I need to make a chart of rhythmic fragments consisting of
one or two measures per line
the measures need to be centered on the line
there will be 10 - 12 lines per page
and each fragment needs to be uniformly approx 3-4 inches in length
and contain the meter (4/8) and a rhythm 'clef'

next to each of the fragments will be a small text box with some instructions or notes

so far what I've been doing is using the Lilypond plugin for OpenOffice
and generating the measure one at a time
and centering them on a page
now that I've gotten this far I now need to add dynamics and stick info

here is a problem I'm running into:
one measure I want to make has the last note of a tuplet tied to the first note of another tuplet in the following measure
and I get a 'decresendo too small' warning when I try to compile it
how do I make the measures longer so I can place the descresendo?

\drums {
  \time 4/8
  \times 2/3 {r2 sn4:32~\f\> }
 \times 2/3 {sn4:32\! \ppp r2 }

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