Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Libertopia 2010

2010-08-08 Thread Wraith
At 06:00 PM 8/8/2010, you wrote:

I had been invited to speak at Libertopia, and had agreed to do so.

Then I wrote about Joe Stack flying a plane into an IRS building. 
Jason Talley pronounced me an idiot, Joyce Brand agreed. Talley also 
had a number of outrageously homophobic things to say in his rants 
against me on Google Buzz.

So I withdrew from speaking.

Several years ago I was invited to speak at FreedomFest 2005. But 
Mark Skousen made it clear at a convention in New Orleans in 
November 2004 that any member of the audience who disagreed with 
anything I said should be entitled to beat me up. Skousen actually 
staged such a fight between Doug Casey and a disgruntled marine who 
didn't like something Casey had said.

Naturally, I withdrew from speaking at FreedomFest.

I won't ever speak at Libertopia. I won't ever speak at FreedomFest.

These are my choices, and they are not negotiable.

That's too bad Jim. I've almost always enjoyed your articles. I may 
not always agree with you on everything, but you've always struck me 
as an intelligent, thoughtful person who cares about liberty and the 
principles there of.
Not to place too fine a point on this, but you remind me of this 
generations Patrick Henry.  He as you well know, was also widely 
regarded by his peers as a radical, and thus a dangerous 
individual.   History has shown the truth of his fears about the 
expansion of the central government established by the federalists.

I'd not place too much stock on the opinions of various LINO's. They 
are much closer to one or the other aspect of our one party state, 
than they are libertarians.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Priceless....

2010-05-30 Thread Wraith
At 12:06 PM 5/30/2010, you wrote:

Cute, though staged.
I found a sharper photo from 2007 and put it on


Interesting. Thanks for the update.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Priceless....

2010-05-29 Thread Wraith
At 04:26 PM 5/29/2010, you wrote:


I'd love to think that was staged, but some of them really are that 
damn stupid, and poorly trained. 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: A question -

2010-05-09 Thread Wraith

  Retribution attempts to punish the perpetrator

You say that like it's a bad thing. But in truth Retribution has 
value to many people and there is a Market for it.

There is also a market for initiation... As long demonstrated by history.

  and leaves the victim with nothing but
  emotional satisfaction (revenge).

It is simple to make sure that there is financial Restitution 
*AND* enough Retribution to satisfy most vengeful humans.

Just one of the reasons history is so bloody.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: A question -

2010-05-09 Thread Wraith
At 05:23 PM 5/9/2010, you wrote:

--- In,
Wraith wra...@... wrote:
  There is also a market for initiation...
  As long demonstrated by history.

Absolutely. One reason why it is better to have an Justice League 
institution than to have plain Market Anarchy.

Ah... The wonders of minarchy. Being a little bit statist is like 
being a little bit pregnant... ^^ 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Vermont Secession Strategy

2010-03-22 Thread Wraith
At 11:15 AM 3/22/2010, you wrote:

Vermont Secession Strategy

by mailto:jke...@aol.comKirkpatrick Sale

Thats all well and good. But unlike during the War to Prevent 
Southern Independence, this time the Imperial Feds have nukes.  Do 
you really think that nest of dangerous sociopaths back in New Rome 
on the Potomac, would hesitate to use them? 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Vermont Secession Strategy

2010-03-22 Thread Wraith
At 12:12 PM 3/22/2010, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 22 March 2010, Wraith was heard to say:
  Thats all well and good. But unlike during the War to Prevent
  Southern Independence, this time the Imperial Feds have nukes. Do
  you really think that nest of dangerous sociopaths back in New Rome
  on the Potomac, would hesitate to use them?

No need for nukes against people armed with, at best, rifles.

Think Prague Spring.

The one and only hope is that the tanks rolling into Montpelier makes
enough people angry enough that the cascade of nullification and
secession happens in earnest.

There is no hope what so ever of military success, because the
military will OBEY their orders, just as they did under Lincoln.


I was thinking more in general. If it spreads to 20 plus states, they 
are going to be damn hard pressed, given how spread out the imperial 
legions are.  Not to mention at some point the military itself is 
going to fragment. Not all of them have forgotten their oaths are to 
the Constitution, not the government.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition

2010-02-21 Thread Wraith

Thanks. I remember reading about that several decades ago. Its yet 
another example of how murderous the thugs who Rule tend to be, when 
their whims are contested.  Speaking of which, I hope those pushing 
the succession movements are aware that unlike during the War to 
prevent Southern Independence, this time the Feds have nukes. I have 
no doubt what so ever that they *will* use them against any rebel states.

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition

2010-02-21 Thread Wraith
At 07:08 AM 2/21/2010, you wrote:
Better dead than red.

What if the states nuke DC?

Lets not go there. This is not a secure channel.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition

2010-02-21 Thread Wraith
At 11:04 PM 2/21/2010, you wrote:

 sing a nuke to defend against a nuke is pretty much shitting where you eat

Not really. Imagine a nuke blowing up high in the atmosphere and 
taking down (vaporizing or disrupting the incomnig weapon. This is 
of course not optimal, but it's far healthier for everybody on the 
ground than having the nuke on the ground.

 I don't think even the US feral government is stupid enough to 
 destroy a city's worth of folks that have relatives of voting age 
 everywhere else on the continent to take out one plane, though of 
 course I might be over-estimating the IQ of the US (or any other) government).

Why would you need to do that?

Again, tactical munitions, blowing up in the air. A wing of 
strategic bombers are coming, masked by stealth and electronic 
interference.  Each of them carries bombs or guided missiles, enough 
to devastate, oh, a small state. You fire your nuclear missile into 
their vague location. Your missile misses the lead plane by a 
hundred yards. They don't care. They're dead.

In the meanwhile, you can create - and people have tested -  nuclear 
missiles with sufficient yield that a person can stand DIRECTLY 
UNDERNEATH the explosion which occurst at air combat heights, and 
the person below remains safe and healthy.

Ever heard of EMP?  Using high altitude nukes over ones own territory 
isn't very bright.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Kaptain Krazy?

2010-02-09 Thread Wraith
At 11:55 AM 2/9/2010, you wrote:

--- In,
Dennis Lee Wilson dennisleewil...@... wrote:


Troll ^^

Zack, the State is simply short hand for those who will use force to 
impose their will and perspective.  Anyone who seeks such power, is 
the very LAST who should have it.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Hayek Raps Keynes

2010-01-26 Thread Wraith
At 12:37 PM 1/26/2010, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Thanks. That made my afternoon. ^^ 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: SF writer beaten, arrested

2009-12-12 Thread Wraith
At 09:21 AM 12/12/2009, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 12 December 2009, Wraith was heard to say:
  At 11:47 PM 12/11/2009, you wrote:
  It is too bad that the names of the agents have not been
   published. In some areas, Federal employees have been shamed and
   shunned by locals--refused service in stores. One Forest Service
   agent even resigned because of such local action.
  These days, that would likely result in Father Land Security making
  ones life difficult.
  No doubt there is some obscure federal law/regulation that could be
  applied in such a case. Thats if they even bothered with a
  reference to such these days.

I offer in evidence the Obscured Truth video of the candlelight vigil
held in front of police officer, and Keene, NH, local prosecutor, Eli
Rivera's house because of someone he beat the shit out of
while arresting him.

Right at the start is the most disturbing thing of all: Rivera
proclaiming that the vigil is overstepping the bounds of decency
because it's just [my] job!

I guess he was only following orders.

Such a Good Citizen no doubt.  With FAR too many PD's and other such 
acting more like armies of
occupation, rather then peace officers, its only going to get worse.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] SF writer beaten, arrested

2009-12-11 Thread Wraith
At 07:58 PM 12/11/2009, you wrote:


His words:

If you buy into the Many Worlds Intepretation of quantum physics, 
there must be a parallel universe in which I crossed the US/Canada 
border without incident last Tuesday. In some other dimension, I was 
not waved over by a cluster of border guards who swarmed my car like 
army ants for no apparent reason; or perhaps they did, and I simply 
kept my eyes downcast and refrained from asking questions. Along 
some other timeline, I did not get out of the car to ask what was 
going on. I did not repeat that question when refused an answer and 
told to get back into the vehicle. In that other timeline I was not 
punched in the face, pepper-sprayed, shit-kicked, handcuffed, thrown 
wet and half-naked into a holding cell for three fucking hours, 
thrown into an even colder jail cell overnight, arraigned, and 
charged with assaulting a federal officer, all without access to 
legal representation (although they did try to get me to waive my 
Miranda rights. Twice.). Nor was I finally dumped across the border 
in shirtsleeves: computer seized, flash drive confiscated, even my 
fucking paper notepad withheld until they could find someone among 
their number literate enough to distinguish between handwritten 
notes on story ideas and, I suppose, nefarious terrorist plots. I 
was not left without my jacket in the face of Ontario's first winter 
storm, after all buses and intercity shuttles had shut down for the night.

In some other universe I am warm and content and not looking at 
spending two years in jail for the crime of having been punched in the face.

But that is not this universe.

Pretty much par for the course these days.  The border/airport 
gestapo have become a law in and off themselves.  Anyone without high 
political/power connections that doesn't behave like a sheepeople, is 
going to get this type of treatment and worse.  Some people have lost 
their life, and nothing has come of it.  Insane doesn't even BEGIN to 
describe our current system.  Some of these people are starting to 
make the Stasi look good.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Egypt to ban Fraud Kits

2009-10-14 Thread Wraith
At 01:10 AM 10/14/2009, you wrote:

  Given that I'm fairly tall for a woman (5'9); in an Islamic
  country, any woman my height would probably would be strangled on
  their wedding night for supposedly not being a 'virgin', if they had
  had the misfortune to have a husband whose penis was too small. But
  of course, nothing in Islamic countries is EVER the man's fault.
  Sad but true. But look at the situation in much of the western world.
  In divorce proceedings and rape investigations, the basic assumption
  of guilt is placed on the male, in all too many instances.

Neither of these is right. We must investigate proceedings in an
unprejudiced way and give the accused the benefit of the doubt,
ALWAYS, or we don't HAVE civilization.

So, when have we had anything that wasn't based on the concept that 
Might Makes Right? Justice is an ideal, and an illusion. Its use is 
to keep the rabble from seeing the basic injustice of the various 
power systems that rule them.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Egypt to ban Fraud Kits

2009-10-13 Thread Wraith
At 10:10 AM 10/13/2009, you wrote:

This is better than the Onion:
At the end of the piece is this disclaimer:

This post was written by - who has written 90 
posts on
The Satire Stall / Rusty's Skewed News Views is a spoof publication, 
fired by the ironies of human nature and tempered with elements of 
satire and parody, and should not, therefore, be taken too 
seriously. These are inspired by traveling around the Earth more 
times than Skylab and composed while observing the inherent idiocies 
of Mankind. Thus lawyers be duly advised : All libel writs issued on 
behalf of offended humourless ego's and / or those blighted by 
unqualified arrogance herein lampooned may be addressed to : Rusty 
the Boddington's Badger, Igloo 27, Pasquinade Gardens, Penguin 
Parade, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. the author in our forums

There you go again, raining on his parade, costing him medals... Zack 
was on such a roll, that I didn't have the heart to tell him it was bogus :)  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Egypt to ban Fraud Kits

2009-10-13 Thread Wraith
At 11:14 AM 10/13/2009, you wrote:,2933,560241,00.html

LOL! I still reserve judgement. It wouldn't be the first(nor the 
last) time that such sites passed along a hoax. Remember Iraq's WMD 
and Sadams connections to Al quada?... But if it is legit, its 
simply an example of a supply being matched to a demand(shrug).  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Egypt to ban Fraud Kits

2009-10-13 Thread Wraith
At 02:58 PM 10/13/2009, you wrote:

--- In,
Wraith wra...@... wrote:
  its simply an example of a supply being matched to a demand(shrug).

Shrug my ass, so are Murder Inc. and Slavery. There is always a 
demand for Initiation of Force and Fraud.

Hence the continued existence of government. 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: One simple question for Michael Badnarik

2009-09-22 Thread Wraith
At 06:38 AM 9/22/2009, you wrote:

In my attempts to get an answer to the question, I wrote to a girl I 
know well, who had praised Badnarik in public last time she 
mentioned him. Now she comes up with the following. (She must have 
thought I meant that he was going to run for Sheriff in Montana, not Texas.)
None of this is a negative in my book (note that he agrees with ME 
on a Victim's Retaliation), but obviously the author of this letter 
thought so - and she's a lot closer to the Granny types.
But I'll keep asking The Question; eventually we'll know The Answer.

Former girl-friend/lover? We know how unbiased those tend to be 
Zack ^^ I don't know the fellow personally, so I can't say yea or 
nay. But the below does sound like a typical response from one.

I wouldn't trust him, he isn't qualified. He just wants to carry a 
gun, He is considered by many here in Austin to be a communist. He 
is also an atheist. You do not want him in Montana. He really isn't 
qualified to do anything like that. He has no clue what to do, and 
his ego is huge. This is a very bad idea.
Badnarik is not sheriff material. He is a self absorbed egotist. 
Trust me, I was very friendly with him for a while and he is stupid 
as sludge, scared to death. Once he saw an EMT worker looking for an 
address and he hid in the closet with his gun on. He thought people 
were coming to get him. He is such a loser here in Texas that he 
needs to go to Montana to be some hot shot. Sorry to sound so 
negative, the man is considered by some of his long term 'friends' 
to be a square. Plus... he is a very angry man... holds it all in. 
What he told me was when his campaign manager took off a couple of 
weeks before the campaign (for rep in Texas) he blamed him for his 
loss, and told me that he wanted to kill him... the only thing that 
kept him from killing him was he couldn't figure out what to do with 
the body. He said he thought of this for months and would kill him 
if he could of figured out how to hide the body so he wouldn't be 
caught... I am not joking about this. People need to know this... I 
do not think he is very stable either. He is not sheriff material.

Good to hear from you. I hope you can influence this, it would be a 
disaster. He is not what he portrays himself to be.

--- In,
zakbas zak...@... wrote:
  I have been told that Michael Badnarik will run for Sheriff in a 
 Texas County. I have one burning question about that:
  It is well established that it is perfectly legal in Texas, and 
 not even any kind of misfeasance or malfeasance or nonfeasance, for 
 a Sheriff to ignore a Texas State Law. One example is the
  Dildo Law. Most County Sheriffs simply ignore that Law with impunity.
  My question is this: if you are elected, will you refuse to 
 punish, arrest, or harass people enjoying their libertarian right 
 of public nudity? Or will you pander to the shitheads and Initiate Force
  against us?
  Please reply with your answer to:

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: The Pacifists do their part to destroy the Libertarian Party

2009-08-13 Thread Wraith
At 12:33 PM 8/13/2009, you wrote:

Yeah, go ahead, insult all the minarchists on this list.

With pleasure. ^^ I started out a Constitutional Conservative when 
I was MUCH younger.  I moved from
that to minarchy. Later still, when I realized that even minarchy 
could not be defended(if it is still coercive),
I ended up with anarchy.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: The Pacifists do their part to destroy the Libertarian Party

2009-08-13 Thread Wraith
At 01:44 PM 8/13/2009, you wrote:

You are using the word coercion incorrectly. 
It is possible for Coercion to be used without 
the Initiation of Force. Consider any Threat designed to gain Compliance:
If you do not get off my lawn I will shoot you.
Rape me and I'll kill you.
Both of these are Coercion by Intimidation. But 
neither of them is an Initiation of Force, or 
even a Threat of Initiation of Force. They are 
merely a Threat of RETALIATION, and NAP allows 
us Retaliation if we choose to enjoy it.
1. the act of coercing; use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance.
2. force or the power to use force in gaining 
compliance, as by a government or police force.

That's the nature of positive and negative 
systems.  Initiation is wrong(if one follows the 
ZAP). Negative coercion is wrong because it is 
initiation.  Simple concept structures that have 
enormous implications for personal interactions.


One entry found.

* Main Entry:co·erce
* Pronunciation: \k - rs\
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): co·erced; co·erc·ing
* Etymology: Middle English cohercen, from 
Anglo-French *cohercer Latin coerc re, from co- + 
arc re to shut up, enclose ­ more at
* Date: 15th century

1 : to restrain or dominate by force religion in 
the past has tried to coerce the irreligious ­ W. R. Inge
2 : to compel to an act or choice was coerced into agreeing
3 : to achieve by force or threat coerce compliance
synonyms see

­ co·erc·ible \- r-s -b l\ adjective

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: The Pacifists do their part to destroy the Libertarian Party

2009-08-13 Thread Wraith
At 02:48 PM 8/13/2009, you wrote:

Are you seriously suggesting that saying to a 
trespasser, If you don't get off my lawn I will 
shoot you is a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle?

Unwarranted assumption on your part.

--- In,
Wraith wra...@... wrote:
  At 01:44 PM 8/13/2009, you wrote:
  You are using the word coercion incorrectly.
  It is possible for Coercion to be used without
  the Initiation of Force. Consider any Threat designed to gain Compliance:
  If you do not get off my lawn I will shoot you.
  Rape me and I'll kill you.
  Both of these are Coercion by Intimidation. But
  neither of them is an Initiation of Force, or
  even a Threat of Initiation of Force. They are
  merely a Threat of RETALIATION, and NAP allows
  us Retaliation if we choose to enjoy it. 
  1. the act of coercing; use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance.
  2. force or the power to use force in gaining
  compliance, as by a government or police force.
  That's the nature of positive and negative
  systems. Initiation is wrong(if one follows the
  ZAP). Negative coercion is wrong because it is
  initiation. Simple concept structures that have
  enormous implications for personal interactions.
  One entry found.
  * Main Entry:co·erce
  * Pronunciation: \k - rs\
  * Function: transitive verb
  * Inflected Form(s): co·erced; co·erc·ing
  * Etymology: Middle English cohercen, from
  Anglo-French *cohercer Latin coerc re, from co- +
  arc re to shut up, enclose ­ more at
  * Date: 15th century
  1 : to restrain or dominate by force religion in
  the past has tried to coerce the irreligious ­ W. R. Inge
  2 : to compel to an act or choice was coerced into agreeing
  3 : to achieve by force or threat coerce compliance
  synonyms see
  ­ co·erc·ible \- r-s -b l\ adjective

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Update on Philip Luty

2009-07-07 Thread Wraith
At 10:15 PM 7/6/2009, you wrote:

At 07:40 PM 7/6/2009, Wraith wrote:

 At 07:43 PM 7/6/2009, you wrote:
  At 10:17 AM 7/6/2009, Dennis Lee Wilson wrote:
  Perhaps that explanation should appear under the welcome
  message--along with Zack's very appropriate comment.
  Phil and family are not wanting to make waves.
 I'd say that the time for not making waves has long since passed.

I'd say you are right, but I'm not in Great Britain
and it's not a member of my family in trouble, so I
have to do what they ask me to do.

Ken Holder

Understandable Ken. GB is even worse in some respects than the 
Imperium has managed to this point. 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Update on Philip Luty

2009-07-06 Thread Wraith
At 03:11 AM 7/6/2009, you wrote:

--- In,
Ken Holder khol...@... wrote:
  Philip has been arrested again, this time for aiding and
  abetting terrorism on account of some suspected (or actual)
  terrorists were found with copies of his books and such
  in their possession.

I understand that several Abortion Terrorists have been found to 
have copies of The Holy Bible in their possession. Has the Author of 
that Book been prosecuted?

One would need MUCH more power than New Rome on the Potomac has for 
that raid... ^^ 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Knifes

2009-06-09 Thread Wraith
At 09:03 AM 6/9/2009, you wrote:

That are alerting us to an Evil from Customs, but I do wish these 
alarmist press releases would be honest. In this case, the lie is here:
The proposal would not only outlaw assisted opening knives, its 
overly broad new definition of a switchblade would also include all 
one-handed opening knives and most other pocket knives! ... this 
proposal would make it illegal for the estimated 40 million 
law-abiding Americans who own and carry pocket knives to do so.

However, the truth is that this proposal does NOT make carrying 
anything illegal! It pertains to Importing. If YOUR State chooses to 
make a knife illegal to possess or to carry, that is the fault of 
YOUR STATE, not the Feds.
Florida explicitly allows the possession and carrying of switchblade 
knives. I have several. I bought them on the internet. It is 
possible that the seller violated a Federal Law by selling them to 
me across a State line, but the Feds do not consider ME a criminal, 
because the Law applies only to the SALE of the knives, not the PURCHASE.
It is perfectly legal even under Federal Law for a knife dealer to 
buy switchblade knives across State lines. And in **SOME** States 
(e.g. Florida) it is perfectly legal for them to be SOLD within the State.
So if YOUR STATE oppresses you, don't blame the Feds for that. The 
Feds are bad enough, making it hard to import them and transport 
them across State lines, without having to adulterate your argument with LIES.

Zack... They did state that the various tyrannies could use this to 
support their own
agenda did they not?  Its not possible to have a different 
interpretation without it being
intentional LIES?...

The impact of this CBP ruling would go far beyond just imported 
knives because this agency determination will be used by domestic 
courts and law enforcement to determine what is a switchblade under 
both federal and state laws. Many states do not themselves define 
switchblades and simply rely on the federal definition and 
interpretation, which is only found in rulings by CBP. Since 
interstate commerce in switchblades is prohibited, except under very 
limited conditions, simply driving across a state line with a pocket 
knife in their possession would make someone a federal felon.

As for alarmist, what does it take to be serious enough to post? 
When the jack boots are
already kicking in ones door? If you must troll, at least make the 
attempt to be creative... ^^  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Scouts With Guns

2009-05-15 Thread Wraith
At 03:00 PM 5/15/2009, you wrote:

This freaking freaks me out.

Just another day in the Obama Youth Program. Nothing to see here 
Citizen, move along.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Scouts With Guns

2009-05-15 Thread Wraith
At 03:55 PM 5/15/2009, you wrote:

Well. I'm of the opinion people learning tactics and weapons is a good
thing. IT's the statist indoctrination that creeps me out.

You obviously have forgotten that we are at WAR! Every Good Citizen 
must do their
part to protect the Home Land from the shadowily forces of Terrorism.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Government-Approved Child Molester @ LAX

2009-05-14 Thread Wraith
At 07:58 PM 5/13/2009, you wrote:

Not that this comes as a surprise. And no one dares object at the time because
the passengers know that any objection will result in handcuffs at 
the minimum.
Just look at what happened to a Ron Paul staffer at St Louis just for carrying
$4700 in small bills.

Some day a kid is going to yell Bad Touch! at a checkpoint and the 
result will
be a dead parent and a TSO on life support in a trauma center.

One can hope.

On further thought, you know what would happen if that type of 
incident did happen.
Father Land Security would howl about an attack by a domestic 
terrorist, the corporate
mass media would read the governments hand outs on air as news(as 
they did at Waco
and Ruby Ridge). Then the TSA would triple their personnel and have 
them in full body
armor(including helmets) with shock batons and shot guns at the 
ready.  All to better protect  the
passengers from terrorists of course.  Airport security is the 
leading edge of the effort
to condition the population to submission and obedience to 
authority.  Just as the states
educational system is.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Government-Approved Child Molester @ LAX

2009-05-13 Thread Wraith
At 07:58 PM 5/13/2009, you wrote:

Not that this comes as a surprise. And no one dares object at the time because
the passengers know that any objection will result in handcuffs at 
the minimum.
Just look at what happened to a Ron Paul staffer at St Louis just for carrying
$4700 in small bills.

Some day a kid is going to yell Bad Touch! at a checkpoint and the 
result will
be a dead parent and a TSO on life support in a trauma center.

One can hope.

Faint hope. All too many sheep out and about Frank.  Besides, anyone objecting
gets detained and/or dead. Father Land Security has already demonstrated
that they can kill and get away with it(time after time). Never play 
the game by
the enemies rules.  

[LibertarianEnterprise] GPS

2009-05-07 Thread Wraith

Interesting things could be done with such a GPS list of homes. 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: [Western_Chat] Compromise reached on Montana gun bill

2009-04-08 Thread Wraith
At 05:03 PM 4/8/2009, you wrote:

The Western gun nut types just keep getting worse...
--- In, 
Ben Irvin wrote:
  The Western libertarian position on the issue
  is best summed up by Basil
  Fishbone on a list where my piece was cross-posted:
   A person who rents a hotel room or an appartment
  acquires property rights over his rented abode.
   He does not give up fundamental rights within his lawful
   living quarters.
  Perhaps it is as the old saying goes: East is East
  and West is West and never the twain shall meet.

Sorry, Basil baby... just as in Matrimony, it is Morally Wrong for a 
Government to impose set structure on a Contract. A Contract is 
exactly what the Parties agree to and nothing more. To agree to rent 
an apartment and not have guns there, and then to have guns there, is FRAUD.

I have seen this problem with lots of other Western libertarians. 
For some reason, Conservative Shitheads in the West feel that being 
Anti-Liberal, and Pro-Gun, entitles them to call themselves 
libertarian without having to respect Private Property and other 
Personal Liberties. You fail, guys. Being Western does not excuse 
Initiation Of Force or Fraud against a Property Owner.


Using morally wrong and government in the same sentence is 
redundant.  A libertarian is someone
who follows the ZAP.   Much beyond that is shadow play.  But beyond 
ones word(and all that goes with it), what else does one have that 
can't be taken by others no matter how powerful? 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Dollar

2009-03-22 Thread Wraith
AWraith was heard to say:
  At 07:42 PM 3/21/2009, you wrote:
  As is any US citizen with two brain cells to rub together. I
   figure a Weimar meltdown by this time next year.
  Ward Griffiths
  Well...You remember what and who came after that, don't you? We've
  already had the
  Enabling Acts...

Godwin's Law strikes again.

Interesting that you bring that up. You are aware of the implications 
of invoking
that,  especially in this context? :)

Not that I disagree with the reference at all. In fact, I completely
agree. The US is very much in danger. Heinline's fundamentalist
dictatorship I see as a very real possibility.

- --

Possible, but as polarized as the country is, I suspect its going to be nastier
than even that. We are pretty much a dictatorship in all but name now.
What could a dictator do, that our last Dear Leader, or the current one
couldn't? That's why I doubt we will see an official declaration of national
martial law any time soon. It would be counter productive. They can already
do what they want, to anyone(who isn't part of the Boss/Master class) that
they want, when they want, without being accountable to anyone. What else
is there?  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Dollar

2009-03-22 Thread Wraith
At 04:01 PM 3/22/2009, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 22 March 2009, Wraith was heard to say:
  Godwin's Law strikes again.
  Interesting that you bring that up. You are aware of the
  implications of invoking
  that, especially in this context? :)

I disagree with the corollary that the discussion is over and the
first person saying it loses. I don't believe that applies.

As to further change, well, with the economic collapse I think people
are going to want actual change, so they will be handed a change
that doesn't change anything. Again.


Oh, but don't we currently have A change you can believe in?? very 
evil grin
I quite agree that when things get bad enough, the sheepeople are going to
start looking for a Strong Leader to save them.  Then things are likely to
get Really Bad(tm).  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Dollar

2009-03-21 Thread Wraith
At 07:42 PM 3/21/2009, you wrote:

As is any US citizen with two brain cells to rub together. I figure 
a Weimar meltdown by this time next year.
Ward Griffiths

Well...You remember what and who came after that, don't you? We've 
already had the
Enabling Acts... 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Dollar

2009-03-19 Thread Wraith

The UN is proposing a move from the dollar as reserve currency.  

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: hope

2009-02-08 Thread Wraith
At 02:01 PM 2/8/2009, you wrote:

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Zack Bass wrote:
  --- In,
 Curt Howland wrote:
  The problem, as I see it, is that all the prohibition in the world
  hasn't stopped it, so relying on prohibition is just like staying
  married to an alcoholic on the theory that they'll change.
  All the prohibition in the world has not stopped Murder either.
  What's your point?

Considering that the laws outlawing murder haven't stopped it, maybe
the point was that laws aren't the way to solve problems.

The Law(note capital L) is the whim(in application/interpretation/enforcement)
of those in *power* at a given time. It is by definition a creature 
of the State.
The theory is that the Law is meant to deal with certain problems. 
The reality, as
we are all to familiar with is rather different. It is much like the 
old saying If
all you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.  One of the
reasons practicing medicine without the States blessing is against the
Law, is because of the medical guilds influence on the State.  At its 
the statist world view is; We must control all, or we control nothing.

Much about the Theory of the Law here. Note many of the no doubt unintended
ironies and/or conflicts.

Some thoughts(mixed with mis/disinformation) on another approach are

[LibertarianEnterprise] Wiki

2009-02-08 Thread Wraith
Given one of the last posts, some of you may find this of interest. It
deals with a new tool that may illustrate some of the internal actions

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Great Idea: Fire Teacher for Facebook gun photo

2009-02-07 Thread Wraith
At 08:21 PM 2/7/2009, you wrote:

Did something happen to Wisconsin while I wasn't looking?

Let's see...

First Amendment violation...check

Second Amendment violation...check

WI Discrimination Law violation...check

To contact Donny Childs, the person who *SHOULD* be on administrative leave
pending a permanent job transfer to the unemployment line:

(920) 885-7470 ext

Seriously, I wish Mr. Childs well in his new career in the fast food industry,
where he will increase the likelihood that my order is correct at least 50%.

I am opposed to all attempts to licence or restrict the arming of
individuals, such as the Sullivan Act of the State of New York. I
consider such laws a violation of civil liberty, subversive of
democratic political institutions, and self-defeating in their purpose.
- Robert Heinlein, in a 1949 letter concerning _Red Planet_
Kip Hawley Is An Idiot!
Abuses by the BATF


Frank, I must say I'm shocked...SHOCKED! That a *teacher* would have a
gun!!! Think of the Chil-Der-Ren!!  Very evil grin What else would you expect
but a typical knee jerk reaction from the Good Citizens, and the 
statist media out there
in one of the Eastern Peoples Republics?

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: CONGRATULATIONS, Zack!

2008-10-07 Thread Wraith

At 08:07 AM 10/7/2008, you wrote:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fathers and sons are not the same people. Milton was a minarchist 
(at best), David is an anarchist. (As my father was a violent drunk 
and I am a mellow lush).

And my father would agree as readily as I.
 Most anarchists use the term ZAP (Zero Aggression Principle) 
rather than NAP (Non-Aggression Principle). We figure the initials 
have a bit more zing. The term was generated on the Smith2004 list 
after we realized we didn't want to fuck up Neil's life that 
much,drafting him for a run for the White House (he's much more 
useful and entertaining writing novels and comic books). (And if 
you haven't visited, you've got some treats in store).

 Ward Griffiths[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd enjoy hearing more about the history of the term ZAP; don't quite
understand what it has to do with Neil's quality of life or the
Presidency draft.

While I was into comics in my youth (or I guess I should say 'graphic
novels' now), the graphics now just slow me down.


Hell...We all like Neil too much to inflict that on him... ^^ It was 
an interesting

idea at the time, but even then, it was WAY too late to fix the system from

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: CONGRATULATIONS, Zack!

2008-10-07 Thread Wraith

At 05:11 PM 10/7/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Gary F. York


 Zack Bass wrote:

  The exact same thing, via different mechanisms but
  the same result, will occur in AnCap.
  All those little old ladies who want to outlaw
  Lap Dancing will still have the same power that
  they have now, if they are not prevented by Force
  from imposing their preferences upon the
  Weak Minority (me).

 If my protection agency was intimidated by a herd of little old
 ladies, I'd fire 'em and find a better one.

Are you sure you are AnCap? I never said it was YOUR Protection
Agency. There are COMPETING Agencies, and the Little Old Ladies'
Agency has the same support there as the Government has here, namely:
The Vast Majority of people want to outlaw Lap Dancing and put pants
on dogs and punish Public Nudity, so their Agency gets massive funding
and support. The Teeny Minority who want these things to go
unpunished cannot support an Agency able to stand against the
shitheads' Agency.

Then they aren't using the proper tactics. Never fight an enemies army.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Vote list

2008-09-30 Thread Wraith
Here is a list of who voted yes or no, on the bail out for bankers 
bill.  Interesting list...

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: QED:Laughing Out Loud and then Crying

2008-06-30 Thread Wraith

At 08:10 PM 6/29/2008, you wrote:

Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about something along the 
lines of some of what what you say below. It seems that all the 
things that have gone wrong are tied up and tangled up together. As 
if it were some big bunch of tangled and knotted ropes, with a bunch 
of branches thrown into the mix for good measure. And the few things 
that aren't broken are just on the verge of being sucked into the 
mess. I can't help but think that if one could pull right 
metaphorical string, the whole thing would unravel and straighten 
back up. But which string is the right one to pull? That is the 
question of the century.


Well...You have the tangled mess part right. But rather than 
straighten up, I suspect what
would happen is that the entire system of illusions and delusions 
would come crashing

down, and in the resulting power vacuum, all manner of unpleasant things would
happen.  Bottom line, power will out. No matter *what* has to be done 
to maintain it.
Look at what happened in the War to prevent Southern 
Independence.  620,000 plus
of our people died.  Estimates of the next cycle are in the 
millions.  All for what?

So that the Few can continue to Rule the Many(and their lives and resources).

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: QED:Laughing Out Loud and then Crying

2008-06-30 Thread Wraith

At 05:17 AM 6/30/2008, you wrote:

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Boyd Smith[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So in other words you think it is OK for people to come into this country
 for the express purpose of committing crimes such as rape, murder 
and theft.

I don't think it is OK for people to go in to a bank for the purpose
of committing crimes such as murder or theft.
But my solution to that would not include keeping all people from
going in to banks.

You can't know why an immigrant is coming here. You don't read minds.
If someone commits rape, murder, or theft he is at that point a
criminal, not before.


Just by crossing an imaginary line on a map, they are committing a crime
in some peoples alleged minds. Its *ALL* about power and control Eric.
One doesn't have to look very deep into these matters to find tribalism
and fear of the Other(which underlie all too much of basic human

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: QED:Laughing Out Loud and then Crying

2008-06-30 Thread Wraith

At 12:41 PM 6/30/2008, you wrote:

Wraith wrote:

 Just by crossing an imaginary line on a map, they are committing a crime
 in some peoples alleged minds. Its *ALL* about power and control Eric.
 One doesn't have to look very deep into these matters to find tribalism
 and fear of the Other(which underlie all too much of basic human

So if somebody crosses your imaginary property line to property you own
without your consent, exactly what is that called?

Trespass. But you are mixing up concepts. You specified that the property is
owned by an individual(above). Who owns the imaginary line called a border?

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: QED:Laughing Out Loud and then Crying

2008-06-30 Thread Wraith

At 12:58 PM 6/30/2008, you wrote:

Wraith wrote:

 Trespass. But you are mixing up concepts. You specified that the
 property is
 owned by an individual(above). Who owns the imaginary line called a border?

Nobody owns the property on the border?

Exactly. Its owned by the group of thugs commonly referred to as government.
It would be entirely different if that land was private property.

 There is no mixing of concepts,
they are exactly the same.

On the contrary, you are mixing private property with that of government.

 Some libertarians just ignore it to try
to make the position tenable, when it isn't.

What position might that be?

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: QED:Laughing Out Loud and then Crying

2008-06-30 Thread Wraith

At 02:16 PM 6/30/2008, you wrote:

Wraith wrote:

 Nobody owns the property on the border?

 Exactly. Its owned by the group of thugs commonly referred to as
 It would be entirely different if that land was private property.

Wrong, it is owned by the people who own land there.

Try telling that to the Imperials, Goat...I'm certain that they will
be rather entertained...The border zone isn't private property.

 There is no mixing of concepts,
 they are exactly the same.

 On the contrary, you are mixing private property with that of government.

Except that the concept of common property is just as valid and predated
the concept of private property.

Common property is a useful fiction. As for it predating private property,
that's open for debate.  Its all in who gets to make the definitions. As
with most such, its those with the most power.  But does that make it right?

 Since we are suppose to be the
government, it is us who is suppose to have the say on how
the commons is administered.

Oh please...Sure we have a government of, by and for the people. What
they don't tell you is which people. Its those who have bought(or rented) the
politicians that get to make the definitions, as I stated above.

Without the commons, and without any
private property, you would have nether positive or negative rights,
except for what somebody who did have negative property rights
granted you positive rights on their property.

Without commons(or very limited) everything would be a matter of private
property. But that doesn't suit certain types of ideologues.

 Some libertarians just ignore it to try
 to make the position tenable, when it isn't.

 What position might that be?

That a people doesn't have the right to keep others from trespass.

Having never taken that position, I feel no need to defend 
it.  Private property

is just that, private.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Heller decision terrible

2008-06-26 Thread Wraith

At 03:42 PM 6/26/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Robert D. Silvetz,


 Whose giving up. All I have pointed out is that this historic
decision is mostly laughable and won't do a whole hell of a lot
because it left 19998 laws on the books and ALL because the damn
Heller attorney said that the licensing scheme was constitutional if
not capriciously or arbitrarily enforced. Huh? The WHOLE POINT of
the lawsuit was to blow these prior-restraint permit/license bans out
of the water.

Yeah but if they had decided the OTHER way then States would jump at
the chance to enact even more intrusive Gun Laws, since there would be
no Individual Right To Bear Arms at all. This decision means the Feds
are keeping some reins on the States, even more than before this
decision. Thank god for the Feds, our saviors from Local Tyrants!

Zack, I'm always entertained by your fixation on the locals... ^^ Tyrants
they ALL are(to a greater or lesser degree). But the locals impact is strictly
that...Local. Our Imperial overlords on the other hand, impact the entire
country(and to an extent the world). When one adds up the total of abuses
and power, its the Imperials who are the most threat to the largest number
of us.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Heller decision terrible

2008-06-26 Thread Wraith

At 06:15 PM 6/26/2008, you wrote:

Robert D. Silvetz, M.D. wrote:

 The Supremes would HAVE BEEN FORCED to rule on licensing if the 
attorney hadn't conceded the point.

He was just doing his job well.

Keep in mind that this was a VERY split decision. If not given that 
out, it could
very easily have gone the other way.  The Nine Riders of the Bench 
have a history

of making narrow decisions in these types of situations.  What should give one
pause is how four people who many regard as great legal minds 
could, given the

CLEAR history of the Founders/Framers intentions come to such a badly mistaken

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Surrender in the War on Drugs

2008-06-18 Thread Wraith

At 07:15 AM 6/18/2008, you wrote:

All prohibitions (malum prohibitum) have the same
results, crime and corruption.  And the socialists
keep doing the same thing expecting a different
result.  ho hum...

When will they ever learn?

Never. That is the nature of ideologues. The War on Some Drugs has long
since become a growth industry. It plays well with the mind numbed m-asses
that both aspects of the Boot On Your Neck Party, keep in a state of semi
panic in order to control and manipulate them.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] TSA - Your Papers Please

2008-06-09 Thread Wraith

At 07:50 PM 6/9/2008, you wrote:

Sigh...  The march towards statism continues...


Statism?? We are LONG past that. Fascism is more like it. Compound
all of the various tyrannies that we currently suffer under, and what else
would one call it?

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Report from Denver:

2008-06-06 Thread Wraith

At 05:54 AM 6/6/2008, you wrote:

Then we need to agree to disagree. We can always wait to see what 
happens now. In fact there is not to much choice on that and I can 
understand that as the source of much of your anger. Is this a big 
gamble? Yes. But it is the big bet. Sometimes you need to risk a lot 
to gain more. And we are risking a HUGE amount of ourselves in this 
one. And we could lose. But the potential payoff is also HUGE. I 
think that the odds are good.


Sigh...Where have I heard this before?  Principle is basic. Its 
either principle or its not.
Expecting a career politician to change(and at such a convenient 
time...) takes more
than a bit of desperate self delusion(at the VERY least). Its exactly 
when the stakes
are high that one sticks to ones principles. Given the reality of the 
current system,
we'd all have a better chance of being multiple lotto winners, than 
expect a return
to respect for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Nature will take 
its course. Power

will out.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Only an END can justify a MEANS

2008-06-03 Thread Wraith

At 11:50 PM 6/2/2008, you wrote:

Miss Reason has, over the last few months since I first encountered a
Youtube of hers, impressed me as having very strange ideas.

The phrase, the ends don't justify the means is a proverb about
doing evil things in the name of a good cause.

 MEANS are neither good nor evil.

Utter nonsense. There are obviously evil things that a person can
do, such as torturing a person to death to attempt to gain some
evidence to justify killing them. Massacring six million Jews is
the means to an end, and the means was itself evil. The end in that
case also happened to be evil.

Tools are neither good nor evil. A gun, for example, is just a
tool. It can be used for good or used for evil.

But, means are not merely tools, but actions taken to attempt to
gain the desired goal or end. The whole point of the proverb is to
point out that taking an evil action hoping for a good result is not

 What determines their goodness or badness is the END RESULT
 of the MEANS. If the END RESULT of a MEANS is good, then
 that MEANS is good.

No, absolutely not.

 For example, killing a human being (MEANS) is neither good nor evil.

All other things being equal, killing a human being is evil.

There is no type of such killing that is not homicide. Whether or
not a homicide is justifiable is questionable, and it is always one
that our current system of jurisprudence demands must involve a
great deal of consideration, such as trial by a jury, or review by
a grand jury.

 Please add your comments on this subject to my blog at

Please don't spam this list again, Miss Reason. I'm quite happy to
moderate all the posts you make here, as I find time.

Thanks Jim. People like that are so far off, that to use an old phrase; They
aren't even wrong.  One need look no further than the Neo Cons to see
the results of ignoring ones means.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Kubby's show

2008-06-01 Thread Wraith

At 02:57 AM 6/1/2008, you wrote:

Wraith wrote:

 Unity provides conventional forces with their favorite targets.

Maybe so, if they can get a bead on you.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Kubby's show

2008-05-31 Thread Wraith

At 01:32 AM 5/31/2008, you wrote:

Curt Howland wrote:

 What is _needed_ is a pruning, from the top.

 The RP campaign was the last chance I give electoral politics. It
 didn't work.

 Voting from the Rooftops is, sadly, the only effective countermeasure
 to a corrupt political process.

Either option will have the same results without unity.

Unity provides conventional forces with their favorite targets.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Report from Denver:

2008-05-31 Thread Wraith

At 09:22 AM 5/31/2008, you wrote:

Quoting Wraith[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 At 07:15 PM 5/30/2008, you wrote:

 He is a libertarian. And you know it.


 Bob Barr is NOT a libertarian. Look at the mans actions and voting
 record over the years.

Look, I'm not as familiar with Barr's record as some of you are, but I
have a question: Does somebody have to _always, from the beginning_
been a libertarian before he or she is pure enough? Isn't it possible
for people to learn better?

Its not a question of being pure enough. Its a demonstrated history of
actions and votes over *decades* that makes this more opportunistic
than anything else. Sure its *possible* for someone to change...But a
career politician claiming to do so is automatically suspect(or should be).
Look at the Portland gang as an example of what happens when one allows
ones desire for power to over ride principle.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Kubby's show

2008-05-31 Thread Wraith

 Curt Howland wrote:

  What is _needed_ is a pruning, from the top.
  The RP campaign was the last chance I give electoral politics. It
  didn't work.
  Voting from the Rooftops is, sadly, the only effective countermeasure
  to a corrupt political process.

 Either option will have the same results without unity.

There was unity at Wacoand few survivors.

Exactly. Never play the enemies game.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Kubby's show

2008-05-29 Thread Wraith

At 12:36 AM 5/29/2008, you wrote:

hrearden_hr wrote:
 I just listened to the May 27 episode of Kubby's show on Blog Talk
 Radio. Kubby believes that Barr should be supported.

As much as I'd like to see a RP write in campaign unified behind,
it would at most be a protest vote. On the other hand, the strangle hold
the one party calling itself two parties has on the political process,
especially on the national and presidential levels, would actually seem
to be more important to break than any protest vote would matter.
We are not going to break that strangle hold without unity.
The enemy loves and depends on disunity in our ranks, and as
long as we are not united in purpose to break that strangle hold, we
will have the yoke of slavery upon our backs.

Goat, *anything* that even has a ghost of a chance of breaking that strangle
hold WILL be crushed, before it gets even close to threatening the Powers
that Be's control of the system. Close to three Trillion a year buys 
a LOT of power.

Do you really think that they are going to let that go?  The last time anything
really threatened their total control, 620,000 of our people paid 
with their lives.
The expected death toll this time around will be in the 
millions.  Two statements

define the political process. I don't care who votes, as long as I pick the
candidates. Those who cast the votes determine nothing. Those who count the
votes determine everything.  You've seen their near total disregard for the
Constitution and Bill of Rights up to this point(and a total absence 
of effective
opposition).  What is needed is intelligent analysis of the system, 
and creative
understandings of its component parts.  These may be of interest to 
some.  I can't

say I agree with everything involved, but its a good over view.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Fwd: Obama Backs U.N. Bill to Disarm Americans

2008-05-11 Thread Wraith

At 01:38 PM 5/11/2008, you wrote:

On Sun, 11 May 2008 04:16:02 -0700, Zack Bass[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What a horribly disgusting conclusion. Unfortunately, I fear you are

That bill could well be the one that keeps Obama out of the
Whitehouse. Previous UN attempts to disarm us have left a very nasty
taste in everybodies mouths.

Then I hope you are looking forward to that psycho McCain being
Dear Leader. If you think our current Dear Leader is bad, wait until
you see what McCain and the Neo Cons have in store, once they
are back in power.  McCain is NO friend of the 2nd Amendment, or
any other part of the Bill of Rights or Constitution for that matter.
In fact, he thinks that Bush hasn't gone nearly far enough with
the centralization of power in the Executive. People had a real
choice this time in Ron Paul. But the damn fools don't want that choice.
Be it upon their own heads in consequence.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] So much for the Party of Principle.

2008-05-04 Thread Wraith

At 05:00 PM 5/4/2008, you wrote: 

So much for the Party of Principle.
[cross-posted from
vertical-align: bottom;]

The Libertarian Party is calling for cooperation between 
Federal, state and local law enforcement to battle the scourge of 
child pornography:

FBI Chief Robert Mueller was correct when he said we are losing the 
war on child pornography, says Libertarian Party Executive Director 
Shane Cory, referring to comments made by the head of the Federal 
Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday before a House Judiciary 
Committee meeting. We have an obligation to protect children from 
sexual exploitation and abuse, and we can do this by increasing 
communication between state and federal agencies to help combat this 
repulsive industry. While privacy rights should always be respected 
in the pursuit of child pornographers, more needs to be done to 
track down and prosecute the twisted individuals who exploit 
innocent children.

Mueller called for integration between police agencies and 
increasing FBI resources to work on child pornography cases, which 
the LP press release mentions without comment, except to suggest 
that those resources could be freed up by not prosecuting victimless crimes.

So, yes: child abuse, particularly sexual abuse, is evil and those 
who engage in it can hang in the courtyard by their genitals for all 
I care.  But what the hell is the LP thinking here?  They're not 
even pretending to support the Constitution, let alone limited 
government, with this view.  The LP is justifying not only the 
existence of a national police force (which is not authorized by the 
Constitution), but by implying support for integrating police 
agencies, they're calling for even more Federal intrusion into areas 
that should by law be the states' domain.

There's only one reason for such an ill-considered and frankly 
unlibertarian stance from the LP, and it's to further marginalize 
the radical core of the party.  It started with the gutting of the 
party platform in 2006 and it continues through 
on Mary Ruwart, an LP candidate for President and a more radical 
libertarian than the current leaders of the LP are comfortable with.

Even party founder David Nolan expressed 
outrage in a comment:

I am appalled at the national HQ staff putting out a press release 
that implicitly disowns one of our candidates over such a relatively 
minor issue. First, because that's not a proper role for paid 
staffers to assume, and second because several other candidates have 
taken overtly anti-Libertarian stances on a number of issues, and 
none of them have been shot at by the national staff for doing so. 
This whole fiasco just reeks of cronyism and witch-hunting. Our 
presidential nominee will be chosen by the delegates to the national 
convention in Denver, and attempts by the LNC or (especially) the 
office staff at LPHQ to subvert that process are despicable.

Once again, the New LP demonstrates its willingness to sell out its 
own principles, and even one of its most dedicated party members, in 
a futile effort to gain some mainstream political credibility.  It's 
just pathetic.  If you truly care about the libertarian movement 
then stop supporting these clowns.

One of the basic principles of politics is that of co opting the opposition.
Then one distorts and warps their principles to make them less of a threat.
I'm not in the least surprised that national has fallen for the Think of the
CHIL-DE-REN! ploy. Remember this crowds antics in Portland?   They
revealed themselves to be little more than unprincipled power seekers.
Kiddy porn, terrorism and other such are very effective tools for manipulating
the mindless soccer mom types(who roll their sheep like eyes in terror
when ever such are brought up, and start looking for a Strong Leader to
protect them).  Which is why demagogues and other such use that ploy.
Party of principle?...Give me a break...Unless the principle involved
is to seek power at any cost.
inline: 5243ef.jpg

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Silver and gold guarantee freedom

2008-04-28 Thread Wraith

At 05:43 PM 4/28/2008, you wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Silver and gold guarantee freedom
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:50:11 -0500

*Silver and gold guarantee freedom*

No. Brass and lead(and the willingness to use them) guarantee freedom.
Everything beyond that is secondary.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Fwd: (ALERT) Ron Paul Delegates Forced out of Republican Convention

2008-04-26 Thread Wraith

Ron Paul Delegates Forced out of Republican Convention -

Ron Paul's elected delegates have been unlawfully, illegally, and
for all intents and purposes VIOLENTLY overthrown in a blatant
declaration of war against Ron Paul supporters and converts!

Read more here:

McCain FEC Complaint Update -

8717 McCain FEC Complaints have been downloaded, thats right
eight thousand and seventeen, from the RTR website, looks like
the FEC may be busy for a while. Give yourselves a hand RTR
activists! If you haven't filed your FEC complaint yet, download,
fill out, print, notarize and mail your complaint today!

Download it here:,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,96/Itemid,59/

How to file an FEC Complaint:,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,97/Itemid,59/

A MUST HAVE flier for your arsenal -

While You Were Out - You can really have some fun with this one,
just print it, cut it in half, fill it out, and hang it on every
door in your neighborhood!

Download it here:,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,102/Itemid,59/

RM Issue 6 PDF Link -

If you haven't seen the latest issue of Republic Magazine about
REAL ID, BIOMETRICS, VERICHIP and more, please use the link below
to share and download.

Download it here:,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,103/Itemid,59/

Reminder: April 15th Activist Videos

If you want to be included in the RTR April 15th Global Strike
Video please send your MiniDV tapes or DVDs to the address listed
below.  Special thanks to Joanne A. of MI for her DVD submission.
Don't forget to included a self addressed stamped envelope if you
want your footage back.

Sent from your friends at:, 3149 Dundee Rd #176, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World

2008-04-21 Thread Wraith

At 05:03 PM 4/21/2008, you wrote:

Staff Reporter of the Sun
April 21, 2008

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Many parts of America, long considered the
breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable
phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New
England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice,
and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal
reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.

At a Costco Warehouse in Mountain View, Calif., yesterday, shoppers grew
frustrated and occasionally uttered expletives as they searched in vain
for the large sacks of rice they usually buy.

I think it is finally starting to dawn on some people just how vulnerable
this system is.  Of course, ideologues never learn...But that's the nature
of such.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World

2008-04-21 Thread Wraith

At 08:31 PM 4/21/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Wraith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it is finally starting to dawn on some people
 just how vulnerable this system is.
 Of course, ideologues never learn...But that's the nature
 of such.

What system would that be? Democracy, where people find that they can
DEMAND that The Government set prices by Force?
What Ideologues are you referring to? Libertarian ideologues could
never be a part of this problem, only its Victims.
This is worldwide.

System? Government of course. At their base they are all the
same. Only the illusions/delusions used are different.  The ideologues
in question are akin to True Believers(in what ever version is in power
locally).  Government should DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT!!, is the
all too familiar response of such types.  Politicians(thugs by another name
would be as corrupt) love such people. They are so easy to control by
appeal to their petty hatreds, fears, envy and spite.

I'm in the Philippines right now, in the Ayala Business Center. As
soon as I arrived the first news report I saw showed Rice
Demonstrations (not yet Riots) in the Ayala Center. They are of
course demanding that The Government Force the prices lower. This,
remember, is the place where the Green Revolution STARTED, with the
hardier-engineered Rice. Now they import rice from Thailand.
In Africa, in Asia, and now in the U.S., the first thought of the
Democrats is There oughta be a law - Erle Stanley Gardner
notwithstanding., it's not just America anymore and never was.
It's not just food, it's fuel too. I was supposed to meet this girl
from Butuan, in Mindanao, and I called her and she said she couldn't
get to the boat because the Drivers were Striking - demanding, of
course, that The Government arrange for them to have higher pay by
Force and/or cheaper fuel by Force. This problem is not merely your
average Democrat problem, it's the Commie Unionist Mentality - they
are not really Striking (Conspiring to Withhold their labor), what
they are doing is strewing the roads with nails, and setting up
ROADBLOCKS, so private companies can't send their own cars to bring
the employees to work etc. They are especially interfering with the
non-striking TRICYCLES, the little pedaled and motorcycle-based taxis

Fucking shitheads-of-the-world have gone too far this time,
interfering with pussy - I'll have to put a stop to it when I have time.

Have fun storming the castle Zack... ^^

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: NRA gun nuts enact anti-libertarian Law in Florida

2008-04-13 Thread Wraith

 Wrong, the whole theory of individual rights is just as much an
 abstract as community is. If you don't think so, then the alternative
 is the law of jungle, or as Mr. Shirley says, the person with the
 biggest hammer. Just because we are moving back in the direction of the
 law of the jungle, doesn't mean that all rule of law (or abstracts) is a
 scam, it only means that what passes for rule of law today is.

Yup. The reason that we get to live to a ripe old age is because
we don't get left with the kill or be killed choice that you get without
law and civilization. That doesn't mean you can't have a libertarian
society. The one I grew up in was pretty much that way back when Nevada
had a minarchy rather than a State. (Defined as a government which has
become it's own primary constituency.)

A libertarian society wouldn't require a coercive state and its endless
laws to be civilized.  Neo Cons tend to believe that other people are
evil, and thus must be watched by the States enforcers. Neo Libs tend
to believe that other people are stupid, and thus must be protected
by the States enforcers. Combine the two, and one has a rather familiar
warfare/welfare state. I was once a minarchist, until I realized the
folly of the position.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: NRA gun nuts enact anti-libertarian Law in Florida

2008-04-12 Thread Wraith

At 12:13 PM 4/12/2008, you wrote:

Zack Bass wrote:
 --- In, 
Roy J. Tellason

 On Friday 11 April 2008 23:34, Zack Bass wrote:

 the parking lot IS the employer's property, and he has
 a moral right to demand whatever terms he chooses to
 place upon entry thereto, including what weapons are
 in the car and what color the driver is.
 I disagree with this,

But it isn't the owner of the property you think it is.
The State of Florida is the administrator for the real owner, and
they say if the occupant running the biz there has to allow his workers
to be able to allow them to bring their guns to work with them, then you
shouldn't mind if they do against the wishes of the occupant, by your

Government is the *real* owner of everything(and everyone...Look at 

Which is one of the things that makes it so fundamentally evil, and dangerous.
Bottom line in this context, might makes right.  It doesn't matter 
what illusions,
delusions are used to mask it. Call it the divine right of Kings or 
The Will Of The
People. At its base its the same thing, no matter if they are 
elected or self

appointed. The reality is that the Few(backed by their thugs) RULE and can
and will imprison/kill anyone who opposes their RULE.   Until people realize
that The Greater Good Society Community are abstract SCAMS used by
the Few who Rule, little of substance will change.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Pro Gun Shows

2008-04-07 Thread Wraith

This may be of interest.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Re: The Reconquista

2008-04-05 Thread Wraith

At 07:00 PM 4/5/2008, you wrote:

On Sat, 05 Apr 2008 16:06:10 -, gerryagnew[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The map can be seen here:

The story can be read here: 

Thank you Michael. One of the comments I saw abut the ad would be
for Absolut to do an ad about reality in Sweden in 1943: namely a
cross between the Swedish flag and the German swastika. This would
be an excellent truth of Sweden back then - neutral in favour of

Someone who better at Photoshop than I am can run with this. Or maybe Scott
Bieser can come up with an appropriate cartoon.


Interesting concepts. Given the birth rates(different populations) its only a
matter of time before this is entirely possible. Of course, New Rome on
the Potomac has demonstrated that its willing to kill any number of
our people(620,000 last time) to maintain its power. So its likely
to get very ugly.  Its amusing that even Neo Con central(WND) can
stumble on the truth once in a while. ^^

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Deleted and Banned

2008-02-17 Thread Wraith

At 03:31 PM 2/17/2008, you wrote:

Mr. Charles Barnes has been banned from this group. His messages have
been deleted as spam. Anyone who wishes to entertain themselves may
cost Charles some money by calling his 800 number 800-381-4022 from an

Folks, I don't like to deny new membership applications. But, if I
don't get a message and it looks likely to be a spammer, I might start
doing so.

I don't like to delete messages. But, spam has no place on this list.
If someone wants to advertise in TLE, that's great, and there's a low
cost of entry.

I don't like to ban members. But all fruit diet is not related to
any article or letter I've seen in TLE.

To make this list available to people to discuss articles in TLE means
keeping it reasonably free of spam. Anyone who wants to hunt the scum
down and rampage his web sites, well, you know what to do.

Thanks Jim.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Modest Proposal

2008-02-15 Thread Wraith

Yet another massacre in yet another Gun Free Zone...And of
course the lone nut yet again kills them self.  I have a Modest
Proposal that would deal with this problem in short order.  Make
ANY organization that insists on keeping people disarmed TOTALLY
LIABLE for any and all injuries or deaths that result as a consequence.
Better yet, make the members of the organizations leadership PERSONALLY
liable. Want to bet how long it would be before Gun Free Zones fade out
of existence?

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Disgraceful

2008-02-12 Thread Wraith

At 07:59 PM 2/12/2008, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 12 February 2008, Wraith was heard to say:

I find it interesting how he completely violates the 5th Amendment, so
lightly saying that force can be used against witnesses that refuse
to answer questions.

Makes me wonder, just why does he think the Bill of Rights was written
at all?

Which sadly begs the question, Does he think?

Neo Con Mode:ON

Don't you know that we are at WAR?!? That excuses ANYTHING
and EVERYTHING!... Anyone who objects is at least soft on terrorism
and at worst a Traitor to the Home Land...Tragic isn't it?

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Disgraceful

2008-02-12 Thread Wraith

Totally disgraceful. The man should be immediately impeached. Along
with his buddy who stated that the Bill of Rights is not a suicide
pact. No wonder the country is in such a sorry state, when those whose
job it is to protect and guard the Constitution take such positions.  So,
where does one draw the line? Or is there no action that can not be
justified by appeal to circumstances? History is filled with examples
of the horrors that result from such perspectives.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: An alternative to government? It seems possible!

2008-02-02 Thread Wraith

At 02:06 PM 2/1/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Gregory M. Gauthier


 One thing that's always bugged me about traditional Libertarianism, is
 the plain fact that no matter how willing we are, we're actually
 still submitting to force when being taxed for things like law
 enforcement and the military.

The entire Justice System, including Law Enforcement, can be wholly
funded by Perp Fees. A common misperception is that there are Perps
who cannot pay their fines. That really isn't true. Everyone has
SOMETHING of Value that can be taken from him when he Initiates Force.
If he is healthy enough to cause trouble, he is healthy enough to
have usable organs. Or he can serve as a sex slave or a lab rat or
something if he prefers to keep his organs or they are infected. Up
to him. No shortage of money.

I haven't worked out the Military thing yet, but I reckon the same
applies... any Military Action that is justified can be paid for by
taking as much of the Aggressors' land and organs and slaves as the
Victim Army feels is proper recompense.

I suggest it wouldn't take many such Fines for perps to decide to get
into another line of work.

In terms of national defense, you may find this of interest.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Treason?

2008-01-28 Thread Wraith

Of course the US free media is ignoring this...As usual
when anything dealing with such is involved. Lets all hope that
this doesn't come back and bite us in a BIG way.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-25 Thread Wraith

At 03:20 AM 1/25/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Wraith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Inquisitions and witch burning tend to make people like that... ^^
 Given some of the hysterics in the fundie groups, they'd be
 happy to bring the bad old days back.

Wicca is a 20th-century made-up gizmo... like Scientology. Long after
The Inquisition.
And even during The Inquisition no one burned any witches in America.
Wiccans have nothing in common with those other witches.

So you and some might say. Since I don't have a dog in this fight,
it sounds more like the kettle calling the pot black. ^^ It all depends
on who gets to make the definitions. Those with the most power(numbers)\
or those who choose to believe in a given belief system?

And the stuff about the Do as thou wilt as being some sort of
pseudo-religious creed cannot be traced back farther than Aleister
Crowley - again, 20th century.

No way this crap is thousands or even hundreds of years old!

Chuckle...and this differs from crap made up thousands of years
ago in what regard?... ^^ Interesting that you would label their system
if beliefs as pseudo-religious. As opposed to the belief system of
Real Religion(your own perhaps?) ^^  This may also be of interest.
As I said, its all in who gets to define what.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-25 Thread Wraith

--- In, 
Valentine Michael Smith


 Zack wrote:
  Wicca is a 20th-century made-up gizmo... like Scientology.
  Long after The Inquisition.
 In the state Virginia Wiccans cannot perform marriages.
 The military does not allow wicca signs on graves.
 The inquisition is still with us.

So Wiccans, like followers of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, are not
given the Special Privileges that The Government grants to real
Religions. That's nothing like The Inquisition. They aren't hunted
down and hanged.

So...Just what is a real religion? One approved of by our collective
Dear Leaders?

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-25 Thread Wraith

At 12:39 PM 1/25/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Valentine Michael Smith


 If you cannot prohibit the free exercise thereof
 how can you define it?

If you cannot define it how can you avoid prohibiting the free
exercise of... what?

We live by definitions. There has to be an agreed-upon definition of
every word in The Constitution, otherwise it would be nothing more
than here's some stuff, see, and things happen, and other things are
kinda not supposed to happen
Come to think of it, that's the approach a lot of liberals take,
re-define words so that The Constitution means whatever they like.

Liberals?...That's been a favorite practice of the Neo Cons and everyone
else who wants to do something that would other wise be restricted.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-24 Thread Wraith

At 09:56 AM 1/24/2008, you wrote:

They are a touchy bunch.

Inquisitions and witch burning tend to make people like that... ^^ Given
some of the hysterics in the fundie groups, they'd be happy to bring the bad
old days back.

Curt Howland wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On Thursday 24 January 2008, Valentine Michael Smith was heard to say:
  Guess you've never heard of wicca.
  Harm ye none, do as ye will.

 I wrote it out in talk.politics.libertarian as An it harm none, do as
 you will and actually had a Wiccan lambast me for bringing religion
 into the discussion.

 Some days you just can't win.

 It would be interesting to collect all those old posts I made
 1992-1998, if only to see how much better my spelling is now. :^)

 - --
 November 5th: $4.3Million Dollars In One Day
 December 16th: $6 Million Dollars In One Day

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-22 Thread Wraith

At 01:55 AM 1/22/2008, you wrote:

Nah, it's a Crime without a Victim, as I said.
And Malum Prohibitum is not necessarily religion enacted into law,
since it is possible and indeed common to have a Law that is not
religiously motivated (e.g. Practicing Medicine Without A License).
Therefore Malum Prohibitum does NOT mean the same thing as
religion enacted into law.

Practicing(Medicine/plumbing etc) is an example of protection of an 
existing guild
(in the guise of protecting The People of course). As you state, 
there are two base
classes. Things that are evil in and of themselves(which gets in to 

beliefs) and things that are evil because some Dear Leader along the
way has stated that they are(and the system has the power to punish those
it claims have violated its dictates). The Law being simply the collected
whims of who ever was in power at a given time.  The theory of the Law, and
its reality are VERY different.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-22 Thread Wraith

--- In, 
Curt Howland


 Every example you give is based upon religious faith that might
 makes right.

Don't get cute. You know that that is not the meaning of the word
religion, and that those examples are not religion enacted into Law.

Religion is a belief system. Just as Statism is.  Both share a large number
of common elements and operational principles. Both are mass control
systems.  Go far enough back in time, and there is damn little difference
between the two. Those that exist today are mainly convenient illusions,
delusions.  Such as Divine Right of Kings and the current Will Of The
People as an example. The reality is still the Few ruling the Many. The main
difference is their tools are more subtle. But the iron fist still exists
within the velvet glove of illusion, delusion. The Few really do not care
what number of the Many they sacrifice to protect/advance their power/belief

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-22 Thread Wraith

At 02:05 AM 1/22/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Wraith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm all too painfully aware of those who make different lessor evils
 arguments. But isn't following that approach how we ended up in
 our current sorry state?

No. The problem has been that most people vote for the MORE EVIL
candidate or Law when they have the chance. If they tended to vote
for libertarian candidates, the parties would offer more and more
libertarian choices.

More evil from the perspective of a libertarian(note small L). There
is also the difference between what people claim they believe in, and
what they tolerate/support in reality. Both are aspects of human psychology
and the power systems they create and maintain.

Sad to say, the Vast Majority despise libertarianism and always will.

Look at this from the perspective of Austrian economics market theory.
There is damn little market for real liberty. One of the reasons, is that
the vast majority are frightened of taking responsibility for their own
actions/inactions, and the consequences there of.  Add in the fact that
there is almost always some Dear Leader type, more than willing to tell
the m-asses what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear,
and you have the reality of human power systems.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-22 Thread Wraith

At 09:02 AM 1/22/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Wraith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The reality is still the Few ruling the Many.

Not here, not now; you're living in the dead past. The reality here
and now is the Many ruling the Few. It's called Democracy and it is Evil.

No. Its still the Few ruling the Many. This is not a democracy. Far from it
in fact. While democracy would be worse(by far) the current system is a
nasty combination of fascism and socialism. The election system picks
which of the systems anointed will join the Few who rule this cycle.
Its a rigged system from the very start.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-22 Thread Wraith

At 09:24 AM 1/22/2008, you wrote:

--- In, 
Curt Howland


 A power grab for something they believe in.

People often advocate things that are not Religion.

True to an extent. But religious belief colors the vast majorities
perspectives in much the way that water influences fish. It is
part of their world view, and thus much that they do is influenced
by that belief system. But its restrictions are only followed when
they are convenient, with most people.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-22 Thread Wraith
At 09:50 AM 1/22/2008, you wrote:

--- In,
Wraith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No. Its still the Few ruling the Many. This is not a democracy.

Sorry, in many respects it is. The Vast Majority don't get to weigh
in on every facet of every issue, but when they DO get to express
their preference it is almost always to prohibit Public Nudity, and
Prostitution, and Gambling, shit like that, different Prohibitions in
different places of course, depending on the preferences of the
locals, but by and large their will IS expressed in Law.
You're wasting your time believing that these Victimless Crime Laws
are shoved down the throats of a Majority who oppose them; the
depressing Truth is that, in the U.S., these Prohibitions are almost
always shoved down the throats of a Minority by The Vast Majority.

For religious reasons...^^  But anyone who thinks that this is
a democracy hasn't paid attention to how the system works.
Voting is only allowed for system approved individuals and
subjects.  Once in a blue moon there is an exception. But that
simply demonstrates how rigged the system is. The Will
Of The People, is what ever best benefits the Few who Rule
at any given time.

Can't believe you haven't noticed that. Jeez, we get people all the
time around here fighting to get Lap-Dancing outlawed and shit like
that, and it becomes obvious that The Vast Majority want these things
outlawed and sure enough they are.

Activists(there should be a Law against that!) types have always been
with us. But activists make up a SMALL percentage of the population.
Most people simply go about their life in their usual apathetic, thoughtless
fashion. Until some activist/demagogue type gets them worked up, then
one ends up with all manner of nonsense...From public nuisance laws,
to horrors like the French reign of terror.

  Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-21 Thread Wraith

At 05:58 PM 1/21/2008, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

 Zack Bass wrote:

Yep. Every example you give is based upon religious faith that might
makes right.


Might doesn't make right...But it does make able. What the vast majority
never seem to comprehend is that simply because you are *able* to
do a thing, does NOT mean that one *should* do that thing.  But of
course, such matters little to the religious zealots within the various
belief systems(including the various state ism's). As our Dear Leader has said;
 You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists!...(Rolls eyes at
government by comic book illogic)... ^^

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Minarchist?? Actually MINISTATIST is more appropriate!

2008-01-20 Thread Wraith

At 08:35 AM 1/20/2008, you wrote:

You guys need to read
The Law by Frederick Bastiat

One of the all time classics. I first read that decades ago.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Privacy

2008-01-02 Thread Wraith

Ouch...Notice the company that the US and some other free countries
share? No doubt this is just more hate/blame America propaganda.
Those involved need to be gitmo'ed...Those who make such remarks,
always fail to see the tragic irony.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] McNewspaper poll on 2nd Am

2007-12-19 Thread Wraith

At 05:16 PM 12/18/2007, you wrote:

First - vote on this one. Second - launch it to all the pro-gun
folks and have THEM vote - then we will see if the results get published.
To vote in the USA Today poll, click on the link below.
Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear
arms? Vote here:

Technically no it does not give individuals the right to keep and
bear arms. The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES A PRE EXISTING right.

If the 2nd gave the right then it would be a privilege not a right
and removing it from the constitution would
be all that was needed by gun grabbing fanatics to get rid of the
legal ownership of guns by citizens.

However for the purpose of the poll I did cast my vote for yes.


Exactly so Frank. The entire Bill of Rights was about protecting
pre existing rights from the power being granted to government.
This inconvenient fact is all too often ignored by BOTH aspects
of the Boot On Your Neck Party, and their respective toadies.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Who Needs Government?

2007-11-19 Thread Wraith

At 05:47 AM 11/19/2007, you wrote:

Who Needs Government? Pirates, Collapsed States, and the Possibility
of Anarchy


The answer to the title is...The Powers That Be. It is both their
weapon, and their cloak. The weapon is obvious. The cloak is the
illusion of legitimacy from which their authority flows.  What started
out as the Divine Right of Kings...Has morphed in to The Will of The People.
With much the same classes of people on both sides.  Look at how carefully
they have poisoned any reference to anarchy. So that is so closely linked
to chaos, death and destruction in the minds of the general population.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Raids on Liberty Dollar AND eGold

2007-11-15 Thread Wraith

At 04:40 PM 11/15/2007, you wrote:

--- In, 


 --- In, 
Dennis Lee Wilson

 dennisleewilson@ wrote:
  The point of THIS discussion thread is that government has made THAT
  option no longer available to individuals.

 And yet I was able effortlessly to inject a comment, related to that
 point, that was not exactly that point, which had already been made a
 few times. Ain't the internet gorgeous?

Indeed. Using the internet is a gorgeous way to flog that which has
become a really dead horse.

Much like the US Constitution and Bill of Rights have?...

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Email snooping

2007-11-06 Thread Wraith

Warrants? We don't need no stinkin' warrants!...

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Thought Crime

2007-11-05 Thread Wraith

Our Dear Leaders aren't even bothering to be subtle any more.  Just 
more of what

we've come to expect.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Matrix

2007-11-04 Thread Wraith

Does this sound like our situation, and what we are fighting?

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when 
you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, 
teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are 
trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of 
that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, 
most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them 
are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will 
fight to protect it.

  Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Gold standard

2007-10-21 Thread Wraith

The struggle against gold which is one of the main concerns of all 
contemporary governments must not be looked upon as an isolated 
phenomenon. It is but one item in the gigantic process of destruction 
which is the mark of our time. People fight the gold standard because 
they want to substitute national autarky for free trade, war for 
peace, totalitarian government omnipotence for liberty.  Ludwig Von Mises

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Put your (least) favorite candidate in a blender

2007-09-26 Thread Wraith

At 07:31 PM 9/26/2007, you wrote:

I figure Joe's probably going to be shot while resisting arrest by Homeland
Security (which still sounds better in the original German) really soon now...


Since when does DHS even bother with excuses any more? They just
detain/vanish who they want to.  After all, one can't be too careful
with the Security of  das Vaterland...

2nd send.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] Pain gun

2007-09-20 Thread Wraith

NeoCon Mode:ON

Just what we need for those terrorists at Gitmo...Not to mention dealing
with traitors here in the Home Land...You KNOW that's how its going to
end up being used.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Flying Southwest? Wear a burqa.

2007-09-09 Thread Wraith

At 06:20 AM 9/9/2007, you wrote:

Corporation don't exist in a free market.

Free markets don't exist in collectivist societies. Socialist/Fascist or any
combination there of. Collectivists are control freaks, a free market would
be a waking nightmare to them.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Re: Press release Sept 5: Marriage is a Basic Civil Right

2007-09-06 Thread Wraith

At 06:42 PM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

On Sep 5, 2007, at 3:50 PM, Jay P. Hailey wrote:

 NO ONE ought
 to be allowed to get a Government Marriage License
 and be entitled to
 the Special Privileges it confers.


 Jay ~Meow!~

Disagree in part. The government ought not be allowed to have any
part is marriages and other arrangements of this kind between any two
or any number of consenting adults. But given that the government is
involved in this area it should treat all interested in this service
equally. Since the government has poked its nose into this area that
is none of its business it is wrong to put the onus on individuals to
not deal with it since it has insisted on butting in.

- samantha

Wrong? Do you really think that those in power care about such things?
ALL they care about is power, and the control that it brings. Right,
wrong...They are the ones with the biggest guns.  Not to mention the
equally powerful weapons of the illusions of legitimacy and hence
authority.  The first US president understood that.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a
dangerous servant and a fearful master.  --  George Washington

Government has NO business being involved...They are, simply because
they can.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] Virginia Tech whitewash report

2007-08-30 Thread Wraith

At 09:59 AM 8/30/2007, you wrote:

The report is in from the Virginia Tech shooting--a complete whitewash. 

No justice, naturally because the criminal killed himself so the USA 
criminal-justice system cannot dispense justice to him--although 
they did a pretty good job of absolving him of blame.

No victim compensation because the USA does  not  have a 
victim-justice system for  compensating victims and the aggressor 
is dead. (Civil court mostly further victimizes the victims). 
However, it doesn't look like the tax payers will be forced to pay 
further compensation--at least not directly to the original victims. 
(Virginia school officials will probably see their budgets increased 
as did most government agencies after 9/11).

And there will not even be vengence, which the USA system is 
designed to provide in copious quantities. The school government 
employees-in-charge were protected by the state government 
employee-in-charge because ...the school's officials had suffered 
enough without losing their jobs. Far exceeding their authority by 
banning guns from campus, in defiance of state law and the Second 
Amendment, is apparently NOT sufficiently criminal to merit 
punishing government school employees, nor even sufficient for 
putting them on trial.

Although gun owning was not directly targeted by the report, it is 
doubtful that gun owners have seen the last of new, unconstitutional 
regulations using this event as the excuse for making gun ownership 
more criminal.


You didn't expect any other result from such, did you? It was strictly for
forms sake. Anyone with any common sense KNOWS why this happened.
Its the natural result of stripping people of a basic right like self defense.
But what else would one expect from collectivists?

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

[LibertarianEnterprise] CRT

2007-08-18 Thread Wraith

Some of you may be interested in this...It seems that Fatherland Security
is planning to use clergy to do some of their dirty work.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

Re: [LibertarianEnterprise] LXer: Results Not Surprising: Hackers find serious problems in California voting machines

2007-08-05 Thread Wraith

At 04:42 AM 8/5/2007, you wrote:

Curt. You know these things as well as I do. Democracy is no better 
than any other dictatorship. Voting machines just automate things 
for them as don't care who nominates but just who counts. As an 
individualist, I don't care about who nominates, who counts, or who 
votes. Their prejudice have no influence on my rights or my 
decisions. In a democracy the mob rules the way it always does, with 
torches and pitchforks. Those tools are not changed by whatever 
regime plants its ass in the capitol city.

It doesn't matter what arguments you use. What pseudonym is yours in 
that long conversation I paged through?


Excellent points. Might makes right has always been one of the primary
themes in human existence. The only difference in the more modern times,
is the rationalizations and justifications used to mask that reality. 
Tyranny of
the many is just as bad(if not worse) than that of one dictator. Self 

isn't even considered by the vast majority of the human race. As long as that
remains the case, the Few who Rule will continue with their reign of error.

 Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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