Re: [lazarus] TRunInThread - Progress, but new problem

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter
On Sunday 05 March 2006 08:43, A.J. Venter wrote:
> Well since my last mail on this a few weeks ago, I have made quite a bit of
> progress in my attempts to create a component that will allow me to call a
> tprocess in a thread while retrieving the output "live".
> The structure I have no compiles, and can be placed on a form - it is all
> but right. The only trouble is - when I call the run method, it throws an
> access violation, the stack trace places it at line 76 (the line where I
> call FProcessThread.resume), I did a check and the first line of the
> execute method does not ever get executed.
Mmmm, I think I know now why this is happening, though now I have even LESS of 
an idea how to prevent it.
I instantiated TProcessThread directly in a test program (obviously this left 
me with no events or such but I was just trying to see if it worked) when I 
call TProcessThread.Create the program dies with error 232 complaining that 
there isn't a thread driver.
I checked the lpr, it calls cthreads. I checked lazarus.pp - that too calls 
cthreads, the only thing I can imagine is that I must somehow call cthreads 
in olpack, putting it in olpack.lpk doesn't work - lazarus recreates the file 
on compile/save apparently, putting it in runinthread.pas doesn't  work 
(probably because it's not early enough in the uses clause) - leaving me 
unable to determine where I SHOULD add it - or is this the IDE telling me 
that what I am trying to do is simply not possible ?

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread Flávio Etrusco
> Maybe a StringBuffer type is needed for pascal

Do you mean "in pascal" or "for FreePascal"? ;-)

> for very large strings that
> constantly change via concatenations. Instead of reserving memory for the
> ansistring to whatever amount you request, the stringbuffer type would reserve
> extra memory for you in a specifyable increment (256K, 128K, 20K, whatever you
> choose). If the string has a concatenation on queue which is larger than the
> increment size, then the stringbuffer allocates enough memory with overlap
> (several increments until it fills the need).

I guess it's not so hugely useful or else someone would have
contributed it already. This is much more important in Java because
the String objects are constant/immutable and thus can't be
But maybe a method in TStringList to return all the text without
adding linefeeds could be handy ;-)


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[lazarus] TRunInThread - Progress, but new problem

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter
Well since my last mail on this a few weeks ago, I have made quite a bit of 
progress in my attempts to create a component that will allow me to call a 
tprocess in a thread while retrieving the output "live".

The structure I have no compiles, and can be placed on a form - it is all but 
right. The only trouble is - when I call the run method, it throws an access 
violation, the stack trace places it at line 76 (the line where I call 
FProcessThread.resume), I did a check and the first line of the execute 
method does not ever get executed.

At this stage the whole thing consists of two units. 
processthread.pas implements the TprocessThread class which is just a simple 
TThread descendent which runs a command.
TRunInThread is a TComponent descendent which encapsulates TProcessThread with 
a component, setting up an instantiation of it, executing it, storing and 
updating the output etc. 
In theory it should all work so I really do not know why it's throwing a 
trace, perhaps somebody else can tell me what to change ?

I attach both the units for your viewing pleasure.

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103
unit processthread;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils,process;

TProcessThread = class(tthread)
 procedure Execute; override;
 fcommand : String;
 Constructor Create(isSuspended : boolean);

   MemStream :TMemoryStream;


constructor TProcessThread.Create(isSuspended : boolean);
   MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
   inherited Create(isSuspended);

procedure TProcessThread.Execute;
  READ_BYTES = 2048;

 Process :Tprocess;
  n: LongInt;
  BytesRead: LongInt;
Process := TProcess.create(nil);;
 Process.CommandLine :=  Fcommand;
Running := True;

 {Actually run the thing and catch the output}
  BytesRead := 0;

Process.Options := [poUsePipes,poNoConsole];


  while Process.Running do
// make sure we have room
MemStream.SetSize(BytesRead + READ_BYTES);

// try reading it
n := Process.Output.Read((MemStream.Memory + BytesRead)^, READ_BYTES);
if n > 0
then begin
  Inc(BytesRead, n);
else begin
  // no data, wait 100 ms
  // read last part
// make sure we have room
MemStream.SetSize(BytesRead + READ_BYTES);
// try reading it
n := Process.Output.Read((MemStream.Memory + BytesRead)^, READ_BYTES);
if n > 0
then begin
  Inc(BytesRead, n);
  until n <= 0;
 Running := False;


unit RunInThread;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  LResources,Classes, SysUtils,ProcessThread;

TNewOutPutEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject;NewOutPut:TStringList) of object;
TRunInThread = Class(TComponent)
FOutPut : TStringList;
FNewOutPut :TStringlist;
FProcessThread : TProcessThread;
FCommand : String;
FRunning : Boolean;
FOnNewOuput : TNewOutPutEvent;
FOnDone : TNotifyEvent;
FLastSize : Integer;
FLastMSize : Integer;
procedure GetOutPut;
destructor destroy; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
procedure run;
property Command : String read FCommand write Fcommand;
property OutPut: TStringLIst read FOutput;
property Running: Boolean read FRunning;
property OnNewOutput : TNewOutPutEvent read FOnNewOuput write FOnNewOuput;
property OnDone : TNotifyEvent read FOnDone Write FOnDone;

procedure Register;

procedure Register;

Constructor TRunInThread.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  FLastSize := 0;
  FLastMSize := 0;
  FOutPut := TStringList.Create;
  FNewOutPut := TStringList.Create;
   FProcessThread := TProcessThread.Create(false);
   FProcessThread.FCommand := FCommand;
if Assigned(FProcessThread.FatalException) then
  raise FProcessThread.FatalException;
inherited create(AOwner);

Destructor TRunInThread.Destroy;
 inherited destroy;

Procedure TRunInThread.GetOutPut;

procedure TRunInThread.Run;
Var I : Integer;
  FRunning := True;
  While Running do
 If MemStream.Size <> FLastMSize then
 FLastMSize := MemStream.Size;

[lazarus] button icons for lazarus

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter
After some positive feedback on the suggestion last week, I did the work and 
created a full set of button icons for lazarus. This set provides a 
replacement for everything in the standard delphi "buttons" directory under 

Right now, only xpm's exist. Most of the icons were taken from the Nuvola set 
for KDE (lgpl license) but a few came from CrystalSVG as well. Where I could 
not find a suitable replacement, I made it myself. Overall they are as 
consistent as I could get them and should hopefully help give lazarus apps a 
more consistent look and feel. Most importantly though I hope they will save 
lazarus programmers some time by providing prebuilt icons for most common 
button-tasks so that nobody has to sit and create/find icons first.

The icon names were taken directly from their delphi counterparts for 
familiarity reasons (of course it also made it a lot easier for me to see 
what I had done yet and what was waiting).

Andrew Higgs has offered to do ico format versions of them, I personally see 
no point in redoing the masked bitmap format that delphi used though I am 
open to the idea if somebody can give a good reason and will volunteer for 
the labour. However, I do think that before Andrew starts to do ico's I would 
like everyone interested to take a look at the icons and make suggestions for 
improvements, if you send me a better version of one of them, I will happily 
replace it.

The bit which would make me very happy if guys on top were so inclined would 
be to see it included in the main lazarus tree eventually (based on it's 
delphi counterpart it should go under $LAZARUSDIR/images/buttons) but that 
should wait until after people had a chance to at least comment on the 
current set.

I am wearing my asbestos undies so if you think I did a horrible job, you are 
welcome to tell me :)

The icons are in my subversion server and can be checked out with:
svn co svn://

PS. Andrew, mail me with the username and password  you would like, and I will 
give you write access to the tree.

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread L505

- Original Message -
From: "Markku Niskanen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

> On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:41:53 -0800, Dale Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >But everyone always knew java was slow.  It wasn't meant
> >to be able to be your primary language for large projects.
> This is where I have do disagree, having used Java. Example: I wrote
> a piece of linguistic software in Java. It needed an lot of HEAVY string
> handling. Using the wrong technique in concatenation (Strings instead of
> StringBuffer) I would have had problems. Using the language in a correct
> manner (Strings where necessary and StrinbBuffer in everywhere else) I
> got all the functionality I needed and the performance was excellent. Using
> just Strings is one of the common mistakes that causes low performance
> when lots of concatenations are done as every concatenation creates a
> new object.

Maybe a StringBuffer type is needed for pascal for very large strings that
constantly change via concatenations. Instead of reserving memory for the
ansistring to whatever amount you request, the stringbuffer type would reserve
extra memory for you in a specifyable increment (256K, 128K, 20K, whatever you
choose). If the string has a concatenation on queue which is larger than the
increment size, then the stringbuffer allocates enough memory with overlap
(several increments until it fills the need).

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Re: [lazarus] ipHTMLPanel Selection paint

2006-03-04 Thread Jesus Reyes

- Original Message - 
From: "Panagiotis Sidiropoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 9:41 AM
Subject: [lazarus] ipHTMLPanel Selection paint

> On Windows version of Lazarus I added a small part of code in order to
> paint selected part of page viewed. it seem it is never called. This
> same addition to Linux version of Lazarus does not afect selection is
> painted.
> Addition made in ipHTML unit about line 8040.
> file://DebugLn('TIpHtml.PaintSelection  PatBlt not implemented');
> BitMapToInvert := TBitMap.Create;
> BitMapToInvert.Width := R.Right - R.Left;
> BitMapToInvert.Height := R.Bottom - R.Top;
> BitMapToInvert.Canvas.CopyMode := cmMergePaint;
> BitMapToInvert.Canvas.CopyRect( Rect( 0, 0, BitMapToInvert.Width,
> BitMapToInvert.Height ), PaintBuffer, R );
> PaintBuffer.CopyRect( R, BitMapToInvert.Canvas, Rect( 0, 0,
> BitMapToInvert.Width, BitMapToInvert.Height ) );
> BitMapToInvert.Free;
> {$ELSE}
> PatBlt(PaintBuffer.Handle, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right - R.Left, R.Bottom -
> {$ENDIF}
> By default ipHTMLPanel paints selected region (white chars on black
> background), but SelectAll methos oes not paint. Project is compiled for
> gtk2.
> Panagiotis

This section of code it's not called anymore since selection is now painted at 
the same time content is rendered, if selectAll do not work it's a bug. Please 
submit a bug report.

Jesus Reyes A.

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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread Markku Niskanen
On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:41:53 -0800, Dale Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>But everyone always knew java was slow.  It wasn't meant
>to be able to be your primary language for large projects.  

This is where I have do disagree, having used Java. Example: I wrote
a piece of linguistic software in Java. It needed an lot of HEAVY string
handling. Using the wrong technique in concatenation (Strings instead of
StringBuffer) I would have had problems. Using the language in a correct
manner (Strings where necessary and StrinbBuffer in everywhere else) I 
got all the functionality I needed and the performance was excellent. Using
just Strings is one of the common mistakes that causes low performance 
when lots of concatenations are done as every concatenation creates a
new object.

I want to point out that I also wrote a very exotic Replace function in
plain Java that I thought would NEVER be fast enough, knowing that I am
dealing with bytecode. To my surprise the code was faster than I could ever
have dreamed and could be run just like any native .exe. 

Three years later I wrote the same routines in PHP and used every
possible piece of optimization I could think of (and I know PHP very
well). I ended up with junk that used 40x CPU compared with the
Java one. And believe me, I did everything I could think of. Nope,
the PHP can only be used if I write the critical parts (~50% of the
application code  in C as a PHP extension. So there is a difference
between a bytecode/JIT-compiled and a sort-of-compiled language.

After that I thought of rewriting the same app in FPC but have not
yet had the time to start the project. What I noticed, however, was
that a lot of work should be done to achieve the same functionality
the Java String/Stringbuffer/Tokenizer classes have - we do not have
them in plain FPC. What I really miss is in FPC the multitude of good
classes, good functions that Java has. Tokenizer is a good example
of a effort-saving utility class that is very well written in Java.

Java is definitely NOT slow if written properly and used properly. At
least Java basic things (String handling, hash maps, loops etc) perform
very well compared with just about any language. With lots mathematics,
matrixes and things like that I know less about things may be different

As for large projects anybody can have a look at Eclipse. In my latest
project it was chosen as the default environment and we never had any
performance problems with it... not to mention big sites with JSPs and
servlets and the J2EE abstraction level.


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread darekM

Well, a theme bug... guess the theme author must go hide really well
now :)

And usually then it isn't a TGroupBox any more but a TAlertableFrame
that is derived from TGroupBox and has some extra style properties like
"overloaded-reactor-color" ... :)

I feel like I'm still missing your point :(

Why You want all world move to theme.
I know : theme are are good and we can do everything with it.
But its only feature (its good ) not obligation
Lazarus was made with one aspect: compatibility with Delphi and till now 
it has no "theme thinking" at API layer.
Of course we can all stuff prepare to theme, but many of us have hundred 
thousand lines of code without theme, and now we all must move all code 
to theme: what for? for new bugs, not necessary feature?
Not all people need theme, only working software. If they don't like 
programs they change it.
You can't tell: don't use Color only theme. Programmer have to know what 
is better, he (not ) decided, if he goes wrong, he will not sell program.

And when we talk about freedom: this is freedom to make mistake or not,
Lazarus should (it can be) work with and without theme, even it 
(programing without theme)  is bad

When I say : live its not so simple, I think: nobody know all aspect and 
environment of every program. One tools never be enough good to use in 
any case.


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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Vincent Snijders

Vincent Snijders wrote:

Yury Sidorov wrote:

I think lazarus support is fine.

I will test later tonight (no time now).

Setting up the build environment takes longer than expected. I think 
most things can be done by carefully setting up the environment (fpc.cfg 
and directory layout). Maybe some things in the IDE can be made more 
comfortable, but using fpc (and not ppcXXX) as compiler and passing the 
-P compiler option, every thing should work.

I will be trying myself, just to be sure, but this takes some time.


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[lazarus] Help Authoring questions

2006-03-04 Thread George Lober

Hello all,

Being a total noob when it comes to the subject of Help Authoring, I 
would like to ask people for pointers and suggestions on writing end 
user Help Documentation, possibly context sensitive, for a Lazarus app. 
What is involved implementing context sensitive help in Lazarus ?  I can 
see the Object Inspector has help related properties, but obviously 
there is more to it than that.  I don't see anything on the subject on 
the Wiki. Looking at fpdoc and Lazde, it appears to me they are mostly 
geared towards documenting source code. Looking at what's available in 
terms of standalone help authoring editors, it looks like most of what's 
out there seems to be Windows centered, and I am concerned about 
multi-platform usage. Any suggestions on what editor to use ? Any 
comments welcome.


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Re: [lazarus] Grids fixes

2006-03-04 Thread Jesus Reyes

 --- Colin Western <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> The attached fixes two problems I noticed that were exposed with a
> small 
> display area for a grid:
> 1. A range check error if compiled with checks on

I couldn't reproduce this problem (in linux) how can I do
to reproduce?

if aPage<0 then
ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;

would help?

> @@ -2162,7 +2162,8 @@
>  {$endif}
>  ScrollInfo.nMin := 0;
>  ScrollInfo.nMax := ARange;
> -ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;
> +if aPage > 0 then
> +  ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;
>  SetScrollInfo(Handle, Which, ScrollInfo, True);
>  end;

Jesus Reyes A.

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Re: [lazarus] Grids fixes

2006-03-04 Thread Jesus Reyes

 --- Colin Western <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> The attached fixes two problems I noticed that were exposed with a
> small 
> display area for a grid:
> 1. A range check error if compiled with checks on

> @@ -2162,7 +2162,8 @@
>  {$endif}
>  ScrollInfo.nMin := 0;
>  ScrollInfo.nMax := ARange;
> -ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;
> +if aPage > 0 then
> +  ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;
>  SetScrollInfo(Handle, Which, ScrollInfo, True);
>  end;


  if Apage<0 then

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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Samstag, den 04.03.2006, 20:58 +0200 schrieb A.J. Venter:
> > > The default should always be to follow the theme, the programmer should
> > > think five or six times before overriding it - but when he does, it must
> > > be assumed that he had a good reason and his changes should be honoured.
> >
> > Exactly.
> >
> Let me try to explain what I mean with an EXTREME example.
> Say you are coding the control system for a nuclear power station. Now 99% of 
> your screen is showing the current values for things and with some sliders 
> the operators can adjust some of the equipment settings to ensure that 
> everything remains normal.
> For almost all times this is ALL there is to it. But there on one side is a 
> few critical values, these ones won't just be changed by adjusting one thing, 
> if they are outside tolerance values then that means a trained expert will 
> need to adjust probably 80% of those sliders to very specific settings to 
> deal with what is in fact an emergency.
> So when one of those goes out of tolerable range you start by activating 
> every 
> alarm in the building, syrens howling, strobe lights flashing the works. But 
> on screen you do NOT want everything highlighted. What you DO want is for the 
> area around the specific value that triggered the problem to start cycling 
> through red-green-blue-orange-purple and some more colours at a fairly high 
> rate so the operator your alarm woke up will INSTANTLY see which value is out 
> of range and can start fixing it immediately.
> You don't want to pop up a dialog - clicking ok means it takes longer before 
> he starts adjusting the parameters, but you MUST highlight THAT specific 
> element in a way that should NEVER happen otherwise.
> The element may be a TEdit on a tgroupbox. Now if an emergency exists and you 
> start colour-flashing the tgroupbox to draw attention to the RIGHT tedit but 
> a theme overrides your colour calls so it doesn't flash and the whole town is 

Well, a theme bug... guess the theme author must go hide really well
now :)

And usually then it isn't a TGroupBox any more but a TAlertableFrame
that is derived from TGroupBox and has some extra style properties like
"overloaded-reactor-color" ... :)

I feel like I'm still missing your point :(

> flattened before the operator finds the right value (he cannot fix the 
> problem until he knows WHAT the problem is) - well the whole theory just went 
> up in smoke (as did the town).
> In a non computerized nuclear power station, a big LED would have flashed 
> below the dial with the out of sync value, in a computerized version you HAVE 
> to find a way of getting exactly the same kind of notification and theme must 
> not prevent you from doing it, especially since computerising has so many 
> other usefull advantages (a computer could solve simpler cases itself, like 
> automatically increasing cooling if the temperature rises by a few degrees)  
> in other words, a computerized interface is a good idea - but it MUST be able 
> to override the theme when needed.
> Yes this is probably the most extreme example there is but it is a very real 
> one, and just because most of us are not coding nuclear reactor controls 
> doesn't  mean that our reasons for occasionally having to FORCE colors or 
> fonts are not good ones.

Yes, occassionaly being the keyword :) 

I am in favour of bondage & discipline, so I want the case of
force-setting colors to be hard and weary and the case of installing a
normal style property to be easy :)

That is not to say that it should be impossible to set your own colors,
just really really hard. That's also why it's so hard to do in gtk+. And
it should be kept that hard to do (at least).

Of course that is all theoretical talk because when one of the supported
widgetsets of the LCL doesn't support themes, we are screwed and _have
to_ expose Color & Font directly... we'll see..


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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Samstag, den 04.03.2006, 19:44 +0200 schrieb A.J. Venter:
> > less power. It's always like that. The language of a human (and maths)
> > is just so much more advanced than any computer language, it depresses
> > me at times. (Assembly language is so primitive that we all stopped
> > talking it by now, except when we absolutely must do it. But it sure is
> > "flexible", like an atom - you can use tons of them to build a copy of
> > the earth, given you have a few billion years time and way too much
> > patience for your own good :))
> >

> This is a nice argument but it's highly subjective, I find OP to be the 
> computer language CLOSEST to human language, 

Exactly. I count Object Pascal to the best there are (speaking about
expressiveness / clarity), actually (along with ada, oberon, smalltalk).

> python and java both inherrited 
> too much ascii art from C++ 

java did, python not really.. most is pretty verbose and nice there...
have an example?

> and don't get me STARTED on perl !

eeek. well we all know the-language-we-dont-mention that is write-only,
bogged down with as many operators as there a special characters on the
keyboard and that has "evolved" to a real complex incomprehensible

> One of the things I love about OP (a compiled language) is that it uses 
> mostly 
> WORDS to say things, not symbols, true it's slightly more typing  - but it is 
> so much more readable. 

yes, especially for rare stuff. I mean "+" for "addition" is okay, but
what's up with "&&" instead of "and", I mean it saves one char, but
needs you to use the shift key now, so it saves 0 keys. And its cryptic.
What is that for? And if you absolutely must, use "^" damnit, like in
maths. Don't invent _another_ set of symbols for the same thing. And if
the exact symbols don't exist on the keyboard, that should tell you
something... like "hey! those symbols are not used by anyone on a


> I always tell my trainee's "If I NEED comments to read your code - it is 
> badly 
> written". Of course I also make it absolutely clear that any program of more 
> than 100 lines which doesn't have comments is pretty much guaranteed to 
> ensure they won't get a permanent position with me, but comments should be 
> there to add clarity NOT to tell you what the code DOES ! 


But I am at a phase now where even seeing "design patterns" strike me as
odd. The language should do them if they are so essential. Why can I see
them (and not really well either) in the source code? like observer
pattern. That should be a property-change-notify instead... and so on...

as a side note: what the hell is will all the people removing
enumerations (ex. "TDirection = (East, South, West, North)") in later
languages? If I can't write a lexer in a language something has to be
really f*cked up with it. What are they thinking? (I'd really be
interested, strikes me as odd...)

> That should be 
> obvious just from reading the code.
> This isn't possible in most languages, in OP it's the default - that is why I 
> think it's such a brilliantly designed language, and the fact is this is 
> something Pascal has boasted since Wirth invented the first version of it. 
> Pascal is probably the only language you can read (large sections of) aloud 
> without stuttering. 


> In other words, by your argument those languages have all 
> failed at exactly the supposed REASON they are interpreted/bytecompiled in 
> the first place. 

Mostly, yes. But it's also because the marketdroids only like stuff that
builds on "proven" stuff, which of course means
lowest-common-denominator, e.g. assembly or C. Changing slowly nowadays,
though. For the wrong reasons. But I don't care about the reasons as
long as the result is good in the end :)

> Like I said, it's way too subjective an argument. Now don't get me wrong, I 
> actually rather like python, it has a nice design (although the whole 
> whitespace has meaning thing annoys me a bit) and a fairly decent syntax but 
> the simple reality is that I write code which will end up running on thin 
> clients - that means if a computer slows down to any noticeable degree when 
> running 50 copies of the program at once -it's not good enough, and that 
> rules out python for anything complex. 

Yes, it should be compiled and type checking instead. Check out though. 
I am generally opposed to scripting languages, *but* even for compiled
languages garbage collection is the way to go, after having 40 years to
test it, I think by now we can get it right :)
(This is one of the major points object pascal doesn't have... it's not
surprising and it's not essential and there are reasons against it, but
manual memory management is just... so.. sigh... so manual; although
"interface" refcounting is nice too - slower though)

> Lazarus works beautifully, I have the language that I like for most work, I 
> can quickly design my GUI's in a RAD environment and the programs run FA

[lazarus] Menu fix

2006-03-04 Thread Colin Western
Under gtk1 on linux it is not possible to have an underscore character 
displayed. The attached patch fixes this


diff -uNr lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk/ /dos/fpc/lazarus.w/lcl/interfaces/gtk/
--- lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk/	2006-03-04 11:04:49.0 +
+++ /dos/fpc/lazarus.w/lcl/interfaces/gtk/	2006-03-04 11:29:14.0 +
@@ -5663,15 +5681,21 @@
 // It would be cool, to know if a window manager with the gnome feature
 // is running, but there is probably no reliable code to do that, so we
 // simply delete all ampersands and don't set the letter shortcut.
+// DeleteAmpersands(s);
+// gtk_label_set_text(LabelWidget,PChar(s));
+// Do not use gtk_label_parse_uline as it mangles underscore characters
-  gtk_label_parse_uline(LabelWidget,PChar(s)),
-  0,{$Ifdef GTK2}'activate'{$Else}'activate_item'{$EndIF});
+gtk_label_set_pattern(LabelWidget, PChar(StringOfChar(' ', ShortCutPos-1)+'_'));
+  //gtk_label_parse_uline(LabelWidget,PChar(s)),
+  //0,{$Ifdef GTK2}'activate'{$Else}'activate_item'{$EndIF});
 else begin
+  gtk_label_set_pattern(LabelWidget, nil);  // Ensure any underlines removed

Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter

> > The default should always be to follow the theme, the programmer should
> > think five or six times before overriding it - but when he does, it must
> > be assumed that he had a good reason and his changes should be honoured.
> Exactly.
Let me try to explain what I mean with an EXTREME example.
Say you are coding the control system for a nuclear power station. Now 99% of 
your screen is showing the current values for things and with some sliders 
the operators can adjust some of the equipment settings to ensure that 
everything remains normal.

For almost all times this is ALL there is to it. But there on one side is a 
few critical values, these ones won't just be changed by adjusting one thing, 
if they are outside tolerance values then that means a trained expert will 
need to adjust probably 80% of those sliders to very specific settings to 
deal with what is in fact an emergency.

So when one of those goes out of tolerable range you start by activating every 
alarm in the building, syrens howling, strobe lights flashing the works. But 
on screen you do NOT want everything highlighted. What you DO want is for the 
area around the specific value that triggered the problem to start cycling 
through red-green-blue-orange-purple and some more colours at a fairly high 
rate so the operator your alarm woke up will INSTANTLY see which value is out 
of range and can start fixing it immediately.
You don't want to pop up a dialog - clicking ok means it takes longer before 
he starts adjusting the parameters, but you MUST highlight THAT specific 
element in a way that should NEVER happen otherwise.

The element may be a TEdit on a tgroupbox. Now if an emergency exists and you 
start colour-flashing the tgroupbox to draw attention to the RIGHT tedit but 
a theme overrides your colour calls so it doesn't flash and the whole town is 
flattened before the operator finds the right value (he cannot fix the 
problem until he knows WHAT the problem is) - well the whole theory just went 
up in smoke (as did the town).

In a non computerized nuclear power station, a big LED would have flashed 
below the dial with the out of sync value, in a computerized version you HAVE 
to find a way of getting exactly the same kind of notification and theme must 
not prevent you from doing it, especially since computerising has so many 
other usefull advantages (a computer could solve simpler cases itself, like 
automatically increasing cooling if the temperature rises by a few degrees)  
in other words, a computerized interface is a good idea - but it MUST be able 
to override the theme when needed.

Yes this is probably the most extreme example there is but it is a very real 
one, and just because most of us are not coding nuclear reactor controls 
doesn't  mean that our reasons for occasionally having to FORCE colors or 
fonts are not good ones.

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

 To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
"unsubscribe" as the Subject
   archives at

[lazarus] Grids fixes

2006-03-04 Thread Colin Western
The attached fixes two problems I noticed that were exposed with a small 
display area for a grid:

1. A range check error if compiled with checks on
2. A hang on scrolling two a particular cell if it is not possible to 
show all of the cell

diff -uNr lazarus/lcl/grids.pas /dos/fpc/lazarus.w/lcl/grids.pas
--- lazarus/lcl/grids.pas	2006-02-25 12:29:24.0 +
+++ /dos/fpc/lazarus.w/lcl/grids.pas	2006-03-04 12:53:48.0 +
@@ -2162,7 +2162,8 @@
 ScrollInfo.nMin := 0;
 ScrollInfo.nMax := ARange;
-ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;
+if aPage > 0 then
+  ScrollInfo.nPage := APage;
 SetScrollInfo(Handle, Which, ScrollInfo, True);
@@ -2308,19 +2309,21 @@
 if Rnew.Left + FGCache.TLColOff < FGCache.FixedWidth then Xinc:=-1
-else if RNew.Right  + FGCache.TLColOff > FGCache.ClientWidth then XInc:=1;
+else if (RNew.Right  + FGCache.TLColOff > FGCache.ClientWidth)
+and (RNew.Left + FGCache.TLColOff - GetColWidths(aCol) >= FGCache.FixedWidth) then XInc:=1;
+// Only scroll left if the left edge of the cell does not become invisible as a result
 if RNew.Top  + FGCache.TLRowOff < FGCache.FixedHeight then Yinc:=-1
-else if RNew.Bottom + FGCache.TLRowOff > FGCache.ClientHeight then YInc:=1;
+else if (RNew.Bottom + FGCache.TLRowOff > FGCache.ClientHeight)
+and (RNew.Top + FGCache.TLRowOff - GetRowHeights(aRow) >= FGCache.FixedHeight) then YInc:=1;
+// Only scroll up if the top edge of the cell does not become invisible as a result
 with FTopLeft do
 if ((XInc=0)and(YInc=0)) or // the cell is already visible
((X=aCol)and(Y=aRow)) or // the cell is visible by definition
((X+XInc<0)or(Y+Yinc<0)) or // topleft can't be lower 0
((X+XInc>=ColCount)) or // leftmost column can't be equal/higher than colcount
-   ((Y+Yinc>=RowCount)) or // topmost column can't be equal/higher than rowcount
-   ((XInc>0)and(X=aCol)and(GetColWidths(aCol)>FGCache.ClientWidth)) or
-   ((YInc>0)and(Y=aRow)and(GetRowHeights(aRow)>FGCache.ClientHeight))
+   ((Y+Yinc>=RowCount)) // topmost column can't be equal/higher than rowcount
 Inc(FTopLeft.x, XInc);

Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Samstag, den 04.03.2006, 20:00 +0200 schrieb A.J. Venter:
> > >gtk does the right thing by letting the programmer register "style
> > >properties" for a widget class. These names can then be used in themes
> > >and gtk will assign the theme color to the style property of the widgets
> > >of that class on runtime.
> > >
> > >I know that it usually depends on the target audience whether it's ok to
> > >take shortcuts like hardcoding colors (if your program is to be used by
> > >an internal group of 5 people, new people never enter, and none of them
> > >has color blindness, sure, hardcode red all you like). _But_ when
> > >designing a framework, that is the wrong way to take because they affect
> > >all the users there are.
> >
> What you are saying is correct, but not absolutely so. There are exceptions 
> to 
> every rule and the fact is programmers MUST have the capacity to sometimes 
> enforce certain look and feel changes regardless of themes because themes are 
> always generic (they are meant to apply to all apps) and sometimes a program 
> is doing something which is simply specific to that program and the 
> programmer needs a way of visually explaining a concept to users which simply 
> does not exist in any theming system.

Yes, when it is too new a feature to be considered in the theming system
yet, I agree.

> Take tappytux for example (the program which was the reason why I started the 
> gtk2 font setting patches). Number one requested feature from users was: make 
> the text entry bar at the bottom HUGE.
> This was not MY choice, it was THEIR choice. This was not something that 
> could 
> be done for EVERY tedit in the program, but it HAD to be done for THAT tedit  
> - because the nature of the program was such that, that "entry bar" had to be 
> really big and accentuated. 
> Why ? Because the program is for children, and it's a game - and people who 
> only learned to read a month ago needs to be able to read what they type in 
> there at a single glance.
> The rest of the program they have TIME to spell out letters, if they have to 
> do it there they will never learn not to have to (at least not from the 
> program which is supposed to have been written to help teach them this) 
> because they will simply go game over before they finish the first word.
> See what I am getting at ? It's partially intended audience but it's also 
> purpose of the program, sometimes a programmer needs to be able to enforce 
> some things in the look and feel department.

Yes, but not colors. It's just getting too hairy. Since humans settled
down and have no natural enemies anymore, over time the same will happen
to us that happened to our pets: we lose color sight. Over a short or a
long period, we do. Evolution hates wasting effort on unused gadgets :)

oops, getting off-track :)

> Finally there is the simple reality that despite the lack of credit popular 
> culture gives us in this regard nearly all programmers are highly creative 
> people. 

I know and I restrain myself every day to actually use the ... stuff
that is there already instead of rewriting everything :)

> We LIKE to design interfaces and we like to be a little bit artistic 
> when we do, and there is nothing wrong with that. 

If it's within limits, it's ok. (Minimum) Font sizes and colors are
entirely in the user's realm though and we just can't magically set that
to a constant value for everyone. It just doesn't work :)

But if it's with layouting existing widgets and clustering them in
different windows and such, sure, all freedom there. But _for example_
creating a new-and-improved kind of "knob" control instead of a slider
is off-limits. 

> Since we are the creators, 
> we should be able to design something which is visually pleasing to us ?

Yes, so use style properties (and maybe propose defaults for them to
gtk) and fall back to your defaults in code if missing in theme.

I'm not saying that design shouldn't be done. Design is important. Some
stuff is outside of our realm though, like font size and color.

> I am not saying we should force users to use bright-red buttons (and I know 
> that green-red as distinguishing features is a horrible thing to do to users 
> since about 8% of men cannot distinguish them), but I am saying that we 
> SHOULD be able to sometimes say "This is the main headline part of my main 
> screen - I would really like it if it was in Mincho Gothic font in blue 
> letters on a cream colored button -because it is not SUPPOSED to be the same 
> as the other buttons" - and that I believe is entirely a good thing, and 
> something I encourage in my trainee's.

Yes, so make a class "FooHeadline" or so that does that and defaults to
those colors and font (the actual font can even be fixed, not the size
though) and font size, but overrideable by user gtkrc config file /

> Programmer designs should never detract from usability, but we should still 
> be 
> able to employ a little bit of c

Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Samstag, den 04.03.2006, 18:11 +0100 schrieb darekm:
> Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Am Freitag, den 03.03.2006, 23:10 +0100 schrieb darekm:
> >  
> >
> >>[...]
> >>If I want (as programmer) to one of buttons will be red, user should'n 
> >>change it by change theme
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I merely react to this grossly out of context (so please forgive me),
> >but I just can't resist... 
> >
> >Did you really mean what I read you to mean?
> >
> >Many (and I mean MANY) people can't even _see_ red (but can see colors
> >that somewhat resemble it), so they _have_ to change it... others don't
> >like the color red because of psychic problems (after witnessing
> >accidents, ...) (especially big red areas on buttons that look like a
> >puddle of blood that flows around until it reaches some obstacle).
> >Others don't like it because of other reasons.
> >Low-color displays (over modem lines etc) have 256 color limitations,
> >which makes hardcoded color values a PITA, because they eat up palette
> >entries for _all_ applications and in the end you can't read a thing.
> >(not mentioning black-and-white displays here because they got kind of
> >rare)
> >
> >
> >
> >Let's not go back to the dark old times where the programmer decided
> >what was good and the user needed to eat it, whether he wants to or not.
> >Also, nowadays, we usually do have some processor cycles to spare for
> >doing the right thing.
> >
> >gtk does the right thing by letting the programmer register "style
> >properties" for a widget class. These names can then be used in themes
> >and gtk will assign the theme color to the style property of the widgets
> >of that class on runtime.

It's similar but more flexible to the borland pascal turbo vision
palette approach btw (but uses strings as ids, not integers, and is

> >
> >I know that it usually depends on the target audience whether it's ok to
> >take shortcuts like hardcoding colors (if your program is to be used by
> >an internal group of 5 people, new people never enter, and none of them
> >has color blindness, sure, hardcode red all you like). _But_ when
> >designing a framework, that is the wrong way to take because they affect
> >all the users there are.
> >
> >  
> >
> Yes, You have right,
> user should have possibility to change color
> but primary programmer set up all controls
> if I make button for alerts or erase (or other important or unusual 
> things) I make it different

Yes, you register style properties like "alert-color" and "erase-color"
and fallback if those are not defined in the theme after all for your

Having a published Color property in TControl kind of defeats that
though. Better have a list of style property names/types there.


alert-color Color
erase-color Color

of course I don't know about mswin32... do they even have a mechanism
like that? I tend to think so, they added "theming" with mswinxp, right?

And qt surely has the same thing somehow...

It's really the obvious way to just abstract out style the same way html
did with css too...

> when user change theme they should'n make back all controls similar, he 
> should change it in different way

I assume you mean there should be a class "alert control" and a class
"normal control". All alert controls surely have to look the same to
each other or else it wouldn't be ... well... alerting ...
Or, if you wish, "alertable control" which can be both depending on
internal state.

> When I can (but I can't)  done step one, then I will do step two.

What is step 1? You can derive any kind of gtk widget from an existing
widget class, give it new properties and handle it differently in the
theme (theme value selections are per widget name and/or widget class
name and/or style property name and/or extra "detail" field internal to
the drawer - he passes that when calling the drawing functions, it can't
get much more flexible than that ;))


widget_class "*Alert*" style "foo"
widget_class "*Erase*" style "bar"

or so :)

or by name:

widget "evolution_folder_frame_tree" style "green" 

> Darek
> PS. With the rest: live is not so easy as You write

Well, life is hard, especially with UNIX :)

But I am thankful to the Gnome guys that I don't have to cope with
unusable (X, motif, win32, ) apps anymore... only a handful
crashprone apps left (filemanager, window manager, panel), Xfce
replacing them for me :)

If you mean that doing the right thing is hard, then I agree, it is,
always, everywhere :)

But it should be done.


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Samstag, den 04.03.2006, 02:06 +0100 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:
> On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 23:10:41 +0100
> darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >[...]
> > >>>A button under gtk1 is an area, not just the frame. Some themes define
> > >a >>simple darkened area when presses, some  some define whole images
> > >(e.g. >>round buttons). Maybe gtk2 has more possibilities for
> > >TSpeedButton.  >>  
> > >>>
> > 
> > Interesting are there possibilities, which we can use in all OS, of 
> > course we can implement all myself, but we are limited
> > by LCL API, for example now I can't change color of shadow (tButton have 
> > not thous properties)
> > I think, that we should implement  more flexible  widgets, not so 
> > dependent from desired library (GTK, WIN, QT) 
> Yes, but then it will be a TButtonPlus. A normal TButton is the normal
> button of the theme.
> >[...]
> > >I don't know, what windows can do with DrawFrameControl, but under gtk it
> > >draws an area in a specific style. If this is a button style, and the
> > >theme defines an image, it paints it.
> > >
> > If I want (as programmer) to one of buttons will be red, user should'n 
> > change it by change theme
> Correct. But if you want a 'red' button, then you want a custom drawn
> button, not a TButton.
> If 'red' buttons are needed that often, then we should add a
> TCustomDrawnButton (or whatever name fits) with properties like Color,
> Frame, BorderWidth, TextAlignment, WordWrap, ... .
> This has five advantages:

> - the button will really look the same under all platforms

I hope that it is clear that a button that looks the same under all
platforms is a _disadvantage_. The button of random app X should adapt
to the desktop environment in use, otherwise it looks out of place. Just
look at the java apps around. Everywhere, no matter if on mswin32 or
unix or mac, just everywhere, (our) java swing gui is ugly. It just
looks the same everywhere, which is 1) out of place for mswin32 2) out
of place for unix and 3) out of place for mac ... not good :)


> - less code in LCL interfaces
> - better for smartlinking
> - more flexibility
> - cleaner design (themed and non themed controls)
> > >>for tButton all depend from widgets, but for me in tSpeedButton all 
> > >>should be independent. (GTK has't two widgets)
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >Gtk has less widgets, because the idea is combine them. A TGroupbox is a
> > >single widget under windows, while under gtk it needs two. For gtk it is
> > >pretty normal to put a 'listbox' into a menu. That's why you have more
> > >possibilties.
> > >A TSpeedButton that is used a button and that draws some rectangles, when
> > >all other widgets on the application have shaded round widgets looks very
> > >ugly. Especially if you use broken themes, that merely defines images and
> > >no colors.
> > 
> > DrawFrameControl not avoid this
> It should. If not, you found a bug.
> > >>it's only my suggestion
> > >
> > >What is the trouble with theme painted speedbuttons?
> > 
> > it's not work
> Can you give more details?
> Mattias
> _
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> "unsubscribe" as the Subject
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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Vincent Snijders

Yury Sidorov wrote:

From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:03:25 +0200
"Yury Sidorov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name
> > > based  on
> > > target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first
> > > place.
> >
> > I do not see in fpc source that it can run crosscompiler. It only 

> > native
> > compiler.
> Then it must be corrected;
> The function of 'fpc' is to call the correct compiler based on the
> CPU/OS target settings.


Let discuss other things.

In Windows installation fpc.exe is located in pp\bin\i386-win32
I suppose ppcrossarm.exe and cross binutils need to be located here too.
Cross binutils will be prefixed (e.g. arm-wince-as.exe)
Lazarus should setup crossbinutils prefix using -XP compiler option (it
will  look like -XParm-wince- for arm-wince target).

Yes, or -XPfpc-i386-win32- for win32 under linux, or many other

Do you mean -XPi386-win32- ?

We need 'target' specific compiler options. With 'target' I do not 
only mean

CPU, OS or LCL target.

Maybe this helps at the moment: you can add this to fpc.cfg:

# set binutils paths for crosscompiling

Yes. Currently it is possible to setup Lazarus for crosscompiling. But 
it will break native compiling and we discuss how to make cross and 
native comiling live together at the same time. For example if you open 
Win32 project it will compile Win32 app, if you open WinCE project it 
will compile it too without changing anything in options.

I think lazarus support is fine.

I will test later tonight (no time now).


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter

> >gtk does the right thing by letting the programmer register "style
> >properties" for a widget class. These names can then be used in themes
> >and gtk will assign the theme color to the style property of the widgets
> >of that class on runtime.
> >
> >I know that it usually depends on the target audience whether it's ok to
> >take shortcuts like hardcoding colors (if your program is to be used by
> >an internal group of 5 people, new people never enter, and none of them
> >has color blindness, sure, hardcode red all you like). _But_ when
> >designing a framework, that is the wrong way to take because they affect
> >all the users there are.
What you are saying is correct, but not absolutely so. There are exceptions to 
every rule and the fact is programmers MUST have the capacity to sometimes 
enforce certain look and feel changes regardless of themes because themes are 
always generic (they are meant to apply to all apps) and sometimes a program 
is doing something which is simply specific to that program and the 
programmer needs a way of visually explaining a concept to users which simply 
does not exist in any theming system.
Take tappytux for example (the program which was the reason why I started the 
gtk2 font setting patches). Number one requested feature from users was: make 
the text entry bar at the bottom HUGE.

This was not MY choice, it was THEIR choice. This was not something that could 
be done for EVERY tedit in the program, but it HAD to be done for THAT tedit  
- because the nature of the program was such that, that "entry bar" had to be 
really big and accentuated. 
Why ? Because the program is for children, and it's a game - and people who 
only learned to read a month ago needs to be able to read what they type in 
there at a single glance.
The rest of the program they have TIME to spell out letters, if they have to 
do it there they will never learn not to have to (at least not from the 
program which is supposed to have been written to help teach them this) 
because they will simply go game over before they finish the first word.

See what I am getting at ? It's partially intended audience but it's also 
purpose of the program, sometimes a programmer needs to be able to enforce 
some things in the look and feel department.
Finally there is the simple reality that despite the lack of credit popular 
culture gives us in this regard nearly all programmers are highly creative 
people. We LIKE to design interfaces and we like to be a little bit artistic 
when we do, and there is nothing wrong with that. Since we are the creators, 
we should be able to design something which is visually pleasing to us ?

I am not saying we should force users to use bright-red buttons (and I know 
that green-red as distinguishing features is a horrible thing to do to users 
since about 8% of men cannot distinguish them), but I am saying that we 
SHOULD be able to sometimes say "This is the main headline part of my main 
screen - I would really like it if it was in Mincho Gothic font in blue 
letters on a cream colored button -because it is not SUPPOSED to be the same 
as the other buttons" - and that I believe is entirely a good thing, and 
something I encourage in my trainee's.
Programmer designs should never detract from usability, but we should still be 
able to employ a little bit of creativity in interface design - the job of 
interface design is to take an abstract computing concept of some sort and 
create a visual analogy that allows non-computer experts to understand what 
they program does for them and how to achieve their goals with it. This IS a 
creative process and ingenuity can make all the difference here, especially 
with custom apps which are often the first to design for a certain concept. 
To imagine that any theme can be broad enough to handle ALL the problems any 
program will ever be asked to solve and still be usable as a theme is 
downright ridiculous.
The default should always be to follow the theme, the programmer should think 
five or six times before overriding it - but when he does, it must be assumed 
that he had a good reason and his changes should be honoured.

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

 To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
"unsubscribe" as the Subject
   archives at

Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Yury Sidorov

From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:03:25 +0200
"Yury Sidorov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name
> > > based  on
> > > target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first
> > > place.
> >
> > I do not see in fpc source that it can run crosscompiler. It only run
> > native
> > compiler.
> Then it must be corrected;
> The function of 'fpc' is to call the correct compiler based on the
> CPU/OS target settings.


Let discuss other things.

In Windows installation fpc.exe is located in pp\bin\i386-win32
I suppose ppcrossarm.exe and cross binutils need to be located here too.
Cross binutils will be prefixed (e.g. arm-wince-as.exe)
Lazarus should setup crossbinutils prefix using -XP compiler option (it
will  look like -XParm-wince- for arm-wince target).

Yes, or -XPfpc-i386-win32- for win32 under linux, or many other

Do you mean -XPi386-win32- ?

We need 'target' specific compiler options. With 'target' I do not only 

CPU, OS or LCL target.

Maybe this helps at the moment: you can add this to fpc.cfg:

# set binutils paths for crosscompiling

Yes. Currently it is possible to setup Lazarus for crosscompiling. But it 
will break native compiling and we discuss how to make cross and native 
comiling live together at the same time. For example if you open Win32 
project it will compile Win32 app, if you open WinCE project it will compile 
it too without changing anything in options.

Yury Sidorov.

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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter
> less power. It's always like that. The language of a human (and maths)
> is just so much more advanced than any computer language, it depresses
> me at times. (Assembly language is so primitive that we all stopped
> talking it by now, except when we absolutely must do it. But it sure is
> "flexible", like an atom - you can use tons of them to build a copy of
> the earth, given you have a few billion years time and way too much
> patience for your own good :))
This is a nice argument but it's highly subjective, I find OP to be the 
computer language CLOSEST to human language, python and java both inherrited 
too much ascii art from C++ and don't get me STARTED on perl !

One of the things I love about OP (a compiled language) is that it uses mostly 
WORDS to say things, not symbols, true it's slightly more typing  - but it is 
so much more readable. 

I always tell my trainee's "If I NEED comments to read your code - it is badly 
written". Of course I also make it absolutely clear that any program of more 
than 100 lines which doesn't have comments is pretty much guaranteed to 
ensure they won't get a permanent position with me, but comments should be 
there to add clarity NOT to tell you what the code DOES ! That should be 
obvious just from reading the code.

This isn't possible in most languages, in OP it's the default - that is why I 
think it's such a brilliantly designed language, and the fact is this is 
something Pascal has boasted since Wirth invented the first version of it. 

Pascal is probably the only language you can read (large sections of) aloud 
without stuttering. In other words, by your argument those languages have all 
failed at exactly the supposed REASON they are interpreted/bytecompiled in 
the first place. 

Like I said, it's way too subjective an argument. Now don't get me wrong, I 
actually rather like python, it has a nice design (although the whole 
whitespace has meaning thing annoys me a bit) and a fairly decent syntax but 
the simple reality is that I write code which will end up running on thin 
clients - that means if a computer slows down to any noticeable degree when 
running 50 copies of the program at once -it's not good enough, and that 
rules out python for anything complex. 
Lazarus works beautifully, I have the language that I like for most work, I 
can quickly design my GUI's in a RAD environment and the programs run FAST.

In the end, Java has spent ten years telling programmers that computers are 
now so fast that customers don't care about speed anymore, and in ten years 
computers still haven't gotten that fast and frankly they never will because 
as computers get faster customers will always expect software to get faster 
at the same rate (and customers being customers they will expect it to be 
just as fast on a PII). In the real world, a program that runs slowly and 
uses up a lot of resources annoys customers and they find another program. 

Throw in the realities of Africa, and you end up utilising things like thin 
clients so that those PII's or sometimes even 486's can run modern day apps. 
Of course they are never quite as fast as on a P4 but they look as fast to 
users which is good enough -at least for compiled programs which do not abuse 
all the available resources in the system but use only what they need leaving 
the rest for the other users.

In the end, the choice of a language is personal and not the least of your 
concerns should be "what language does most of the people on this project 
know the best", but discounting OP because of what it wasn't in the 80's 
is ... well uninformed silliness.

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

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Re: [lazarus] feature in Lazarus

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 18:20:42 +0100
darekM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can close editor file be added (best at begin) to Recent List
> Why:
>   I use Lazarus with many open files,
>   some of them close, some open
>   when I close by mistake any of older files, then I can't revert it 
> simple (when it was at Recent list)

I don't use the recent file menu often, so I leave the decision, if this
should be added with option or not to the list. 


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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread rstar

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:03:25 +0200
"Yury Sidorov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name
based  on
target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first
I do not see in fpc source that it can run crosscompiler. It only run 


Then it must be corrected;
The function of 'fpc' is to call the correct compiler based on the
CPU/OS target settings.


Let discuss other things.

In Windows installation fpc.exe is located in pp\bin\i386-win32
I suppose ppcrossarm.exe and cross binutils need to be located here too.
Cross binutils will be prefixed (e.g. arm-wince-as.exe)
Lazarus should setup crossbinutils prefix using -XP compiler option (it
will  look like -XParm-wince- for arm-wince target).

Yes, or -XPfpc-i386-win32- for win32 under linux, or many other
We need 'target' specific compiler options. With 'target' I do not only mean
CPU, OS or LCL target.

Maybe this helps at the moment: you can add this to fpc.cfg:

# set binutils paths for crosscompiling


Also there should be an option to setup a debugger for each target. There
is  gdb which allows to remotely debug wince applications from win32 host.



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I think this effort is already being spent in crossfpc..

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Re: [lazarus] bug in tComboBox

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 18:13:14 +0100
darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Can you give an example?
> >  
> function gtkchangedCB( widget: PGtkWidget; data: gPointer) : GBoolean; 
> cdecl;
> var
>   Mess : TLMessage;
> begin
>   if ComponentIsDestroyingHandle(TWinControl(Data))
>   or (LockOnChange(PgtkObject(Widget),0)>0) then exit;
>  {$IFDEF TraceEvent}
>   EventTrace('changed', data);
>  {$ENDIF}
>   Mess.Msg := LM_CHANGED;
>   DeliverMessage(Data, Mess);
>   Result := CallBackDefaultReturn;
> end;



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[lazarus] feature in Lazarus

2006-03-04 Thread darekM

Can close editor file be added (best at begin) to Recent List

 I use Lazarus with many open files,
 some of them close, some open
 when I close by mistake any of older files, then I can't revert it 
simple (when it was at Recent list)


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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:03:25 +0200
"Yury Sidorov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name
> > > > based  on
> > > > target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first
> > > > place.
> > >
> > > I do not see in fpc source that it can run crosscompiler. It only run 
> > > native
> > > compiler.
> >
> > Then it must be corrected;
> > The function of 'fpc' is to call the correct compiler based on the
> > CPU/OS target settings.
> Yes.
> Let discuss other things.
> In Windows installation fpc.exe is located in pp\bin\i386-win32
> I suppose ppcrossarm.exe and cross binutils need to be located here too.
> Cross binutils will be prefixed (e.g. arm-wince-as.exe)
> Lazarus should setup crossbinutils prefix using -XP compiler option (it
> will  look like -XParm-wince- for arm-wince target).

Yes, or -XPfpc-i386-win32- for win32 under linux, or many other
We need 'target' specific compiler options. With 'target' I do not only mean
CPU, OS or LCL target.

Maybe this helps at the moment: you can add this to fpc.cfg:

# set binutils paths for crosscompiling

> Also there should be an option to setup a debugger for each target. There
> is  gdb which allows to remotely debug wince applications from win32 host.



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Re: [lazarus] bug in tComboBox

2006-03-04 Thread darekm

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 17:16:46 +0100
darekM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Mattias Gaertner napisa?(a):

On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:39:34 +0100
darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Mattias Gaertner wrote:




PS.Can I comment all EventTrace (or IFDEFs) in, they 
slowdown running.


Did you test that?
How much slower?


I've not test but I'm looking for not necessary lines of code

all LCL should follow directive RELEASE and should remove all DebugLN, 
assert and log

My application seems to be to slowly (compared to Delphi)

every switch between windows need remarkable time

And why you ask. Even if it need 0.01% time, we can do it on and off as

we need.

We could comment them and delete many of them. But deleting them means,
the next time we search a bug at this place, we have to add them again.
There are many functions where I commented and uncommented the debugging
code a douzand times. Eventually I learned, it saves a lot of time, to
keep some debugging code ready. Other libs like gtk do the same.

but I say IFDEF

Can you give an example?

{$DEFINE TraceEvent}

function gtkchangedCB( widget: PGtkWidget; data: gPointer) : GBoolean; 

 Mess : TLMessage;
 if ComponentIsDestroyingHandle(TWinControl(Data))
 or (LockOnChange(PgtkObject(Widget),0)>0) then exit;
{$IFDEF TraceEvent}
 EventTrace('changed', data);

 Mess.Msg := LM_CHANGED;
 DeliverMessage(Data, Mess);

 Result := CallBackDefaultReturn;


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread darekm

Danny Milosavljevic wrote:


Am Freitag, den 03.03.2006, 23:10 +0100 schrieb darekm:

If I want (as programmer) to one of buttons will be red, user should'n 
change it by change theme

I merely react to this grossly out of context (so please forgive me),
but I just can't resist... 

Did you really mean what I read you to mean?

Many (and I mean MANY) people can't even _see_ red (but can see colors
that somewhat resemble it), so they _have_ to change it... others don't
like the color red because of psychic problems (after witnessing
accidents, ...) (especially big red areas on buttons that look like a
puddle of blood that flows around until it reaches some obstacle).
Others don't like it because of other reasons.
Low-color displays (over modem lines etc) have 256 color limitations,
which makes hardcoded color values a PITA, because they eat up palette
entries for _all_ applications and in the end you can't read a thing.
(not mentioning black-and-white displays here because they got kind of

Let's not go back to the dark old times where the programmer decided
what was good and the user needed to eat it, whether he wants to or not.
Also, nowadays, we usually do have some processor cycles to spare for
doing the right thing.

gtk does the right thing by letting the programmer register "style
properties" for a widget class. These names can then be used in themes
and gtk will assign the theme color to the style property of the widgets
of that class on runtime.

I know that it usually depends on the target audience whether it's ok to
take shortcuts like hardcoding colors (if your program is to be used by
an internal group of 5 people, new people never enter, and none of them
has color blindness, sure, hardcode red all you like). _But_ when
designing a framework, that is the wrong way to take because they affect
all the users there are.


Yes, You have right,
user should have possibility to change color
but primary programmer set up all controls
if I make button for alerts or erase (or other important or unusual 
things) I make it different

when user change theme they should'n make back all controls similar, he 
should change it in different way

When I can (but I can't)  done step one, then I will do step two.


PS. With the rest: live is not so easy as You write

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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Yury Sidorov

From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name based 
> > on

> > target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first place.
> I do not see in fpc source that it can run crosscompiler. It only run 
> native

> compiler.

Then it must be corrected;
The function of 'fpc' is to call the correct compiler based on the CPU/OS
target settings.


Let discuss other things.

In Windows installation fpc.exe is located in pp\bin\i386-win32
I suppose ppcrossarm.exe and cross binutils need to be located here too.
Cross binutils will be prefixed (e.g. arm-wince-as.exe)
Lazarus should setup crossbinutils prefix using -XP compiler option (it will 
look like -XParm-wince- for arm-wince target).

Also there should be an option to setup a debugger for each target. There is 
gdb which allows to remotely debug wince applications from win32 host.

Yury Sidorov. 

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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 17:56:41 +0100
darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>  
> >>>
> >>simple: when I set color:=clRed then not change color (like in others 
> >>controls)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >The solution is simple: if color<>clBtnFace then paint a custom button.
> >The question is only, how to implement it.
> >The easiest would be to extend TSpeedButton.Paint with a 
> >
> >if (Color<>clBtnFace) or (... other properties ...) then 
> >  PaintCustomSpeedButton
> >else 
> >  PaintThemeButton
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> with this patch works (only change order)

Applied. Thanks.

> two suggestion
>   1. is clDefault not better than clBtnFace

Delphi compatibility

>   2. DrawFrameControl should return inner rectangle (control should know 
> how fat is frame)

Yes. It's a todo.


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread darekm


simple: when I set color:=clRed then not change color (like in others 

The solution is simple: if color<>clBtnFace then paint a custom button.
The question is only, how to implement it.
The easiest would be to extend TSpeedButton.Paint with a 

if (Color<>clBtnFace) or (... other properties ...) then 


with this patch works (only change order)

two suggestion
 1. is clDefault not better than clBtnFace
 2. DrawFrameControl should return inner rectangle (control should know 
how fat is frame)

Index: include/
--- include/ (wersja 8862)
+++ include/ (kopia robocza)
@@ -395,15 +395,13 @@
 Canvas.Frame3d(PaintRect, 1, xBevel);
 InflateRect(PaintRect, -1, -1);
-  if not Transparent then begin
-Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
-  end;
   // do not draw anything if flat and mouse not in control (simplified)
-  if (FLastDrawFlags and DFCS_FLAT) = 0 then
+  if (FLastDrawFlags and DFCS_FLAT) = 0 then begin
   PaintRect, DFC_BUTTON, FLastDrawFlags);
+ InflateRect(PaintRect, -1, -1);
+  end;
   //writeln('TCustomSpeedButton.Paint ',Name,':',ClassName,' 
@@ -411,6 +409,10 @@
   //  ' DFCS_INACTIVE=',FLastDrawFlags and DFCS_INACTIVE,
   //  ' DFCS_FLAT=',FLastDrawFlags and DFCS_FLAT,
   //  '');
+  if not Transparent and (color<>clBtnFace) then begin
+Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
+  end;
   GlyphWidth:= TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).Glyph.Width;
   if TButtonGlyph(FGlyph).NumGlyphs > 1 then

Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, Yury Sidorov wrote:

> From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > > > Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on
> > > > the
> > > > IDE?
> > > > 
> > > > It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:
> > > > 
> > > > - The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called
> > > > ppcrossarm.exe
> > > > and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put
> > > > the
> > > > path
> > > > to the cross compiler?
> > > 
> > > Can we use 'fpc' with some option?
> > 
> > No, ppcrossarm.exe should be called.
> > Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name based on
> > target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first place.
> I do not see in fpc source that it can run crosscompiler. It only run native
> compiler.

Then it must be corrected; 
The function of 'fpc' is to call the correct compiler based on the CPU/OS 
target settings.


Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread Dale Welch
Object Pascal is a long way from Wirth's pascal or even 
from turbo pascal.  People who say it is a backward language 
or dead language don't know object pascal, teach C++, and think 
pascal is algol.

The mass of interpreted languages out do indeed have
interesting features.  Very nice features.  But it does mean
without the speed of todays hard drives and computers you 
have serious problems.  And sometimes you still have 
problems.  That said You can write some wonderfully 
difficult to follow scripts in them.  They are also good as 
embedded scripting languages for your application.  
Notice it took MS a while but they finally opened up and made 
it where you could embed a number of scripting systems instead 
of only VB.

As i remember Java, i haven't looked at it in about 6 years, 
there were a number of features which just plain couldn't 
happen without an interperter.  
Many of the early compilers were p-code compilers which
then required an interperter, i think i had one on my first
ibm compatible when i booted under cpm.

But everyone always knew java was slow.  It wasn't meant
to be able to be your primary language for large projects.  
But as we now have computers 1000s of times faster than 
my first one, and tremendously faster than when java 
came out we are getting lazy.

I mean when people on a regular basis make arrays that
are larger than my early computers had in all of their memory or 
could even address.   Of course, one place i worked at used to
sell computers with 5 megabyte hard drives and tell people 
"that's more than you'll ever need".  I had a difficult time with that
since i had a HUGE 10 megabytes of stuff on floppy disks.


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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Yury Sidorov

From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, Yury Sidorov wrote:

> From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the
> > > IDE?
> > >
> > > It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:
> > >
> > > - The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called
> > > ppcrossarm.exe
> > > and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the
> > > path
> > > to the cross compiler?
> >
> > Can we use 'fpc' with some option?
> No, ppcrossarm.exe should be called.

Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name based on
target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first place.

'fpc -Twince' calls ppcrossarm.exe, right?

When will this fail?

No. fpc always calls native compiler (e.g. ppc386.exe in Win32).

Yury Sidorov. 

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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Yury Sidorov

From: "Michael Van Canneyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the
> > IDE?
> >
> > It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:
> >
> > - The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called
> > ppcrossarm.exe
> > and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the
> > path
> > to the cross compiler?
> Can we use 'fpc' with some option?

No, ppcrossarm.exe should be called.

Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name based on
target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first place.

I do not see in fpc source that it can run crosscompiler. It only run native 

Yury Sidorov.

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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 17:33:55 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, Yury Sidorov wrote:
> > From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > > > Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the
> > > > IDE?
> > > > 
> > > > It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:
> > > > 
> > > > - The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called
> > > > ppcrossarm.exe
> > > > and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the
> > > > path
> > > > to the cross compiler?
> > > 
> > > Can we use 'fpc' with some option?
> > 
> > No, ppcrossarm.exe should be called.
> Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name based on 
> target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first place.

'fpc -Twince' calls ppcrossarm.exe, right?

When will this fail?


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Re: [lazarus] bug in tComboBox

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 17:16:46 +0100
darekM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mattias Gaertner napisa?(a):
> > On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:39:34 +0100
> > darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> >>
> >> 
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>>   
>  Darek
>  PS.Can I comment all EventTrace (or IFDEFs) in, they 
>  slowdown running.
> >>> Did you test that?
> >>> How much slower?
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>>   
> >> I've not test but I'm looking for not necessary lines of code
> >>
> >> all LCL should follow directive RELEASE and should remove all DebugLN, 
> >> assert and log
> >>
> >> My application seems to be to slowly (compared to Delphi)
> >>
> >> every switch between windows need remarkable time
> >>
> >> And why you ask. Even if it need 0.01% time, we can do it on and off as
> >
> >> we need.
> >> 
> >
> > We could comment them and delete many of them. But deleting them means,
> > the next time we search a bug at this place, we have to add them again.
> > There are many functions where I commented and uncommented the debugging
> > code a douzand times. Eventually I learned, it saves a lot of time, to
> > keep some debugging code ready. Other libs like gtk do the same.
> >   
> but I say IFDEF

Can you give an example?


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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, Yury Sidorov wrote:

> From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the
> > > IDE?
> > > 
> > > It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:
> > > 
> > > - The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called
> > > ppcrossarm.exe
> > > and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the
> > > path
> > > to the cross compiler?
> > 
> > Can we use 'fpc' with some option?
> No, ppcrossarm.exe should be called.

Normally, the 'fpc' binary can choose the correct compiler name based on 
target OS and CPU setting. That is what it is for in the first place.


Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 18:16:40 +0200
"Yury Sidorov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the IDE?
> >>
> >> It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:
> >>
> >> - The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called ppcrossarm.exe
> >> and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the path
> >> to the cross compiler?
> >
> > Can we use 'fpc' with some option?
> No, 


> ppcrossarm.exe should be called.
> I think there should be list of cross compilers available in environment 
> options. So a user can setup cross compiler executable for each target CPU
> if needed.

I will add it.

> >> - You can compile Windows CE softwares for various different
> >> architectures. I see currently no place to set the target architecture.
> >>
> >> On Tools -> Configure Build Lazarus there is a option to set the OS,
> >> perhaps we need to add a option to choose the architecture?
> >
> > Yes.
> Lazarus should call corresponding crosscompiler if target CPU is different
> from host CPU.



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Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Yury Sidorov

From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the IDE?

It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:

- The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called ppcrossarm.exe
and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the path
to the cross compiler?

Can we use 'fpc' with some option?

No, ppcrossarm.exe should be called.
I think there should be list of cross compilers available in environment 
options. So a user can setup cross compiler executable for each target CPU 
if needed.

- You can compile Windows CE softwares for various different
architectures. I see currently no place to set the target architecture.

On Tools -> Configure Build Lazarus there is a option to set the OS,
perhaps we need to add a option to choose the architecture?


Lazarus should call corresponding crosscompiler if target CPU is different 
from host CPU.

Yury Sidorov. 

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Re: [lazarus] bug in tComboBox

2006-03-04 Thread darekM

Mattias Gaertner napisał(a):

  On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:39:34 +0100
darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mattias Gaertner wrote:



PS.Can I comment all EventTrace (or IFDEFs) in, they 
slowdown running.

  Did you test that?
How much slower?


I've not test but I'm looking for not necessary lines of code

all LCL should follow directive RELEASE and should remove all DebugLN, 
assert and log

My application seems to be to slowly (compared to Delphi)

every switch between windows need remarkable time

And why you ask. Even if it need 0.01% time, we can do it on and off as 
we need.

We could comment them and delete many of them. But deleting them means, the
next time we search a bug at this place, we have to add them again. There
are many functions where I commented and uncommented the debugging code a
douzand times. Eventually I learned, it saves a lot of time, to keep some
debugging code ready. Other libs like gtk do the same.

but I say IFDEF

Re: [lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:42:31 -0300
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Today or on the next days I will be sending patches to implement basic 
> structures for the Windows CE LCL Interface.
> At the moment TApplication and TCustomForm have basics implemented. A 
> screenshot of the first lazarus - wince gui software is here: 
> Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the IDE?
> It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:
> - The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called ppcrossarm.exe 
> and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the path 
> to the cross compiler?

Can we use 'fpc' with some option?

> - You can compile Windows CE softwares for various different 
> architectures. I see currently no place to set the target architecture.
> On Tools -> Configure Build Lazarus there is a option to set the OS, 
> perhaps we need to add a option to choose the architecture?


> Here is the batch script I use to compile LCL for Windows CE:
> PATH=C:\Programas\lazarus13\pp\bin\i386-win32;c:\Programas\arm
> make lcl LCL_PLATFORM=wince PP=ppcrossarm.exe CPU_TARGET=arm
> OS_TARGET=wince
> And the script I use to compile software:
> PATH=C:\Programas\lazarus13\pp\bin\i386-win32;c:\Programas\arm
> ppcrossarm.exe -Twince -FuC:\Programas\fpc21\rtl\units\arm-wince 
> -FDC:\Programas\arm -XParm-wince- test.pas
> ppcrossarm.exe -Twince -FuC:\programas\lazarus\lcl\units\arm-wince 
> -FuC:\programas\lazarus\lcl\units\arm-wince\wince 
> -FuC:\Programas\fpc21\rtl\units\arm-wince -FDC:\Programas\arm 
> -XParm-wince- windowtest.pas
> The goal is to be able to recompile LCL with the cross compiler without 
> messing win32 lcl, and also compile software for wince using the IDE.



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[lazarus] Windows CE support on the IDE

2006-03-04 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho


Today or on the next days I will be sending patches to implement basic 
structures for the Windows CE LCL Interface.

At the moment TApplication and TCustomForm have basics implemented. A 
screenshot of the first lazarus - wince gui software is here:

Now onto the problem. How can we add support for Windows CE on the IDE?

It behaves differently then other widgetsets on some aspects:

- The compiler it uses has a diferent name, it´s called ppcrossarm.exe 
and must be from 2.1.x branch. Do we need a extra field to put the path 
to the cross compiler?

- You can compile Windows CE softwares for various different 
architectures. I see currently no place to set the target architecture.

On Tools -> Configure Build Lazarus there is a option to set the OS, 
perhaps we need to add a option to choose the architecture?

Here is the batch script I use to compile LCL for Windows CE:

make lcl LCL_PLATFORM=wince PP=ppcrossarm.exe CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=wince

And the script I use to compile software:

ppcrossarm.exe -Twince -FuC:\Programas\fpc21\rtl\units\arm-wince 
-FDC:\Programas\arm -XParm-wince- test.pas
ppcrossarm.exe -Twince -FuC:\programas\lazarus\lcl\units\arm-wince 
-FuC:\Programas\fpc21\rtl\units\arm-wince -FDC:\Programas\arm 
-XParm-wince- windowtest.pas

The goal is to be able to recompile LCL with the cross compiler without 
messing win32 lcl, and also compile software for wince using the IDE.



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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread L505

> No, if you need pointer _arithmetic_ you are doing it wrong or using a
> language that is assembly in disguise. Pointers itself are fine and
> dandy, but don't *(x + 3 * i + 2) = *(y - 3);. Would you talk like that
> to a human? No? Why talk like that to a computer then? It's just a sign
> that something in the language is broken when you need to do stuff like
> that (except when writing a heap memory manager, I guess). But I mean
> when you need to do it like all the time, like for arrays (hello C :)).
> Also, by doing stuff like that you throw all bounds checking out of the
> window, so you could as well write it in assembly and spare yourself the
> hassle of using a compiler that brags all the time except where it
> matters.

I've decided that C is now officially the "learning" language for universities.
Students will now learn about all sorts of computer memory management in C, but
C will never be used for any practical purpose. It serves as the teaching
language of "what language we should never use but teaches us a lot about the
memory in a computer". It also serves as a language which makes a programmer
feel happy "I'm glad I learned C because it was 8 times harder just to create a
string, and now I'm ahead 8 times by not using C. If I wouldn't have learned C I
wouldn't have known I was 8 times ahead."

> > As an aside, I remain adamant that anybody who writes a free software/open
> > source program in Java is being foolish. What is the POINT of a free
> > program that REQUIRES a non-free program just to RUN ?
> I've also wondered about that.. I mean there is gcj and mono and such,
> but... why not do something that is better but our own thing... I've
> looked at parrot for a vm but it's tailored for interpreted languages
> only. sigh.

It's the same as Delphi users doing the JEDI project and allowing borland to use
their code without Jedi getting paid. Borland is smiling and laughing all the
way to the bank while Jedi developers are smiling, but not laughing to the bank.

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Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus "proof of concept"

2006-03-04 Thread Tony Maro
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 12:57:32 -0300
> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [...]
>> If you Linux guys (Even the Lazarus on Windows guys) - Could do the 
>> following :
>> i) Download the TurboCASH/Delphi project. Steal whatever you need
>> ii) "Open " a set of books simply by connecting to the TurboCASH Fro 
>> bird Database
> Where can I find documentation about this 'set of books' of the 'Fro bird
> Database'?
There may be some language and spelling issues there - did he perhaps
mean "Firebird"?  I'm assuming from the description the books would need
to already exist from an existing TurboCASH Delphi install.

If I'm not mistaken these are the guys who contacted me a year or so ago
about the project - since it's similar in some aspects to CBT - but I've
had no time to help out.


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Re: [lazarus] Give FPC/Lazarus a face...

2006-03-04 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
> Is there a list who is working on FPC/Lazarus,
> who is contributor,
> who is responsible for sub-system xy,
> how many people are working on FPC/Lazarus,
> etc. ???

Should we start a Wiki page about this? What could be the name of that page?

When the wikies are merged we can have only 1 page for this.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Samstag, den 04.03.2006, 15:41 +0200 schrieb A.J. Venter:
> > >
> > > python is a very nice language.
> > > Why don't you just write the speed critical parts in C or C++.
> > > That's how everyone does it in python.
> >
> > Showing only that python isn't up to the task.

Actually showing that one should use the right tool for the job. i.e.
Expressive languages for the high level constructs and fast but horrid
languages (= assembly, more or less - that is what C is.) for the low
level constructs.

> > Just like all these other interpreted languages: .NET, Java...

Halfway languages... Trying to get the best of both worlds. Very hard to
do but it will show if it's doable or not, so we don't have to try it
out to see :)

> >
> > It's cheating, and they all do it: falling back to compiled
> > languaged. My message to the designers of these languages:
> > Quit fooling around, and do things right from the start.
> >
> This does bring up an interesting point, why is it that more and more 
> languages are becoming interpreted or bytecompiled ? I mean, surely the 
> python designers could have written platform level compilers for no more 
> difficulty than to write bytecompilers ?

No... afaik it isn't really a bytecompiler either... its mostly
interpreted, which brings them a flexibility unparallelled anywhere else
except in lisp (which, ironically, is compiled).

> Heck they even got jython - compiling to the java vm so they must have had 
> the 
> option.
> Instead it offers the choices of bytecompiled or scripted.
> Why is source portability not enough ? Why sacrifice so much speed 

more speed 

> and power 

less power. It's always like that. The language of a human (and maths)
is just so much more advanced than any computer language, it depresses
me at times. (Assembly language is so primitive that we all stopped
talking it by now, except when we absolutely must do it. But it sure is
"flexible", like an atom - you can use tons of them to build a copy of
the earth, given you have a few billion years time and way too much
patience for your own good :))

> to get "binary" compatibility (or at least cheat so it looks like that) ?
> Of course that is not the only power that gets lost, memory management, 
> pointers - there is so much these approaches sacrifices, now I know their 
> designers love to say things like "if you need pointers you are doing it 
> wrong" 

No, if you need pointer _arithmetic_ you are doing it wrong or using a
language that is assembly in disguise. Pointers itself are fine and
dandy, but don't *(x + 3 * i + 2) = *(y - 3);. Would you talk like that
to a human? No? Why talk like that to a computer then? It's just a sign
that something in the language is broken when you need to do stuff like
that (except when writing a heap memory manager, I guess). But I mean
when you need to do it like all the time, like for arrays (hello C :)).
Also, by doing stuff like that you throw all bounds checking out of the
window, so you could as well write it in assembly and spare yourself the
hassle of using a compiler that brags all the time except where it

> but in my mind that is a cop-out to avoid dealing with the fact that 
> they make it impossible for programmers to use a truly powerful construct 
> that can do some pretty amazing things. 

Well, it really depends on what you are doing. I always found the
combination pascal & assembly great because pascal lets you do the
highlevel things nicely and safely (i.e. *checked*), and assembly lets
you do the dirty details, without any safety, like being able to shoot
yourself in the foot every two instructions or so :).

> The simple truth is that even java's pseudo implementations of things like 
> hash tables to get around the fact that in other languages those are done 
> with pointers aren't good - I have USED java's hash table interface, it's 
> horrid !

Hash Tables in no way need pointers to be visible. A hash table is so
easy a construct.. it's just a normal array. The index into the array is
the hash of the key (mod the size of array to prevent out-of-boundness).
The value in the array at that index is (key, value).  That's it!

(The only three weaknesses being 1) you need to find a hash algorithm
that doesn't suck _for your data_, 2) the processor cache hates you and
will get back at you one of those days :), and 3) resizing requires
rehashing usually)

Now there are examples for where you mostly do need pointers: trees and
The trend for lists goes more to a mixed dynamic array approach - that
is, lists of blocks of tons of entries - nowadays (like the inodes are,
for example), because the members are more adjacent and the cache likes
you more for that (harddisks as well, since they don't need to seek
around - it's even worse there).

Remaining use for pointers on client side: tree nodes. Not sure if
pointer arithmetic is useful there. Guess not. :)

> As I told a SUN employee a few days ago "I will stick with having a t

Re: [lazarus] turboCASH on Lazarus "proof of concept"

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 12:57:32 -0300
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you Linux guys (Even the Lazarus on Windows guys) - Could do the 
> following :
> i) Download the TurboCASH/Delphi project. Steal whatever you need
> ii) "Open " a set of books simply by connecting to the TurboCASH Fro 
> bird Database

Where can I find documentation about this 'set of books' of the 'Fro bird

> iii) Set up any grid you like to edit any record you like in TurboCASH
> iv) Write a simple report (take any one of ch windows one)
> If we can do the above we can consider Lazarus as a serious proposition.


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Freitag, den 03.03.2006, 23:10 +0100 schrieb darekm:
> [...]
> If I want (as programmer) to one of buttons will be red, user should'n 
> change it by change theme

I merely react to this grossly out of context (so please forgive me),
but I just can't resist... 

Did you really mean what I read you to mean?

Many (and I mean MANY) people can't even _see_ red (but can see colors
that somewhat resemble it), so they _have_ to change it... others don't
like the color red because of psychic problems (after witnessing
accidents, ...) (especially big red areas on buttons that look like a
puddle of blood that flows around until it reaches some obstacle).
Others don't like it because of other reasons.
Low-color displays (over modem lines etc) have 256 color limitations,
which makes hardcoded color values a PITA, because they eat up palette
entries for _all_ applications and in the end you can't read a thing.
(not mentioning black-and-white displays here because they got kind of

Let's not go back to the dark old times where the programmer decided
what was good and the user needed to eat it, whether he wants to or not.
Also, nowadays, we usually do have some processor cycles to spare for
doing the right thing.

gtk does the right thing by letting the programmer register "style
properties" for a widget class. These names can then be used in themes
and gtk will assign the theme color to the style property of the widgets
of that class on runtime.

I know that it usually depends on the target audience whether it's ok to
take shortcuts like hardcoding colors (if your program is to be used by
an internal group of 5 people, new people never enter, and none of them
has color blindness, sure, hardcode red all you like). _But_ when
designing a framework, that is the wrong way to take because they affect
all the users there are.



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[lazarus] Give FPC/Lazarus a face...

2006-03-04 Thread rstar

Is there a list who is working on FPC/Lazarus,
who is contributor,
who is responsible for sub-system xy,
how many people are working on FPC/Lazarus,
etc. ???

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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:31:05 +0100
darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I talk about tSpeedButton not tButton

A normal TSpeedButton should look like a normal button.
Only if you set some custom colors, then it can paint some non theme button.

> >>>I don't know, what windows can do with DrawFrameControl, but under gtk
> >it >>draws an area in a specific style. If this is a button style, and
> >the >>theme defines an image, it paints it.
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>If I want (as programmer) to one of buttons will be red, user should'n 
> >>change it by change theme
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Correct. But if you want a 'red' button, then you want a custom drawn
> >button, not a TButton.
> >If 'red' buttons are needed that often, then we should add a
> >TCustomDrawnButton (or whatever name fits) with properties like Color,
> >Frame, BorderWidth, TextAlignment, WordWrap, ... .
> >This has five advantages:
> >- the button will really look the same under all platforms
> >- less code in LCL interfaces
> >- better for smartlinking
> >- more flexibility
> >- cleaner design (themed and non themed controls)
> >  
> >
> that's what for is property color,
> and maybe order should be different: first without theme and second 
> (inherited) with.
> or (better) tControl should have property - with or without theme

The theme is the default. And painting the theme requires only a call to the
widgetset, while custom painting requires extra code. I don't see, why a
themed control would descend from a non themed control. Or maybe I
misunderstood you here?
About the Theme property: IMHO this property would be redundant and/or
readonly. Can you give an example, where it is needed?

> for tButton all depend from widgets, but for me in tSpeedButton all 
> should be independent. (GTK has't two widgets)
> >>>Gtk has less widgets, because the idea is combine them. A TGroupbox is
> >a >>single widget under windows, while under gtk it needs two. For gtk it
> >is >>pretty normal to put a 'listbox' into a menu. That's why you have
> >more >>possibilties.
> >>>A TSpeedButton that is used a button and that draws some rectangles,
> >when >>all other widgets on the application have shaded round widgets
> >looks very >>ugly. Especially if you use broken themes, that merely
> >defines images and >>no colors.
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>DrawFrameControl not avoid this
> >>
> >>
> >
> >It should. If not, you found a bug.
> >  
> >
> DrawFrameControl use only two function
>   If (Shadow=GTK_SHADOW_NONE) then
> gtk_paint_flat_box(aStyle,aDC.Drawable,
>   else
> gtk_paint_box(aStyle,aDC.Drawable,
> both draw rectangle,
> As I know, Style either don't have place to set rounded widgets
> It can only set pixmap (that's is only difference to windows)

Correct. They look as if they are round, but it's an illusion. Just as
Frame3D - the frame is not 3D.
But Frame3D only paints a frame without content, while DrawFrameControl
draws a whole control.
Of course this is an extension to the winapi definition. It is done so,
because all the Delphi code using those functions, will look pretty on other

> and we not use this to tButton, then why use it to tSpeedButton

TButton has less properties, so it represents the normal button of the
TSpeedButton has some more features (group, down, flat).

> it's only my suggestion
> >>>What is the trouble with theme painted speedbuttons?
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>it's not work
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Can you give more details?
> >  
> >
> simple: when I set color:=clRed then not change color (like in others 
> controls)

The solution is simple: if color<>clBtnFace then paint a custom button.
The question is only, how to implement it.
The easiest would be to extend TSpeedButton.Paint with a 

if (Color<>clBtnFace) or (... other properties ...) then 


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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter

> >
> > python is a very nice language.
> > Why don't you just write the speed critical parts in C or C++.
> > That's how everyone does it in python.
> Showing only that python isn't up to the task.
> Just like all these other interpreted languages: .NET, Java...
> It's cheating, and they all do it: falling back to compiled
> languaged. My message to the designers of these languages:
> Quit fooling around, and do things right from the start.
This does bring up an interesting point, why is it that more and more 
languages are becoming interpreted or bytecompiled ? I mean, surely the 
python designers could have written platform level compilers for no more 
difficulty than to write bytecompilers ?
Heck they even got jython - compiling to the java vm so they must have had the 

Instead it offers the choices of bytecompiled or scripted.
Why is source portability not enough ? Why sacrifice so much speed and power 
to get "binary" compatibility (or at least cheat so it looks like that) ?
Of course that is not the only power that gets lost, memory management, 
pointers - there is so much these approaches sacrifices, now I know their 
designers love to say things like "if you need pointers you are doing it 
wrong" but in my mind that is a cop-out to avoid dealing with the fact that 
they make it impossible for programmers to use a truly powerful construct 
that can do some pretty amazing things. 
The simple truth is that even java's pseudo implementations of things like 
hash tables to get around the fact that in other languages those are done 
with pointers aren't good - I have USED java's hash table interface, it's 
horrid !

As I told a SUN employee a few days ago "I will stick with having a truly 
powerful source-portable fully object oriented language that doesn't practise 
bondage-and-discipline on style for as long as such languages exist - in 
short, I will use and promote lazarus - not java"

As an aside, I remain adamant that anybody who writes a free software/open 
source program in Java is being foolish. What is the POINT of a free software 
program that REQUIRES a non-free program just to RUN ?

"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

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[lazarus] ipHTMLPanel Selection paint

2006-03-04 Thread Panagiotis Sidiropoulos
On Windows version of Lazarus I added a small part of code in order to
paint selected part of page viewed. it seem it is never called. This
same addition to Linux version of Lazarus does not afect selection is

Addition made in ipHTML unit about line 8040.
//DebugLn('TIpHtml.PaintSelection  PatBlt not implemented');
BitMapToInvert := TBitMap.Create;
BitMapToInvert.Width := R.Right - R.Left;
BitMapToInvert.Height := R.Bottom - R.Top;
BitMapToInvert.Canvas.CopyMode := cmMergePaint;
BitMapToInvert.Canvas.CopyRect( Rect( 0, 0, BitMapToInvert.Width,
BitMapToInvert.Height ), PaintBuffer, R );
PaintBuffer.CopyRect( R, BitMapToInvert.Canvas, Rect( 0, 0,
BitMapToInvert.Width, BitMapToInvert.Height ) );
PatBlt(PaintBuffer.Handle, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right - R.Left, R.Bottom -

By default ipHTMLPanel paints selected region (white chars on black
background), but SelectAll methos oes not paint. Project is compiled for


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Re: [lazarus] bug in tComboBox

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 12:39:34 +0100
darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Darek
> >>
> >>PS.Can I comment all EventTrace (or IFDEFs) in, they 
> >>slowdown running.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Did you test that?
> >How much slower?
> >  
> >
> I've not test but I'm looking for not necessary lines of code
> all LCL should follow directive RELEASE and should remove all DebugLN, 
> assert and log
> My application seems to be to slowly (compared to Delphi)
> every switch between windows need remarkable time
> And why you ask. Even if it need 0.01% time, we can do it on and off as 
> we need.

We could comment them and delete many of them. But deleting them means, the
next time we search a bug at this place, we have to add them again. There
are many functions where I commented and uncommented the debugging code a
douzand times. Eventually I learned, it saves a lot of time, to keep some
debugging code ready. Other libs like gtk do the same.


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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, Uwe Grauer wrote:

> Matt Henley wrote:
> > I belong to a mailing list for a defunt open source chemical process
> > simulator (Sim42).  Members of the list are now showing interest in
> > restarting the effort.  It was originally written in python which
> > cause some speed issues.  Several of the list members (including me)
> > suggested freepascal and lazarus.  The gentleman spearheading the
> > effort sent the following and I would like to know what is the best
> > way to respond.  I do not know what features define a "modern
> > language" and would like to know what points to bring up.
> > snip...
> Matt,
> python is a very nice language.
> Why don't you just write the speed critical parts in C or C++.
> That's how everyone does it in python.

Showing only that python isn't up to the task. 
Just like all these other interpreted languages: .NET, Java... 

It's cheating, and they all do it: falling back to compiled
languaged. My message to the designers of these languages:
Quit fooling around, and do things right from the start.


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Re: [lazarus] Object pascal a "Modern Language"

2006-03-04 Thread Uwe Grauer
Matt Henley wrote:
> I belong to a mailing list for a defunt open source chemical process
> simulator (Sim42).  Members of the list are now showing interest in
> restarting the effort.  It was originally written in python which
> cause some speed issues.  Several of the list members (including me)
> suggested freepascal and lazarus.  The gentleman spearheading the
> effort sent the following and I would like to know what is the best
> way to respond.  I do not know what features define a "modern
> language" and would like to know what points to bring up.
> snip...


python is a very nice language.
Why don't you just write the speed critical parts in C or C++.
That's how everyone does it in python.
There is no need to port to a language which needs 5-10 times the efford
in getting things out.

Just my opinion,

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Re: [lazarus] bug in tComboBox

2006-03-04 Thread darekm

Mattias Gaertner wrote:



PS.Can I comment all EventTrace (or IFDEFs) in, they 
slowdown running.

Did you test that?
How much slower?

I've not test but I'm looking for not necessary lines of code

all LCL should follow directive RELEASE and should remove all DebugLN, 
assert and log

My application seems to be to slowly (compared to Delphi)

every switch between windows need remarkable time

And why you ask. Even if it need 0.01% time, we can do it on and off as 
we need.


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread darekm

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 23:10:41 +0100
darekm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



A button under gtk1 is an area, not just the frame. Some themes define

a >>simple darkened area when presses, some  some define whole images
(e.g. >>round buttons). Maybe gtk2 has more possibilities for
TSpeedButton.  >>  

Interesting are there possibilities, which we can use in all OS, of 
course we can implement all myself, but we are limited
by LCL API, for example now I can't change color of shadow (tButton have 
not thous properties)
I think, that we should implement  more flexible  widgets, not so 
dependent from desired library (GTK, WIN, QT) 

Yes, but then it will be a TButtonPlus. A normal TButton is the normal
button of the theme.

I talk about tSpeedButton not tButton



I don't know, what windows can do with DrawFrameControl, but under gtk it
draws an area in a specific style. If this is a button style, and the
theme defines an image, it paints it.


If I want (as programmer) to one of buttons will be red, user should'n 
change it by change theme

Correct. But if you want a 'red' button, then you want a custom drawn
button, not a TButton.
If 'red' buttons are needed that often, then we should add a
TCustomDrawnButton (or whatever name fits) with properties like Color,
Frame, BorderWidth, TextAlignment, WordWrap, ... .
This has five advantages:
- the button will really look the same under all platforms
- less code in LCL interfaces
- better for smartlinking
- more flexibility
- cleaner design (themed and non themed controls)

that's what for is property color,
and maybe order should be different: first without theme and second 
(inherited) with.

or (better) tControl should have property - with or without theme


for tButton all depend from widgets, but for me in tSpeedButton all 
should be independent. (GTK has't two widgets)


Gtk has less widgets, because the idea is combine them. A TGroupbox is a
single widget under windows, while under gtk it needs two. For gtk it is
pretty normal to put a 'listbox' into a menu. That's why you have more
A TSpeedButton that is used a button and that draws some rectangles, when
all other widgets on the application have shaded round widgets looks very
ugly. Especially if you use broken themes, that merely defines images and
no colors.

DrawFrameControl not avoid this

It should. If not, you found a bug.

DrawFrameControl use only two function
 If (Shadow=GTK_SHADOW_NONE) then

both draw rectangle,
As I know, Style either don't have place to set rounded widgets
It can only set pixmap (that's is only difference to windows)

and we not use this to tButton, then why use it to tSpeedButton


it's only my suggestion

What is the trouble with theme painted speedbuttons?

it's not work

Can you give more details?

simple: when I set color:=clRed then not change color (like in others 


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Re: [lazarus] setColor part 3

2006-03-04 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:34:26 +0100
Micha Nelissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:06:24 +0100
> Micha Nelissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 02:06:46 +0100
> > Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > If 'red' buttons are needed that often, then we should add a
> > > TCustomDrawnButton (or whatever name fits) with properties like Color,
> > 
> > TSpeedButton ?

Yes, that's indeed a better ancestor for custom drawn buttons.

> I mean we're getting a lot of buttons this way, with mostly redundant
> (duplicate) code ... :-/

They would be put even in the same unit. I'm sure, we can share the code.
What about this:
TSpeedButton is already painted by the LCL. If the Color property is not the
default, it can switch to custom drawing (Lines instead of
Frame3D/DrawFrameControl). Then we can also add properties BorderWidth,
Margin, gradient, or whatever is desired.
And those who want a 'red' button, we can tell to use a TSpeedButton
Then the widgetsets need less to fiddle overriding theme properties and
programmers get 'special' looking buttons.
 A programmer, who wants a 'red' button, does not care about the theme of
the button anyway.


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Re: [lazarus] graphical shapes library or component

2006-03-04 Thread Markku Niskanen
On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 10:35:33 +0100, Marc Santhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>May I ask which version of the DXF spec you are using?

As for the DXF version I have no idea whatsoever. The library is the
same you mentioned (John Biddiscombe 1997, based on earlier
work from 1995 by someone else).

I only used this in a soldering control software project where the
PCB drawing were exported as DXF and read to the application using
the library. The DXF format was chosen because someone in the
company had already started the work using it. It worked, though,
and I suppose a revised version is in use in some places even today.

All I did was correct some small memory leaks but all my changes
are in the final product which is closed source. I have the original
library here at home, still and if/when I have the time I will have a
look at it (or somebody else, if interested).


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Re: [lazarus] compile lazarus on opensuse 10.0

2006-03-04 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, John Briggs wrote:

> > > Any hint?
> > > I have /opt/gnome/lib/ .
> > > What am i missing?
> > 
> > Any help on this, please?
> > 
> > Uwe
> Hi Uwe,
>   For me there are major problems setting up the correct 
> programming/developement environment in OpenSuSe 10.0. I am currently using
> the OpenSuSE10.0 x86_64 distribution and to me this distribution is crippled.
> Perhaps you may get the answers to your specific distro questions by asking 
> them in an OpenSuSE forum.

One of my friends, who has little experience on Linux, set up Lazarus
on opensuse 10.0 without too much hassle. The distribution is fine and 
contains all you need, but some names are different from what Lazarus 
expects. It just takes creating a couple of symbolic links to fix things. 


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Re: [lazarus] Repository access via the SVN protocol

2006-03-04 Thread A.J. Venter

> >>>
> >>> Our german FTP machine was compromised recently (that is why the wiki
> >>> is down). The main server has also been compromised some time ago.
> >>> Since then, I am reluctant to open too much ports.
> >>>
> >>> In reality, the problem is with your ISP, namely that they don't
> >>> seem to support all WebDAV commands in their proxy.
> >>
> >> What about letting apache listening to a second port ?
> >
> > What good would that do ? Fooling the proxy ?
> Yes, mostly transparent proxies are configured for known http ports like
> 80, 1080 and 8080 and wont affect other ports.
Hiya Graem
Sorry I didn´t respond earlier, I was a bit tied up  with getting my new bike 
registered :)
Anyway, just for the record, I have had no problems accessing either http or 
svn based subversion sites from sentech, so I presume either your own ISP or 
telkom did something amazingly stupid on their transparent proxy. 
Of course we do not live in the kind of free market system where if a company 
buggers up like that they better appologise and fix it before they lose a 
customer, we live in a ¨internet-consumer¨ system with a single government 
sanctioned monopoly provider who doesn´t care two hoots about their customers 
OR their staff (what kind of a company records multiple-bilions in profit and 
then fires 7000 employees in the same month ? A very unethical one).

Oh well, moaning about it won´t fix it, I just wanted to let you know that 
sentech is coming through clean.


"80% Of a hardware engineer's job is application of the uncertainty principle.
80% of a software engineer's job is pretending this isn't so."
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International   | +27 82 726 5103 (South Africa)| +55 118 162 2079 (Brazil)

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Re: [lazarus] graphical shapes library or component

2006-03-04 Thread Marc Santhoff
Am Freitag, den 03.03.2006, 19:45 +0200 schrieb Markku Niskanen:
> On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 17:15:05 +0100, Danny Milosavljevic
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In gtk terminology that's a "drawing area". A dia canvas is the complex
> >thing that *stores* the shapes as objects and such...
>   I have been really busy for the past few weeks but I have
>   now tested the DXF library I used 6-7 years ago in Delphi.
>   After the LCL corrections with arcs it seems to work now. 
>   It stores the DXF objects as structures of some sort so it
>   might be of some use.
>   For the time being it just reads a DXF file and is capable
>   of displaying it... and I suppose it can also detect the mouse
>   movement on the object (I never used this feature).
>   If anyone is interested I will mail it gladly.

May I ask which version of the DXF spec you are using?

In the past I had a lot trouble with DXF, mostly because Autodesk isn't
folowing their own definitions. Since Autocad 2000 or 2002 many files
from qcad(2) cannot be read by autocad.

If it would be possible to read in in the "defective" files and
(re)write them again in a proper manner seen from within autocad, I
would like to do some testing on it.

My last actions with Delphi and DXF were based on the library written by
a guy named John Biddiscombe dating from 1997, but I could not get in
contact with him.


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