
Julio Alberto Cornejo Quintanilla, who, according to intelligence reports,
is already in Venezuela and is tasked with co-ordinating both shock groups.

*Reverol assured that the Venezuelan government will not let mercenary
groups destabilize the country and the April 14 elections. He confirmed
that the security forces of the state are on the trail of the mercenaries
and will execute raids and all necessary measures to prevent the plans of
the destabilizing groups from coming to fruition.*

Translation mine.

Let’s hope D’Aubuisson and Koch Arana are wetting their pants accordingly;
the Venezuelan authorities are now on their tails. I hope they get the
raids on camera for VTV, too.

And let’s hope they and Majunche are also wetting their pants over this
their little buddies in the bogus opposition “student” group, JAVU:

*Operation Sovereignty*

Plan of Action and Resistance of the United Active Youth of Venezuela
(JAVU) for April 14, 2013


We’re just a few days away from a presidential election which from the
start has been one of the most unjust and unequal of all time, while the
Cuban government tightens its control on our nation by way of its principal
puppet, the usurper Nicolás Maduro.

We call on all Venezuelans to overcome fear. We have demonstrated that when
we demand with firmness and force, we achieve our objectives.

Giving up will never be an option. They will have to roll right over us if
they think they can violate the constitution and abuse and take advantage
of us without consequence, because:

1. No Venezuelan could be in agreement with such an embarrassment of a
Defense Minister who bows down before the Brothers Castro and makes
partisans of our Armed Forces.

2. No Venezuelan could be in agreement with a criminal Electoral Council,
accomplice of opportunism and the principal party responsible for robbing
Venezuelans of a free and fair electoral process.

3. No Venezuelan could be in agreement with a Supreme Tribunal of Justice
which violates the Constitution, criminalizes protests, and legitimates the
power of an usurper.

4. And above all, no Venezuelan could support an usurper who abuses the

[LAAMN] Capriles Attacks Venezuelan Electoral Council, Refuses to Sign Document

2013-04-10 Thread Cort Greene
Capriles Attacks Venezuelan Electoral Council, Refuses to Sign Document

Apr 9th 2013, by Tamara Pearson
[image: The National Electoral Council declared the electoral system
“ironclad” today (archive)]

The National Electoral Council declared the electoral system “ironclad”
today (archive)

Merida, April 9th 2013 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – Tonight rightwing candidate
Henrique Capriles said that he will not sign a National Electoral Council
(CNE) document to guarantee that he would recognise the results of the 14
April presidential elections.

The document, requested by the government and written by the CNE, named
‘Commitment with Democracy’ was signed by pro-Chavez candidate Nicolas
Maduro, as well three other candidates. Candidate Reina Sequera didn’t sign
the document today because she wasn’t in Caracas. A similar document was
signed by all candidates, including Capriles, for the 7 October
presidential elections in July last year.

Instead, a representative for Capriles’ campaign, Carlos Vecchio, handed in
a different documenthttp://static.eluniversal.com/2013/04/09/Micompromiso.pdf
by Capriles, where he committed to “respect the popular will” but demanded
that the interim president, Nicolas Maduro “cease his abuse of the use of
public resources to promote his candidature”.

In the document he also accused Maduro of “intimidating public servants”
and “taking advantage of the needs of the poor... in order to bribe them
with the delivery, or not, of social missions, and in that way, obtain
their votes”.

He called the CNE “negligent” and warned that “we will be vigilant
before...any alteration that is attempted on the electoral results”.
Further he suggested that the electoral power is biased towards the

The move by Capriles follows weeks of  opposition and private Venezuelan
media attacks on the CNE, as well as a small protest in Caracas calling for
“fairness and transparency” in the elections.

US Assistant Secretary of State, Roberta Jackson, also said last month that
it would be “difficult” to have “open, fair and transparent elections” in

Maduro signed the CNE document while at a workers’ rally, saying, “I’m
going to sign it in name of peace for the country, and respect for the
people. This signature is worth my own life. I’ll respect the results that
the people decide on 14 April. I swear it before God, I swear it before the
people, and I swear it on the memory of Hugo Chavez”.

The CNE completed its auditing process today, where all aspects related to
the voting act were verified. Assessors from the Central University of
Venezuela, technical experts from all candidates’ campaign teams, and the
electoral mission of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) were all

CNE president Tibisay Lucena announced that the electoral system is “safe
and ironclad” and said the council had not found the irregularity denounced
by the opposition serious, where a member of the governing United Socialist
Party allegedly had the code to the electoral machines.

“The code is a general one, not only do the CNE technicians know it, but
also over 90 contracted personnel... that is, it is not a code that implies
infringement of electoral security”.

She also highlighted that participation in elections has grown
progressively in Venezuela, which “is proof of the enormous credibility of
the [electoral] organism”. 81% of registered voters voted last October.

46,000 voting machines are being sent to voting centres, such as schools,
which as of Wednesday will be closed and protected by soldiers as part of
the Republic Plan. 80,000 CNE assistants have been trained to operate the
*Source URL (retrieved on 09/04/2013 - 10:22pm):*

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[LAAMN] Re: [Venezuela_Today] Eclectics or Dialectics? Unpacking PSL’s Defense of Racist, Collaborationist Tyrannies

2013-04-10 Thread Cort Greene
Now I thought he was being too kind to the PSL which is a Stalinist
degeneration of a Stalinist degeneration from the WWP which degenerated
from the SWP/USA.

There slide started way before WW2 and were wrong on most counts after the
war. The Sam Marcy slide started in 1948 supporting the imperialist Henry
Wallace for president and like the Becker Boys whose ego got in the way
with a many good people in WWP, had to leave the SWP .

 Actually these so called left groups deserve to be called  more
conservatives and not revolutionary for many reasons, they have failed to
learn lessons from the many world upheavals and developments ushered in
even before the collapse of the Soviet Union and they have not settled
accounts from their past with their wrong analysis of the development of
Europe after the war, supporting the Russian invasions when they led the
Warsaw pact troops into Hungary in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968, the
crushing of the movement and protests at Tiananmen Square in 1989 while the
protesters were singing the Internationale ( they still think China is
socialist), supporting sub imperialists such as Libya and Syria, supporting
the most reactionary elements of Islam in Iran and Palestine, in confusing
the national question, self determination and anti imperialism in its name
while supporting the most brutal, un human, repressive and murderous

I mean the list is endless and could go on for days.

Now I have met many good comrades who belong to those organizations in my
life and I won't mention them so I don't tarnish them with what I am saying.

But I have been a victim of the Becker Boys Star Chamber antics before and
did not find out about it till after the fact, so I may be biased but I
learned and did not give up the struggle.

But many like our Stanfield Smith, have a hard time telling the difference
between real socialism and leftist militants and opportunist's and
opportunistic demagogue's...like the Becker Boys in this case.

Rojo rojito


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 6:37 PM, stansfield smith


Having seen some of Pham Binh's replies to postings, he strikes me as
 one of these pretty lightweight guys who sometimes thinks being a smartass
 passes for political depth. Maybe it is thus needless to say that he is in
 the orbit ISO, that is, a group that is very hostile to real
 revolutions, only supportive of color revolutions, so long as the color is
 not red.
 If Human Rights Watch were to set up a Marxist group, they couldn't
 have done a better job.

   *From:* Cort Greene cort.gre...@gmail.com
 *To:* Venezuela_Today venezuela_to...@yahoogroups.com; csny 
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 9, 2013 5:46 PM
 *Subject:* [Venezuela_Today] Eclectics or Dialectics? Unpacking PSL’s
 Defense of Racist, Collaborationist Tyrannies


  Eclectics or Dialectics? Unpacking PSL’s Defense of Racist,
 Collaborationist Tyrannies
 by PHAM BINH on  APRIL 8, 2013
  * [image: promo]Socialists and War: Two Opposing Trends* published by
 Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is as thin politically as it
 page-wise. Clocking in at 46 pages, most of the book consists of freely
 available published material: a 
 PSL’s newspaper, a *Dissident Voice* 
 Brian Becker who is the national director of PSL’s front group ANSWER
 Coalition, and a historical document, the Basel 
 The only original work is Becker’s essay, “Socialists and War: Two Opposing
 Trends,” which claims that socialist debates over imperialist intervention
 into the Arab Spring are the modern analog to the 
 splithttp://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/jan/x02.htm within
 the socialist movement over World War One with myself as 
 Plekhanovhttp://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/p/l.htm#plekhanov and
 PSL as – who else? – the Bolsheviks. (Whether Becker gets to play Lenin and
 Mazda Majidi Trotsky or vice versa in their 1914-1917 reenactment is
 The book is a reminder that seven dollars doesn’t buy much of anything
 these days.
 Majidi’s article, “When Justifying Imperialist Intervention ‘Goes 
 is a Revleft http://www.revleft.com/-style response to my essay, “Libya
 and Syria: When Anti-Imperialism Goes 
 Majidi’s strawmen speak for themselves and need not be enumerated here.
 However, his underlying method is of interest. He begins by asserting that,
 “All demonstrations and opposition movements [are] not progressive.”
 Undoubtedly this is true, and Majidi cites the Nazis and the Tea 

[LAAMN] 17 electrical saboteurs caught in Venezuela

2013-04-10 Thread Cort Greene

17 electrical saboteurs caught in
10, 2013 — Sabina Becker


It’s literally getting down to the wire in Venezuela. Yesterday, the
military, which is in charge of securing the country’s electrical plants
and stations, announced a major

*The chief of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National
Armed Forces (CEO-FANB), Major-General Wilmer Barrientos, informed on
Tuesday of the detention of 17 persons linked to acts of electrical
sabotage in Venezuela.*

“At the moment we have 17 detainees, caught in the act of sabotaging the
installations of Corpoelec in our national territory, and they will face
the judicial process,” said the military officer during a press conference.

Barrientos said that the citizens, some of whom are said to be military
lieutenants, were detained in the city of Maracay, specifically in the
Paratroop Brigade, and will be subjected to investigation by Military

Barrientos said that per instructions from president Nicolás Maduro, the
distribution and transmission centres were also secured in order to take
inventory of the repayments and “to be able to react promptly”.

At the same time, Barrientos notified that a shipment of necessary
electrical materials had been recovered in the customs building. “We are
improving, bit by bit, the response of the electrical system,” he said.

Barrientos emphasized that these measures have made it so that in some
states, where there had been 50 critical circuits, now there are only four
or six.

Barrientos called on Venezuelans to be conscientious in their use of
electricity, and on the owners of shopping centres to turn on their
generators during hours of peak demand.

*“We are still working in the electrical sector, to keep the people as calm
as possible, and we will act in this sector with all the necessary force so
that there will be peace throughout the Bolivarian Republic,” he said.*

Translation mine.

So, these sabotaging military lieutenants must be who the punks of JAVU
were calling members of the “National Democratic Armed Forces” in the
“protest” manual I
last night. Since they are at the lowest levels of the officer corps, it is
doubtful the conspiracy reaches any higher. The High Command was purged of
traitors years ago, after the coup of ’02 revealed to Chavecito and his
government who was actually a loyal commander and who was not. Since then,
any remaining bad apples have been picked off one by one, and the High
Command has been clean. It is therefore highly unlikely that we will ever
again see the crazy spectacle of a group of a dozen or so military
officers, going before the cameras of an opposition-controlled TV station
like they did in ’02, announcing that they could no longer be loyal because
of some spurious accusation of government forces firing on unarmed
demonstrators in the street.

Now we await the arrests of the Salvadoran terrorists, imported by Majunche
to destabilize the country so that he can declare victory without winning a
single legitimate thing. And, for that matter, the arrest of Majunche
himself. It’s just a matter of time…

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[LAAMN] Alan Woods in Caracas

2013-04-10 Thread Cort Greene

Alan Woods in 
Written by our correspondentWednesday, 10 April 2013

In the last week of March Alan Woods, founder of the Hands off Venezuela
campaign and leading figure of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) was
in Venezuela. He was invited to participate in the Meeting of Intellectuals
and Artists in Defense of Humanity.

This meeting took place at a crucial turning point for the Bolivarian
Revolution. The death of Hugo Chavez, the man who had stood at the helm of
the Revolution for over 14 years, was a tremendous blow. Proving the false
propaganda about the “dictator” Chavez wrong, millions of people poured
onto the streets and squares in a spontaneous expression of deep-seated

[image: Alan Woods on
his trip Alan Woods appeared on the main Bolivarian TV channel VTVOn the
day of the funeral, between three and four million people were on the
streets of Caracas. Many were sobbing uncontrollably. But the most
remarkable thing was not so much this outpouring of sorrow, but the mood of
absolute determination to continue fighting. The mood of the masses is not
one of depression. It has become harder, more determined, more radical. As
Karl Marx explained, *the Revolution sometimes needs the whip of the

At the meeting there were several hundred people from different countries,
all of them sympathetic to the Bolivarian Revolution. But as usual they
were a very heterogeneous bunch. This was reflected in the different
commissions. Alan attended the one on the future of socialism in the 21st

The discussion was introduced by Carlos Fernandez Liria, a well-known left
wing professor of Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Carlos stressed the importance of Marxism, which, as he correctly pointed
out, had not changed in its fundamentals since the days of Marx.

Alan spoke after him. In his speech, which, like all the other, was limited
to five minutes, he criticized the idea that there was a “21st century
socialism” that was somehow different to Marxism: “You speak of 21st century
socialism. But to this day nobody has ever been able to tell me what that
is. It is an empty bottle that can be filled with any content you wish.”

He then went on to ask a question: “Does anyone here believe that it is
possible to speak of socialism in Venezuela as long as the economic power
of the oligarchy remains in existence? In order to have socialism it is
necessary first to expropriate the land, the banks and the big monopolies
under the democratic control of the working class.”

That seemed to annoy one or two people present. Juan Carlos Monedero (also
of the Complutense University of Madrid, said: “We don’t know what 21st century
socialism is. It is just as well we do not know what it is. Everybody can
contribute, and in the end we will have a beautiful mosaic,” he asserted.

In general, all the interventions were extremely vague, abstract and often
completely empty of any content. In short, it resembled a typical
university seminar. But what else can one expect of intellectuals? The one
note of sanity was introduced by comrade Euler Calzadilla of the CMI (IMT),
a professional revolutionary from a poor working class family.

[image: imt congress 2010
CalzadillaEuler sharply criticised the idea that the working class was not
conscious enough to bring about socialism, an idea all too common in
pretentious intellectual and reformist circles. Defending the idea of
workers’ control, he challenged those present to come with him to one of
the occupied factories and see for themselves what the workers were capable
of. Significantly, this was the only intervention that got general
applause. Probably it gave some of those present a guilty conscience.

The next morning comrade Alan demanded, and got, the right to reply to
those who had criticised him the previous day. He mainly directed his
remarks to Juan Carlos Monedero, whose arguments he systematically

“What you say is not coherent. It is not even consistent with everyday
experience. Just imagine that you go to the dentist with a toothache, and
the dentist says: ‘I have never studied dentistry and know nothing about
it, but open your mouth and I will give it a try. A fine ‘mosaic’ he would
make of your teeth! What would you do in such circumstances? You would run
away as fast as your legs would carry you!

“The same is true of every aspect of life. We expect some level of
knowledge and competence. Every aspect, it seems, except for 

[LAAMN] 25th anniversary subscription drive for Turning the Tide from ARA-LA

2013-04-10 Thread part2001
TURNING THE TIDE:  Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research  Education
needs 250 new and renewed subscriptions!

Postal  rates and printing costs are up again. Dozens of new prisoners
ask to  get free subs every month. Over 1500 copies of each edition are
sent  free to prisoners. Friends of ARA-LA/PART are in prison or facing 
prosecution for anti-racist, anti-fascist political activity. We had to 
switch to quarterly publication because of a lack of sufficient funds 
and staffing. We are asking prison subscribers to send us stamps.

What can you do?

We  rely entirely on subscriptions and reader donations to publish.
We've  been coming out for 25 years, distributing thousands of
copies to  prisoners, anti-racists and other concerned people without
partisan  subsidy, government funds or corporate grants. We depend
entirely on  you, the reader, to keep printing hard-hitting anti-racist,
anti-colonialist analysis.

If you really like Turning the Tide – Don't delay --
Subscribe today:

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(for 4  quarterly issues) – and if this subscription drive is
successful we'll  restore bi-monthly publication, and you'll get
6 issues for the price of  4.

  Checks payable to Anti-Racist Action, please! Can't process checks
to Turning the Tide

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[LAAMN] Margaret Thatcher and misapplied death etiquette

2013-04-10 Thread Romi Elnagar
Margaret Thatcher and misapplied death etiquette
The dictate that one 'not speak ill of the dead' is (at best) appropriate 
for private individuals, not influential public figures
*   * Glenn Greenwald 
* guardian.co.uk, Monday 8 April 2013 10.41 EDT 
Margaret Thatcher Photograph: Don Mcphee
News of Margaret Thatcher's death this morning instantly and predictably gave 
rise to righteous 
sermons on the evils of speaking ill of her. British Labour MP Tom 
Watson decreed: I hope that people on the left of politics respect a family in 
today. Following in the footsteps of Santa Claus, Steve Hynd quickly compiled 
a list of all the naughty boys and girls on the left who dared to express 
criticisms of the dearly departed Prime Minister, warning that he will 
continue to add to this list throughout the day. Former Tory MP Louise 
Mensch, with no apparent sense of irony, invoked precepts of propriety to 
announce: Pygmies of the left so predictably embarrassing yourselves, know 
this: not a one of your leaders will ever be globally mourned like her.
This demand for respectful silence in the wake of a public figure's death is 
not just misguided but dangerous. That one should not speak ill of the 
dead is arguably appropriate when a private person dies, but it is 
wildly inappropriate for the death of a controversial public figure, 
particularly one who wielded significant influence and political power. 
Respecting the grief of Thatcher's family members is appropriate if 
one is friends with them or attends a wake they organize, but the 
protocols are fundamentally different when it comes to public discourse 
about the person's life and political acts. I made this argument at 
length last year when Christopher Hitchens died and a speak-no-ill rule 
about him was instantly imposed (a rule he, more than anyone, viciously 
violated), and I won't repeat that argument today; those interested can 
read my reasoning here. 
But the key point is this: those who admire the deceased public figure (and 
their politics) aren't silent at all. They are aggressively exploiting 
the emotions generated by the person's death to create hagiography. 
Typifying these highly dubious claims about Thatcher was this (appropriately 
diplomatic) statement from President Obama: The world has lost one of the 
great champions of freedom and liberty, 
and America has lost a true friend. Those gushing depictions can be 
quite consequential, as it was for the week-long tidal wave of unbroken 
reverence that was heaped on Ronald Reagan upon his death, an episode 
that to this day shapes how Americans view him and the political ideas 
he symbolized. Demanding that no criticisms be voiced to counter that 
hagiography is to enable false history and a propagandistic whitewashing of bad 
acts, distortions that become quickly ossified and then endure 
by virtue of no opposition and the powerful emotions created by death. 
When a political leader dies, it is irresponsible in the extreme to 
demand that only praise be permitted but not criticisms. 
Whatever else may be true of her, Thatcher engaged in incredibly consequential 
acts that affected millions of people around the world. She played a key role 
not only in bringing about the first Gulf War but also using her influence to 
publicly advocate for the 2003 attack on Iraq. She denounced Nelson Mandela and 
his ANC as terrorists, something even David Cameron ultimately admitted was 
wrong. She was a steadfast friend to brutal tyrants such as Augusto Pinochet, 
Saddam Hussein and Indonesian dictator General Suharto (One of our very best 
and most valuable friends). And as my Guardian colleague Seumas Milne detailed 
last year, across Britain Thatcher is still hated for the damage she inflicted 
and for her political legacy of rampant inequality and greed, 
privatisation and social breakdown.
To demand that all of that be ignored in the face of one-sided requiems to her 
nobility and greatness is a bit bullying and tyrannical, not to mention warped. 
As David 
Wearing put it this morning in satirizing these speak-no-ill-of-the-deceased 
moralists: People 
praising Thatcher's legacy should show some respect for her victims. 
Tasteless. Tellingly, few people have trouble understanding the need 
for balanced commentary when the political leaders disliked by the west 
pass away. Here, for instance, was what the Guardian reported upon the death 
last month of Hugo Chavez:
To the millions who detested him as a thug and charlatan, it will be occasion 
to bid, vocally or discreetly, good riddance.
Nobody, at least that I know of, objected to that observation on the ground 
that it was disrespectful to the ability of the Chavez family to mourn 
in peace. Any such objections would have been invalid. It was perfectly 
justified to note that, particularly as the Guardian also explained that to 
the millions who revered him – a third of the country, according to some 

[LAAMN] OC Human Relations Had Anaheim Police Chief Speak At Home Of Wealthy Laguna Beach Donor

2013-04-10 Thread Duane Roberts
From The Anaheim Investigator

Partners In Power: Kennedy Had Anaheim Police Chief Speak At Home Of Wealthy 
Laguna Beach Donor

Editor  Publisher

In an eye-opening email the Anaheim Investigator has obtained from the City of 
Anaheim through a recent California Public Records Act request, Rusty Kennedy, 
Executive Director of OC Human Relations, had Anaheim Police Chief John Welter 
attend a “special reception” in Laguna Beach last November to talk about their 
“partnership” in pacifying angry Anna Drive and Ponderosa Park residents in the 
aftermath of several fatal officer-involved shootings.

Although it is not unusual for Chief Welter to be invited to speak at different 
events outside of the city, further research has revealed this “special 
reception,” organized under the auspices of OC Human Relations Community 
Partners, an elite group of donors who contribute $1,000 or more each year to 
OC Human Relations, was held at the residence of a multi-millionaire who 
funnels tens of thousands of dollars each year into Kennedy’s non-profit.

Click on the following link for more information:


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[LAAMN] Videos, Solidarity Events Venezuelan Government Releases “Evidence” that Opposition is Planning to not Recognise Election Results

2013-04-10 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

good London meeting watched excellent Portraits of Struggle (http://
vimeo.com/48770391  http://t.co/odVIL19J0r) and had a discussion about
the election

*Millones dijiste!!!. Sí, somos MILLONES!!!. En la sociedad fascista que
cabrones como tú (@YouTube https://twitter.com/YouTube - http://
youtu.be/gO0ag2tpRcc?a  http://t.co/yTzTMwT7FS)*

[image: InsidetheRev Film]*InsidetheRev Film*

.@*OccupiedTimes* https://twitter.com/OccupiedTimes our
now be viewed online 4 free. pls spread the word! gracias
http://bit.ly/ZnL4cT  http://t.co/FPc1FQYD2b
#*venezuela* https://twitter.com/search?q=%23venezuelasrc=hash

MONTRÉAL ET À OTTAWA! http://www.sbqc.org/wp/manifestons
-pour-lautodetermination-du-venezuela/ … http://t.co/fX72DL8eTF*

*Brasil Apil 12th - Debate sobre Venezuela Tirem as Mãos da Venezuela
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=634637473228622 …http://t.co/yEUDcsfpTP

[image: FNRP - Honduras]*FNRP - Honduras*

Caravana este 14Abril en apoyo al Candidato de la Revolución Bolivariana @*
NicolasMaduro* https://twitter.com/NicolasMaduro! Partiremos de la #*UPNFM
* https://twitter.com/search?q=%23UPNFMsrc=hash a las 5pm #*
VenezuelaDecide* https://twitter.com/search?q=%23VenezuelaDecidesrc=hash

[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*
1h https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/322127335442755584

*April 11, anniversary of 2002 coup against Venezuelan revolution - never
forgive, never forget - every 11 has its 13 (masses defeated it)*

*April 11 Canada and the US say No U.S. Intervention in Venezuela
Elections http://bolivariannyc.wordpress.com/2013/04/10/apr
https://www.facebook.com/events/172119516270450/ … https://t.co/NcShInzQpV
*11A LA, SF, Houston, Washington DC, NYC, Boston, Philadelphia,
Minneapolis, Denver, TO, Van, Olympia Vzla solidarity **http://

Venezuelan Government Releases “Evidence” that Opposition is Planning to
not Recognise Election Results

Apr 10th 2013, by Tamara Pearson
[image: Cabello presenting the “evidence” on public television this morning

Cabello presenting the “evidence” on public television this morning (VTV)

Merida, April 10th 2013 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – This morning United
Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) leader Diosdado Cabello presented
evidence, including phone recordings, documents, and emails, allegedly
proving that the opposition has plans to not recognise the 14 April
presidential election results.

Cabello played an audio recording of a phone conversation to the public in
which Joao Nunes, Capriles’ bodyguard and driver, said that Capriles won’t
recognise Sunday’s results if he loses.

In the recorded conversation, which lasts just over a minute, Nunes talks
with another person, “Michell”, who says “It’s looking to be full on, man”.
Nunes responds, “Man, they’re going to rob it from them in the streets...”.
Michell then says, “Looking at it from here, here what they are saying is
that he’s not going to recognise [the elections] if he loses... there’s
going to be problems, full on problems”.

Cabello also showed an email allegedly sent from Amando Briquet, of
Capriles’ campaign team, to Guillermo Salas, member of the organisation
Esdata. Esdata http://esdata.info/ has reported on Venezuela’s electoral
process since Chavez was elected in 1998, and claims there are “statistical
irregularities” by the National Electoral Council (CNE) which “violate the
right to elect”.

In the alleged email, dated 6 April this year, Briquet wrote, “...we need
everything set out in Washington for checking over by the [Capriles
campaign]. It's necessary that all documentation is presented
internationally if we decide to take the road of not recognizing the

Cabello said opposition umbrella group MUD’s secretary, Ramon Aveledo, was
involved and that he had requested documentation from Salas “in order to be
able to support their decision not to recognise the results”.

Further, Cabello denounced an alleged meeting between the head of private,
opposition supporting newspaper, El Nacional, Miguel Otero, with Capriles
and Briquet. Cabello accused the three men of meeting in order to “discuss
not recognising the elections”.

Finally, Cabello said an organisation called Patriotic Board (Junta
Patrotica), which includes Guillermo Salas, signed a document which they
sent on 7 April to Vicente Diaz. 

[LAAMN] Fw: Fired for using Facebook?

2013-04-10 Thread Romi Elnagar

You've got legal rights at work,  but they're in danger.

You’ve got the right to fight for fair wages and to join a union. You’ve got 
the right to discuss workplace conditions without fear of retribution on 
Facebook, over Twitter or using other online forums. You’ve got the right to 
get your job back if you are unlawfully fired.

But those rights, already under attack, will disappear entirely if radicals in 
Congress have their way.

This week the House of Representatives will vote on HR 1120, a bill that will 
prevent the National Labor Relations Board from enforcing labor laws. It’s an 
unprecedented threat to your rights on the job.

Speak up to protect your ability to stand up for yourself at work -- tell your 
Representative to vote against HR 1120.
It’s hard to imagine – Congress ordering a federal agency to stop enforcing the 

This bill is part of a systematic attack on working people by corporations and 
the politicians who carry out the corporate agenda. Barriers to voting. Silent 
filibusters to prevent bills from passing even when they have majority support. 
And now this – a bill that would roll back the clock, allowing employers to 
ignore labor law and collective bargaining agreements and leaving workers with 
no way to fight back against injustices at work.

This bill is so extreme that even some members of Congress who normally vote 
with the Republican majority against workers are considering voting against it. 
In order to win, we need for you to contact your member of Congress today to 
say that we’ve had enough of these attacks.

Speak out against HR 1120 now: 

In Unity,
Beth Allen
Online Communications Director

p.s. We need activists like you who understand what is at stake to get their 
friends involved. After you take action, help spread the word by forwarding 
this e-mail to your friends.   
A Project of Communications Workers of America
501 Third Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC. All Rights Reserved.

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[LAAMN] CBS: 3rd World Surrogate Mothers

2013-04-10 Thread John A Imani
April 10, 2013 7:21 PM
Baby boom: Indian women giving birth to U.S. babies By Holly

(CBS News) ANAND, India -- A lot of businesses go to India for inexpensive
labor and it turns out American couples are doing the same. One village has
become a center for cut-rate surrogacy, offering young women who will be
carrying babies to term.

Dana and Sumanth Chandra with baby Ethan.
/ CBS News

For some couples surrogacy is their only chance to create a child. Each
year hundreds of Americans go to India for the service.

Dana and Sumanth Chandra have been trying to have a baby ever since they
married 14 years ago in Chicago.

They believe their newborn son Ethan is a miracle -- because doctors in the
United States told Dana she'd never have a child.

 I could just spend my entire life just standing right here, she says
while looking at her baby son.

An Indian surrogate at a clinic in Anand, India.
/ CBS News

 The couple finally realized their dream of starting a family by traveling
8000 miles to India -- the country where Sumanth grew up.

 Ethan was born to a surrogate mother at a clinic in the dusty town of
Anand -- a hub in India's multimillion dollar surrogacy industry.

 An embryo created from the Chandra's own sperm and egg was implanted in an
Indian woman -- who was paid to carry their child.

Their doctor -- Nayana Patel -- has helped more than 200 American couples
have a baby.

When you see a childless couple you understand how desperate, how
frustrated they are. I mean, they are not living a life -- they are just
like vegetables, said Dr. Patel.

 India's booming surrogacy business is unregulated. A mistake in another
clinic left one couple with a baby that wasn't theirs.

 But surrogacy in India is cheap. At around $25,000 it is less than a
quarter of what parents would pay in the U.S. The surrogates themselves
earn just $8000.

Dr. Nayana Patel, Anand, India.
/ CBS News

 At Dr. Patel's clinic it's compulsory for them to live in a hostel -- so
that their pregnancies can be monitored. It's overcrowded -- and they're
cut off from their families.

 One surrogate mother, Meena Parmar, used to work as a housemaid making $30
a month. She's pregnant with a baby for an American couple and said the
money she earns will pay for her own son's education.

 The desperation of many poor surrogate mothers makes them vulnerable.

Surrogate Meena Parmar is pregnant with a baby for an American couple.
/ CBS News

 But are the surrogates protected legally? What are their rights?

 I would say that they have the right to terminate the pregnancy at any
stage of pregnancy if they are not comfortable but in that case they'll
have to pay the couple whatever money they have spent so far, said Dr

 Dana and Sumanth Chandra worried about the unequal relationship with their

My biggest concern was I didn't want to take advantage of a woman who was
desperately in need of money, physically not capable of doing this, said

We kind of struggle with a lot of these kind of issues ourselves, kind of
thinking are we taking advantage? Because obviously, we did it here because
of financial reasons.

 Those doubts haven't stopped hundreds of couples coming to India for
affordable surrogacy. Dr. Patel is so busy she's now building a new private
Outsourced: Wombs-For-Rent in
Surrogacy scandal raises regulation
Surrogates: Redefining

 But in a country of dire poverty, some worry that India's surrogate
mothers are ripe for exploitation.

 The doctors CBS News spoke to all said this is a win-win arrangement: The
couple gets a baby, the surrogate mother gets a life-changing amount of
money. And often it does seem to work out just like that.

 But the problem is that many of the surrogate mothers are desperately
poor. Some of them are even illiterate. They've had no education and so
there's a risk that some clinics could abuse that in this very lucrative

© 2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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[LAAMN] On Margaret Thatcher's Passing

2013-04-10 Thread Romi Elnagar
My sentiments exactly...  Romi/Blue

On Margaret Thatcher’s Passing
by John Andrews / April 10th, 2013
I’m just a tiny, tiny bit sad today.
So, Thatcher’s dead. I live in the town where she was born and 
raised. There are inevitably some who are in deep mourning today, and a 
few little bunches of flowers have appeared outside the corner shop that was 
her first family home. On the other hand, there’s also quite a bit 
of celebrating, and I was speaking to a woman today who said she just 
hopes that Cameron and Osborne and all the rest of them do the decent 
thing and jump onto her funeral pyre. Given the fact that her home town, once 
well-known for its heavy industry, is now largely silent because 
of Thatcher’s policies, you can see her point.
For myself, I must confess that a very tiny part of me is sad. Whilst she still 
breathed there was a miniscule theoretical possibility that 
she could be held to account for the vast crimes against humanity, in 
general, and the British people, in particular, that were committed by 
her government. I’m truly sad that even that miniscule theoretical 
possibility has been permanently snuffed out.
Three years into her reign a poll published in the Times revealed that she was 
the most unpopular British prime minister in history. And then things got worse.
She began by causing the deaths of a thousand people over a clump of 
wind-blown rocks 8,000 miles away from Britain, supposedly to defend the right 
of 2,000 people to call themselves British. It would have been 
cheaper for this supposed champion of democracy and devotee of 
Chicago-school economics to pay for those people to move lock, stock and barrel 
to the UK, accommodate them and give them all Income Support for the rest of 
their lives, than to wage a war and support a military 
garrison on the Malvinas to the end of time. But that little fact is 
always conveniently overlooked.
Thatcher’s foreign policies had one striking feature in common: her 
government’s support of murderous dictatorships was total; and the 
line-up of tyrants who enjoyed the backing of her government is quite 
impressive. There was Pol Pot, for example, and the unspeakable Suharto 
in Indonesia. Everyone knows about the blood-soaked Pinochet whose 
evasion from justice was actively assisted by Thatcher’s government. 
Less well known about are the assortment of Middle-Eastern despots her 
government aided; but the daddy of them all, the most ruthless oppressor on the 
face of the Earth, the US government, was always Thatcher’s 
favourite; and she made significant contributions to its goal of world 
domination. It’s impossible to know how many tens, if not hundreds of 
thousands of unnecessary deaths were aided and abetted by Thatcher’s 
Impressive though her foreign policies obviously were, they pale to 
insignificance compared with the treacherous actions of her government 
against the British people. Her mission from the outset was to kill-off 
the trade union movement which, for all its imperfections, was the only 
real champion the ordinary Briton had. Once that was done it was game 
over, lambs fattened and ready for slaughter. She proceeded to kill-off 
the main source of Britain’s wealth, our manufacturing base; and then 
rapidly sold off every bit of family silver she could get her hands on. 
In quick succession Britain’s essential publicly owned utilities were 
flogged at fire-sale prices: transport, water, electricity, 
communications, gas… all went under the hammer. Millions of jobs were 
trashed or scrapped altogether, and then she turned her attention to the last 
remaining protection the British people had: public services. Why 
did she do all this? Just so a tiny, tiny handful of obscenely wealthy 
people could become even more obscenely wealthy.
What a great legacy. You can see why people want to put up statues to her.
The economic wasteland that Britain is today is not all Thatcher’s 
fault: others followed her who could have put things right, but didn’t. 
Nevertheless, it was Thatcher who started the ball rolling.
There was never any real chance that Thatcher would have to account 
for her crimes, but I am truly sad that the miniscule theoretical 
possibility that she could have been brought to justice is now gone 
John Andrews is a writer whose latest book is The People's Constitution. He can 
be contacted through his website. Read other articles by John.


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