On 11/10/2013 00:41, Jonathan wrote:
Can someone advise me on whether the UK Open Government License allows for us to use it as a source in OSM?


Hi Jonathan and all,

Basically, yes, no problem. Make sure that any material is indeed under the UK Open Government License and not the Ordnance Survey bastardised version. Then, look for any attribution wording and add to OpenStreetMap's attribution page: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Attribution .

In more detail: This is version two of the license. The OpenStreetMap Foundation License Working Group looked at the original version [1] and felt that it was compatible with incorporating data into the OpenStreetMap geodata database provided that attribution provisions are complied with as above. I have now carefully compared the two and see nothing that makes me change that opinion ... it would be good if another pair of eyes did the same as a double-check. If anything it is slightly less restrictive with the removal of some wording about Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.

Please note that these are layman's opinions. I am not a lawyer and neither I nor the LWG can offer any formal legal opinion.


Michael Collinson

[1] http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/1/

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