Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bromage

On 28/2/17 3:23 pm, David Wright wrote:

Sorry. I was labouring under the misapprehension that you _wanted_
staves starting mid-page (as in your OP, but placed correctly between
the upper voices and the piano), and that Klaus was advocating
frenching the score instead.

Not really. What I want is to bring a staff into existence for a small
amount of time, and that case is solved, but I was also interested
in the general case.

The general case is that you have a complex score with many varying
combinations of parts in unison on occasions, and you need to
reduce it down to a size such that the singers and the rehearsal
pianist have a fighting chance without turning a page every two seconds.

Thankfully not something I have to do...

Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread David Wright
On Tue 28 Feb 2017 at 13:41:43 (+1100), Andrew Bromage wrote:
> On 28/2/17 1:21 pm, David Wright wrote:
> >Well I'm looking at the finale of Pinafore¹ (I picked p99/108 at random
> >and hit the spot!) and I don't see staves starting and stopping mid-page.
> No, what I mean is the solution of using different staves and just
> eliminating
> ones that have nothing.

Sorry. I was labouring under the misapprehension that you _wanted_
staves starting mid-page (as in your OP, but placed correctly between
the upper voices and the piano), and that Klaus was advocating
frenching the score instead. Now I'm confused. In any case:

A "start/stop" solution might start a new staff at the penultimate
bar of p101 with two semiquavers at the end, labelled
"Chorus of Men (basses)".

A "compromise" solution might start a new page three bars earlier
than p102 currently does, so Cap C would use the tenor line
briefly, just as Mrs Cripps does later.

A "work to do" solution might involve adding 4. and the
word "thee" to p102/bar1/staff2 and splitting guidelines at the
very end of p101.

> I see an example of almost precisely my situation at the top of page 102.

…which is why I quoted it.

> On page 101, you have one staff alternating between male chorus and a
> soloist. At the start of page 102 the tenors and basses are divided onto
> separate staves.
> In the first bar on page 102, the bass voices are in the top staff at the
> start of the bar and the bottom staff at the end of the bar.

…which corresponds to a frenching solution, but without bothering
about the "work to do".

But I'm not sure which of these alternative(s) you might be happy with.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bromage

On 28/2/17 1:21 pm, David Wright wrote:

Well I'm looking at the finale of Pinafore¹ (I picked p99/108 at random
and hit the spot!) and I don't see staves starting and stopping mid-page.
No, what I mean is the solution of using different staves and just 

ones that have nothing.

I see an example of almost precisely my situation at the top of page 102.

On page 101, you have one staff alternating between male chorus and a
soloist. At the start of page 102 the tenors and basses are divided onto
separate staves.

In the first bar on page 102, the bass voices are in the top staff at the
start of the bar and the bottom staff at the end of the bar.


Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread David Wright
On Tue 28 Feb 2017 at 10:18:33 (+1100), Andrew Bromage wrote:
> On 27/2/17 10:27 pm, Klaus Blum wrote:
> >It will be easier to align the lyrics to a voice that exists from the very
> >beginning. In your example, I've put the unison part into the same voice as
> >the soprano part.

> That will work for this case, thanks. I'm not sure how well this would scale
> to, say, a Gilbert and Sullivan act finale.

Well I'm looking at the finale of Pinafore¹ (I picked p99/108 at random
and hit the spot!) and I don't see staves starting and stopping mid-page.
But if you want that, I think I'd try using stop/start staff.

> I'm curious what is actually happening. Is the behaviour that I was seeing
> a bug, or is it technically correct but counter-intuitive?

I'm dubious about your construction here:

  \new Lyrics = A
  \context Lyrics = A { \lyricsto B { \lyrB } \lyricsto C { \lyrC } }

I can't find anything documented that looks like that. But someone
familiar with LP code would have to tell you why a syllable gets
"swallowed" by this.

> >In such cases, it's better to explicitely start a new staff instead of
> >having LilyPond do that automatically. Now you can control positions with
> >alignAboveContext or alignBelowContext.
> Thanks for this and also to the kind person who told me this off-list.
> >As you can see, this can get pretty complicated.
> Believe me, it's not as complicated as the non-cut-down example.
> >  With your "real" verses
> >being longer than just two bars, maybe it's easier to start all staves from
> >the beginning and just working with \RemoveEmptyStaves.
> I considered this option. The trouble is, if the place where the unison ends
> and the divisi begins turns out not to be the best place to break a
> line, this
> would be incorrect, because it would appear as if the male chorus should
> not sing during the unison part. Spaces rather than rests would be even
> more confusing.

Then you either have compromises to make or work to do.

Compromises: In a large work, there's usually enough stretch to get
your linebreaks where you want them. Is this for publication, or a
performance score where you can break more rules?

Work: After inserting \RemoveEmptyStaves, you may get part-lines
containing rests in, for example, T/B staves. So you can now
freeze the pagebreaks and add the notes back in where they're
missing, so that the unison breaks out into parts at the start of
a line, and vice versa, eg pp101-102.



lilypond-user mailing list

Suppressing warnings

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bernard
I have a warning '... crescendo too small...' which I want to ignore in the
log output.

Using this (at the top level):

#(ly:expect-warning "crescendo too small")

does nothing.

How exactly do you suppress warnings?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Br. Samuel Springuel

Also, there appear to be unmatched << .  Is closing >> implied, or is
this just a short-cut  example?

The `>>` are there, but your email reader may interpreting them as a
quotation level (though there is no text in the quotation).  Try copying 
the whole email into a plain text editor and then deleting the top part 
and footer that isn't in the code block.  Klaus's email conveniently has 
the `%--` lines to mark the beginning and end of the code block.

Incidentally, this is may be why you're missing a `}` as well; the 
"quotations" are separating things so that you're not copying the whole 
code block.  Your reply, for instance, in quoting Klaus's email doesn't 
contain the whole code block.

Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Joseph Austin

> On Feb 27, 2017, at 7:17 AM, wrote:
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 04:27:19 -0700 (MST)
> From: Klaus Blum >
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Vocal scores with extra staves
> Message-ID: < 
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-asci
> Andrew Bromage-2 wrote
>> the new staff isn't where I expect it to be; I'd like it to 
>> be part of the ChoirStaff.
> In such cases, it's better to explicitely start a new staff instead of
> having LilyPond do that automatically. Now you can control positions with
> alignAboveContext or alignBelowContext. 
> % ---
> \version "2.18.2"
> timeline = {
>  \time 4/4
>  { s1*2 } \bar "||"
>  { s1*2 } \bar "|."
> }
> choirVerseI = { \relative c'' { c4 c c c c c c c } }
> sopranoVerseII = { \relative c'' { c4 c c c c c c c } }
> altoVerseII = { \relative e' { e4 e e e e e e e } }
> tenorVerseII = { \relative g { g4 g g g g g g g } }
> bassVerseII = { \relative c { c4 c c c c c c c } }
> pianoRH = { \relative c' { 1} }
> pianoLH = { \relative c { 1} }
> lyricsVerseI = \lyricmode { la la la la la la la la }
> lyricsVerseII = \lyricmode { lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu }
> \book {
>  <<
>\new ChoirStaff {
>  \new Staff {
>  \timeline
>  \clef treble \key c \major
>  \new Voice = "sopranoChorus" {
>  \context Voice = "sopranoChorus" { \voiceOne \sopranoVerseII }
>  \new Voice = "altoChorus" { \voiceTwo \altoVerseII }
>  \new Staff \with {alignBelowContext = #"chorusLyrics"} {
>\clef bass \key c \major
>  \new Voice = "tenorChorus" { \voiceOne \tenorVerseII }
>  \new Voice = "bassChorus" { \voiceTwo \bassVerseII }
>  }
>  }
>  }
>\new Lyrics = "chorusLyrics"
>\context Lyrics = "chorusLyrics" {
>  \lyricsto "sopranoChorus" { \lyricsVerseI \lyricsVerseII }
>\new PianoStaff <<
>  \new Staff {
>\clef treble \key c \major <<
>  \timeline \new Voice
>  { \pianoRH }
>  }
>  \new Staff {
>\clef bass \key c \major <<
>  \timeline \new Voice {
>  }
>  }
> }

I studied this example because I've been trying to learn to set choral music 
When I run this example, I get: error: syntax error, unexpected '}'"on 
lines 34, 57, 64.
Am I missing something?
Also, there appear to be unmatched << .  Is closing >> implied, or is this just 
a short-cut  example?

Joe Austin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 13th chord?

2017-02-27 Thread Flaming Hakama by Elaine
When  I enter a 13th chord like this e:13, it renders with a 9 as well.  I
> know a 13 chord officially contains the 9 and 11, and that lilypond by
> convention will omit the 11.  But I don't really want to have the 9
> showing.  Do I inadvertently have some setting on that is giving me this?
> [image: Inline image 1]

Amidst all the confusion and alternative approach debate, it seems like no
one has provided the standard answer for how to do this.
More details and explanation are at my blog post on this topic:

Here's the general way to specify the chord symbols you’d like to use:

1. Define your chord exceptions (the chord patterns for which you want to
change the chord symbols;  in your case, the dominant 13 chord)
2. Append your exceptions to ignatzekExceptions to the exceptions list
3. When entering chords in \chordmode, set the chordNameExceptions to your
chord exceptions list

\version "2.19.15"

myChordExceptions = {
% Dominant 13 chord
1-\markup { \raise #1.0 { \small 13 }  }
chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions
myChordExceptions #t) ignatzekExceptions)

originalChordSequence = \chordmode {
  \set chordChanges = ##t

myChordSequence = \chordmode {
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions

myMelody = \relative c'' {
a8 ( bes a2. )

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
\new ChordNames \originalChordSequence
\new Staff {

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
\new ChordNames \myChordSequence
\new Staff {


David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954   "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \ottava without bracket

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi David,

This is excellent and useful. Also works, of course, when using something
like \set Staff.ottavation = "8".

Why not make this a snippet in LSR?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \ottava without bracket

2017-02-27 Thread David Nalesnik
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:54 AM, David Nalesnik
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:13 AM, David Nalesnik
>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:04 AM, David Nalesnik
>>  wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 7:00 AM, Robert Blackstone
>>>  wrote:
 Hi Martin,

 I used \ottava #0 and it worked, albeit that there still is a very short 
 bracket and only "8", not "8va".


 Robert Blackstone

 On 27 Feb 2017, at 13:42 , Martin Tarenskeen  

> Hi,
> This is probably easy, but I couldn't find the answer. How to do an 
> \ottava without a bracket, that only applies to one single note or chord?
>>> Try
>>> \override = #'none
>> Of course, there should be an option to automatically hide the bracket
>> only on single notes, leaving it for longer stretches.
> Something like this possibly:
> \version "2.19.55"
> #(define (no-bracket-for-singles grob)
>(if (eq? (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT)
> (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT))
> {
>   \override = #no-bracket-for-singles
>   \ottava #1 c'' \ottava #0 d'' e'' f''
>   \ottava #1 c'' d'' \ottava #0 e''  f''
> }
> %
> The issue here is that the "8va" ought be centered over the note.
> Style "none" doesn't affect the positioning of the text.
> Probably this would mean writing a stencil callback (instead of one
> for 'style).  I'll look at this later, in case someone hasn't beaten
> me to it :)

Positioning fixed:

\version "2.19.55"

#(define (my-proc grob)
   (let ((default-stil (ly:ottava-bracket::print grob))
 (lb (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT)))
 (if (eq? lb (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT))
 (let* ((txt (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
(txt-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob txt))
(txt-stil (ly:stencil-aligned-to txt-stil X CENTER))
(sys (ly:grob-system grob))
(lb-center (interval-center (ly:grob-extent lb lb X
   (ly:stencil-translate-axis txt-stil lb-center X))
  \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = #my-proc
  \ottava #1 c'''1
  \ottava #2 c1
  \ottava #-1 c''1
  \ottava #-2 c'1
  \ottava #1 1
  \ottava #2 1
  \ottava #-1 1
  \ottava #-2 1
  \ottava #1 1
  \ottava #2 1
  \ottava #-1 1
  \ottava #-2 1
  \time 3/4
  \ottava #1 c'''2.
  \ottava #2 c2.
  \ottava #-1 c''2.
  \ottava #-2 c'2.
  \ottava #1 2.
  \ottava #2 2.
  \ottava #-1 2.
  \ottava #-2 2.
  \ottava #1 2.
  \ottava #2 2.
  \ottava #-1 2.
  \ottava #-2 2.
  \time 4/4
  \ottava #1 c'''2 d'''
  \ottava #2 c2 d
  \ottava #-1 c''2 d''
  \ottava #-2 c'2 d'
  \ottava #1 c'''1 \break



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bromage


On 27/2/17 10:27 pm, Klaus Blum wrote:

welcome to the List!  :-)

Thanks! It's actually a rejoin after many years.

It will be easier to align the lyrics to a voice that exists from the very
beginning. In your example, I've put the unison part into the same voice as
the soprano part.

That will work for this case, thanks. I'm not sure how well this would scale
to, say, a Gilbert and Sullivan act finale.

I'm curious what is actually happening. Is the behaviour that I was seeing
a bug, or is it technically correct but counter-intuitive?

In such cases, it's better to explicitely start a new staff instead of
having LilyPond do that automatically. Now you can control positions with
alignAboveContext or alignBelowContext.

Thanks for this and also to the kind person who told me this off-list.

As you can see, this can get pretty complicated.

Believe me, it's not as complicated as the non-cut-down example.

  With your "real" verses
being longer than just two bars, maybe it's easier to start all staves from
the beginning and just working with \RemoveEmptyStaves.

I considered this option. The trouble is, if the place where the unison ends
and the divisi begins turns out not to be the best place to break a 
line, this

would be incorrect, because it would appear as if the male chorus should
not sing during the unison part. Spaces rather than rests would be even
more confusing.

Thanks once again.

Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Klaus Blum
Hi Simon, 

Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
> You could just as well have written
> make-tagline-color-markup = #make-transparent-markup
> or maybe even (I’m not sure if that does work for markup commands yet)
> tagline-color = \markup\transparent \etc

I'm not that familiar with scheme, so I'm alway glad if there is a way to do
it in LilyPond syntax. I also tried the \etc method, but without any
success. Is there any documentation of that new feature?

Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
> And, as Urs already said, he was looking for a way that does _not_ 
> require changing the input file at all.

IIUC he doesn't mind having some kind of preparation in the input file:

Urs Liska wrote
> It's ok to insert something in the input file but it should be, well,
> non-intrusive.

Once the input file is finished, it can be left "as is". Compilation results
afterwards only depend on the contents of the include file. That should be
suitable even for automated batch processing. 


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Simon Albrecht

Am 27.02.2017 um 18:55 schrieb Klaus Blum:

Urs Liska wrote

I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
making it transparent or colouring it white.

Coloring white leaves invisible but useless stuff at the bottom.
So maybe better:

% -- color.ily 
#(define-markup-command (tagline-color layout props text)
(interpret-markup layout props
\markup{ \transparent $text }
% -

You could just as well have written
make-tagline-color-markup = #make-transparent-markup
or maybe even (I’m not sure if that does work for markup commands yet)
tagline-color = \markup\transparent \etc
The ‘conditional’ part is missing.

% == main document 
\paper {ragged-last-bottom = ##f}
\header {
   tagline = \markup \tagline-color { use \rotate #90 so
much space }
   \repeat unfold 10 {c'1 \break}
% =

And, as Urs already said, he was looking for a way that does _not_ 
require changing the input file at all.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GSoC 2017

2017-02-27 Thread tisimst
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Urs Liska [via Lilypond] <> wrote:

> Dear LilyPond community,
> I'm happy to inform you that both LilyPond (as part of GNU) and
> Frescobaldi have been accepted as mentoring organizations for Google
> Summer of Code 2017 :-)
> This means we have the chance to get up to four (realistically) students
> to work on improving LilyPond and Frescobaldi full-time over the summer
> for three months, which is of course a great thing.

Woohoo! That's wonderful news! Thanks for all you've done, Urs, to make
this happen!


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lilypond-user mailing list

GSoC 2017

2017-02-27 Thread Urs Liska
Dear LilyPond community,

I'm happy to inform you that both LilyPond (as part of GNU) and
Frescobaldi have been accepted as mentoring organizations for Google
Summer of Code 2017 :-)

This means we have the chance to get up to four (realistically) students
to work on improving LilyPond and Frescobaldi full-time over the summer
for three months, which is of course a great thing.

The project ideas for LilyPond can be found at, those for Frescobaldi at

If you are a full-time enrolled student and think you could apply for
such a project please go ahead. Full information about the program,
including the program rules can be found at

If you don't think you want to apply for whatever reason please think
about where you can spread this information so it gets to the inbox of
potential students.

Best wishes for this year's program


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Klaus Blum
Urs Liska wrote
> I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
> making it transparent or colouring it white.

Coloring white leaves invisible but useless stuff at the bottom. 
So maybe better:

% -- color.ily 
#(define-markup-command (tagline-color layout props text)
   (interpret-markup layout props
   \markup{ \transparent $text }
% -

% == main document 
\paper {ragged-last-bottom = ##f}
\header {
  tagline = \markup \tagline-color { use \rotate #90 so
much space }
  \repeat unfold 10 {c'1 \break}
% =

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Klaus Blum
Hi Urs, 

Urs Liska wrote
> Additionally it's
> equivalent to \omit and not to \hide (so it may change the layout if
> someone creates a tagline with some vertical extent.

I once read that you are used to work with include files. 
How about that: Put only the color definition into a separate include file:

% -- color.ily 
tagline-color = #blue  % or whatever color
% -

% == main document 
\include "color.ily"
\header {
  tagline = \markup \with-color \tagline-color "Here is the tagline -
visible or not"
% =

Does that work?


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Thomas Morley
2017-02-27 14:04 GMT+01:00 Urs Liska :
> Am 27.02.2017 um 13:26 schrieb David Kastrup:
>> Urs Liska  writes:
>>> Am 27.02.2017 um 13:08 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
 Am 27.02.2017 um 12:42 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
> making it transparent or colouring it white.
> The "problem" is that I don't want to do it in the tagline markup
> definition itself but by injecting some code when invoking LilyPond. The
> intention is to write a wrapper script that hides the tagline of an
> arbitrary given score without affecting the layout.
 Maybe you can invoke something like
 #(define hide-tagline #t)
 through the -e command line option,
 write a markup command transparent-cond which applies the \transparent
 command to its argument depending on the value of ̀hide-tagline'
 and use that to wrap the tagline markup in bookTitleMarkup.

>>> I think that's too intrusive and imposes too many assumptions about the
>>> input file. What I need is a solution to take an arbitrary input file
>>> and compile it without a tagline.
>>> It's ok to insert something in the input file but it should be, well,
>>> non-intrusive.
>> I see the option
>> in scripts/auxiliar/
> Unfortunately this doesn't help as it only adds a \header { tagline = ##f }
> This would at least require me ti ensure that I place the command
> *after* any header blocks in the input file. Additionally it's
> equivalent to \omit and not to \hide (so it may change the layout if
> someone creates a tagline with some vertical extent.
> Urs

Hi Urs,

I stored the code below in

\version "2.19.52"

%% needed, see -e option in Usage-doc
%% a warning will be printed:
%% imported module (guile-user) overrides core binding
#(use-modules (guile-user))

#(let* ((paper-tagline
  (if (module? (ly:output-def-scope $defaultpaper))
  (module-ref (ly:output-def-scope $defaultpaper) 'tagline #f)
  (if (module? $defaultheader)
  (module-ref $defaultheader 'tagline #f)

  (if (and header-tagline (defined? 'transparent?) (->bool transparent?))
  (module-define! $defaultheader 'tagline
(markup #:with-color red header-tagline)))

  (if (and paper-tagline (defined? 'transparent?) (->bool transparent?))
  (ly:output-def-set-variable! $defaultpaper 'tagline
(markup #:with-color red paper-tagline

The file to be compiled with hidden tagline is

With the following commandline I've succeeded:
lilypond -e '(define transparent? #t)'
-o atest-49

For now the tagline is set red, replace it with tranparent.
Ofcourse you would need to set pathes correctly.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \ottava without bracket

2017-02-27 Thread David Nalesnik
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:13 AM, David Nalesnik
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:04 AM, David Nalesnik
>  wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 7:00 AM, Robert Blackstone
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>> I used \ottava #0 and it worked, albeit that there still is a very short 
>>> bracket and only "8", not "8va".
>>> HTH
>>> Best,
>>> Robert Blackstone
>>> On 27 Feb 2017, at 13:42 , Martin Tarenskeen  wrote:


 This is probably easy, but I couldn't find the answer. How to do an 
 \ottava without a bracket, that only applies to one single note or chord?

>> Try
>> \override = #'none
> Of course, there should be an option to automatically hide the bracket
> only on single notes, leaving it for longer stretches.

Something like this possibly:

\version "2.19.55"

#(define (no-bracket-for-singles grob)
   (if (eq? (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT)
(ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT))

  \override = #no-bracket-for-singles
  \ottava #1 c'' \ottava #0 d'' e'' f''
  \ottava #1 c'' d'' \ottava #0 e''  f''


The issue here is that the "8va" ought be centered over the note.
Style "none" doesn't affect the positioning of the text.

Probably this would mean writing a stencil callback (instead of one
for 'style).  I'll look at this later, in case someone hasn't beaten
me to it :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \ottava without bracket

2017-02-27 Thread David Nalesnik
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 7:00 AM, Robert Blackstone
> Hi Martin,
> I used \ottava #0 and it worked, albeit that there still is a very short 
> bracket and only "8", not "8va".
> Best,
> Robert Blackstone
> On 27 Feb 2017, at 13:42 , Martin Tarenskeen  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is probably easy, but I couldn't find the answer. How to do an \ottava 
>> without a bracket, that only applies to one single note or chord?


\override = #'none


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \ottava without bracket

2017-02-27 Thread David Nalesnik
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:04 AM, David Nalesnik
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 7:00 AM, Robert Blackstone
>  wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> I used \ottava #0 and it worked, albeit that there still is a very short 
>> bracket and only "8", not "8va".
>> HTH
>> Best,
>> Robert Blackstone
>> On 27 Feb 2017, at 13:42 , Martin Tarenskeen  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is probably easy, but I couldn't find the answer. How to do an \ottava 
>>> without a bracket, that only applies to one single note or chord?
> Try
> \override = #'none

Of course, there should be an option to automatically hide the bracket
only on single notes, leaving it for longer stretches.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Urs Liska

Am 27.02.2017 um 13:26 schrieb David Kastrup:
> Urs Liska  writes:
>> Am 27.02.2017 um 13:08 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
>>> Am 27.02.2017 um 12:42 schrieb Urs Liska:
 Hi all,

 I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
 making it transparent or colouring it white.

 The "problem" is that I don't want to do it in the tagline markup
 definition itself but by injecting some code when invoking LilyPond. The
 intention is to write a wrapper script that hides the tagline of an
 arbitrary given score without affecting the layout.
>>> Maybe you can invoke something like
>>> #(define hide-tagline #t)
>>> through the -e command line option,
>>> write a markup command transparent-cond which applies the \transparent
>>> command to its argument depending on the value of ̀hide-tagline'
>>> and use that to wrap the tagline markup in bookTitleMarkup.
>> I think that's too intrusive and imposes too many assumptions about the
>> input file. What I need is a solution to take an arbitrary input file
>> and compile it without a tagline.
>> It's ok to insert something in the input file but it should be, well,
>> non-intrusive.
> I see the option
> in scripts/auxiliar/

Unfortunately this doesn't help as it only adds a \header { tagline = ##f }

This would at least require me ti ensure that I place the command
*after* any header blocks in the input file. Additionally it's
equivalent to \omit and not to \hide (so it may change the layout if
someone creates a tagline with some vertical extent.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \ottava without bracket

2017-02-27 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Martin,

I used \ottava #0 and it worked, albeit that there still is a very short 
bracket and only "8", not "8va".


Robert Blackstone

On 27 Feb 2017, at 13:42 , Martin Tarenskeen  wrote:

> Hi,
> This is probably easy, but I couldn't find the answer. How to do an \ottava 
> without a bracket, that only applies to one single note or chord?
> -- 
> MT
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

\ottava without bracket

2017-02-27 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


This is probably easy, but I couldn't find the answer. How to do 
an \ottava without a bracket, that only applies to one single note or 



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread David Kastrup
Urs Liska  writes:

> Am 27.02.2017 um 13:08 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
>> Am 27.02.2017 um 12:42 schrieb Urs Liska:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
>>> making it transparent or colouring it white.
>>> The "problem" is that I don't want to do it in the tagline markup
>>> definition itself but by injecting some code when invoking LilyPond. The
>>> intention is to write a wrapper script that hides the tagline of an
>>> arbitrary given score without affecting the layout.
>> Maybe you can invoke something like
>> #(define hide-tagline #t)
>> through the -e command line option,
>> write a markup command transparent-cond which applies the \transparent
>> command to its argument depending on the value of ̀hide-tagline'
>> and use that to wrap the tagline markup in bookTitleMarkup.
> I think that's too intrusive and imposes too many assumptions about the
> input file. What I need is a solution to take an arbitrary input file
> and compile it without a tagline.
> It's ok to insert something in the input file but it should be, well,
> non-intrusive.

I see the option


in scripts/auxiliar/

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Simon Albrecht

Am 27.02.2017 um 13:13 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 27.02.2017 um 13:08 schrieb Simon Albrecht:

Am 27.02.2017 um 12:42 schrieb Urs Liska:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
making it transparent or colouring it white.

The "problem" is that I don't want to do it in the tagline markup
definition itself but by injecting some code when invoking LilyPond. The
intention is to write a wrapper script that hides the tagline of an
arbitrary given score without affecting the layout.

Maybe you can invoke something like
#(define hide-tagline #t)
through the -e command line option,
write a markup command transparent-cond which applies the \transparent
command to its argument depending on the value of ̀hide-tagline'
and use that to wrap the tagline markup in bookTitleMarkup.

I think that's too intrusive and imposes too many assumptions about the
input file. What I need is a solution to take an arbitrary input file
and compile it without a tagline.

It's ok to insert something in the input file but it should be, well,

I get your point, but it doesn’t seem very realistic. I may be mistaken, 
but short of patching LilyPond and adding a proper command-line option 
to do this I can’t imagine anything else…

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Urs Liska

Am 27.02.2017 um 13:08 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
> Am 27.02.2017 um 12:42 schrieb Urs Liska:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
>> making it transparent or colouring it white.
>> The "problem" is that I don't want to do it in the tagline markup
>> definition itself but by injecting some code when invoking LilyPond. The
>> intention is to write a wrapper script that hides the tagline of an
>> arbitrary given score without affecting the layout.
> Maybe you can invoke something like
> #(define hide-tagline #t)
> through the -e command line option,
> write a markup command transparent-cond which applies the \transparent
> command to its argument depending on the value of ̀hide-tagline'
> and use that to wrap the tagline markup in bookTitleMarkup.

I think that's too intrusive and imposes too many assumptions about the
input file. What I need is a solution to take an arbitrary input file
and compile it without a tagline.

It's ok to insert something in the input file but it should be, well,


> HTH, Simon


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: "Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Simon Albrecht

Am 27.02.2017 um 12:42 schrieb Urs Liska:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
making it transparent or colouring it white.

The "problem" is that I don't want to do it in the tagline markup
definition itself but by injecting some code when invoking LilyPond. The
intention is to write a wrapper script that hides the tagline of an
arbitrary given score without affecting the layout.

Maybe you can invoke something like
#(define hide-tagline #t)
through the -e command line option,
write a markup command transparent-cond which applies the \transparent 
command to its argument depending on the value of ̀hide-tagline'

and use that to wrap the tagline markup in bookTitleMarkup.

HTH, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Coloring a whole score

2017-02-27 Thread Urs Liska
Hi all,

in order to color a full score I wrote the following:

#(define score-color blue)

\layout {
  \context {
#@(map (lambda (gd) 
 #{ \override #`(,(car gd) color) = #score-color #})


It seems to work, but I'm wondering if there's a more generic (and
efficient?) way of setting the basic colour for "everything".

Any ideas/suggestions?


lilypond-user mailing list

"Hide" the tagline

2017-02-27 Thread Urs Liska
Hi all,

I'm looking for a way to "externally" hide the tagline, i.e. by either
making it transparent or colouring it white.

The "problem" is that I don't want to do it in the tagline markup
definition itself but by injecting some code when invoking LilyPond. The
intention is to write a wrapper script that hides the tagline of an
arbitrary given score without affecting the layout.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Klaus Blum
Hi Andrew, 

welcome to the List!  :-)

Andrew Bromage-2 wrote
> the lyrics for verse 2 don't start on the 
> correct beat.

It will be easier to align the lyrics to a voice that exists from the very
beginning. In your example, I've put the unison part into the same voice as
the soprano part.

Andrew Bromage-2 wrote
> the new staff isn't where I expect it to be; I'd like it to 
> be part of the ChoirStaff.

In such cases, it's better to explicitely start a new staff instead of
having LilyPond do that automatically. Now you can control positions with
alignAboveContext or alignBelowContext. 

% ---
\version "2.18.2"

timeline = {
  \time 4/4
  { s1*2 } \bar "||"
  { s1*2 } \bar "|."

choirVerseI = { \relative c'' { c4 c c c c c c c } }
sopranoVerseII = { \relative c'' { c4 c c c c c c c } }
altoVerseII = { \relative e' { e4 e e e e e e e } }
tenorVerseII = { \relative g { g4 g g g g g g g } }
bassVerseII = { \relative c { c4 c c c c c c c } }
pianoRH = { \relative c' { 1} }
pianoLH = { \relative c { 1} }
lyricsVerseI = \lyricmode { la la la la la la la la }
lyricsVerseII = \lyricmode { lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu }

\book {
\new ChoirStaff {
  \new Staff {
  \clef treble \key c \major
  \new Voice = "sopranoChorus" {
  \context Voice = "sopranoChorus" { \voiceOne \sopranoVerseII }
  \new Voice = "altoChorus" { \voiceTwo \altoVerseII }

  \new Staff \with {alignBelowContext = #"chorusLyrics"} {
\clef bass \key c \major
  \new Voice = "tenorChorus" { \voiceOne \tenorVerseII }
  \new Voice = "bassChorus" { \voiceTwo \bassVerseII }

\new Lyrics = "chorusLyrics"

\context Lyrics = "chorusLyrics" {
  \lyricsto "sopranoChorus" { \lyricsVerseI \lyricsVerseII }

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff {
\clef treble \key c \major <<
  \timeline \new Voice
  { \pianoRH }
  \new Staff {
\clef bass \key c \major <<
  \timeline \new Voice {
% ---

As you can see, this can get pretty complicated. With your "real" verses
being longer than just two bars, maybe it's easier to start all staves from
the beginning and just working with \RemoveEmptyStaves.


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