Re: [Lazarus] Email sending program using Indy stopped working - seems to be an SSL problem

2024-01-15 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 14/01/2024 à 22:32, Bo Berglund via lazarus a écrit :

I assume MailData is the mail body...

2) How can I add Bcc recipients?

In fact I think MailData contains a mail header (with something 
likeReply-to: followed by a mail body after an empty line:
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Email sending program using Indy stopped working - seems to be an SSL problem

2024-01-13 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

I am not sure but it looks like your program is using TLS v1 protocol.
I think that TLS v1 is deprecated and now your SMTP mailserver requires 
a newer version of TLS.
May be your SMTP mailserver / Windows Server 2016 has been updated 
recently ?-- 
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Mysterious crash with Lazarus on RPi4B running PiOS bookworm 32 bit

2023-12-08 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

May be you'll find some information in the log, something like :

cat /var/log/xrdp.log


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Hi-DPI tweak of components

2023-06-08 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 08/06/2023 à 11:34, Giuliano Colla via lazarus a écrit :
I believe that scaling for different DPI has been implemented with a 
shortsighted approach.

It would have been nice at the time of Delphi 1 in 1995 ... ;-)

A few weeks ago I got some havoc trying to port some code from LCL to 
Delphi 10.2 / FireMonkey when coordinates switch from Integer to Single, 
TPoint to TPointF,  array of TPoint to TPolygon...

I think you can't use integer value for mm or inches.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Strange linker messages "undefined reference" when building on RPi4 - CompileLog_2022-04-15.log (0/1)

2023-04-16 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus
Unfortunately my lazarus is installed in French , I don't have the exact 
label of the menu item in English,

But usually for this kind of problem I use "Nettoyer et construire" in 
"Exécuter" menu.

I imagine that in English it's something like "Clean and build" in "Run" 

In this dialog you can tune what compiled files you want to delete in 
the various dependencies.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Simple ipc server fatal error on start - 0xc000007b

2023-04-01 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus
You can uses pipes too, basically just two files no need of networking, 
one for reading (delphi to freepascal), one for writing(freepascal to 

I made last year a small app to communicate with Audacity 
( using a specific plugin 

You can find there the unit/class which manages the communication:

In my case I used pipes already created by Audacity.
For your problem I think it would be more appropriate to use FpPipe 
(although I personnaly never used it):

I think you will find something similar on Delphi 7 side.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Simple ipc server fatal error on start - 0xc000007b

2023-03-31 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus
Considering everything will run on Windows,  it could be easy to use COM 
/ OLE Automation:

- making your delphi part as COM Server

- connecting as client in your Lazarus app, so you can call directly 
objects and functions defined in the Delphi app.

There is a bit of stuff to learn about COM to complete this but it's 
well documented and directly available on both sides, Delphi and Lazarus.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] animated splash screen for lengthy operation, works with windows, doesn't with linux

2023-03-27 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 27/03/2023 à 14:40, Luca Olivetti via lazarus a écrit :
The problem here is, if AProc raises an exception, I cannot free the 
thread causing a leak. 

May be you can create a new exception class specifically for 
instantiate it and put all the information of ut.FatalException in the 
new exception instance before raising it?

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] animated splash screen for lengthy operation, works with windows, doesn't with linux

2023-03-27 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 27/03/2023 à 09:46, Luca Olivetti via lazarus a écrit :

procedure TUpdateThread.Execute;
  while not Terminated do

Usually I use TThread.Synchronize to ensure that the graphic code is run 
by the main thread.

But it won't work if your main thread is blocking.

May be you should do the inverse move the lengthy operation to a 
separate thread and keep the main thread for the splash screen ?

As far as I know the graphic code must be run by the main thread.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Microsft Access Date Select statment

2023-03-24 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 24/03/2023 à 21:48, Larry Dalton via lazarus a écrit :

Where Trans_date between beginning_date and ending_date;'

May be it would be better  with params ?

"Where Trans_date between :beginning_date and :ending_date;"

and then supposing  your TSQLQuery is declared as sqlq :

  sqlq.Params['beginning_date'].asDate:= EncodeDate( 2023, 01, 01);

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] why can not lamw add assigned components from the list to the form automatically

2023-02-27 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Curious behaviour.

You can find the source of the component list form in your lazarus 
installation directory in ide\componentlist.pas. I imagine something is 
failing in TComponentListForm.AddSelectedComponent, may be due to 
differences in the Designer ?

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] db grid/dataset components that only load currently visible records?

2023-02-23 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 23/02/2023 à 11:37, Luca Olivetti via lazarus a écrit :
No, that's not possible, in any case polling isn't a problem: it's the 
same application that modifies the table, and it only does the 
"refresh" when necessary.
That's exactly a use case for my orm ( )

It's working with the Observer design pattern, no need to poll

Unfortunately, I don't have written any documentation.

It works with SQLite, there is even a source code generator that can 
create all the boiler plate code from the SQLite database. All the 
templates of the source code generator can be customized.

Two of my last releases that uses this orm:

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] db grid/dataset components that only load currently visible records?

2023-02-23 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

May be making a custom component based on VirtualTreeView ?
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] How to fix slow screen refresh of TListbox?

2022-11-20 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus
Maybe you could add a buffer in your flow of data, storing the incoming 
data ?
When a line ending arrives, you can flush your buffer to Synedit up to 
the line ending, keeping in the buffer just the end of the data not yet 
terminated by a line ending.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] testing demorestbridge without a web server: is that possible?

2022-10-25 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 25/10/2022 à 22:04, duilio foschi via lazarus a écrit :

The box has the following string preset

I think you can test directly by typing this url in your browser 
(running on the same pc than demorestbridge.exe of course)

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] FPC and WebAssembly

2021-12-24 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Wonderful !

Thank you very much for all your work and all the work of the FPC / 
Lazarus team !

And Merry Christmas for all !

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Viewing config data in a tree style

2021-04-09 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus
In response to James Richter on fpc mailing list, I made this small 
example for displaying an selecting files in a tree. (written on Ubuntu 
and tested on Windows)

In your case, maybe  your configuration could be converted to a JSON file ?

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] How to hide pop-up menu before taking a screen snapshot?

2021-02-12 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

oops: when it will be called.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] How to hide pop-up menu before taking a screen snapshot?

2021-02-12 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 12/02/2021 à 17:39, Bo Berglund via lazarus a écrit :

   Application.QueueAsyncCall(@CopyScreenRect(0), 0); // <== ERROR here

I'm not sure, but QueueAsyncCall just need the address of your callback:

Application.QueueAsyncCall(@CopyScreenRect, 0);

The 0 given to QueueAsyncCall will end up as the Value passed as arg 
parameter to your CopyScreenRect method when it will called.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Creating packages - what to include?

2020-12-28 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 28/12/2020 à 18:13, Bo Berglund via lazarus a écrit :

Could you please direct me to where in Lazarus this can be done?

Usually when I add a unit uA.pas to a project (by opening the unit in 
the code and then hitting Shift+F11 or Project/Add editor file to 
project), Lazarus asks me if I want to add this path to the search path 
for units.

There can be a problem if you further create a visual component in a 
unit uB.pas that uses uA.pas.

You will need to create a package for uB.pas or add it to an existing 
package. Let's call this package pB.lpk .

In this case you can no longer add the directory of uA.pas to the search 
path, because you'll end up with duplicate ppu files. (I'm not sure of 
the error, but Lazarus and the compiler complain and advise you to use 
the package).

To address this problem, I have a specific package pA.lpk where I put 
uA.pas, and I add pA to the dependencies of pB .  (eventually, you can 
put all you common code in a single package too)

In my real code pA is the package**OD_DelphiReportEngine_Units.lpk where 
I put all my units which can run headless in console with no GUI ( 

And pB is OD_DelphiReportEngine_Controls.lpk where I put all my custom 
controls (visual components) 

I even had a third intermediary package 
OD_DelphiReportEngine_Components.lpk for non visual components which can 
be used for example in datamodules in console apps working with 
databases (*) 



lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Losing desktop when restarting Lazarus - where are desktop settings saved?

2020-12-26 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

I guess this settings are saved in the .lps file of your project.

In my own lps files, I can find the units opened in the code editor, my 
debug watches ...

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Open Source IDE Written Using Delphi

2020-12-26 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Sorry, I didn't notice.

I think it's my mail provider Orange/Wanadoo, the french phone operator.

Sometimes they arbitrarily insert *** SPAM *** in the subject of some 
mails before I receive them .

I should have removed it by hand.

Le 26/12/2020 à 12:15, Anthony Walter via lazarus a écrit :
Why was the subject of my submission changed with "*** SPAM ***" 


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Open Source IDE Written Using Delphi

2020-12-26 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

I agree

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] *** SPAM *** Open Source IDE Written Using Delphi

2020-12-26 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

It's nice that Embarcadero comes back to a Pascal IDE build with Pascal.

It's seems this IDE is compiled with Delphi 7, with .bat and .exe files, 
I imagine it's windows only ?

May be it would have been nice that they sponsor Lazarus ;-) ?

Lazarus runs on nearly every platform where you want to develop, 
Windows, x86 Linux, Raspberry, Mac ...

I imagine it would be complicated to reconcile the delphi bpl package 
concept with lazarus package concept.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus 2.0.10 corrupted by Win 10 crash, how to repair?

2020-10-29 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

I do this too, using VirtualBox shared folders.

The physical machine is a Windows 8 with the source directory, where I 
can compile with Lazarus for Windows.

I run an Ubuntu vm  using Virtual Box, with shared folders pointing to 
my source directory. The Lazarus on Ubuntu can compile directly in this 
I just have a small problem, I need to add LCLBase to the requirements 
when I compile in Linux.
May be this this is because I don't have the same versions of Lazarus in 
Windows and Ubuntu.
A few years ago, I had go back to an older version of Lazarus on windows 
because I got curious effects with the last ones. My source code produce 
a dll used by a program written in Genero (

On Windows, some threads in Genero get a high cpu activity when then dll 
is compiled with recent Lazarus. The probleme does not occur with 
Ubuntu. I haven't had time yet to find exactly why.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Proposal: Allow Umlaute and Accented Characters in Identifiers

2020-07-05 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 06/07/2020 à 00:04, Marco van de Voort via lazarus a écrit :

Op 2020-07-05 om 22:17 schreef Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus:
My post is close to off topic, but I've seen recently a paper on 
arXiv proposing to use Chinese characters for logic operators ...

When, April 1st? :-)
:-)  Not far away, April 15th according to arXiv watermarks on the 
pdf    ...

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Proposal: Allow Umlaute and Accented Characters in Identifiers

2020-07-05 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus
My post is close to off topic, but I've seen recently a paper on arXiv 
proposing to use Chinese characters for logic operators ...

The keyword for AND would be 与
The  NOT :  非
The XOR:  异或
The boolean OR:  规约或
The bitwise OR:  按位或


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Question about TCheckBox

2020-03-16 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus
May be you can create a new component class, based on TPanel, in which 
you place a TCheckbox with empty text and a TLabel at the position you 
want ?
TCheckbox implementation is dependant on the widget set you use ("win32" 
I guess in your case), I don't think you can tune it easily.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus code editor improvement?

2019-11-04 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Le 03/11/2019 à 08:25, Bo Berglund via lazarus a écrit :

I cannot use the direct connection, though, because I am heavily
depending on being able to copy stuff across between the two systems
and I also need to have access to my other tools on the Windows
computer. So I have to stick with VNC anyway and work around the

Did you try to use X11 forwarding ?

You need to install something like XMing ( ), a X Window server running 
on Windows, and connect to the Raspberry Pi with a PuTTY connexion with 
X11 Forwarding enabled.

I use it sometimes to access my Ubuntu machine from a Windows 10 
machine. (in PuTTY: Connection/SSH/X11, enable X11 forwarding, X Display 
location localhost:0.0, Remote X11 authentication protocol: 

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [Pas2js] It's alive !

2019-09-21 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via lazarus

Wonderful !
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