Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Bjorn Reese
On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 19:09, John Cowan wrote:
 David Presotto scripsit:
  As an aside, it might have been less inflamatory if the license has said ``if
  source of the program and any derivatives is distributed under an inheritive
  license (e.g. GPL), it must ALSO be distributed under this license.''
  Then Sean would always have access to changed code for his proprietary works
  if anyone has access to them.  Someone must have suggested this already but
  I don't see it in the archive.
 No, no one has, and I think this is quite a clever idea.  It's appropriate
 to apply it to derivative works only, not to to distributions of
 unchanged code.

I once asked Stallman about this and he claimed that such a license
would be incompatible with the GPL.

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RE: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Brian Behlendorf
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:
 I'm sorry that I'm coming in late to this conversation but I've been busy.

 I'm concerned about the following section of the proposed license:

 4. Redistributions of source code must not be used in conjunction
with any software license that requires disclosure of source
code (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).

 Licenses seem sometimes to be used as weapons rather than to foster freely
 reusable code.  In this case, the author has made clear, he wants to allow
 his software to be used with proprietary derivative works but not with the
 GPL.  It is, I guess, the anti-GPL license.

 In that sense, I think, it violates the OSD.

Which term?  The discrimination clauses, #4 and #5, talk about persons
or groups, and fields of endeavor.  Defining what either of those mean
has always been troublesome.  An easy test is nationality (can't deny
Polish citizens, for example) or career (can't deny the military).  It's a
big stretch to try and claim that people who use the GPL is a group or
field of endeavor - because if we did, every term of every license could
be challenged as OSI-incompatible.

I suppose we could point to #9, and claim that the word use in the above
section is too vague and could apply to mere aggregation on a single
distribution medium.  Or that use in the context of using OSSAL software
on a GNU-licensed operating system is also too vague.

But as far as I can tell, the proposed license is anti-GPL in the same
way that the GPL itself is anti-everything-that-isn't-a-subset-of-the-GPL.
We may not think it's a very good license, most of us would probably lobby
against its use, but I can't see a term of the OSD that it violates (at
least the section above, I've not read the full OSSAL license).

Whether Sean realizes it or not, I think Ernie Prabhakar captured Sean's
primary concern most closely: that a GPL-only fork would arise and capture
more development momentum than a BSD-licensed original.  I can't recall
that ever happening, but I do hear similar sentiments from Apache members
from time to time.  OpenOffice has had issues with developers fixing bugs
or adding new features but only offering those patches under the GPL,
rather than granting them to Sun to dual-license under GPL and SISSL.

 On 6/30/2003 Brian Behlendorf asked this list to consider a recent Microsoft
 license provision that read as follows:

   [You agree] [t]hat you are not allowed to combine or distribute the
   Software with other software that is licensed under terms that seek to
   require that the Software (or any intellectual property in it) be
   provided in source code form, licensed to others to allow the creation
   or distribution of derivative works, or distributed without charge.

 Once again, this is a license that says don't use that license rather than
 do use this license.  The former wording seems like discrimination to me
 and the latter like any reciprocal license we've approved since the

I don't recall a consensus being formed as to whether the above violated
any OSD term.  Of course I'm not pushing for that license to be certified,
neither do we see anyone from Microsoft here to push it, but it's still an
interesting test case IMHO.

 Is that a distinction without a difference?  Or should we assert that
 licenses of the form don't use that license are contrary to the OSD
 because they discriminate?

I would wonder whether you can reasonably define use above in a way
that doesn't de-qualify the GPL.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Brian Behlendorf
On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Russell Nelson wrote:
 Brian Behlendorf writes:
   It's not flame bait.  Show me an open source license that specifies that
   each user pay the copyright holder for use.

 You could have a license which specifies that each user have to pay
 the copyright holder when they get the software from the copyright
 holder.  It would have to allow others to redistribute it without fee,
 but the license itself *could* require payment upon recipt from the
 copyright holder.  Some people would be perfectly willing to pay.

That doesn't meet the requirement above.  You're saying I could charge for
the act of allowing a download to someone.  Very different than what I
suggest above.

Note I'm not trying to argue that such a license (every user pays a fee)
is what OSI should be worried about accomodating or anything.  For good
reason any such license would fail the OSD.  I'm just saying that there
are people out there who passionately cling to the notion that if you get
value for using a piece of software, you should be paying the authors of
that software, and that charity as the motivation to pay isn't strong
enough.  Whether that notion, like the notion that a musician or filmmaker
should also be paid by everyone who enjoys their work (see: RIAA, etc),
will die a quick or a slow death, or even die at all, is an open question.


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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Russell Nelson
Chip Salzenberg writes:
  According to Brian Behlendorf:
   ... there are people out there who passionately cling to the notion
   that if you get value for using a piece of software, you should be
   paying the authors of that software ...
  What if the authors are of a different opinion?  Are you suggesting
  that charity should be illegal?  (- strawman alert)

It depends on whether should is to be enforced violently or
non-violently.  Are we still on topic here?  I'm sure I'm not, and
maybe you weren't either, so I'll not press the issue.

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend python?
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Chip Salzenberg
According to Brian Behlendorf:
 ... there are people out there who passionately cling to the notion
 that if you get value for using a piece of software, you should be
 paying the authors of that software ...

What if the authors are of a different opinion?  Are you suggesting
that charity should be illegal?  (- strawman alert)

Or did you mean, there are people who believe you should pay them if
they wrote or otherwise contributed to software you use?  At which
point you're in the land of proprietary software and on the wrong list.
Chip Salzenberg   - a.k.a. -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I wanted to play hopscotch with the impenetrable mystery of existence,
but he stepped in a wormhole and had to go in early.  // MST3K
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
   The OSSAL lets widget makers who use the same set of modules,
   ensure that any work on the modules that they have an interest in
   (that is done in the public), will be usable to them in a
 So?  Let's say that somebody wanted to donate a module back to you,
 but they wanted to use a proprietary license?  You'd refuse it,

Does that proprietary license allow me to include the changes into my
repo and under the terms of the OSSAL?  If so, I have no problems with
it.  :) If not, then that widget maker would be stuck maintaining the
changes as newer versions are released.  The whole point of the OSSAL
is for the widget maker is to reduce their costs by releasing usable
software to other widget makers.  If the widget maker is dependent on
software from 8 different modules, what incentive do they have to make
a change and release that change under terms != OSSAL?  A widget maker
is a market driven force interested in reducing costs.

 Why should the GPL be any different to you?

A patch under the GPL is the same as a patch released in an unusable
form.  My bias and the OSSALs bias against the GPL stems from the
terms in the GPL that prevent me from using GPL'ed code in products.

I want this to happen:

But it can't happen with GPL software (if Interix wants to make money
that is).  In this case, Interix won because it used BSDL code (from
which the OSSAL is derived), but the community may not win
(i.e. reciprocal flow of code) because Interix has no protection that
their changes won't be snagged by an organization/group that hasn't
helped them out (I know that a competitor could grab their changes,
but libc is as far from trade secret code as it gets).  Assuming a
competitor grabs the code and future versions don't have those
changes, both companies have to burden the costs independently of
maintaining those changes.  Widget makers want to reduce costs and
engineers are lazy and will punt the code as fast as they can.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
   I think if I were to remove the following from the clause, (ex:
   the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL), the
   discussion wouldn't have been nearly as involved.  *sigh*
 On the contrary, the words in parentheses only clarify the previous
 words. Yes, you have been very careful in drafting the license to be
 OSD compliant, but your craftiness makes me think of suggesting an
 amendment to the OSD.
 Few days back, we had a discussion on use of non-free interfaces to
 free software - and the particular example used was use of CORBA
 interface to a GPL'ed application. My understanding of the consensus
 on this list is that it is permissible, because writing an interface
 to a GPL'ed program does not amount to creation of a derivative
 On the other hand, the proposed OSSA license does not permit this,
 and is therefore, discriminatory.
 The infringing portion is:-
 'must not be linked to software that is released with a license'

If I'm a widget maker, I can't use a piece of code that's only
available under the terms of the GPL.  How else can I ensure that
software is GPL free or that there is an alternative software
available?  trollI just assume push software developers away from
depending on any GPL software in any way, shape, or form and retire
the license and its software as the biggest evolutionary mistake in
software's history./troll

 If this clears the OSD, it is OSD which should be changed. The
 entire spirit behind the OSS movement is to prevent fragmentation of
 s/w, and s/w which will not interact with each other.
 OSSAL explicitly enables this.

No, the OSSAL is a counter reactionary license to the GPL.  The GPL
created the need for the OSSAL because it fragmented the open source
software market by alienating widget makers from depending on what
should be freely available software that can be downloaded on the
local mirror/CVSup server.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Russell Nelson
Sean Chittenden writes:
   Why should the GPL be any different to you?
  A patch under the GPL is the same as a patch released in an unusable
  form.  My bias and the OSSALs bias against the GPL stems from the
  terms in the GPL that prevent me from using GPL'ed code in products.

Exactly my point.  It's not the GPL that you're biased against, but
that's how you have your license written.  As such, it will fail to
achieve your stated goals.  On the other hand, the EU Datagrid license
will.  I strongly suggest that you use their license, which I will be
sending to the board for approval in short order.

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend python?
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
Because I want widget makers to be able to take OSSAL code, and
use it in proprietary products.
  But that's what the FSF is doing!  Why don't you want them to do it?
The OSSAL lets widget makers who use the same set of modules,
ensure that any work on the modules that they have an interest
in (that is done in the public), will be usable to them in a
  So?  Let's say that somebody wanted to donate a module back to
  you, but they wanted to use a proprietary license?  You'd refuse
  it, right?  Why should the GPL be any different to you?
 I have to disagree here.
 It is true that it is up to the original author whether or not he
 takes back derivative works that return with a viral (inheritive?)
 clause like GPL does.  However, there is little incentive for
 modifiers that have no interest in other peoples' propietary
 abilities to avoid things like the GPL.  In fact, there may be some
 incentive to use the GPL because that's what many of your friends
 are using and hence the 'default' choice.  Even if the changes are
 redistributed both under the original license and the GPL, the more
 popular one will eventually win out as third and fourth parties
 eventually get lazier and don't feel like using two licenses.

I am of the firm belief that BSD/OSSAL software will exist as long as
markets exist.

 If code is released under the OSSAL and if that code is really cool,
 people might still use and improve on it even though its not under
 the GPL.  In essense, its requirement might push more people into
 making improvements that can be incorporated into proprietary code
 than without the OSSAL.

That's my whole theory/prediction.  If OSSAL code can be used in
products, widget makers will lend resources to improve the OSSAL code
where appropriate and push those changes back to the community because
of source code maintenance costs.

 Of course, the question of whether or not that's a realistic
 expectation is open to debate.  I believe the only way to really
 find out is to try it.  Trying it with or without the OSI's approval
 makes a big difference in its eventual probability of success.

Many organizations look to the OSI as a guiding light for what's a
fair license and what isn't (or even what's considered a valid
license!  ex:  Right now the members of this list (but
hopefully not the OSI Board) are bent on arguing that OSI and the OSD
is responsible for only permitting licenses that GPL compatible.  The
GPL is not compatible with widget makers.  Why should widget makers be
excluded from participating in the open source movement?  I see no
reason provided their interests are protected.

 As an aside, it might have been less inflamatory if the license has
 said ``if source of the program and any derivatives is distributed
 under an inheritive license (e.g. GPL), it must ALSO be distributed
 under this license.''  Then Sean would always have access to changed
 code for his proprietary works if anyone has access to them.
 Someone must have suggested this already but I don't see it in the

Inflammatory to who?  To GPL users?  Look at the reaction that
Microsoft has to the GPL?  Heck, I'm inclined to agree with some of
their critiques of the GPL.  Look at my reaction to the GPL: the
OSSAL.  At least I'm here asking for review and critiques from some
people in the open source community.

I thought about changing the words in the OSSAL to read as follows:

3. Redistributions of source code and contributions (i.e. patches) to
   source code may be licensed under more than one license and must
   not have the terms of the OSSAL removed.  If there are conflicting
   terms between one or more licenses and the OSSAL, the terms in the
   conflicting license must defer to the corresponding terms in the
   OSSAL or the terms of the conflicting license are waived.
4. If redistributions of source code, in either a textual or
   non-textual form and any contributions made to source code, in
   either a textual or non-textual form, are distributed under an
   inheritive license, source code and its contributions must also be
   distributed under the terms of the OSSAL.
5. Redistributions of source code in either a textual or non-textual
   form must not exclusively depend on software that requires
   disclosure of source code unless an acceptable, usable, and
   non-commercially available alternative exists in the market place.

But that dilutes my intentions and isn't nearly as vitriolic or
elegant as the original.  I'm still crafting and will come up with
another draft in a bit.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
   Because I believe that if I provide, as an example, a programming
   language and someone writes a module for that language, the least
   that the module author can do is release the module under
   business friendly terms.  If someone writes a module for my lang
   but releases it under the GPL, if I want to use that module, I
   have to duplicate that effort.
 The problem here, Sean, which you seem to be ignoring, is that
 you're treating the GPL as if it were somehow *worse* than a
 proprietary license.  It isn't.

Ah, but it is though.  Hear me out:

A proprietary license doesn't foster a community to stand behind it to
work on software that is unavailable to widget makers.  The GPL was,
with I believe malintent, crafted specifically toward preventing
widget makers from basing products on existing code.  Further, the GPL
encourages primary copyright holders to release code that is unusable
to anyone but the primary copyright holders.

 It is, at its worst, identical to a proprietary license.  Since you
 claim to believe that proprietary licensing is good and you want to
 encourage proprietary licensing, why have you written a license
 which says that one kind of proprietary license is good, and yet
 another is bad?

 Could you try to explain this to me?

A proprietary license is only as good as the usability of the
contribution to the rest of the community.  If the license makes the
code unusable, then the contribution isn't usable either.  I'm less
concerned about proprietary licenses (as explained in previous emails)
as I am with widget makers being able to take existing code and use it
in interesting and novel ways, while at the same time allowing those
contributions to flow backwards to the community without hindering a
widget maker's desire to lend resources to open source


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
   If the changes are outside of the scope of a business's core,
   then maintaining those changes is expensive and it is in the
   businesses best interests to release those changes.  The OSSAL
   prevents those changes from being licensed under the GPL, making
   those changes available to other widget makers.
 You aren't answering Ian's question (which is also my question).
 What is the difference between this proprietary license:
   You can do anything to this code but sell it
 and the GPL?  Both of them interfere with solving the problem that
 you say the OSSAL addresses.  Yet the OSSAL only prohibits the
 latter and not the former.

Correct, that's for market forces to correct, not some chunk of
legalese.  See previous posts about why the GPL is not looked kindly
upon by me or the OSSAL.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
Changes made to the BSD code by the authors of the GPL product
are changes that are available only under the GPL.
   Yes, and changes made to the BSD code by the authors of a
   proprietary product are changes that are only available to the
   authors of the proprietary product.
   What's the essential difference?
  If the changes are outside of the scope of a business's core, then
  maintaining those changes is expensive and it is in the businesses
  best interests to release those changes.  The OSSAL prevents those
  changes from being licensed under the GPL, making those changes
  available to other widget makers.
 That did not answer my question.  Please try again.
 Your statement also happens to be at least partly false.  The
 copyright holder of code can license it under whatever restrictions
 it chooses.  In particular, the copyright holder can license the
 code to itself under the OSSAL, and to everybody else under the GPL.

Correct, but now the author has to maintain the changes if they want
to keep it licensed under the GPL.  I like some of the wording from a
revised version of the OSSAL that I have yet to publish, which states:

4. If redistributions of source code, in either a textual or
   non-textual form and any contributions made to source code, in
   either a textual or non-textual form, are distributed under an
   inheritive license, source code and its contributions must also be
   distributed under the terms of the OSSAL.

Which prevents exactly what you're implying, but does so by stooping
to the tactics that the GPL uses, which I find reprehensible.  This is
something that I haven't reconciled with myself yet and likely will in
the next day or two (translation: more scotch needeth be applied).

 That is, the copyright holder can release the code under the GPL,
 while still using it in a proprietary product.  You've several times
 mentioned that you are concerned about new modules.  If those new
 modules are not derivative works of the original OSSAL code, but
 merely use an API which it provides, then this can be done with an
 OSSAL project.

Which is fine, 'cause the language itself is going to be distributed
under a contract that requires redistributed modules be available
under the terms of the OSSAL.

 Naturally nobody other than the copyright holder can take this GPL
 code, link it to OSSAL code, and redistribute the result in binary
 form.  However, anybody can take this GPL code and redistribute the
 source, and that same anybody can take the original OSSAL code and
 redistribute the source of that.  Users can link the resuting code
 together, provided they do not redistribute the resulting binary.

Which is what you'd do if you're making widgets...

 So the source code can get released, it can in principle be used,
 and yet it will be under the GPL even though the original code was
 under the OSSAL.  This approach would work nicely in the BSD pkgsrc
 system, though binary packages would not be permitted.

Which isn't very practical for installation CD's in the case of Open
Office or KDE or Mozilla, or anything that takes an appreciable amount
of time to compile.

 This would admittedly be a mildly perverse exercise.  Yet it is the
 type of exercise which you say that you are concerned about.  If any
 ``widget maker'' would go to the trouble of releasing GPL modules of
 BSD licensed code, they could easily go to the only slightly greater
 trouble of doing the same thing with OSSAL licensed code.

Which, now that you point it out, is something I need to think about.
I think I'll resort to having my legal staff ensure that contributions
are released under the OSSAL much the same way the EFF does with
contributions to gcc.

 In practice I don't know of any widget maker who has even bothered
 to release GPL versions of BSD licensed code; it seems like a
 pointless exercise in bad public relations.  Do you know of any
 companies which have done this?

The Linux kernel?

 This type of trick can also be done with the GPL, of course, but the
 results are relatively ineffective because the GPL imposes
 restrictions on any redistribution of GPL code.  The OSSAL does not
 impose any restrictions until a copyleft license enters the mix, so
 the only effort needed is to keep the copyleft license out until it
 is too late.

Point taken, I'll stew on this a bit.  Since the OSSAL operates with
the assumption of reciprocity amongst its users/community, I'm not
sure this is a problem I'd solve with license restrictions.  *still
thinking about this* -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
Why should the GPL be any different to you?
   A patch under the GPL is the same as a patch released in an
   unusable form.  My bias and the OSSALs bias against the GPL stems
   from the terms in the GPL that prevent me from using GPL'ed code
   in products.
 Exactly my point.  It's not the GPL that you're biased against, but
 that's how you have your license written.

Well, I am though.  I'm biased against open source software that can't
be used in a product.  The GPL is the anti-collaboration between
widget makers license.  I'm not particularly biased against the LGPL
or most any other license in existence that sees the light of day in
the open source community (save maybe the license that Java's released

 As such, it will fail to achieve your stated goals.

I think I'll achieve my goals because of the contributions of the
folks on this list and duly appreciate your help in aiding my

 On the other hand, the EU Datagrid license will.  I strongly suggest
 that you use their license, which I will be sending to the board for
 approval in short order.

I'm interested in the EU Datagrid license to see if it meets my needs,
but I haven't read it yet.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread ihab

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Sean Chittenden wrote:
  The problem here, Sean, which you seem to be ignoring, is that
  you're treating the GPL as if it were somehow *worse* than a
  proprietary license.  It isn't.

 Ah, but it is though.  Hear me out:

 A proprietary license doesn't foster a community to stand behind it to
 work on software that is unavailable to widget makers.

Well, it seems the OSSAL fosters a community to stand behind it to work on
software that may be later *usurped* by widget makers. See below.

 The GPL was, with I believe malintent, crafted specifically toward
 preventing widget makers from basing products on existing code.
 Further, the GPL encourages primary copyright holders to release code
 that is unusable to anyone but the primary copyright holders.

Speaking of malintent, it may be argued that the OSSAL encourages a
corporation with a large amount of financial backing to issue a large
upgrade to their or someone else's open source product and issuing it as
closed source software for sale, thereby essentially doing a bait and
switch tactic. But this is already allowable under BSD. No, the OSSAL
tries to *prohibit* someone else from exercising the same freedoms over
the code to create a GPL fork.

That said, I'm not arguing malintent in *either* case -- I'm merely
stating that your implicit claim of the moral high ground does not, imho,
withstand strutiny.

   *  *  *  *  *

I am neither a lawyer nor a software licensing expert. However, I have
written, and continue to write, open source software, and I am privileged
to listen in on the very educational discussions on this list.

In that spirit, I would like to suggest that the issue at hand cannot be
resolved by the Dialectic -- arguments to zero in on the truth. Sean is,
as far as I can tell, coming from a politically rightist perspective,
whereas folks like RMS are coming from a leftist perspective. Perhaps,
unless the OSSAL can be clearly shown to conflict with an OSD clause, it
should be ratified, and this issue put to rest.

I for one cannot imagine myself ever using the OSSAL -- and this is to put
it mildly. If the majority of my colleagues feel the same way, the OSSAL
will die on the vine. If not, then perhaps there is some groundswell of
support for a pro business open source consortium, however ill-conceived
I and some members of this list may think its founding canon may be. To
the extent that I see this as a political issue, and if indeed there is
such a groundswell, I'm not sure if this is an avoidable outcome.

My regards and peace,


Department of Genetics
Stanford University

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
   The problem here, Sean, which you seem to be ignoring, is that
   you're treating the GPL as if it were somehow *worse* than a
   proprietary license.  It isn't.
  Ah, but it is though.  Hear me out:
  A proprietary license doesn't foster a community to stand behind
  it to work on software that is unavailable to widget makers.
 Well, it seems the OSSAL fosters a community to stand behind it to
 work on software that may be later *usurped* by widget makers. See
  The GPL was, with I believe malintent, crafted specifically toward
  preventing widget makers from basing products on existing code.
  Further, the GPL encourages primary copyright holders to release
  code that is unusable to anyone but the primary copyright holders.
 Speaking of malintent, it may be argued that the OSSAL encourages a
 corporation with a large amount of financial backing to issue a
 large upgrade to their or someone else's open source product and
 issuing it as closed source software for sale, thereby essentially
 doing a bait and switch tactic. But this is already allowable
 under BSD. No, the OSSAL tries to *prohibit* someone else from
 exercising the same freedoms over the code to create a GPL fork.

But that's free enterprise and something that they can do... now they
have to maintain it, perform their own audits, etc.  While I
personally would request that those changes be sent back to the
community, I believe it to be the large corporation's right to do so.
In granting them that right, I also am granted the right to do the
same if I see it fit.  That's free will and the right or wrong
choice will be determined by the markets.


 In that spirit, I would like to suggest that the issue at hand
 cannot be resolved by the Dialectic -- arguments to zero in on the

I fully agree that there is next to zero chance for a complete
consensus as to what's right, best, etc., but I think that arguments
such as these are a wonderful tool/aid to strengthening each
everyone's positions (for better or worse) and then letting life
determine the rest.

 Sean is, as far as I can tell, coming from a politically rightist
 perspective, whereas folks like RMS are coming from a leftist

Please, please, please don't lump me in with the political right
wingers.  The extent of what I will say on politics is that I believe
in market driven economies and letting _open_ markets correct
themselves.  The Open Source world is as good of an open market as
I've ever seen.



Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
  Right now the members of this list (but hopefully not the OSI
  Board) are bent on arguing that OSI and the OSD is responsible for
  only permitting licenses that GPL compatible.
 Not at all.
 I think your license is open source, and I said so.

My apologies.  I've gotten so many responses that I forget who has
said what.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Sean Chittenden
'tips hat to a BSDer and [snips]

 Just to make sure things are clear: I don't think anyone on this
 list would argue that OSI should beonly permitting licenses that
 GPL compatible.  In fact, the OSI has approved numerous licenses
 that are GPL-incompatible.  Further, any of us come from the BSD
 tradition and have our own issues with the GPL, though we try to
 respect and understand their 'business model'.

*chuckles at business model*

 Also, you should realize that while the OSI board makes decisions
 that are -informed by- this dialogue, but since this group doesn't
 speak with a coherent voice they aren't required to follow us in any
 formal way.  In fact, I think I've noticed several distinct
 criticisms of your license, which its important not to confuse:

*nods* Let me run through this excellent as a way to hopefully pair
down the threads that are worth engaging in:

 A.  It is morally wrong to create a license incompatible with the

*nods* I don't think this will be resolved by anything anyone says and
is a difference of ideological opinions (which everyone is entitled
to and is a good thing(TM)).

 B.  It is pointless to create such a license, since you're solving a
 non-existing problem.

Subject to debate, decided by the author and influenced by the
decision reached by the OSI board and members of this list.

 C.  As a practical matter, it is a bad idea to openly criticize the

:-/ Agreed, I'm sure I didn't win any points in doing so.

 D.  The license as written doesn't accomplish your stated goal,
 regardless of whether or not that goal as valid

Short of a signed contract, fully accomplishing that goal is
impossible, but it doesn't prevent the goal from being stated as a
guiding light/statement of philosophy for the community.

 E.  There's other licenses (like the EU DataGrid) which accomplish
 your purposes just as effectively, and we should avoid needless
 duplication, so please use that instead.

Yeah, I read this license and liked it with the exception of one
point: contributions to EUDGL software can be hopelessly
interdependent on GPL bits, which I'm not wild about.


 Enough meta-rambling; back to the debate...

Whoa!  Wait a sec, you mean code talks and there's more to software
than its license?  :) -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread ihab

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Sean Chittenden wrote:
  Speaking of malintent, it may be argued that the OSSAL encourages a
  corporation with a large amount of financial backing to issue a
  large upgrade to their or someone else's open source product and
  issuing it as closed source software for sale, thereby essentially
  doing a bait and switch tactic. But this is already allowable
  under BSD. No, the OSSAL tries to *prohibit* someone else from
  exercising the same freedoms over the code to create a GPL fork.

 But that's free enterprise and something that they can do... now they
 have to maintain it, perform their own audits, etc.

I agree. I was merely reacting to your use of the word malintent.

  Sean is, as far as I can tell, coming from a politically rightist
  perspective, whereas folks like RMS are coming from a leftist

 Please, please, please don't lump me in with the political right

My apologies for the lumping. I sincerely thought this would be a
statement with which you would agree and which would help clarify things.

 The extent of what I will say on politics is that I believe in market
 driven economies and letting _open_ markets correct themselves.  The
 Open Source world is as good of an open market as I've ever seen.

Great. As I said before, I am personally in favor of you joining this
market, your chosen terms of trade in hand.



Department of Genetics
Stanford University

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Ernie Prabhakar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 In fact, I think I've noticed several distinct criticisms of your 
 license, which its important not to confuse:
 A.  It is morally wrong to create a license incompatible with the GPL

That would be a claim that, if actually expressed here (and I don't
remember it being) would be rather silly unto self-parody, off-topic,
and a waste of everyone's time.
 B.  It is pointless to create such a license, since you're solving a
 non-existing problem.

I'm not sure if you're referring to my feedback here, or not.  If so, I
said that _one_ of problems that Sean claimed on-list that OSSAL solves
is by operation of copyright law inherently non-existent, that of
non-copyleft codebases being converted to copyleft terms.  I hope my
analysis left the truth of that point clear.

The other aim, of preventing redistribution of derivative works that
include copylefted code, seemed so obviously inherently within the
licensor's discretion, if that's what floats his boat, as to be not
worthy of comment.  Plenty of other OSI-approved licences conflict with
sundry copylefted ones, and claiming that constitutes discrimination
against particular fields of endeavour is absurd.

Some people here have expressed personal views that Sean's cementing of
his hobbyhorse into licence text is against his long-term interest.  Me,
I figure he probably knows what he wants, and that the main question of
interest is OSD-compliance.  (It looks OSD-compliant to me, just riddled
with squirrely wording in places, that badly needs a good editor:  E.g.,
what exactly does it mean for a redistribution to be used in
conjunction with something?  Call in the Rewrite staff, Sean.)

 C.  As a practical matter, it is a bad idea to openly criticize the GPL

I can't remember anyone saying that it was a bad idea.  Boring as all
hell, and a waste of everyone's time, but that's a different matter. 

Cheers,  By reading this sentence, you agree to be bound by the 
Rick Moen terms of the Internet Protocol, version 4, or, at your 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   option, any later version.  -- Seth David Schoen
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Sean Chittenden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Right now the members of this list (but hopefully not the OSI Board)
 are bent on arguing that OSI and the OSD is responsible for only
 permitting licenses that GPL compatible.

I can't think of a way to say this that's not blunt, so what the hell:
Sean, I really think you need to switch to decaf.

It should be blindingly obvious to you that the OSI has a very long
track record of approving (not permitting) licences that aren't
GPL-compatible.  For heaven's sake, read the ever-loving list of
approved licences, already!  Start with the old BSD licence, whose
advertising clause renders it GPL-incompatible, and keep moving down
through OSI history to the present.

 The GPL is not compatible with widget makers.

People employing numerous counter-examples in business would differ.
But, Sean, you would have fewer problems with people poking holes in the
logic of your GPL-is-bad factual claims if you would stick to the
subject, which is OSD-compliance of your licence.  Whether your licence
is good, bad, or indifferent for for man, beast, and various segments of
each is really irrelevant to what you _claimed_ is your goal in raising
this topic in the first place -- i.e., evaluation of your licence.  So,
please skip all the justifications for your licence and sundry
criticisms of software ecologies you don't like:  They're irrelevant to
the subject, and of minor interest at best.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-29 Thread David Presotto
On Mon Sep 29 17:20:36 EDT 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As an aside, it might have been less inflamatory if the license has
  said ``if source of the program and any derivatives is distributed
  under an inheritive license (e.g. GPL), it must ALSO be distributed
  under this license.''  Then Sean would always have access to changed
  code for his proprietary works if anyone has access to them.
  Someone must have suggested this already but I don't see it in the
 Inflammatory to who?  To GPL users?  Look at the reaction that
 Microsoft has to the GPL?  Heck, I'm inclined to agree with some of
 their critiques of the GPL.  Look at my reaction to the GPL: the
 OSSAL.  At least I'm here asking for review and critiques from some
 people in the open source community.
 I thought about changing the words in the OSSAL to read as follows:
 3. Redistributions of source code and contributions (i.e. patches) to
source code may be licensed under more than one license and must
not have the terms of the OSSAL removed.  If there are conflicting
terms between one or more licenses and the OSSAL, the terms in the
conflicting license must defer to the corresponding terms in the
OSSAL or the terms of the conflicting license are waived.
 4. If redistributions of source code, in either a textual or
non-textual form and any contributions made to source code, in
either a textual or non-textual form, are distributed under an
inheritive license, source code and its contributions must also be
distributed under the terms of the OSSAL.
 5. Redistributions of source code in either a textual or non-textual
form must not exclusively depend on software that requires
disclosure of source code unless an acceptable, usable, and
non-commercially available alternative exists in the market place.

Infammatory to me, just as the GPL is; I don't like restrictions.  I'm
equally bothered by the indemnity clause that appears in my LPL license.
However, just because I don't really want to use either the GPL or OSSAL,
I would still call them equally open source.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Sean Chittenden said on Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 08:07:51PM -0700,:

  I think  if I were to  remove the following from  the clause, (ex:
  the  GNU  Public  License,   hereafter  known  as  the  GPL),  the
  discussion wouldn't have been nearly as involved.  *sigh*

On the  contrary, the words  in parentheses only clarify  the previous
words. Yes, you  have been very careful in drafting  the license to be
OSD compliant,  but your  craftiness makes me  think of  suggesting an
amendment to the OSD.

Few days  back, we had a  discussion on use of  non-free interfaces to
free  software -  and the  particular example  used was  use  of CORBA
interface to  a GPL'ed application. My understanding  of the consensus
on this list  is that it is permissible,  because writing an interface
to a GPL'ed program does not amount to creation of a derivative work. 

On the other hand, the proposed OSSA license does not permit this, and
is therefore, discriminatory.

The infringing portion is:-

'must not be linked to software that is released with a license'

If this clears the OSD, it  is OSD which should be changed. The entire
spirit behind the OSS movement is to prevent fragmentation of s/w, and
s/w which will not interact with each other. 

OSSAL explicitly enables this.
  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Russell Nelson
Sean Chittenden writes:
  Correct, but the BSD license does not ensure that all software
  developed will be available under terms friendly for businesses, which
  goes back to the point of me writing the OSSAL.

Neither does the OSSAL.  Anybody can make changes to OSSAL-licensed
code and not distribute it under terms friendly for businesses.
Everybody except businesses which distribute GPLed software.
Your licenses fails to achieve its goal.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Russell Nelson
Mike Wattier writes:
   The OSI is a political organization 
  yeah.. and IMHO this is the very reason that many who want to
  support the Open Source community, will not do so. It is slowly
  becoming a cheerleading section for the GPL.

Not really.  The GPL is legally troubled.  It attempts to do things
which require formation of a contract, and yet it explicitly claims to
not be a license but instead only copyright permissions.

The Open Software License is a better, if lesser known choice.

  Well..there are those within the community to which the GPL is a
  hindrance, plain and simple.

The only reason I can see for this is because you wish to siphon work
out of the community's tank.

  Those of us who own small businesses have needs that are not being
  met by currently defined OSI approved licenses,

Then devise a license which fits under the Open Source Definition.  No
worries, mate.

  for doing this, however the trend on new license submissions is
  always use an existing license or use the GPL

Indeed, yes.  License proliferation is a problem, particularly when
the terms conflict.

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend python?
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Russell Nelson
Brian Behlendorf writes:
  It's not flame bait.  Show me an open source license that specifies that
  each user pay the copyright holder for use.

You could have a license which specifies that each user have to pay
the copyright holder when they get the software from the copyright
holder.  It would have to allow others to redistribute it without fee,
but the license itself *could* require payment upon recipt from the
copyright holder.  Some people would be perfectly willing to pay.

The requisite licensing doesn't force you to change your business
model to distribute open source software.  You just have to use a
license which tolerates that action which is commonly called piracy.
Microsoft tolerates piracy of its software in certain cases, so
clearly piracy is to the benefit of even the most proprietary
software company.

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend python?
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread John Cowan
David Presotto scripsit:

 As an aside, it might have been less inflamatory if the license has said ``if
 source of the program and any derivatives is distributed under an inheritive
 license (e.g. GPL), it must ALSO be distributed under this license.''
 Then Sean would always have access to changed code for his proprietary works
 if anyone has access to them.  Someone must have suggested this already but
 I don't see it in the archive.

No, no one has, and I think this is quite a clever idea.  It's appropriate
to apply it to derivative works only, not to to distributions of
unchanged code.

Sean, what do you think?

Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.
Send us, bright one, light one, Horhorn, quickening, and wombfruit. (3x)
Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!
  -- Joyce, _Ulysses_, Oxen of the Sun   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Russell Nelson
Sean Chittenden writes:
  Because I believe that if I provide, as an example, a programming
  language and someone writes a module for that language, the least that
  the module author can do is release the module under business friendly
  terms.  If someone writes a module for my lang but releases it under
  the GPL, if I want to use that module, I have to duplicate that

The problem here, Sean, which you seem to be ignoring, is that you're
treating the GPL as if it were somehow *worse* than a proprietary
license.  It isn't.  It is, at its worst, identical to a proprietary
license.  Since you claim to believe that proprietary licensing is
good and you want to encourage proprietary licensing, why have you
written a license which says that one kind of proprietary license is
good, and yet another is bad?

Could you try to explain this to me?

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend python?
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Russell Nelson
Sean Chittenden writes:
 What I'm trying to understand is why you say that incorporating BSD
 code in a proprietary product is a good thing and simulataneously
 say that incorporating BSD code in a GPL product is a bad thing.

Changes made to the BSD code by the authors of the GPL product are
changes that are available only under the GPL.
   Yes, and changes made to the BSD code by the authors of a proprietary
   product are changes that are only available to the authors of the
   proprietary product.
   What's the essential difference?
  If the changes are outside of the scope of a business's core, then
  maintaining those changes is expensive and it is in the businesses
  best interests to release those changes.  The OSSAL prevents those
  changes from being licensed under the GPL, making those changes
  available to other widget makers.

You aren't answering Ian's question (which is also my question).

What is the difference between this proprietary license:

  You can do anything to this code but sell it

and the GPL?  Both of them interfere with solving the problem that you
say the OSSAL addresses.  Yet the OSSAL only prohibits the latter and
not the former.

The OSSAL doesn't work.  Consider using the EU Datagrid license instead.

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend python?
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Changes made to the BSD code by the authors of the GPL product are
   changes that are available only under the GPL.
  Yes, and changes made to the BSD code by the authors of a proprietary
  product are changes that are only available to the authors of the
  proprietary product.
  What's the essential difference?
 If the changes are outside of the scope of a business's core, then
 maintaining those changes is expensive and it is in the businesses
 best interests to release those changes.  The OSSAL prevents those
 changes from being licensed under the GPL, making those changes
 available to other widget makers.

That did not answer my question.  Please try again.

Your statement also happens to be at least partly false.  The
copyright holder of code can license it under whatever restrictions it
chooses.  In particular, the copyright holder can license the code to
itself under the OSSAL, and to everybody else under the GPL.  That is,
the copyright holder can release the code under the GPL, while still
using it in a proprietary product.  You've several times mentioned
that you are concerned about new modules.  If those new modules are
not derivative works of the original OSSAL code, but merely use an API
which it provides, then this can be done with an OSSAL project.

Naturally nobody other than the copyright holder can take this GPL
code, link it to OSSAL code, and redistribute the result in binary
form.  However, anybody can take this GPL code and redistribute the
source, and that same anybody can take the original OSSAL code and
redistribute the source of that.  Users can link the resuting code
together, provided they do not redistribute the resulting binary.

So the source code can get released, it can in principle be used, and
yet it will be under the GPL even though the original code was under
the OSSAL.  This approach would work nicely in the BSD pkgsrc system,
though binary packages would not be permitted.

This would admittedly be a mildly perverse exercise.  Yet it is the
type of exercise which you say that you are concerned about.  If any
``widget maker'' would go to the trouble of releasing GPL modules of
BSD licensed code, they could easily go to the only slightly greater
trouble of doing the same thing with OSSAL licensed code.

In practice I don't know of any widget maker who has even bothered to
release GPL versions of BSD licensed code; it seems like a pointless
exercise in bad public relations.  Do you know of any companies which
have done this?

This type of trick can also be done with the GPL, of course, but the
results are relatively ineffective because the GPL imposes
restrictions on any redistribution of GPL code.  The OSSAL does not
impose any restrictions until a copyleft license enters the mix, so
the only effort needed is to keep the copyleft license out until it is
too late.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden
  That's fine, but if a widget maker releases a piece of software
  under the GPL, other widget makers won't care and won't look at
  the resulting open sourced code.
 In fact they do.  People who sell proprietary software are among the
 heaviest contributors to the open-source community.

While there is a basis for this claim, it isn't particularly helpful
to a discussion one way or another.

  I'm trying to suggest that the GPL and BSD/MIT licenses don't fit
  my needs as a business and I think the OSSAL is an adequate
  alternative that suits my needs and the needs of others.
 Your license is fine, once the ambiguities are squeezed out, and I
 recommend that the OSI approve it.

Are you apart of the approval process?  *doesn't remember reading that

 I don't believe your advocacy is founded on sound argumentation,
 which is an entirely independent point.  This list discusses both.

Well, from what I can tell, any conclusion that isn't the GPL seems to
indicate a flaw in whoever's argumentation.  :)  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden

 But you haven't made your point as to why a BSD+anti-copyleft is
 more sellable, unless your customer is MicroSoft, or other company
 hoping to segment the world of open source software into as many
 incompatible islands as possible.

By and large, the GPL isn't attractive to software widget
manufacturers.  By ensuring a set of components that a widget
manufacturer uses will always be available to them, there in lies the
appeal.  OSSAL software is something that widget makers can depend on.
BSD isn't a sure thing, OSSAL is.

  The GPL is like the perpetual patent though, it never expires and
  becomes usable to other businesses.  *shudder*
 It only took you two paragraphs to break your promise to maintain
 the distinction between closed source and commercial.  GPL software
 is extremely usable in business.[1]

*sigh* I defined what business means to me in the context of this
discussion and am fully aware of that there are other business models
other than widget manufacturers.  Why is getting into a semantical
debate that important?  (btw, I checked and I didn't promise anything:
please don't try and obligate me to something I didn't obligate myself

 If you can't keep your promise on the distinction, don't post any

Is it really that big of a deal if I call a widget manufacturer a
business?  Widget manufacturers are by and large businesses, though as
stated above, I know the opposite isn't exclusively true.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden
The GPL interferes with the creation of proprietary software.
   Correct, which is what I object to and why I created the OSSAL.
   Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the
   ability to create proprietary software, even though the non-core
   parts are most likely open and available to the public.
 That's really perverse, Sean.  Pretend that the GPL is a proprietary
 license for software distributed by the FSF.  Let's say that this
 business (the FSF) takes a piece of BSD-licensed software, makes
 even a trivial modification, and licenses it under their proprietary
 license (the GPL).  The software leaves the realm of software
 modifiable by you, or anyone else who wants to make proprietary
 changes.  You say this is bad, but it's exactly the same thing that
 happens when any other company does the same thing.  Why do you want
 your license to discriminate against the FSF?

Because I want widget makers to be able to take OSSAL code, and use it
in proprietary products.  The OSSAL lets widget makers who use the
same set of modules, ensure that any work on the modules that they
have an interest in (that is done in the public), will be usable to
them in a product.  Doing a license review is expensive and not
necessary with OSSAL because OSSAL bits are always OSSAL (same with
the GPL).  If I were a dying business or wanted to send a big 'ole f-
you to the people in my industry, I'd use the GPL because widget
makers couldn't use the GPL'ed code in their widgets.  It's like the
ultimate tease, which isn't cool in my book of ethics.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden
  Why does everyone insist that they're protecting my interests by
  likening a piece of BSD code that goes closed source as a bad
  thing or as if it's not what I want?  That is precisely what I
  want people to be able to do!  That's a smart business for reusing
  someone else's wheel design, kinda like a dated patent.  The GPL
  is like the perpetual patent though, it never expires and becomes
  usable to other businesses.  *shudder*
 (Note that this is in the same reply where you promised to stop
 using the word ``business.'')
 I'm not saying that incorporating BSD code into a proprietary
 product is a bad thing, or that it is not what you want.
 What I'm trying to understand is why you say that incorporating BSD
 code in a proprietary product is a good thing and simulataneously
 say that incorporating BSD code in a GPL product is a bad thing.

Changes made to the BSD code by the authors of the GPL product are
changes that are available only under the GPL.

 GPL code is nothing like a perpetual patent; it's a copyright on a
 particular expression.  Naturally the GPL doesn't apply to your
 code; how could it?  The GPL only applies to code that somebody else


 For your purposes GPL code is unusable.  That's fine.  For your
 purposes proprietary code is unusable.  That's fine.  My question
 is: what is the difference between the two cases?  Why is GPL bad
 and proprietary good?  Why bother to distinguish the GPL case?

See 1st point above.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden
   Your license is fine, once the ambiguities are squeezed out, and
   I recommend that the OSI approve it.
  Are you apart of the approval process?  *doesn't remember reading
  that part*
 As an individual, no; as a member of this list, yes.

Ah, ok... didn't know if you had special political power over the OSI
review process or not.

  Well, from what I can tell, any conclusion that isn't the GPL
  seems to indicate a flaw in whoever's argumentation.  :) -sc
 It so happens that my latest piece of free software was issued under
 the Academic Free License.  I wound up dual-licensing it under the
 GPL because the AFL's patent poison-pill is GPL-incompatible.

AFL patent poison-pill?  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread John Cowan
Sean Chittenden scripsit:

  It so happens that my latest piece of free software was issued under
  the Academic Free License.  I wound up dual-licensing it under the
  GPL because the AFL's patent poison-pill is GPL-incompatible.
 AFL patent poison-pill?  -sc

The AFL says that if you sue the author of an AFL-licensed piece of
software under a software patent claim (related or not), you lose all
rights to that software.  This is an additional restriction beyond what
the GPL allows, so the FSF labels it free but GPL-incompatible.

My confusion is rapidly waxing  John Cowan
For XML Schema's too taxing:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'd use DTDs
If they had local trees --
I think I best switch to RELAX NG.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread John Cowan
Lawrence E. Rosen scripsit:

 The latest version of the AFL has a different patent termination clause.  

Sorry, I forgot that.

 I suggested to a client recently that they get
 around any issue of GPL incompatibility by simply waiving any such
 incompatibility as an additional licensing statement.  
 Licensor intends this license to be compatible with the GPL, and hereby
 waives any claim that the license is incompatible with the GPL.

Umm, IANAL, but I don't see how that could possibly work.  Surely it's
the *GPL* author who has to waive the claim.  Otherwise, you could get
a license like this:

This is the Eating Improbable Objects License.  In order to create
derivative works from the software to which this license applies, you
must Eat Improbable Objects.  In public.  Any claim of incompatibility
with the GPL is hereby waived.

Surely you couldn't create a derivative work from two works, one under
the GPL and the other under the EIOL!  The GPL licensor would claim
(rightly IMHO) that the derivative work was unlicensed.

TINLA (obviously).


After fixing the Y2K bug in an application: John Cowan
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  What I'm trying to understand is why you say that incorporating BSD
  code in a proprietary product is a good thing and simulataneously
  say that incorporating BSD code in a GPL product is a bad thing.
 Changes made to the BSD code by the authors of the GPL product are
 changes that are available only under the GPL.

Yes, and changes made to the BSD code by the authors of a proprietary
product are changes that are only available to the authors of the
proprietary product.

What's the essential difference?

On a separate but related topic, I can write a license which says
``This source code may be used by anybody other than my direct
competitors.  If you modify this code, you may release source code for
the modifications, but you need not.''  Obviously such a license is
not open source, but it seems to me that I am permitted to take OSSAL
code and relicense it under those terms.  Then similarly a different
non-competitor could pick up my changes, change them further, and
release the new code under a license which forbids me to use it.  So
then somebody has taken my changes, made their own changes, released
their own changes in source code form, but I can't take advantage of
them, even though everybody else can.  I have to reimplement those
changes myself.  So I don't even see how the OSSAL protects against
the problem you say that you are most concerned about.

So I don't think you've managed to write a quid pro quo license.  I
think you've only managed to write a GPL sucks license.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden
  I know that, but I want people to take bits and make them
  proprietary.  More correctly.  In my own context, I want to be
  able to use the fruits of my labor.  The contributions that I seek
  are from other widget makers using the same tool for their widget.
 In that case, a community style license may be more appropriate.
 For example Netscape uses (used?) this. All modified releases are to
 be publicly available (much like the GPL), but furthermore everyone
 who is not Sean Chittenden has to license his modifications to Sean
 under arbitrary terms. This allows Sean to do whatever he wants, for
 example selling the modifications.

Under the OSSAL, there is no central organization, like there is with
the MPL.  The OSSAL is much more distributed than the MPL, which is
why I like it more than the MPL.



Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden
   What I'm trying to understand is why you say that incorporating BSD
   code in a proprietary product is a good thing and simulataneously
   say that incorporating BSD code in a GPL product is a bad thing.
  Changes made to the BSD code by the authors of the GPL product are
  changes that are available only under the GPL.
 Yes, and changes made to the BSD code by the authors of a proprietary
 product are changes that are only available to the authors of the
 proprietary product.
 What's the essential difference?

If the changes are outside of the scope of a business's core, then
maintaining those changes is expensive and it is in the businesses
best interests to release those changes.  The OSSAL prevents those
changes from being licensed under the GPL, making those changes
available to other widget makers.



Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Sean Chittenden
 I'm sorry that I'm coming in late to this conversation but I've been

No prob, life happens: I sympathize.

 I'm concerned about the following section of the proposed license:
 4. Redistributions of source code must not be used in conjunction
with any software license that requires disclosure of source
code (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).

 Licenses seem sometimes to be used as weapons rather than to foster
 freely reusable code.  In this case, the author has made clear, he
 wants to allow his software to be used with proprietary derivative
 works but not with the GPL.  It is, I guess, the anti-GPL license.

In some ways yes, in some ways no.  I think if I were to remove the
following from the clause, (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter
known as the GPL), the discussion wouldn't have been nearly as
involved.  *sigh*

 In that sense, I think, it violates the OSD.  

It violates the OSD because you dub it the anti-GPL?  What part of the
OSD does this not comply with?  I'm confused as to how you arrive at
this statement.  The point of the OSSAL is to prompt businesses who
haven't or aren't involved in open source to use open source because
they will get a return on investment or will be able to see their
investment (resources of some sort) grow.

 We have long agreed that a license can impose a reciprocity
 condition, for example, you may distribute copies of your
 derivative works to the public as long as they are licensed under
 this same license.  That's in essence what the GPL, Mozilla, IBM,
 CPL, and OSL licenses require.

So if I would've said, Redistributions of source code must only be
used in conjunction with software that can be used in proprietary
software projects without requiring the disclosure of source code, no
one would have had a problem?


 Once again, this is a license that says don't use that license
 rather than do use this license.  The former wording seems like
 discrimination to me and the latter like any reciprocal license
 we've approved since the beginning.

How can I rephrase this to achieve the intent that I think I've made
pretty clear?

 Is that a distinction without a difference?  Or should we assert
 that licenses of the form don't use that license are contrary to
 the OSD because they discriminate?

Indirect proofs or explanations are often easier to convey.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Nelson
Sean Chittenden writes:
  Because I want widget makers to be able to take OSSAL code, and use it
  in proprietary products.

But that's what the FSF is doing!  Why don't you want them to do it?

  The OSSAL lets widget makers who use the same set of modules,
  ensure that any work on the modules that they have an interest in
  (that is done in the public), will be usable to them in a product.

So?  Let's say that somebody wanted to donate a module back to you,
but they wanted to use a proprietary license?  You'd refuse it, right?
Why should the GPL be any different to you?

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-27 Thread John Cowan
Lawrence E. Rosen scripsit:

 Is that a distinction without a difference?  Or should we assert that
 licenses of the form don't use that license are contrary to the OSD
 because they discriminate?

I think that it is a distinction without a difference.  You could as well
say that the GPL discriminates against people who write proprietary
software by denying them the right to use valuable GPLed modules in their

Does anybody want any flotsam? / I've gotsam.
Does anybody want any jetsam? / I can getsam.
--Ogden Nash, _No Doctors Today, Thank You_
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Sean Chittenden
 You've suggested that some people confuse open source with the GPL,
 but I don't think anybody on this list has that confusion.
 Certainly many companies use xBSD licensed code, just as many
 companies use GPL code.  I don't see that either point proves that
 the OSSAL would be useful.

I am in the throws of designing a language.  Businesses who create
commercial, redistributed products, use (indeed prefer) BSD/MIT
licensed software.  A language who's core is BSD/MIT is of use to
businesses.  A language who's modules are all GPL is a language of
little use to a business that doesn't want to have to reinvent the
wheel.  On the other hand, a language with all of its modules that are
available under a BSD/MIT license, is of value.  To achieve this, I
wrote OSSAL and will distribute it the language.  An MIT or BSD
license does not achieve the end result that I am looking for.  The
OSSAL is an MIT license with some baggage to prevent copyleft modules,
however the OSSAL's use is obviously broader than that and has been
well received by a half dozen people or so in the last 24hrs (thank
you to those who have sent praise, I'm glad I'm not existing in a void
or am delusional).


 You say that the OSSAL explicitly permits proprietary forks, but the
 BSD license does that as well.  The OSSAL prohibits something very
 specific: if somebody takes code under license X, and takes GPL
 code, and links them together, and distributes the result, that is
 permitted if X is the BSD license, but prohibited if X is the OSSAL

Correct.  If someone needs some code that is only available under the
GPL, then there exists the need for that code to be rewritten under a
BSD/MIT license.


   This doesn't seem useful to me, but obviously I don't speak for
   the OSI.
  It's useful if you're a business in that if you use OSSAL software
  in a product, you're never going to have to go back and rewrite
  that code that you depend on if the module author goes copyleft.
  In doing so, more businesses would likely use and contribute to
  Open Source.
 When I read that statement it is clear to me that that is true of
 the BSD license as well.  Can you please explain to me, in words of
 one syllable and taking very slow steps, why it is not?

Quid pro quo: three single syllable words that can both be said
slowly, and do a halfway decent job of summarizing the OSSAL.  The
BSD/MIT license (which I support enthusiastically), however, can
almost be summarized as, quid pro throw (as in thrown into the abyss
without any assurance for getting something usable back in return).

From a business's point of view, the BSD/MIT license is deficient in
its ability to provide some form of quid pro quo for its efforts to
release code into the wild while still preserving the ability for
potential competitors to assimilate the code or any modifications made
by the public.  The BSD/MIT licenses do not protect a business'
ability to reap any kind of contributions in the form of usable
intellectual property.  Non-feasance to address these issues by the
authors of the BSD or MIT licenses doesn't preclude me from writing a
BSD or MIT-like license that satisfies a business's needs.  Those
opposing the OSSAL are arguing that a BSD or MIT license covers a
business's basis, however it does not for the reasons stated above.



Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Sean Chittenden
 Let me clarify some vocabulary:
 people = home user or developer of applications out side of a
  commercial entity working on a not for sale piece of
 businesses = commercial developers interested explicitly in the
 purpose of developing commercial applications and products.
 What about commercial entities who work on not-for-sale software for
 purposes other than developing commercial software products?

Been there, worked for one of those.  One of those not-for-sale
software projects was canned because it wasn't viable because it was
written using GPL software, the other was golden and was taken from
our department and sucked into the bowels of engineering to be
converted into a full blown commercial app.  Businesses prefer non-GPL
software for depts like these, but don't forbid it though use of
GPL software can be potentially expensive (the software was rewritten
around the GPL bits).

 What about home users who develop software for their own use and
 later find someone willing to pay for it?

If they use GPL software, it could be expensive down the road if the
author is using modules that aren't BSD/MIT-like (rewrite/refactor).
Avoiding GPL software from the start is one way to lower the cost of
software development (or at the very least, converting RD into a

 The commercial/noncommercial view of splitting the world is pretty
 useless IMO.  Every human being can be a user, developer, and
 distributor, and the roles change constantly.

Agreed.  Simply trying to point out that there are several different
points of views surrounding software development and the two biggest,
IMHO, are those who doodle out code for personal or internal
consumption, and those who are trying to turn a commercial product.

   It interferes with the creation of proprietary software.
 Not at all!  It interferes with transforming free software into
 proprietary software.  Creating new proprietary software is greatly
 aided by GPL tools.

Agreed, case in point being gcc.  But, creating proprietary software
that includes/uses GPL software... is a waste of time and is the
antithesis of creating a proprietary software product.

  Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the
  ability to create proprietary software, even though the non-core
  parts are most likely open and available to the public.
 They have this under the GPL (as long as their proprietary software
 isn't a derived work of the GPL software).  They have this under the
 BSD license even if it IS a derived work.

Yeah, but it's derived works that are the question in this case.

 I utterly fail to see how ANYONE benefits from this proposed license
 over a pure BSD license.  It's completely ludicrous to claim that my
 ability to take a GPL project and make it into a plugin for your
 product does ANYTHING to reduce someone's freedom to release
 proprietary software based on your code.

See other emails where I explain the value of the OSSAL.

 Of course they can't make proprietary work derived from my plugin,
 but they can't if I release a binary-only plugin either (which you
 allow), or if I don't release it at all (because it's based on GPL
 code I don't own).

Which is what I want to be able to do and have the license protect
that ability.

 Additionally, for those of us that might choose to combine GPL and
 OSSAL work, all this means is we need to distribute our code
 seperately and make our users do the actual
 linking/compiling/combining themselves.

Not separately, just under two licenses... though in the case of my
language, your GPL'ed code is in violation of my language's license
(the OSSAL) which makes your GPL'ed contribution as valuable as `cat
/dev/random  /dev/stdout`.

 It sucks, but you're free to make whatever license terms you like.
 I suspect you'll see a lot less use of your software under this than
 you would under a pure BSD license, but again, it's your call.

Sure, it's possible... but since every module is usable to businesses,
I bet you'd see more businesses use the language.  Since Java and .Net
generally (I know about mono and kaffe) require some kind of capital,
esp for a halfway decent j2ee impl, businesses would be pleased to
have a set of dependable and trustworthy tools to work from.

 Please, if you want your work to be freely transformable into
 proprietary work, just use the BSD license.

Not gunna happen, though I do release software under the BSDL when
appropriate.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Sean Chittenden
Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the
ability to create proprietary software, even though the
non-core parts are most likely open and available to the
   The same is true of software under the BSD license.
  Correct, but the BSD license does not ensure that all software
  developed will be available under terms friendly for businesses,
  which goes back to the point of me writing the OSSAL.
 If someone takes BSD-licensed code, modifies it and does a
 binary-only release, the modifications are not available at all.  So
 businesses cannot use these modifications.

Correct, but it did give the business a place to start from allowing
them to complete a product faster.

 If someone takes BSD-licensed code, modifies it and releases the
 result under GPL, the modifications are available but with certain
 restrictions. Now businesses cannot use the modifications either
 (unless they accept the restrictions).

Which is why I wrote the OSSAL...

 So I don't really see the difference here. In both cases the
 modifications are not available without restriction. Why does it
 matter that in one case they are licensed under a restrictive

Because I believe that if I provide, as an example, a programming
language and someone writes a module for that language, the least that
the module author can do is release the module under business friendly
terms.  If someone writes a module for my lang but releases it under
the GPL, if I want to use that module, I have to duplicate that
effort.  If I don't want to maintain my copy, I'll open source it (the
logical thing to do to keep costs/bugs down), but this leaves two
competing projects in the same space. Time is more precious to me and
I'd rather not have anyone waste it as a result of some idealogical
whim.  I personally have invested roughly 1.5K hours in 2003 on this
project, a little reciprocity/quid pro quo would be nice and that's
what the OSSAL delivers me.  As the license discussion states, if you
scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

RE: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Ken Brown
Bruce Shyer is on a -paid for by IBM- team.  Tony Stanco is on a -paid for
by IBM team-.  Ed Black is -bought and paid for by- IBM. (smile).  Before
you jump too quick to conclusions, ask IBM and get back to me.  By the way
the CCIA  mission statement on its website ( reads: CCIA's
mission is to further our members' business interests by being the leading
industry advocate in promoting open, barrier-free competition in the
offering of computer and communications products and services worldwide
Res Ipse Loquitur.

I have no problems with I said, I'd be happy to have a check from
IBM too.  Its just time to end the mythology that Linux is something that
people who are above money sell. Linux is a business product. It makes
money.  It makes more money as it is advertised, promoted and sold, etc.
Linux salesman are capitalists, not philanthropists.  I don't see a
difference, nor do I think it is objectionable.

Aside from all that, you were at the conference when Bruce Perens conceded
that the GPL has commercial limitations.  Ask Ed to give you a copy of the
tape. The original point of my comment was that there are a number of
software developers that want more commercial capability with the Linux
platform. This has been a real concern for open source developers for many
years.  Developers asking real questions about this deserve real answers,
not hype.  BSD, MIT and other licenses date the GPL. Presently, there are
hundreds of variations of open source licenses that people choose to do
business with.  Some just happen to conflict with the GPL on legitimate
grounds. Just because someone asks a question about the GPL  doesn't make
them a conspirator.


-Original Message-
From: Robin 'Roblimo' Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 12:56 AM
To: Ken Brown
Subject: Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

Ken Brown wrote:

Big Rick,

Your IBM funded-man Tony Stanco has the tape.  You should ask him for a
copy.  By the way, I see quite of bit of IBM money moving around Washington
these (ie. Ed Black, Bruce Schneir et al.)  Let them know that I have no
problem AdTI would be happy to accept far less money than those guys are
getting to support our research.

I just got off the phone with Bruce Schneier* (before reading your
email) and he told me the report he and Dan and the rest released
through CCIA was not funded by anyone to the best of his knowledge. If
it was, he said, I didn't get any.

And don't worry, Ken: Your bud Jonathan Zuck at ACT is on the case,
fighting Ed Black and the other Marxists. Why, we even gave him a
platform at NewsForge to tell The Truth:

Or are you just jealous that Jonathan got funding for anti-studies and
you didn't? :)

- Robin 'Roblimo' Miller
proudly funded by many OSDN sponsors -- including both Microsoft and IBM

*Bruce and I both spell his last name Schneier but we are probably wrong.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread John Cowan
Ken Brown scripsit:

 [...] is on a -paid for by IBM- team.  [...] is on a -paid for
 by IBM team-.  [...] is -bought and paid for by- IBM. (smile).  

This is offensive.  Please stop it.  Publishing private mail is even more
offensive.  Please don't do it.  Ethnic slurs are totally unacceptable.
Stop it.

I am a Reuters employee, but my opinions are my own.  The fact that I
work for Reuters, and that Reuters's home base is the U.K., does not mean
(as a certain Irish nationalist nutcase told me last year) that I
am in the pay of the English.

 Res Ipse Loquitur.

Ipsa.  Res is a feminine noun.   Priscian's head shrinks, cracks.

Is it not written, That which is written, is written?
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread John Cowan
Sean Chittenden scripsit:

 A language who's core is BSD/MIT is of use to
 businesses.  A language who's modules are all GPL is a language of
 little use to a business that doesn't want to have to reinvent the
 wheel.  On the other hand, a language with all of its modules that are
 available under a BSD/MIT license, is of value.  

I suppose you mean that you are writing an interpreter for the language
in question which is meant to be linked to other code by way of
providing scripting or otherwise.  Such interpreters don't tend to be
released under the GPL anyhow (can anyone think of a counterexample?)
but under BSD-ish licenses or mixed-status licenses like the LGPL or MPL.

The GPLed implementation of the C and C++ languages has served software
developers, including those who develop proprietary software, rather well,
I think.  Unencumbered BSD would hardly be practical without it.

 Quid pro quo: three single syllable words that can both be said
 slowly, and do a halfway decent job of summarizing the OSSAL.  The
 BSD/MIT license (which I support enthusiastically), however, can
 almost be summarized as, quid pro throw (as in thrown into the abyss
 without any assurance for getting something usable back in return).

I don't see how the OSSAL offers you any such assurances for your code
in particular:  I can tune it up, add amazing new features, and release
under a fully proprietary license; you get precisely nothing back.
Same story with the BSD, of course.  What it does offer you is ecological
resistance to a license you perceive as predatory.

 From a business's point of view, 

I wish you wouldn't say business to mean proprietary software
development business.  It's confusing.

 its ability to provide some form of quid pro quo for its efforts to
 release code into the wild while still preserving the ability for
 potential competitors to assimilate the code or any modifications made
 by the public.  

But it leaves you utterly unprotected against competition from proprietary
improvements.  Ironically, it is copyleft licenses that do so best, by the
brute force method of making sure there are no proprietary improvements.
I don't see how you can have it both ways.

Do NOT stray from the path! John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread John Cowan
Sean Chittenden scripsit:

 Agreed.  Simply trying to point out that there are several different
 points of views surrounding software development and the two biggest,
 IMHO, are those who doodle out code for personal or internal
 consumption, and those who are trying to turn a commercial product.

I resent and repel this conclusion.  I have worked in this industry
for more than 25 years providing software for my employers, none of
which has had any resale value.  I am not doodling out code.
In the case of my current employer, the code I wrote is essential to
that particular portion of their business, but the only reason I
didn't suggest it be open-sourced is that I think it's far too imbued
with Reuters-specific ways of doing business, and of no real use to anyone

Reuters lives or dies by the software it writes, but we don't sell
software.  What we sell is accurate, fast, and unbiased news and
information.  *That's* our commercial product.  Implying that people who
write the software that supports it are doodling is insulting
and unwarranted.

.e'osai ko sarji la lojban.
Please support Lojban!
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Robin 'Roblimo' Miller

I have no problems with I said, I'd be happy to have a check from
IBM too.  Its just time to end the mythology that Linux is something that
people who are above money sell. Linux is a business product. It makes
money.  It makes more money as it is advertised, promoted and sold, etc.
Linux salesman are capitalists, not philanthropists.  I don't see a
difference, nor do I think it is objectionable.
Nor do I. Industry consortiums and standards-setting bodies are entirely 
legitimate. In a commercial sense, I see Linux as an industry standard 
not unlike the SAE's fastener specifications. Naturally, a company that 
wants to make bolts or screws that only work with its own proprietary 
nuts, washers, and tightening tools is going to decry the standards used 
by other companies in its industry, and if that company is an 
industry-dominating one, there are going to be conflicts.

Think railroad tracks or, as Bob Lefkowitz wrote last year about time 
standards, railroad schedules and clocks. Railroads all had their own 
time standards in the 19th century until a standards body called the 
U.S. government set up uniform times and time zones. The reason we have 
standardization in screw threads, rail gauges, and clock settings is not 
philanthropy, but as an aid to commerce and invention. And it is cheaper 
for many companies to get together and develop a single industry-wide 
standard in association with academics and government partners than for 
each company to develop its own. I consider Linux and vertical open 
source packages (GPL or not) in this same light. There is nothing evil 
about this. Companies that decide not to follow the standards tend to go 
away in the long run. And there is nothing evil about this, either. We 
call it capitalism and rather like the idea of corporate innovation 
and evolution here in my country, the U.S.A.

Aside from all that, you were at the conference when Bruce Perens conceded
that the GPL has commercial limitations.
*NEWS FLASH* - GPL has commercial limitations!

Ken, I advise you and your employers not to release any software you 
write under the GPL. Instead, use a *BSD-style license or perhaps a dual 
licensing scheme. I think you will be much happier. And developers who 
prefer the GPL will use it to license their software, and we will all be 
happy. Here in the US of A creators of new works get to choose for 
themselves the terms under which they distribute their creations. We 
Americans like this kind of freedom.

And if you don't like the terms under which Linux is licensed, don't use 
Linux.  Simple as that.

Just because I own and like  my Jeep Cherokee doesn't mean I want to 
force you to buy one. I fully support your right not to use Linux or 
other GPL-licensed software.

Robin 'Roblimo' Miller
(waving large flag in bright Florida morning sunshine)

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet
Sean Chittenden wrote:
  So I don't really see the difference here. In both cases the
  modifications are not available without restriction. Why does it
  matter that in one case they are licensed under a restrictive
 Because I believe that if I provide, as an example, a programming
 language and someone writes a module for that language, the least that
 the module author can do is release the module under business friendly

The author can release a binary-only module under OSSAL terms.
How is that friendly to other software developers or users?

  If someone writes a module for my lang but releases it under
 the GPL, if I want to use that module, I have to duplicate that

If someone writes a module for your language and releases it
under the OSSAL as binary-only, if you want to use that module,
you have to duplicate that effort.

If people don't like the business consequences of releasing
under GPL, why would they release source at all? 


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Businesses who create
 commercial, redistributed products, use (indeed prefer) BSD/MIT
 licensed software.

It would be nice if you could stop using the words ``business'' and
``commercial'' when you really mean ``businesses which use proprietary
software.''  As I and others have pointed out, there are many
businesses which sell commercial software based on the GPL.  I have
and do work for such businesses, so for me it is not an abstract
issue.  Yes, as you said the last time I mentioned this, there are of
course very many businesses which do not use the GPL.  But that does
not excuse your continuing misuse of language.

  You say that the OSSAL explicitly permits proprietary forks, but the
  BSD license does that as well.  The OSSAL prohibits something very
  specific: if somebody takes code under license X, and takes GPL
  code, and links them together, and distributes the result, that is
  permitted if X is the BSD license, but prohibited if X is the OSSAL
 Correct.  If someone needs some code that is only available under the
 GPL, then there exists the need for that code to be rewritten under a
 BSD/MIT license.

In other words, for your purposes, releasing the code under the GPL is
no different from releasing the code without sources.  This argument
against the GPL is just as strong as an argument against proprietary
release.  Actually, proprietary release is slightly worse, since at
least with a GPL release you can study the algorithms.

   It's useful if you're a business in that if you use OSSAL software
   in a product, you're never going to have to go back and rewrite
   that code that you depend on if the module author goes copyleft.
   In doing so, more businesses would likely use and contribute to
   Open Source.
  When I read that statement it is clear to me that that is true of
  the BSD license as well.  Can you please explain to me, in words of
  one syllable and taking very slow steps, why it is not?
 Quid pro quo: three single syllable words that can both be said
 slowly, and do a halfway decent job of summarizing the OSSAL.  The
 BSD/MIT license (which I support enthusiastically), however, can
 almost be summarized as, quid pro throw (as in thrown into the abyss
 without any assurance for getting something usable back in return).

That reads nicely and yet completely fails to address my question.
Please try again.

 From a business's point of view, the BSD/MIT license is deficient in
 its ability to provide some form of quid pro quo for its efforts to
 release code into the wild while still preserving the ability for
 potential competitors to assimilate the code or any modifications made
 by the public.  The BSD/MIT licenses do not protect a business'
 ability to reap any kind of contributions in the form of usable
 intellectual property.  Non-feasance to address these issues by the
 authors of the BSD or MIT licenses doesn't preclude me from writing a
 BSD or MIT-like license that satisfies a business's needs.  Those
 opposing the OSSAL are arguing that a BSD or MIT license covers a
 business's basis, however it does not for the reasons stated above.

The real quid pro quo license is, of course, the GPL.  The arguments
you bring out here are the same arguments that businesses use when
they decide to release software under the GPL.

I'm starting to think that you are trolling.  Instead of answering the
questions which are asked, you keep reaching into your philosophy, and
into your notion of what businesses need.  If you are really trying to
communicate, then take a deep breath, sit back, and think about what
people are trying to say to you.

If you just want to have a ``GPL sucks'' license, then say so.  I'm
sure you can find plenty of people to support it.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Sean Chittenden
  A language who's core is BSD/MIT is of use to businesses.  A
  language who's modules are all GPL is a language of little use to
  a business that doesn't want to have to reinvent the wheel.  On
  the other hand, a language with all of its modules that are
  available under a BSD/MIT license, is of value.
 I suppose you mean that you are writing an interpreter for the
 language in question which is meant to be linked to other code by
 way of providing scripting or otherwise.  Such interpreters don't
 tend to be released under the GPL anyhow (can anyone think of a
 counterexample?)  but under BSD-ish licenses or mixed-status
 licenses like the LGPL or MPL.

Bah!  Who would bother with interpreters?  Why should I write
something, hack on it for a few days, and pay the price of the
inefficient language for when it gets run a billion times?  I have a
webserver that's topping out at around 60K connections per webserver
instance for static content and I'd like to get about 30-40K of
dynamic requests/sec... interpreted languages leave me at around 1-2K
rps and while C lets me hit my desired numbers, C is too intensive and
I'd like a more friendly syntax like Ruby.  The core of the language
is an actual compiler and the resulting code links to my so.  Thanks
to shared object prebinding, running programs with my language is
nearly as fast as statically compiled binaries.

 The GPLed implementation of the C and C++ languages has served
 software developers, including those who develop proprietary
 software, rather well, I think.  Unencumbered BSD would hardly be
 practical without it.

*cheers on TenDRA*

  Quid pro quo: three single syllable words that can both be said
  slowly, and do a halfway decent job of summarizing the OSSAL.  The
  BSD/MIT license (which I support enthusiastically), however, can
  almost be summarized as, quid pro throw (as in thrown into the
  abyss without any assurance for getting something usable back in
 I don't see how the OSSAL offers you any such assurances for your
 code in particular: I can tune it up, add amazing new features, and
 release under a fully proprietary license; you get precisely nothing
 back.  Same story with the BSD, of course.  What it does offer you
 is ecological resistance to a license you perceive as predatory.

Yup, but on the long haul, maintaining code is expensive... open
sourcing code reduces costs of maintenance and bugs and if a module is
a non-core part of a business, (with my Director of Engineering hat
on) a business or its engineering managers would foolish to keep the
non-core code in house.

I fully understand and realize the risks of BSD/MIT code and know that
OSSAL doesn't guarantee anything, it just guarantees that open source
work that is done, is usable by businesses.  Why is that so hard for
people to understand the value of this?

  From a business's point of view, 
 I wish you wouldn't say business to mean proprietary software
 development business.  It's confusing.

Fair enough, in my case, business means a a widget producing business
that doesn't want to reinvent the wheel nor give away the plans to the

  its ability to provide some form of quid pro quo for its efforts
  to release code into the wild while still preserving the ability
  for potential competitors to assimilate the code or any
  modifications made by the public.
 But it leaves you utterly unprotected against competition from
 proprietary improvements.  Ironically, it is copyleft licenses that
 do so best, by the brute force method of making sure there are no
 proprietary improvements.  I don't see how you can have it both

But I don't want to stifle competition by handicapping competitors.
In truth, I'm hoping that one in ten businesses lend some of their
engineering time toward open source modules for this lang and that
those are the businesses that understand the cost of software.  That
said, I also believe that being successful in business shouldn't
predicate on handicapping competitors by releasing useful tools in a
completely unusable manner.  I want to be successful in business
because I'm smarter and more nimble than my competition, so by all
means, let them improve a bit of code that they're going to have to
maintain a fork of.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Sean Chittenden
   So I don't really see the difference here. In both cases the
   modifications are not available without restriction. Why does it
   matter that in one case they are licensed under a restrictive
  Because I believe that if I provide, as an example, a programming
  language and someone writes a module for that language, the least
  that the module author can do is release the module under business
  friendly terms.
 The author can release a binary-only module under OSSAL terms.  How
 is that friendly to other software developers or users?

It's not, but they have to incur the costs of maintaining it, so
that's their perogotive.

  If someone writes a module for my lang but releases it under the
  GPL, if I want to use that module, I have to duplicate that
 If someone writes a module for your language and releases it under
 the OSSAL as binary-only, if you want to use that module, you have
 to duplicate that effort.


 If people don't like the business consequences of releasing under
 GPL, why would they release source at all?

I don't know how else to say this:

*) If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
*) Reciprocity amongst businesses.
*) Maintaining souce code is expensive, reducing expenses is good.
*) Quid pro quo between two or more businesses.

Take your pick of any one of the above.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Sean Chittenden
  Businesses who create commercial, redistributed products, use
  (indeed prefer) BSD/MIT licensed software.
 It would be nice if you could stop using the words ``business'' and
 ``commercial'' when you really mean ``businesses which use
 proprietary software.''  As I and others have pointed out, there are
 many businesses which sell commercial software based on the GPL.  I
 have and do work for such businesses, so for me it is not an
 abstract issue.  Yes, as you said the last time I mentioned this,
 there are of course very many businesses which do not use the GPL.
 But that does not excuse your continuing misuse of language.

hrm...  good point.  I'll use the phrase widget makers, where a
widget is a product that is derived from open source software and
released as a proprietary piece of goo.  I think that'll keep everyone
happy and working on the same page, as you're right... this has caused
a great deal of confusion.

   You say that the OSSAL explicitly permits proprietary forks, but
   the BSD license does that as well.  The OSSAL prohibits
   something very specific: if somebody takes code under license X,
   and takes GPL code, and links them together, and distributes the
   result, that is permitted if X is the BSD license, but
   prohibited if X is the OSSAL license.
  Correct.  If someone needs some code that is only available under
  the GPL, then there exists the need for that code to be rewritten
  under a BSD/MIT license.
 In other words, for your purposes, releasing the code under the GPL
 is no different from releasing the code without sources.  This
 argument against the GPL is just as strong as an argument against
 proprietary release.  Actually, proprietary release is slightly
 worse, since at least with a GPL release you can study the

Why does everyone insist that they're protecting my interests by
likening a piece of BSD code that goes closed source as a bad thing or
as if it's not what I want?  That is precisely what I want people to
be able to do!  That's a smart business for reusing someone else's
wheel design, kinda like a dated patent.  The GPL is like the
perpetual patent though, it never expires and becomes usable to other
businesses.  *shudder*


  From a business's point of view, the BSD/MIT license is deficient
  in its ability to provide some form of quid pro quo for its
  efforts to release code into the wild while still preserving the
  ability for potential competitors to assimilate the code or any
  modifications made by the public.  The BSD/MIT licenses do not
  protect a business' ability to reap any kind of contributions in
  the form of usable intellectual property.  Non-feasance to address
  these issues by the authors of the BSD or MIT licenses doesn't
  preclude me from writing a BSD or MIT-like license that satisfies
  a business's needs.  Those opposing the OSSAL are arguing that a
  BSD or MIT license covers a business's basis, however it does not
  for the reasons stated above.
 The real quid pro quo license is, of course, the GPL.  The arguments
 you bring out here are the same arguments that businesses use when
 they decide to release software under the GPL.

That's fine, but if a widget maker releases a piece of software under
the GPL, other widget makers won't care and won't look at the
resulting open sourced code.  Under the OSSAL/BSD/MIT license, they
would.  In releasing code under the OSSAL/BSD/MIT license, I at least
have a snowball's chance in a hot place of having a professional
engineer who makes widgets look at the code and _possibly_ suggest
improvements in the form of patches, bug reports, etc.


 If you just want to have a ``GPL sucks'' license, then say so.  I'm
 sure you can find plenty of people to support it.

I'm trying to suggest that the GPL and BSD/MIT licenses don't fit my
needs as a business and I think the OSSAL is an adequate alternative
that suits my needs and the needs of others.  I know the risks or
possible scenarios for the OSSAL/BSD/MIT licensed code and think that
many here are trying to protect me from the very thing that I'm trying
to do.  I posted the OSSAL to this list/OSI for scrutiny, which it has
received, and it has even been improved as a result.  Thank you to
those who have challenged it, I do appreciate it.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread John Cowan
Sean Chittenden scripsit:

 Bah!  Who would bother with interpreters?  

It depends.  Perl is more than satisfactory for what I want to do, because
I don't have to serve up stuff at anywhere near your volume, since Reuters's
business isn't based on volume.  As for the servers running it, the cost of them
is sunk cost, so it doesn't matter how inefficiently I use them as long as
I don't exceed their limits (which is very unlikely).

 I'd like a more friendly syntax like Ruby.  The core of the language
 is an actual compiler and the resulting code links to my so.  

So the license on the compiler is irrelevant, since normal compilers don't
encumber compiled code in any way.  By GPLing the compiler, you could
prevent people from making incompatible changes to the language that you
don't get to find out the implementations of.

 *cheers on TenDRA*

We'll see.

 Fair enough, in my case, business means a a widget producing business
 that doesn't want to reinvent the wheel nor give away the plans to the

Where, in turn, widget means not any commodity (as is usual in discussions
of economics), but specifically proprietary software product.

I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths
led. And through the air. I am he that walks unseen.  I am the clue-finder,
the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number.  --Bilbo
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread John Cowan
Sean Chittenden scripsit:

 That's a smart business for reusing someone else's
 wheel design, kinda like a dated patent.  The GPL is like the
 perpetual patent though, it never expires and becomes usable to other
 businesses.  *shudder*

Well, patents expire after 20 years, the GPL after 95.  Either is an
effective eternity in the proprietary software business, though the
FLOSSers have been able to wait out the RSA patent and are close to
waiting out the LZW/GIF patent.

 That's fine, but if a widget maker releases a piece of software under
 the GPL, other widget makers won't care and won't look at the
 resulting open sourced code.

In fact they do.  People who sell proprietary software are among the
heaviest contributors to the open-source community.

 I'm trying to suggest that the GPL and BSD/MIT licenses don't fit my
 needs as a business and I think the OSSAL is an adequate alternative
 that suits my needs and the needs of others.  

Your license is fine, once the ambiguities are squeezed out, and I recommend
that the OSI approve it.  I don't believe your advocacy is founded on sound
argumentation, which is an entirely independent point.  This list discusses

Dievas dave dantis; Dievas duos duonos  --Lithuanian proverb
Deus dedit dentes; deus dabit panem --Latin version thereof
Deity donated dentition;
  deity'll donate doughnuts --English version by Muke Tever
God gave gums; God'll give granary  --Version by Mat McVeagh
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, in part:

 Why does everyone insist that they're protecting my interests by
 likening a piece of BSD code that goes closed source as a bad thing or
 as if it's not what I want?  That is precisely what I want people to
 be able to do!  That's a smart business for reusing someone else's
 wheel design, kinda like a dated patent.  

If you are a small software shop, you sell services.  So, what is
the biggest threat to that line of work?  Commoditization and customer
lock-in to big-vendor proprietary solutions.

GPL tilts the playing field against that.  (I am not insisting
you adopt GPL, just explaining one reason why GPL helps the small
shop and IS a rational decision.)

And yes, if you are selling a software library, we can see why
BSD-licensed code is more sellable than GPL-licensed code.  The
market is better.

But you haven't made your point as to why a BSD+anti-copyleft is
more sellable, unless your customer is MicroSoft, or other company
hoping to segment the world of open source software into as
many incompatible islands as possible.

 The GPL is like the
 perpetual patent though, it never expires and becomes usable to other
 businesses.  *shudder*

It only took you two paragraphs to break your promise to maintain the
distinction between closed source and commercial.  GPL software is
extremely usable in business.[1]

If you can't keep your promise on the distinction, don't post any more.


[1] Examples abound, but one that comes to mind is an business who would
never dream of releasing the code I write for them under the GPL or any OSI
certified license, but very happily uses GnuPG and the Windows drag-n-drop
program I gave them to send me proprietary data via email.  They didn't want to
open up their VPN to me and PKZIP encryption isn't very good.  Very cool.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet
Sean Chittenden wrote:
   If someone writes a module for my lang but releases it under the
   GPL, if I want to use that module, I have to duplicate that
  If someone writes a module for your language and releases it under
  the OSSAL as binary-only, if you want to use that module, you have
  to duplicate that effort.

Since you apparently want to reduce duplication of effort,
why is this case not a problem? 

  If people don't like the business consequences of releasing under
  GPL, why would they release source at all?
 I don't know how else to say this:
 *) If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
 *) Reciprocity amongst businesses.
 *) Maintaining souce code is expensive, reducing expenses is good.
 *) Quid pro quo between two or more businesses.

When I started open source licensing work, it seemed logical
that the only reasonable license for a proprietary software vendor
is BSD and its friends. But once you realize that the GPL's nature
is not a threat to _you_, it becomes much more attractive. In fact
it helps getting people in your project, because those people know
that no one can take their contributions and make them proprietary.

Does it surprise you that 8 big CE companies (including the one
I work for) have chosen Linux rather than FreeBSD as the basis
for future devices? The GPL was an important factor in favor
of Linux here.


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Russell Nelson
Sean Chittenden writes:
   The GPL interferes with the creation of proprietary software.
  Correct, which is what I object to and why I created the OSSAL.
  Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the ability to
  create proprietary software, even though the non-core parts are most
  likely open and available to the public.

That's really perverse, Sean.  Pretend that the GPL is a proprietary
license for software distributed by the FSF.  Let's say that this
business (the FSF) takes a piece of BSD-licensed software, makes even
a trivial modification, and licenses it under their proprietary
license (the GPL).  The software leaves the realm of software
modifiable by you, or anyone else who wants to make proprietary
changes.  You say this is bad, but it's exactly the same thing that
happens when any other company does the same thing.  Why do you want
your license to discriminate against the FSF?

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Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Ernie Prabhakar
On Sep 26, 2003, at 12:46 PM, Russell Nelson wrote:

Sean Chittenden writes:
The GPL interferes with the creation of proprietary software.
Correct, which is what I object to and why I created the OSSAL.
Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the ability to
create proprietary software, even though the non-core parts are most
likely open and available to the public.
That's really perverse, Sean.  Pretend that the GPL is a proprietary
license for software distributed by the FSF.  Let's say that this
business (the FSF) takes a piece of BSD-licensed software, makes even
a trivial modification, and licenses it under their proprietary
license (the GPL).  The software leaves the realm of software
modifiable by you, or anyone else who wants to make proprietary
changes.  You say this is bad, but it's exactly the same thing that
happens when any other company does the same thing.  Why do you want
your license to discriminate against the FSF?
It sounds to me like Sean really wants to avoid the emergence of a 
alternative, viable Open Source fork of his project under the GPL. That 
is, he is less concerned about what happens to the code per se, and 
more concerned about the -community- being split by having two 
interesting public code bases under different licenses.   Particularly 
if the interesting stuff starts happening under a GPL license, and ends 
up obsoleting the original (BSD) codebase.

Is that correct, Sean?

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, or even a valid concern in 
general, but I think it is at least a coherent position.

-- Ernie P.

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend 
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   |
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Why does everyone insist that they're protecting my interests by
 likening a piece of BSD code that goes closed source as a bad thing or
 as if it's not what I want?  That is precisely what I want people to
 be able to do!  That's a smart business for reusing someone else's
 wheel design, kinda like a dated patent.  The GPL is like the
 perpetual patent though, it never expires and becomes usable to other
 businesses.  *shudder*

(Note that this is in the same reply where you promised to stop using
the word ``business.'')

I'm not saying that incorporating BSD code into a proprietary product
is a bad thing, or that it is not what you want.

What I'm trying to understand is why you say that incorporating BSD
code in a proprietary product is a good thing and simulataneously say
that incorporating BSD code in a GPL product is a bad thing.

GPL code is nothing like a perpetual patent; it's a copyright on a
particular expression.  Naturally the GPL doesn't apply to your code;
how could it?  The GPL only applies to code that somebody else wrote.

For your purposes GPL code is unusable.  That's fine.  For your
purposes proprietary code is unusable.  That's fine.  My question is:
what is the difference between the two cases?  Why is GPL bad and
proprietary good?  Why bother to distinguish the GPL case?

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Ernie Prabhakar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It sounds to me like Sean really wants to avoid the emergence of a
 alternative, viable Open Source fork of his project under the
 GPL. That is, he is less concerned about what happens to the code per
 se, and more concerned about the -community- being split by having two
 interesting public code bases under different licenses.   Particularly
 if the interesting stuff starts happening under a GPL license, and
 ends up obsoleting the original (BSD) codebase.

That is at least a comprehensible concern, unlike the ones which Sean
has posted so far.  I would be interested in hearing whether he agrees
with it.

I wouldn't worry about such a thing myself, mind you--forks against
the wishes of the author are very rare in practice, and I can't think
of a single succesful fork which changed the licensing conditions.
But I can understand how somebody might have this as a theoretical

If this is really the problem, I think a more appropriate solution
might be something like ``in any derivative work which includes
source, the source must be under this license; however there are no
restrictions on derivative works which do not include source.''  That
would be GPL-incompatible, of course, but I think it would more
clearly express the concern and be less divisive.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread John Cowan
Ian Lance Taylor scripsit:

 I wouldn't worry about such a thing myself, mind you--forks against
 the wishes of the author are very rare in practice, and I can't think
 of a single succesful fork which changed the licensing conditions.

The bison/byacc fork was OK with the author but did change the
license conditions.  Specifically, bison is a fork of an early version of
byacc; bison was modified a bit and released under the GPL.

Clear?  Huh!  Why a four-year-old childJohn Cowan
could understand this report.  Run out  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and find me a four-year-old child.  I
can't make head or tail out of it.
--Rufus T. Firefly on government reports
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-26 Thread Russell Nelson
Ernie Prabhakar writes:
  It sounds to me like Sean really wants to avoid the emergence of a 
  alternative, viable Open Source fork of his project under the GPL. That 
  is, he is less concerned about what happens to the code per se, and 
  more concerned about the -community- being split by having two 
  interesting public code bases under different licenses.   Particularly 
  if the interesting stuff starts happening under a GPL license, and ends 
  up obsoleting the original (BSD) codebase.

Seems to me like the EU DataGrid Software License would have the same
effect, with less potential for *causing* forks.

--My blog is at  | Can I recommend python?
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Just a thought.
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | -Dr. Jamey Hicks
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Chittenden
  I am not concerned about freedom of development to users/consumers
  (which is the aim of the GPL), I'm concerned about the freedom of
  development for businesses.
 Your terminology is strange to somebody like me, who worked for many
 years at a business which did very well using the GPL (Cygnus).
 It's difficult for me to understand just who you mean when you use
 the word ``business.''  It seems to me that your license is
 Cygnus-unfriendly in more or less the same way that the GPL is

... I really want to respond to this, but this discussion is off topic
for the license at hand (determining if it meets the criteria laid out
in the OSD) and can be OSI certified.  If you would like to discuss
this, see below.

5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form
(i.e.  binary or object form, etc.) may not be linked to
software that is released with a license that requires
disclosure of source code (ex: the GPL).
   This may preclude running the software on any system which uses
   glibc, such as GNU/Linux.  Perhaps this is your intent.
  Correct.  Most Linux distributions with GPL'ed libc's will be
  unable to run OSSAL software unless their libc is LGPL'ed (which
  is unimpaired or affected by OSSAL): a non-issue for BSD or OS-X
 If I understand this correctly, you should clarify point 5 to
 explain that the disclosure of source code in question is the OSSAL
 source code, not the source code of the software to which it is
 linked.  When I read clause 5 above, it says that you can not link
 OSSAL code which LGPL code, because the LGPL does require the
 release of source code: it requires the release of the source of the
 code licensed under the LGPL.

Hrm, that's not the intent, nor how I read it.  Redistributions of
source code means the source code in question that is licensed under
the OSSAL, not the software that it is linked to.  In the same vein,
since the LGPL allows closed source applications to be linked with
LGPL libraries and the LGPL does not require that the closed source
application have its source published (only the the LGPL'ed library's
code, which is not the target of the phrase, source code), the LGPL
does not meet this requirement, therefore allowing OSSAL programs to
link with LGPL libraries.

  Discussion: As stated above, I wish to preserve the business
  friendliness of all modules.  Man hours and resources are precious
  and duplication of work by anyone is foolish.  This ensures that
  all open source modules are available to other businesses.
 And yet if your license is adopted widely it requires the
 duplication of work by people who prefer the GPL, in precisely the
 same way that the GPL requires the duplication of work by people who
 do not prefer the GPL.  So I think that your license really does not
 promote what you say it promotes.

Let me clarify some vocabulary:

people = home user or developer of applications out side of a
 commercial entity working on a not for sale piece of

businesses = commercial developers interested explicitly in the
 purpose of developing commercial applications and products.

In the context of this discussion, the OSSAL is not interested in
protecting the work by people, it cares about work by businesses
that is usable in its commercial products.  The OSSAL guarantees
freely available resources to businesses.  If people is defined as
above, people don't care if businesses use the same code as they're
using for their program.  In fact, people would probably prefer
OSSAL code over non-OSSAL code because it likely means that the OSSAL
code has been looked over by someone who programs professionally, or
that it has been used more widely and contains fewer bugs/more

  Right now open source works in favor of individuals, but not for
 I'm sorry, but this is nonsense.  The whole point of open source, as
 opposed to free software, is to support businesses.

Oooh!  Good clarification, though I try to avoid most of this semantic
open source propaganda mess when possible.  I'm not a Linux user and
haven't bothered myself with knowing the silly differences between
open source and free software.  Free software == GPL, right?
Regardless, your point is correct, valid, and noted, thank you.

Open Source + product == possible.  Free software + product ==
non-viable product.

  OSSAL is intended for businesses and is just as open source as
 OSSAL may be just as open source as FreeBSD in the technical sense
 that it follows the OSD.  However, it is not as open as FreeBSD, nor
 as free as FreeBSD.

It is just as free if you're a FreeBSD user and given that any of the
BSD's.  In the context of businesses, term 3 is optional, term 4 and 5
are non-issues on any of the BSD's, and term 6 doesn't concern
businesses either.  In the contexts of individuals, term 3 is
meaningless (if anything could lead to possible 

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Sean Chittenden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Hrm, that's not the intent, nor how I read it.  Redistributions of
 source code means the source code in question that is licensed under
 the OSSAL, not the software that it is linked to.  In the same vein,
 since the LGPL allows closed source applications to be linked with
 LGPL libraries and the LGPL does not require that the closed source
 application have its source published (only the the LGPL'ed library's
 code, which is not the target of the phrase, source code), the LGPL
 does not meet this requirement, therefore allowing OSSAL programs to
 link with LGPL libraries.

Your intent might be clearer if you were to add a couple of words 
(shown in emphasis):

 5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form
 (i.e.  binary or object form, etc.) may not be linked to
 software that is released with a license that requires
 disclosure of _the OSSAL-covered work's_ source code (ex: the GPL).

An aside:  Linking in object form of (e.g.) an OSSAL-covered work's
source code with GPL-covered source code does not and could not require
disclosure, for two reasons:  (1) GPLv2 imposes no source-access
obligation based on mere linkage or other creation of derivative works.
That obligation kicks in only upon redistribution of those derivative
works.  (2) More to the immediate point, the GPLed work's author has no
power to compel anything at all concerning access to the other work's
source code.  It's somebody else's property, after all.

A lot of people seem to get easily confused about the latter point,
especially in the BSD camp (**cough** Darren Reed **cough**):  All 
GPLv2 does is state (per section 2 and elsewhere) that, _if_ you cannot
pass along in your redistributed derivative work access rights to the
entire work's source code, then GPLv2 grants you no right to
redistribute the GPL-covered portion at all.  It doesn't change the
licence status of the other portion:  It couldn't; that's simply not
within its powers.

I.e., there is zero risk that GPLv2 could require disclosure of 
an OSSAL-covered work's source code:  It has no authority over such
code, so how could it?  (I pointed out to Darren Reed that his
imposition of a similar provision in one recent licence covering his
IP-filtering code was a no-op for this exact reason.)

(Please note that nothing in the above is intended as licence advocacy.
I don't do that sort of silliness.)

 Free software == GPL, right?

Not right.  I'm tempted to do a Venn diagram, but will spare you the
ASCII-graphics torture entailed.  ;-

Free software is a semantic map referring to the same territory as
does open source (after you strip ideological emphasis, etc.).  It can
be broken down into two sub-categories:

Copyleft type: conditioned on source-access obligation.  E.g., MPL, LGPL, GPL.
Non-copyleft type: no such obligations.  E.g., old BSD, new BSD, MIT/X.

 Open Source + product == possible.  Free software + product ==
 non-viable product.

As you'll see from the above explanation, you're committing a category

Returning to the earlier point:

 If the bits are OSSAL, a business can trust on the OSSAL bits always
 being OSSAL.

This would be automatically true by default operation of copyright law,
with or without OSSAL clause 6.  To reiterate:  Licences over other
codebases used in combination with the OSSAL-covered code _could not_
affect licence status of the OSSAL-covered portion of the derivative
codebase.  How could it?  Doing so would violate the property rights of
the OSSAL codebase's copyright owner.

I _think_ I finally got that point across to Darren.  But I see that the
misconception he suffered from lives on.

Rick MoenThis space for rant.
license-discuss archive is at

RE: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Ken Brown

You are making some very legitimate points.  Last year, Bruce Perens, one of
the most active proponents of the GPL, said the exact same thing at an open
source conference, the GPL has limited commercial applications.


-Original Message-
From: Sean Chittenden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

  I am not concerned about freedom of development to users/consumers
  (which is the aim of the GPL), I'm concerned about the freedom of
  development for businesses.

 Your terminology is strange to somebody like me, who worked for many
 years at a business which did very well using the GPL (Cygnus).
 It's difficult for me to understand just who you mean when you use
 the word ``business.''  It seems to me that your license is
 Cygnus-unfriendly in more or less the same way that the GPL is

... I really want to respond to this, but this discussion is off topic
for the license at hand (determining if it meets the criteria laid out
in the OSD) and can be OSI certified.  If you would like to discuss
this, see below.

5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form
(i.e.  binary or object form, etc.) may not be linked to
software that is released with a license that requires
disclosure of source code (ex: the GPL).
   This may preclude running the software on any system which uses
   glibc, such as GNU/Linux.  Perhaps this is your intent.
  Correct.  Most Linux distributions with GPL'ed libc's will be
  unable to run OSSAL software unless their libc is LGPL'ed (which
  is unimpaired or affected by OSSAL): a non-issue for BSD or OS-X

 If I understand this correctly, you should clarify point 5 to
 explain that the disclosure of source code in question is the OSSAL
 source code, not the source code of the software to which it is
 linked.  When I read clause 5 above, it says that you can not link
 OSSAL code which LGPL code, because the LGPL does require the
 release of source code: it requires the release of the source of the
 code licensed under the LGPL.

Hrm, that's not the intent, nor how I read it.  Redistributions of
source code means the source code in question that is licensed under
the OSSAL, not the software that it is linked to.  In the same vein,
since the LGPL allows closed source applications to be linked with
LGPL libraries and the LGPL does not require that the closed source
application have its source published (only the the LGPL'ed library's
code, which is not the target of the phrase, source code), the LGPL
does not meet this requirement, therefore allowing OSSAL programs to
link with LGPL libraries.

  Discussion: As stated above, I wish to preserve the business
  friendliness of all modules.  Man hours and resources are precious
  and duplication of work by anyone is foolish.  This ensures that
  all open source modules are available to other businesses.

 And yet if your license is adopted widely it requires the
 duplication of work by people who prefer the GPL, in precisely the
 same way that the GPL requires the duplication of work by people who
 do not prefer the GPL.  So I think that your license really does not
 promote what you say it promotes.

Let me clarify some vocabulary:

people = home user or developer of applications out side of a
 commercial entity working on a not for sale piece of

businesses = commercial developers interested explicitly in the
 purpose of developing commercial applications and products.

In the context of this discussion, the OSSAL is not interested in
protecting the work by people, it cares about work by businesses
that is usable in its commercial products.  The OSSAL guarantees
freely available resources to businesses.  If people is defined as
above, people don't care if businesses use the same code as they're
using for their program.  In fact, people would probably prefer
OSSAL code over non-OSSAL code because it likely means that the OSSAL
code has been looked over by someone who programs professionally, or
that it has been used more widely and contains fewer bugs/more

  Right now open source works in favor of individuals, but not for

 I'm sorry, but this is nonsense.  The whole point of open source, as
 opposed to free software, is to support businesses.

Oooh!  Good clarification, though I try to avoid most of this semantic
open source propaganda mess when possible.  I'm not a Linux user and
haven't bothered myself with knowing the silly differences between
open source and free software.  Free software == GPL, right?
Regardless, your point is correct, valid, and noted, thank you.

Open Source + product == possible.  Free software + product ==
non-viable product.

  OSSAL is intended for businesses and is just as open source as

 OSSAL may be just as open source as FreeBSD

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Russell Nelson
Sean Chittenden writes:
  Let me clarify some vocabulary:
  people = home user or developer of applications out side of a
   commercial entity working on a not for sale piece of
  businesses = commercial developers interested explicitly in the
purpose of developing commercial applications and products.

Unfortunately, Sean, this does not clarify, but instead obscures.  The
GPL does not interfere with commerce.  It interferes with the creation
of proprietary software.  This makes some business models difficult,
but makes others easier.  Saying business and commerce obscures
this essential distinction.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Chittenden
   Let me clarify some vocabulary:
   people = home user or developer of applications out side of a
commercial entity working on a not for sale piece of
   businesses = commercial developers interested explicitly in the
   purpose of developing commercial applications and products.
 Unfortunately, Sean, this does not clarify, but instead obscures.
 The GPL does not interfere with commerce.


 It interferes with the creation of proprietary software.

Correct, which is what I object to and why I created the OSSAL.
Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the ability to
create proprietary software, even though the non-core parts are most
likely open and available to the public.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Chittenden
  Hrm, that's not the intent, nor how I read it.  Redistributions
  of source code means the source code in question that is licensed
  under the OSSAL, not the software that it is linked to.  In the
  same vein, since the LGPL allows closed source applications to be
  linked with LGPL libraries and the LGPL does not require that the
  closed source application have its source published (only the the
  LGPL'ed library's code, which is not the target of the phrase,
  source code), the LGPL does not meet this requirement, therefore
  allowing OSSAL programs to link with LGPL libraries.
 Your intent might be clearer if you were to add a couple of words 
 (shown in emphasis):
  5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form
  (i.e.  binary or object form, etc.) may not be linked to
  software that is released with a license that requires
  disclosure of _the OSSAL-covered work's_ source code (ex: the GPL).

Strictly speaking from a legal sense, it is not needed, however for
interpretation's sake, you're probably right.  I'll add an FAQ section
to the license page to handle this case.

 An aside: Linking in object form of (e.g.) an OSSAL-covered work's
 source code with GPL-covered source code does not and could not
 require disclosure, for two reasons: (1) GPLv2 imposes no
 source-access obligation based on mere linkage or other creation of
 derivative works.  That obligation kicks in only upon redistribution
 of those derivative works.

I know, which is why the GPL is problematic.  If you're writing an in
house application, you have within your right the ability to link
against the GPL.  If you try sell a product, the OSSAL prevents you
from shipping that product if it uses GPL'ed code, which is what I
want.  Means that or other avenues for software
announcements will be venerable gold mines for businesses in terms of
software that they can use in products.

  Free software == GPL, right?
 Not right.  I'm tempted to do a Venn diagram, but will spare you the
 ASCII-graphics torture entailed.  ;-
 Free software is a semantic map referring to the same territory as
 does open source (after you strip ideological emphasis, etc.).  It
 can be broken down into two sub-categories:
 Copyleft type: conditioned on source-access obligation.  E.g., MPL,
 LGPL, GPL.  Non-copyleft type: no such obligations.  E.g., old BSD,
 new BSD, MIT/X.

Bah, this is exactly why I avoid this kind of semantic propaganda

  Open Source + product == possible.  Free software + product ==
  non-viable product.
 As you'll see from the above explanation, you're committing a
 category error.

Fair enough.

copyleft + product == !possible; non-copyleft + product == possible;

 Returning to the earlier point:
  If the bits are OSSAL, a business can trust on the OSSAL bits always
  being OSSAL.
 This would be automatically true by default operation of copyright
 law, with or without OSSAL clause 6.  To reiterate: Licences over
 other codebases used in combination with the OSSAL-covered code
 _could not_ affect licence status of the OSSAL-covered portion of
 the derivative codebase.  How could it?  Doing so would violate the
 property rights of the OSSAL codebase's copyright owner.

This doesn't mean it hasn't happened, however.  Having it explicitly
stated doesn't hurt anyone, esp since this isn't the 1st time this has

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I won't comment on what other people have already commented on.

 Let me clarify some vocabulary:
 people = home user or developer of applications out side of a
  commercial entity working on a not for sale piece of
 businesses = commercial developers interested explicitly in the
purpose of developing commercial applications and products.
 In the context of this discussion, the OSSAL is not interested in
 protecting the work by people, it cares about work by businesses
 that is usable in its commercial products.  The OSSAL guarantees
 freely available resources to businesses.  If people is defined as
 above, people don't care if businesses use the same code as they're
 using for their program.  In fact, people would probably prefer
 OSSAL code over non-OSSAL code because it likely means that the OSSAL
 code has been looked over by someone who programs professionally, or
 that it has been used more widely and contains fewer bugs/more

I'll assume that when you say ``commercial'' above you mean
``proprietary.''  There is obviously plenty of commercial GPL
software, so that can't be what you mean.

You argue that ``The OSSAL guarantees freely available resources to
businesses.''  I really don't see it offers any such guarantee beyond
what the BSD license provides.  As far as I can see, the only
guarantee which the OSSAL provides, that the BSD license does not, is
the guarantee that nobody will ever distribute a binary in which OSSAL
code has been linked against GPL code.  I don't see how providing that
guarantee equates to ``guarantees freely available resources to

  OSSAL may be just as open source as FreeBSD in the technical sense
  that it follows the OSD.  However, it is not as open as FreeBSD, nor
  as free as FreeBSD.
 It is just as free if you're a FreeBSD user and given that any of the

You write this statement as though you are disagreeing with me, but in
fact you seem to be agreeing.

 Term 6 is
 intended to keep the GPL zealots from publishing 0.1 versions of code,
 then changing the license to be GPL'ed, thus diluting the value of
 OSSAL bits to businesses.

Can you explain how this dilutes the value of the OSSAL bits?  The
original OSSAL bits are still right there, still under the same
license they were under before.  Their value hasn't gone away at all.

 If the bits are OSSAL, a business can trust on the OSSAL bits always
 being OSSAL.

This would be just as true if you used the BSD license.

   Unfortunately, too many people confuse Open Source with the GPL
   and/or Linux and I think the OSD correctly skirts this very issue
   and makes OSI more creditable in the process (thus averting the
   phrase, GNU Source/Linux Source vs. Open Source/Business Source).
  That fact that some people may have such a confusion is a reason to
  educate them.  It is not a reason to promote a license which weakens
  the open source community.
 That's a topic for debate that is outside of the scope of this current
 discussion.  If you, or anyone else would like to entertain such
 discussions, please let me know and I will either entertain such
 discussions privately, or if there is enough interest, setup a
 dedicated list for this topic... but please, it's not appropriate
 here.  The OSI is not a political organization to advocate use of the
 GPL.  -sc

The OSI is a political organization ``dedicated to managing and
promoting the Open Source Definition for the good of the community.''
So I don't think that debate is off-topic for this list.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the ability to
 create proprietary software, even though the non-core parts are most
 likely open and available to the public.

The same is true of software under the BSD license.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Chittenden
  Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the
  ability to create proprietary software, even though the non-core
  parts are most likely open and available to the public.
 The same is true of software under the BSD license.

Correct, but the BSD license does not ensure that all software
developed will be available under terms friendly for businesses, which
goes back to the point of me writing the OSSAL.


Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   If the bits are OSSAL, a business can trust on the OSSAL bits always
   being OSSAL.
  This would be automatically true by default operation of copyright
  law, with or without OSSAL clause 6.  To reiterate: Licences over
  other codebases used in combination with the OSSAL-covered code
  _could not_ affect licence status of the OSSAL-covered portion of
  the derivative codebase.  How could it?  Doing so would violate the
  property rights of the OSSAL codebase's copyright owner.
 This doesn't mean it hasn't happened, however.  Having it explicitly
 stated doesn't hurt anyone, esp since this isn't the 1st time this has

Since what happened there was a copyright violation (it has, of
course, since been resolved), the OSSAL would not protect against that
any more than the current BSD license does.  It was already a
copyright violation under the BSD license.  It would still be a
copyright violation under the OSSAL.

Your arguments about businesses don't make any sense to me since there
are certainly a number of businesses happily making money from GPL
software.  Here is what my version of what I think you are doing.

The reason that some people like the GPL is that it prohibits a
proprietary fork.  Open source code is always open source; that is
true no matter what license you use.  What the GPL prohibits is
somebody doing work on the GPLed code and distributing the result as
proprietary software.

The reason that some people like the BSD license is that it permits
proprietary forks.  They don't usually say it that way.  They usually
say that the software is maximally free/open.

The OSSAL appears designed to prohibit GPL forks.  It permits
proprietary forks, but prohibits GPL forks.  Since the main effect of
a GPL fork would be to prohibit proprietary forks of the forked code,
the effect of the OSSAL is to prohibit prohibiting proprietary forks.

So what you are trying to do is sort of a reverse copyleft (I don't
know what that would be called--not a copyright, but maybe a copyup or
copydown).  Copyleft code tries to prohibit proprietary forks ``to
make sure the software is free for all its users'' (quoting the GPL).
The OSSAL tries to prohibit prohibiting proprietary forks presumably
to make sure the software is always free to be available for use in a
proprietary fork.

This doesn't seem useful to me, but obviously I don't speak for the

Also obviously you can use your license whether or not the OSI blesses

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Chittenden
If the bits are OSSAL, a business can trust on the OSSAL bits
always being OSSAL.
   This would be automatically true by default operation of
   copyright law, with or without OSSAL clause 6.  To reiterate:
   Licences over other codebases used in combination with the
   OSSAL-covered code _could not_ affect licence status of the
   OSSAL-covered portion of the derivative codebase.  How could it?
   Doing so would violate the property rights of the OSSAL
   codebase's copyright owner.
  This doesn't mean it hasn't happened, however.  Having it
  explicitly stated doesn't hurt anyone, esp since this isn't the
  1st time this has happened.
 Since what happened there was a copyright violation (it has, of
 course, since been resolved), the OSSAL would not protect against
 that any more than the current BSD license does.  It was already a
 copyright violation under the BSD license.  It would still be a
 copyright violation under the OSSAL.

Correct, but stating it for the sake of being obvious for those who
don't know copyright law (obviously we're talking about people outside
of the context of this list), the explicit part of the license doesn't
hurt or hinder anyone other than remind them of the obvious.

 Your arguments about businesses don't make any sense to me since
 there are certainly a number of businesses happily making money from
 GPL software.  Here is what my version of what I think you are

Some, not all.  Just to keep the discussion from thinking that open
source is copyleft or that the OSSAL wouldn't be useful, let me point
out the following: Nokia's CheckPoint firewall (often considered the
best firewall in the industry) isn't based on Linux for a reason.
Same with Mac OS-X, BSDI/WindRiver, BIG-IP, etc.  Businesses using
open source doesn't mean businesses using GPL'ed software: there are
plenty of examples of the BSDL software being true.

 The reason that some people like the GPL is that it prohibits a
 proprietary fork.  Open source code is always open source; that is
 true no matter what license you use.  What the GPL prohibits is
 somebody doing work on the GPLed code and distributing the result as
 proprietary software.

Correct, which I want to be able to do and is what most people who use
FreeBSD (points to Apple) or PostgreSQL do (embedded in some of
Cisco's products).

 The reason that some people like the BSD license is that it permits
 proprietary forks.  They don't usually say it that way.  They
 usually say that the software is maximally free/open.

I define free along the lines of the way the BSD crowd does, not along
the way of the Linux crowd.  Free in terms of rights, not free in
terms of cost to personal developers.

 The OSSAL appears designed to prohibit GPL forks.  It permits
 proprietary forks, but prohibits GPL forks.  Since the main effect
 of a GPL fork would be to prohibit proprietary forks of the forked
 code, the effect of the OSSAL is to prohibit prohibiting proprietary

Did you mean to say, prohibit prohibiting proprietary forks? Your
wording is rather verbose in the end, but you are correct, the OSSAL
is designed to prohibit GPL forks and to explicitly permit proprietary

 So what you are trying to do is sort of a reverse copyleft (I don't
 know what that would be called--not a copyright, but maybe a copyup
 or copydown).  Copyleft code tries to prohibit proprietary forks
 ``to make sure the software is free for all its users'' (quoting the
 GPL).  The OSSAL tries to prohibit prohibiting proprietary forks
 presumably to make sure the software is always free to be available
 for use in a proprietary fork.

Sure, that works.

 This doesn't seem useful to me, but obviously I don't speak for the

It's useful if you're a business in that if you use OSSAL software in
a product, you're never going to have to go back and rewrite that code
that you depend on if the module author goes copyleft.  In doing so,
more businesses would likely use and contribute to Open Source.

 Also obviously you can use your license whether or not the OSI blesses

Correct, though as stated before, Open Source is bigger than copyleft
software.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Mark Rafn
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Sean Chittenden wrote:

Let me clarify some vocabulary:
people = home user or developer of applications out side of a
 commercial entity working on a not for sale piece of

businesses = commercial developers interested explicitly in the
  purpose of developing commercial applications and products.

What about commercial entities who work on not-for-sale software for 
purposes other than developing commercial software products?  What about 
home users who develop software for their own use and later find someone 
willing to pay for it?

The commercial/noncommercial view of splitting the world is pretty useless
IMO.  Every human being can be a user, developer, and distributor, and the 
roles change constantly.

  It interferes with the creation of proprietary software.

Not at all!  It interferes with transforming free software into
proprietary software.  Creating new proprietary software is greatly aided
by GPL tools.

 Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the ability to
 create proprietary software, even though the non-core parts are most
 likely open and available to the public.

They have this under the GPL (as long as their proprietary software isn't 
a derived work of the GPL software).  They have this under the BSD license 
even if it IS a derived work.

I utterly fail to see how ANYONE benefits from this proposed license over 
a pure BSD license.  It's completely ludicrous to claim that my ability to 
take a GPL project and make it into a plugin for your product does 
ANYTHING to reduce someone's freedom to release proprietary software based 
on your code. 

Of course they can't make proprietary work derived from my plugin, but
they can't if I release a binary-only plugin either (which you allow), or
if I don't release it at all (because it's based on GPL code I don't own).

Additionally, for those of us that might choose to combine GPL and OSSAL 
work, all this means is we need to distribute our code seperately and make 
our users do the actual linking/compiling/combining themselves.  

It sucks, but you're free to make whatever license terms you like.  I
suspect you'll see a lot less use of your software under this than you
would under a pure BSD license, but again, it's your call.

Please, if you want your work to be freely transformable into 
proprietary work, just use the BSD license.  
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet
Sean Chittenden wrote:
   Businesses using OSSAL software would give the business the
   ability to create proprietary software, even though the non-core
   parts are most likely open and available to the public.
  The same is true of software under the BSD license.
 Correct, but the BSD license does not ensure that all software
 developed will be available under terms friendly for businesses, which
 goes back to the point of me writing the OSSAL.

If someone takes BSD-licensed code, modifies it and does a
binary-only release, the modifications are not available at all.
So businesses cannot use these modifications.

If someone takes BSD-licensed code, modifies it and releases
the result under GPL, the modifications are available but with
certain restrictions. Now businesses cannot use the modifications
either (unless they accept the restrictions).

So I don't really see the difference here. In both cases the
modifications are not available without restriction. Why does 
it matter that in one case they are licensed under a 
restrictive license?


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread John Cowan
Sean Chittenden scripsit:

 Nokia's CheckPoint firewall (often considered the
 best firewall in the industry) isn't based on Linux for a reason.

Doubtless, but the reason can't be the GPL license on the Linux kernel,
since there is an explicit exception allowing people to run proprietary
drivers with the kernel.

 I define free along the lines of the way the BSD crowd does, not along
 the way of the Linux crowd.  Free in terms of rights, not free in
 terms of cost to personal developers.

Linux (meaning the whole system, not just the kernel) doesn't have a monolithic
position.  Both copyleft and copycenter (BSD-type) licensors are interested
in freedom, but for different communities.  BSD-style licenses maximize the
freedom of developers, but copyleft licenses attempt to restrict developers
somewhat so as to maximize the freedom of end users.

 It's useful if you're a business in that if you use OSSAL software in
 a product, you're never going to have to go back and rewrite that code
 that you depend on if the module author goes copyleft.  

If a new version of the module is copyleft, you wouldn't be able to
upgrade it, but the previous version would still be available under the
BSD or the MIT or the AFL or whatever.

We call nothing profound[EMAIL PROTECTED]
that is not wittily expressed.  John Cowan
--Northrop Frye (improved)
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Your arguments about businesses don't make any sense to me since
  there are certainly a number of businesses happily making money from
  GPL software.  Here is what my version of what I think you are
 Some, not all.  Just to keep the discussion from thinking that open
 source is copyleft or that the OSSAL wouldn't be useful, let me point
 out the following: Nokia's CheckPoint firewall (often considered the
 best firewall in the industry) isn't based on Linux for a reason.
 Same with Mac OS-X, BSDI/WindRiver, BIG-IP, etc.  Businesses using
 open source doesn't mean businesses using GPL'ed software: there are
 plenty of examples of the BSDL software being true.

You've suggested that some people confuse open source with the GPL,
but I don't think anybody on this list has that confusion.  Certainly
many companies use BSD licensed code, just as many companies use GPL
code.  I don't see that either point proves that the OSSAL would be

  The reason that some people like the BSD license is that it permits
  proprietary forks.  They don't usually say it that way.  They
  usually say that the software is maximally free/open.
 I define free along the lines of the way the BSD crowd does, not along
 the way of the Linux crowd.  Free in terms of rights, not free in
 terms of cost to personal developers.

Oddly, the Linux crowd defines free the same way.  But it's easy to
get into hair-splitting arguments over the meaning of free, and
probably not terribly worthwhile.

  The OSSAL appears designed to prohibit GPL forks.  It permits
  proprietary forks, but prohibits GPL forks.  Since the main effect
  of a GPL fork would be to prohibit proprietary forks of the forked
  code, the effect of the OSSAL is to prohibit prohibiting proprietary
 Did you mean to say, prohibit prohibiting proprietary forks? Your
 wording is rather verbose in the end, but you are correct, the OSSAL
 is designed to prohibit GPL forks and to explicitly permit proprietary

I did indeed mean to say ``prohibit prohibiting proprietary forks.''
I think it's fairly important to understand that that is the only
significant effect of the OSSAL.

You say that the OSSAL explicitly permits proprietary forks, but the
BSD license does that as well.  The OSSAL prohibits something very
specific: if somebody takes code under license X, and takes GPL code,
and links them together, and distributes the result, that is permitted
if X is the BSD license, but prohibited if X is the OSSAL license.

Note that if I take BSD code, and link it with GPL code, and
distribute the result, the recipient is permitted to extract the BSD
code and make a proprietary fork of that.  So the BSD license always
does permit proprietary forks of the BSD code itself.

  This doesn't seem useful to me, but obviously I don't speak for the
 It's useful if you're a business in that if you use OSSAL software in
 a product, you're never going to have to go back and rewrite that code
 that you depend on if the module author goes copyleft.  In doing so,
 more businesses would likely use and contribute to Open Source.

When I read that statement it is clear to me that that is true of the
BSD license as well.  Can you please explain to me, in words of one
syllable and taking very slow steps, why it is not?

  Also obviously you can use your license whether or not the OSI blesses
 Correct, though as stated before, Open Source is bigger than copyleft
 software.  -sc

Well, yes, I know you're concerned about that sort of confusion, but
the rest of us are not.  For that matter, open source is also bigger
than the OSI.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread David Presotto
On Thu Sep 25 15:52:09 EDT 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note that if I take BSD code, and link it with GPL code, and
 distribute the result, the recipient is permitted to extract the BSD
 code and make a proprietary fork of that.  So the BSD license always
 does permit proprietary forks of the BSD code itself.

While true, that might be awfully hard to do since the two parts
will not be explicitly delineated.  A few generations down the
line and heredity becomes pretty fuzzy.  The viral/inheritive/
freedom-fighting nature of the GPL will always scare some companies
from expressly not doing that when creating proprietary forks.
They'ld rather go with a version whose ancestry can be

  It's useful if you're a business in that if you use OSSAL software in
  a product, you're never going to have to go back and rewrite that code
  that you depend on if the module author goes copyleft.  In doing so,
  more businesses would likely use and contribute to Open Source.
 When I read that statement it is clear to me that that is true of the
 BSD license as well.  Can you please explain to me, in words of one
 syllable and taking very slow steps, why it is not?

I've just had to go through all this with Lucent.  A good chunk of
development here wants to use open source as much as possible,
especially as we become a leaner/smaller company; can't do it
all ourselves anymore.  Both the BSD copy-center and the GPL
copy-left models are attractive to us, though often in
different venues.  There are lots of fears though the module
author going copyleft is not one I've heard anyone utter.
There are fears of
- support disolving
- accidentally mixing inheritive copy-left code with proprietary code
 thereby forcing us to disclose secrets
- finding stolen code in open source a few years
 down the line and getting into a SCO-IBM like battle
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Mike Wattier

Personally, the OSSAL is a step in the right direction, once it's finished I 
am thinking of adopting it myself. It reflects current day needs among small 
shop developers (eg. self employed programmers/consultants). Which I might 
add, is a segment of this community who's needs are seemingly never fully 
addressed, by the OSI or FSF. 

 The OSI is a political organization 

yeah.. and IMHO this is the very reason that many who want to support the Open 
Source community, will not do so. It is slowly becoming a cheerleading 
section for the GPL. Will the supporters of the GPL ever shed the notion that 
the GPL is the answer to everything.  Guess what, if diversity in your 
politics is a good thing than why does it seem to be an uphill battle every 
time someone does something that may not conform to the 'copyleft' side of 
the debate? Why does the non-GPL view have to be seen as dissent ? Why 
does the opensource community/OSI have to have one view on any given topic?

``dedicated to managing and
 promoting the Open Source Definition for the good of the community.''

Well..there are those within the community to which the GPL is a hindrance, 
plain and simple. Those of us who do not work for mega corporations or 
universities with seemingly unlimited resources from multiple revenue streams 
and legions of underpaid code slaves.  
Those of us who own small businesses have needs that are not being met by 
currently defined OSI approved licenses, and quite honestly open source in 
general is taking a beating because of it, but the remedy is to submit new 
licenses, the OSI has provided a process for doing this, however the trend on 
new license submissions is always use an existing license or use the GPL 

If a hobbyist, or user, or whomever wants to license under the GPL thats fine, 
I'm glad they contributed, however, it is narrow minded and arrogant to think 
that the same rights that protect a user would be an acceptable in all other 

I hope the OSI approves this license in short order.

Have a great day!

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread John Cowan
Mike Wattier scripsit:

 yeah.. and IMHO this is the very reason that many who want to support the Open 
 Source community, will not do so. It is slowly becoming a cheerleading 
 section for the GPL. 

Nonsense.  Tell that to Mr. Behlendorf, open and notorious OSI supporter
and promulgator of a certain almost-BSD-licensed web server.

 Guess what, if diversity in your 
 politics is a good thing than why does it seem to be an uphill battle every 
 time someone does something that may not conform to the 'copyleft' side of 
 the debate? 

If someone comes on the mailing list and spews crap about copycenter licenses,
they will get flamed for that too.  It's just that they're shorter and simpler
and don't confuse people as much.

 Well..there are those within the community to which the GPL is a hindrance, 
 plain and simple. Those of us who do not work for mega corporations or 
 universities with seemingly unlimited resources from multiple revenue streams 
 and legions of underpaid code slaves.  

Umm, the universities tend to use copycenter licenses.

Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.
Send us, bright one, light one, Horhorn, quickening, and wombfruit. (3x)
Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!
  -- Joyce, _Ulysses_, Oxen of the Sun   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread John Cowan
David Presotto scripsit:

 While true, that might be awfully hard to do since the two parts
 will not be explicitly delineated.  A few generations down the
 line and heredity becomes pretty fuzzy.  The viral/inheritive/
 freedom-fighting nature of the GPL will always scare some companies
 from expressly not doing that when creating proprietary forks.
 They'ld rather go with a version whose ancestry can be

Safer to go back to the original BSD-ish code.  In the current climate,
it's unlikely that any open-source code once released can be lost forever --
too many archives.

 - finding stolen code in open source a few years
  down the line and getting into a SCO-IBM like battle

The chance of that is nearly nil, IMHO (IANAL, TINLA).  Most GPL violations
are innocent and/or ignorant, and get resolved early and quietly, according
to Eben Moglen, who does most of the enforcing, or enforcing.

Work hard,  John Cowan
play hard,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
die young,
rot quickly.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread John Cowan
Ian Lance Taylor scripsit:

  I define free along the lines of the way the BSD crowd does, not along
  the way of the Linux crowd.  Free in terms of rights, not free in
  terms of cost to personal developers.
 Oddly, the Linux crowd defines free the same way.  

They differ on the relative importance of freedom-to-code vs. freedom-to-use-
the-latest-and-greatest, basically.

Income tax, if I may be pardoned for saying so, John Cowan
is a tax on income.  --Lord Macnaghten (1901)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Sean Chittenden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Strictly speaking from a legal sense, it is not needed, however for
 interpretation's sake, you're probably right.  I'll add an FAQ section
 to the license page to handle this case.

I strongly recommend that misleading ambiguities in the licence text be
remedied _in_ the licence text.

[My clarification that GPLv2's source-access provision does _not_ get
triggered by linking (contrary to OSSAL's wording), but rather by
redistribution, snipped.]

 I know, which is why the GPL is problematic.  If you're writing an in
 house application, you have within your right the ability to link
 against the GPL.  If you try sell a product, the OSSAL prevents you
 from shipping that product if it uses GPL'ed code, which is what I
 want.  Means that or other avenues for software
 announcements will be venerable gold mines for businesses in terms of
 software that they can use in products.

Why or whether particular licences are problematic is completely
irrelevant to this discussion.  (Moreover, licence advocacy is
infamously tedious, and I try to have nothing to do with it.)

My overall point is that your concern (if I understand you correctly)
about some other codebase's licence attaching itself to a OSSAL-covered
work used with it is misplaced:  It can't happen.  Basic copyright law
guarantees that it cannot.

So, I conclude that your licence (like Darren Reed's) attempts to cure
(in that particular) a nonexistent problem.

[Snip my attempt to explain why your assumption that free software ==
GPL isn't correct, and that free software is just a synonym for open
source, with a different marketing program.]

 Bah, this is exactly why I avoid this kind of semantic propaganda

On the contrary:  I thought it evident that that classification distinction
(dividing free aka open-source software into copyleft vs. non-copyleft 
categories) is devoid of advocacy, and is an aid to clarity.

I strongly recommend you heed what is meant by those terms, as otherwise
you'll lose a great deal of time dealing with misunderstandings.  

(As an aside, I'm really boggling at your conclusion that my category
explanation was propaganda.  That's one huge chip on your shoulder,
Sean:  It seems to be partially blocking your hearing.)

 Fair enough.


 copyleft + product == !possible; non-copyleft + product == possible;

Plainly outside the scope of licence-evaluation discussion.  (Moreover,

 This doesn't mean it hasn't happened, however.  Having it explicitly
 stated doesn't hurt anyone, esp since this isn't the 1st time this has

As Ian Lance Taylor said -- and as I was saying, for that matter --
that's basic copyright violation, and would be so regardless of the
code's licence.  That's a tort.  When someone violates your copyright,
send them a stiffly worded demand letter, and expect immediate
correction preferably accompanied by an abject apology.  If sufficiently
incensed, and if you think you can get any, sue for damages.

Thus my point that the OSSAL provision discussed -- like Darren Reed's
-- is a no-op.  Basic copyright law renders it irrelevant:  It is
flat-out unlawful to relicense someone else's copyrighted property.
Persons other than the copyright owner lack title to do so.  Therefore,
actions purporting to do so have zero effect -- except in committing
torts.  That's what title _means_.   And note that Søren's copyright
notice had been simply lopped off:  Having had that copyright notice say
OSSAL instead of BSD would (obviously) have had zero effect on the

People like Darren write such licence provisions because they
misapprehend how basic copyright law works.  You _do_ know how it works,
and so needn't repeat his mistake.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Ken Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 You are making some very legitimate points.  Last year, Bruce Perens, one of
 the most active proponents of the GPL, said the exact same thing at an open
 source conference, the GPL has limited commercial applications.

Hello again, Mr. Brown!  How are things at the Alexis de Tocqueville
Institute?  (You've moved from Erols to Verizon, I see.)  We haven't
heard much from you since I explained to the mailing list a year ago
which Microsoft-supported institute you're vice-president of.[1]

Anyone else who was at the O'Reilly conference:  What did Bruce _really_
say, in context?

[1][EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05605.html

Rick Moen   Never ask a sysadmin What's up?
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Mike Wattier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Well..there are those within the community to which the GPL is a hindrance, 
 plain and simple.

Sure, I know that.  (I've been in the open source business for 13
years now; I really do know something about it.  And I do mean
business literally, as it's how I earn my living.)

I think the question at hand is whether the OSSAL helps those people,
or indeed any people, in any meaningful way.  In your message you said
that it did, but you didn't explain how.  I want to understand how.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Brian Behlendorf

Pulling a Kibo:

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, John Cowan wrote:
 Mike Wattier scripsit:

  yeah.. and IMHO this is the very reason that many who want to support the Open
  Source community, will not do so. It is slowly becoming a cheerleading
  section for the GPL.

 Nonsense.  Tell that to Mr. Behlendorf, open and notorious OSI supporter
 and promulgator of a certain almost-BSD-licensed web server.

Notorious!  I love it.

I don't agree with Mike's claim, but I understand completely where it's
coming from.  It's one thing to talk about a company's preferred licensing
model for software created largely outside that company.  It's quite
another to be a sole or primary author of a piece of software and try to
determine which licensing strategy is optimal, especially when you are
trying to make a living from it, and especially when you're a small
company and can't afford to build all the other associated services you
could actually make money from.

The essential device of an OSI license - the right to distribute modified
works without the copyright holders' consent - does mean there's a whole
host of business models the copyright holder simply can't make viable,
especially on a startup budget.  That's not a defect, or even necessarily
a shame - the balance of power in OSI-approved licenses is intentionally
weighted in favor of everyone but the authors.  This makes it hard to
reconcile, though, with the traditional model for small software
developers - that you get paid proportionate to the amount of value your
product is providing to people, roughly expressed as the number of people
using your product.  The fact that such a philosophy can't be supported
(at least not predictably and directly) by OSI licenses is what causes
people to see OSI licenses as cheerleading for the GPL.


license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian Behlendorf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The essential device of an OSI license - the right to distribute modified
 works without the copyright holders' consent - does mean there's a whole
 host of business models the copyright holder simply can't make viable,
 especially on a startup budget.  That's not a defect, or even necessarily
 a shame - the balance of power in OSI-approved licenses is intentionally
 weighted in favor of everyone but the authors.  This makes it hard to
 reconcile, though, with the traditional model for small software
 developers - that you get paid proportionate to the amount of value your
 product is providing to people, roughly expressed as the number of people
 using your product.  The fact that such a philosophy can't be supported
 (at least not predictably and directly) by OSI licenses is what causes
 people to see OSI licenses as cheerleading for the GPL.

I just want to perform a little semantic janitorial duty, here:  

Surely the allegation discussed at the end of your paragraph is
objectively a factual error.  In anyone else's hands, I'd have suspected
it was intended as flamebait.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Brian Behlendorf
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Rick Moen wrote:
 Quoting Brian Behlendorf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  The essential device of an OSI license - the right to distribute modified
  works without the copyright holders' consent - does mean there's a whole
  host of business models the copyright holder simply can't make viable,
  especially on a startup budget.  That's not a defect, or even necessarily
  a shame - the balance of power in OSI-approved licenses is intentionally
  weighted in favor of everyone but the authors.  This makes it hard to
  reconcile, though, with the traditional model for small software
  developers - that you get paid proportionate to the amount of value your
  product is providing to people, roughly expressed as the number of people
  using your product.  The fact that such a philosophy can't be supported
  (at least not predictably and directly) by OSI licenses is what causes
  people to see OSI licenses as cheerleading for the GPL.

 I just want to perform a little semantic janitorial duty, here:

 Surely the allegation discussed at the end of your paragraph is
 objectively a factual error.  In anyone else's hands, I'd have suspected
 it was intended as flamebait.

It's not flame bait.  Show me an open source license that specifies that
each user pay the copyright holder for use.  That's the predictable and
direct method to compensate a copyright holder based on the number of
users of their software that just doesn't exist in open-source licensed
software.  I'm not saying it's a problem, I'm just saying it's
incompatible with the traditional way (and I'd suggest, still the
predominant way) software companies sell their goods.  Companies used to
the old model sometimes have trouble dealing with this, and think we're
all about some wacky anticapitalist ideal epitomized in their minds by the
GPL.  They don't see the shift the software economy is making from being a
packaged-goods-like industry to a services industry.

Semantically clean?


license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread John Cowan
Brian Behlendorf scripsit:

  Nonsense.  Tell that to Mr. Behlendorf, open and notorious OSI supporter
  and promulgator of a certain almost-BSD-licensed web server.
 Notorious!  I love it.


It was an ironically intended (to be sure) reuse of legalese: we have
open and notorious adverse possession of land, open and notorious
fornication, and the open notorious evil livers of the Anglican Book
of Common Prayer.  These last are those who live evil lives, of course,
not problematic internal organs.

 the balance of power in OSI-approved licenses is intentionally
 weighted in favor of everyone but the authors.  

Relative to the default situation in which the author has godlike powers
over the code, yes.

 The fact that such a philosophy can't be supported
 (at least not predictably and directly) by OSI licenses is what causes
 people to see OSI licenses as cheerleading for the GPL.

But BSD-like licenses are the same in this respect: you still don't
collect any rents on your secret bits, because you have no secrets.
No, the charge of GPL-cheerleading can't be accounted for by something
that is true of all open licensing schemes equally.  IMHO it results from
the relative complexity of copyleft licenses, which makes them harder to
understand and lead to more mistaken impressions.  (And then there's
the Rogue, whose views are sui generis.)

One art / There is  John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
No less / No more
All things / To do
With sparks / Galore -- Douglas Hofstadter
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RE: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Ken Brown
Big Rick,

Your IBM funded-man Tony Stanco has the tape.  You should ask him for a
copy.  By the way, I see quite of bit of IBM money moving around Washington
these (ie. Ed Black, Bruce Schneir et al.)  Let them know that I have no
problem AdTI would be happy to accept far less money than those guys are
getting to support our research.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Moen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

Quoting Ken Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 You are making some very legitimate points.  Last year, Bruce Perens, one
 the most active proponents of the GPL, said the exact same thing at an
 source conference, the GPL has limited commercial applications.

Hello again, Mr. Brown!  How are things at the Alexis de Tocqueville
Institute?  (You've moved from Erols to Verizon, I see.)  We haven't
heard much from you since I explained to the mailing list a year ago
which Microsoft-supported institute you're vice-president of.[1]

Anyone else who was at the O'Reilly conference:  What did Bruce _really_
say, in context?

[1][EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05605.html

Rick Moen   Never ask a sysadmin What's up?
license-discuss archive is at

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Chittenden
I've been waiting for someone to actually go through this, thank you
for your time and energy.

   4. Redistributions of  source code must not be  used in conjunction
   with any  software license that requires disclosure  of source code
   (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).
 IMHO, this violates OSD #1:-
 'as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing'

1. Free Redistribution

The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving
away the software as a component of an aggregate software
distribution containing programs from several different
sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for
such sale.

You can sell OSSAL software and you can give OSSAL software away.  You
can redistribute OSSAL software that uses BSD, MIT, or LGPL licensed
bits.  You can distribute OSSAL bits along side GPL bits.  OSSAL bits
can never be used in conjunction with GPL bits, so OSSAL bits can
never be apart of an aggregate software product which means that
there's no possibility for OSSAL bits to restrict an aggregate
software distribution.

   5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form (i.e.
   binary or object form, etc.) must not be linked to software that
   is released with a license that requires disclosure of source
   code (ex: the GPL).
 Violates OSD #9
 These terms restrict use of other software (here, s/w under GPL)
 used in conjunction with s/w under terms of this license.

9. The License Must Not Restrict Other Software

The license must not place restrictions on other software that is
_distributed_ along with the licensed software. For example, the
license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the
same medium must be open-source software.

OSSAL restricts the use, yes.  OSSAL does not, however, restrict
distribution.  I crafted these words to be very careful to comply with
the OSD while preserving the intention of the license.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-25 Thread Sean Chittenden
  Nokia's CheckPoint firewall (often considered the best firewall in
  the industry) isn't based on Linux for a reason.
 Doubtless, but the reason can't be the GPL license on the Linux
 kernel, since there is an explicit exception allowing people to run
 proprietary drivers with the kernel.

Nokia's lack of use of Linux has nothing to do with drivers, it has to
do with the extensive modifications they made to BSD's IP stack and
firewall software, which they redistribute as the product called
CheckPoint.  OSSAL, BSD, and MIT licenses operate under the notion of
take what's existing, modify it in unique and interesting ways, and
leverage it to the best of your ability.  Writing something from
scratch is a silly waste of effort and pointless: OSSAL, BSD, and MIT
licenses give businesses or any developer a base to work from.


  It's useful if you're a business in that if you use OSSAL software
  in a product, you're never going to have to go back and rewrite
  that code that you depend on if the module author goes copyleft.
 If a new version of the module is copyleft, you wouldn't be able to
 upgrade it, but the previous version would still be available under
 the BSD or the MIT or the AFL or whatever.

Which means duplicated work/effort, which is what the OSSAL aims to
prevent.  -sc

Sean Chittenden
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-24 Thread Ian Lance Taylor
Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The OSSAL is the most similar to the BSD license.  This is a
 derivative license in that it is modeled after the BSD license,
 however it prevents code or objects from being used by GPL'ed bits.
 The reason for these addions being that as a language author, I don't
 want any of the modules written by the open source community to be
 GPL'ed as GPL'ed modules are of no use to businesses and the language
 is centered around businesses that use and contribute open source

I'm sure you've heard it before, but I would encourage you to not use
such a license.  People generally choose a BSD-type license in order
to make the code as free as possible without actually disclaiming
copyright.  Making code as free as possible ought to include
permission to link it with GPL code.  Linking with GPL code does not
make the code any less free than linking with proprietary code and
distributing only binaries.

Your stated goal can be achieved simply by not accepting contributions
which are under the GPL.  As far as I can see, permitting other people
to distribute GPL contributions to your software does not reduce the
freedom of your end users in any way, since anybody is already
permitted to distribute contributions to your software without
providing source code at all.

That said, I don't see any reason why your license does not conform to
the OSD.

 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
should, in good faith, display the following acknowledgment:
 This product includes software developed by the AUTHOR and its contributors.
 Discussion: Non-legally binding clause that asks for recognition, but
 isn't required.

With regard to this clause, your discussion says that it does not
require recognition, but a plain reading of the clause is that
recognition is required if any features or use of the software are
mentioned.  Which is it?

 4. Redistributions of source code may not be used in conjunction
with any software license that requires disclosure of source
code (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).

This is also not entirely clear.  Perhaps you mean something like
``this source code may not be relicensed under any software license
which requires disclosure of source code.''

 5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form (i.e.
binary or object form, etc.) may not be linked to software that is
released with a license that requires disclosure of source code
(ex: the GPL).

This may preclude running the software on any system which uses glibc,
such as GNU/Linux.  Perhaps this is your intent.

This license raises the question of whether the OSI should
mechanically approve any license which meets the OSD, or whether the
OSI should apply other considerations as well.  If the OSI does not
approve licenses mechanically, then I would vote against approving
this license, as I believe it could tend to balkanize the open source
community rather than build it up.

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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-24 Thread Andy Tai

For your purpose, the BSD or the MIT license is better
than the OSSAL, which impose on businesses the burden
of not being able to use GPL code for their purposes.

Hopefully you will not force the FreeBSD project to
adapt your license.

--- Sean Chittenden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Open Source Software Alliance (hereafter
 known as OSSAL), is
 designed to be a business friendly Open Source
 Software license that
 encourages businesses to release or make use of
 OSSAL software (OSSAL
 is a BSDL-like license).  The intent of OSSAL is
 akin to the phrase,
 if you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back. ...
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Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-24 Thread John Cowan
Ian Lance Taylor scripsit:

 That said, I don't see any reason why your license does not conform to
 the OSD.

I agree.

  3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
 should, in good faith, display the following acknowledgment:
  This product includes software developed by the AUTHOR and its contributors.
  Discussion: Non-legally binding clause that asks for recognition, but
  isn't required.
 With regard to this clause, your discussion says that it does not
 require recognition, but a plain reading of the clause is that
 recognition is required if any features or use of the software are
 mentioned.  Which is it?

The former.  Note the presence of should rather than must or shall.

  4. Redistributions of source code may not be used in conjunction
 with any software license that requires disclosure of source
 code (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).
 This is also not entirely clear.  Perhaps you mean something like
 ``this source code may not be relicensed under any software license
 which requires disclosure of source code.''

Technically, source code is not (cannot be) normally relicensed.
What is meant is that derivative works in non-textual form can't be
licensed under a copyleft license, for an appropriate definition of

It would be better to word this must not rather than may not, which
latter is subject to misreading.

If a soldier is asked why he kills people who have done him no harm, or a
terrorist why he kills innocent people with his bombs, they can always
reply that war has been declared, and there are no innocent people in an
enemy country in wartime.  The answer is psychotic, but it is the answer
that humanity has given to every act of aggression in history.  --Northrop Frye
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-24 Thread Sean Chittenden
  The OSSAL is the most similar to the BSD license.  This is a
  derivative license in that it is modeled after the BSD license,
  however it prevents code or objects from being used by GPL'ed
  bits.  The reason for these addions being that as a language
  author, I don't want any of the modules written by the open source
  community to be GPL'ed as GPL'ed modules are of no use to
  businesses and the language is centered around businesses that use
  and contribute open source code.
 I'm sure you've heard it before, but I would encourage you to not
 use such a license.  People generally choose a BSD-type license in
 order to make the code as free as possible without actually
 disclaiming copyright.  Making code as free as possible ought to
 include permission to link it with GPL code.  Linking with GPL code
 does not make the code any less free than linking with proprietary
 code and distributing only binaries.


 Your stated goal can be achieved simply by not accepting
 contributions which are under the GPL.

My intent is to have people who do contribute, to not use the GPL.  I
want all of the modules in this language to be accessible under the
business friendly terms of the OSSAL.

 As far as I can see, permitting other people to distribute GPL
 contributions to your software does not reduce the freedom of your
 end users in any way, since anybody is already permitted to
 distribute contributions to your software without providing source
 code at all.

I am not concerned about freedom of development to users/consumers
(which is the aim of the GPL), I'm concerned about the freedom of
development for businesses.

 That said, I don't see any reason why your license does not conform
 to the OSD.

*nods* I have chosen much of my wording to be in compliance with OSD
as I think it is a very good criteria for Open Source.  You can
redistribute, you can modify, you can compile, you can patch, you can
distribute... you just can't compile in GPL'ed bits and can't run the
resulting library with GPL'ed bits, etc.

  3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of
  this software should, in good faith, display the following
  acknowledgment: This product includes software developed by
  the AUTHOR and its contributors.
  Discussion: Non-legally binding clause that asks for recognition, but
  isn't required.
 With regard to this clause, your discussion says that it does not
 require recognition, but a plain reading of the clause is that
 recognition is required if any features or use of the software are
 mentioned.  Which is it?

It isn't required, it says, ...this software should, in good faith,
display the following..., which doesn't preclude people from omitting
it if they have a reason for omitting it, but it also does place favor
on people including notice in advertising.  In legalese, this is
basically a nudge/reminder to include it in the manual wherever you
list off a zillion names and no one really pays attention, but the
author gets to point out to his/her name to their significant
other/kids/students, etc. and have a moment in the spotlight.

  4. Redistributions of source code may not be used in conjunction
 with any software license that requires disclosure of source
 code (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).
 This is also not entirely clear.  Perhaps you mean something like
 ``this source code may not be relicensed under any software license
 which requires disclosure of source code.''

Actually, it's meant to prevent this:

#include stdio.h

Where sdtio.h is GPL'ed.

Though you bring up two points here that I hadn't thought about:

1) Dually licensed bits that are OSSAL and GPL'ed is just fine by me
   so long as the bits are available via OSSAL.

2) Relicensed source code - I think I may add a clause to prevent
   this, but still allowing multiply licensed source code.

  5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form (i.e.
 binary or object form, etc.) may not be linked to software that is
 released with a license that requires disclosure of source code
 (ex: the GPL).
 This may preclude running the software on any system which uses
 glibc, such as GNU/Linux.  Perhaps this is your intent.

Correct.  Most Linux distributions with GPL'ed libc's will be unable
to run OSSAL software unless their libc is LGPL'ed (which is
unimpaired or affected by OSSAL): a non-issue for BSD or OS-X users.

As for the newly added item 6 of the OSSAL, here is the addition:

6. Redistributions of source code may be licensed under more than one
   license and may not have the terms of the OSSAL removed.

Discussion: As stated above, I wish to preserve the business
friendliness of all modules.  Man hours and resources are precious and
duplication of work by anyone is foolish.  This ensures that all open
source modules are available to other businesses.

 This license raises the question of 

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-24 Thread Sean Chittenden
   4. Redistributions of source code may not be used in conjunction
  with any software license that requires disclosure of source
  code (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).
  This is also not entirely clear.  Perhaps you mean something like
  ``this source code may not be relicensed under any software
  license which requires disclosure of source code.''
 Technically, source code is not (cannot be) normally relicensed.
 What is meant is that derivative works in non-textual form can't be
 licensed under a copyleft license, for an appropriate definition of
 It would be better to word this must not rather than may not,
 which latter is subject to misreading.

This is good advice, thank you.  I have updated the wording
accordingly in the various places where appropriate and have attached
an updated text version of the license.  -sck

Sean Chittenden
OSSAL - Open Source Software Alliance License

Table of Contents:
 Comments, Questions, and Discussion


Below is an OSSAL template.  To generate your own license, change the values of 
AUTHOR, RELEASE, SOFTWARE, and YEARS from their original values as given here, 
and substitute your own.

  AUTHOR = The Regents of the University of California. (ex: The Regents of the 
University of California., PostgreSQL Global Development Group, Joe Schmoe)
  RELEASE = FreeBSD 5.3 (ex: FreeBSD 5.3, PostgreSQL 7.4)
  SOFTWARE = FreeBSD (ex: FreeBSD, PostgreSQL, Apache webserver)
  YEARS = 2003 (ex: 2003, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2001-2003, 2000-2002,2004)


Here is the license template:

All of the documentation and software included in the RELEASE and
SOFTWARE Releases is copyrighted by AUTHOR.

Copyright YEARS
AUTHOR.  All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
   should, in good faith, display the following acknowledgment:
This product includes software developed by the AUTHOR and its contributors.
4. Redistributions of source code must not be used in conjunction
   with any software license that requires disclosure of source
   code (ex: the GNU Public License, hereafter known as the GPL).
5. Redistributions of source code in any non-textual form (i.e.
   binary or object form, etc.) must not be linked to software that is
   released with a license that requires disclosure of source code
   (ex: the GPL).
6. Redistributions of source code must be licensed under more than one
   license and must not have the terms of the OSSAL removed.



The Open Source Software Alliance (hereafter known as OSSAL),
is designed to be a business friendly Open Source Software license
that encourages businesses to release or make use of OSSAL software
(OSSAL is a BSDL-like license).  The intent of OSSAL is akin to the
phrase, if you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back.  With OSSAL
software, a business is able to use and incorporate existing software
that is licensed under the OSSAL or other BSDL-like licenses.  The
incorporated software can be sold.  A business can lend resources to
an OSSAL project and not waive its right to make money from the
software.  By allowing other businesses to have access to non-trade
secret software under the terms of the OSSAL, other businesses can
invest in improving the software.  Both businesses win by
collaborating.  If a business keeps the changes in house and does not
contribute them back to the project, the business incurs a reoccurring
cost for maintaining that software.  The joint nature of OSSAL
software reduces maintenance costs of software.  The extra engineers
and eyes inspecting the code will increase the 

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