Re: Two adjacent clefs

2024-06-10 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 3:25 AM Valentin Petzel  wrote:

> > and this is the rather hacky one using hidden grace notes - my
> > searching skills are sadly lacking evidently :(
> >
> > Richard
> Trust me, the other one is even more hacky ... It essentially fakes the
> appearance of the real clef and draws a new clef glyph into the
> TimeSignature
> grob.
> Did a draft for implementation in the actual Clef engraver:
> Still needs some polishing and design choices, but then this should
> essentially boil down to setting
> initialClefChange = ##t

Thank you for this.  One question: is the second clef the size of a "change
clef" ?  The reason I chose LSR 792 over 956 is the size of the second clef.

Knute Snortum

Re: Two adjacent clefs

2024-06-09 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 6:39 AM Richard Shann 

I was imagining that this construct was more commonly used than I guess
> it actually is (the current case that I have been asked about is not
> even what I took to be the common case of pianists so used to having
> treble and bass that they don't notice it's two bass clefs), ...

The situation of having an initial clef, then changing it to another clef,
is not uncommon in piano music.  Recall Chopin's prelude in e flat minor,
opus 28, number 14 (attached).

Knute Snortum

Re: Two adjacent clefs

2024-06-08 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 7:03 AM Richard Shann 

> I think it's not uncommon for two clefs to appear side by side at the
> start of a piece (e.g. when a piano piece starts with both staves in
> bass clef so as to alert the pianist that the upper staff is not in
> treble clef).
> How is this done in LilyPond?

It can be done with some Scheme magic.  I'm assuming you want both a treble
and bass clef initial and then immediately change to another clef?  Someone
wrote this (attached) for me (I really need to put the author in the code
so I can give credit where due.)  All you do is include it in your LilyPond
source and write \trebleToBass or \bassToTreble and you have what you want.

Knute Snortum

Description: Binary data

Re: Creating otvaves with cue notes as the bottom note

2024-06-07 Thread Knute Snortum
I like the addStacc func; I will definitely use that!

But I need the top note of the octave normal size and the bottom one cue
sized.  Your script seems to cue-size both notes in the octaves.  Still,
thanks for your contribution!  It was a way of doing it I hadn't thought of.

Knute Snortum

On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 5:01 PM Colin Campbell  wrote:

> This is butt ugly, Knute, but maybe suggesting a possible way:

Creating otvaves with cue notes as the bottom note

2024-06-07 Thread Knute Snortum
I've run across some music that has octaves where the bottom note is the
size of a grace note, a cue note I'm guessing.  See attached picture.  I
can create what I want with this in LilyPond code:

\version "2.24.3"

  \clef bass
  <\single \override NoteHead.font-size = -2 c, c>4

...but repeating that for several dozen octaves is going to be a pain.
There is a scheme function in the LSR that creates octaves ( but I'm not smart enough to put
the "cue sizing" of the bottom note into it.  (It relies on recursion, so
is that even possible?)

If anyone has the time to create a function for me that creates octaves
with a cue-sized note as the bottom note, I would be very grateful.  If
not, well, copy and paste works!


Knute Snortum

Re: Unexpected suffix in chordmode

2024-05-30 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 6:32 AM Pierre-Luc Gauthier <> wrote:

> Since you wrote : cis
> maybe you want :
> \new ChordNames \chordmode {
>   g1:11+13
> }
> which gives picrelated :
> Then again, there is an extra 7 which is already implied…

You can create chord name exceptions to get rid of the 7 or 9 from the
chord modifiers:

\version "2.24.3"

% modify 13 and #11 13 chords
% Exception music is chords with markups
chExceptionMusic = {
  1-\markup { \super "13" }
  1-\markup { \raise #1.8 \teeny \sharp \super "11
13" }

% Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions.
chExceptions = #(append
  (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)

theMusic = \chordmode {
  g1:13 g1:11+.13
  \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions
  g1:13 g1:11+.13

   \new ChordNames \theMusic
   \new Voice \theMusic

Knute Snortum

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 6:24 PM Jean-Christophe Énée <> wrote:

> how can i have hightligth syntax on gedit ?

Does it have to be GEdit?  There is syntax highlighting in other editors
like Frescobaldi, VSCode, vim.

Knute Snortum

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 5:52 PM Jean-Christophe Énée <> wrote:

> hi
> how add tab ?

 Use \new TabStaff instead of \new Staff

Knute Snortum

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 5:11 PM Jean-Christophe Énée <> wrote:

> hello,
> i create a github but can´t import to hacklily


(Be sure to reply-all or include the LilyPond users list to your email.)

I'm not sure why you're creating a github repository -- if that's what
you're doing -- but you don't have to do that.  I'm not sure what you mean
by "import hacklily".  You can type code into hacklily or copy and paste

Knute Snortum

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 4:35 PM Jean-Christophe Énée <> wrote:

> hello,
> i would like have a schem to create guitar sheet with tab and grille

If I understand you correctly, you want a template for guitar with a tab
staff and fretboards.   This will get you close:

Then instead of \new Staff, write \new TabStaff.

Knute Snortum

Re: Unexpected suffix in chordmode

2024-05-25 Thread Knute Snortum
Knute Snortum

On Sat, May 25, 2024 at 2:18 PM Nikita Borisenko  wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Can anyone please advise why the following snippet outputs G9.13 instead
> of just the G13 chord name?

I don't know "why", but this is how you would get just a 13 chord:

changes = \chordmode {
   | g1:11.13 |

You can find the common chord modifiers here:

Re: how to remove marks automatically

2024-05-25 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, May 25, 2024 at 9:16 AM Stefan Thomas 

> Dear community,
> I would like to remove automatically all the "\mark \markup { \box {
> LETTER } }" in the below quoted text. Can I do this with regex? Does
> someone know how?
> Thanks,
> Stefan
> \version "2.22.2"
> violine =  {
> \clef "treble" | % 1
> R1*8 | % 9
> \mark \markup { \box { A   } } R1*8 -\markup{ \tiny {Lija+Tambor} }
> \mark \markup { \box { B   } }
>  R1*8
> \mark \markup { \box { C   } }
> r4 2. \fermata :32
> }
> You could try something like this:


Knute Snortum

Re: jump to coda inside repeat with alternative

2024-05-24 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 9:16 PM David Wright 

> Sometimes the easiest way of using these repeat constructions is to
> copy and paste an example from Notation Reference §1.4 into your
> .ly file, and then insert your music in place of the example's.

If you use Frescobaldi as your editor, you can make it a snippet, or
several snippets.

Knute Snortum

Re: jump to coda inside repeat with alternative

2024-05-22 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 10:50 AM Paul Scott  wrote:

> I sometimes use \stopStaff and \startStaff before the coda. Can anyone
> tell me how to get a clef sign after a \startStaff?

Would Staff.forceClef = ##t work in your situation?  If not, can you give
us a MWE?

\version "2.24.3"

  c''4 4 4 4 \stopStaff
  \once \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
  \startStaff c''4 4 4 4

Knute Snortum

Re: Centered number of bars of multi-measure rest in piano staff?

2024-05-22 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 10:43 AM Ole V. Villumsen <> wrote:

> Just like in a piano staff we can have centred dynamics between the two
> staves, can Lilypond also centre the number of bars a multi-measure rest
> lasts?

This is how I would do it:

\version "2.24.3"

musicOne = {
  \clef bass
  \key f \major
  \time 3/8
  \partial 8
  \omit MultiMeasureRestNumber
  r8 | R4.*7 |

musicTwo = {
  \clef bass
  \key f \major
  \time 3/8
  \partial 8
  r8 | \offset MultiMeasureRestNumber.Y-offset 1 R4.*7 |

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff \compressMMRests \musicOne
  \new Staff \compressMMRests \musicTwo

The key points are omitting the multi measure rest number in the right hand
and moving the number up in the left.

Knute Snortum

Re: Removing the change clef in a first ending (volta 1)

2024-05-21 Thread Knute Snortum
On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 11:28 AM Xavier Scheuer  wrote:

> On Tue, 21 May 2024 at 19:42, Knute Snortum  wrote:
> >
> > It's probably easier to see in the MWE and screen shot I've attached.
> So is there a way to get rid of the bass change clef indicator in the first
> ending?
> Hello,
> \once \set Staff.explicitClefVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
> before your \break at the end of volta 1.

That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Knute Snortum

Re: Moving dynamics onto the staff

2024-05-21 Thread Knute Snortum
On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 7:10 AM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> You want to position the 'f' sign into the staff lines of the upper
> staff?  If yes, then it doesn't fit with the concept of a a `Dynamics`
> context *between* the staves IMHO.  Instead, I would attach the 'f'
> sign to the upper staff, since it clearly belongs to that staff.

 Yes, you've hit the nail on the head.  I ran into the problem because I
almost always put my dynamic markings in a Dynamics context, but then
moving a mark into the upper or lower staff is impossible.  The solution is
just to put the dynamic mark in the staff, as you stated.

Knute Snortum

Removing the change clef in a first ending (volta 1)

2024-05-21 Thread Knute Snortum
I have been engraving more pieces that have volta repeats and it's proving
to be challenging.  I have a problem where I want to remove the change clef
in the first ending but not the subsequent staff clef in the second. The
staff starts in treble clef then moves to bass clef.  In the first ending
there is a change clef indicator showing that when you repeat, you are
treble clef again, but there is also a bass clef indicator because the
second ending is in bass clef.  But that doesn't make sense in the first
ending, where you are going back to treble clef.

It's probably easier to see in the MWE and screen shot I've attached.  So
is there a way to get rid of the bass change clef indicator in the first

All input is very much appreciated.

Knute Snortum
\version "2.24.3"

\relative {
  \repeat volta 2 {
\repeat unfold 4 { c'4 c c c }
\clef bass 
\repeat unfold 3 { c,4 c c c } {}
\alternative {
  \volta 1 {
% I want to omit the change to bass clef here...
c4 c \clef treble c' c \break
  \volta 2 {
% ...without omitting the staff bass clef here
\clef bass c,4 c c c
  \repeat unfold 8 { c4 c c c } \break
  \repeat unfold 8 { c4 c c c }

Re: Moving dynamics onto the staff

2024-05-21 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 8:58 PM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> Since version 2.25.13 the NR contains the attached warning box.

Thank you, Werner.  Interestingly, the following does *not* work, but I can
kind of understand why.  The dynamics context doesn't know that there's a
staff above it and/ot the piano staff forbids the dynamics from encroaching
on the staff above.

\version "2.25.16"

rightHand = \relative {

leftHand = \relative {
  \clef bass

dynamics = {
  \once \override DynamicLineSpanner.outside-staff-priority = ##f
  \once \override DynamicLineSpanner.Y-offset = 7

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff \rightHand
\new Dynamics \dynamics
\new Staff \leftHand

Knute Snortum

Re: Moving dynamics onto the staff

2024-05-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 6:33 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

> > So why would overriding the dynamic line spanner's outside-staff-priority
> > change where the forte goes?  Isn't it DynamicText?  If anyone can clear
> this
> > up for me, I would be very appreciative.
> When there are consecutive dynamics like \p \< ... \f \> ... \pp, they
> need to be all vertically aligned. LilyPond achieves that by grouping
> them into a same DynamicLineSpanner, so it's that object which is
> responsible
> for the vertical placement of dynamics. In this case, there's only
> one dynamic in the DynamicLineSpanner, but this still applies.

Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me.

Knute Snortum

Moving dynamics onto the staff

2024-05-20 Thread Knute Snortum
I am confused.  While trying to find a way to move a forte mark up onto the
staff, I came across some very counter-intuitive code:

\version "2.24.3"

  % Why does this work...
  \once \override DynamicLineSpanner.outside-staff-priority = ##f
  \once \override DynamicLineSpanner.Y-offset = -2

  % ...and this does not?
  \once \override DynamicText.outside-staff-priority = ##f
  \once \override DynamicText.Y-offset = -2

  % And neither does this:
  c''1-\tweak outside-staff-priority ##f -\tweak Y-offset -2 \f

So why would overriding the dynamic line spanner's outside-staff-priority
change where the forte goes?  Isn't it DynamicText?  If anyone can clear
this up for me, I would be very appreciative.

Knute Snortum

Re: Disable all padding and collision around markup

2024-05-19 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 4:22 AM  wrote:

> Hi William,
> > In the following example, I use a section label and a TextScript on a
> > note. I offset the markup text so that it appears inside the staff, but
> > it still makes the section text higher up. I would like to know if it
> > is possible to disable this padding around the TextScript, so that the
> > section label appears directly over the staff without the extra space,
> > the same way as it does when there is no text script.
> There are ways to "disable the padding" (a.k.a. have the spacing engine
> ignore the TextScript). However, it might be just as easy — or maybe
> even easier? — to simply tweak the X-offset and Y-offset rather than
> using extra-offset:

The extra-offset happens late in the rendering process, so the other grobs
can't adjust to its movement like they do with X- and Y-offset.

Knute Snortum

Re: Polytempo barlines

2024-05-10 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 2:07 PM Dmitri Volkov 

> Apologies for all the emails, but I believe I figured it out. Using \set
> Staff.measureBarType = "" as follows seems to do the trick, although
> there still is a bit of gap where the barline would go.
> \version "2.24.3"
> stuff = \relative {
>  \set Staff.measureBarType = ""
>  \time 4/4
>  c4 d4 e4 f4 | \bar "|"
>  g4 f4 e4 d4 | \bar "|"
>  c1 | \bar "|"
> }
> \score {
>  <<
>  \new Staff \scaleDurations 1/1 \stuff
>  \new Staff \scaleDurations 8/9 \stuff
>  >>
>  \layout {
>  \context {
>  \Staff
>  \consists "Timing_translator"
>  }
>  \context {
>  \Voice
>  \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
>  }
>  }
> }

You may want to add...

\layout {
} your input file.  Have a look at:

Knute Snortum

Re: Showing fingering on top of slurs

2024-05-09 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 7:05 AM Paul McKay  wrote:

> Hi
> I want to show the fingering in front of the slurs. This should keep the
> fingerings evenly spaced vertically over the notes.  I have tried the
> following :
> \version "2.24.0"
> \language "english"
> \relative {
> \override Staff.Fingering.layer = 2 % fingering should overwrite
> slurs
> r4 r8 -1-3( 16-2-4 -1-5-2-4-3-5) }
> Fingerings still avoid the slurs.
> What am I missing?

I'm not sure what you want to achieve, but try adding the avoid-slur
property to the fingering:

\version "2.24.0"
\language "english"

\relative {
\override Staff.Fingering.layer = 2 % fingering should overwrite
\override Staff.Fingering.avoid-slur = #'ignore
r4 r8 -1-3( 16-2-4 -1-5-2-4-3-5) }

Knute Snortum

Re: Tie between staves of a PianoStaff

2024-05-09 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 6:27 AM Kris Van Bruwaene  wrote:

> Thanks for your contributions. They inspired me to an easy bypass: ties
> may not work between staves, but slurs do, and the difference is not really
> conspicuous. Result attached.

That's great!  I'd change one thing -- not related to cross-staves ties.
In the right-hand set of temporary voices, third voice, I'd start with
\voiceFour instead of \voiceThree.  Now the need for \stemDown \slurDown
goes away:

  \new Voice { \voiceFour % ties (actually slurs) between staves
  s2 b2( \change Staff = "down" \voiceOne b4) \change Staff = "up" s4 %

Also, just for future reference, if you just have one slur or tie (or other
things like fematas) to change up or down, you can use the direction

  b2_( % slur down
  b2^( % slur up

Knute Snortum

Re: Tie between staves of a PianoStaff

2024-05-08 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 6:41 AM Kris Van Bruwaene  wrote:

> Is there a simple solution for putting a tie between staves of a
> pianostaff? I need to tie a note of the lower voice on the upper staff to a
> note of the upper voice on the lower staff. I found this on StackExchange:
> but it's five years old and seems rather difficult to implement.
> I use version 2.24.2 on Debian.

 As far as I know, there is no easy way to do this.  The StackExchange
answer is the way I'd do it.  It involves two ideas: changing staves and
temporary voices.  I use staff changes so much I always have this setup for
my LilyPond code:

\version "2.24.3"

% Put somewhere near the top of the file, or in an include file
staffUp   = \change Staff = "upper"
staffDown = \change Staff = "lower"

% Create rightHand and leftHand variables
rightHand = \relative {
  c''2 \staffDown \voiceOne c, \staffUp c'1

leftHand = \relative {
  \clef bass
  c2 \voiceTwo c c1

% Label the two staves upper and lower
\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" \rightHand
\new Staff = "lower" \leftHand

The other part is knowing how to create temporary voices in LilyPond.  The
way used in the StackExchange example looks like this:



% music here




% music here



The idea is that one voice will overlap the other as the two voices will
render simultaneously. Putting these two ideas together gives you the
ability to tie across staves. If the tie does not look the way you want it
to, you can control its shape with the shape command, which looks like this:

\shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0)) Tie

So it is complex, but hopefully this has been instructive for you.

Knute Snortum

Re: Re[4]: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-06 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 7:06 AM Steph Phillips 

> Well, I'm glad you asked about feedback because I'm curious what other
> folks who contribute to Frescobaldi might think.
> After digging around in the codebase, I'm wondering if the application
> might benefit from a more object-oriented design. It's definitely in
> Python, but with more of C-style approach. You've worked on it, you know
> what I'm talking about. Was wondering what your thoughts are.
> Additionally, I was wondering if it might benefit from typehinting
> throughout the codebase to allow for easier maintenance and plugin
> development.
> Thoughts? ♥

I'm an intermediate-level python programmer but I might be able to help
with busy work like typing and documenting functions, with some feedback.
Anything to give back to a project that I use all the time!

Knute Snortum

Re: aftergrace consistently close to the next bar line

2024-05-05 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, May 5, 2024 at 1:19 AM  wrote:

> Good day,
> I use afterGrace notes to mark the end of a glissando. At the moment
> lilypond places these afterGrace notes somehow depending on the note's
> length.
> I want the glissando to be played over the entire length of the time unit,
> so the afterGrace notes should be placed as close as possible to the
> following bar line (or time unit), consistently.
> How can I achieve this?
> For example: In the bar (image) above I would like to have the afterGrace
> notes eih'' of the violins at the same x-position (close to the bar line)
> as the fis' of the third voice.
> %%%
> % violin 1
>   \time 3/2 cis'2.\p^"col legno" \glissando \afterGrace gis' \glissando
> {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize eih4} |
> % violin 2
>   \time 3/2 cis'2.\p^"col legno" \glissando \afterGrace disih \glissando
> {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize eih4} |
> % viola
>   \time 3/2 \afterGrace cis''1.\p^"col legno" \glissando {\once \hide Stem
> \parenthesize fis,4} |
> %%%

You can put a fraction right after the \afterGrace command to indicate how
far the afterGrace notes should be from the base note.  The closer the
fraction is to 1, the farther the grace note.  So try something like:

\afterGrace 15/16 gis' \glissando {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize eih4}

Knute Snortum

Re: \after … \beforeLast?

2024-05-03 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 3:04 AM Mats Bengtsson 

> If you want the (de-)crescendo to stop at the barline, then you
> shouldn't need such solutions, since \< and \> have the to-barline
> property set by default, which means that even if the \! is placed after
> the bar line, the hairpin will stop nicely just at the end of the bar:
> \version "2.24.0"
> {
><>\< \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} <>\! |
>c'1 |
>% Strangely enough, to-barline isn't the default for textual
> de(crescendi):
>\override = ##t
><>\cresc \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} <>\! |
>c'1 |
> }

That works well with dynamics, but it doesn't work well with something like
sustain pedalling.  There is no to-barline property (that I'm aware of) so
a construction like this:

\version "2.24.3"

\relative {
  c''4\sustainOn c c c <>\sustainOff |
  c4\sustainOn c c c <>\sustainOff | \break
  c4\sustainOn c c c <>\sustainOff |

... means you will get a combined sustainOff/sustainOn at the first beat of
the second and third measures and an error from the last <>sustainOff in
the code.

Knute Snortum

Re: \after … \beforeLast?

2024-05-02 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 1:10 PM Pierre-Luc Gauthier 

> > {
> >   s2...\< s16\! |
> > }
> > ...that I do it almost automatically.
> Try that in 12/8 :-)

  \time 12/8
  s1*23/16\< s16\! | % ??

Yeah, I see your point. ;)

Knute Snortum

Re: \after … \beforeLast?

2024-05-02 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 10:31 AM Pierre-Luc Gauthier <> wrote:

> Le jeu. 2 mai 2024, à 13 h 08, Knute Snortum  a écrit
> :
> > Perhaps I'm not getting the need for this command as you could using an
> empty chord at the end of the repeat to do the same thing:
> >
> > {
> >   <>(\<
> >   \after 2 \>
> >   \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} <>)\!|
> > }
> The above example would not work if I add another note :
> {
>   \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} <>\f |
>   c'1 |
> }
> The "empty chord" syntax (which probably has a name? (and is not a
> chord in my understanding)) pushes the expression to the next event.

Yes, you're right that the empty chord (this is what I've heard others call
it) does not actually put the event at the end of the measure, but the
beginning of the next measure. I use a different context for all my
dynamics and I've gotten so used to typing...

  s2...\< s16\! |

...that I do it almost automatically.  But I can see now that a "fromEnd"
command would be useful.

Knute Snortum

Re: \after … \beforeLast?

2024-05-02 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 8:04 AM Pierre-Luc Gauthier 

> Rambling here :
> So, I *love* the simplicity and elegance of the \after command and I
> am using it pretty much everywhere.
> {
>   <>(
>   <>\<
>   \after 2 \>
>   \after 16*15 )
>   \after 16*15 \!
>   \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} |
> }
> and since then I often end up doing head math to figure out what I
> must add to \after for it to end up e.g. an 8th *before* the end of
> the expression. In the above example it is quite easy :
> a 16th before the end is... 16*#(- 16 1).
> So what about a \beforeLast command that would do sort of the \after
> job but starting from the end of the expression rather from the start
> ?
> e.g. :
> \beforeLast 16 \!

Perhaps I'm not getting the need for this command as you could using an
empty chord at the end of the repeat to do the same thing:

  \after 2 \>
  \repeat unfold 8 {e''16 d''} <>)\!|

Maybe there are other situations where \beforeLast would be useful?

Knute Snortum

Re: slurs problem with voices

2024-05-02 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 10:55 PM Robert Garrigos  wrote:

> Oh this is a bit embarrassing, such a basic error….. sorry, I never
> realized that the parenthesis needs to be right after the first note.

Nothing to be embarrassed about.  It takes some getting used to.

Knute Snortum

Re: slurs problem with voices

2024-05-01 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 1:59 PM Robert Garrigos  wrote:

> I have this music to engrave, note the slur:
> [...]
> Why is not the first example working? I tried with explicit voicing with
> the same results.

Slurs in LilyPond are "post events", meaning they always go *after* the
note.   So if you want to slur from note a to note b, you write:

a( b)

The above slur will start on the note a and end on the note b.

Knute Snortum

Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 4:15 AM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

> Doing some system updates today, I see that frescobaldi is the only
> program that requires PyQtWebEngine:5, which in turn requires
> qtwebengine:5. Looking at the frescobaldi page, I see a somewhat concerning
> note that the project is on the verge of being unmaintained, due to this
> dependency on a deprecated version of qtwebengine.
> Is there any further information on this? I don't see any other IDE that
> works as well as frescobaldi for editing lilypond files, and I'm a bit
> worried that there hasn't been an update to the program in over a year. Any
> news would be appreciated.
> You've basically nailed the problem. I was the last person to work on
> making Frescobaldi actually work on macOS, and I gave up by lack of time
> (NB: I don't own a macOS machine, which of course makes all testing very
> difficult). Currently, there is close to no activity on the project.
> I doubt Linux distributions are going to remove Qt 5 really soon, and the
> Flatpak package can always provide it, but like every toolkit that's
> end-of-life, it's only going to be a source of trouble going forward. For
> example, Frescobaldi has some problems on Wayland (which is increasingly
> becoming the default on the Linux desktop, for good reason) that are caused
> by Qt 5 bugs fixed in Qt 6. I don't recall that anybody even attempted the
> Qt 6 migration.
> Yes, if the current state continues, Frescobaldi will ultimately die a
> natural death. Sorry that I cannot exactly bring an optimistic message
> here.

If there is busy work that needs to be done on the project, I can do that,
but I also don't own a Mac.

Knute Snortum

Re: slur cross staves

2024-04-26 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 2:57 PM Robert Garrigos  wrote:

> This is the original music to copy:
> I have this:
> <<
> {
>   \change Staff = "upper" \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
>   \grace {cs'4_~ fs_~ cs'~ s4}  1^\fermata
> }
> \\
> {
>   \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
>   \grace { fs,,4~^\pp\sustainOn cs'~ as'^~ s4*4}   as'>1_\fermata
> }
>   >>

Thanks for including some example code, however, what you posted doesn't
produce the output you show.  So I went back to my original code.  I put a
slur in the upper grace notes, then used the \shape command to manipulate
the slur.  I wasn't able to get the end of the slur to go into the lower
staff, but it's close.  Maybe someone else can improve on it.

\version "2.24.3"

rightHand = \relative {
  \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
  \shape #'((-5 . -7.5) (-4 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0)) Slur
  \grace { c'4~^( g'~ c~) } 1

leftHand = \relative {
  \clef bass
  \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
  \grace { f,4~ c'~ a'~ s4 * 3 } 1

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "upper" \rightHand
\new Staff = "lower" \leftHand

Knute Snortum

Re: GraceSpacing on Staff

2024-04-26 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 10:02 AM Leo Correia de Verdier <> wrote:

> s4*3 after the grace notes (within the grace group) in the lower staff.

This is probably better than what I posted.

Knute Snortum

Re: explicit arpeggio

2024-04-26 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 7:07 AM Robert Garrigos  wrote:

> How about moving the grace notes of the lower staff to the left? I’m
> trying with GraceSpacing but cannot make it work just for the lower staff.
> It is applied to the Score, not the Staff.

It's nice to show what you have tried, so people have a starting point on
which to proceed.  Here's what I did; there may be other ways to do it:

\version "2.24.3"

staffUp = \change Staff = "upper"
staffDown = \change Staff = "lower"

rightHand = \relative {
  \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
  \grace { c'4~ g'~ c~ } 1

leftHand = \relative {
  \clef bass
  \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
  \grace { f,4~ c'~ a'~ \staffUp \hideNotes \shiftOff c g' c }
  \unHideNotes \staffDown 1

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" \rightHand
    \new Staff = "lower" \leftHand

Knute Snortum

Re: Lyrics and Barchecks

2024-04-26 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM David Wright 

> [...]
> Alternatively, you can leave the bar and bar number checks in place,
> as you suggest above, but use the tersely documented¹ expect-warning
> feature to silence just these warnings. (, attached.) That
> will prevent their spam from obscuring other, significant warnings
> amd errors.

If you go this route, it can become tiresome to write the same warning
several times.  Someone on this list wrote me a little Scheme function that
is like expect-warnings but takes a "number of times" argument:

#(define ly:expect-warning-times (lambda args
   (for-each (lambda _ (apply ly:expect-warning (cdr args)))
 (iota (car args)

You might use it like this:

#(ly:expect-warning-times 4 "bar check failed")

Knute Snortum

Re: Force LilyPond to show same time signature again

2024-04-22 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 3:32 AM Hajo Baess  wrote:

> > Is there a reason you are writing...
> Yes there is.


> The question is only: will it work as well in my score. I still
> have to try and see, and I will report what will happen...

I think this does what you want:

\version "2.24.3"

rightHand = \relative c' {
  \time 3/4
  \repeat unfold 6 { c8 }
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 9/8
  \scaleDurations 2/3 {
\repeat unfold 9 { c8 }
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 3/4
  \repeat unfold 6 { c8 }

leftHand = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \time 3/4
  \repeat unfold 6 { c8 }
  \time 3/4
  \repeat unfold 6 { c8 }
  \time 3/4
  \repeat unfold 6 { c8 }

\score {
  \new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" \rightHand
\new Staff = "lower" \leftHand

Knute Snortum

Re: Force LilyPond to show same time signature again

2024-04-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 3:02 PM Hajo Baess  wrote:

> I have messed around with this little lab specimen here, and I have
> found a solution, but it is weird. You obviously (after having scaled
> some rhythm just once) have to explicitly unscale the rhythm  e v e r y
> time you want it to appear in the staff. I have extended the example
> with a short quote from the piece I am typesetting. this is what
> obviously works:
> > \version "2.24.2"
> > \language "deutsch"
> >
> > \relative c''  {
> >   \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> >   \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> >   \omit Score.TimeSignature
> >   \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> >   \undo \omit Score.TimeSignature
> >   \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> >   \time 3/4 \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 9/8
> >   \scaleDurations 2/3 {
> >   \repeat unfold 3 { f8 ( d a ) }  \repeat unfold 3 {
> > e' ( cis a ) } \repeat unfold 3 { f'8 ( d a ) }
> >   \repeat unfold 3 { g' ( e c ) } \repeat unfold 3 {
> > a' ( f c ) } \repeat unfold 3 { g' ( e c ) }
> >   \repeat unfold 3 { f8 ( d a ) }
> >   } %\override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
> >   \time 3/4  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 3/4
> >   \scaleDurations 1/1
> >   {
> >   cis4\trill cis2 d4 d4. c16 d e2 e4 f4 f4. g8 e2 e4 f
> > d d ~ d8 cis d4 d4
> >   }
> >   \time 3/4 \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 3/4
> >   \scaleDurations 1/1
> >   { d2 d4\fermata}
> >   \bar "|."
> > }
> If you just type "\time 3/4" at the end for instance, you won't get
> your time signature shown. At least this prodecure is completely
> unintuitive, I think.

 A couple of points:

* Is there a reason you are writing " \time 3/4 \set
Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 9/8" and then scaling by 2/3 rather than just
writing "\time 9/8"?
* Why are you writing "\time 3/4  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 3/4"
instead of just "\time 3/4"?
* "\scaleDuractions 1/1 {}" is doing nothing and can be removed.

Applying my suggestions to your music, you get this, which seems to work as
you want it to:

\version "2.24.2"
\language "deutsch"

\relative c''  {
  \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
  \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
  \omit Score.TimeSignature
  \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
  \undo \omit Score.TimeSignature
  \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
  \time 9/8
  \repeat unfold 3 { f8 ( d a ) }
  \repeat unfold 3 {e' ( cis a ) }
  \repeat unfold 3 { f'8 ( d a ) }
  \repeat unfold 3 { g' ( e c ) }
  \repeat unfold 3 {a' ( f c ) }
  \repeat unfold 3 { g' ( e c ) }
  \repeat unfold 3 { f8 ( d a ) }
  \time 3/4
  cis4\trill cis2 d4 d4. c16 d e2 e4 f4 f4. g8 e2 e4 f d d ~ d8 cis d4 d4
  \time 3/4
  d2 d4\fermata
  \bar "|."

Re: Force LilyPond to show same time signature again

2024-04-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 1:32 PM Hajo Baess  wrote:

> What you suggest sounds all so common-sense, but LilyPond still does
> not get it...
> If I implant "\omit Score.TimeSignature" and "\undo \omit
> Score.TimeSignature" into my code instead of the previous commands, I
> get this - see screenshot.
> But if I do something really basic like:
> \version "2.24.2"
> \language "deutsch"
> \relative c''  {
> \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> \omit Score.TimeSignature
> \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> \undo \omit Score.TimeSignature
> \time 3/4 c4 c c c2 c4
> \bar "|."
> }
> it works as expected. It really seems to have something to do with the
> scaled rhythms - that is my guess.

This is where tiny examples ( are
important.  Build an example of the problem with as little other stuff as
possible.  It's difficult sometimes, but it will sometimes lead you to an
answer, and it certainly helps anyone trying to assist you.

Knute Snortum

Knute Snortum

Knute Snortum

Knute Snortum

Re: Force LilyPond to show same time signature again

2024-04-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 4:17 AM Hajo Baess  wrote:

> If I do this, I get other unwanted results - see screenshot. The
> problem is that I am switching back and forth between scaled and non-
> scaled rhythm. And as you will notice, the 6/4 only appears in the
> piano staff and  n o t   in the top parts. And the 3/4 also does not
> appear (although I think it should) in the top part like in bars 195
> and 197...
> Is there no simple way to just toggle "\override
> Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f " ?
Simpler than

  \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
  \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##t


You could use

  \omit Score.TimeSignature

instead of

  \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f

and use

  \undo  \omit Score.TimeSignature


  \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##t

If you wanted to shorten it more, you could put this at the top of your

  stopTimeSignature = \omit Score.TimeSignature
  startTimeSignature = \undo \omit Score.TimeSignature

Then you could use

  \stopTimeSignature  \startTimeSignature

in your file.

Knute Snortum

Re: Force LilyPond to show same time signature again

2024-04-19 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 4:31 PM Hajo Baess  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I look for a way to force LilyPond to show the same time signature
> again, although there is no change - just as a reminder. I could not
> find anything in the NR and in the Snippet Repository.
Unless I'm misunderstanding, just repeating the \time should do it:

\version "2.24.3"
\score {
  \new Staff {
\relative {
  \time 4/4
  \repeat unfold 8 { c'8 } |
  \time 4/4
  \repeat unfold 8 { c8 } |

Knute Snortum

Re: Delayed turns etc

2024-04-16 Thread Knute Snortum
Here are my answers.  Other people may have better suggestions.

On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 2:27 PM Peter Mayes  wrote:

> 1. I would like the \trill in bar 2 and the ten(uto) in bar 6 to be below
> the slurs, and not above.
Getting the trill under (inside) the slur is easy:

  % Trill under slur with tweak avoid slur
  fis[ \afterGrace g-\tweak avoid-slur #'inside \trill {fis16 g} gis8)] |

Getting the "ten." under the slur is a little harder:

  % "ten." under slur with shape shape and tweak outside staff priority
  ais,8\turn-\shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 2) (0 . 0)) ( fis e'! ~ |
  e4-\tweak outside-staff-priority ##f ^\markup{\italic ten.} dis8) |

> 2. In the score I am trying to engrave, the three \turn's have an
> accidental underneath - First has a sharp, second and third a double sharp.
> I have seen the section "Creating a delayed turn" in notation.pdf, but
> nothing I try achieves what I want. I *DO* want the turn to be directly
> above the first note of the bar, rather than between the first and second.

This is tricky.  Here's what I came up with:

  \once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = 0
  \once \override Script.outside-staff-priority = 100
  \shape #'((1 . 2) (1 . 2) (0 . 0) (0 . 0)) Slur
  gis'8^\markup \teeny \sharp -\tweak avoid-slur #'inside \turn (bis cis |

> 3. How to stop the second line being justified out to the right? In the
> fuller score, something like this is followed by a page break and more
> music, but there is a natural break at this double bar, and it looks very
> "stretched out". I tried various "ragged" keywords, but none of them just
> operated on the one line.

Is this not what you want?

\paper {
  ragged-last = ##t

Re: Multiple parts on the same stems

2024-04-16 Thread Knute Snortum
On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 1:01 PM Gerardo Ballabio 

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to typeset a percussion score with several instruments on
> the same staff. When they play simultaneous notes I want to line them
> up all on the same stem, like this (output attached, percussion1.pdf):
> [...]
> But I'd like to write down each part separately, so that I may also
> print the single parts without redoing everything. And I also want to
> use different note heads for each instrument.

> [...]
> But as you can see (output attached, percussion2.pdf) the three notes
> aren't aligned on the same stem, only two of them are.
> I tried \partCombine, it works nicely with two parts, but if there's a
> way to combine three or more I didn't find it.
The way I'd do it is to explicitly write the voices you wanted in each
part.  If you want them all to be stemDown and on one stem, try voiceTwo
for them all:

bassDrum = \relative {
  s1 |
  s2 b2-> |
  s1 |
  s2 b2-> |

cymbals = \relative {
  \override = #'xcircle \stemDown
  s1 |
  s2 f'2 |
  s1 |
  s2 f2 |

tamTam = \relative {
  \override = #'cross \stemDown
  s1 |
  s2 e2 |
  s1 |
  s2 e2 |

Knute Snortum

Re: Vertically Repositioning \tempo Output

2024-04-16 Thread Knute Snortum
On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 8:05 AM PMA  wrote:

> Hi Knute --
> Although my system ignored this "...MetronomeMark..." line, your "\tweak"
> made me think in a new direction.
> Once I managed to increase the vertical space *above* my \tempo command,
> the overcrowding disappeared.
> Thank you for the inspiration!
> Peter A
> On 4/14/24 21:16, Knute Snortum wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 2:37 PM PMA  
>  wrote:
> Hi List --
> One of my several \tempo commands is printing its line too far above the
> staff.
> My attempts to affect its Y-offset (with \markup, \offset or \tweak) have
> failed.
> Could someone please point me in the right direction?
> It's hard to know how to help you if you don't have a tiny example 
> (  For instance, I was able to
> affect the Y-offset of a metronome mark with this code:
> \version "2.24.3"
> {
>   \tweak MetronomeMark.Y-offset 5
>   \tempo "Allegro"
>   c''1
> }
> --
> Knute Snortum
Glad I could be an inspiration to you!

In the future, be sure to Reply All or add the LilyPond users list in the
CC to post back to the list.  Thanks.

Knute Snortum

Re: Vertically Repositioning \tempo Output

2024-04-14 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 2:37 PM PMA  wrote:

> Hi List --
> One of my several \tempo commands is printing its line too far above the
> staff.
> My attempts to affect its Y-offset (with \markup, \offset or \tweak) have
> failed.
> Could someone please point me in the right direction?

It's hard to know how to help you if you don't have a tiny example (  For instance, I was able to
affect the Y-offset of a metronome mark with this code:

\version "2.24.3"

  \tweak MetronomeMark.Y-offset 5
  \tempo "Allegro"

Knute Snortum

Re: Installing 2.24.1

2024-04-06 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 2:23 PM Wol  wrote:

>  > The basic procedure is simple, assuming that you are using
>  > Frescobaldi:
> What if this assumption is wrong? I've NEVER used Frescobaldi (or
> rather, the one time I tried I didn't see the point).
> Will it work if I "install as administrator" and then tell Windows to
> run lilypond when I click on a .ly file?
> Is there any reason for expecting me to install an unwanted program, in
> order to get a program I do want? Or are you trying to force everybody
> to use Frescobaldi? Why?

There is a web page that deals with command-line installation, if that's
what you want:

Knute Snortum

Re: Conflicting \section and \grace?

2024-03-29 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 1:25 PM Stephan Schöll  wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm adding an ossia staff during specific bars only. This works fine in
> general.
> Interestingly / strangely, as soon as the \section (double barline)
> falls into a \grace (or \appoggiatura or \acciaccatura) in the ossia
> staff a regular barline is added at the position where I'd expect the
> double barline to appear. Without either \section or \grace, everything
> looks fine.
> Toggle the comment marks in order to reproduce. The issue is not related
> to the ossia Staff type (DrumStaff). It occurs with regular Staves as well.

This looks like a very old bug that LilyPond has.  Basically, if you have a
grace note starting a measure in one staff, you have to have one on all
staves, even if it's just a spacer.  So adding this to the melody will fix
the problem:

melody = \relative c' {
   \section % play with (un)commenting
   \grace { s8 } R1

Knute Snortum

Cyclic dependency error with change staff and trillSpan

2024-03-22 Thread Knute Snortum
Hi again,

I am getting a cyclic dependency error with code that uses change staff and
trillSpan.  Here is as minimal an example as I could create:

\version "2.24.3"
\language "english"

staffUp   = \change Staff = "upper"
staffDown = \change Staff = "lower"

rightHand = \relative {
  c''4\noBeam \staffDown \voiceOne \afterGrace g,4\startTrillSpan {
fs16\stopTrillSpan g } \staffUp \oneVoice c'2

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" \rightHand
\new Staff = "lower" { \clef bass s1 }

This produces two errors of the same type:

programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress encountered
for VerticalAxisGroup.adjacent-pure-heights

continuing, cross fingers

>From what I can see, the PDF output is fine. The MWE needs notes before and
after the afterGrace, plus the trillSpan for the error to show. Any ideas
on how to fix this?

Knute Snortum

Re: Tie an afterGrace note produces warning

2024-03-22 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 8:38 AM Aaron Hill  wrote:

> \version "2.25.13"
> \relative {
>\afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 \set tieWaitForNote = ##t c~ } c4
> }
> %%%%

Works great!  Thanks.

Knute Snortum

Tie an afterGrace note produces warning

2024-03-22 Thread Knute Snortum
Hi all,

I am trying to tie an afterGrace note to the next note and I get a
warning.  This code:

\version "2.25.13"

\relative {
  \afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 c~ } c4

...produces this warning:

/tmp/frescobaldi-ieh3nrny/tmpq4qpjmjp/ <0>: warning:
unterminated tie

\afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 c

~ } c4

Is there any way around this, as I need this for my current project?

Knute Snortum

Re: repeating chords with just the duration

2024-03-17 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 1:43 PM Carl Sorensen 

> Use q to repeat chords.

Of course.  Thanks.

Knute Snortum

repeating chords with just the duration

2024-03-17 Thread Knute Snortum
I don't use chordmode much, but this snippet doesn't do what I thought it

\version "2.25.13"

  \new ChordNames \chordmode { a1:7 4 }

It produces an "A7sus4 3" instead of two A7's.  Is this a bug, or is that
syntax just not supported?

Knute Snortum

Re: Repeat D.S. al fine, but the Fine is in a nested volta

2024-03-09 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 2:57 PM Knute Snortum  wrote:

> I'm trying to get a Fine on the first ending of a repeat volta nested in a
> repeat segno.


> I am new to the repeat segno syntax, so I'm hoping I just haven't found
> the right magic.  I'd like the MIDI to be correct -- I can always fake a
> "Fine" if I need to.

To answer my own question, I just moved the x-offset of the Fine from the
second ending to the first.  The MIDI is wrong of course, so if there is a
better way, I'd love to hear it.

Knute Snortum

Re: French Horn - transposing

2024-03-08 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 3:49 PM TJ Kolev  wrote:

> Greetings!
> So I've been notating a piece for my son's school band (junior high).
> Copying the music from paper into LilyPond using Frescobaldi. And now I hit
> a wall. The music piece is written for french horns in E flat pitch. But
> the band's horns are in F pitch. I need to transpose the score
> appropriately. The band director expects staff with three flats (E flat
> major). I hope there's some easier way to do this than me manually
> re-writing the score. And I am not even sure how to do that. I would
> appreciate any help.

I've never used it myself, but there is a whole section on transposing
music in the manual:

Knute Snortum

Repeat D.S. al fine, but the Fine is in a nested volta

2024-03-08 Thread Knute Snortum
I'm trying to get a Fine on the first ending of a repeat volta nested in a
repeat segno.  An MWE will probably be clearer:

\version "2.24.3"

music = \relative {
  \time 3/4
  \partial 4 c''4 |
  c c c |
  \repeat segno 2 {
\bar "||"
d d d |
e e
\repeat volta 2 {
  e |
  f f f |
  \alternative {
\volta 1 { g g } % I need the Fine here...
\volta 2 { a a a | }
\volta 2 \fine % ... not here
\volta 1 {
  f f f |
  g g g |
  \bar "|."

\new Staff \music
\new Staff \unfoldRepeats \music

I am new to the repeat segno syntax, so I'm hoping I just haven't found the
right magic.  I'd like the MIDI to be correct -- I can always fake a "Fine"
if I need to.

Knute Snortum

Re: installation

2024-03-01 Thread Knute Snortum
Knute Snortum

On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 4:43 PM  wrote:

> Jean,
> In my \users\Mark\lilypond-2.24.4 there are six folders:
> Bin, etc, lib, libexec, licences, share.
> None contain \lilypond [with or without the .exe]
> Should I be looking somewhere else?
> Thank you for your kind attention.

It should be in the bin folder.  If it's not there, try re-installing

Re: installation

2024-03-01 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 4:28 PM Knute Snortum  wrote:

> I don't think you're supposed to highlight "gs".  I think it's
> "lilypond".  "gs" is probably the GhostScript executable.

"lilypond" should be in \users\Mark\lilypond 2.24.3\bin.

Knute Snortum

Re: installation

2024-03-01 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 4:24 PM  wrote:

> Hello:
> What has been done:
> 2.24.3 downloaded
> 2.24.3 extracted \users\Mark
> Opened Frescobaldi 3.30
> Opened preferences
> Removed previous version of Lilypond
> Clicked Add
> Clicked file opener
> Went to \users\Mark\lilypond 2.24.3\gs
> Highlighted “gs”
> Clicked open
> Notice the “9.56.1”.
> This seems to prevent Frescobaldi from opening the {c’1} test as indicated
> in the manual.
> My error?

I don't think you're supposed to highlight "gs".  I think it's "lilypond".
"gs" is probably the GhostScript executable.

Knute Snortum

Re: installation

2024-02-29 Thread Knute Snortum
It looks like your Preferences window is too small.  I would click and hold
the lower right corner of the window and drag to the right and down to
resize it.

Knute Snortum

On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 3:42 AM  wrote:

> Hello,
> I am installing Lilypond 2.24. It has been unzipped to my folder under
> \users.
> Frescobaldi 3.30 has been installed and opened to connect to Lilypond.
> Going to preferences this appears:
> This is not what is shown on the installation page
> How should I proceed?
> Thank you for your kind attention.
> Mark

Re: Cue clefs

2024-02-25 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 12:36 PM Gerardo Ballabio <> wrote:

> It does, thank you.
> Any ideas for the other question (how to move the cue clef after the bar
> line)?

Try this:

\version "2.24.1"

\new Staff {
  \clef "bass"
\new CueVoice \relative {
  \once \override Score.CueClef.X-offset = 3
  \once \override Score.BarLine.X-offset = -2
  \cueClef "treble"
  c''8 d e f

Knute Snortum

Re: slur into a repeat volta 2 section

2024-02-24 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 11:32 AM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

> Just replace 4\repeatTie with 4?

Works like a charm, thanks!

Knute Snortum

slur into a repeat volta 2 section

2024-02-24 Thread Knute Snortum
(There was just recently a discussion around this problem but I can't find
it for the life of me.  Sorry.)

I'm having a problem with a slur going into a repeat volta two section.
Normally I would use a \repeatTie but in this case, the slur is to an
octave and so the \repeatTie "knows" to tie the lower and upper parts of
the chord, when I just want the upper note slurred.  Here is a MWE and I've
attached it's output:

\version "2.24.3"

\relative {
  \repeat volta 2 {
d''4( e f g
\alternative {
  \volta 1 { 4) d d d }
  \volta 2 { 4\repeatTie r r2 }

Knute Snortum

Re: \after syntax?

2024-02-21 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 7:53 AM Matthew Pierce 

> Hello all,
> For hairpin positioning within a whole note, the Manual gives the syntax
> \relative {
> \after 2 \< c'1
> }
> Is there an effective \after syntax for hairpin positioning within
> NON-whole notes, such as  the second note in this (intuitive but)
> nonviable expression?
>   \relative {
> \after 2 \< c'4 2.
>   }
> CONTEXT: I need to place an \espressivo-shaped, double-hairpin swell
> underneath a dotted half note. Also, I need it to be stretchable, so that I
> can horizontally align it with the other, more active parts/staffs in my
> orchestral score.

Well, neither of those snippets compile without an error because the
hairpin is not terminated, but I don't see why you couldn't put the "after"
before the dotted half note and terminate it:

\relative {
  c'4 \after 2 \< 2. c4\!

Am I missing what you're trying to accomplish?

Re: Frescobaldi: Keyboard shortcut for toggling between editor and music view?

2024-02-14 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 7:59 AM Hajo Baess  wrote:

> I have (just completely accidentally, with a little help from the
> Breeze theme color scheme) discovered a keyboard shortcut for switching
> back and forth between the editor and the Music View. I think that it
> is undocumented, and strange it is, too. Here it is:
>  * from editor to Music View: press CTRL+TAB 5 times or until the Music
>View scroll bar is not greyed out any more. In Breeze for example,
>it turns light blue. The editor scroll bar turns grey at the same
>  * from Music View to editor: press CTRL+Shift+TAB 5 times or until the
>editor's scroll bar is no longer greyed out, but Music View's is.
> This is a crazy thing, but it seems to work...
> No mouse needed.

It doesn't work for me on Ubuntu Linux.  I do see different widgets getting
focus but it never seems to go to the Music View.  Still, it's an
interesting find!

Knute Snortum

Re: Frescobaldi: Keyboard shortcut for toggling between editor and music view?

2024-02-13 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 1:37 PM Hajo Baess  wrote:

> Hello all,
> Maybe I am missing it alltogether or it does not exist or it is to hard
> to find for me:
> I am looking for a keyboard shortcut in Frescobaldi enabling me to
> toggle between editor and music view, so I do not have to click with
> the mouse.
> I just can't find it. I have tried all kinds of possible candidates to
> no avail. Is someone here who happens to know?
> Thank you for pointing this out to me...

If it doesn't exist, it might be a nice addition!

Knute Snortum

Re: Double dashed bar lines

2024-02-12 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 11:17 AM Evan Driscoll  wrote:

> Disclaimer: I realize I'm on an older version of Lilypond. If that makes
> things substantially more difficult it's not out of the question I could
> upgrade, but I'd rather not at this time.
> I'm trying the following:
> \version "2.20.0"
> \relative c'' {
>   c4
>   c
>   \bar "!"
>   c
>   c
> }
> and this works, it gives me a dashed barline between the second and third
> notes.
> However, I can't figure out how to get a double dashed barline. \bar "!!",
> "!|", and "|!", as well as `\bar "!" \bar "!"` are my four guesses, but
> none work -- I get no barline with any of the first three, and just one
> with the doubled-up `\bar`s.
> Is this possible? What's the right markup for this?

It looks like \defineBarLine works in version 2.20, so:

\version "2.20"

\defineBarLine "!!" #'("!" "!" "")

  s1 \bar"!!"

The version-specific manual for that is:

Knute Snortum

Re: Tempo formatting question.

2024-02-08 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 8:26 AM Hwaen Ch'uqi  wrote:

> Greetings,
> I would like to indicate a metronome mark of "Prestissimo"  note tied to dotted quarter note>=96. How may I do this? I am using
> version 22.04. Thank you for any help!

Jean A. helped me with this a while back.  Here's what I did:

\version "2.24.2"

tempoMarkupA =
\markup {
  \hspace #0.4
  \rhythm {
\override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 0.5
4~ 4.
  "= 96"

  \tempo \tempoMarkupA

Knute Snortum

Re: Alternate bars in different time signatures

2024-02-01 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 10:50 AM Raphael Mankin  wrote:

> I have music with alternate bars in 3/4 and 6/8. The usual way to
> indicate this is to  put both  time signatures at the start, but  I can
> find  no way to do this.
> I have tried "\time 3/4 <> \time 6/8", but I only get the last one.
> Note, this  is not a compound time of 3/4+6/8, but alternating time
> signatures.

I think this is what you are looking for.  I'm not sure where I found the
code so I can't give credit to its author:

#(define ((time-alternate-time upa downa upb downb) grob)
   (grob-interpret-markup grob
 (markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 0) #:number
   (#:line (
   (#:center-column (upa downa))
   (#:center-column (upb downb)))

% and use it like this (5/8, 4/8 in this case):

  \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil =
#(time-alternate-time "5" "8" "4" "8")


Knute Snortum

Re: broken bar line across staff

2024-01-31 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 6:12 AM Robert Garrigos  wrote:

> Hi all,
> My first post in this list.
> Is there a way to accomplish this?
> the bar line across the staff is broken to enable the text to be more
> visible

The way I do it is to use whiteout and padding in the markup:

\markup \whiteout \pad-markup #0.5  "cresc. ed agitato"

Knute Snortum

Re: 2-up duplex page numbering

2024-01-28 Thread Knute Snortum
I put this in my paper block:

\paper {
  two-sided = ##t
  inner-margin = 12\mm
  outer-margin = 8\mm

Knute Snortum

On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 7:51 AM 

> Is there an accepted normal practice for page numbering when music is
> printed 2-up on both sides of a sheet?  Are the pages numbered at all?  To
> be more specific, if I have four A4 (USletter) pages printed 2-up on A3
> (11x17) are they normally numbered and, if so, what is the first page
> number?  It would be on the left which is normally an even number.
> Thanks,
> David

Re: Drum notation and style

2024-01-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 7:35 AM Adrian  wrote:

> First, how would you create extra spacing between staves, such as the
> first two above?

This looks like a job for system-system-spacing (or
maybe staff-staff-spacing):

\paper {
  system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 12)
 (minimum-distance . 8)
 (padding . 1)
 (stretchability . 60))

Try twiddling with the values to get what you want.  The values written are
the defaults.  Here is some documentation:

Knute Snortum

Re: Two novice questions

2024-01-17 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 2:04 PM Colin Campbell  wrote:

> In Frescobaldi, make sure the quick insert panel is visible: Tools |
> Coding | Quick Insert
> Select your range of notes, then click on the articulation you want.
> HTH,
> Colin
> On 2024-01-17 13:13, Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion wrote:
> > On 2024-01-17 10:00 am, Knute Snortum wrote:
> >> On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 9:48 AM Peter Mayes 
> >> wrote:
> >>> 2. I have a lot of consecutive notes all staccato. Marking each one
> >>> individually is a bit of pain. Any way to specify that the next *n*
> >>> notes
> >>> are all staccato?
> >>>
> >>
> >> I'd like to know the answer to that one too!  It may be something that
> >> could go in Frescobaldi, if you use that editor.
> >
> >
> > What about LSR 82?
> >
> >
> >
> > -- Aaron Hill

Those are both good answers, thanks!

Re: Two novice questions

2024-01-17 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 9:48 AM Peter Mayes  wrote:

> I have two probably simple questions.
> I know the documentation is superb, but it's sometimes hard to find
> something if you don't know how to frame your question!
> 1. How to change the direction of the beams chosen automatically for a
> group from up to down and vice versa?

Is \stemUp and \stemDown what you need?

> 2. I have a lot of consecutive notes all staccato. Marking each one
> individually is a bit of pain. Any way to specify that the next *n* notes
> are all staccato?

I'd like to know the answer to that one too!  It may be something that
could go in Frescobaldi, if you use that editor.

Knute Snortum

Re: Error/warning when creating a piano reduction with lilypond 2.25.7 and frescobaldi 3.3.0

2024-01-16 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 10:57 AM Hans Aikema 

> I've created an issue for Frescobaldi and I should be able to start work
> on it today.
> Knute, you've missed a digit while copying the link and without doubt
> intended to refer to

Thanks!  The Issue is now fixed in the repository.

Re: Error/warning when creating a piano reduction with lilypond 2.25.7 and frescobaldi 3.3.0

2024-01-15 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 7:47 AM David Kastrup  wrote:

> Calling
> git grep "override[^=]*#'[a-z]"
> in the current Frescobaldi source tree delivers _way_ too many hits.  I
> don't consider it sane that the current Frescobaldi will pump out
> pre-2.18 syntax in droves in its templates.
> And I suspect that it also splits overrides into multiple lines, making
> it harder to recognize them.

I've created an issue for Frescobaldi and I should be able to start work on
it today.

Knute Snortum

Re: Error/warning when creating a piano reduction with lilypond 2.25.7 and frescobaldi 3.3.0

2024-01-15 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 5:28 AM David Kastrup  wrote:

> Bernhard Kleine  writes:
> > Dear David,
> >
> > the file was created this morning from frescobaldi with the
> > Partitur-Assistent and the pre-set version of Lilypond was 2.25.7.
> > Nothing was done be myself apart from wrinting notes and lyrics.
> If the "Partitur-Assistent" creates those overrides, it needs to get fixed.

It has been:

Knute Snortum

Re: zero-duration s to hold marks

2024-01-12 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 6:21 AM Raphael Mankin  wrote:

> On 10/01/2024 10:35, wrote:
> > On Wed, 10 Jan 2024, Raphael Mankin wrote:
> >
> >> That strikes me as being a programmer's response, and I speak as a
> programmer
> >> for over 50 years. Using <> works, but it is unintuitive. If s0 is more
> >> intuitive then that should be considered for future inclusion.
> >
> > It's intuitive to me that s0 means a spacer rest of infinite duration,
> > because it's one whole note divided by zero.  And it opens the door
> > to using 0 as a duration denominator for other things than "s", as in
> "c0"
> > and "0", let alone constructions like "s0." which would seem to be
> > a spacer of one and one half times infinite duration.  I don't think it's
> > a good idea to open those doors.  There doesn't seem to be any way to
> > allow zero as the duration denominator except as a unique exception; it
> > cannot be done in a way that's consistent with other syntax.
> >
> I agree that 0 as a denominator would seem to indicate an infinite
> duration, and allow the rest of your argument. However <> still seems
> unintuitive.

Well, to my eye, it looks like an empty chord, which makes some sense.

> At least section 1.2.2 of the reference manual ought to be updated to
> include <> in the discussion of invisible rests.

Can you share how you would want that section changed?  Or I could take a
stab at it, but it may not be what you want.  Also, <> can be used for a
lot of different things that aren't rests, so maybe that section of the
Notation manual is not the best place for it.

Re: crescendo lines to thin

2024-01-11 Thread Knute Snortum
Do you have a minimum working example you can show us?

Knute Snortum

On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 5:43 AM Bernhard Kleine 

> Dear all, happy new year!
> Ich have a separate dyn line for the dynamics, but the lines there are
> to thin. How to change it?
> Bernhard

Re: Tempo marking doesn't avoid cross-staff slur

2024-01-11 Thread Knute Snortum
On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 4:40 AM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> > I found a weird behavior -- I don't know if it's worthy of an issue
> > or not, but here it is:
> >
> > The tempo marking will not avoid a slur that goes from staff to
> > staff.  Here is a snippet that shows the problem, and I've attached
> > an image of it: [...]
> This issue belongs into the group of the many cross-staff problems.
> AFAICS, we don't have this particular case covered, so please file an
> issue in the LilyPond tracker.

For reference, it's :

Knute Snortum

Tempo marking doesn't avoid cross-staff slur

2024-01-07 Thread Knute Snortum
I found a weird behavior -- I don't know if it's worthy of an issue or not,
but here it is:

The tempo marking will not avoid a slur that goes from staff to staff.
Here is a snippet that shows the problem, and I've attached an image of it:

\version "2.25.12"

one = \relative {
  \tempo "Allegro maestoso"
  c'''2( e |
  \change Staff = "lower" c,1) |

two = \relative {
  s1 |
  s1 |

  \new Staff = "upper" \one
  \new Staff = "lower" \two

Knute Snortum

Re: automatically adds

2023-12-27 Thread Knute Snortum
...and slightly shorter, you can write "\omit Score.TimeSignature" instead
of the override.

Knute Snortum

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 1:01 PM billhunker  wrote:

> In the layout block.
> \layout {
>   \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
> }
> You can add things to this list.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: Tobias Lawrenz 
> Date: 12/27/23 11:10 AM (GMT-06:00)
> To:
> Subject: automatically adds
> Hello Community,
> how can I turn off the automatically adds from notation elements, like
> the time signature?
> Because I want to make the whole score by myself without automatically
> adds.
> Happy greetings,
> Tobias

Re: Aligning offset quintuplets and triplets

2023-12-27 Thread Knute Snortum
Lukas-Fabian Moser,

This is wonderful!  Thanks for taking the time to do this.  The mathematics
of the "cheat" is complex to me, but it works well.

Knute Snortum

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 4:18 AM Lukas-Fabian Moser  wrote:

> Hi Knute, hi Mark,
> here's an example of what I mean. The "cheating" system should create what
> the original engraving suggests, even if it's wrong mathematically. I
> didn't check the difference in MIDI; of course the "conductor" part
> (consisting of eigths throughout) shows a significant difference.
> Of course I took advantage of the fact that the original engraving stops
> bothering with tuplet brackets/numbers starting from the second bar; it
> should be possible to get them back, but this will involve some further
> tweaking in the "cheating" version.
> Lukas
> Am 27.12.23 um 09:17 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser:
> Hi Mark,
> Am 27.12.23 um 01:54 schrieb Mark Stephen Mrotek:
> Knute,
> In the original the first beat of the second measure is three against 2.
> The 5 against 3 does not start until the second beat.
> Unfortunately, that can't be true, as with this interpretation, the
> measure is over-full. Rather, the groups of quintuplets/triplets continue,
> with a beaming not in sync with the measure's beat structure.
> This also implies that the original engraving isn't mathematically correct
> (as the beginnings of the bems groups look as if they're aligned).
> Situations like that are hard to approximate with LilyPond, as Lily has a
> strict binary notion of two notes being simultaneous or not. One can try
> cheating a bit by engraving the measure according to its visual apperance
> (3-vs-2 in the first beat, exact 4-vs-1 in the last quaver of the measure),
> but then it will be necessary to compress whatever will be in the measure
> to the duration of one whole note, and it's not certain what LilyPond's
> spacing algorithm will make of it.
> Sorry for describing the situation verbally; I'll try to cook up an
> example as soon as I have time (later today).
> Lukas

Re: Aligning offset quintuplets and triplets

2023-12-26 Thread Knute Snortum
Okay, if I code the duration of the first two eighth notes in the left
hand, second measure, as 8 * 1/2, that works.  The MIDI will be affected,
but at Alegro, I'm not sure anyone will notice.

Knute Snortum

On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 4:54 PM Mark Stephen Mrotek 

> Knute,
> In the original the first beat of the second measure is three against 2.
> The 5 against 3 does not start until the second beat.
> Mark
> *From:*
>  *On Behalf Of *Knute
> Snortum
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 26, 2023 4:06 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Aligning offset quintuplets and triplets
> I'm having difficulties with a Scriabin etude I'm trying to engrave.  I've
> attached an image of the first few bars.  The challenge is that the first
> notes of the offset quintuplets and triples should line up at the beginning
> of the beams, but also at the start of a new measure.  The snippet below
> alings the notes at the start of the measure and is "mathematically"
> correct, but the notes at the beginning of the beamed quintuplets and
> triplets do not align.
> \version "2.24.3"
> rightHand = \relative {
>   r2 \tuplet 5/4 4 { r8. e'16[ e  e e e] e[ e |
> e e e] e[ e  e e e] e[ e  e e e] e[ e  e e e] e e |
>   }
> }
> leftHand = \relative {
>   \clef bass
>   r2 \tuplet 3/2 4 { r8 r c'[  c c] c[ |
> c c] c[  c c] c[  c c] c[  c c] c |
>   }
> }
> \score {
>   \new PianoStaff <<
> \new Staff \rightHand
> \new Staff \leftHand
>   >>
> }
> I've attached the output of this snippet. I can adjust the
> NoteColumn.X-offset of the notes, but this offset can change from measure
> to measure.  Is there a smarter way to do this?
> --
> Knute Snortum

Aligning offset quintuplets and triplets

2023-12-26 Thread Knute Snortum
I'm having difficulties with a Scriabin etude I'm trying to engrave.  I've
attached an image of the first few bars.  The challenge is that the first
notes of the offset quintuplets and triples should line up at the beginning
of the beams, but also at the start of a new measure.  The snippet below
alings the notes at the start of the measure and is "mathematically"
correct, but the notes at the beginning of the beamed quintuplets and
triplets do not align.

\version "2.24.3"

rightHand = \relative {
  r2 \tuplet 5/4 4 { r8. e'16[ e  e e e] e[ e |
e e e] e[ e  e e e] e[ e  e e e] e[ e  e e e] e e |

leftHand = \relative {
  \clef bass
  r2 \tuplet 3/2 4 { r8 r c'[  c c] c[ |
c c] c[  c c] c[  c c] c[  c c] c |

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff \rightHand
\new Staff \leftHand

I've attached the output of this snippet. I can adjust the
NoteColumn.X-offset of the notes, but this offset can change from measure
to measure.  Is there a smarter way to do this?

Knute Snortum

Re: Continuation slur and key signature with many sharps

2023-12-13 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 12:03 PM Jean Abou Samra  wrote:

> See issue #6639 <>.

Thanks.  I searched for "continued" but not "broken."  I'll know better
next time (maybe).

Knute Snortum

Continuation slur and key signature with many sharps

2023-12-13 Thread Knute Snortum
Hi List,

Here is something that pops up now and then when I'm engraving with
LilyPond: if a key signature has a lot of sharps, like the key of e major,
sometimes a continuation slur will be too close to the key signature.  Here
is a snippet:

\version "2.25.11"

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##t

\relative {
  \key e \major % ugly
  % b major is okay
  % f sharp major is ugly too
  cis''1( | \break
  cis1) |

The output is attached.  What is your opinion on this?  Is it an "ugly"
issue or not a problem?

Knute Snortum

Re: Inline attachments Re: Slur within a slur?

2023-12-03 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Dec 3, 2023 at 8:03 AM David Wright 

> The problem must be on your side, unless you're subscribed to the
> text-only version of the digest that comes with no attachments.
> If your MUA doesn't display the image inline, you should be able
> to display or save it just like any normal attachment.

I do see the attachment, it's just not displayed in the text of the
message.  I'm using GMail and I'm not in Plain Text mode.  I see images
inline with other emails, just not David Kastrup's.

It's not a big deal.  I just need to remember it when I'm replying.

Knute Snortum

Re: Slur within a slur?

2023-12-03 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Dec 3, 2023 at 2:10 AM David Kastrup  wrote:

> Knute Snortum  writes:
> > On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 6:44 AM Peter Mayes  wrote:
> >
> >> Here is a fragment of something I am engraving.
> >>
> >>   e( dis e ais, b g |
> >>   e8) r \afterGrace d'!(\trill { cis32 d }  |
> >>   c'!16) b^. a^. g^. fis^. e^. |
> >>
> >> The D following the \afterGrace is slurred up to the C at the beginning
> of
> >> the following bar.
> >>
> >> I would also like the "{ cis32 d }" grace notes to be slurred, but if I
> >> put "{ cis32( d) }", I get a "Warning: already have slur".
> >>
> >> Is there a way to get a "slur within a slur"?
> >>
> > When we ask for a MWE, the "w" stands for "working".  That is, you should
> > be able to copy and paste the LilyPond source and get it to engrave.  You
> > can't do that with your code, thus David Kastrup's reply.
> It was probably easy to overlook, but my reply did contain the requested
> functionality.

Ah, yes, I see it now!  There is some problem between your email reader to
mine where I don't see inline attachments. So I only saw:

"gives me

and a bar check warning."

Which I wrongly interpreted as "gives me a bar check warning."

Knute Snortum

Re: Slur within a slur?

2023-12-02 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 7:57 AM Peter Mayes  wrote:

> On 02/12/2023 15:49, Knute Snortum wrote:
> > When we ask for a MWE, the "w" stands for "working".
> My apologies - I'm a relative newbie here! I'll know next time.
> And thanks David and Knute for the pointers. Once I knew what I was
> looking for, I found the relevant section in the documentation.

Sorry if I sounded harsh.  We certainly don't want to put people off.  The
idea of a Minimal Working Example (MWE) is that it's as short as it can be
and still demonstrates the problem.  Making them can be hard, but it shows
good-faith effort on your part to solve the problem yourself, and you often
discover the solution in doing so.

Re: Slur within a slur?

2023-12-02 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 6:44 AM Peter Mayes  wrote:

> Here is a fragment of something I am engraving.
>   e( dis e ais, b g |
>   e8) r \afterGrace d'!(\trill { cis32 d }  |
>   c'!16) b^. a^. g^. fis^. e^. |
> The D following the \afterGrace is slurred up to the C at the beginning of
> the following bar.
> I would also like the "{ cis32 d }" grace notes to be slurred, but if I
> put "{ cis32( d) }", I get a "Warning: already have slur".
> Is there a way to get a "slur within a slur"?
When we ask for a MWE, the "w" stands for "working".  That is, you should
be able to copy and paste the LilyPond source and get it to engrave.  You
can't do that with your code, thus David Kastrup's reply.

So here is a MWE for you this time:

\version "2.24.3"

\relative {
  \time 3/8
  \key g \major
  e''16( dis e ais, b g |
  e8) r \afterGrace d'!(\trill { cis32 d }  |
  c'!16) b^. a^. g^. fis^. e^. |

What you probably want is a "phrasing slur", which you get by writing \(
\).  So:

\version "2.24.3"

\relative {
  \time 3/8
  \key g \major
  e''16( dis e ais, b g |
  e8) r \afterGrace d'!\(\trill { cis32( d) }  |
  c'!16\) b^. a^. g^. fis^. e^. |

Knute Snortum

Re: How do I shift notes in one voice w/o shifting the other?

2023-11-29 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 11:54 AM Kevin Cole  wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 10:04 AM Knute Snortum  wrote:
> Thanks.
> > I'm not sure what you want to do makes musical sense, that is, the  d'>2 and the d'8 should be on the same beat, so why do you want the half
> note to the right?
> I'm simply copying what's written in the original.

The original is odd.  It has a half note where a quarter note should be.
But if you want to reproduce it exactly, see my code below.  No need for
temporary voices.

> > (BTW, it's better to provide a working example as the above does not
> compile without the language statement):
> I often err on the side of providing too much. So, I tried to provide
> as little as possible that I thought would get the problem across.
> I'll try to remember to include at least version, language, and maybe
> time signature next time.

Well, the code you provide should at least compile, or produce the error
you're talking about.  Otherwise, yes, pare it down as much as you can.

\version "2.24.3"
\language "english"

upper = \relative {
  d''8 b 2*1/2~ | % or just 4
  q4\fermata d' |

lower = \relative {
  \clef bass
  b8 b16 cs d8 a |
  d,4\fermata r |

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\time 2/4
\new Staff \upper
\new Staff \lower

Knute Snortum

Re: How do I shift notes in one voice w/o shifting the other?

2023-11-29 Thread Knute Snortum
Knute Snortum

On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 6:32 PM Kevin Cole  wrote:

> I searched for a way to shift notes horizontally but when I shift the
> half-note chord in the first voice below, it shifts the second eighth-note
> in the second voice, forcing it to stay to the right of the half-note. When
> I tried adding something to shift the beamed eight-notes to the left, it
> shifted only the first eighth-note, continuing to anchor the second to the
> right of the half-note.
> What I want is for the two eighth-notes to stay to the left, and for the
> half-note to appear to the right of it.
> This is what I have at the moment, with the shift commented out. (The
> "#10" is just an experiment, not necessarily the final value.)
> %%%
>   <<
> {
> % \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #10
>   2~|
>   4\fermata s4   |
> }
> \\
> {
>   d'8[ b8] s4   |
>   s4 d4 |
> }
>   >>
>   \bar "|."
> %%%

I'm not sure what you want to do makes musical sense, that is, the 2
and the d'8 should be on the same beat, so why do you want the half note to
the right?  But if you really want to do that, you could try the below
(BTW, it's better to provide a working example as the above does not
compile without the language statement):

\version "2.24.3"
\language "english"

\relative c'' {
  \time 2/4
  s8 2*3/4~|
  4\fermata s4   |
  d'8[ b8] s4   |
  s4 d4 |
  \bar "|."

Re: How do I arpeggiate across voices?

2023-11-26 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 4:38 PM Kevin Cole  wrote:

> I'm looking at a pice of music that shows an arpeggio between two
> dotted half-notes in one voice and a quarter-note in the other voice.
> Specifically, in the wee snippet below, the first e4 in the first
> voice is at the top of the arpeggio above the 2 in the second
> voice.
> %%
>   <<
> {
>   e4 e4 b4   | %  1
>   e2 b8[ b8] | %  2
> }
> \\
> {
>   2.\arpeggio | %  1
>   \stemUp gs2 \stemNeutral s4| %  2
> }
>   >>
> %%

The way I do it is to fiddle with the arpeggio positions property:

\version "2.24.3"
\language "english"

\relative c' {
  \time 3/4
e4 e4 b4   | %  1
e2 b8[ b8] | %  2
\once \override  Arpeggio.positions = #'(-5 . -1) 2.\arpeggio | %  1
\stemUp gs2 \stemNeutral s4| %  2

Knute Snortum

Re: LilyPond 2.24.3 and Norton 360

2023-11-24 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 9:51 AM Karlin High  wrote:

> On 11/24/2023 9:38 AM, Knute Snortum wrote:
> > My hope is this will help others in the same situation.
> To further that hope, Norton has a website for reporting false-positives.
> Hub page:
> <
> >
> File submission:
> <>

Thanks!  Great information.

Knute Snortum

LilyPond 2.24.3 and Norton 360

2023-11-24 Thread Knute Snortum
I found that Norton 360 thought the LilyPond executable was a virus on
Windows 11. The symptom was that Lilypond exits with a code of 1 and no PDF
is created. In case this happens to anyone else, here are the steps to
exclude LIlyPond from Norton's real time protection:

1) Open Norton 360 app
2) Click on Open next to Device Security
3) Click on Settings
4) Click on Antivirus
5) Click on Data Protector
6) Click on Configure next to Process Exclusions
7) Click on Add
8) Navigate to where you installed LilyPond and in the bin folder, choose

My hope is this will help others in the same situation.

Knute Snortum

Re: Articulate has trouble with grace note at time signature change

2023-11-22 Thread Knute Snortum
On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 12:09 PM Werner LEMBERG  wrote:

> > This fails in 2.24.1 with messages about mid-measure time signature
> > change and failed barcheck:
> >
> > \include ""
> > \articulate
> > {
> >   \time 4/4
> >   c'1 |
> >   \time 3/2
> >   \grace d'8 c'1. |
> > }
> >
> > Succeeds if \articulate is not used.  I can work around it by
> > tagging MIDI and non-MIDI versions of the music, with the time
> > signature change moved somewhere else in the MIDI version, but this
> > becomes complicated given that my actual score has eight parallel
> > variables at the point where it bites, all of which will need
> > alternate versions.
> Please check the looong list of bugs related to `\articulate` whether
> it has already been reported.

It looks like this issue:

For some reason, it's been changed from a defect to a warning issue, but
I'm not sure the logic for that is correct.

Knute Snortum

Re: Parenthesizing multiple events

2023-11-20 Thread Knute Snortum
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 6:34 AM Luca Fascione  wrote:

> Did this change between 22 and 24?
> Is there somewhere I can go to see the implementation for the LSR that
> used 2.22?
> L
> On Mon, 20 Nov 2023, 15:07 Knute Snortum,  wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 4:35 AM Luca Fascione 
>> wrote:
>>> Also,
>>> it doesn't seem to actually work on 2.22 (see below)
>>> How does this even compile on the LSR?
>> The LSR uses LilyPond 2.24.2, which compiles the source without error.
I searched for the original post for the LSR and upgraded it only to 2.22.
If you're not going to upgrade LilyPond to 2.24.3, then try this:

\version "2.22.0"

startParenthesis = {
\once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob)
(let ((par-list (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob))
(right-par (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:null
(list (car par-list)right-par )))

endParenthesis = {
\once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob)
(let ((par-list (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob))
(left-par (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:null
(list left-par (cadr par-list

  \new ChordNames {
\chordmode {
  \startParenthesis \parenthesize a:m7 \endParenthesis \parenthesize

Knute Snortum

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