Hi Daniel

you can also see some statistics from Maven Central by logging in 
to the Sonatype OSS Nexus and checkout out the statistics for your
group ID there. Mind due to intensive caching of Maven artifacts,
these should be taken with a grain of salt.


-- Richard

Am 31.07.2013 um 11:08 schrieb Daniel Naber <list2...@danielnaber.de>:

> Hi,
> here are some statistics I collected for July:
> * The LanguageTool add-on for LibreOffice/OpenOffice has been 
> downloaded 11,000 times.
> * The LanguageTool stand-alone version has been downloaded 2,800 times.
> * Our public HTTP API received about 114,000 requests. This includes 
> other developers using the API as well as users at languagetool.org who 
> use the online forms.
> * The Firefox add-on (LanguageToolFx) now has more than 2,600 users, 
> but downloads have really taken off in the last days: 
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/languagetoolfx/statistics/downloads/?last=90.
> I think this started with better linking from Catalan pages, but you 
> can see in the graphs that other languages profit, too.
> * We had about 30,000 visits to languagetool.org - this is twice as 
> much as one year ago.
> Regards
>  Daniel

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