Re: Grace note displayed exactly on beat (and not before)

2013-05-13 Thread Siska Ádám
Thanks a lot! It works like a charm!

On 2013.05.13., at 6:36, Keith OHara wrote:

 Keith OHara k-ohara5a5a at writes:
 I could not quickly figure out how to apply all the 'graceSettings
 to the normal voice, but there is probably a way to do so and maybe
 we should make a short command \graceSettings for that.
 Some less-ugly version of 
 graceSettings = \applyContext #
 (lambda (context)
   (map (lambda (x) (ly:context-pushpop-property 
   (cadr x)
   (caddr x)
   (cadddr x)))
   (ly:context-property context 'graceSettings ))
 and then we still need the bit with  Flag #'stroke-style =#grace
 when we want the stroke through the grace notes
 This same method is useful when we want to let grace notes overlap
 earlier notes in another voice.
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Grace note displayed exactly on beat (and not before)

2013-05-12 Thread Siska Ádám
Hello List,

I know about the \grace, \appoggiatura, \acciaccatura and \afterGrace commands 
which can be used in order to create grace notes. However, none of these would 
put a grace note exactly on the beat: they would either put it just after the 
`main' note (in the case of \afterGrace) or just before it (in all other 
cases). I was wondering how I would be able to put the grace note just on the 

To illustrate the idea, I attach an example (scanned from a piano score). This 
is not the actual scenario that I wish to typeset, but it illustrates my need 
quite clearly (I need to typeset a short passage in an orchestral score for one 
of the instruments, where the passage itself should start at the same time as 
the other instruments start to play).

Thank you for any help,

inline: example.jpeg

lilypond-user mailing list

Multiple-staff ossia

2012-04-07 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear List,

is there a way to create a multiple-staff ossia? I need to expand a divisi 
section in a string part score that lasts a couple of bars only. The basic idea 
would be to have a StaffGroup that starts in the middle of the page (at the 
point where the divisi section begins) and which end at the end of the divisi 
section. I tried the same solution that works for single-stave ossias as 
explained in the Documentation, but unfortunately that doesn't work (the main 
problem is that the bracket starts at the beginning of the line and also it was 
not possible to assign instrumentName and/or shordInstrumentName values to the 
ossia staves created that way).

Thank you for any help,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Multiple-staff ossia

2012-04-07 Thread Siska Ádám
On 2012.04.07., at 16:16, Phil Holmes wrote:
 - Original Message - From: Siska Ádám
 To: lilypond-user Users
 Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 2:05 PM
 Subject: Multiple-staff ossia
 Dear List,
 is there a way to create a multiple-staff ossia? I need to expand a divisi 
 section in a string part score that lasts a couple of bars only. The basic 
 idea would be to have a StaffGroup that starts in the middle of the page (at 
 the point where the divisi section begins) and which end at the end of the 
 divisi section. I tried the same solution that works for single-stave ossias 
 as explained in the Documentation, but unfortunately that doesn't work (the 
 main problem is that the bracket starts at the beginning of the line and also 
 it was not possible to assign instrumentName and/or shordInstrumentName 
 values to the ossia staves created that way).
 Thank you for any help,
 From your description, I'm not sure what you're trying to do.  Could you 
 provide a small graphic showing what you have, and another edited version to 
 show what you want?
 Phil Holmes

Dear Phil,

in the meantime I almost solved it, you'll find my current solution with some 
dummy minimal-example material at the end of this mail. What I'm still missing 
here is the ability of giving instrument names (like 1, 2, 3 etc.) to the ossia 


\version 2.14.2
\score {
  \new Staff = main {
  \relative c' {
\clef treble \time 4/4
% Example played by all strings
c4 d e f
% Example played divisi

  % Main material
  { c d e f g1^div. \glissando g' f e d c1 \glissando c, d e f 
g }
  % Ossia staves explaining how to make the glissandi
  \new StaffGroup \with {
alignAboveContext = #main
fontSize = #-3
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -4)
\override SpanBar #'transparent = ##t
\override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
\override StaffGrouper #'staff-staff-spacing #'minimum-distance = #0
\override StaffGrouper #'staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #0
\override SystemStartBracket #'X-offset = #0
\new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver } {
  \relative c' {
\clef treble c1 \glissando g'1 \glissando c,1
\new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver } {
  \relative c' {
\clef treble d1 \glissando f1 \glissando d1
\new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver } {
  \relative c' {
\clef treble e1 \glissando \hideNotes e128 \unHideNotes 
\stopStaff \once \override TextScript #'Y-offset = #-0.5 s4^etc.
\new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver } {
  \relative c' {
\clef treble f1 \glissando d1 \glissando f1
\new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver } {
  \relative c' {
\clef treble g'1 \glissando c,1 \glissando g'1

% Example played by all strings
f4 e d c
  % Increase glissando visibility
  \layout { \context { \Voice \override Glissando #'thickness = #3 } }

lilypond-user mailing list

Score layout in a separate file

2012-04-03 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear List,

is there a way to put the layout block for a score in a variable that lives in 
a separate file? Unfortunately the following won't compile:

myMusic = \relative d' {
  d4 d d d

myLayout = \layout {
   \context {
\remove Clef_engraver

\score {

I tried several other ways to export the content of the layout block, but none 
of them succeeded. I'm writing parts of an orchestral piece and I'd like to 
include the layout definition for these scores in a separate file.

Thanks for any help,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Score layout in a separate file

2012-04-03 Thread Siska Ádám

On 2012.04.03., at 15:46, Thomas Morley wrote:

 Am 3. April 2012 15:17 schrieb Siska Ádám
 Dear List,
 is there a way to put the layout block for a score in a variable that lives 
 in a separate file? Unfortunately the following won't compile:
 myMusic = \relative d' {
  d4 d d d
 myLayout = \layout {
   \context {
\remove Clef_engraver
 \score {
 I tried several other ways to export the content of the layout block, but 
 none of them succeeded. I'm writing parts of an orchestral piece and I'd 
 like to include the layout definition for these scores in a separate file.
 Thanks for any help,
 \layout { \myLayout }


thanks a lot, this works! Out of curiosity, could you or somebody on the list 
explain to me why this works? It is a bit weird to me, as I also tried to have 
the variable without the \layout in it (so that it was myLayout = \context { 
etc. } and then I used \layout { \myLayout } ), but that didn't work either. 
I'm just surprised that this solution (which reads at the end \layout { \layout 
{ etc. } } ) will compile...

Thank you,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed creating a Mac OS X installer for Frescobaldi

2012-03-26 Thread Siska Ádám

On 2012.03.25., at 15:37, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote:

 Hi All,
 I did some quick and quite dirty esperimenting with cx_freeze, and I
 should have something more or less working which I'd like to test on
 other systems:
 this was compiled on macos 10.7.3 intel with qt 4.8 from macports. The
 archive should contain everything and on my machine works - more or
 less, there are many issues, but I can load a lilypond doc and
 navigate the pdf (with point and click too).
 If someone wants to download the archive and give a try, I will be
 grateful for every feedback (hoping it does not crash instantly on
 other machines!).
 The icon file is still missing (at least, it is there but on my
 machine it does not work, next thing to do :)
 For Wilbert:
 if this thing works for others too I have a couple of files to add
 (info.plist and qt.conf) and we should decide how to merge the mac
 part in :)

A few comments (although I've never seen Frescobaldi before, so I'm not sure 
whether the problems come from the software itself or the port):
- The first letter of the executable is not capitalized (it says 'frescobaldi' 
instead of 'Frescobaldi'), which is not very common with Mac software (unless 
they start with 'i'). Not a bug, though.
- Hitting the 'Engrave' button I get the following in the log window:
 Starting lilypond  []...
Could not start lilypond.
Please check path and permissions.
- In Preferences/LilyPond Preferences one can't set the LilyPond include path, 
as the file open dialog won't let the user open the contents of the LilyPond 
application bundle and the input field can't be edited by typing into the list 
of LilyPond include paths.
- If one sets the appropriate path in the frescobaldi.plist file (for me, this 
would be /Applications/LilyPond/, after running frescobaldi, 
it would revert my modification to /Applications/LilyPond.
- The Preference File 'frescobaldi.plist' should be called 
'org.frescobaldi.plist' to meet Apple's naming conventions.

The weird thing is that the bin library of LilyPond is included in my user path 
(so I can run LilyPond in Terminal directly without needing to specify the 
folder where it is located), so I don't really understand why Frescobaldi 
wouldn't find the executables...

Hope this helps,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Aleatoric / modern notation

2012-03-26 Thread Siska Ádám
Hi developers,

On 2012.03.13., at 17:33, David Nalesnik wrote:

 Hi Mike,
 Excellent work!
 I'm glad you think so!
 I've attached a new file that addresses some of the issues you identify
 --) It uses axis-group::width to box accidentals
 Beautiful!  Now there's really no need for the extra padding properties.
 (I've kept them in the attached file, but combined them into a single
 property which takes a pair = 'extra-padding.)
 --) It creates a FrameStub grob to occupy the horizontal space that a
 frame line takes up (note that I don't know if this actually works - I'm
 not sure how to test it - but at least it doesn't crash!).  Whenever you
 have a spanner that somehow occupies horizontal space at its bounds, you
 can create stub grobs that approximate this space.  This technique also
 works for items that, for whatever reason, have heights that are difficult
 to approximate (see SpanBarStub and StemStub, for example).
 This works great for spacing on the left side.  It wasn't working on the
 right, so I added 'extender-length in (plus a slight correction accounting
 for arrow-length, etc., which should be fairly easy to calculate). Now it
 will push everything forward nicely.
 One thing I've noticed, though, is that the line will not cross a bar line.
 If I increase the length of the extender, the bar line is simply pushed to
 the right.  I figured out one way around this--namely, setting the X-extent
 of the bar line to (+inf.0 . -inf.0), which is what I do in the attached
 file. Of course this has other consequences.  Is there any other way?
 --) It gets rid of some dead or unused code.
 Thank you very much for your improvements and explanations--I think I've
 learned quite a bit!

I tried to use the frame engraver of this thread, but I was unable to do so. 
I'm constantly getting 'syntax error, unexpected EVENT_IDENTIFIER' errors and 
the LilyPond compiler won't recognize the \frameStart and \frameEnd commands. 
The only thing I changed was the version number itself, as I'm using the stable 
version (2.14.2). Do you have any idea what the problem could be? Or is this 
code using some specific feature of 2.15?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Aleatoric / modern notation

2012-03-26 Thread Siska Ádám
Hi David,

On 2012.03.26., at 23:05, David Nalesnik wrote:

 Hi Ádám,
 I tried to use the frame engraver of this thread, but I was unable to do
 so. I'm constantly getting 'syntax error, unexpected EVENT_IDENTIFIER'
 errors and the LilyPond compiler won't recognize the \frameStart and
 \frameEnd commands. The only thing I changed was the version number itself,
 as I'm using the stable version (2.14.2). Do you have any idea what the
 problem could be? Or is this code using some specific feature of 2.15?
 I can't explain the difference in behavior, but with 2.14.2 you need to put
 \frameEnd and \frameStart after the note.  So, the following can be
 substituted into the file attached earlier in this thread:
 \relative c'' {
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
  \once \override Frame #'extender-length = #8
   dis'8[ \frameStart e f  ges] \frameEnd s2
  \once \override Frame #'extender-length = #11
   d,8[ \frameStart e f  g] \frameEnd s2
  \once \override Staff.BarLine #'X-extent = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) % line can
 cross bar line
  \once \override Frame #'extender-length = #3.5
   fis'8[ \frameStart bes,, aes, e''] \frameEnd

Thanks A LOT!!! For this, and for the frame itself as well.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed creating a Mac OS X installer for Frescobaldi

2012-03-22 Thread Siska Ádám

On 2012.03.22., at 22:22, Stan Sanderson wrote:
 On Mar 22, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote:
 I can give this a try. I tried using py2app on frescobaldi but it had
 some issues and I didn't have time to sort them out.
 On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
 Hi all,
 Unfortunately I don't have access to a Mac. But it would be very nice
 if someone is able to create an installer for the Macintosh (by
 creating/adapting a ''-like script) for Frescobaldi.
 This means that an Application Bundle would be created, containing
 PyQt4, Python, portmidi and python-poppler-qt4. The cx_Freeze python
 module (also used by the script that creates a Windows
 installer) is able to handle that.
 Here[1] is an example of a Python script that freezes an application
 comparable to Frescobaldi (in that it also uses PyQt4), with support
 for creating a Mac DMG file containing all the needed libraries.
 Is anyone here able to understand the application bundle part of this
 and to create a script for Frescobaldi, based on the
 exising[2] and the other example?
 Otherwise I would need to setup a donation infracture just to get a Mac
 for building the installer :-) (although it would also help furthering
 development and testing of Frescobaldi in general on Mac OS X :-)
 Wilbert Berendsen
 I would be happy to help when you get to the testing stage but haven't the 
 skills to do more. My platforms are PPC (PowerBook) and x86 (iMac) running 

I'm also happy to help you in the testing phase, although I don't know 
Frescobaldi at all, so I might need quite specific instructions on what to test 
exactly. I'm on a MBP with 10.6.8.


lilypond-user mailing list

Separating pitch and rhythm

2012-03-21 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear List,

is there an effective way to separate the pitches and the rhythms in a voice? 
I'm thinking about something like defining a variable consisting only of 

Rhythm = {
\time 4/4
4 4 4. 8
8 8 4 4 8 8
2 4 8 8 ...

and then apply this to different sequences of pitches:

Seq1 = {
\clef treble
c d e f
g a g f e d
c e g c ...

Seq2 = {
\clef bass
c b a g
f e f g a b
c g e c ...


The purpose is: I'm engraving a long, homophonic section in an orchestral 
piece, where cca. 30 instruments play the same rhythms, but with different 

Thanks for any ideas,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Separating pitch and rhythm

2012-03-21 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear Xavier,
On 2012.03.21., at 16:44, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
 2012/3/21 Siska Ádám
 Dear List,
 is there an effective way to separate the pitches and the rhythms in a voice?
 I'm thinking about something like defining a variable consisting only of
 The purpose is: I'm engraving a long, homophonic section in an orchestral
 piece, where cca. 30 instruments play the same rhythms, but with different
 LSR #390 and #654 might help here.

thank you a lot for this!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Separating pitch and rhythm

2012-03-21 Thread Siska Ádám

On 2012.03.21., at 19:18, Janek Warchoł wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Siska Ádám wrote:
 is there an effective way to separate the pitches and the rhythms in a 
 voice? I'm thinking about something like defining a variable consisting only 
 of rhythms:
 The purpose is: I'm engraving a long, homophonic section
 in an orchestral piece, where cca. 30 instruments play
 the same rhythms, but with different pitches.
 Use Frescobaldi's copy/paste durations function.  (unless you want to
 have this carved into your source files).

The last time when I checked, there was no available Mac installer for 
Frescobaldi, so it's not an option for me. :-(


lilypond-user mailing list

al niente hairpin symbol

2012-03-19 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear List,

I noticed that when a glissando with a decrescendo hairpin attached to it is 
broken into multiple lines, the 'al niente' sign is printed just before the 
break. This is rather confusing, as one might think that the end-note of the 
glissando, which appears in the next line, is actually a note that has to be 
played (which, of course, is not true; as the decrescendo ends with al niente, 
that sound must be silent, it just shows where the glissando should end).

Is there any workaround for this? Currently I'm just putting a flageolet sign 
below the note in the second line, but that's not very nice. Obviously, the 
best would be if the hairpin would break with the glissando, in which case it 
could end on the very first note of the second line.

Here's a very short example:

\relative c' {
  \override Glissando #'breakable = ##t
  \override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##t
  c1\ \glissando \break c'\!

Thanks for any help,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Setting the width of system-starter curly braces

2012-03-18 Thread Siska Ádám
Hi David,

thank you indeed for the reply. Unfortunately I can't get this code to work; 
I'm getting the following error during compiling:

Drawing systems...ERROR: In procedure ly:stencil-scale:
ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting Stencil): #unspecified

Unfortunately I don't know Scheme, so although I tried all the little syntactic 
modifications I could imagine (changing parentheses or adding # symbols here or 
there randomly), I couldn't make it work. Could you please have a look at this 
error message and suggest me how to proceed?

Thank you again,

On 2012.03.18., at 23:09, David Nalesnik wrote:

 Hi Ádám,
 Unfortunately the curly brace created for these four instruments is way
 too wide. Is there a way to shrink the vertical size of the curly brace for
 the GrandStaff (so that it would have the same width as the curly brace of
 a GrandStaff consisting of only two instruments)?
 Another solution would be to scale the brace like so:
 \override GrandStaff.SystemStartBrace #'stencil = #(lambda (grob)
 (ly:stencil-scale (ly:system-start-delimiter::print grob) 0.75 1))
 Here the brace is scaled horizontally to 0.75.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Setting the width of system-starter curly braces

2012-03-18 Thread Siska Ádám
Hi MacMillan,

On 2012.03.19., at 1:09, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

 Hi Siska,
 thank you indeed for the reply. Unfortunately I can't get this code to work
 Here's a snippet, using David's lovely mod — hope it helps.
 \version 2.15.32
 theMusic = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 16 c4 }
 \new GrandStaff 
   \set GrandStaff.instrumentName = #Corni
   \set GrandStaff.shortInstrumentName = #Cor.
   \new Staff {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #I
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #I
   \new Staff {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #II
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #II
   \new Staff {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #III
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #III
   \new Staff {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #IV
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #IV
 \layout {
  \context {
\override SystemStartBrace #'stencil = #(lambda (grob)
  (ly:stencil-scale (ly:system-start-delimiter::print grob) 0.75 1))

this is quite weird. This code compiles fine. However, in my original score it 
doesn't work. After some more experimenting, I figured out that the problem is, 
that I have the \RemoveEmptyStaves in the \Staff context. After removing that, 
it compiled just fine. Maybe it's some bug. Anyway, the \RemoveEmptyStaves is 
not that important for this particular score, so I disabled it.

Thank you for your help,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Setting the width of system-starter curly braces

2012-03-18 Thread Siska Ádám
Hi David,

On 2012.03.19., at 1:34, David Nalesnik wrote:

 Hi Ádám,
 this is quite weird. This code compiles fine. However, in my original score
 it doesn't work. After some more experimenting, I figured out that the
 problem is, that I have the \RemoveEmptyStaves in the \Staff context. After
 removing that, it compiled just fine. Maybe it's some bug. Anyway, the
 \RemoveEmptyStaves is not that important for this particular score, so I
 disabled it.
 Could you try this with your original file?  (I can't think of an example
 with \RemoveEmptyStaves to check it with.)  The function ly:stencil-scale
 needs a stencil to work with (hence the error you were getting), and this
 variant checks to see if we have one before calling it.
 \override GrandStaff.SystemStartBrace #'stencil = #(lambda (grob)
 (let ((brace (ly:system-start-delimiter::print grob)))
   (if (ly:stencil? brace)
   (ly:stencil-scale brace 0.75 1
 Hope this helps!

Thanks a lot!!! It works like a charm!


lilypond-user mailing list

Setting the width of system-starter curly braces

2012-03-17 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear List,

I have four horns playing in an orchestra like this:

  \new GrandStaff 
\set GrandStaff.instrumentName = #Corni
\set GrandStaff.shortInstrumentName = #Cor.
\new Staff {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #I
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #I
\new Staff {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #II
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #II
\new Staff {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #III
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #III
\new Staff {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #IV
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #IV

Unfortunately the curly brace created for these four instruments is way too 
wide. Is there a way to shrink the vertical size of the curly brace for the 
GrandStaff (so that it would have the same width as the curly brace of a 
GrandStaff consisting of only two instruments)?

Thank you,

lilypond-user mailing list

Combine \default rehearsal mark with another mark

2012-03-15 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear List,

I'd like to put two rehearsal marks over the same barline. However, this gives 
an error:

\mark \markup{
  \line{ \default }
  \line{ 8 }
} s4*8

The error is: 'error: syntax error, unexpected \default'

I also tried to access the value of \default, however, I couldn't find out how 
to do that. The documentation says: 'The value to use is stored in the property 
rehearsalMark', however, I didn't find any property like 
RehearsalMark.rehearsalMark nor Score.rehearsalMark, or at least I didn't find 
out how to access these in a \markup block.

Do you have any suggestion for this?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Combine \default rehearsal mark with another mark

2012-03-15 Thread Siska Ádám
On 2012.03.15., at 12:08, James wrote:
 2012/3/15 Siska Ádám
 Dear List,
 I'd like to put two rehearsal marks over the same barline. However, this 
 gives an error:
 \mark \markup{
  \line{ \default }
  \line{ 8 }
 } s4*8
 The error is: 'error: syntax error, unexpected \default'
 I also tried to access the value of \default, however, I couldn't find out 
 how to do that. The documentation says: 'The value to use is stored in the 
 property rehearsalMark', however, I didn't find any property like 
 RehearsalMark.rehearsalMark nor Score.rehearsalMark, or at least I didn't 
 find out how to access these in a \markup block.
 Do you have any suggestion for this?


thanks a lot!


lilypond-user mailing list

Frenched score with glissandi

2012-03-15 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear List,

I'd like to forcefully remove a staff from an orchestral score at a given 
point. Here's the scenario:

There are 6 violas playing in 2 staves (Vle 1-3 in the first and Vle 4-6 in the 
second). From some point, all the violas play the same material, so I'd like to 
remove one of the staves to avoid duplications. However, I can't find out how 
to achieve this. I enabled 'frenched spacing' with \RemoveEmptyStaves, but it 
seems that the hidden notes that end the glissandi (created with \hideNotes) 
will keep the staff 'alive', as in the attached example.

(Note that this example is a minimal extract, it doesn't contain the rest of 
the orchestra, however, there's a dummy timeline and a dummy first page 
inserted, to simulate the actual situation).

Does anybody have an idea about how to activate the frenched spacing in this 
specific case?


Here's the example:

\version 2.14.1
#(set-default-paper-size b4)
#(set-global-staff-size 12)

#(define adjust-for-note-head(
  lambda (grob)(
let* ((refp (ly:grob-system grob))
   (bar-coord (ly:grob-relative-coordinate grob refp X))
   (all (ly:grob-array-list (ly:grob-object refp 'all-elements)))
   (lambda (n)
 (eq? (assq-ref (ly:grob-property n 'meta) 'name)
   (lambda (heads)
 (interval-center (ly:grob-extent heads refp X)))
   (lambda (coord) ( bar-coord coord))
 (if (pair? coords-to-right)
 (apply min
   (map (lambda (coord) (- coord bar-coord))
  (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'extra-offset) (cons closest-coord 0))

dottedNoteHead = {
  \once \override NoteHead  #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \once \override NoteHead #'text = \markup { \concat { \musicglyph 
  \musicglyph   \musicglyph } }

timing = {
  \relative d'' {
\time 8/4 \mark 8 s4*8 \pageBreak
\time 5/4 \mark 5 s4*5 \noBreak
\time 5/4 \mark 5 s4*5 \noBreak
\time 5/4 \mark 5 s4*5 \noBreak
\time 5/4 \mark 5 s4*5 \noBreak
\time 8/4 \mark 8 s4*8 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \noBreak
\time 4/4 \mark 4 s4*4 \break
\time 4/4 \mark 4 s4*4 \noBreak
\time 5/4 \mark 5 s4*5 \noBreak
\time 4/4 \mark 4 s4*4 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \noBreak
\time 4/4 \mark 4 s4*4 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \noBreak
\time 4/4 \mark 4 s4*4 \noBreak
\time 4/4 \mark 4 s4*4 \noBreak
\time 3/4 \mark 3 s4*3 \pageBreak
\time 5/4 \mark 5 s4*5

\score {
\new Staff {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #Dummy
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #Dummy
   { \timing } \\ { \repeat unfold 94 { d'4 } } 
\new StaffGroup 
  \new Staff {
\relative d' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \center-column { \line { 
Viole } \line { 1-3 } } }
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup { \center-column { \line { 
Vle. } \line { 1-3 } } }
  \clef alto
   { d4*49 \glissando \hideNotes d4*4 \unHideNotes } \new Voice { 
\hideNotes d4*13 \once \override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##f d4*5\ \once 
\override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##f \once \override TextSpanner 
#'(bound-details left text) = tremolo \once \override TextSpanner 
#'(bound-details right text) = ord. d4*5\mp\\startTextSpan 
d4*26\ppp\stopTextSpan \unHideNotes } 
  \new Staff {
\relative d' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \center-column { \line { 
Viole } \line { 4-6 } } }
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup { \center-column { \line { 
Vle. } \line { 4-6 } } }
  \clef alto
   { \once \override Glissando #'bound-details = #'((right 
(attach-dir . 0) (padding . 1.5))) d4*18 \glissando d8 d d d d \dottedNoteHead 
d8*5 \once \override Glissando #'bound-details = #'((left (attach-dir . 0) 
(padding . 0.0))) \hideNotes d4*42 \glissando d4*4 \unHideNotes } \new Voice { 
\hideNotes d4*13 \once \override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##f d4*5\ \once 
\override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##f d4*5\mp\^\markup{\raise #0.35 
\musicglyph #noteheads.s2 ~ 60} d4*39\ppp d4*3\ d4*4\! \unHideNotes } 

  \layout {
\context {
  \remove Forbid_line_break_engraver
\context {
  \remove Time_signature_engraver

Lines connecting notes (glissandi)

2012-03-10 Thread Siska Ádám
Hello list,

I'm investigating how one could implement a glissando. So far, I've found three 

- \glissando itself
- \makeClusters with a single note instead of a chord
- \markup (with \beam, \path or \postscript)

while \glissando is a simple solution, it gives a very narrow line -- which I 
didn't find how I could make thicker -- and there's absolutely no control over 
the shape of the line (so one can't make a non-linear glissando with it). 
\makeClusters solves this last question, however, the line -- even if one uses 
a single note, e.g. \makeClusters { d4 e d' } -- would be very thick, and I 
didn't find a way to make it narrower (to make my point clear, ideally I'd need 
a line which has the exact height of a filled notehead). Of course, I could do 
whatever I wanted with markup graphics, however, if possible, I'd like to solve 
this without markups.

Thanks for the help,
Ádám Siska

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Noteheads exactly over bar lines

2012-03-10 Thread Siska Ádám
On 2012.03.10., at 8:51, Siska Ádám wrote:
 On 2012.03.10., at 3:00, Nick Payne wrote:
 On 10/03/12 10:24, Siska Ádám wrote:
 On 2012.03.09., at 23:44, -Eluze wrote:
 Siska Ádám-4 wrote:
 Dear list,
 I've been using Lilypond for a while, but only to create excerpts of
 classical music. Now I'd like to try whether I could switch from
 hand-engraving to Lilypond with my own music. I'm trying to engrave an
 orchestral piece that requires 'time/space notation'. I found most of the
 instructions in the manual for this, however, I can't figure out how to
 put the first noteheads of the measures exactly over their respective bar
 lines (like in some of Tristan Murail's scores, for example). Could you
 please give me an advice on how to achieve this?
 Any help is highly appreciated,
 I can't really imagine what this should look like - can you provide an
 excerpt or scan of this!?
 Dear Eluze,
 thank you for your reply. Attached please find two PNGs. The 
 'current_state.png' shows an example of the settings I'm using right now 
 (with the note head coming a bit after the dashed barline) and 
 'what_i_need.png' would be the solution that I'm looking for (with the 
 barline exactly on the first note of the measure, which I solved for now 
 with some graphic apps, but of course, that's not a real solution).
 I don't know if it's of much use for your purposes, but you can use a 
 notehead glyph as a rehearsal mark, which positions it directly on the 
 \relative c' {
   d4 d d d
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -5.9)
   \mark\markup\normalsize { \musicglyph #noteheads.s2 } d
 Dear Nick,
 thanks for this! Although in terms of musical-logic it is not a solution, but 
 it looks exactly like what I need.

Dear Nick,

I just realized that the solution is not as good as it seemed to be. It seems 
that if I use a markup, the distance between subsequent crotchets won't be the 
same, as the first crotchet of the measure (the one that is represented by the 
markup) will be placed a little more left than it should be. So I need a 
solution where the actual bar lines would move 'a bit to the right' in order to 
be in sync with the first notehead in the measure.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lines connecting notes (glissandi)

2012-03-10 Thread Siska Ádám
On 2012.03.10., at 10:23, Tiresia GIUNO wrote:
 On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 09:30:23 +0100
 Siska Ádám wrote:
 while \glissando is a simple solution, it gives a very narrow line --
 which I didn't find how I could make thicker -- and there's
 absolutely no control over the shape of the line (so one can't make a
 non-linear glissando with it).
 Ádám Siska
 You can customize the thickness of the glissando line with
   \override Glissando #'thickness = #(number)
 as in example before
 I don't know what you mean with non-linear glissando, but you can have
 a look here if you need just to change the shape of the line:
 or search the LSR for more tweaks:
 %% CODE %%%
 \version 2.14.2
   f'2 \glissando a'
   \once \override Glissando #'thickness = #2
   f'2 \glissando a'
   \once \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
   f'2 \glissando a'
   \once \override Glissando #'thickness = #8
   f'2 \glissando a'

Dear Eluze and Tiresia,

thank you for the comments. I didn't know about that feature :-)
Does also the makeClusters command have something similar? Unfortunately 
\override makeClusters #'thickness = #8 doesn't work.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Noteheads exactly over bar lines

2012-03-10 Thread Siska Ádám
On 2012.03.10., at 18:14, David Nalesnik wrote:

 Hi again,
 On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 9:45 AM, David Nalesnik 
 Hi Ádám,
 What about using proportional spacing and then moving the bar line
 slightly to the right?
 Attached is an attempt at automating this somewhat.  I haven't tested it
 extensively, but I hope it will be useful.
 Looking at your example some more, it occurs to me that you want to move
 the SpanBar right.
 The attached example provides two functions.  One centers the bar lines,
 the other the span bars.   The adjustment of BarLine isn't really necessary
 with the example since the bar lines are transparent.  Otherwise, both
 overrides would be necessary for both to align vertically.
 I've automated this further so you don't have to call the functions

Dear David,

thank you a lot for this solution. It is much better than anything I expected 
to achieve.

Thanks again,

lilypond-user mailing list

Noteheads exactly over bar lines

2012-03-09 Thread Siska Ádám
Dear list,

I've been using Lilypond for a while, but only to create excerpts of classical 
music. Now I'd like to try whether I could switch from hand-engraving to 
Lilypond with my own music. I'm trying to engrave an orchestral piece that 
requires 'time/space notation'. I found most of the instructions in the manual 
for this, however, I can't figure out how to put the first noteheads of the 
measures exactly over their respective bar lines (like in some of Tristan 
Murail's scores, for example). Could you please give me an advice on how to 
achieve this?

Any help is highly appreciated,
Ádám Siska

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Noteheads exactly over bar lines

2012-03-09 Thread Siska Ádám
On 2012.03.09., at 23:44, -Eluze wrote:
 Siska Ádám-4 wrote:
 Dear list,
 I've been using Lilypond for a while, but only to create excerpts of
 classical music. Now I'd like to try whether I could switch from
 hand-engraving to Lilypond with my own music. I'm trying to engrave an
 orchestral piece that requires 'time/space notation'. I found most of the
 instructions in the manual for this, however, I can't figure out how to
 put the first noteheads of the measures exactly over their respective bar
 lines (like in some of Tristan Murail's scores, for example). Could you
 please give me an advice on how to achieve this?
 Any help is highly appreciated,
 I can't really imagine what this should look like - can you provide an
 excerpt or scan of this!?

Dear Eluze,

thank you for your reply. Attached please find two PNGs. The 
'current_state.png' shows an example of the settings I'm using right now (with 
the note head coming a bit after the dashed barline) and 'what_i_need.png' 
would be the solution that I'm looking for (with the barline exactly on the 
first note of the measure, which I solved for now with some graphic apps, but 
of course, that's not a real solution).

Thanks in advance,

inline: current_state.png

inline: what_i_need.png

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Noteheads exactly over bar lines

2012-03-09 Thread Siska Ádám
On 2012.03.10., at 3:00, Nick Payne wrote:
On 10/03/12 10:24, Siska Ádám wrote:
 On 2012.03.09., at 23:44, -Eluze wrote:
 Siska Ádám-4 wrote:
 Dear list,
 I've been using Lilypond for a while, but only to create excerpts of
 classical music. Now I'd like to try whether I could switch from
 hand-engraving to Lilypond with my own music. I'm trying to engrave an
 orchestral piece that requires 'time/space notation'. I found most of the
 instructions in the manual for this, however, I can't figure out how to
 put the first noteheads of the measures exactly over their respective bar
 lines (like in some of Tristan Murail's scores, for example). Could you
 please give me an advice on how to achieve this?
 Any help is highly appreciated,
 I can't really imagine what this should look like - can you provide an
 excerpt or scan of this!?
 Dear Eluze,
 thank you for your reply. Attached please find two PNGs. The 
 'current_state.png' shows an example of the settings I'm using right now 
 (with the note head coming a bit after the dashed barline) and 
 'what_i_need.png' would be the solution that I'm looking for (with the 
 barline exactly on the first note of the measure, which I solved for now 
 with some graphic apps, but of course, that's not a real solution).
 I don't know if it's of much use for your purposes, but you can use a 
 notehead glyph as a rehearsal mark, which positions it directly on the 
 \relative c' {
d4 d d d
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -5.9)
\mark\markup\normalsize { \musicglyph #noteheads.s2 } d

Dear Nick,

thanks for this! Although in terms of musical-logic it is not a solution, but 
it looks exactly like what I need.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Force clef visibility

2010-03-27 Thread Siska Ádám
 Hello List,
 how can I force a clef appearing even in case the clef doesn't change
 actually? I'm thinking about something like this:
 \clef treble
 c' \bar | s
 \clef treble
 How can I force the drawing of the second clef?
 1.1.3 in the NR -- Clef -- Selected Snippets


maybe I'm missing something obvious. I read the manual at least three times, 
but I still don't find a way to force a clef to appear in case it doesn't 
change. Can you post a short example?


lilypond-user mailing list

Force clef visibility

2010-03-26 Thread Siska Ádám
Hello List,

how can I force a clef appearing even in case the clef doesn't change actually? 
I'm thinking about something like this:

\clef treble
c' \bar | s
\clef treble

How can I force the drawing of the second clef?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tuplets, one-line staves etc. in lilypond-book

2010-03-25 Thread Siska Ádám
I found that including music signs without the staff (in other words, having 
music glyphs freely in the text) is something more solvable from the LaTeX side 
than the lilypond-book way. However, I still don't know about the tuplets. Is 
there really no way to have tuplets in a lilypond-book excerpt? That sounds 
weird to me. Anyway, if it can't be solved in a standard way, does anybody have 
an idea for a workaround?

Thank you,

On 2010.03.24., at 1:58, Siska Ádám wrote:

 Hello Members,
 I am writing a score with LaTeX  Lilypond-book where I need a lot of inline 
 excerpts in the text. As I noticed, using the Lilypond environment doesn't 
 let me inline citations of score fragments as it always creates a new 
 paragraph for the music, therefore I can only live with the \lilypond 
 command. However, since { and } is not supported within this command, there 
 are a couple of things I can't really solve. Here's a list of the things I 
 couldn't find out up to now. Please, if anyone of you had a suggestion, don't 
 hesitate to tell me. Thanks!
 - Creating tuplets. Using the \times command won't put a bracket over my 
 tuplets, as it applies only to the first note.
 - Removing/modifying the staff. At a point I need to include a few rythm 
 patterns for which I don't need a 5-line stave. I either need an one-line 
 stave, or (which could be even better), I needed no stave at all, just the 
 - Including music signs without a staff. I can't find out how could I put 
 (for example) a \pp sign in my text without getting a stave.
 Thank you all for your kind help,
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Tuplets, one-line staves etc. in lilypond-book

2010-03-23 Thread Siska Ádám
Hello Members,

I am writing a score with LaTeX  Lilypond-book where I need a lot of inline 
excerpts in the text. As I noticed, using the Lilypond environment doesn't let 
me inline citations of score fragments as it always creates a new paragraph for 
the music, therefore I can only live with the \lilypond command. However, since 
{ and } is not supported within this command, there are a couple of things I 
can't really solve. Here's a list of the things I couldn't find out up to now. 
Please, if anyone of you had a suggestion, don't hesitate to tell me. Thanks!

- Creating tuplets. Using the \times command won't put a bracket over my 
tuplets, as it applies only to the first note.
- Removing/modifying the staff. At a point I need to include a few rythm 
patterns for which I don't need a 5-line stave. I either need an one-line 
stave, or (which could be even better), I needed no stave at all, just the 
- Including music signs without a staff. I can't find out how could I put (for 
example) a \pp sign in my text without getting a stave.

Thank you all for your kind help,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trouble with lilypond-book on Mac OS X

2007-07-30 Thread Siska Ádám
Yes, since that I also created the suggested files, and I added them to 
a .profile file in the /Users/admin folder (my home folder), but still 
doesn't work. Is here anybody in the list that owes a Mac and runned 
these commands successfully?

The strange is, that the application works fine.

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Graham Percival wrote:

fiëé visuëlle wrote:

Am 2007-07-29 um 11:52 schrieb Siska Ádám:

For some reason lilypond-book fails on my machine. I have installed 
the latest (2.11.28) version of Lilypond, and I've executed the

./lilypond-book --output=/ --psfonts [filename]
command from the 
/Applications/Lilypond/ folder. I 
attach the error log I got for it, which I simply don't understand. 
I'm on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.4.10. Does anyone have any idea? 
(Or is there an other mailing list for specialized technical 

It says:
lilypond: command not found
i.e. lilypond is not the in the path that /bin/sh can see.

Have you followed the instructions in Notes for the OSX app in the 
manual?  It's section 12.something or 13.something.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trouble with lilypond-book on Mac OS X

2007-07-30 Thread Siska Ádám

Graham Percival wrote:

Siska Ádám wrote:
Yes, since that I also created the suggested files, and I added them 
to a .profile file in the /Users/admin folder (my home folder),

Your user name is admin?  That's unusual.

Well, this is my first Mac (and I switched from Windows not so many time 
ago), with a pre-installed OS, and since I'm the only one using it, I 
didn't thought on changing the predefined user name.

but still doesn't work. Is here anybody in the list that owes a Mac 
and runned these commands successfully?

Yes, me.

The strange is, that the application works fine.

That's not strange at all, since the GUI has nothing to do with the 
command-line stuff.

If you're not familiar with the command-line, please see some generic 
information about using the terminal on OSX.  If you _are_ familiar 
with the command-line, please investigate using the normal means: is 
your PATH set correctly, are the files executable, etc.

Yes, I'm quite unfamiliar with command-line tools, and I never really 
needed any. For developing, you can use XCode or Eclipse or a lot of 
other tools, for TeX you can use texmaker or TeXShop quite well, for 
Lilypond you have the nice (although it would be great if 
someone added a numerical indicator for the current cursor position 
because it's quite heavy to debug the source with an editor that doesn't 
show you where the cursor actually is), there are even good and powerful 
editors for CSound as well, etc. But I tried to follow the steps in the 
manual, I created a folder in the /Applications/Lilypond folder (that's 
where I have the with the file 'lilypond-book' containing 
the line 'exec 
$@', as indicated in the manual, I runned the 'chmod u+x 
lilypond-book' command from the recently created bin folder, and I've 
put a .profile file with the content 'export 
in my /Users/admin folder, but nothing changed, I get the same error log.

Might you have any idea about what's going on on my machine, taking in 
consideration these things?

Thank you for your help,

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Standalone bar lines in StaffGroup

2007-07-27 Thread Siska Ádám


I tried out the '\override SpanBar #'transparent = ##t' command, and 
although it really removes the barlines between staves, the problem is, 
that if I introduce a barline in a staff (or I put the repeat volta 
command) I still get the barlines in every stave.

Do you have any idea on how to suppress the global barline settings (if 
I understand the terminology well, this is supposed to be called 
'barline engraver'), but only for those few bars, not for the entire score?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:

On 7/26/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


actually, that was the first thing I checked. My problem is that if I do
what was described there, I get separate barlines for the whole
movement. I only need at about 2 measures with separate barlines, the
rest should have the same time signature and barline.

I try to put here in some kind of plain text that part of the piece
(without shars and flats to see better what's going on):

| gagabgabgabgabg | abca |: gabca :| (*17)
| agabgabgabgabga | bacba |: gabacba :| (*12)
| gabgabgabgabgab | cgabc |: gabc :| (*21)

As you can see, in the first bar, the barlines are at the same time in
every staff, so they must be connected. The begin-repeat barlines are at
different times, so they shouldn't be connected with each other.
Finally, the ending barlines occur at the same time. (There are 17*5 =
85 notes in the first staff inside the repeat, while there are 7 * 12 =
4 * 21 = 84 notes inside the repeats of the other two staves. If you
take in account that the repeat block in the first staff begins one note
prior to the repeat blocks of the other staves, you'll see that the
ending barlines occur at the same time).

Now, I have to invent something to engrave this...

Hm... If you have to do it manually, do you know about the difference
between the Bar and SpanBar grobs? The SpanBar is the element that
goes *between* (but not *through) the staves. And you can dynamically
hide (and show) the SpanBars at any point using something like \once
\override SpanBar #'transparent = ##t. I think the SpanBar lives in a
relaitvely high-level context, so you might have to say Score.SpanBar
or something to make it work.

Try running a small test to see how that works.

You can also add bars at any point with \bar | if you do have to go
the manual route.

lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond-book on OS X

2007-07-27 Thread Siska Ádám


How can I execute lilypond-book from the Mac OS X application? I suppose 
the file is inside the folder somewhere, but if I simply 
try to enter in terminal something like

   lilypond-book test.tex

I get a command-not-found error. How could I include this command in my 
default path? Or is there a way to execute lilypond-book from inside the 
OS X application itself?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Microtone accidentals

2007-07-26 Thread Siska Ádám


after lot of people suggested to me to upgrade to version 2.11, I did 
it. I have to admit that the result is much better than in 2.10, 
specially with a lot of smart automation on text positioning, which up 
to now was done by myself. But I have some serious problems which I 
don't know how to solve. These are almost all related to textspanners.

1) If I simply use the method suggested by upgrade-ly for text spanners, 
that is:

\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = left-text
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'text = right-text

I don't get the dashed lines, only the texts (in my particular case, 
left-text was set to #(markup #:italic restez IV), and right-text 
to , but also doesn't work with #(markup #:italic sul sol) and , etc.)

2) I'm also getting the bug posted some time ago by Trevor Bača ('Overly 
thick results from markup with draw-line'). Is there some workaround 
related to this?

3) If there's a linebreak while a text spanner is active, the 
textspanner's end-text gets displayed on the end of the line, and the 
textspanner's begin-text gets displayed at the beginning of the new 
line. How can I avoid this behaviour and get the one that worked in 
2.10? (No duplications of the begin and end texts.) The reason in my 
particular case is that the mentioned text-spanner tells the player that 
he has to go from ordinary bow to sul ponticello while playing, and he 
only has to reach the sul ponticello at the end of the text span. If I 
got the sp sign printed on the end of the line, and I get the ord sign 
printed at the beginning of the new line again, that would mean that the 
player should do this two times (the ord-sp transition).

4) text spanners are printed for some reason some times very very far 
from the musical context, with no reason. Also, markup texts are placed 
always above text spanners, which not always is convenient, but I don't 
know how to change this behaviour. Also, if I have several text spanners 
the one after the other, every new text spanner gets placed above the 
prior one, causing the space between the staves to be enormous. The 
normal behaviour for this should be that in this cases they come one 
time above, the next time below the prior text spanner, respectively, to 
keep space. Can I force the spanners to do this somehow?

5) There's a line in my score where I get no more linebreak. In 2.10, 
Lilypond broke me the line at that particular place, thus I got a very 
nice and balanced score (this was not a manual linebreak, however, it 
was a very good decision by the engine to put it there). Now, I don't 
get the linebreak, and thanks to this, I have two pages that contain 
single systems (I'm engraving a string quartet!), and in one of them the 
system is longer than the page... And even if I put a manual linebreak, 
it does nothing. In the particular case, there are several glissandi 
crossing that barline. Can this cause this error? Do you have any idea 
to avoid it?

6) At compilation time, I'm getting lots of 'warning: Found infinity or 
nan in output. Substituting 0.0' warnings, which I hadn't get before. Do 
you have any idea for this?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Valentin Villenave wrote:

2007/7/26, Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What about the following trick? (It looks ugly on screen, but fine 
when printed)


I forgot to mention that it will only work with 2.11 (the syntax has
changed since 2.10).
Since you're running 2.10, you may have to use a few modifications
(such as accidentals.2 instead of, etc.). --
however, you'd better upgrade to 2.11.27; it's quite reliable and
better in some ways.


lilypond-user mailing list

Beams across barlines and line breaking

2007-07-26 Thread Siska Ádám


after upgrading to 2.11, the beams going accross barlines block the 
engine from making line breaks. The problem is that I have a polyphonic 
place in the score I'm engraving where there are 9 bars one after the 
other that have barline-crossing beams in some of the voices, and 9 bars 
are much longer than a single line in an arbitrary paper. If I try to 
introduce manual line breaks with the \break command, I only get the 
following warning:

   warning: forced break was overridden by some other event, should you 
be using bar checks?

And the line still doesn't get broken. How can I force the lines to 
break? Is this maybe a bug?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Spacing problem

2007-07-26 Thread Siska Ádám


I'm now getting some spacing errors with noteheads. I attach an image.
Is this some positioning bug in 2.11? (In 2.10 I didn't notice it.) If 
not, is there some possible workaround for cases like these? (Both are 
produced at beam endings, so maybe if there is some method for 
increasing space between beams, that could also help.)

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85
inline: ScreenShot.tiff___
lilypond-user mailing list

Standalone bar lines in StaffGroup

2007-07-26 Thread Siska Ádám


I'm engraving a string quartet, and I have the four staffs inside a 
StaffGroup. This is normally good for bar lines, as normally I need 
single barlines that display through the four staves. But there's a 
point where the time signatures differ for every stave, but just for a 
few bars. How can I tell the engine to create separate barlines only for 
that few staves?

Thank you,

P.S. If someone knew a solution on how to connect a horizontal line to a 
barline, or better, a solution to how to tell the engine to put the 
first notes of the bars exactly on the barline (as this would solve the 
line problem with some invisible notes on the barline that have 
glissando lines attached), please tell me! (The 'put the first notes of 
the bar exactly on the barline' could also be useful to engrave scores 
that have strict space notation, like Tristan Murail's ones.)

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Microtone accidentals

2007-07-26 Thread Siska Ádám


wow, this is very nice! I also tried it with flat sign (just to try it 
out), and also works fine. Thank you!
BTW, could you explain a bit (maybe in a private mail) how actually it 
works? I would like to adopt the sign to be able to create the 
down-arrowed accidentals too, and to be able to attach them to natural 
signs also, but unfortunately I know nothing about postscripting...

Many thanks again!

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Valentin Villenave wrote:

2007/7/25, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

As an explanation, the 1/6 pitch accidentals are actually simple
vertical arrows, which can be standalone (that means 1/6 pitch higher or
lower as the base pitch) or combined with sharp symbols (if this is the
case, the obtained pitch is 1/6 higher or lower than the respective
sharp). Theoretically there could also be arrows combined with flats,
but they are not necessary to get the full 'palette' of 1/6 pitches (for
example, [uparrow + g flat] would mean the same as [uparrow + f sharp]).
Some times the standalone arrows are combined with natural symbols. I'm
not sure if these signs are standardized or not, but composers like
Grisey or Murail use these symbols frequently in their scores.

What about the following trick? (It looks ugly on screen, but fine 
when printed)

It has to be adapted, of course.


upp =
#(define-music-function (parser location note)   (ly:music?)
 #{ \once \override Voice.Accidental #'stencil =
\once \override Voice.Accidental #'text =
  \markup {\musicglyph
\postscript #gsave 0.17 setlinewidth -1.4 0.5 moveto -1.4 2 lineto
   stroke grestore
gsave 0.1 setlinewidth -1.7 1.4 moveto -1.4 2.18 lineto -1.1 1.4 

   stroke grestore}
$note #})

\relative {
a b d \upp gis


Valentin Villenave

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spacing problem

2007-07-26 Thread Siska Ádám


I've sent the score to the list a few time ago, but it didn't arrive for 
me, although normally I get a copy of my own messages posted to the 
list. Did it arrive, or is there some restrictions for attachment type 
and/or size on this list?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:

On 7/26/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm now getting some spacing errors with noteheads. I attach an image.
Is this some positioning bug in 2.11? (In 2.10 I didn't notice it.) If
not, is there some possible workaround for cases like these? (Both are
produced at beam endings, so maybe if there is some method for
increasing space between beams, that could also help.)

The pic helps, but very hard to debug without seeing the input code.

Can you produce a minimal example that, for example, shows just those
two measures?

lilypond-user mailing list

Horizontal brackets

2007-07-25 Thread Siska Ádám

Hello Everyone,

Since yesterday I also found that there are several kinds of horizontal 
brackets: volta brackets, mensural ligature brackets, analysis brackets, 
the \hbracket markup command (well, that puts a second bracket, but in 
reversed direction), measure group brackets, piano pedal brackets, 
tuplet brackets... But I couldn't force any of these things to put a 
simple horizontal (better would be a double one, but I'd be glad if I 
could get even a single) bracket above some of my notes. I also had a 
look to the LSR, but there was also nothing related to this. I also 
tried to put a textspanner with solid line, but I was unable to display 
the small vertical lines at the beginning and the end of the line (which 
is the difference between a simple line and a bracket). Can it happen 
that there is no routine in Lilypond that could display a common 
horizontal bracket?...

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Horizontal brackets

2007-07-25 Thread Siska Ádám


thank you. Actually I'm using the stable version (2.10.10 as far as I 
know), and I don't really want to change it to a version under 
development unless I'd be really forced to do that. Don't you have some 
idea that works also with the stable version? (I tried both, but they 
didn't work in 2.10.10)
Of course, if there's no other solution, I'll upgrade my Lily, as my 
deadline for this score is this weekend...

Thank you again,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:

On 7/25/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Since yesterday I also found that there are several kinds of horizontal
brackets: volta brackets, mensural ligature brackets, analysis brackets,
the \hbracket markup command (well, that puts a second bracket, but in
reversed direction), measure group brackets, piano pedal brackets,
tuplet brackets... But I couldn't force any of these things to put a
simple horizontal (better would be a double one, but I'd be glad if I
could get even a single) bracket above some of my notes. I also had a
look to the LSR, but there was also nothing related to this. I also
tried to put a textspanner with solid line, but I was unable to display
the small vertical lines at the beginning and the end of the line (which
is the difference between a simple line and a bracket). Can it happen
that there is no routine in Lilypond that could display a common
horizontal bracket?...

Thank you,

Hi Adam,

The new settings available on the TextSpanner grob are very good for
this sort of thing.

But the settings can be tricky to experiment with.

Here are two examples to get you started.

%%% SPANNERS %%%

\version 2.11.26

\new Staff {
\override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = ##f
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'padding = #0
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-align-dir-y =
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'padding = #0.75
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'attach-dir = #right
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text =
\markup { \bold 7 }
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'text =
\markup { \draw-line #'(0 . -1) }
c'4 \startTextSpan
c'4 \stopTextSpan

\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-align-dir-y =
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'padding = #0
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'padding = #0
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'attach-dir = #right
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text =
\markup { \draw-line #'(0 . -1) }
c'4 \startTextSpan
c'4 \stopTextSpan

%%% SPANNERS %%%

Hope this helps.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Horizontal brackets

2007-07-25 Thread Siska Ádám


the problem is that I can't figure out how to set up the #'edge-text 
property to draw the lines (the markup doesn't accept the draw-line 
command, and it's not included in the list of valid markup commands for 
2.10.10). Now I've spent at about an hour with adopting the code that I 
got a few days ago for Bartok-pizz to make it able to draw a line (as 
the Bartok-pizz sign has a line included), with the following code:

\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:stencil
   (list 'draw-line x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
   '(x6 . x7) '(x8 . x9)
   )  (markup #:stencil
   (list 'draw-line x10 x11 x12 x13 x14)
   '(x15 . x16) '(x17 . x18)
   ) )

where the values x1-x18 are number parameters. The problem is, that I'm 
googleing and searching every documentation I've found, but I can't 
guess the meaning of these 18 parameters (in fact, just 9, as the other 
9 are supposed to mean the same thing).

Could anybody explain for me what these numbers mean, and how to force 
them to draw a simple vertical line which fits to the textspanner's line?

Thank you,

P.S. Sorry for the many questions I'm posting, but I started using 
Lilypond a week ago or so, and I couldn't find up to now an acceptable 
reference manual for it (so, a collection of documents that contain 
every possible command with their every possible parameters and values, 
like for example the javadocs for Java). Does exist this kind of 
documentation somewhere?

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:

On 7/25/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


thank you. Actually I'm using the stable version (2.10.10 as far as I
know), and I don't really want to change it to a version under
development unless I'd be really forced to do that. Don't you have some
idea that works also with the stable version? (I tried both, but they
didn't work in 2.10.10)
Of course, if there's no other solution, I'll upgrade my Lily, as my
deadline for this score is this weekend...

Thank you again,

Hi Adam,

If I recall correctly, the syntax for getting vertical nibs at the
edge of text spanners the old way was to override the edge-text
attribute of the grob. Something like this ...

  \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'(left . right)

... where you have to replace left and right with the command to
draw-line shown in the previous example.

I'm running the 2.11.x series only; can you find reference to
edge-text in the 2.10 manual?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Horizontal brackets

2007-07-25 Thread Siska Ádám


actually, that was the first thing I tried, but it seems to me that the 
draw-line command doesn't exist in 2.10.25 (sorry for the prior 
misspelling, I'm using 2.10.25, not 2.10.10 -- although this doesn't 
really make a difference, I suppose). But, after tweaking a few hours 
with the code I got for the Bartok-pizz, I succeeded! :-)

That was the code I created:


simpleBracket = {
 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons
   (markup #:stencil
 (list 'draw-line 0 0 0 0 1)
 '(0 . 0) '(1 . 1)
   (markup #:stencil
 (list 'draw-line 0 0 0 0 1)
 '(0 . 0) '(1 . 1)
 \once \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = ##f


 \new Voice {
 \stemDown g2.\startTextSpan \glissando e''4.\stopTextSpan
   } {
 g dis'2.\startTextSpan \glissando e'' his'4.\stopTextSpan


(The two voices are needed because I had to put this over a chord 
glissando, and also because I needed two brackets.)

Well, doesn't look very nice (as the distance between the two brackets 
is enormous, and also because one bracket is supposed to be nested into 
the other), but works!! :-) :-) :-)

Thank you very much!

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:

Hi Adam,

There's a way to turn LilyPond markup commands like \draw-line into
Scheme expressions; the method is documented in 12.4.1 Markup
construction in Scheme in the 2.11 version of the manual; and I think
the concept is exactly the same in 2.10.

So maybe this will work ...

   \once \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons
  (markup #:draw-line '(0 . -1))
  (markup #:draw-line '(0 . -1)))

... though, again, I don't have a 2.10 install loaded to test with.

Does this get it?

On 7/25/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


the problem is that I can't figure out how to set up the #'edge-text
property to draw the lines (the markup doesn't accept the draw-line
command, and it's not included in the list of valid markup commands for
2.10.10). Now I've spent at about an hour with adopting the code that I
got a few days ago for Bartok-pizz to make it able to draw a line (as
the Bartok-pizz sign has a line included), with the following code:

\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:stencil
(list 'draw-line x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
'(x6 . x7) '(x8 . x9)
)  (markup #:stencil
(list 'draw-line x10 x11 x12 x13 x14)
'(x15 . x16) '(x17 . x18)
) )

where the values x1-x18 are number parameters. The problem is, that I'm
googleing and searching every documentation I've found, but I can't
guess the meaning of these 18 parameters (in fact, just 9, as the other
9 are supposed to mean the same thing).

Could anybody explain for me what these numbers mean, and how to force
them to draw a simple vertical line which fits to the textspanner's 

Thank you,

P.S. Sorry for the many questions I'm posting, but I started using
Lilypond a week ago or so, and I couldn't find up to now an acceptable
reference manual for it (so, a collection of documents that contain
every possible command with their every possible parameters and values,
like for example the javadocs for Java). Does exist this kind of
documentation somewhere?

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:
 On 7/25/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 thank you. Actually I'm using the stable version (2.10.10 as far as I
 know), and I don't really want to change it to a version under
 development unless I'd be really forced to do that. Don't you have 

 idea that works also with the stable version? (I tried both, but they
 didn't work in 2.10.10)
 Of course, if there's no other solution, I'll upgrade my Lily, as my
 deadline for this score is this weekend...

 Thank you again,

 Hi Adam,

 If I recall correctly, the syntax for getting vertical nibs at the
 edge of text spanners the old way was to override the edge-text
 attribute of the grob. Something like this ...

   \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'(left . right)

 ... where you have to replace left and right with the command to
 draw-line shown in the previous example.

 I'm running the 2.11.x series only; can you find reference to
 edge-text in the 2.10 manual?


lilypond-user mailing list

Microtone accidentals

2007-07-25 Thread Siska Ádám

Dear Users,

I'm engraving a score that has several microtonal accidentals of 1/6 
pitches. I know that there are no 1/6-pitch accidentals in Lilypond (as 
far as I know there are only 1/4 tone accidentals), and I have a very 
short deadline for this work, so I don't think I could put this wish to 
a feature request list, but must do something by myself (as I need to 
solve the issue in a very short time).

Does anyone know how should I start with this?

As an explanation, the 1/6 pitch accidentals are actually simple 
vertical arrows, which can be standalone (that means 1/6 pitch higher or 
lower as the base pitch) or combined with sharp symbols (if this is the 
case, the obtained pitch is 1/6 higher or lower than the respective 
sharp). Theoretically there could also be arrows combined with flats, 
but they are not necessary to get the full 'palette' of 1/6 pitches (for 
example, [uparrow + g flat] would mean the same as [uparrow + f sharp]). 
Some times the standalone arrows are combined with natural symbols. I'm 
not sure if these signs are standardized or not, but composers like 
Grisey or Murail use these symbols frequently in their scores.

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Horizontal lines and barlines

2007-07-25 Thread Siska Ádám


does anyone know how to connect a horizontal line (better would be a 
zig-zag line with maybe an arrow at the end, like the one that exists 
for arpeggio) exactly to a (volta) barline? This is a common sign if you 
have a set of notes and want to let them repeat undetermined times by 
the player, but until a fixed point in the score.

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Horizontal brackets

2007-07-25 Thread Siska Ádám

Sic transit gloria mundi.

I found it in the snipplet repository now. The problem was, that I 
hadn't search for the keyword 'line'. Here's the code:

 \once \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'(  .  )
 \once \override TextSpanner  #'edge-height = #'(1 . 1)
 \once \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = ##f

That was all...


Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Siska Ádám wrote:


actually, that was the first thing I tried, but it seems to me that 
the draw-line command doesn't exist in 2.10.25 (sorry for the prior 
misspelling, I'm using 2.10.25, not 2.10.10 -- although this doesn't 
really make a difference, I suppose). But, after tweaking a few hours 
with the code I got for the Bartok-pizz, I succeeded! :-)

That was the code I created:


simpleBracket = {
 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons
   (markup #:stencil
 (list 'draw-line 0 0 0 0 1)
 '(0 . 0) '(1 . 1)
   (markup #:stencil
 (list 'draw-line 0 0 0 0 1)
 '(0 . 0) '(1 . 1)
 \once \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = ##f


 \new Voice {
 \stemDown g2.\startTextSpan \glissando e''4.\stopTextSpan
   } {
 g dis'2.\startTextSpan \glissando e'' his'4.\stopTextSpan


(The two voices are needed because I had to put this over a chord 
glissando, and also because I needed two brackets.)

Well, doesn't look very nice (as the distance between the two brackets 
is enormous, and also because one bracket is supposed to be nested 
into the other), but works!! :-) :-) :-)

Thank you very much!

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:

Hi Adam,

There's a way to turn LilyPond markup commands like \draw-line into
Scheme expressions; the method is documented in 12.4.1 Markup
construction in Scheme in the 2.11 version of the manual; and I think
the concept is exactly the same in 2.10.

So maybe this will work ...

   \once \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons
  (markup #:draw-line '(0 . -1))
  (markup #:draw-line '(0 . -1)))

... though, again, I don't have a 2.10 install loaded to test with.

Does this get it?

On 7/25/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


the problem is that I can't figure out how to set up the #'edge-text
property to draw the lines (the markup doesn't accept the draw-line
command, and it's not included in the list of valid markup commands for
2.10.10). Now I've spent at about an hour with adopting the code that I
got a few days ago for Bartok-pizz to make it able to draw a line (as
the Bartok-pizz sign has a line included), with the following code:

\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:stencil
(list 'draw-line x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
'(x6 . x7) '(x8 . x9)
)  (markup #:stencil
(list 'draw-line x10 x11 x12 x13 x14)
'(x15 . x16) '(x17 . x18)
) )

where the values x1-x18 are number parameters. The problem is, that I'm
googleing and searching every documentation I've found, but I can't
guess the meaning of these 18 parameters (in fact, just 9, as the other
9 are supposed to mean the same thing).

Could anybody explain for me what these numbers mean, and how to force
them to draw a simple vertical line which fits to the textspanner's 

Thank you,

P.S. Sorry for the many questions I'm posting, but I started using
Lilypond a week ago or so, and I couldn't find up to now an acceptable
reference manual for it (so, a collection of documents that contain
every possible command with their every possible parameters and values,
like for example the javadocs for Java). Does exist this kind of
documentation somewhere?

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:
 On 7/25/07, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 thank you. Actually I'm using the stable version (2.10.10 as far 
as I

 know), and I don't really want to change it to a version under
 development unless I'd be really forced to do that. Don't you 
have some
 idea that works also with the stable version? (I tried both, but 

 didn't work in 2.10.10)
 Of course, if there's no other solution, I'll upgrade my Lily, as my
 deadline for this score is this weekend...

 Thank you again,

 Hi Adam,

 If I recall correctly, the syntax for getting vertical nibs at the
 edge of text spanners the old way was to override the edge-text
 attribute of the grob. Something like

new dynamic sign

2007-07-24 Thread Siska Ádám

Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to create a new dynamic sign for 'attacco impercettibile' 
(this can be found for example in scores of some spectralist composers, 
like Gérard Grisey). This sign is supposed to be something like a 
striked circle, like the character ɵ or ø character, and it means 
something like 'zero volume', so if it's at the beginning of a 
crescendo, you should start playing from absolute stillness, and if it's 
at the end of a decrescendo, you should make the decrescendo until total 
still. For this, I tried the following code:

zeroDyn = #(make-dynamic-script ø)

This works, but the output looks quite awful, it would be better to use 
some other character font and/or make the character to be smaller. But 
if I change the ø to (for example) \roman ø, I don't get the desired 
How can I set the font type and/or size used to create the dynamic 
symbols with make-dynamic-script?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list


2007-07-24 Thread Siska Ádám


What is the code for the articulation mark representing the so-called 
'Bartok'-pizzicato? (A circle like for flageolets, but with a short 
vertical line crossing the circle at the top.) I hadn't found this in 
the table of articulation signs in the manual.

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 'Bartok'-pizz.

2007-07-24 Thread Siska Ádám

Thank you, this works quite nice, and sorry for the duplicated question


Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Wilbert Berendsen wrote:

Op dinsdag 24 juli 2007, schreef Siska Ádám:


You could do something like:

#(define-markup-command (bartokpizz layout props) ()
  (interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:stencil
  (make-circle-stencil 0.7 0.1 #f)
(list 'draw-line 0.1 0 0.1 0 1)
'(-0.1 . 0.1) '(0.1 . 1)
0.7 X

bartok = \markup \bartokpizz


I found this on:

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen


lilypond-user mailing list

Horizontal brackets

2007-07-24 Thread Siska Ádám


I'm trying to set up upper double brackets (the 'con molta pressione' 
sign for strings), but I have no idea on how to do this. I found that 
there are analysis brackets, but I can't force them to put themselves on 
the top of the notes, they don't really have rectangular shape, and they 
don't really nest well into each other (they have space between each 
other). I've seen that in mensural notation there are rectangular 
brackets for ligatures, but I also didn't catch how to display them in 
ordinary scores.

Does anyone know a solution?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

How to make notes like pitchedTrill?

2007-07-22 Thread Siska Ádám

Hello Everyone,

How can I make a stemless, small note head in parentheses outside a 
trill? I know that there's a command called 'pitchedTrill', but if I use 
it without using the startTrillSpan and stopTrillSpan commands, I get 
the following error:

error: syntax error, unexpected EXPECT_MUSIC, expecting EXPECT_MARKUP or 

(my guess was the following: fis \glissando \pitchedTrill his,,)

I have to make a long glissando, and I would like to show the ending 
note of the glissando with a small, stemless notehead without duration 
in parentheses (like the one produced by pitchedTrill). Any ideas?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

glissandi for chords

2007-07-22 Thread Siska Ádám

Hello Everyone,

one more question: how can I make double-glissandi? I have to connect 
two chords with glissando lines, but if I put

a e'16 \glissando h fis'

I only get one line between the e and fis, instead of getting two lines 
(one between a and h and another between e and fis). How could I correct 

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: glissandi for chords

2007-07-22 Thread Siska Ádám

Hi Neil,

thanks, this helped a lot.


P.S. I used \hideNotes and \unHideNotes instead of the overrides, as I 
had some problems with some dotted chords.

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Neil Puttock wrote:

Hi Adam,

On 7/22/07, *Siska Ádám* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Everyone,

one more question: how can I make double-glissandi?

Create another voice, then you can attach a glissando to it:

 {  % New voice ( = \voiceOne) without stems or beams
\override Stem #'stencil = ##f

\override Beam #'stencil = ##f

% Attach glissando to noteheads
e8 \glissando fis
} \\ { % Original voice with chords rearranged so that glissando 
is attached to a  b

e a, \glissando fis h,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: glissandi for chords

2007-07-22 Thread Siska Ádám


that's it:

{\clef bass
 \new Voice {
 % Attach glissando to noteheads
 e8 \glissando fis
   } {
 % Original voice with chords rearranged so that glissando is 
attached to a  b

 e a, \glissando fis b,
 }  }

hope this helps,

P.S. I found this better as in my original score I have dotted chords, 
and the dot positioning was better if I managed to do it this way.

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Valentin Villenave wrote:

2007/7/22, Siska Ádám [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

P.S. I used \hideNotes and \unHideNotes instead of the overrides, as I
had some problems with some dotted chords.

I added it to the LSR; can you please post your code here (if you
think it's simpler) so I can correct the snippet?


lilypond-user mailing list