Tamara recounted the story of the envelope with a bird in it, that was never 
send and then goes on to say: "Barbara was amused when I told her what'd 
happened, and she said she
wouldn't tell anyone, which I don't think is "right" - the story *is
funny*, even if it's less than hillarious to me."

What happened to me a month a go, I find very funny, but our neighbours did 
not - hubby and I managed to stifle our laughter till we got home and then 
laughed till our sides hurt:

My neighbour and I share a birthday and she came around this year to ask us 
over for a shared celebratory dinner

On the day of the meal we walk next door for the meal.  Since I had also 
been taken out for a birthday lunch by my colleagues, I was struggling a bit 
with the  meal and noticed to my dismay that she also had dessert spoons and 
forks laid out.   After clearing the main course away she asked us if we 
wanted cream, ice cream or custard with our dessert.  By now I was fairly 
worried about what she would bring from the kitchen, everything up to now 
had been in massive quanties, so I asked her what she had made.

She drew herself up into an indignant stance and announced to the table in 
measured words:  You should know, you brought it here!

With George spluttering in my left ear I remembered that not only had I 
baked the dutch apple pie the day before, I had heated it up prior to the 
meal and handed the hot dish to my hostess as we walked into her house - 
less than an hour ago.

from a frozen little village in the north of scotland

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