Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-11 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

On 06/10/2014 05:03 PM, Tom Ritter wrote:
I just want to jump in and mention again that it's entirely possible 
to pick apart applications written for Android, iPhone, Windows, Mac, 
etc and understand how they operate.  Going even deeper than just 
'what they store on disk' and 'what they send on the wire'.  It 
requires a little bit of technological know-how, but places one could 
look for that expertise are organizations' technologists, the computer 
security group at one's university, many of the people on this mailing 
list, groups like Citizen Lab, and just following tutorials online and 
learning it yourself.

You forgot to explicitly address the _ease_ of picking apart free 
software vs. proprietary apps.

I think the coffee break bug spotters on this list implicitly address 
the ease of picking apart free software when the source is publicly 

I think you implicitly addressed the ease of picking apart proprietary 
apps by writing about possibilities instead of actually picking this one 
apart during a coffee break.

(Just to be clear-- I'm talking about picking apart what the software 
actually does, not picking apart what somebody claims it does.)

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Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Yosem Companys
Seems like a good idea.  I wonder what journalists on the list think
about it.  I know there are a number of Knight Fellows and other
journalists on the list, so I hope they chime in.

BTW, here is the press release received via Twitter in response to an
inquiry about Wickr's security:

***Attention Security Geeks, This One is for You***

Wickr Releases Perfect Forward Secrecy, No Back Door Guarantee,
Transparency Report  Veracode Audit

RSA ® Innovation Sandbox Recognizes Wickr as a Top Security Innovator of 2013
Visit the Wickr Demo Booth on February 25th

By Dr. Robert Statica, Wickr Cofounder

February 25, 2013

Today is the opening of RSA ® Conference 2013, the largest security
conference in the world. In honor of
this event, we are making some announcements that only security geeks,
like us, understand.
Wickr provides more advanced encryption technology than pricey alternatives

To kick things off, we changed our key encryption algorithm from RSA
4096 to ECDH 521. Isn’t that
ironic?! This elliptical curve encryption algorithm enables us to
offer perfect forward secrecy to
mainstream consumers with faster performance. If Suite B
specifications are good enough for NSA Top
Secret information, then they are good enough for our family and
friends. As a result of this change,
Wickr provides the most advanced level of data and key encryption
available on the market to date. Oh,
by the way, Wickr is free.

We’d also like to point out that we have not tried to reinvent
encryption. While we do have a patentpending protocol for transport of
the encrypted communication as well as ephemeral messages and
media, this does not mean we are using patent-pending encryption. In
fact, we use well-known
encryption algorithms - AES 256, ECDH 521 and TLS. The receiver’s
device is the only one to know the
decryption key, which changes every message to prevent harvesting
attempts. Our peer-to-peer data
encryption/decryption does not rely on a centralized KDC (key
distribution center) thus making secure
communication easier than ever; even the non-technical can do it!

Backdoors are so last century

Additionally, the Wickr architecture eliminates back doors. We don’t
use servers outside of the country
because we don’t need to.  Each message is encrypted, no matter what
server it is sent through,
rendering backdoors obsolete. By eliminating back doors, our
architecture protects Article 12 of the
Universal Human Rights Doctrine in the United Nations as well as the
First Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States. This mission is fundamental to
Wickr and everything we do.
Let’s be clear, open source code does not guarantee there are no back
doors – it requires a good
architecture and good intentions. This is our commitment to you.

Encrypted and self-destructing messages tell no tales

Today Wickr released its very first Transparency Report. The report
shows we have had requests for
information from law enforcement in 2013. It also shows we have
absolutely nothing to provide in
response to these requests because we don’t know who is communicating
on our platform or what is
being said. We do not store any personal identifiable information on
our servers whatsoever. Our
servers only see encrypted messages, and even those are deleted as
soon as they are downloaded by
the recipient. You can view the full report here.

Don’t believe us? It is too good to be true?

Rest assured, Wickr is the real deal. We’ve undergone a code audit
from Veracode, the most respected
secure coding experts in the world. Wickr’s app and server code scored
a 100/100 after undergoing an
extensive review conducted by Veracode professionals. You can verify
the Veracode certified seal on our
web site here.

No such thing as 100 percent secure – but we’ll keep trying

Wickr will never promise 100 percent perfect security solutions
because we are security experts and
understand that nothing can ever be 100 percent secure. We do,
however, promise 100 percent
commitment to becoming more secure, all the time. Security is an
attitude we have built into Wickr from
the ground up.

RSA ® Innovation Sandbox recognizes Wickr as a top security innovator

Wickr is proud to be recognized as one of the most innovative new
companies at RSA this year. Visit us
at the Wickr demo booth on February 25th at Moscone Hall E Room 134 from 1-5pm.

More about Wickr

Headquartered in San Francisco, Wickr is comprised of top security and
privacy experts who strongly
believe private communication is a universal human right that is
extremely important to a free society.
Today, this right is almost nonexistent. Companies like Apple,
Facebook and Google offer messaging
that is archived, easily traceable, controlled by the recipient and
shared with strangers.

We have flipped this concept on its head and are giving the control
back to you, the sender. After all, who
doesn’t want control of the messages and media they 

Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Joshua Kopstein

Hash: SHA512
On 6/9/2014 8:42 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
 Wickr is back in the news in spectacular form:

 ...despite known security problems we've discussed on the list before:

 Seems as though we need better tactics to share with journalists our
 impressions about security.


Looking at the list of issues Nathan mentioned, I'm seeing that at least
some of them like PFS have been addressed since that posting (with the
glaring exception of Open Source, unfortunately). They've also received
an audit from Veracode since then IIRC.

Obviously I can't speak expertly on the crypto, but I think it should be
a positive thing that there's a push for ephemeral social
media/messaging with some semblance of security in mind (aka - not

I've spoken with one of the creators several times and they've always
struck me as forthcoming and fairly determined to hammer out these
issueseventually. A lot of people I talk to in the infosec community
also seem pretty enthusiastic about it. But yeah, would definitely love
to have some kind of catalog of concerns about this and other commercial
solutions - I get pitched on the latest magic email encryption
snakeoil regularly.
- -- 
Joshua Kopstein
? Cyberculture Journalist
? PGP Key:

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Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 10/06/2014 16:19, Joshua Kopstein a écrit :

  I get pitched on the latest magic email encryption
snakeoil regularly.

That's not magic but the initial idea of Peersm was to exchange 
encrypted data anonymously inside browsers (so from any device, no 
installation) without any third party in the path being aware of what's 
going on, now the idea has been extended to pure multi-sources p2p for 
anonymous/encrypted download/streaming.

Currently the interface is not designed for chat but it would be easy to 
implement, right now you can upload your message inside your browser, 
encrypt it and send by whatever means you like the hash_name of the 
message and the encryption key to other people so they can download the 
message and decrypt it (painfull to do? Not really, it's fast and it 
does worth it, I take always the same example but personnaly I am quite 
upset each time someone is using a dropbox or snapstuff to send personal 
family photos), of course that's a standalone app inside your browser 
and not a web site .

I don't see any cons from Nathan's list, except:

- the current phase is using our servers to relay the data but they 
don't know what it is, where it's coming from and where it's going. The 
servers disappear with the target phase where peers (browsers) are 
relaying the traffic.
- the code is not open source (except the initial node-Tor code on git) 
but might become, anyway it's a javascript code, so impossible to hide 
and easy to check.

I could add other pros I believe.

It's using the same encryption than Tor since it is based on the Tor 



Peersm :
node-Tor :
GitHub :

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[liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Yosem Companys
From: m d

The term open source was missing from the article. I'm curious if any of
the other projects mentioned are open source like Indie Box, other than

The mention of NDAs by the Wickr founder makes it a non-starter. Their web
site doesn't have any download link for the source files, nor mention of
open source, but they do mention patent pending technology. How do they
expect anyone to trust closed source, proprietary technology to be secure?
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[liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Brian Behlendorf

You don't have to; trust, but verify.  Or trust those who *can* verify.
Microsoft, Google and Apple are at the top of the most trusted brands
lists and have been for years, so even in the light of the Snowden
revelations, most have tended to give them the benefit of the doubt and
keep using their proprietary software and services.  But those who don't,
and instead use self-hosted open source tools, are making a different trust
choice - they prefer to trust Linus Torvalds, the Linux community, Firefox
developers, Pidgin developers, Apache developers, and the broader developer
community, on a gut-level calculus that those parties are less likely to
intentionally corrupt their software, and are more likely to find
each-other's (intentional or accidental) corruptions.  That calculus
integrates across all software, teams, and time, so even disasters like
Heartbleed aren't enough to change the result for most of us.  Speaking
personally, it only reinforced it, by watching not only how quickly the
disparate communities reacted and pushed solutions out, but how much it's
caused further inspection of OpenSSL and other underlying packages.

This calculus does have some bigger blindspots, though - I was never
comfortable with promoting TrueCrypt, a package written by intentionally
anonymous authors without any of the trappings of an open source project -
open revision control, open bug tracker, open discussion boards for
development.  I like being able to attach names to code - software is made
of people, not unlike Soylent Green.  Even though it's not really truely
Open Source licensed, I trust qmail, djbdns, and other packages written by
Dan J. Bernstein because he's a no-bullshit mathematician, scientist,
coder, and fighter for liberty (see Bernstein v. United States).

With proprietary solutions, including Wickr, the verify window is much
more narrow.  You can inspect what it sends over the wire or stores on
disk, but even that's pretty opaque.  Without that verify loop, you can
trust those who they've hired to do security audits.  You can also figure
out whether you trust Nico herself.  There are those of us on the advisory
board for Wickr (full disclosure) who are working with them to figure out
some way to broaden that trust+verify window.  We'll see what happens.

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Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Jillian C. York
I have to say: I'm not as uncomfortable with this article as I thought I'd
be.  I'm definitely uncomfortable with some of Wickr's promotional text
(military-grade encryption, leave no trace) but I felt that this
particular article addressed the NSA concerns and was fairly realistic
about what Wickr can and cannot do.

I've been playing around with Wickr and for normal concerns (like, a parent
looking at a kid's phone, or even me losing my phone), it's great!  I see
it more of a Snapchat competitor than a TextSecure competitor, but I really
think it will do well with a certain crowd.

Still, I'd much prefer it to be open-source.

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Yosem Companys

 From: Brian Behlendorf

 You don't have to; trust, but verify.  Or trust those who *can* verify.
 Microsoft, Google and Apple are at the top of the most trusted brands
 lists and have been for years, so even in the light of the Snowden
 revelations, most have tended to give them the benefit of the doubt and
 keep using their proprietary software and services.  But those who don't,
 and instead use self-hosted open source tools, are making a different trust
 choice - they prefer to trust Linus Torvalds, the Linux community, Firefox
 developers, Pidgin developers, Apache developers, and the broader developer
 community, on a gut-level calculus that those parties are less likely to
 intentionally corrupt their software, and are more likely to find
 each-other's (intentional or accidental) corruptions.  That calculus
 integrates across all software, teams, and time, so even disasters like
 Heartbleed aren't enough to change the result for most of us.  Speaking
 personally, it only reinforced it, by watching not only how quickly the
 disparate communities reacted and pushed solutions out, but how much it's
 caused further inspection of OpenSSL and other underlying packages.

 This calculus does have some bigger blindspots, though - I was never
 comfortable with promoting TrueCrypt, a package written by intentionally
 anonymous authors without any of the trappings of an open source project -
 open revision control, open bug tracker, open discussion boards for
 development.  I like being able to attach names to code - software is made
 of people, not unlike Soylent Green.  Even though it's not really truely
 Open Source licensed, I trust qmail, djbdns, and other packages written by
 Dan J. Bernstein because he's a no-bullshit mathematician, scientist,
 coder, and fighter for liberty (see Bernstein v. United States).

 With proprietary solutions, including Wickr, the verify window is much
 more narrow.  You can inspect what it sends over the wire or stores on
 disk, but even that's pretty opaque.  Without that verify loop, you can
 trust those who they've hired to do security audits.  You can also figure
 out whether you trust Nico herself.  There are those of us on the advisory
 board for Wickr (full disclosure) who are working with them to figure out
 some way to broaden that trust+verify window.  We'll see what happens.


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We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the
seemingly impossible to become a reality - *Vaclav Havel*
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Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Tom Ritter
I just want to jump in and mention again that it's entirely possible to
pick apart applications written for Android, iPhone, Windows, Mac, etc and
understand how they operate.  Going even deeper than just 'what they store
on disk' and 'what they send on the wire'.  It requires a little bit of
technological know-how, but places one could look for that expertise are
organizations' technologists, the computer security group at one's
university, many of the people on this mailing list, groups like Citizen
Lab, and just following tutorials online and learning it yourself.

The 'Trust but Verify' applies to open source, closed source, and that
window of 'open source but distributes binaries e.g. through the play


On 10 June 2014 16:37, Jillian C. York wrote:

 I have to say: I'm not as uncomfortable with this article as I thought I'd
 be.  I'm definitely uncomfortable with some of Wickr's promotional text
 (military-grade encryption, leave no trace) but I felt that this
 particular article addressed the NSA concerns and was fairly realistic
 about what Wickr can and cannot do.

 I've been playing around with Wickr and for normal concerns (like, a
 parent looking at a kid's phone, or even me losing my phone), it's great!
  I see it more of a Snapchat competitor than a TextSecure competitor, but I
 really think it will do well with a certain crowd.

 Still, I'd much prefer it to be open-source.

 On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Yosem Companys

 From: Brian Behlendorf

 You don't have to; trust, but verify.  Or trust those who *can* verify.
 Microsoft, Google and Apple are at the top of the most trusted brands
 lists and have been for years, so even in the light of the Snowden
 revelations, most have tended to give them the benefit of the doubt and
 keep using their proprietary software and services.  But those who don't,
 and instead use self-hosted open source tools, are making a different trust
 choice - they prefer to trust Linus Torvalds, the Linux community, Firefox
 developers, Pidgin developers, Apache developers, and the broader developer
 community, on a gut-level calculus that those parties are less likely to
 intentionally corrupt their software, and are more likely to find
 each-other's (intentional or accidental) corruptions.  That calculus
 integrates across all software, teams, and time, so even disasters like
 Heartbleed aren't enough to change the result for most of us.  Speaking
 personally, it only reinforced it, by watching not only how quickly the
 disparate communities reacted and pushed solutions out, but how much it's
 caused further inspection of OpenSSL and other underlying packages.

 This calculus does have some bigger blindspots, though - I was never
 comfortable with promoting TrueCrypt, a package written by intentionally
 anonymous authors without any of the trappings of an open source project -
 open revision control, open bug tracker, open discussion boards for
 development.  I like being able to attach names to code - software is made
 of people, not unlike Soylent Green.  Even though it's not really truely
 Open Source licensed, I trust qmail, djbdns, and other packages written by
 Dan J. Bernstein because he's a no-bullshit mathematician, scientist,
 coder, and fighter for liberty (see Bernstein v. United States).

 With proprietary solutions, including Wickr, the verify window is much
 more narrow.  You can inspect what it sends over the wire or stores on
 disk, but even that's pretty opaque.  Without that verify loop, you can
 trust those who they've hired to do security audits.  You can also figure
 out whether you trust Nico herself.  There are those of us on the advisory
 board for Wickr (full disclosure) who are working with them to figure out
 some way to broaden that trust+verify window.  We'll see what happens.


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 We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the
 seemingly impossible to become a reality - *Vaclav Havel*

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Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-10 Thread Steve Weis
I'll echo Tom: It's relatively easy and a good learning exercise to pick
apart mobile apps and see what they're doing. On that note, here's some
source generated from the Wickr Android app class files using jd-gui:

That doesn't include a native library that comes in the APK, which appears
to be used for the core crypto. In that library, I see an aes_encrypt
function that uses ECB mode and an aes_encrypt_improved that uses CTR. I
don't see any authentication for CTR mode. I also don't see a safe padding
mode used with RSA.

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Tom Ritter wrote:

 I just want to jump in and mention again that it's entirely possible to
 pick apart applications written for Android, iPhone, Windows, Mac, etc and
 understand how they operate.  Going even deeper than just 'what they store
 on disk' and 'what they send on the wire'.  It requires a little bit of
 technological know-how, but places one could look for that expertise are
 organizations' technologists, the computer security group at one's
 university, many of the people on this mailing list, groups like Citizen
 Lab, and just following tutorials online and learning it yourself.

 The 'Trust but Verify' applies to open source, closed source, and that
 window of 'open source but distributes binaries e.g. through the play

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[liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-09 Thread Yosem Companys
Wickr is back in the news in spectacular form:

...despite known security problems we've discussed on the list before:

Seems as though we need better tactics to share with journalists our
impressions about security.

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Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-09 Thread Griffin Boyce
Hey Yosem!

  A good experiment might be to send out releases of factual security info to 
counteract the dubious press releases that all too often turn into dubious 

Yosem Companys wrote:
Seems as though we need better tactics to share with journalists our
impressions about security.

Sent from my tracking device. Please excuse brevity and cat photos.
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Re: [liberationtech] Wicker: Déjà vu all over again

2014-06-09 Thread Tony Arcieri
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Griffin Boyce

 A good experiment might be to send out releases of factual security info
 to counteract the dubious press releases that all too often turn into
 dubious articles.

I think it'd be pretty interesting for the cryptographic community to
produce some sort of resource for reporters on what tools are good and bad
and for what reasons.

Press releases seem like an interesting idea too, especially if there were
a one-tool-at-a-time approach where a group of people could review and
comment on each tool individually.

This would generate the kind of news cycle the tech press loves.
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