[Ledger-smb-devel] Proposed framework changes for 1.4

2011-10-18 Thread Chris Travers
Hi all;


Looking towards 1.4 and trying to improve things significantly from
where they are on 1.3.  In general, I'd hope that with each new
version, these changes become more incremental (and smaller) until we
are ready to start on 2.0.  The goals of these proposals are as

1)  To future-proof the LedgerSMB architecture, trying to standardize
on something solid, building on what works well with the 1.3 codebase
and addressing shortcomings that come up in relation to the directions
we have been going.

2)  To address specific issues we will run into in the areas we are
re-engineering in 1.4 and later.

3)  To better support a variety of architectures, such as mod_perl,
going forward.

All changes in this document are backwards compatible, so unless
otherwise noted we don't have to rewrite code specifically because of
this document though we will rewrite for other reasons through the 1.x


1.3 is a substantial accomplishment.  We've added real security to an
inherited codebase, and we've added impressive capabilities at the
same time, and without serious bugs post-1.3.0 release in the core
functions (those which most users use).  Major reasons for the
successes include:

1)  A focus on declarative logic in the database, both for permissions
and for data constraints
2)  A clear separation of presentation and data logic.  The database
procedures handle data logic and the presentation is handled by Perl
and TT.


The code during the 1.3 development process evolved quite a bit as
maintainability issues were uncovered and addressed and coding styles
evolved.  This makes 1.3 a bit of a mishmash of coding paradigms and
we can expect some maintenance headaches as a result.  Longer-run we
need more standardization in particular, and coding practices that are
more conducive to writing great documentation.  This should make it
easier for people to follow new code and contribute.

In particular some of the early 1.3 code is relatively unstructured,
and classes don't have specific properties associated.  This makes the
code impossible to document and consequently harder to manage and get
contributions for going forwards.

A second major issue has been the issue of stored procedure discovery
and the interface between these and the application.  The issue is
that the stored procedures aren't discoverable enough--- one can
determine that a specific function name exists, but then invoking it,
we can't tell what are intrinsic vs extrinsic arguments.  In other
words, we can't differentiate a property from a (presumably)
pre-existing objects and those which are expected to be new properties
supplied directly by the end user.

Finally, I am not entirely happy with the dependency on PostgreSQL
contrib modules especially since this is changing to a new extension
system.  This adds needless complexity in areas where we don't
necessarily need it.

One of the goals of the LedgerSMB project has been to make the
LedgerSMB logic reusable not only in other web apps but other
applications in other environments and even other languages.  The
emphasis should be on coding conventions at the lowest levels that
make it possible in the future to implement add-ons in Python, PHP,

The second side of this though is continuing the separation of
presentation and logic.  Support for environments like mod_perl is not
yet handled, and can't be handled easily with our current codebase.
Further separation would mean less of a need to change things down the
road, since the web handling logic could be carefully contained in a
single module which wouldn't be necessary to include for console
applications, etc.

With the move into the financial logic in 1.4, a couple of specific
challenges appear.  The big ones relate to storage and reporting of
journal entries, along with GL reports.

On the first, we want to make sure that journal entries are balanced
and reject entries that are not.  Doing this with the 1.3 framework
has a number of obstacles, because we can't easily pass the structures
into the database in a discoverable format.

The second has to do with reporting.  In the current framework we
cannot add running totals to the db queries gracefully without
affecting our ability to re-order results.  Adding running totals here
would be quite useful and I think we should be looking at doing this.


Proposal 1:  Use Moose 2.x
Using Moose 2.x would give us an ability to declare properties and
constraints on those properties in a declarative, clear, and
consistent way.  These can then be easily documented and so forth.  It
also gives us access to BEFORE/AROUND/AFTER syntax for overriding
existing methods gracefully.  These 

[Ledger-smb-devel] upgrade db 1.2 - 1.3 experiences

2011-10-18 Thread herman vierendeels

-- I had to do following extra-steps before being able to upgrade db
without errors:

dangling acc_trans  ,  invoice

 delete from lsmb12.acc_trans where trans_id in (SELECT trans_id FROM
lsmb12.acc_trans where trans_id not in (select id from lsmb12.ap union
select id from lsmb12.ar union select id from lsmb12.gl) group by

 delete from lsmb12.invoice where trans_id in (SELECT trans_id FROM
lsmb12.invoice where trans_id not in (select id from lsmb12.ap union
select id from lsmb12.ar union select id from lsmb12.gl) group by

Is this something we should check in sql/upgrade/1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql ?

-- i had to do following extra-step before being able to work with upgraded db:

update parts p set expense_accno_id=(select c.id from chart
c,lsmb12.chart lc where c.accno=lc.accno and

Should we not adapt import of parts in  e.g. sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-manual.sql

--INSERT INTO parts SELECT * FROM lsmb12.parts;

insert into parts  select
(select c.id from chart c,lsmb12.chart lc where c.accno=lc.accno and
from lsmb12.parts l12parts

idem for inventory_accno_id or income_accno_id  ??

otherwise, i get error:
INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount,
transdate, project_id, invoice_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ERROR: insert or update on table acc_trans violates foreign key
constraint acc_trans_chart_id_fkey
DETAIL: Key (chart_id)=(10841) is not present in table account.


Herman Vierendeels

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Ledger-smb-devel mailing list

Re: [Ledger-smb-devel] upgrade db 1.2 - 1.3 experiences

2011-10-18 Thread Chris Travers
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 7:05 AM, herman vierendeels
herman.vierende...@gmail.com wrote:

 -- I had to do following extra-steps before being able to upgrade db
 without errors:

 dangling acc_trans  ,  invoice

  delete from lsmb12.acc_trans where trans_id in (SELECT trans_id FROM
 lsmb12.acc_trans where trans_id not in (select id from lsmb12.ap union
 select id from lsmb12.ar union select id from lsmb12.gl) group by

  delete from lsmb12.invoice where trans_id in (SELECT trans_id FROM
 lsmb12.invoice where trans_id not in (select id from lsmb12.ap union
 select id from lsmb12.ar union select id from lsmb12.gl) group by

 Is this something we should check in sql/upgrade/1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql ?

Probably a good idea.  Go for it.

 -- i had to do following extra-step before being able to work with upgraded 

 update parts p set expense_accno_id=(select c.id from chart
 c,lsmb12.chart lc where c.accno=lc.accno and

 Should we not adapt import of parts in  e.g. sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-manual.sql

 --INSERT INTO parts SELECT * FROM lsmb12.parts;

 insert into parts  select
 (select c.id from chart c,lsmb12.chart lc where c.accno=lc.accno and
 from lsmb12.parts l12parts

 idem for inventory_accno_id or income_accno_id  ??

yep.  Good catch.  Yeah, go ahead and fix this.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Ledger-smb-devel mailing list

Re: [Ledger-smb-devel] Proposed framework changes for 1.4

2011-10-18 Thread John Locke

Sounds like a good direction to me. Couple thoughts -- not being that
active in Perl, don't know if these are realistic or not, but just what
comes to mind, feel free to disregard.

- Are there really no other date or number libraries available that do
what we need, to the point we need to create our own? (or are these
primarily wrappers around something else?)

- Ran across this project recently: http://ledger-cli.org/ - a Perl cli
app that does double-entry accounting in text files. I wonder if they've
worked out some good accounting logic we can use, at a minimum -- or
perhaps incorporate into LSMB? I'm thinking with a little collaboration,
ledger-cli might be extended to use LSMB as back end storage, while LSMB
might potentially leverage the work already done in ledger? Have not
looked at the code, have no idea whether this is practical. But an
easier CLI interface sounds very useful, if it's not too much of a
stretch. And might be a good gateway to new users...

- Regarding extensions, I just had to do some upgrades to some other web
apps where customizations and extension code was scattered across a
bunch of libraries. Basically an MVC organization -- but all extension
code had to be split up, with the M in the M, the V in the V, and the C
in the C directories I just want to express my extreme distaste for
that file organization, from an ongoing maintenance point of view. Using
a framework for development is great, as long as we can set it up in a
way so that if I want to add some sort of custom module to the site, I
can put all the code for it in one directory.

Extending that last point a bit -- might it be possible to re-organize
the core modules this way, to provide good examples? Instead of having a
stub in the root, a file in scripts, the class in LedgerSMB, etc --
might it be possible to have a modules directory with each module in
it's own subdirectory? modules/AR, modules/AP, modules/HR, etc. And then
inside those, if necessary, mirror the rest of the file structure for
MVC -- modules/AR/scripts, modules/AR/LedgerSMB, modules/AR/UI, etc?

And to take it one step further, what Drupal has done brilliantly is
provided an override mechanism -- if you want to override a core module,
you can simply copy it to a place that gets checked first, then hack
away, leaving the original code intact. Then an upgrade won't clobber
your customizations, and you can much more easily do a simple diff to
see what's changed. LSMB doesn't need to have the multiple paths that
Drupal uses (I don't think) but maybe something as simple as a path
that's checked first for a module - local/ comes to mind. You wanna hack
AR? Copy modules/AR to local/AR and go to it.


On 10/18/2011 04:49 AM, Chris Travers wrote:
 Hi all;

 Looking towards 1.4 and trying to improve things significantly from
 where they are on 1.3.  In general, I'd hope that with each new
 version, these changes become more incremental (and smaller) until we
 are ready to start on 2.0.  The goals of these proposals are as

 1)  To future-proof the LedgerSMB architecture, trying to standardize
 on something solid, building on what works well with the 1.3 codebase
 and addressing shortcomings that come up in relation to the directions
 we have been going.

 2)  To address specific issues we will run into in the areas we are
 re-engineering in 1.4 and later.

 3)  To better support a variety of architectures, such as mod_perl,
 going forward.

 All changes in this document are backwards compatible, so unless
 otherwise noted we don't have to rewrite code specifically because of
 this document though we will rewrite for other reasons through the 1.x


 1.3 is a substantial accomplishment.  We've added real security to an
 inherited codebase, and we've added impressive capabilities at the
 same time, and without serious bugs post-1.3.0 release in the core
 functions (those which most users use).  Major reasons for the
 successes include:

 1)  A focus on declarative logic in the database, both for permissions
 and for data constraints
 2)  A clear separation of presentation and data logic.  The database
 procedures handle data logic and the presentation is handled by Perl
 and TT.

 The code during the 1.3 development process evolved quite a bit as
 maintainability issues were uncovered and addressed and coding styles
 evolved.  This makes 1.3 a bit of a mishmash of coding paradigms and
 we can expect some maintenance headaches as a result.  Longer-run we
 need more standardization in particular, and coding practices that are
 more conducive to writing great documentation.  This should make it
 easier for people to follow new code and contribute.

 In particular some of the early 1.3 code is relatively unstructured,
 and classes don't have specific properties associated.  This makes the
 code impossible to 

Re: [Ledger-smb-devel] Proposed framework changes for 1.4

2011-10-18 Thread Chris Travers
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:26 AM, John Locke m...@freelock.com wrote:

 Sounds like a good direction to me. Couple thoughts -- not being that
 active in Perl, don't know if these are realistic or not, but just what
 comes to mind, feel free to disregard.

 - Are there really no other date or number libraries available that do
 what we need, to the point we need to create our own? (or are these
 primarily wrappers around something else?)

PGDate is primarily a wrapper around DateTime.  I have some temporary
parsing logic in there now, but would really like to outsource this
somewhere. Just haven't decided where.
PGNumeric is likely to be a light-weight wrapper too, but not sure of what yet.

 - Ran across this project recently: http://ledger-cli.org/ - a Perl cli
 app that does double-entry accounting in text files. I wonder if they've
 worked out some good accounting logic we can use, at a minimum -- or
 perhaps incorporate into LSMB? I'm thinking with a little collaboration,
 ledger-cli might be extended to use LSMB as back end storage, while LSMB
 might potentially leverage the work already done in ledger? Have not
 looked at the code, have no idea whether this is practical. But an
 easier CLI interface sounds very useful, if it's not too much of a
 stretch. And might be a good gateway to new users...

I will look into it.

 - Regarding extensions, I just had to do some upgrades to some other web
 apps where customizations and extension code was scattered across a
 bunch of libraries. Basically an MVC organization -- but all extension
 code had to be split up, with the M in the M, the V in the V, and the C
 in the C directories I just want to express my extreme distaste for
 that file organization, from an ongoing maintenance point of view. Using
 a framework for development is great, as long as we can set it up in a
 way so that if I want to add some sort of custom module to the site, I
 can put all the code for it in one directory.

that's good feedback.

 Extending that last point a bit -- might it be possible to re-organize
 the core modules this way, to provide good examples? Instead of having a
 stub in the root, a file in scripts, the class in LedgerSMB, etc --
 might it be possible to have a modules directory with each module in
 it's own subdirectory? modules/AR, modules/AP, modules/HR, etc. And then
 inside those, if necessary, mirror the rest of the file structure for
 MVC -- modules/AR/scripts, modules/AR/LedgerSMB, modules/AR/UI, etc?

Oh, one more proposal:  I have already done this and made it work but
could undo it if necessary.

Moving all the scripts/*.pl files to LedgerSMB/Scripts/*.pm.  Two
justifications here:

1)  It makes inheritance across work for workflow scripts, which means
easier and more robust customization
2)  It means more intuitive reading of the lsmb-handler.pl (and
whatever we do for new code)
3)  It occurs to me right now, it makes it easier to address your concern above.

 And to take it one step further, what Drupal has done brilliantly is
 provided an override mechanism -- if you want to override a core module,
 you can simply copy it to a place that gets checked first, then hack
 away, leaving the original code intact. Then an upgrade won't clobber
 your customizations, and you can much more easily do a simple diff to
 see what's changed. LSMB doesn't need to have the multiple paths that
 Drupal uses (I don't think) but maybe something as simple as a path
 that's checked first for a module - local/ comes to mind. You wanna hack
 AR? Copy modules/AR to local/AR and go to it.

First, a full scale file reorganization of this sort is probably a
long project, one we should aim for around 2.0.  I'd like to suggest a
couple points about this at present:

1) With the move of workflow scripts to LedgerSMB/Scripts, there is a
lot we can do with paths.  We'd still need some sort of hook in the
directory somewhere (probably in LedgerSMB/Scripts), but the rest
could reside in an add-ons directory (the sort of file breakout you
describe is exactly how we store our add-ons in SVN) in a configured
location, and the add-on could grab this configuration option and use
it for both PERLLIB environment variable setting, template location,

2)  The menu structure actually poses an issue here.  Somehow we have
to be able to identify nodes for add-on/role purposes, so that roles
can be re-applied if necessary.  Maybe we should add some sort of a
unique specified identifier to the menu_node table?

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.

[Ledger-smb-devel] Issue found with i18n for 1.3

2011-10-18 Thread Chris Travers
Hi all;

One thing new in LedgerSMB 1.3 is the use of parameterized
localization strings.  These are designed to accommodate different
word orders in different languages.

This works generally well when the issue is not abused.  However,
following up with on a discussion with fellow-committer Herman
Vanderdeels, I went through the LedgerSMB.pot and found that in fact
the feature was abused, and we have some issues here.

The following is acceptable use of this feature:

$locale-text('The item [_1] could not be saved, $form-{item_name})
[_1] refers to some sort of string or number which would be
untranslated but could be interpolated in different places in
different translated strings.

The following is an abuse of this feature:

my $op;
if ($form-{id}){
$op = 'Edit';
} else {
   $ob = 'Add';

$locale-text('[_1] SIC', $op);

We shouldn't be interpolating constnt strings in other constant
strings.  Names and numbers can and should be interpolated, but not
this.  Given the volume of commits on this subject, the code in
question is probably mine.

I wanted to write this email to let translators know that I will be
addressing this issue over the next several minor releases, and that
any help from translators is appreciated.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Ledger-smb-devel mailing list

Re: [Ledger-smb-devel] Proposed framework changes for 1.4

2011-10-18 Thread Chris Travers
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:26 AM, John Locke m...@freelock.com wrote:

 Sounds like a good direction to me. Couple thoughts -- not being that
 active in Perl, don't know if these are realistic or not, but just what
 comes to mind, feel free to disregard.

 - Are there really no other date or number libraries available that do
 what we need, to the point we need to create our own? (or are these
 primarily wrappers around something else?)

Just following up on this a little more.

My current plan for PGNumeric is to try to write a wrapper that uses
Math::BigFloat for storage and locale for formatting.

The idea is that each class basically includes 4 methods:

$object = Class-from_input($string); # human entered
$string = $object-to_output(); # Localized
$object = Class-from_dbstring($string); #Standard db format
$string = $object-to_dbstring(); # Standard db format

The underlying storage object would be available via an accessor for
calculation purposes.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Ledger-smb-devel mailing list