LL:DDV: International Women's Day

2003-02-18 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Rally for Peace, Justice and Solidarity
Saturday March 8, 1.00pm State Library, Melbourne
for more info call Vivian on 9639 8622/0403 924 409 or Nazra 0405 735 902


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LL:DDV: Footscray Community Rally Against the War

2003-02-18 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Footscray Community Rally Against the War

There will be a community rally in Footscray, this Saturday (February 22)
Where: Footscray Mall, Nicholson St
When: 11am. Saturday, 22 February.

Speakers will include council election candidates from the Greens, ALP
and Socialist Alliance and Iraqi feminist and pro-democracy activist
Surma Hamid.
The rally will include a Return To Sender of the government's
Terrorism Packs, reflecteing the view that this taxpayer funded
pro-war propaganda is likely to be divisive in a community as culturally
and religiously diverse as Footscray.
The rally is organised by the Maribyrnong Anti-War Group which meets
every Tuesday, 6.30pm at the Footscray Resistance Centre, 48 Leeds St
(room 6, upstairs). For more information ring Tony Iltis on 9332 8566 or
9687 0789.


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LL:DDV: Dismantle the War Machine, Not Welfare!

2003-02-18 Thread Debbie Brennan
Hi Leftlinkers

Radical Women invites you all to our upcoming meeting:
Stop Welfare Fraud - No more handouts to the rich!

Tuesday, 25 February, 7.00 pm

On orders from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Howard=B9s 
Government is planning the biggest ever assault on welfare. One scheme 
is to encourage working families and individuals to help themselves by 
slashing benefits. The other is to hand over more Centrelink operations 
to private companies. In this latest pick-pocketing of the poor in order 
to add to the treasures of the rich, women would be robbed the most.

Come along to hear Deb Carlon from the Council of Single Mothers and 
their Children and Alison Thorne, an activist in the Community  Public 
Sector Union, unravel this scam and its consequences. Join us in 
discussing how welfare workers and recipients resisting together can 
stop it.

A refreshing summertime dinner will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50

At Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick (between Blyth and Stewart

For more information, phone 9386 3230 or email



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2003-02-18 Thread Nobby Tobby

(Thursday, F20) GLOBAL JUSTICE SYDNEY Forum: Struggles against Free

by GLOBAL JUSTICE SYDNEY 7:04pm Sun Feb 16 '03 article#26325
phone: Marina: 0414 788 852 - Vince: 0438 800 244

Struggles against Free Trade -
How we can bring the world-wide campaign to Australia

- inspiring examples from around the world
- discussion of new campaigns planned in Sydney

[ GJS LOGO + Forum Flyer .jpg ]

On Thursday, 20th February, 6.30pm
at Gaelic Club, 64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills
(Eastern Entrance of Central station ped tunnel)

Speakers include:
campaigners and recent returnees from the World Social Forum, Asian 
Social Forum and European Social Forum
(John Hepburn, Kate Walsh, Sean Healy and M...ore;)

Come along to share info and ideas for action.

Topics to be covered include:
- international protest plans for the WTO meeting in Cancun in September,
- the Australia/US Free Trade Agreement, campaigns against GATS,
- the world-wide campaign against corporate globalisation and war,
- and how we can bring this all home to Sydney.

Organised by GLOBAL JUSTICE SYDNEY, a new group which is in the process 
of being formed.
It aims to promote and organise grass roots activism around trade and
broader global justice issues.

All individuals and groups interested in being involved should subscribe


or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

For more information phone
Marina on 0414 788 852 or Vince on 0438 800 244
or checkout

Also coming up:

AN AXIS OF HOPE - a of three public forums

As we are confronted with the stark realities of a world defined by 
profit and war the challenge we face is to inspire hope for an alternate 
world. This series of three public forums, hosted by the Research 
Initiative on International Activism and the Sydney Social Forum will 
centre around three themes - Human Rights, the Environment and Peace - 
and help create an 'axis of hope' for another, better world.

Each from 6.00-8.30pm
at the Great Hall, UTS Tower, Broadway.
Entry by donation, Disabled Access.

HUMAN RIGHTS - Monday, 10 March
Nurdin Abdul Rahman, Olga Havnen, Carmen Lawrence
Supported by AidWatch + Indonesia Solidarity

ENVIRONMENT - Thursday, 20 March
Jacqui Katona, Anuradha Mittal, Helena Norberg-Hodge
Supported by Greenpeace (Australia-Pacific) + Mineral Policy Institute

PEACE - Monday, 24 March
William Blum, Karen Flick, Maree O'Halloran, Tom Uren
Supported by Labor Council of NSW + Walk Against War Coalition


Research Initiative on International Activism
http://www.international.activism.uts.edu.au/ (click on 'new')

Sydney Social Forum

James 9514 2714, Vince 0438 800 244


If your union, community or activist group would like to have an
information stall at any of the 'Axis' meetings, let us know. Send an
email with your details to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


William Blum:
anti-war journalist from the USA with ZNet; author of Rogue State, a
mini-encyclopaedia of US intervention around the world, Killing Hope 
and West-Bloc Dissident.

Karen Flick:
a community activist who has campaigned against Black Deaths in Custody,
and is currently engaged in establishing training and development 
programs with Aboriginal communities.

Olga Havnen:
of Western Arrernte descent, from Tennant Creek, has a longstanding
involvement in international human rights and Indigenous rights issues,
including the National Indigenous Working Group, the Central Land 
Council, the Fred Hollows Foundation.

Jacqui Katona:
member of the Djok Aboriginal clan, former executive officer of the
Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation which campaigned against the proposed
Jabiluka uranium mine.

Dr Carmen Lawrence:
ALP MP, federal Member for Fremantle, former Shadow Minister and 
prominent critic of the Government's policy of mandatory detention for 

Anuradha Mittal:
with 'Food First', campaigning for global food security. Originally from
India, Anuradha is heavily involved in the global movement against
Genetically-Engineered food.

Helena Norberg-Hodge:
from Sweden, heads the International Society for Ecology and Culture, is
co-founder of the International Forum on Globalisation and the Global
Eco-village Network.

Maree O'Halloran:
President of the NSW Teachers Federation, with a teaching career 
spanning city and country schools; in 2002 the Federation unanimously 
opposed the War on Iraq, calling for an end to sanctions on non-military 

Nurdin Abdul Rahman:
twice imprisoned Human Rights advocate and academic from Aceh, 
Indonesia, with the Aceh-based organisation, 'Rehabilitation Action for 
Torture Victims'.

Tom Uren:
former federal ALP Member for Reid; Minister in the Whitlam and Hawke
Governments; an active member of the left wing of 

LL:ART: All the News That Fits

2003-02-18 Thread Hutchings, James
This week's stories:  Invasion of Iraq to Reward American Oil
Companies...Call Centres Get Worse...Insane Prisoner Can Be Forcibly
Medicated then Executed...Gap Between Rich and Poor Not Wide Enough Say
Employers...NSW Education Department Just Knew It Was Going To Fail, 
Didn't Bother Turning Up To Test...Quotes of the Week.

The Iraqi dissidents chosen by the United States government to head a 
new regime in Iraq say they will cancel all oil contracts given to 
companies from countries who don't help in the invasion of Iraq.
US oil companies would be expected to win most of the contracts.  Many 
of these companies are linked to senior officials in the Bush regime, 
including President Bush himself.

(The Nation (US), October 7).

Conditions in the Australian call centre industry are bad and getting worse.

A Primus Telecommunications employee has been fired for taking a
non-business-related phone call, and claims that 50 staff have left AAPT 
in recent months with stress-related illnesses.

The chief executive of research group callcentres.net, Martin Conboy, 
said the call centre industry's workforce was growing at about 10 per 
cent a year - but transaction volumes were increasing by more than 30 
per cent per year.

Although some of this increase is handled by increased automation, Mr 
Conway said that all those people are working harder.

Mr Conboy said that, while mundane tasks had been taken away from 
agents, they were now expected to offer a higher grade of customer 
service, which put more pressure on staff.

Australia's call centre industry consists of approximately 3850 call 
centres and 22,000 staff.

(Australian Financial Review, February 7).

An American court has ruled that an insane prisoner can be forcibly 
given anti-psychotic drugs to improve his condition, and then executed 
once he becomes legally sane.

Judges ruled that the drugs were 'generally beneficial to the prisoner'.
Eligibility for execution is the only unwanted consequence of the
medication, they wrote.

(New York Times, February 11 and 12).

Unions are seeking an increase of $24.60 per week for low paid 
Australian workers.

Unions say the pay increase last year for Australia's top 100 CEOs was
enough to pay the minimum wage increase for 59,000 low-paid workers.
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is opposing the claim.

(Australian Financial Review, February 6).

The New South Wales State government scrapped a review of Aboriginal
education before the State election.

The Minister for Education, John Watkins, said that he stopped a review
because he already knew that the State's education policy had failed
Aboriginal children.

The New South Wales Teachers Federation says that they believe the 
review was cancelled because of damaging results that would've come out 
before the State election.

(Sydney Morning Herald, February 17).

Quotes of the Week:

I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service 
as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine 
Corps.  And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high 
class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the Bankers.  In 
short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.  I helped make 
Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914.  I 
helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank 
boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen 
Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street.

(Major-General Smedley D. Butler).

Tony Blair is no longer Prime Minister of Britain, he is the foreign
minister of the United States.

(Nelson Mandela).

Global Politics Quiz

1) Which is the only country in the world to have dropped bombs on over
twenty different countries since 1945?

2) Which is the only country to have used nuclear weapons?

3) Which country was responsible for a car bomb which killed 80 
civilians in Beirut in 1985, in a botched assassination attempt, thereby 
making it the most lethal terrorist bombing in modern Middle East history?

4) Which country's illegal bombing of Libya in 1986 was described by the 
UN Legal Committee as a classic case of terrorism?

5) Which country rejected the order of the International Court of 
Justice (ICJ) to terminate its unlawful use of force against Nicaragua 
in 1986, and then vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on all 
states to observe international law?

6) Which country was accused by a UN-sponsored truth commission of 
providing direct and indirect support for acts of genocide against 
the Mayan Indians in Guatemala during the 1980s?

7) Which country unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile 
(ABM) Treaty in December 2001?

8) Which country renounced the efforts to negotiate a verification 
process for the Biological Weapons Convention and brought an 
international conference on the matter to a halt in July 2001?

9) Which country prevented the United 

LL:PR: NSW voters urged to write No war on ballot papers

2003-02-18 Thread Nobby Tobby
NSW Socialist Alliance Media release from Tuesday, 18th February:

NSW voters urged to write No war on March 22 ballot papers

The Socialist Alliance today called on all opponents of the United
States-led war on Iraq to turn the NSW state election into a referendum
on the war by writing No war on their ballot papers on March 22.

If the Howard government won't consult the people by holding a
nationwide referendum on the war, then the people will organise their
own referendum, said Lisa Macdonald, Socialist Alliance's lead
candidate for the Legislative Council in the NSW election.

We are calling on all political parties, NSW election candidates, trade
unions and community organisations who oppose the war to encourage
voters - the majority of whom now oppose this war - to have their say on
March 22.

Last weekend, a million people around Australia - half a million in NSW
- rallied and marched to say 'No' to the war on Iraq, but neither PM
John Howard nor Premier Bob Carr appear to be listening. In the best of
democratic traditions, we will make them listen - both at the ballot box
and by continuing to march in the streets, strike at our schools and
workplaces, and organise in our neighbourhoods, Macdonald said.

NSW electoral law allows voters to write whatever they wish on their
ballot paper without affecting the validity of the vote they cast. As
well as voting for Socialist Alliance and the Greens, the two
consistently anti-war parties contesting the NSW election, writing 'No
war' on both upper and lower house ballot papers is the best possible
use we can all make of our vote on March 22, Macdonald said.

Whoever wins government in the NSW election, they will have been given
a clear mandate to take action to stop this unjust war.

For further comment, phone Lisa Macdonald on 0413 031 108 or e-mail to:



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LL:INFO: Another death due to mandatory detention regime

2003-02-18 Thread Chris Raab
I have forwarded this with permission from the author.


Hi All,
 We'll the renewed faith in humanity was short lived,
recently we heard about the ninth person to died in custody. Her name
was Fatima and she had a husband and three children. The fact that she
died at the hands of our Government's neglect was enough to make us all
sick, but now we have learnt that her husband, Ali and their three
children are somewhere in the world (no-one knows) on the journey back
to war-torn Afghanistan. Ruddock said he would ship her body off with
the family, like she is some piece of garbage. Well now we know he was
kidding. The family have been rushed out of sight and out of mind.
Without any due process to inquiry or compassion for the family Ruddock
has forced their return to Afghanistan. People, it's not getting better,
nor is it getting even reasonable. The callousness of our Government
continues unabated and this barbaric behaviour continues silently in the
corridors of the minister's office, the scheming, the plotting still
continues to display new lows in human decency. Our journey to Baxter is
needed more than ever, while the innocent asylum seekers are neglected
and allowed to die without any dignity we must continue. The repugnant
policies of our government must be condemned, damn and finally removed.

Let's rally support for the refugees in concentration camps, let's
condemn Ruddock and the Howard government as the murdering bastards they
are. Let's go to Baxter be heard internationally and do all in our power
to stop this commercial human trading in death.

Matt Hamon


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LL:DDV: Public Forum - White Settlement in Australia

2003-02-18 Thread Gillian Davy

violent conquest or benign colonisation?


New Council Chamber, Trades Hall

In his recent book The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, Keith 
Windschuttle charges academic historians with a series of wilful 
misrepresentations intended to portray Australia as a society marked by 
atrocities against Aborigines. In this important debate, Keith 
Windschuttle and Pat Grimshaw outline competing accounts of white 
settlement, and explain what's at stake in the dispute.

Keith Windschuttle is the author of The Killing of History: How Literary
Critics and Social Theorists Are Murdering Our Past (2000), now in its
fourth edition, as well as five other books on contemporary social 
issues. His most recent book, The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, 
Volume One, Van Diemen's Land 1803-1847, was published by Macleay Press 
in November 02.  He is also a publisher and a frequent contributor to 
The New Criterion and Quadrant.

Pat Grimshaw holds the Max Crawford Chair of History at the University 
of Melbourne. She is the author of Women's Suffrage in New Zealand 
(revised edition 1987) and Paths of Duty: American Missionary Women in 
Nineteenth Century Hawaii (1989), and co-author of Creating a Nation 
(1994). A co-authored comparative study of the place of indigenous 
peoples in the political structures of British settler colonies is 
currently in press with Manchester University Press.

The event will be chaired by Associate Professor Joy Damousi, Editor of
Australian Historical Studies.


Further information from Gillian on 9925 2910 or Jeff on 9662 3744
www.advocacy.tce.rmit.edu.au or www.nibs.org.au

Sponsored by the RMIT Community Advocacy Unit, the New International
Bookshop, Australian Historical Studies, the Australian Historical
Association and Latrobe University Aboriginal Studies.

Gillian Davy
Co-ordinator, Community Advocacy Unit
School of Social Science and Planning
RMIT University
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne  VIC  3001


Tel: +61 3 9925 2910
Fax: +61 3 9925 1855


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:ART: Editorial: Howard's arrogance knows no limit

2003-02-18 Thread CPA
The following Editorial was published in The Guardian, newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, February 
19th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial - Howard's arrogance knows no limit

I will not be moved declared John Howard and Alexander Downer in 
response to the huge anti-war demonstrations around the world over the 
weekend. My charge as Prime Minister is to make whatever decisions are 
in the interest of this country, he said. At the same time he rails 
about Saddam Hussein being a dictator!

Howard's arrogance knows no limit.

He will not be moved by the reports of the weapons inspectors, who, 
after three months in Iraq have found not a skerrick of evidence that 
Iraq possesses any weapons of mass destruction. Hans Blix stated last 
week, in connection with the search for biological and chemical weapons, 
The results to date have been consistent with Iraq's declaration.

Howard will not be moved by the opposition to war coming from the
governments representing the majority of the people of the world.

He will not be moved by the fact that the world's people simply do not
believe the succession of lies coming from Tony Blair, Colin Powell, 
George Bush and himself in an attempt to whip up support for war.

Howard and his warmongering mates are lying. It is as simple as that. 
And more and more people see through their lies.

Their war plans have nothing to do with Saddam Hussein's record (Is he 
the only one with a dirty record?). It has nothing to do with weapons of 
mass destruction. It has nothing to do with the allegation that Iraq 
could provide terrorist groups with weapons of mass destruction. Blair 
has now attempted to push the moral button, alluding to the numbers 
killed in Iraqi wars. But, we are supposed to believe it is OK if the 
US, Britain and Australia kill an equal number to achieve their ends.

These arguments are merely diversions to cover up the truth. The 
warmongers never have and never will tell the truth. The US war drive is 
motivated by the dire need of the US corporations to control the oil 
resources of the whole of the Middle East and, thereby, control the 
economic and political life of all other countries.

It is about US world hegemony and Howard is totally in support of that. 
He hopes that Australian corporations will reap some of the benefits 
from the re-imposition of colonial regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere.

There is another unspoken compelling reason. It is that the steady
strengthening of the euro is now challenging the domination of the US 
dollar in world trade, particularly oil. Not only have the main powers 
of Europe, with the exception of Britain, adopted the euro but more and 
more countries are converting dollars into euro.

One analyst wrote recently that, Saddam sealed his fate when he decided 
to switch to the euro in late 2000 (and later converted his US $10 
billion reserve fund at the UN to euros) - at that point, another 
manufactured Gulf War became inevitable under Bush II. (Rechnagel, 
Charles, Iraq: Baghdad Moves to Euro November 1, 2000.

Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and other countries are also
buying up euros. This helps to explain the line-up that is taking place 
in the United Nations Security Council. It also helps to explain the
single-minded and bloody-minded determination of the US and its very few
allies to launch a war against Iraq.

The fact that some of the biggest demonstrations over the weekend took 
place in those countries (Spain, Italy, the US, Britain and Australia) 
whose governments support the war option, is very significant and 

But the determination of Bush, Howard, Blair and a few other governments 
to go ahead with war raises the necessity to go further now. The 
demonstrations against the war are extremely significant but it is going 
to be necessary to rapidly remove those governments or the leaders of 
those governments that support this diabolical US war before it is too late.

As one placard read: If Johnny comes marching home, he will come with 
blood on his hands. Yes, the blood of tens of thousands of Iraqi men, 
women and children and perhaps the blood of Australian servicemen. Throw 
him out!


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:ART: Worldwide the people say NO WAR!

2003-02-18 Thread CPA
The following articles were published in The Guardian, newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, February 
19th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au
Subscription rates on request.


Worldwide the people say NO WAR

Why is it wrong to kill innocent people if you are Saddam Hussein and 
right to kill innocent people if you are Bush, Blair, Howard or 
Murdoch, asked John Pilger addressing the huge rally in Sydney last 

This weekend more than 30 million people all over the world are doing 
what you are doing. They are your comrades - two million in London, five 
million across the [European] continent, 42 cities in the United States 
are protesting.

Never has there been such a massive opposition to a war before it 
began. Never has there been such a worldwide resistance to the terrorism 
of state power.

Let me assure you finally - our movement is too big to be defeated. 
This is not to say that the Bush gang can be stopped immediately but the 
power of public opinion, the moral power and the political power, your 
power, is far greater than perhaps even many of you realise.

Howard fears public opinion, Blair fears public opinion, and Bush fears
public opinion. They fear the best of Australia, they fear the best of
Britain and they fear the best of America.

That's why their propaganda is so virulent and their apologists are so
shrill. They prefer the old lie that people are apathetic . So let us
reassure Bush, Blair and their hangers-on that they have every reason to 
be afraid. For they and not the Iraqi people are the enemy and we are 
the majority! John Pilger said to rousing applause and cheers.

Close to a million people rallied and marched in Australia last weekend
sending a clear message to the two major parties that a majority do not 
want war. Their voices were echoed around the globe, as John Pilger told 
the Sydney rally.

The actions were remarkable for the breadth of participation. Many were
taking part in a political action for the first time. Families, 
individuals; all ages, all backgrounds.

The trade unions, environmental groups, the churches, peace 
organisations, ethnic community groups, Indigenous Australians, doctors, 
teachers, students, pensioners, feminists, gays and lesbians and many 
others found unprecedented unity.

Members of left and green political parties marched alongside members of
more conservative political parties, including some from Howard's own
Liberal Party.

The huge groundswell of support for the demand for 'No War on Iraq' and 
'No Australian involvement' will not go away, said Hannah Middleton 
from the Walk Against the War Coalition in Sydney.

We will go on demanding peace - in many different ways - until Prime
Minister Howard listens and brings the troops home, Hannah Middleton said.


No one can remember anything like it in Sydney.

Up to half a million people crammed into Hyde Park North and overflowed 
into the surrounding streets. The head of the march had circled six city 
blocks and returned to Hyde Park before the majority had even started.

So large was the crowd that organisers were diverting the marchers as 
they returned to the Domain.

The public transport system failed dismally, with thousands crammed into
trains or left to walk five or 10 kilometres to the city. They were 
still arriving an hour or more after the start.

It was an overwhelming experience, everyone so patiently understanding 
the difficulties - they were for the very best of reasons.

Speakers included big names such as documentary maker John Pilger, actor
John Howard, radio personality and North Shore mother Wendy Harmer and
jazz musician Jackson Brown.

Ray Richmond from the Wayside Chapel, Grenan Dadoun from the Muslim 
Women's Council, Randa Khadan from the Australian Arabic Communities 
Council, Greens Senator Bob Brown, ALP MP Laurie Brereton, Democrats 
Senator Lyn Allison and Peter Baume from Liberals Against the War were 
amongst the other speakers.


The Roma Street forum was packed to capacity and the people kept coming. 
One hundred and fifty thousand at least. There has never been a protest 
rally as large.

The rally was opened with a speaker against the development of a US 
military base in Western Australia. Jim Soorley, Brisbane's Lord Mayor 
said that this was the largest march ever.

The speaker's list was altered to accommodate ALP Opposition leader 
Simon Crean. He was given a mixed reception, except when he finally 
declared opposition to war. The people were there to oppose war, to 
oppose genocide and the mass infanticide proposed by Bush and Howard.

Many individuals and groups made their own banners and placards. The 
most powerful feeling was that the majority wants peace