[lace] Handkerchief fabric, II

2012-04-22 Thread Lyn Bailey
Dear All,

I forgot to ask what kind of fabric to ask for.  Then I remembered some fairy
tale where some drops of blood were gathered on a piece of cambric.  I think
the fairy tale involved swans, not sure.  So then I looked up cambric.
Wikipedia is such a useful tool.  Cambric was a specially finished fine
fabric, could also be batiste.  Baptiste is the name of the first weaver of
Cambric, which was in Cambrai/Kamerijk.  So cambric and batiste are more or
less the same fabric.  Then there’s lawn and nainsook.  And cambric was
originally linen, and now is cotton.  Like our fine lace threads.

I have more handkerchiefs than most people my age, because I wore contacts,
and the lint from a tissue created tears, so I actually used handkerchiefs.
Seems to me the only practical thing to do is take the nicest handkerchief
with me and compare it to what is for sale, regardless of the name.  Problem
is, I will probably use mailorder.  Still problems.  Martha Pullen, suggested
by Clay, has at least 3 grades of batiste, ranging in price from about $8 a
yard to about $28 a yard.

I suspect that the people who write the Wiki articles are not textile pros, so
anyone who has an opinion as to what to look for by name would be greatly

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, where it is wet and chilly, but we
haven’t had snow

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[lace] Handkerchief fabric, II

2012-04-19 Thread Lyn Bailey
Dear All,

I forgot to ask what kind of fabric to ask for.  Then I remembered some fairy
tale where some drops of blood were gathered on a piece of cambric.  I think
the fairy tale involved swans, not sure.  So then I looked up cambric.
Wikipedia is such a useful tool.  Cambric was a specially finished fine
fabric, could also be batiste.  Baptiste is the name of the first weaver of
Cambric, which was in Cambrai/Kamerijk.  So cambric and batiste are more or
less the same fabric.  Then there’s lawn and nainsook.  And cambric was
originally linen, and now is cotton.  Like our fine lace threads.

I have more handkerchiefs than most people my age, because I wore contacts,
and the lint from a tissue created tears, so I actually used handkerchiefs.
Seems to me the only practical thing to do is take the nicest handkerchief
with me and compare it to what is for sale, regardless of the name.  Problem
is, I will probably use mailorder.  Still problems.  Martha Pullen, suggested
by Clay, has at least 3 grades of batiste, ranging in price from about $8 a
yard to about $28 a yard.

I suspect that the people who write the Wiki articles are not textile pros, so
anyone who has an opinion as to what to look for by name would be greatly

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, where it is dark.

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